First Baptist Church Naples
First Baptist Church Naples
First Baptist Church Naples
Church Mission:
“The Grateful Living” To know Christ and make
Rock-n-roll groups and race horses have Him known in Southwest
two things in common – sweat and weird Florida and Beyond.
names. You may remember the unusual
name of one such rock band – The Grateful Contents:
Dead. I praise God that believers are the
grateful living and no longer “dead in Beach Baptism
trespasses and sins.” My heart is so full of FAITH Evangelism Banquet
gratitude for our alive-in-Christ church
family and particularly our staff who pulled Helps Outreach
off the biggest surprise of my ministry. I was
totally shocked to walk into the services Prayer Surge/Church
and to be given a huge birthday surprise and celebration
of my forty years of pastoral ministry. I have never seen so Theology Class For Women
many people keep such a secret for so long! Our Government
Intelligent Agencies could learn a lot from you. Thanks you Staff Anniversaries
for your labor of love. First Steps Class
I say with Paul, “I will not presume to speak of anything RefresHer
except what Christ has accomplished through me…in the
power of the Spirit…and thus I aspire to preach the gospel” M.O.P.S
(Romans 15:18-20). One of my prayers has been that Janet
and I can serve the Lord through His church for many more Quiet Time Devotionals
years. I have no interest in retiring but rather in refiring. I do
not want to slow down but to pick up the pace, look up to the Project 56/Praise Kids
Lord, watch out for the devil, and get on with the business of LCT Choir Retreat
growing disciples, reaching the lost, and finish out my race (2
Timothy 4:7). Faith Riders
I am so grateful for the hundreds of cards telling your Truth Project
testimonies of God’s grace. I love you and am privileged to
serve the Lord together. I am particularly grateful for your Discovering FBCN
love for my children and grandchildren and for how you have
modeled scriptural unity and harmony. Please keep praying Coaches Needed for FBA
for us. Resonate Launch
Christian living equals laboring, as in visitation-evangelism,
the daily discipline of the quiet time, faithful working in our
Bible & Life Groups, and other service. May we say, I “labor
according to His working which works in me mightily”
(Colossians 1:29). God will energize you to find His will, to
follow His direction, and to fulfill His purposes, as you report FBCN Church Online
for duty daily and are not “weary in well doing” (Galatians 6:9).
If you were able to be in the Saturday and Sunday worship FBCN Streaming:
services last week during the celebration, you heard polar
opposites in Dr. Ken Whitten and Mr. Chuck Colson. You Did you miss a recent
heard the pastor of one of our nation’s greatest churches service? Watch it online.
with a down-home, southern accent as well as the brilliant
Massachusetts lawyer-politician-convict-reformer-apologist.
God uses all kinds. As the old preacher said, he has even “hit
a straight lick with this crooked stick” (me, that is). I hope that
you can identify with me in this statement: “I am not all that I
should be, but neither am I what I was, or what I will be when
I see Christ.” Thanks, Lord.
- that God will grow our love, devotion, and passion for Him.
- that God will raise up Spirit-filled leaders.
- that God will pour out His Spirit and work in people’s hearts.
- that God will provide His power and use us to reach the lost.
- that the work of the church may be done in His power.
- that God will take away any strife present in the church body and bring
- that our church will be a praying church.
Also pray specifically for different ministries that you have an interest in
or a burden for (missions, youth, choir, men’s and/or women’s ministry,
Living Christmas Tree, BLGs, children, etc.).
Even if you were not present for the first unit of Systematic Theology study, you
are welcome to attend this class, which will be taught by Janet Wicker and Vina
Sterrett. There is a requirement for personal study and faithfulness to
attendance of each class which will begin September 9th and conclude on
November 18th, at 6:30 p.m. in room WC117. Each class lasts two hours and the
textbook is available at our FBCN Lighthouse Bookstore.
So Long, Insecurity
by Beth Moore
Join us this fall as we read the book and study the scriptures about
an issue that affects every woman, regardless of her profession,
credentials, possessions, or attributes. The issue of insecurity has
become epidemic among women, but it is not incurable. This journey
to authentic security will cause us to identify the lies from the world’s
erroneous belief system that have infected and paralyzed us as we
allow the truth of God to scream louder to our souls in liberation.
Are you a Mother of Preschoolers (children from birth through age 5)? If so, please
join us! Our first MOPS meeting of the year is less than two weeks away! We will meet
on Thursday, September 16th from 9:15 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. in WC117. Our time
together includes a time of biblical teaching, fellowship with other moms, various guest
speakers, creative activities, and breakfast! We’d love for you to join us! MOPS meetings
will continue each month on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Childcare is available but
limited! You MUST pre-register in advance by calling 596-8600 ext 360.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Patterson by calling 352-8554 or by
email at
Weekend Messages Available For Purchase
If you would like a copy of this past
weekend’s messages, they are now
available at the Media Center. Ken
Whitten and Chuck Colson CD’s are ready
for purchase.
a great way to share the gospel with our Our first meeting is scheduled for
Naples Community. We saw over 160 Thursday, September 9th at 8:00 p.m.
people make professions in The Commons.
of faith through last
year’s LCT ministry. For This ministry is open to both male &
more information, please female riders. Those without a bike
contact Keith Mattson are welcome as well. Please contact
in the Music Office at Rick Mercer at 239-691-2018 for more
596-8600 x229 or email. information.
Dell Tacket will be at FBCN on Friday, October 1 at 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. and
on Saturday, October 2, 8:30 a.m. - Noon. Tickets are $10.00.
Tickets are available Wednesdays and weekends in the Bookstore and the Media
Ministry counter.
Cafe’ Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Closed
Wednesday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Closed
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Bookstore Hours
Monday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Closed
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sermon Notes
Launch date: September 19th, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the Student Center
(( for students 7th - 12th grade ))
Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker....................................................................................................... Senior Pastor
Miguel Cruz.....................................................................................Hispanic Congregation Pastor
Greg Davidson....................................................... ......Associate Pastor/Evangelism & Discipleship
Beverly Day................................................................................... Director of Preschool Ministry
Nathan Dooley.......................................................................Associate Pastor/High School Ministry
Nathan Gaddis............................................................................. Worship/Creative Arts Associate
Steve Hayes.......................................................................... Associate Pastor/Biblical Counseling
Forrest Head...............................................................................................Senior Associate Pastor
Jim Hill........................................................................ Director of Single Parent Family Ministry
Lewis Howard......................................................................................Associate Pastor/Education
Shannon Moore............................................................................... Director of Women’s Ministry
John Patterson......................................................................Associate Pastor/Media & Technology
Doug Pigg...................................................................Associate Pastor of Church Administration
Tom Rider..........................................................................Associate Pastor/School Administrator
Larry Rigley......................................................................... Associate Pastor/Children’s Ministry
Dr. Todd F. Stearns................................................................Associate Pastor/Worship and Music
Kevin Van Duser........................................................... Associate Pastor/Middle School Ministry