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Peripheral Venous Peripheral Venous Cannulation Cannulation Cannulation Cannulation

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Peripheral venous cannulation
(PVC) is the commonest method
used for intravenous therapy.
20 million catheters inserted
annually in the U.S.A.
Indications for peripheral
venous cannulation
Intravenous fluids.

Limited parenteral nutrition.

Blood and blood products.

Drug administration (continuous or intermittent).

Prophylactic use before procedures.

Prophylactic use in unstable patients.


Blood samples

42ml/min. 236ml/min.
67ml/min. 270ml/min.
Choice of cannula
• The flow rate through a cannula is
proportional to the height of the fluid reservoir
and the fourth power of the cannula’s radius.
Thus, doubling the cannula’s diameter increases
the flow by 24.
• For infusions of viscous fluids such as blood,
and for rapid infusions, the largest cannulae
should be used.
• Smaller sizes should suffice for crystalloids.
• The smallest cannulae are adequate for the
intermittent administration of drugs, except those
that must be given by rapid infusion.
• angiocath needle=
the stylet
• the cannula
• flashback chamber
• luer plug
Topical venodilatation
• The tourniquet prevents
venous return of blood,
causing the vessel to

• If a suitable vein is not

identified after the
application of a
tourniquet, having the
patient hold the extremity
in a dependent fashion
will also help to engorge
the vessel.
Topical venodilatation
• A tourniquet should be applied 5–10 cm proximal to the
selected site. The compression must permit arterial
inflow while restricting venous outflow.
• Sphygmomanometer cuff inflated to diastolic pressure
can also be utilised.
• Warming of the limb improves peripheral vasodilatation.
This can be done with warmed poultices or a basin of
water. Using a carbon fibre "warming mitt", which was
designed to provide reproducible amounts of heat,
• Topical venodilatation may also be achieved by applying
4% nitroglycerine ointment, smeared onto the skin and
left for 2–3 minutes.
Potenital IV Sites

The vein is visible as a blue-green

subcutaneous structure.
Upper Extremity
Intravenous catheters
are inserted in
• the antecubital fossa,
• the forearm,
• the wrist, or
• the dorsum of the
Upper Extremity
Cannulation of the cephalic,
basilic, or other unnamed
veins of the forearm is
The three main veins of the
antecubital fossa (the cephalic,
basilic, and median cubital) are
frequently used. These veins
are usually large, easy to find,
and accomodating of larger IV
catheters. Thus, they are ideal
sites when large amounts of
fluids must be administered.
However, their location in a
flexor region is a drawback, as
bending of the elbow can be
uncomfortable to the patient
and may occlude the flow of
the intravenous solution.
Upper Extremity
• The veins in the dorsal hand
may be utilized if large bore
access (18 gauge or larger) is
not required. Care must be
taken to find a vein that is
straight and will accept the
entire length of the catheter.

• The portion of the cephalic

vein in the region of the radial
styloid is commonly known as
the "student's" or "intern's"
vein, as it is often a large,
straight vein that is easy to
Lower Extremity
• Cannulation of the veins of the feet
is not ideal. Insertion can be quite
painful, and the catheter may cause
more discomfort than if it were
started in the hand or forearm.
Additionally, IV catheters placed in
the feet are more likely to become
infected, to not flow properly, and
are more likely to produce phlebitis.

• The great saphenous vein runs

anteriorly to the medial malleolus.
The lesser saphenous vein runs
along the lateral aspect of the foot.
These two veins converge medially
to form the dorsal venous arch.
There are numerous unnamed
vessels that are branches of these
veins. (Clemente) Any vein in the
foot large enough to accept the IV
catheter may be used if necessary.
Neonates, infants, children
• In neonates, vascular access can be obtained
via the umbilical vein, although this has been
associated with portal vein thrombosis.
• In infants, scalp veins are often amenable to
cannulation, and central catheters can also be
inserted by this route.
• Intraosseous infusions have also been used for
fluid administration in haemodynamically
compromised children, although care must be
taken with needle placement in order to avoid
injury to epiphyseal growth plates.
General Concepts
• Ease of access
• Use of the non-dominant extremity
• Avoiding joint areas
• Avoiding use of the lower extremities
• Pre-existing Vascular Compromise Lymphatic or
venous drainage has been compromised, i.e. lymph
node dissection accompanying mastectomy, A-V fistulas,
injured extremities, thrombosis.
• Regional Infections - overlying cellulitis or infection
Explain the Procedure
• Explain the procedure to the patient. Tell
the patient that the procedure may be
mildy painful, but is brief. Ask that he / she
hold the extemity completely still until the
completion of the cannulation. Take time
to answer any questions that the patient
might have.
Patient Positioning
• As with any procedure, positioning of both the patient
and the performer should be optimized.
• The patient should be seated or in a reclining position for
comfort and safety.
• Immobilize the extremity, particularly for pediatric or
uncooperative patients. Keep the extremity in full
extension to make the vein taut, and place the intended
cannulation site in a dependant position to engorge the
• In French, and in cooking, this means to
lay out all of your expected ingredients
and equipment ahead of time, prepared
and within reach.
• It is often beneficial to have a selection of
IV catheters available as well as extra
blood tubes, tape, etc., should additional
supplies be required.
Use of local anaesthetic
• In paediatric practice, it is now
commonplace to use topical anaesthesia
prior to either venepuncture or
cannulation, but this is not the case in
adult medicine.
Topical Anesthesia
• While anesthesia is not routinely utilized for intravenous
cannulation, its use should be considered in special
situations. Topical anesthetics are often used for
venepuncture on children, to reduce anxiety and pain.
• EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics) cream
contains 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine. It is applied
as a thick dollop of cream to the area of venepuncture,
and then covered with an occlusive dressing.
• It must remain on the skin for 60 minutes prior to the
procedure to achieve maximum tissue preparation.
• EMLA is extemely safe to use, but it should not be left
on for more than two hours. Cases of
methemoglobinemia have been reported, however these
are exceedingly rare and in most cases involved large
doses of EMLA which were in contact with the skin for an
extended period of time.
Cannulation procedure
• Wash hands and apply non-sterile gloves
• Apply a tourniquet to the upper limb to improve venous
filling. This should not obstruct arterial blood flow and the
radial pulse should still be palpable.
• Ask the patient to open and close the fist to promote
venous filling.
• Clean the skin with alcohol solution and allow to dry.
• Do not re-palpate the skin.
Cannulation procedure
• Open the cannula carefully and ensure the stylet within
the cannula is positioned with the bevel uppermost.
• Hold the cannula in line with the vein at a 10-30˚ angle to
the skin and insert the cannula through the skin.
• As the cannula enters the vein blood will be seen in the
flashback chamber.
• Lower the cannula slightly to ensure it enters the lumen
of the vein and does not puncture the posterior wall of
the vessel.
• Advance the device up to five millimetres into the vein.
• Keep the stylet still or
• Withdraw the stylet slightly. The stylet must not be re-
inserted as this can damage the cannula, resulting in
catheter embolus.
• At the same time slowly advance the cannula into the
vein, ensuring the vein remains anchored throughout the
Cannulation procedure
• Release the tourniquet.
• Dispose of the stylet in the sharps’ container at the
• Flush the cannula to check patency and to ensure easy
administration without pain, resistance or localised
• Secure the cannula with a moisture-permeable
transparent dressing (Opsite dressing )
• The dressing should allow viewing of the entry site while
firmly stabilising the cannula to prevent mechanical
phlebitis or cannula dislodgement.
• .
Predict The Difficult Access
Conditions that may predict difficult access
• Dehydration/intravascular depletion
• Chronic illness with venous scarring from
frequent IV access
• IV drug use with venous scarring
• Obesity
• Significant edema
• Tortuous, fragile vessels due to advanced age
• Thin vessel walls due to age, steroid use, certain
disease conditions
Alternative Techniques may be required.
• It is often complicated in patients who are
afraid of needles or have had bad
experiences because fear activates the
sympathetic nervous system thereby
provoking peripheral vasoconstriction.
Once an initial attempt has failed, nearly
all patients experience a degree of
sympathetic activation that makes
subsequent attempts increasingly difficult !
The Difficult Vascular-Access
• The other most commonly overlooked
peripheral veins for IV access are the
deep brachial veins. These veins are
paired structures, which lie medial and
lateral to the brachial artery, and are most
accessible 1-2 cm superior to the
antecubital crease. Because these veins
are neither palpable nor externally visible,
they are often patent and untouched by IV
drug users.
deep brachial veins
• Positioning
• The patient’s arm should be placed in relaxed extension for easy
accessibility to the antecubital fossa.

• After applying a proximal tourniquet, landmark identification begins
with the biceps tendon. More medially, the brachial artery should be
palpable. The deep brachial vein lies both medial and lateral to the
artery. Most practitioners cannulate the medial branch of the deep
brachial vein, because the lateral branch lies directly posterior to the
biceps tendon and is difficult to access (Figure 3). It is crucial not to
use the standard 1.25-inch angiocatheter commonly used to
cannulate most peripheral veins because of the vein depth. Instead,
a longer 2-inch angiocatheter should be placed (Figure 4). This
longer catheter should puncture the skin at the antecubital crease at
a 45-degree downward angle.
The Difficult Vascular-Access
• Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. There is significantly
less attention paid to the “C” of circulation and the
difficult vascular-access patient. What is the next
appropriate step when it is unable to place a peripheral
intravenous catheter?
• One of the two most commonly overlooked peripheral
veins is the external jugular (EJ) vein. Anatomically, the
EJ begins at the mandibular angle and drains the
posterior auricular and retromandibular veins. Coursing
medially and superficially over the sternocleidomastoid
(SCM) muscle, it pierces the fascia to join the subclavian
vein under the clavicular head of the SCM muscle
external jugular (EJ) vein
• Patient positioning for the EJ line is crucial to the success of
intravenous catheterization. Placing the patient in the
Trendelenburg position increases venous distention and thus
maximizes EJ visibility. Further, rotating the patient’s neck away
from the side of the EJ gently stretches the vein and maintains slight
tension to reduce the incidence of vein-rolling.

• Because the EJ is a peripheral vein, the same basic principle of
inserting a peripheral IV catheter applies. Having the patient
perform a Valsalva maneuver during the procedure enhances
visualization of the EJ vein. Also, it is important to maintain a
shallow angiocatheter angle at approximately 5-10 degrees when
puncturing the skin and vein.
The Difficult Vascular-Access
• Central venous catheterization should be
the next step when peripheral IV access is
unsuccessful or when more central access
is required.
Ultrasound guided venepuncture
• is an established technique for both peripherally
inserted central catheters and central venous
• it has been suggested that, with the increasing
availability of portable ultrasound facilities, this
may become an option in the future for difficult
peripheral venous cannulations.
• a hand held Doppler probe has been used to
identify accurately forearm veins of more than 2
mm diameter in patients with invisible and
impalpable veins.
Early Complications
• Infiltration and Extravasation
Infiltration of the IV occurs when the tip becomes dislodged
from the vessel lumen. This complication should be
suspected when the intravenous fluid flows poorly, if the
line is difficult to flush, if the automated pump sounds an
alarm, or if the patient complains of pain.
Infiltration can become a serious situation if toxic fluids are
being administered through the line. These include
hypertonic agents, cytotoxic agents, and vasopressors.
Vasopressors, such as norepinephrine or dopamine
extravasate into local tissues from an infiltrative line,
severe tissue necrosis may result.
Early Complications
• Arterial Placement
Peripheral catheters may accidentally be inserted into
arteries instead of veins. This would occur most
commonly in the antecubital fossa, with the catheter
entering the brachial artery instead of the median cubital
or basilic vein. Arterial cannulation is distinguished by
arterial flow (pumping) of blood, which will also be a
bright scarlet red if patient is not hypoxic. In this situation
phlebotomy may still be performed but the catheter
should subsequently be removed. Pressure should be
placed over the site for one full minute, longer if patient
is coagulopathic.
Early Complications
• Air embolism
Air embolism is more commonly seen with central venous
catheters, however may also occur with peripheral
catheters. If air is introduced into the vascular system, it
may accumulate and cause complications such as
blockage of the right side of the vascular system (i.e.
venous) leading to outflow obstruction of the right
ventricle and pulmonary arteries. Possible symtpoms
include impaired gas exchange, hypotension, and
circulatory collapse. Left-sided (arterial) obstruction may
also occur, if an atrial or ventricular septal defect is
present. Obstruction of the coronary or cerebral arteries
by air can lead to myocardial infarction and acute stroke,
Early Complications
• Air embolism
While it is classically taught that 5 ml / kg of air is needed to
produce an "air lock" of the right ventricle and pulmonary
artery, circulatory collapse has been reported with as
little as 20cc of air.
To prevent air embolism, all tubing should be flushed prior
to utilization. Additionally, all connections must be tight,
and fluid bags should not be allowed to completely
empty before replacement.
Early Complications
• Catheter fracture and embolism
Catheter embolism is a rare complication of peripheral
intravenous catheters. If the tip of the synthetic catheter
is sheared off, it may potentially embolize and travel
proximally in the circulation. This sequence of events
occurs when the needle is withdrawn from the catheter
and then reinserted. Therefore, once the needle is
removed it should never be reinserted. Catheter
embolism carries a high complication rate (up to 49%),
and fluoroscopic catheterization and retrieval of the
foreign body is usually recommended.
Late Complications
• Infection
Infection is a common complication of intravenous therapy.
Intravenous catheters can lead to local infection as well
as bacteremia from several mechanisms. The most
common source of infection is skin flora, which migrates
distally down the intravenous catheter. Coagulase
negative staph and staphylococcus aureus, as well as
yeasts (e.g. candida), are frequent isolates responsible
for infection. Other sources of infection include
hematogenous spread from distant infections, as well as
infected solutions or other equipment.
The diagnosis of infection related to peripheral venous
catheters is relatively straightforward. In most cases,
localized inflammation, induration, and erythema will be
Late Complications
• Thrombophlebitis
Peripheral venous thrombophlebitis, an extremely common
complication, is heralded by pain, erythema, swelling,
and a palpable cord along the course of the cannulated
vein. Thrombophlebitis is caused by local damage to the
venous wall, and resultant inflammation and thrombus
Late Complications
• Thrombophlebitis
There are multiple risk factors for the development of
thrombophlebitis. The length of duration of cannulation is
proportional to the risk of thrombophlebitis. Catheters
placed in the veins that overlay joints are more likely to
cause thrombophlebitis, as motion of the joint can cause
frictional trauma between the endothelium and the
catheter. Stagnant blood flow in the lower extremities
makes veins in this location more likely to develop
thrombophlebitis. Numerous intravenous fluid solutions,
such as potassium chloride, barbiturates, phenytoin, and
chemotherapeutic agents, are known to cause
endothelial damage and inflammation. Finally, poor
technique and multiple attempts lead to vascular
damage and thrombophlebitis.
Late Complications
• Thrombophlebitis
Should thrombophlebitis developed, the intravenous
catheter should be removed immediately. The most
circumstances, no treatment is needed other than
elevation of the extremity and the application of warm
compresses. Antibiotics may be required if there is
evidence of surrounding infection.
Cannulae may become occluded when
infusion containers ‘run dry’ or flush
solutions are not administered
appropriately. Cannula’s must never be
forcibly flushed.
To prevent infection and
• Handle with care: don't contaminate the equipment
• Inspect the site: the insertion site should be checked
regularly for any signs of infection or complications
• Change the dressing: if a dressing is wet or soiled, get
it changed
• Securing the cannula: the cannula should be fixed
securely, preferably clear tape/dressing where you can
see the cannula itself.
• Change the cannula: A new cannula is usually inserted
every two to three days. Don't leave a cannula in, the
longer you leave it the more risk of complications.
• Flush: A cannula needs to be flushed regularly, before
and after any medication is given into them.
• Avoiding lower extremity insertion sites

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