Article 1
Article 1
Article 1
Abstract—In recent decades, power line communication has at- studied areas of applicability of PLC networks [11], [12], [13],
tracted considerable attention from the research community and [14].
arXiv:1602.09019v1 [cs.NI] 29 Feb 2016
industry, as well as from regulatory and standardization bodies. Applications that provide a means for communication in
In this article we provide an overview of both narrowband and
broadband systems, covering potential applications, regulatory transport systems where an electrical deployment is already in
and standardization efforts and recent research advancements in place can also take advantage of PLC networking [15], [16,
channel characterization, physical layer performance, medium Ch. 10]. In this context, PLC networks have been explored
access and higher layer specifications and evaluations. We also for use in in-vehicle communications [17], [18], naval [19]
identify areas of current and further study that will enable the and aircraft systems [20], as well as in trains [21].
continued success of power line communication technology.
However, the applicability of PLC networks is not restrained
Index Terms—Power Line Communication, narrowband, to these scenarios. A range of novel applications have been
broadband, smart grid, in-home, channel characterization, proposed for PLC networks including robotics [22], authenti-
medium access control.
cation [23], security systems in mining [24], as well as uses
within inductive coupling [25], contactless communication
I. I NTRODUCTION [26] and wireless power transfer [27].
Given the wide range of applications for which PLC
The use of electrical wires to provide data transmission networks can prove useful and the number of associated
capabilities, known as Power Line Communication (PLC), has challenges, PLC has gathered substantial attention from the
recently experienced increased deployment. Chip manufactur- research community as well as industry and has fostered a
ers of PLC devices for in-home and for smart grid applications range of regulatory and standardization efforts. In this article,
report that they are shipping millions of such devices each year we provide a comprehensive overview of the regulation and
and expect the number to continue to grow in the future. standardization processes, we summarize the different research
PLC networks provide a number of advantages that make questions that have been studied (from the physical layer to
them both a useful complement and a strong competitor higher layers in the stack) and we outline important future
to wireless networking solutions. The main appeal of PLC research directions, for both narrowband (NB) and broadband
networks is their low deployment cost when an electrical (BB) systems.
wired infrastructure is already in place. In addition, PLC The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In
networks allow communication through obstacles that com- Section II we give an overview of the regulatory and standard-
monly degrade wireless signals, while delivering high data- ization activities, showing the history of how current standards
rates. Moreover, PLC also provides a low-cost alternative to arose and their implementation. In Section III we describe
complement existing technologies when aiming for ubiquitous the pertinent characteristics of the PLC channel, including
coverage. For instance, as a backhaul for wireless sensor single-input-single-output (SISO) and multiple-input-multiple-
networks or small cells. output (MIMO) channels, modeling of the channel response,
Since one of the main advantages of using PLC networks line impedance and noise properties. In Section IV we sum-
is the possibility of re-using the existing wired electrical marize the research effort assessing the performance of the
network to provide communication capabilities, the smart grid physical layer, outlining main results and describing potential
remains one of the most appealing applications of PLC and improvements. In Section V we describe the MAC protocols
consequently the research carried out in this area is vast. Some defined in the standards and suggest future research directions
feasibility and experimental studies include the works in [1], and areas that are not deeply explored at present. We conclude
[2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. In the same line, smart city [8], the article with some final remarks in Section VI.
in-home automation [9] and telemetry [10] applications can
naturally benefit from the fact that new cabling is not required II. R EGULATION , S TANDARDIZATION ACTIVITIES AND
and that wireless propagation issues are avoided. I NDUSTRIAL S OLUTIONS
The high data-rates that can currently be achieved with PLC The diversity of grid and application domains to which
— comparable with WiFi and domestic Ethernet — make it PLC can be applied has naturally led to a large ecosystem of
suitable for in-home multimedia applications. These scenarios, specifications, many of which have been adopted by standards-
along with the smart grid cases, correspond to one of the most developing organizations (SDOs). Regulatory activities are
essentially concerned with coexistence with other systems that E MISSION STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOR NB PLC (< 500 K H Z )
also use the power grid (i.e. machines and appliances that AND BB PLC IN DIFFERENT REGIONS OF THE WORLD .
draw electricity) and wireless systems operating in the same Region Standard/ Remarks
frequency bands as PLC. The frequency range used for today’s Regulation
PLC solutions starts as low as 125 Hz and reaches as high as Narrowband PLC
100 MHz. A useful classification of PLC systems according Europe EN 50065 CENELEC A band for utility use
3–148.5 kHz CENELEC B-D bands for consumer use
to frequency bands has been introduced in [28]: it distin- CSMA/CA in CENELEC C band
guishes between ultra-narrowband (UNB), narrowband (NB) IEEE 1901.2 Not a European Harmonized Standard
and broadband (BB) PLC systems, operating between about 148.5–500 kHz
USA 47 CFR §15 Rules for power line carrier
125–3000 Hz, 3–500 kHz and 1.8–100 MHz, respectively. 9–490/500 kHz or carrier current systems apply
Most recent developments in standardization and regulation Japan ARIB STD T-84 CSMA/CA required
activities over the past 20 or so years apply to NB and BB 10–450 kHz
PLC systems, and we will focus on these in the following. Broadband PLC
Europe EN 50561-1 Dynamic power control
1.6065–30 MHz Static and dynamic notching
USA 47 CFR §15 Subpart G for access BB PLC
A. Regulation Activities 1.705–80 MHz Interference mitigation and avoidance
As for any electric load that is connected to the power grid, Excluded bands and zones
PLC systems are subject to regulations that limit the strength
of the signals coupled into power lines. In most cases, it is
desirable that the PLC signal is fully contained within the §15.113 are relevant. This paragraph permits power utilities
proximity of the power line. However, since the power grid has to use PLC in the 9–490 kHz band “on an unprotected, non-
not been designed to conduct relatively high-frequency signals, interference basis”. There is one caveat though, in that these
electromagnetic radiation occurs (e.g. [29]). This is mostly specifications do not apply to “electric lines which connect
relevant for BB PLC systems whose signals often have short the distribution substation to the customer or house wiring”
wavelengths compared to the length of the power lines. Hence, (§15.113(f)). Hence, PLC for many smart grid applications
the relevant regulatory constraints are generally different for involving, for example, smart meters would not fall under this
NB and BB PLC systems. provision. For such cases, one has to consider limits for what
1) NB PLC: Europe is a very active market for PLC is defined as “carrier current system” in §15.3(f). Accordingly,
equipment. The regulation and market access principles for paragraph §15.107(c) declares that there are only out-of-band
PLC devices as telecommunication equipment are discussed in conducted emission limits, to protect the 535–1705 kHz band.
[30], [16, Ch. 3]. Under this framework, European harmonized Furthermore, via paragraphs §15.109(e) and §15.209(a), in-
standards are an accepted approach for product compliance band radiated emission limits are specified for the frequency
test. An important such standard is the European Norm range from 9 kHz to 490 kHz.
(EN) 50065, a complete version of which was first issued by Another regulatory document that has been considered in
CENELEC in 1992 [31]. The EN distinguishes four frequency system specifications is the Standard T84 [35] by the Japanese
bands, which are commonly referred to as CENELEC-A (3– Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB). This
95 kHz), CENELEC-B (95–125 kHz), CENELEC-C (125– permits the use of PLC in the 10–450 kHz band. Table I
140 kHz) and CENELEC-D (140–148.5 kHz) respectively. It summarizes the emission standards and relevant regulations
specifies in-band and out-of-band emission limits in terms of from the discussed three regions for NB PLC.
maximum voltage levels together with the measurement pro- 2) BB PLC: For BB PLC, radiated emissions become a
cedures. Besides band-specific limits, the standard mandates bigger concern due to the higher signal frequencies and the
that the CENELEC-A band is reserved for power utilities and asymmetries in power line networks. In Europe, the specifica-
that the CENELEC B-D bands can only be used by con- tion of harmonized emission limits has been complicated by
sumer installations. Moreover, it specifies a mandatory carrier- the fact that relevant standards differentiate between a mains
sense multiple-access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) port and a telecommunication port of the tested equipment,
mechanism for the CENELEC-C band. EN 50065 has been and thus do not account for an intentional symmetric signal
decisive for the proliferation of NB PLC systems for home transmitted via the mains port. Therefore, it has been argued
and industry automation and for utility use such as smart that measurement methods and emission limits need to be
metering. There is no harmonized standard for frequencies adjusted for PLC devices, see [36], [30], [16, Ch. 3]. This
between 150 kHz and 500 kHz yet. However, the IEEE has been resolved relatively recently with the approval of
1901.2 standard specifies conducted disturbance limits in terms EN 50561-1 [37] in November 2012. This standard applies
of maximal power spectral densities [32, Sec. 7.5] and the to in-home PLC systems operating in the 1.6–30 MHz band
methods of measurement in an informative appendix [32, App. and it differentiates between a power port (only for power
E], respectively, see also [33]. supply), a telecommunications/network port (only for com-
In the U.S., PLC emissions are regulated through the Code munication signals) and a PLC port (for communication and
of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15 (47 CFR §15) by the power supply). It specifies maximal voltage levels for the
U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) [34]. Here, PLC signals and the corresponding measurement procedures.
the regulations for so-called “power line carrier” systems in The standard also requires dynamic power control and static
and adaptive notching of frequency bands, which renders BB HomePlug ITU-T IEEE
PLC systems cognitive “radios” (which was anticipated by
the research community, e.g. [38], [39]). Further standards, June
namely EN 50561-2 for access networks and EN 50561-3 for 2001
frequencies above 30 MHz, are under development. HomePlug 1.0
The 47 CFR §15 by the U.S. FCC [34] defines in-house
and access “broadband over power line” (BPL) systems. The IEEE 1901
former fall under the regulations for carrier current systems of project
mentioned above. The latter are specifically addressed in Aug ITU
2005 Start of project
Subpart G for the band 1.705–80 MHz. Subpart G sets Apr
HomePlug AV
out radiated emission limits, differentiating between medium- released
a given termination impedance, e.g. [40, Fig. 6.3]. This leads Dec
IEEE 1901
Jan publication
to a power spectral density (PSD) of about −55 dBm/Hz for 2012 2011
38 117 138
PRIME/ 125 144
specification IEEE 1901.2
made public CEN A B
d ARIB 2
2008 FCC
ITU-T G.9902
ITU G.hnem
May Start IEEE 1901.2 CEN A B
d CD
Aug of project Authorization
of project
2009 FCC
Jan ITU-T G.9903
G3-PLC 2010 G3-PLC
Alliance 2010 ARIB
established specification
made public
ITU-T G.9955 (PHY) Jan ITU-T G.9904
ITU-T G.9956 (DLL) 2011 CEN A
(G3-PLC and PRIME as annexes) PRIME
IEEE 1901.2
2011 Dec 0 100 200 300 400 500 kHz
first draft
36 91 98 122 155 403 488
G3-PLC 34 42 89 150 478
established Oct
2012 IEEE 1901.2
publication Fig. 3. Frequency bandplans for standards and specifications of HDR NB
ITU-T publishes
PLC systems2 , following bands available in different regions of the world (see
G.9902 (G.hnem)
G.9903 (G3-PLC) 2013 Section II-A1). The numbers are the center frequencies of the start and end
G.9904 (PRIME) tone for each of the bands rounded to the next kHz-integer value. Adapted
supersede G.9955/56
from [61].
Fig. 4. RMS-DS versus ACG for the in-home scenario in the 1.8–100 MHz
III. PLC M EDIUM band (a) and the outdoor MV scenario in the 1.8–30 MHz band (c), with the
corresponding robust regression fit. The robust fits for the 2–30 MHz Spanish
The power distribution network was not conceived as a (ESP) [64], 1.8–30 MHz USA [65] and our (ITA) 1.8–30 MHz measurements
medium for data transmission. As a medium it has peculiar (a), and the 1.8–30 MHz LV OPERA [66] model (c) are also shown. The
characteristics in the frequency band of interest, i.e. above unwrapped phase slope versus ACG for the in-home scenario, together with
the robust fit, are reported in (b).
10 kHz and up to 300 MHz. The primary characteristics are
the high frequency selectivity and attenuation: these are due
to multipath signal propagation caused by the presence of
multiple branches (discontinuities), unmatched loads and high Looking at Fig. 4a, note that the RMS-DS and the ACG
frequency selective low impedance loads. Time variations are are negatively related [63]. This indicates that the channel
also exhibited when the network topology changes and/or the attenuation is due to multipath propagation and it increases for
loads change. Furthermore, the PLC medium experiences high highly dispersive channels. The figure reports also the robust
levels of noise injected by devices connected to the power fit of the measurements carried out in Spain and in the USA,
grid or coupled through electromagnetic phenomena. In the described in [64] and [65] respectively. Despite the different
following, the PLC channel in home and outdoor networks wiring practices, the robust fit curves are very similar.
are described. The single-input single-output (SISO) channel, Fig. 4b shows the relation between the phase slope of the
the multiple user (MU) and the multiple-input multiple-output robust fit of the unwrapped phase of the channel frequency
(MIMO) channels are considered individually in the following response (CFR) and the ACG. The phase slope offers some
to highlight the main distinctive properties. information about the average delay introduced by the channel
and thus, in turn, on the length of the backbone, i.e. the shortest
electrical path between the transmitter and the receiver. The
A. SISO Channel greater the magnitude of the phase slope, the larger the
In this section, the channel properties are assessed in terms expected wire length and number of branches. Consequently,
of the main and most commonly used statistical metrics, the higher the attenuation, the lower the ACG, since the
namely the average channel gain (ACG), the root-mean- channel attenuation increases with the distance and the number
square delay spread (RMS-DS) and the coherence bandwidth of branches connected to the backbone.
(CB). Furthermore, data from measurements made in different Another important aspect is the definition of the channel.
countries are compared. In contrast to the wireless scenario, there is no expectation
The in-home scenario is considered first. In Fig. 4a and that the PLC channel is Rayleigh distributed. The amplitude
Fig. 4b the RMS-DS and the unwrapped phase versus the ACG of the channel frequency response is well fitted by the log-
(in dB scale) respectively are reported. The circles correspond normal distribution, as first reported in [63] and then in
to the scatter plot of all measured values in a campaign [65]. However, this is scenario dependent and deviations in
conducted in Italy (described in [62]) in the band 1.8–100 the distribution tails can be encountered [62]. Furthermore,
MHz, while the lines correspond to the robust regression fit. a correlation is manifested between the channel response at
different frequencies [67]. Finally, the channel response can
Same Tx & site
exhibit a periodically time-variant behavior as a result of the 0.9 Same site only
periodic variations, with the mains AC voltage, of the load 0.8
impedance [68]. This is particularly true at frequencies below
is also depicted. In particular, note that the RMS-DS robust fit 0.3 P => N
slope of the outdoor MV channels is approximately half the P => E
0.2 P => CM
slope of the in-home channels considered in Fig. 4a. This is N => E
because the MV channels are more attenuated due to longer 0.1 N => CM
E => CM
cables and, furthermore, they exhibit lower RMS-DS due to 0
reduced multipath propagation into a network topology that 0 50 100 0 50 100
(a) Frequency [MHz] (b) Frequency [MHz]
has fewer branches. Contrariwise, the slope of the OPERA LV
channels is almost double the slope of the in-home channels. Fig. 5. MU correlation coefficient between SISO PLC channels sharing, or
This is due to the large number of signal reflections introduced not, the same transmitter (a), and spatial correlation coefficient among all the
by the typical network structure that consists of a backbone star-style receiving mode combinations for the MIMO channels (b).
with many short branches connecting premises. The high
attenuation in the OPERA LV channels may be explained by
the resistive characteristics of the deployed cables. communication link up to a certain node (named the pinhole
The channel at lower frequencies, e.g. in the NB spectrum of or keyhole) where branches then depart towards the final
9–500 kHz, is less attenuated than the channel at frequencies receiving destinations. This structure gives rise to a phe-
beyond 2 MHz, i.e. the BB channel both of the indoor and nomenon known as the keyhole effect, which was documented
in the outdoor environments. This is shown in Table II where in the context of cooperative multi-hop PLC in [72] and,
the average ACG, RMS-DS and CB are reported for different later, considering the physical layer security in PLC networks
bands and scenarios. Data were obtained from [62], [69], [66], in [73]. It is important to note that the MU concept holds
[70] (NB-PLC measurements in Indian and Chinese sites), [71] for both the indoor and the outdoor scenarios, and for any
(for the CENELEC-A band of 3–95 kHz). The NB channel implemented transmission scheme, such as SISO or MIMO.
characterization has been less documented than the BB one, However, within this section, the presented results are based
especially for the outdoor scenario. Given the relevance of on the 1300 SISO in-home channel measurements discussed
recently developed NB PLC technology, it would be beneficial in [62].
to further investigate the NB channel both in indoor and A key aspect of the MU channel is that the communication
outdoor scenarios and to report a detailed analysis. links are correlated or, in other words, there is a certain
level of determinism. This is significantly different from the
TABLE II wireless, where MU channel diversity is often introduced by
DIFFERENT FREQUENCY BANDS . rich scattering (multipath) propagation. Now, to quantitatively
show this, we can compute the spatial correlation coefficient
Scenario Band ACG RMS-DS CB ρ, which is defined as ρ = E[H (i) (f )H (j) (f )] for pairs of
(dB) (µs) (kHz)
In-Home 1.8–100 MHz −35.41 0.337 288.11
distinct i, j channels. In Fig. 5a, ρ is reported for channels
In-Home 1.8–30 MHz −31.91 0.394 216.48 of a given site sharing the same transmitter as well as when
Outdoor MV 1.8–30 MHz −40.53 0.491 458.58 the constraint of having the same transmitter is removed. The
OPERA LV 1.8–30 MHz −54.64 0.581 140.63
data base of measurements in [62] is used. It should be noted
OPERA LV 9–500 kHz −32.02 2.345 30.69
Outdoor LV [71] 3–95 kHz ∼ −35 ∼ 19 ∼4 as ρ takes high values, approximately equal to 0.5, along
Outdoor LV [70] 3–500 kHz −(15–33) 2.2–4 - almost the entire frequency range for channels sharing the
same transmitter. This high spatial correlation reduces the
available channel diversity.
B. Multiuser Channel Spatial correlation is exhibited also in the MIMO channel,
When we consider a network of nodes connected to the as discussed in the next section.
same power grid, it becomes important to characterize the
multiple user (MU) channel. In this respect, the underlying
C. MIMO Channel
network structure deeply affects the channel properties, and in
turn the achievable MU communication performance. MIMO systems are popular in the wireless domain where
The MU PLC network has, in general, a tree structure, they deploy multiple transmitting and receiving antennas. Also
so that pairs of nodes share part of the wireline network. in the PLC context, MIMO transmission can be established
For instance, if we consider a pair of channels from a given by exploiting the presence of multiple conductors. In home
transmitter to two distinct receivers, they share part of the networks, for instance, the power network comprises three
-120 1
P (STF-410) P => N 1.8-30 MHz SISO capacity
N (STF-410) P => E
0.95 1.8-100 MHz MIMO (uncorr. noise)
-125 E (STF-410) P => CM 1.8-300 MHz MIMO (corr. noise)
N => CM
E => CM 0.85
Noise PSD [dBm/Hz]
-140 0.7
-150 0.55
0 50 100 0 50 100 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
(a) Frequency [MHz] (b) Frequency [MHz] (a) Capacity (C) [Gb/s] (b) C and CS [Gb/s]
Fig. 8. Noise PSD profiles for the star-style receiving modes measured by Fig. 9. Performance improvement due to bandwidth extension (a) and to the
the STF-410 (a) and the computed C-PSD among the different modes (b). MIMO transmission in the 1.8–100 MHz band together with a colored and
correlated Gaussian background noise assumption (b).
any disclosure of information towards a third party, or adver- high speed communication for multimedia services, thus, they
sary, commonly referred to as eavesdropper or wiretapper. The require more complex techniques, e.g., turbo codes in the
secrecy capacity is studied in the context of so called physical HPAV and IEEE 1901 standards [41], while LDPCs in ITU-
layer security (PLS). While PLS has been studied extensively T G.9960 ( Besides the above mentioned techniques,
in wireless, the first study in PLC was reported in [73] and some other coding schemes are currently under investigation
then extended in [111]. In the following, the main concepts by the research community. For instance, the permutation
concerning the PLS in PLC networks are briefly summarized. trellis codes which combine permutation and convolutional
From an information-theoretic point of view, a wiretap codes are particularly suited to combat burst of errors [114].
channel consists of a transmitter (Alice) that wants to send The modulation scheme is also important, especially be-
a confidential signal to a legitimate receiver (Bob) without cause, as we saw in Section II-A2, spectral masks have to be
any leakage of information towards a malicious eavesdropper fulfilled as specified by the standards. Thus, it is important
(Eve), which tries to disclose the message. In the presence of to realize flexible spectrum usage with the ability to create
Gaussian noise, the secrecy capacity under a power constraint spectral notches and allow coexistence with other systems.
is defined as CS = maxfx ∈F [I(x, y) − I(x, z)]+ , where x is The most commonly used modulation scheme is pulse-shaped
the signal transmitted by Alice, while y and z are the signals OFDM (PS-OFDM), a multicarrier scheme similar to OFDM,
received by Bob and Eve, respectively. The quantity fx denotes but with the usage of a window which is better than the
the probability density function (pdf) of x, whereas F is the rectangular time-domain window adopted in OFDM. PS-
set of all possible pdfs of the input signal x. The terms I(x, y) OFDM is deployed in latest NB and BB PLC standards (see
and I(x, z), instead, represent the mutual information among Section II-B). It is also interesting to note that while BB
x and y or z, respectively. Moreover, [q]+ = max(q, 0) so that system use coherent modulation, i.e., M-PSK and M-QAM,
CS is set to zero when Eve has a better channel realization NB systems use also differential PSK. In particular, ITU-T
than Bob. Since the mutual information terms are convex in fx , G.9903 (G3-PLC) deploys the conventional time-differential
a lower bound RS for the secrecy capacity can be formulated phase modulation, while ITU-T G.9904 (PRIME) deploys
as CS ≥ [maxfx ∈F [I(x, y)] − maxfx ∈F [I(x, z)]] = RS frequency differential phase modulation where the information
[112]. In [73] it was proved that, differently from capacity, is encoded in the phase difference between adjacent OFDM
the secrecy capacity is upper bounded by a constant value sub-channels.
even if the power indefinitely increases. Furthermore, it was Recently, in view of an evolution for further improvements,
shown in [73] and [111] that the channel statistics (log-normal more attention has been directed to the study of other types
in PLC and not Rayleigh as in wireless), as well as the spatial of filter bank modulation (FBM) that privilege the frequency
correlation of the channel (introduced by the keyhole effect), confinement of the sub-channel pulses, e.g. filtered multitone
may further limit the secrecy capacity. (FMT) modulation [115]. FBM, such as FMT, offers sev-
In Fig. 9b, the secrecy capacity CS for the SISO and eral advantages over PS-OFDM, as the higher sub-channel
the MIMO transmission schemes is compared to the capac- frequency confinement and the higher notching selectivity,
ity C. The figure shows that the SISO secrecy capacity is allowing a reduction in the number of sub-channels required
considerably lower than the unconstrained capacity but, with to be deactivated to meet EMI constraints. In order to reduce
the use of MIMO transmission, it can increase [111], [113]. the FBM implementation complexity, the use of a different
The secrecy capacity is in general low because it is upper architecture, where the linear convolutions are replaced with
bounded (as a function of power [73]) and it is obtained as circular convolutions, was proposed in [116]. In this case,
the difference among the rates of the intended receiver and of the transmission takes place in blocks, similarly to OFDM,
the eavesdropper. resulting in a scheme referred to as cyclic block FMT (CB-
FMT). The circular convolution is also applied in the filter
bank analysis at the receiver, offering an efficient frequency
C. Practical PHY Layer Issues: Modulation domain implementation [117].
In order to achieve the channel capacity, advanced modu- As an example, the achievable rate for a specific channel re-
lation and coding schemes have to be deployed. Current PLC alization (which corresponds to the median channel, ranked in
technology deploys powerful channel coding schemes, such terms of capacity, selected from the database of measurements
as concatenated Reed-Solomon codes, convolutional codes, in [62]) is reported in Fig. 10 as a function of the number of
turbo codes, low density parity check (LDPC) codes, or a used sub-channels. Different lengths Lg of the prototype filter
combination of these techniques, together with high order at the transmitter side are considered. The cyclic prefix (CP)
modulation. Furthermore, to overcome burst of errors in- length is chosen in order to offer the highest rate, under the
troduced by noise and channel frequency response notches, further constraint of fulfilling the notching mask. The figure
interleaving can be deployed in order to spread in time and in shows that the rate in CP-OFDM increases with the number of
frequency (over the sub-channels in multicarrier modulation sub-channels. This happens since the overhead introduced by
schemes) coded blocks of bits or symbols. At the moment, the CP is reduced and a better notching capability is obtained.
NB systems use simpler coding techniques e.g., convolutional However, the performance gap from the theoretical channel
codes with bit interleaving in ITU-T G.9904 (PRIME) and capacity is high. This gap can be significantly reduced by
convolutional and Reed-Solomon codes in ITU-T G.9903 (G3- deploying FMT. In this example, FMT uses a long root-raised-
PLC) and in IEEE 1901.2. Contrariwise, BB systems provide cosine pulse with length 20 or 10 sub-channel symbols. To
200 and routing layer often have common elements with their
wireless counterparts. There are also differences: for example,
as mentioned above the PLC medium can be time-varying
with the AC mains cycle, and so transmissions or beaconing
are aligned with the mains cycle.
A. MAC Protocols for BB Applications
The MAC protocols defined in the HomePlug [47], IEEE
0 1901 [41] and (G.9961) [52] standards define a
128 256 512 1024 2048
contention-based (random access) as well as a contention-free
(TDMA-like) procedure to access the channel. However, it
Fig. 10. Comparison between OFDM, FMT and CB-FMT in terms of is the random access procedure that usually is observed for
maximum achievable rate as a function of the number of sub-channels used Internet traffic [129], and thus we will focus on this in the
following. Although the three standards differ on how the
channel access is realized, the random access procedure is
reduce the FMT complexity, the figure shows that CB-FMT equivalent. The general procedure adopted is a CSMA/CA
with a rectangular frequency domain pulse (which renders the technique, similar to the Distributed Coordination Function
system to be the dual of OFDM) provides better performance (DCF) defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard [130]. Each time
than PS-OFDM and, with 2048 sub-channels, it is not far away a node has a new packet to transmit, the backoff stage (i ∈
from FMT, despite the fact that its complexity is only 36 % [0, m−1]) is initialized to 0 and a random backoff counter (BC)
of the FMT one. is selected from [0, W0 ]. The backoff countdown is frozen
when activity is detected on the channel and restarted when the
medium becomes idle again. The packet is actually transmitted
D. PHY Layer Improvements
when the backoff countdown expires. If an acknowledgment
There are several areas that are currently being investigated is received, the packet is considered successfully transmitted.
for the improvement of the PHY layer. The main ones are: Otherwise, the node starts the retransmission procedure: the
channel coding and signal processing for mitigating impulsive backoff stage changes to i = min(i + 1, m − 1) and a new
noise and interference [114], [118]; synchronization, channel BC is selected from [0, Wi ], Wi being the contention window
estimation and equalization [119], [16]; transmission schemes of stage i. The similarity of the MAC to 802.11’s DCF has
that can allow coexistence at the PHY layer between different lead to MAC modeling (e.g. [131], [132], [133], [134]) often
PLC systems [54], between high speed PLC systems together in the style of Bianchi’s 802.11 model [135].
with sensor PLC networks [120] and between PLC systems 1) The Deferral Counter - Its Impact on Fairness: In
and DSL systems [121], [122]; adaptation and resource al- contrast to the DCF specification, in the HomePlug, IEEE 1901
location for maximum spectral efficiency, e.g., bit loading MAC and (G.9961), a new counter, called the Deferral
[16, Ch. 6] or adaptation and allocation of the time/frequency Counter (DC), is introduced. This counter is initialized to Mi
resources in multicarrier systems [123], [124]; cooperation and at each backoff stage and decreased by one after overhearing
relaying to extend coverage [125], [126]; diversity combining a data packet or a collision. If a new packet or a collision
techniques that mix PLC with wireless transmission [127]. is overheard and the value of the DC is equal to zero, the
In NB PLC for smart grid applications, research effort is node acts as if a collision has happened: the backoff stage is
spent to increase robustness and coverage, for instance, look- increased if it has not yet reached its maximum value and a
ing at increased spectrum usage, possibly beyond 148 kHz, new backoff is selected from [0, Wi ]. The goal of the DC is to
or exploiting better coupling techniques that can resolve the avoid collisions when high contention is inferred by decreasing
limitations due to the low line impedance and high noise [128]. the aggressiveness of transmission attempts.
In BB PLC, one question is how to go beyond the current The use of the deferral counter does reduce the collision
high throughput offered to support very high speed multimedia probability when there is high contention. However, as shown
services and home networking applications. One direction is to in [136], this modification to the DCF does not always provide
better exploit MIMO and another is to increase the bandwidth better performance, especially considering heterogeneous and
using an EMC friendly mechanism, for instance, as recently exposed terminal scenarios. More importantly, it has been
introduced by the HomePlug AV2 standard [57]. shown in [137] that it has an impact on short-term fairness
as some stations may substantially reduce their transmission
V. L INK AND H IGHER L AYERS probability by overhearing consecutive neighboring transmis-
As we have seen, while the PLC medium has differences to sions at a given time interval. The trade-off between collision
the wireless medium, it also has many similarities. In particular probability and fairness has been studied in [138].
150 min. 65.5855
Fig. 11. Allocation of priority resolution slots (refer to [47] and [41]). max. 204.1066
egories (CAs), ranging from CA0–3. CA3 and CA2 share Wi 2000 CA0
av. 0.32049
and Mi values, as do CA1 and CA0. Two Priority Resolution 1500 min. 0
max. 115.7184
Slots (called PRS0 and PRS1) are allocated at the end of suc- 1000
cessful frame exchanges, see Fig. 11. These slots allow nodes 500
access procedure in G3-PLC, IEEE 1901.2 and PRIME is that devices for extending the reach of networks are available
the assessment of the channel status only occurs when the off-the-shelf [151]. The IEEE 1905.1 standard provides a
backoff expires. convergence layer to facilitate the use of WiFi, PLC, Ethernet
Finally, the NB MAC procedure defined in G.hnem is more and MoCA within the home [152], [153]. A generic exten-
like the CSMA/CA approach defined in the IEEE 802.11 sion mechanism has also been recently standardized in IEEE
standard [130] for wireless local area networks. In this case, no 1905.1a [154]. Other uses of PLC have been proposed, for
CFP is defined, and thus stations access the channel following example a mix of WiMAX and PLC has been proposed for
a contention-based approach. If a transmission is detected collecting data in a hospital [155]. Visible light communication
on the channel, stations defer their attempt until the next is another promising technology that is complementary to WiFi
contention period, which takes place once the current ongoing and PLC [156].
transmission is completed. G.hnem also accounts for different Another question is what protocol should be run over PLC.
prioritization levels. However, in contrast to G3-PLC and IEEE Broadband PLC is often used like Ethernet, and so can be
1901.2, the differentiation is not so strict as different access used in much the same way as any LAN, running IPv4,
categories have contention windows that partially overlap. IPv6 or other protocols. However, in NB PLC, sometimes
Although the PLC research community can rely on the resources are at more of a premium. For example, in G.9903
extensive work on IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 to predict 6LoWPAN is used to carry IPv6 frames on the PLC network.
the performance of the network, these standards include some 6LoWPAN provides a number of functions that might be
modifications which are, as far as we know, unexplored optimized specifically for PLC (e.g. routing [157]).
at present. These are: i) the modifications in G3-PLC and Of course, when integrated with the network ecosystem,
IEEE 1901.2 of the backoff procedure to provide fairness, ii) PLC needs to be managed. A number of PLC vendors provide
the strict prioritization mechanisms defined in G3-PLC and tools, including open source tools such as faifa4 and open-
IEEE 1901.2, and iii) the prioritization mechanism defined in plc-utils5 . Efforts have also been made to provide an SNMP
G.hnem. The impact of these extensions on performance is interface to PLC devices [158], [159], [160]. Within hybrid
not straightforward and further analysis is needed in order to networks, IEEE 1905.1’s convergence layer also provides
understand the behavior of the network. abstractions to help with management, including features for
estabilishing the topology and link metrics [152], [153], [154].
C. Routing Issues and IEEE 1901 support link layer multihop operation, E. Challenges and Future Directions
where nodes that are not in direct communication can have
frames received and retransmitted via intermediate nodes, and Compared to research on IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4
the protocol can take advantage of link quality information networks, and also compared to the advances on the physical
provided by the lower layers. There is also a possibility to take layer of PLC networks, the MAC protocols for PLC are
advantage of other aspects of PLC networks for routing. For unexplored. Work has begun to fill this gap, however there are
example, previously we discussed that the topology often has still many aspects that remain unclear and several issues that
a tree-like structure, which might be exploited by a routing need to be studied in order to ensure the successful penetration
system [144]. Likewise, for many PLC devices, it is likely of the technology.
that they are attached at a physically fixed location, and so In particular, extensions to the analytical models of Home-
geographic routing may be practical [145], [146]. Plug and IEEE 1901 [134], [138], [133] in order to consider
Indeed the NB PLC standards are divided on whether aggregation and buffer management techniques are needed
routing should be carried out at the link layer or above [147], in order to fully understand the protocol behavior and the
[148]. G.9903 and G.9904 include link-layer routing, where impact on performance. Similarly, amendments to the stan-
all nodes appear to be connected, even if relaying is taking dards related to the deferral counter and the strict priority
place. In contrast, IEEE 1901.2 and G.9902 allow routing at resolution scheme may also be desirable. Also, as previously
the link layer or above, where in the latter case a higher layer stated, the impact on performance of the extensions to the
protocol must handle forwarding between nodes not in direct IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 baselines considered in NB
communication. PLC standards regarding fairness and prioritization remain
Of course, rather than receive and retransmit, it is possible relatively unstudied.
to have nodes relay in real-time, as in cooperative transmission A combined understanding of PHY effects and MAC layer
in wireless. Cooperative relaying has been considered for issues can raise interesting issues. An example of this is the
PLC (e.g. [149], [72], [126], [125], [150]). While diversity challenge of building a stream protocol for smart grid on
gains are often lower than in wireless, power gains through top of stop-and-wait MAC protocols common in PLC [161],
multihop transmission are still practical, which can be useful where MAC delays can indirectly result from using long
for improving range. OFDM symbols to mitigate burst interference. Though IEEE
1905.1 provides basic mechanisms, such as link metrics, for
addressing the use of hybrid PHY layers, the optimal use of
D. Integration with the Networking Ecosystem
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