Financial Protection: Summary of Learning Outcomes Number of Questions in The Examination
Financial Protection: Summary of Learning Outcomes Number of Questions in The Examination
Financial Protection: Summary of Learning Outcomes Number of Questions in The Examination
At the end of this unit, candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of and
ability to analyse:
• The purpose and scope of financial protection products and how they interact with State benefits;
• The main features and functions of the different types of contracts and how they are arranged in order to
meet the individual client’s protection needs;
• The main protection needs of businesses.
Important notes
• Method of assessment: 50 standard format questions. 1 hour is allowed for this examination.
• This syllabus will be examined from 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2012.
• Candidates will be examined on the basis of English law and practice in the tax year 2011/2012 unless
otherwise stated.
• It should be assumed that all individuals are domiciled, resident and ordinarily resident in the UK
unless otherwise stated.
• Candidates should refer to the CII update website for the latest information on
changes to law and practice and when they will be examined.
2. Understand the areas of need for 8. Understand the range, structure and
protection planning and the main application of long term care insurance
sources of financial protection. to meet financial protection needs.
2.1. Describe the need for protection planning for
8.1. Describe the regulation which applies to long term
individuals and businesses.
care insurance.
2.2. Explain the relationship between insurance and
8.2. Describe the main types of long term care
assets and liabilities.
insurance policies and their features.
2.3. Describe the sources of financial protection.
8.3. Describe the long term care planning process.
3. Understand the role and limitations 9. Understand the main features of other
of State Benefits and State/local insurance based protection policies.
authority funded solutions for financial
9.1. Describe the main features of other insurance
protection. based protection policies.
3.1. Examine the role and limitations of State Benefits
and State/local authority funded solutions for 10. Understand the needs and priorities for
financial protection.
financial protection and the relevant
factors in selecting appropriate
4. Understand the range, structure
and application of life assurance
and pension based policies to meet 10.1. Identify the priorities, risks and choices for
individuals or business clients.
financial protection needs.
10.2. Assess and quantify an individual’s or business’s
4.1. Describe the types of life assurance and pension future capital and income needs in real terms.
based policies, their benefits, limitations, tax
treatment and how they meet financial protection 10.3. Determine the suitability of product types and
needs. options.
4.2. Describe the underwriting and claims issues and 10.4. Explain planning considerations.
processes associated with life assurance and
10.5. Explain the importance of regular reviews.
pension based protection policies.
Reference works
The financial adviser’s factbook. London: Gee. Looseleaf,
Life assurance and pensions handbook. Brian Murphy.
London: Taxbriefs. Annual.
St James’s Place tax guide. Walter Sinclair. Basingstoke,
Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Annual.
Tolley’s tax guide. Arnold Homer, Rita Burrows. London:
LexisNexis Butterworths. Annual.
Zurich tax handbook. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education.
Financial Adviser. London: FT Business. Weekly.
Also available online at
Financial Solutions. London: Personal Finance
Society. Six issues a year. Also available online via (CII/Personal Finance Society
members only).
Financial Times. London: Financial Times. Daily. Also
available online at
Health insurance and protection. Monthly. London: Informa.
The Journal. London: CII. Six issues a year. Also available
online (CII/Personal Finance Society members only) via
Money Management. London: Financial Times Business.
Money Marketing. London: Centaur
Communications. Weekly. Also available online at