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Case Report

Journal of Kathmandu Medical College, Vol. 4, No. 3, Issue 13, Jul.-Sep., 2015

Oral pemphigus vulgaris

Sharma M
Mohit Sharma, Lecturer, KMC Dental College and Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal

Pemphigus is a group of potentially life-threatening autoimmune mucocutaneous diseases characterized by epithelial
blistering affecting cutaneous and/ or mucosal surfaces. Pemphigus affects 0.1-0.5 patients per 100,000 population per
year. Oral lesions of pemphigus are seen in up to 18% of patients at dermatology out-patient clinics, but despite the
frequency of oral involvement, and novel therapeutic approaches, there are surprisingly few recent studies of either
the oral manifestations of pemphigus or their management, and delays in diagnosis are still common. Most patients are
initially misdiagnosed and improperly treated for many months or even years. Dental professionals must be sufficiently
familiar with the clinical manifestations of pemphigus vulgaris to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, since this in
turn determines the prognosis and course of the disease. Pemphigus has been reviewed in the oral literature in the past
decade4, but several advances in the understanding of the etiopathogenesis, pemphigus variants, and management
warrant an update. Here, we report a case of pemphigus vulgaris that was misdiagnosed in its earliest stage. Oral
ulceration may arise from a variety of causes. This case illustrates that, although rare, pemphigus vulgaris may need to be
included in differential diagnosis.

Key words: Chronic ulcerations, Immunofluorescence, Oral pemphigus, Systemic corticosteroids

INTRODUCTION mofetil, aziathioprine, Intravenous immunoglobulins

P emphigus is a group of potentially life-threatening (IVIG) rituximab, cyclophosphamide etc.

diseases characterized by cutaneous and mucosal
blistering1. There is a fairly strong genetic background CASE-REPORT
to pemphigus with linkage to HLA class II alleles. A 40 year old female patient complained of burning
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV), the most common and sensation in the mouth since two months. There was
important variant, is an autoimmune blistering disease history of noticing it first over the right side of mouth
characterized by circulating pathogenic IgG antibodies which gradually increased in severity and spread to other
against desmoglein 3 (Dsg3), about half the patients parts of the mouth. Patient gave history of noticing areas
also having desmoglein1(Dsg1) auto-antibodies2. Oral of slightly raised loosely held mucosa, which peeled off in
lesions are initially vesiculobullous but readily rupture, a day to give rise to large red ulcerated areas associated
new bullae developing as the older ones rupture and with pain and burning sensation. The ulcers were
ulcerate. Biopsy of perilesional tissue, with histological gradually increasing in size. Burning sensation increased
and immunostaining examinations, is essential to the in intensity while eating and swallowing with associated
diagnosis. Serum autoantibodies to either Dsg1 or history of bleeding which stopped spontaneously on its
Dsg3 are best detected by both normal human skin own. There was no history of pus or watery discharge.
and mucosa or by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay There was no history of other associated symptoms such
(ELISA)3,4. Before the introduction of corticosteroids, as loss of appetite, fatigue or loss of weight. No such
pemphigus vulgaris was typically fatal mainly from lesions were noted anywhere else in the body.
dehydration or secondary systemic infections5. Current
treatment is mainly involving the use of systemic Patients past medical, dental, family and personal
corticosteroids with adjuvant drugs like mycophenolate histories were non-contributory. General physical
examination revealed that she was moderately built and
Address for correspondence nourished with all her vital signs within normal limits. On
Dr. Mohit Sharma local examination, soft tissue revealed diffuse large areas
Lecturer, KMC Dental College and Hospital of superficial ulcerations extending from the region of
Sinamangal, Kathmandu, Nepal premolars up to the retromolar area. The ulcers were
Email: msmohitcop@gmail.com

Oral pemphigus vulgaris

shallow with sloping borders and surrounding tissue

tags. The floor of the ulcers were irregularly covered by
food debris and psuedomembrane. Similar ulcerated
and erythematous areas were noted over the upper
and lower, anterior and posterior vestibular regions,
dorsal and ventral surfaces of tongue, soft palate, floor
of the mouth and oro-pharynx (Figure 1, 2). Gingiva
showed marginal erythema with superficial ulcerations
over attached gingiva. On palpation of soft tissue all
the findings regarding number, size, shape, extent and
surface were confirmed. Bleeding was noted on palpation
from the ulcerated areas. The submandibular lymph
nodes were palpable and tender bilaterally. Nikolsky’s
sign was positive. There was no hepatosplenomegaly.
Figure 2: Ulcerations noted in tongue and floor of the
A provisional diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris was mouth
made. The results of blood tests and hepatic and lipid
screening tests were normal. List of differential diagnosis
include pemphigoid, linear IgA disease, bullous lichen
planus and paraneoplastic pemphigus. Incisional biopsy
of the intact bulla showed suprabasal bulla containing
acantholytic cells and few inflammatory cells. Adjacent
epidermis showed supra basilar acanthosis. A final
diagnosis of oral pemphigus vulgaris was made and
patient was prescribed systemic corticosteroids with
betamethasone and Benzydamine hydrochloride
mouthwashes. The patient was also put through
periodontal sessions, which include oral hygiene
instructions and scaling/root planning. There was
marked improvement in two weeks with most of
the mucosal lesions were healing and no new lesion
Figure 3: Post treatment photograph after two weeks of
appeared (Figure 3, 4, 5). Patient was lost for follow up
steroid therapy
after three weeks.

Figure 1: Ulcerations over the palatal regions Figure 4: Post treatment photograph after two weeks of
steroid therapy

Journal of Kathmandu Medical College 101 Vol. 4 • No. 3 • Issue 13 • Jul.-Sep. 2015
Sharma M

easily rupture giving rise to painful and hemorrhagic

erosions. In most cases, the first signs of disease appear on
the oral mucosa. The lesions can occur anywhere within
the oral cavity, but mostly found in the areas subjected
to frictional trauma, such as the cheek mucosa, tongue,
palate, and lower lip. The ulcerations may affect other
mucous membranes such as conjunctiva, nasal mucosa,
pharynx and genital mucosa. In the present case, the oral
lesions were seen mainly in the palate, cheek mucosa
and labial vestibule. The diagnosis is generally based on
the oral manifestations, while confirmation is done by
the histological findings, which shows the presence of
intraepithelial blisters, acantholysis, and Tzanck cells7,8.

Figure 5: Post treatment photograph after two weeks of Direct immunofluorescence of the tissue specimens
steroid therapy reveals IgG or IgM and complement fragments in the
intercellular space2. In our case, a biopsy of the intra-
oral lesions and smear were obtained. The sections
DISCUSSION were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and the principal
Pemphigus is an autoimmune mucocutaneous disease histological characteristics were evaluated. In 2014
characterized by intraepithelial blister formation. This Nguyen et al reported a case of pemphigus on the
results from a breakdown or loss of intercellular adhesion, lateral border of the tongue and showed the importance
thus producing epithelial cell separation known as of local therapy and its potential to induce long-term
acantholysis. Widespread ulceration following rupture remission8. According to study on 155 patients on
of the blisters leads to painful debilitation, fluid loss, and immunosuppressive therapy 94 patients developed
electrolyte imbalance5,6. Before the use of corticosteroids, secondary infections9. Some studies have showed
death was not an uncommon outcome for patients that low-level laser therapy can provide immediate
with pemphigus vulgaris. Four types of pemphigus are and significant analgesia in patients with pemphigus
recognized: pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceus, vulgaris10. Systemic corticosteroids are the most useful
paraneoplastic pemphigus and drug induced reactions. drugs in the treatment of pemphigus vulgaris and
These differ in the level of intraepithelial involvement continue to be the mainstay of therapy for this disease.
in the disease; pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus Their use rapidly induces remission in the majority
vegetans affect the whole epithelium, and pemphigus of patients but the clinician must weigh the benefits
foliaceus and pemphigus erythematosus affect the against the hazard from side effects of the drug9,10.
upper prickle cell layer/spinous layer. Only pemphigus
vulgaris and pemphigus vegetans involve the oral ORAL CORTICOSTEROIDS
mucosa. Pemphigus vegetans is very rare and is generally The oral route of administration of corticosteroids is the
considered a variant of pemphigus vulgaris6. All forms of one most preferred, and prednisone is the medication
the disease retain distinctive presentations both clinically most frequently used. The initial dose of corticosteroid is
and microscopically but share a common autoimmune usually 0.75 to 1 mg/kg/day, this dose may be increased
etiology. Evident are circulating autoantibodies of by 25- 50% every 5-7 days if found insufficient in
the IgG type that are reactive against components of controlling the disease. The disease may be tentatively
epithelial desmosome-tonofilament complexes. The classified based on the severity of the lesion as mild,
specific protein target has been identified as desmoglein moderate and severe and can be treated at different
3, one of several proteins in the desmosomal cadherin levels based on this.
family. The circulating autoantibodies are responsible
for the earliest morphologic event: the dissolution or Bystryn regimen recommends the following regime: Mild
disruption of intercellular junctions and loss of cell-to- disease is treated with a trial of topical corticosteroids,
cell adhesion. followed by low-dose (20 mg/day) oral steroids. About
50% of the patients receiving this treatment regimen are
In pemphigus vulgaris, lesions at first comprise small, ultimately able to discontinue all therapy. Moderately
asymptomatic blisters. These are very thin-walled and severe pemphigus is managed with 60 – 80 mg/day of

Vol. 4 • No. 3 • Issue 13 • Jul.-Sep. 2015 102 Journal of Kathmandu Medical College
Oral pemphigus vulgaris

prednisone11. For severe disease, the Bystryn regimen CONCLUSION

recommends 80 mg of prednisone administered daily. Pemphigus vulgaris is a rare chronic autoimmune
If necessary, the dose is increased by 50% every four to cutaneous–mucosal disease that is often diagnosed
seven days until control is achieved, as demonstrated late, even when oral lesions occur. If not treated
by the absence of new lesions and the disappearance of promptly, the disease has a high morbidity rate, and
itching. This dose is maintained until there is 80 – 90% it may be fatal in 5% to 10% of cases. The diagnosis
clearance of lesions. Reduction of the dose by 50% is is confirmed through pathological examination and
recommended at two-week intervals10,11.Various other direct immunofluorescence testing in the healthy
treatment options include tacrolimus, mycophenolate perilesional mucosa. The therapeutic regimen, based on
mofetil, cyclosporin, dapsone and plasmapheresis for corticosteroid therapy as well as adjuvant treatments,
recalcitrant cases. Treatment with these drugs require helps to decrease painful symptoms. Current research is
close monitoring of patients for various side effects. directed to finding substitutes for general corticosteroid
therapy so as to lower the rates of iatrogenic morbidity.

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