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NEA CI Report Start

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We would like to provide sincere gratitude to Mr. Ramji Bhandari Assistant Director, NEA
Energy Efficiency and Loss Reduction Department, Mr. Pramod Rijal Assistant Director, NEA
Energy Efficiency and Loss Reduction Department, Mr. Sagar Gyawali, Engineer, NEA for
providing this opportunity to work with NEA and for their regular and valuable guidance
during the study. Similarly, we would like to thank Mr. and Mr. Avishek Malla, NEA
Ratnapark DCS office for their insightful information and suggestions on various potential sites
and also for the time being with our team to conduct fruitful discussions.

Similarly, we would like to thank the study team members Mr. Surendra Sha, Mr. Birat Sharma,
and Mr. Binod Sharma from Pokhara DCS who provided valuable contribution in data
collection, field activities conduction and report preparation. And we would like to thank Mr.
Sandeep Sherchan for his valuable contribution in overall field data collection, map

We have tried to credit all sources and apologize if any were overlooked.

Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd.

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu


NEA Nepal Electricity Authority

DCS Distribution Consumer Service

KV Kilovolts

GIS Geographical Information System

NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations

PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 2

ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................................. 3

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 5

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................... 6

Chapter One: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7

1. Background ................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Objective ..................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................. 8

2.1 Approaches .................................................................................................................. 9

2.2 Key Informants .......................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 10

2.4 Major Activities ......................................................................................................... 11

2.5 Team Composition for Conduction of the Assignment ............................................. 12

CHAPTER THREE: RESULT AND DICUSSION ............................................................ 14

3.1 SITE 1: Bajhkateri, Gulmi ......................................................................................... 14

3.2 SITE 1: Bajhkateri, Gulmi ......................................................................................... 15

CHPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION & RECOMENDATION ............................................... 16

NEA, as an apex Institution for the generation, transmission and distribution sector in Nepal,
has been continuously working on energy efficiency and loss reduction through its annual
programs. Recently it is giving high priority to digitize and data collection for the control of
electricity distribution loss and for controlling those losses. As a part of its regular activities,
consumer indexing of two of its distribution 11KV feeders has been carried out. From the
consumer indexing of two feeders Singhdurbar II in Kathmandu and City feeder in Pokhara,
relevant data are collected from the site and consumers. Those, collected data are plotted in
sheet and the feeder map. Also, GIS mapping of these feeders can help for the further
digitization, fault correction and for providing information to consumers.
NEA, as an apex Institution for the generation, transmission and distribution sector in Nepal,
has been continuously working on energy efficiency and loss reduction through its annual
programs. Recently it is giving high priority to digitize and data collection for the control of
electricity distribution loss and for controlling those losses. As a part of its regular activities,
consumer indexing of two of its distribution 11KV feeders has been carried out. From the
consumer indexing of two feeders Singhdurbar II in Kathmandu and City feeder in Pokhara,
relevant data are collected from the site and consumers. Those, collected data are plotted in
sheet and the feeder map. Also, GIS mapping of these feeders can help for the further
digitization, fault correction and for providing information to consumers.
Chapter One: Introduction
1. Background
The distribution network is usually planned for a limited period of time and when the network
is extended, its old (existing) part also be augmented accordingly. To meet with increasing
demand of power, distribution network has been extended, however the existing network has
not been augmented accordingly; as a result, energy losses and voltage drops have increased
beyond permissible limits. For the reduction in energy losses and voltage drops, suitable
methodologies have to be adopted to augment and rehabilitate the existing distribution system.
Nepal Electricity Authority is continuously working for reduction of power losses in
distribution lines, improvement of voltage conditions, improvement of power factor,
accommodation of future load growth, shifting of load from overloaded grid station to lightly
loaded grid station, improvement of quality of energy supply and reliability, improvement of
system stability and continuity of supply, improvement in safety, improvement of customer
service, reduction in cost of operation and maintenance, improvement of equipment life to
some extent.

Before going for system rehabilitation, there should be proper mandatory database of all the
consumers connected to respective feeders, transformers and substations. The energy and
financial accounting software used by NEA, M-Power has such provisions to manage the
customer according to the respective poles, feeders and transformers. But, the feeder-wise
consumer record has not been maintained in NEA distribution centers, rather it is maintained
as per the geographical meter reading area. Due to the complicated distribution network at core
city locations, the same meter reading area is supplied by various distribution feeders. Thus the
feeder wise consumer segregation is a practically difficult and challenging job, yet a basic and
mandatory requirement for distribution system improvement and rehabilitation for any power
distribution company. Without identifying the feeder wise power loss, a proper system
rehabilitation action can’t be achieved. A distribution network is selected for rehabilitation on
the basis of certain planning criteria such as voltage drop, power loss, equipment loading,
Benefit/Cost ratio, etc. For each selected network, a planning proposal for energy Loss
Reduction (ELR) is prepared to achieve the desired benefits. The planning criteria are totally
based on the type, numbers, location, and capacity of consumers. So, the step to achieved
efficient feeder’s performance in distribution networks.
It shows that there should be a big investment to upgrade the current distribution network of

Electricity Authority. The proposed task is trying to figure out the technical health of NEA
distribution feeders with adopting proper technology and methodology.

1.1 Objective
Key objective of this project is to conduct detail study and use the modern and efficient
technology/methodology as required, for feeder-wise consumer segregation and updating the
consumer records in NEA’s M-POWER billing software for feeder wise loss assessment.

1.2 Scope of Work

The following activities will be carried out by under this assignment:
1. Review of the documents shared by the NEA.
2. Detail study of best practices with recent technology regarding feeder-wise consumer
segregation and distribution system rehabilitation works adopted by other successful
power distribution companies around the world.
3. Field visit on NEA distribution substations and distribution feeder in close
coordination with NEA DCS offices.
4. Assess on the status of Distribution Transformer (DT).
5. Conduction of pole to pole GPS survey of 11 KV and LT lines existing in areas and
Distribution network from 11 KV to LT system. Identification of distribution line
length, type of conductor used, type and number of various types of poles existing.
6. Use of Appropriate methodology and suitable for feeder-wise consumer segregation
and consumer database management for two feeders in M-POWER billing software
used by NEA. The names of two feeders stated in TOR are located in Kathmandu and
Pokhara each.
7. Consumer Indexing including load rearrangement of LT for retrieving overload
8. Preparation of the single line diagram of each feeders with details of every associated
equipment’s/parts (substation, transformer, HT poles, LT poles, consumer number and
ID, supply phase etc.) assigning them a unique identification code as per the standard
9. Assessment on the feeder-wise loss for the assigned feeders.
2.1 Approaches
In order to fulfil the enlisted objectives, Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd. has worked
under close coordination with Ratnapark and Pokhara DCS. One of the major ways of
accomplishing the assignment was the participatory and analytical approach, Related location
and data was collected by the filed visit and the plotting of data with mapping was performed.
During the assignment, the study team had focused on the following aspects:

Replication of Past Experience:

The past experiences relating to the study of feasibility for wind-solar project was used as
sources of knowledge for further studies. Consultations were carried out with study of
experience gained in Nawalparasi wind-solar hybrid project. Moreover, the knowledge and
experience gained by the experts was fully utilized especially consultation and interaction with
the relevant experts from ADB wind solar hybrid project team will be an asset for experience

Formation of Good Management Team:

The assignment was carried out by a qualified team who work under an effective
administrative system. Since the project requires a multi-dimensional approach, the strong
management team was thoughtfully formed to produce practical outputs. The successes and
achievements of the project were made by the management team. A realistic project schedule
was set so as to carry the work within the given time frame. The whole team member was
transfer and shares the knowledge among and between them to make the work more effective
and efficient. Solid decision from the team members was provided to finalize the roles and
responsibilities of each individual based on their qualification, knowledge and experiences on
the similar fields.

Information and Data Collection:

As mentioned above the survey was based on the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools
and techniques. A survey was carried out both on technical as well as socio-economic aspect.
For this, checklists, questionnaire was structured in consultation with experts and
AEPC/ESAP team. Raw data will be collected at the field by the enumerators under the
supervision of field supervisors. The data will be analyzed through proper coding and
decoding methods. The recent and useful version of the data analyzing tools such as Excel and
SPSS will be used for statistical analysis of the collected data and information.

2.2 Key Informants

During the preparatory phase, different sectors were identified who have been working or were
keen to work in future in the field of solar-wind energy. They were approached through
appropriate means. Their valuable suggestions facilitated to identify potential sites as well as
in smooth project operation and in establishment of some credible outcomes. The sources
(personnel and institutional) from where the information and data was collected are discussed

DCS office:

Regarding to the wind/solar hybrid project site identification, past experience, data and
information that already exist were an important tool. Series of discussions were carried out
with AEPC/ESAP/NRREP team for the identification of potential sites

House Holds Beneficiaries:

Final respondents where survey has carried out were individual households from where we
were getting energy demand collection, willingness to install the project or their need
assessment. Also, from that level survey we got further justification of the project
development. Its environmental impact and overall sustainability and ownership of concerned
community was studied.

2.3 Methodology
To achieve the stated objectives, the organization (Addon Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd.) has
carried out the Norms and Standards of Consumer Indexing and issues mentioned in the Terms
of Reference (ToR).

A technical team with at least one engineer had visited both the feeders and had conducted a
detail survey & data collection on respective tasks. Field visit was remaining integral part of
the assignment. . Similarly, for data collection and digital mapping, the resource data collected
and was arranged with other provided information from DCS office. Extrapolated or geo-
satellite data was used in case the ground measurements variation.GIS mapping of these two
feeders depends upon the collected GPS location or information. The appropriate
methodologies used for successful operation of the project were briefly described below:

Survey and Study Methodology:

Appropriate checklist and questionnaires were prepared for household survey, interaction
with key informants and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The survey was based on individual
household as respondent method as well as for big enterprises as they were very few in
numbers at the vicinity of the proposed sites. For the remaining informant group, the survey
was conducted through purposive random sampling, where homogeneity was maintained.

Local Resource Mobilization:

The local resources were mobilized by encouraging the community. The human resources who
were locally available within the community or near to the community were encouraged to
mobilize for the efficient and ease of the project and its sustainability.

Software Applications was NASA and Google Earth. Computer applications on Wind/Solar
Hybrid system helped to increase the quality of the work.

2.4 Major Activities

The major activities that were carried out during the assignment are as enlisted below:

Desk study and literature review: Related books, journals and past reports on the study of
solar resource data, wind resource data, solar-wind hybrid technology and potential sites local
information was reviewed.

Finalization of structures questionnaires: The survey questionnaires were prepared

following the tasks mentioned as below.

Location information and demographic information: The detail information about the
proposed potential location (site) was collected through questionnaires by enumerators or by
measurement of some data (GPS location). Detail demographic information was collected.

Discussion with potential household member: Discussions was carried out with potential
member of each household to assess end-use demand of electricity, their capacity to bear
system, affordability and ownership/need.
Meeting with Local Community based organizations and Stakeholders: Meetings and
focused group discussion was carried out to assess the detail information about wind resource
and solar energy resource. Trend of wind flowing direction, its pattern and potentiality.

Preparation of reporting format/Template for reporting: After site survey and data
collection, the raw information was processed using software’s and was filled up in the
template format for reporting

Experts analysis and recommendation: When the survey was done and templates were
prepared, experts in wind and solar had made an analysis and had given their recommendation
for each individual sites whether these were feasible for project development or not.

Periodic Reporting: Periodic reporting was made to AEPC. The work was commenced after
the submission of the inception report. A draft report was submitted at the end of fifth week
of commencement of the project. A final report was submitted after incorporating suggestions
from the concerned stakeholders.

2.5 Team Composition for Conduction of the Assignment

Addon Engineering Solution Pvt.Ltd. has highly experienced and sector qualified personnel
staffs (both official and resource personnel) for conducting this assignment. The project was
managed and implemented with long experienced and extensive knowledge of solar and wind
energy technology. The team was comprised of the experts especially on solar and wind
energy technology having sound knowledge on its system design, resource assessment and
socioeconomic analysis. More than this if required the higher skilled manpower for the
conduction of the assignment; the organization was consult to those expertises on this
particular sector. At present the personnel that will involve for the conduction work were given
S.N. Name Position Status

Er. Sanjeev Pokharel Team leader M.Sc. in Renewable Energy

Er. Sagar Bhatta Field technician BE Electrical

Er. Subash Pant Field technician BE Electrical

Er. Aashish Neupane Field technician BE Electrical

Er. Ishwor Singh Field technician BE Electrical

Mr. Shreedhar Dangi Field technician BE Electrical

Mr. Deepak Dangi Field technician BE Electrical

Mr. Hikmat K.C. Field technician BE Electrical

Mr. Roshan Shrestha Field technician BE Electrical

Fig: Team Composition

Both the feeders was completely visited by the team and required data was collected from
each households and load centre. Following things were observed during the site visit. The
designed details were placed in Annex part.

3.1 SITE 1: Singhadurbar II feeder, Kathmandu

The site under study is Bajhkateri village which is located in ward no. 4,5,6,7 and 8 of
Bajhkateri VDC, Gulmi District. A Bus is available from Kathmandu directly to Bajhkateri
VDC. The VDC is about 500 KM from Kathmandu and takes around 14 hours travel by bus
to reach.

The GPS coordinates of the village is:

Latitude: 28° 11' 42.12" N

Longitude: 083° 03' 52.98" E

The village has about 200 households with base year population of population 1200. The
dominant caste in the village is Bramhan. Their main occupation of the people is agriculture.
Few people are engaged in government service while some other also run their independent
business. There nearby micro hydropower is at a distance of 15 Km from the village. The
microhydro electrifies the Daha village of Purkotdaha VDC. The energy generated by the
microhydro is cannot be transferred to Bajhkateri due to the problem of transmission. In
addition, there is also no possibility for building another microhydro due to unavailability of
the river nearby. The nearest place electrified by the national grid is about 45 KM away from
the Bajhkateri.

Women populations of the village are facing a lot of problems due to lack of electricity. They
have to use their energy for removing husk from the rice or converting the rice into flour using
‘dhenki’. The absence of lights makes the scenario even worse as most of these works are
done early in the morning or in the evening. The implementation of the project would solve
most of their problems. Moreover, the villagers are facing the problem of drinking water. Due
to the unavailability of the drinking water, they have to carry water from the nearest water
source daily which is very time consuming work and requires lots of physical effort. The
nearest natural source of water is about 3.5 KM from the village.
3.2 SITE 2: City Feeder, Pokhara
The site under study is Bajhkateri village which is located in ward no. 4,5,6,7 and 8 of
Bajhkateri VDC, Gulmi District. A Bus is available from Kathmandu directly to Bajhkateri
VDC. The VDC is about 500 KM from Kathmandu and takes around 14 hours travel by bus
to reach.

The GPS coordinates of the village is:

Latitude: 28° 11' 42.12" N

Longitude: 083° 03' 52.98" E

The village has about 200 households with base year population of population 1200. The
dominant caste in the village is Bramhan. Their main occupation of the people is agriculture.
Few people are engaged in government service while some other also run their independent
business. There nearby micro hydropower is at a distance of 15 Km from the village. The
microhydro electrifies the Daha village of Purkotdaha VDC. The energy generated by the
microhydro is cannot be transferred to Bajhkateri due to the problem of transmission. In
addition, there is also no possibility for building another microhydro due to unavailability of
the river nearby. The nearest place electrified by the national grid is about 45 KM away from
the Bajhkateri.

Women populations of the village are facing a lot of problems due to lack of electricity. They
have to use their energy for removing husk from the rice or converting the rice into flour using
‘dhenki’. The absence of lights makes the scenario even worse as most of these works are
done early in the morning or in the evening. The implementation of the project would solve
most of their problems. Moreover, the villagers are facing the problem of drinking water. Due
to the unavailability of the drinking water, they have to carry water from the nearest water
source daily which is very time consuming work and requires lots of physical effort. The
nearest natural source of water is about 3.5 KM from the village.
From the feasibility study of five potential sites on wind-solar hybrid project, most of the sites
have been found to be feasible based on resource assessment, socio-economic analysis and
financial cost estimation. Among five sites, four of the sites are found to be highly feasible
namely Bajhkateri (Gulmi), Thingapadosh (Bajhang), Bhedikhor (Sindhuli) and Badharey
(Sindhuli) are found to be most feasible where as one of the site namely Sundarnangi
(Dhading) has been found to be moderately feasible.

Based on the study and findings it is recommended to carryout detail feasibility study of all
the sites to make detail feasibility report before going into installation. As these sites have no
possibility of grid extension for at least next five years hence solar wind hybrid project will
be the only option for the electrification of rural households in these sites.

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