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3D Ship Design & Engineering Software

The ultimate ship design software to improve

your ship design and engineering efficiency

Nupas-Cadmatic is a powerful 3D Ship Design engineering is

Software solution for shipyards, consulting and achieved......
engineering companies and shipowners Component and hull
interested in improving the efficiency of ship structure collisions can
design, engineering and production. Nupas- be avoided, the assembly is
Cadmatic is an open software offering a modern more er ror free and the
3D software tool for doing hull, machinery, piping accuracy of the engineering
and outfit design, engineering and production achieved with the help of the 3D model
information in a cost-effective and time saving is vastly increased...
Nupas-Cadmatic has proven to be an Easy to learn and adopt
useful aid for designers and also for shipyards
and therefore it has achieved a strong position Nupas-Cadmatic Software is
as one of the major system suppliers on the easy-to-learn and adopt in
m a r ke t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your engineering routines
Nupas-Cadmatic is developed by a group and it can be utilised in
of ship design specialists who know shipbuilding all kinds of shipbuilding
and all the requirements to make a shipbuilding projects and for all sized
project a success.............................................. vessels from small yachts
With the Nupas-Cadmatic you can t o b i g c r u i s e l i n e r s.
increase productivity and optimize the design of Shortening the training and
complex installations in limited and tight spaces adoption period with every new relase
inside the ship. You can also increase the degree has always been one of the main goals for our
of prefabrication and modularization which software development group.
shortens building times and lowers overall
costs........................................................... The Nupas-Cadmatic’s
shaded workviews
With the help of the eBrowser you can are comprehensive and
share the 3D model and the design information easy to work with

between dif ferent designers and design

disciplines. Thus always the most recent design
information is available for all parties. This reduces
the time needed for design reviews, improves the
quality of design, and enhances the quality of
the product. By using the mutual 3D ship model
in all engineering disciplines, real concurrent
saves time!!

Saves money!

Speed up your construction design
and engineering

How do you plan to speed up your design The specification driven database for all
and engineering process? One thing is for common yard standards such as cutouts,
sure, not by doing and re-doing the work. The brackets, endtypes etc. provides intelligent
right way is to capitalise on work already done guidance during engineering. The system
by progressively adding to the single 3D manager has direct access to all the
product model. configurable parameters and can decide
The strength of engineering with together with the engineers which may or may
Nupas-Cadmatic can be measured early on not be used in the project.
during the creation of a 3D construction plan
of a vessel. With Nupas-Cadmatic the designer Open system
is provided with a number of smart and
efficient 3D tools that speed up the design Nupas-Cadmatic is an open system, which
phase significantly. Modifications become means that it can be customized by the user.
easier to handle and classification drawings It also has links with your numerically controlled
are generated quickly and easily. workshop machinery, such as NC cutters,
The same 3D product model for the bending devices and robot welding systems.
main construction is used for the following The parametrical script language
detailed engineering steps: the detailed offers maximum flexibility for the system
engineering and - in the end - for the real manager to provide engineers with intelligent
production information, of fering great shipyard standards and allow everyone to
opportunities for savings in both time and work according to these r ules and
money. regulations...................................
The benefits of the 3D engineering In Nupas-Cadmatic user definable
are that construction parts are only defined report generators are used in all of the work
once in the 3D product model and they appear preparation stages. With the help of these
in all related projections and drawings. In this flexible reports Nupas-Cadmatic is also able
way the construction is always consistent, to provide all the desired information for the
resulting in better quality engineering and third par ty material management
exact production information. These are very systems............................
important for the preparation of the work and
later for the preprocessing. With Nupas-
Cadmatic the production data is automatically
generated directly from the 3D model and in
the step where construction is defined by the
engineer. This guarantees that the production
data is always consistent with the engineering
data and always up to date.

The user s point of view

Nupas-Cadmatic intergrates a special user

interface that assists the engineer to reach
the maximum efficiency and guides him
Shell plate development
through the whole engineering process. The
Windows based menu system and the clear
pop-up panels makes the work easy.
Improve the design and save costs at
the heart of the vessel

the amount of errors and material needed for

pipe adjustment pieces.
With Nupas-Cadmatic you can improve
your efficiency in design and engineering by
cutting down your error percentage. The
shipyard can increase the degree of
prefabrication and preoutfitting and thus lower
the building costs..................
With concurrent engineering it is feasible
to undertake piping and HVAC design not
just in the engine room but also throughout
P&ID diagram the whole vessel..........

Nupas-Cadmatic design and engineering is

based on intelligent specification driven
functionality. Engineers can instead of routine
work concentrate on lower production and
material costs and on ease of installation and
All ship diagrams are designed based
on an intelligent database that takes care of
revision control as well as all related lists etc.
The diagram information is the basis for 3D
modelling and routing. Changes in the
diagram are automatically taken care of in
the model too.
Machinery units
Shipyard standards, production methods
and facilities are all input into Nupas-
Cadmatic´s database,
automating the routine tasks and
allowing greater opportunity for
the designer’s creativity and
Machinery and Piping design
with Nupas-Cadmatic is efficient in the
use of material and occupied space. The
automatic collision control eliminates
collisions. Large savings can
be gained in the time needed
to create pipe isometric,
spool drawings and listings.
The accurate production
information also reduces
Distributed Engineering
Internet enables globally distributed
design and review work

Shared 3D ship model Subcontracting the design work

Shipyards are in creasingly becoming

The Nupas-Cadmatic 3D product model stores
coordinators of the shipbuilding process and
data for the whole ship engineered from basic
subcontracting is becoming more important.
design to production information.This has
Therefore, a number of useful features have
several benefits for engineering....................
been implemented in Nupas-Cadmatic making
It is possible to do concurrent engineering
the exchange of data between the yard and
between dif ferent design disciplines.
the engineering company or the turnkey
Construction parts are defined once in the
supplier much easier than before.................
product model, appearing automatically in all
Because Nupas-Cadmatic is easy to
related projections in the drawings.
learn, efficient to use and saves hours in
Construction is consistent resulting in better
engineering, it is also suitable and affordable
quality engineering, drawings and all
fo r eve n s m a l l c o n s u l t i n g o f f i c e s.
production information......................................
Subcontracting engineering provides better
This production data is generated directly
means to balance capacity and control
in the phase where construction is defined.
Data is always consistent with the engineering.
The structure of Nupas-Cadmatic
Collision control makes installation error free.
makes it easy to split and combine the
engineering work. After the engineering
company has finished a section, the
subcontracted work is sent back to the
shipyard by network, a modem line, or via
internet. It is inserted into the database to be
part of the complete 3D product model again.

Pipe penetration holes. ..........................

Piping engineers create penetration holes and

the necessary components directly and in real
time, thereby enabling hull engineers to react
to these holes right away...............................
The information for pipe penetration
holes is known and correct when the data for
steel cutting is produced. This highly
sophisticated procedure reduces the need for Specialists from dif ferent
manual cutting in the assembly and outfitting engineering fields can work on
the same shipbuilding project
phase. simultaneously
Virtual 3D Ship model
A virtual ship, which
helps your observations

Walk around the 3D model

load the 3D ship model through the Internet
The Nupas-Cadmatic software has an excellent into your computer and you can view the
inbuilt tool for visualizing and checking the model whereever you are. This opens up a
project. You can walk around the computer whole new way to manage the project. Imagine
simulated virtual 3D ship model. Just step in how much easier it is to discuss for example
the engineroom or bridge and your screen the current engine room arrangement with the
will display the spaces as they look like in the ship owner and his chief engineer.....................
finalised ship. This function can be utilized in
the design phase by the engineers to observe Start user training before
the overall arrangements and smallest details, the ship has been built
in project meetings to discuss the project
status and later on for the traing the personnel The virtual ship can also be utilised for training
to maintain and run the ship................................. the ship running and maintenance personnel.
It gives you a virtual picture of the ship with
all the spaces and equipment onboard. The
eBrowser opens up your world for
distributed engineering training can be started even before the vessel
has been built and launched........................
For the production per sonnel the
The 3D ship model and the walkaround WalkAround function gives added value,
function can be used through the Internet because they can visit the virtual ship on site
with the help of eBrowser. It is an extremely and get a realistic picture of the construction.
fast browser tool, which can be used This is often more effective than just studying
separately from the main software. You just the traditional drawings.

Nupas-Cadmatic´s unique WalkAround

function is an efficient tool for training the
ship personnel in advance.
3D ship product model









Training, operation Prefabrication information,
information, NC data for production robots,
maintenance data installation information






Prefabrication information, Ship theory, production information, Ship theory, basic design, engineering,
NC data for production robots, material handling, documentation, production information
installation information maintenance and operation

Other design
ship theory
strenght analyzes,
material handling

Production Information
Simplifies both prefabrication
and the installation
High precision production Production information for hull
information...... & steel construction

With Nupas-Cadmatic it is possible to The numerical data produced with Nupas-

obtain remarkable savings not only in Cadmatic can be used to control DNC-cutting
design, but also in production. In addition machines in producing plates and profiles,
to the normal production data, such as NC profile bending machines, web lines for
drawings and part lists, Nupas-Cadmatic also panels, shell plate bending machines and
provides you with detailed information directly various production robots.
usable for automated manufacturing. The
software produces ready-to-use digital Production information for
information for numerically controlled work machinery & piping
shop devices, such as cutters, bending In an automated pipe production workshop
machines and welding robots. This reduces there is automated pipe storage, a computer
costs and shortens production times. The guided transport line, an automatic cutting
engineering information is always correct, saw, pipe marking/labeling and DNC pipe
updated and what’s best the production data bending machines................................
can be defined at the latest possible stage to When a pipe isometric or spool
include all the required modifications............. drawing is produced, information is also
Nupas-Cadmatic generates generated and sent in numeric format directly
information that can be processed by the to DNC pipe production. Besides the pipe
yard’s logistic system. The high quality of the geometry, other information such as pipeline
3D product model results in high accuracy of and spool numbers, material, surface
this production data and reduces assembly treatment, ring unit numbers, block numbers,
errors remarkably.......................................................... installation phase, bolt hole orientation in
Each shipyard has their own specific flanges etc. is included in this data. Part of
needs and requirements for the use of the this information can be printed onto a label
software and also for the production attached to the pipe, improving logistics........
information. Nupas-Cadmatic works together With the help of this direct link from
with its customers to improve the way the Nupas-Cadmatic to numeric pipe production,
production infor mation is output and there is no longer a need for manual
transferred from the engineering to the processing of production data. Besides saving
production. The benefits of the 3D ship model time and material, it also results in fewer
for the work preparation and preprocessing mistakes in the production and assembly of
are obvious. It makes the laborious coding of pipes...................
parts from 2D drawings history and you can
concentrate on defining the production means
and required input data. This can be nesting Information for
assembly & installation
of steel plate parts for the DNC-cutting
machines, automatic nesting of profiles for a Nupas-Cadmatic provides you with logistics
DNC-profile cutting and bending machines and installation information too. It produces
and generating data for DNC-pipe cutting and detailed documents for each work step, such
bending machines. as panel drawings, module drawings, etc.
On-site eBrowser workstations gives
Prefabrication & preoutfitting extra benefits for your installation personnel,
since they can go and check the 3D ship
Better quality output from engineering enables model and access the needed data.
maximum benefits in the production process.
It saves effort and hours by increasing the
degree of prefabrication and preoutfitting of
the sections.........................................................
Customers are able to increase the
amount of preoutfitting and thus reduce the
building time, gaining considerable savings
in production. This also helps shipyards to
deliver the ships in shorter time................
The major benefits of Nupas-
Improves your ship design Cadmatic:

Nupas-Cadmatic is a joint venture between Numeriek Centrum

Groningen B.V., Holland and Elomatic/Cadmatic Ltd, Finland. Savings in costs and time both in
Numeriek Centrum’s expertise is based on strong experience engineering and in production............
of hundreds of ships engineered and parts produced within I m p r ove d q u a l i t y i n d e s i g n a n d
its group of companies. Numeriek Centrum is part An open and user definable design so that
of Central Industry Group (CIG), which is a major it can easily be tailored to meet exactly the
supplier of steel construction kits, equipment, specific requirements of each
design, and engineering services for the s h i py a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
shipbuilding and marine industry world- Nupas-Cadmatic is easy to learn because
of its menu and viewing techniques - the
wide. Cadmatic’s expertise follows engineer is allowed to engineer the way he
from the profound experience of thinks and the system takes care of 3D
hundreds of ships designed and modeling and filling in the data-base.............
engineered within its group of Nupas-Cadmatic includes the information
of production facilities and produces not only
companies. Cadmatic is the software documents but also the data to build the ship
company of Elomatic, which is a major design and engineering - NC data, data for robots, etc.....................
company for the shipbuilding and marine industry serving Reduced material costs in production
customers worldwide.................. Nupas-Cadmatic model is an excellent tool
in training the operating per sonne l

Nupas-Cadmatic has been

Integrated Ship design and
successful in the market
engineering system
Nupas-Cadmatic has during the last few years become the Classification drawings
major supplier of CAD/CAE/CAM systems to shipbuilding and Hull construction
marine industry. It has achieved a significant position in the Piping and other diagrams
European shipbuilding market. Today a large number of Machinery & piping, HVAC
shipyards and consulting offices worldwide use Nupas-Cadmatic Accommodation & interior
software and this satisfied customer base is growing fast. Outfitting

For more information about the Production information

Nupas-Cadmatic software for
shipbuilding, please contact: Plate and profile cutting
Plate and profile bending
Pipe spools and isometrics
Pipe cutting and bending
Other material lists
Elomatic/Cadmatic Ltd Centers of gravity
Itäinen Rantakatu 72 Weights
20810 Turku
FINLAND Logistic data
tel: +358-2-412 411 NC data for production and
fax: +358-2-412 4444 robots
e-mail: sales@cadmatic.com
Naval architectural packages
Material administration
Numeriek Centrum Groningen B.V. Purchasing systems
Osloweg 110 Production systems
9723 BX Groningen Management systems
The Netherlands Calculation packages
tel: +31-50-57 53 980 Other CAD/CAM packages
fax: +31-50-57 53 981
e-mail: sales@ncg.nl Customized interfaces

Hardware requirements
www.nupas-cadmatic.com Windows NT/2000/XP PC
The Nupas-Cadmatic 3D Model images presented in this brochure are by courtesy of Slovenske with 256 MB RAM
Lodenice Komarno - Slovakia, Ulstein Verft AS - Norway, Vuyk Engineering Centrum B.V. - The
Netherlands and Elomatic Marine Engineering Oy - Finland.

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