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Order 8110.42B

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ORDER 8110.



September 9, 2005


Distribution: A-W(IR)-3; A-X(CD)-3; A-FAC-0(ALL); AEU-100; Initiated By: AIR-110

AMA-220 (25 copies); AFS-600 (3 copies)




In this order, we describe the procedures for evaluating and issuing a parts manufacturer
approval (PMA) for replacement and modification parts on type-certificated products. These
procedures apply to all engineering and manufacturing personnel in the Federal Aviation

Dave W. Hempe
Manager, Aircraft Engineering Division
Aircraft Certification Service

i (and ii)
9/9/05 8110.42B



Paragraph Page
1-1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1
1-2. Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 1
1-3. Cancellation ...................................................................................................................... 1
1-4. Who Needs a PMA? ......................................................................................................... 1
1-5. What Are the Exceptions to PMA?................................................................................... 1
1-6. PMA and Older Products .................................................................................................. 3
1-7. The Roles of FAA and Applicant ..................................................................................... 3
1-8. Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP)....................................................................... 3
1-9. Deviations ......................................................................................................................... 3
1-10. Acronyms.......................................................................................................................... 3
1-11. Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 3
1-12. Related Publications (Latest Revisions) ........................................................................... 3
1-13. Suggestions for Improvement ........................................................................................... 3
1-14. Records Management ....................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-1. Roles of FAA and Applicant in PMA Process .............................................. 4


2-1. Who Gets Application Letter? .......................................................................................... 5

2-2. Content of Application Letter ........................................................................................... 5
2-3. Basis for Design Approval................................................................................................ 6
2-4. Draft PMA Supplements................................................................................................... 6
2-5. Applicant’s Data Package ................................................................................................. 7
2-6. Special Requirements for Test and Computation Applications ...................................... 10
2-7. Identicality by Other Than Licensing Agreement........................................................... 13
2-8. Part Marking Requirements ............................................................................................ 13
2-9. Use of Designees ............................................................................................................ 14
2-10. Establishment of the Fabrication Inspection System (FIS)............................................. 15
2-11. Responsibilities of PMA Holders After Approval.......................................................... 15


3-1. General Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 17

3-2. Applicant Approaches..................................................................................................... 18
3-3. Review of Applicant’s Abilities...................................................................................... 18
3-4. Coordination with Certificate Management ACO (CMACO) ........................................ 18
3-5. Verification of Installation Eligibility............................................................................. 19
3-6. Service History Considerations....................................................................................... 19
3-7. Life-Limited Parts........................................................................................................... 20
3-8. Special Considerations—Identicality.............................................................................. 20
3-9. Special Considerations—Test and Computation ............................................................ 21
3-10. Evaluating the Drawing Package .................................................................................... 22
3-11. Design Approval ............................................................................................................. 22
3-12. Revising the PMA Supplement....................................................................................... 23
3-13. Non-Compliance............................................................................................................. 23

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4-1. PMA Activities ............................................................................................................... 25

4-2. Post PMA Activities ....................................................................................................... 26


5-1. DER Roles in the PMA Process...................................................................................... 29

5-2. Test and Computation ..................................................................................................... 29
5-3. Identicality Provisions .................................................................................................... 29
5-4. Findings of Identicality ................................................................................................... 30






OFFICES (3 pages)








STC (1 page)



(1 page)



(1 page)



(1 page)

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v (and vi)
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1-1. PURPOSE. This order prescribes the responsibilities and procedures for approving
replacement and modification parts for installation on type-certificated products. It applies to
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aircraft certification personnel who oversee the approval
process required by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). We define the
procedures that FAA personnel follow when issuing a parts manufacturer approval (PMA) under
14 CFR § 21.303. We also provide insight to individuals applying for a PMA and explain the
role of a designated engineering representative (DER) in the PMA process.

1-2. DISTRIBUTION. Distribute this order to the branch level in Washington headquarters,
branch levels of the Aircraft Certification Service; the branch levels of the regional aircraft
certification directorates; the Brussels Aircraft Certification Staff; all aircraft certification offices
(ACO); all manufacturing inspection district offices (MIDO); and all manufacturing inspection
satellite offices (MISO).

1-3. CANCELLATION. FAA Order 8110.42A, Parts Manufacturer Approval Procedures,

dated March 31, 1999, is canceled.


a. General Requirements. Title 14 CFR § 21.303(a) requires any person producing

replacement or modification parts for sale for installation on a type-certificated product to get a
PMA. Also PMA may approve the production of parts from a supplemental type certificate
(STC). PMA applies to most replacement and modification parts. Only use an STC for the
approval of parts that constitute a major change to the product. See FAA Order 8110.4, Type
Certification, for STC procedures.

b. Getting a PMA for Technical Standard Order (TSO) Articles. We at the FAA
may issue a PMA for replacement parts for articles produced under a TSO authorization when
these articles are in the product’s type design. Then the replacement part is for the eligible
product not the article. The installation of a PMA part may result in a minor design change in a
TSO article yet meet the product’s airworthiness requirements. We may require the installer of
this part to place a modifier’s nameplate on the article. See FAA Order 8150.1, Technical
Standard Order Program, for more details. Replacement parts approved under the basis of
identicality do not change the article’s design and do not require a modifier’s nameplate.


a. Ineligible Procedures and Materials. Specific manufacturing inspection procedures,

materials, or special processes (such as hardening, plating, or shot peening) are not eligible for a
PMA. If a person controls the design, manufacture, or quality of a part through any of these
procedures or processes and intends to sell the part for installation on a type-certificated product,
then that person must use another’s production approval for the completed part.

b. ‘One-Time Only’ STCs. Parts produced under a “one-time only” status STC or an
FAA Form 337, Major Repair and Alteration (Airframe, Powerplant, Propeller, or Appliance),

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approval are ineligible for a PMA. If the applicant reapplies for a new STC, then the new STC is
a “multiple approval.” In this case, we require the applicant to get a PMA for associated parts.

c. Other Production Approval Holders (PAH). Holders of a production certificate,

approved production inspection system, or TSO authorization do not need a PMA. They produce
replacement parts for their products or articles under their existing design and production
approvals. Also, suppliers may produce parts for sale without a PMA if a PAH grants them
direct ship authority and notifies the appropriate MIDO. If a supplier intends to sell a part
without direct ship authority, then that supplier needs a PMA.

d. Aircraft Owners or Operators. Owners and operators may produce parts for
installation on their own product without a PMA. The installation of these parts must comply
with applicable airworthiness standards. If an owner or operator intends to sell a part for
installation on another owner’s aircraft, then that owner or operator requires a PMA.

e. Air Carriers Operating Under 14 CFR part 121 or 135. Carriers may produce
parts for installation on their own products without a PMA. We don’t require a PMA if the air
carrier gets installation approval under 14 CFR part 43 and complies with their accepted
maintenance procedures manual and instructions. If air carriers intend to sell a part to other
owners or operators, then they need a PMA.

f. Repair Stations. An FAA-certificated repair station may produce a part for

installation on a type-certificated product for current and anticipated in-house repairs. We
authorize this under FAA Order 8000.50, Repair Station Production of Replacement or
Modification Parts. We don’t authorize separate sales of these parts.

g. Producing and Selling Standard Parts. Production and sale of standard parts for
type-certificated products do not require a PMA. These parts conform to established industry or
U.S. specifications (standard parts). However, a PAH may buy standard parts and subject them
to more restrictive inspection criteria before approval. If questions arise, contact the certificating
ACO, MIDO, or both to determine if the part design meets the criteria for standard parts.

h. Importing Modification and Replacement Parts. Under 14 CFR § 21.502, we

allow foreign manufacturers to export modification and replacements parts to the United States if
a bilateral agreement exists. This agreement sets the scope and manner we at the FAA use to
accept these parts. We expect the PMA holder to include an FAA airworthiness export tag with
these parts. Acceptable replacement parts include:

(1) Parts produced in a foreign country under the provisions of a bilateral agreement
by the original FAA type certificate (TC), STC, or TSO authorization holder; or

(2) Parts from foreign manufacturers or suppliers to TC holders that are approved by
their country’s civil aviation authority as specified under a bilateral agreement. The bilateral
agreement may extend to foreign design of replacement parts for U.S. state of design products.

i. Fabrication Inspection System (FIS). We only issue and expand PMAs with a FIS
in the United States. However, PMA holders may have suppliers with manufacturing facilities

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outside the United States. The FIS prescribes the holders’ controls for these supplier parts. See
the description of a FIS in appendix 1, Fabrication Inspection System.

1-6. PMA AND OLDER PRODUCTS. We will consider potential problems when
evaluating applications for approval to produce parts for sale for installation on older TC
products. These potential problems include difficulty getting type design data, out-of-production
products, and cases when a TC holder no longer exists. For these problems, we still expect
applicants to send us enough information to support their claim that the prospective PMA design
meets applicable airworthiness standards. Also, we still require the applicant to show the ability
to produce parts conforming to an approved design. FAA engineering personnel must use sound
judgment when considering the means of compliance. Some allowable changes include later
industry-adopted standard practices and specifications that are directly applicable.

1-7. THE ROLES OF FAA AND APPLICANT. Figure 1-1 summarizes the roles of the
FAA and an applicant. Coordination (for example, requests for conformity inspections to
determine reproducibility) between the ACO and MIDO ensures that the applicant’s processes
produce replacement and modification parts following the approved design. When appropriate,
the MIDO verifies the applicant’s critical manufacturing processes needed to achieve approved
design characteristics. Approval of a PMA application requires the ACO to approve the design,
and the MIDO to approve the production system. See appendix 2, PMA Process Flowchart.


project management tool that aids in the design approval of complex and critical parts. It
provides milestones, performance measures, and information unique to a certification project.
The adaptive use of a PSCP in PMA applications will define and document the approval plan
between an ACO and the applicant. The plan should help us issue a PMA quicker by defining
the design approval criteria and process. The ACO and applicant should tailor the plan based on
the complexity and criticality of the proposed part. See appendix 3, Project Specific
Certification Plan, for a PSCP template.

1-9. DEVIATIONS. Engineering and manufacturing personnel in the FAA must follow the
procedures in this order to ensure a standard process for PMA. We also must ensure applicants
are aware of these procedures. The Aircraft Engineering Division (AIR-100) coordinates and
dispositions any deviations from this guidance material. If a deviation becomes necessary, the
involved FAA employee substantiates and documents the need, gets concurrence from the
appropriate supervisor, then sends a deviation request for review with recommendations to

1-10. ACRONYMS. See appendix 18, List of Acronyms.

1-11. DEFINITIONS. See appendix 19, Definitions and Terms.


Publications and How to Get Them.

1-13. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT. If you find any deficiencies, need

clarification, or want to suggest improvements on this order, send a copy of FAA Form 1320-19,
Directive Feedback Information (written or electronically), to the Aircraft Certification Service,

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Planning and Financial Resources Management Branch, AIR-530, Attention: Directives

Management Officer. Form 1320-19 is on the last page of this order. You may also send a copy
to the Aircraft Engineering Division, AIR-100, Attention: Comments to Order 8110.42B. If you
urgently need an interpretation, contact AIR-110 at (202) 267-9588. Always use Form 1320-19
to follow up each verbal conversation.

1-14. RECORDS MANAGEMENT. For guidance on keeping or disposing of records, refer to

FAA Orders 0000.1, FAA Standard Subject Classification System; 1350.14, Records
Management; and 1350.15, Records, Organization, Transfer, and Destruction Standards. Or, see
your office Records Management Officer or Directives Management Officer.


Applicants: ACOs: MIDOs:

¥ Show that the design meets the ¥ Ensure compliance with ¥ Process PMA applications
applicable airworthiness standards agency regulations, programs, based on license agreements and
by either of the following two ways: standards, and procedures on STCs.
issuing design approval for
(1) Showing that the PMA part’s replacement and modification ¥ Ensure conformity to the
design is identical to the design of a parts. approved design.
part that is covered under a TC, or
¥ Coordinate and participate in ¥ Cosign and issue PMA
(2) Using test and computation developing a PSCP as needed. supplements after design
that shows the PMA part’s design approval.
meets the airworthiness requirements ¥ Investigate service difficulties.
that apply to the affected product. ¥ Accept FIS.
¥ Witness or delegate various
¥ Set installation eligibility. functions. ¥ Issue the FAA-PMA
production approval letter.
¥ Ensure the part performs its ¥ Coordinate with aircraft
intended function. evaluation group (AEG) for ICA ¥ Conduct surveillance at the
review as needed. PMA holder’s and supplier’s
¥ Assess the consequences of PMA facilities, both foreign and
part failure on the next higher ¥ Notify applicant of design domestic.
assembly and associated product. approval.
¥ Investigate and submit
¥ Provide instructions for continued See chapter 3 for more details. enforcement reports when PMA
airworthiness (ICA) for the PMA holders and non-PMA holders do
part or product as necessary. not comply with 14 CFR.

¥ Set up and maintain a FIS to meet See chapter 4 for more details.
the requirements of 14 CFR
§ 21.303(h).

¥ Report service difficulties.

¥ Draft a PSCP.

See chapter 2 for more details.

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2-1. WHO GETS AN APPLICATION LETTER? Expect the applicant to send a letter of
application to one of the following:

¥ The MIDO in the geographic area of the applicant’s FIS, if the applicant is
applying for a PMA based on an STC or identicality by a licensing agreement.
See a sample letter to the MIDO in appendix 4, Sample FAA-PMA Letters of
Application to MIDO. We list contact information for all MIDOs in appendix 5,
List of FAA Manufacturing Inspection District/Satellite Offices.

¥ The geographic ACO, if the design approval basis is identicality without a

license agreement or test and computation. Find a sample letter to the ACO in
appendix 6, Sample FAA-PMA Letters of Application to ACO. We list contact
information for all geographic ACOs in appendix 7, List of FAA Aircraft
Certification/Field Offices.

2-2. CONTENT OF APPLICATION LETTER. Each letter will include the manufacturing
facility’s name and physical address. Also, the letter will identify the part under consideration
for PMA. Other necessary information in the letter includes:

¥ Identity of the type-certificated product for installation of the PMA part. Note
the make, model, series, and (if appropriate) serial number of this product as
recorded on the upper right-hand corner of the product’s type certificate data
sheet (TCDS).

¥ Identity of the TC holder’s part, including the part’s name and number. Also,
applicant identifies the drawing number and revision level that the PMA part
replaces or modifies.

¥ Optional request for a PSCP if the application is for the design approval of a
complex, life-limited, or critical part. Inform applicants they can submit a draft
PSCP using appendix 3 as a guide. Use of the PSCP is at the reviewing ACO’s

¥ Statement that certifies the applicant has an established FIS that meets
requirements of 14 CFR § 21.303(h).

¥ Brief description of the basis for a design approval.

¥ Draft PMA supplement.

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2-3. BASIS FOR DESIGN APPROVAL. These methods are:

a. Identicality by Showing Evidence of a Licensing Agreement.

(1) The applicant sends the appropriate MIDO a document from the TC, STC, or
TSO authorization holder authorizing use of their data package. In the document, the applicant
attests that the licensed components have service histories with no known problems causing
unsafe conditions. Evidence of a licensing agreement is not a separate approval method, but is a
way to show identicality. The applicant uses this evidence to show that the data submitted are
FAA-approved and identical to the original part. For FAA purposes, the licensing agreement (in
any form) only needs to authorize the applicant to use the specified type design data.

(2) Following the current industry practice, TC holders prepare “assist letters” for
applicants to send to the MIDO. This practice meets the requirements of showing evidence of a
licensing agreement under 14 CFR § 21.303(c)(4). Find a sample assist letter in appendix 8,
Example of a Complete TC or TSO Authorization Holder’s PMA Assist Letter.

(3) PMA ASSIST LETTER. In the assist letter, the licenser (usually a TC holder or
a PAH) may identify critical parts to aid MIDO processing of the PMA application.

b. Identicality Without a Licensing Agreement. The applicant sends the appropriate

ACO a statement certifying that the design is identical in all respects to an approved design (for
example, TC, STC or TSO authorization). The applicant also provides the data supporting the
identicality claim for review and approval. These data verify the identicality in dimensional and
material characteristics, special processes and coatings, and test and acceptance criteria.
Identicality to another PMA is unacceptable because 14 CFR § 21.303(c)(4) restricts identicality
to only parts covered under type certificates.

c. Test and Computation. The applicant sends the ACO a data package for review and
approval. This data package describes the part design, which includes materials, processes, test
specifications, system compatibility, maintenance instructions, and part interchangeability. The
package also includes a test and substantiation plan to show compliance with applicable
airworthiness standards. See paragraph 2-5 for more details about the data package.

d. Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). The applicant stipulates use of the approved
data from the STC and refers to the STC number.

2-4. DRAFT PMA SUPPLEMENTS. After approving the PMA, we will assign a PMA and
supplement number. Use the following samples as guides for preparing FAA-PMA

¥ Appendix 9, Sample FAA-PMA Supplement for Identicality (Non-Licensing

Agreement) or Test and Computation, is a supplement based on either
identicality without a license agreement or test and computation.

¥ Appendix 10, Sample FAA-PMA Supplement for Licensing Agreement and

STC, is a supplement based on either an STC or licensing agreement.

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2-5. APPLICANT’S DATA PACKAGE. Expect the applicant to provide enough

information and substantiation to meet the requirements of 14 CFR §§ 21.303(c), 21.303(d)(2),
and 21.303(f). This substantiation shows the part meets the airworthiness requirements in the
14 CFR part (or their predecessor regulations) for the product affected by installation of the part.
The data package necessary to meet these requirements will vary in complexity depending on the
critical nature of the part, PMA basis, and its relationship to the mating part, the next higher
assembly, and the product. This information must include manufacturing controls, fabrication
processes, and assembly techniques as applicable. Additional information can include
performance, endurance, and test requirements to show the part meets the appropriate
airworthiness requirements. The data package can include, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Drawings and Specifications. Instruct applicants to provide one copy of their

drawings and specifications that show part configuration. These drawings and specifications
should address dimensions and tolerances, materials, and processes that define the part’s
structural strength and design characteristics. The required information for some parts (for
example, critical or life-limited) may include routing sheets, tooling requirements, process
sheets, material handling and storage, and inspection requirements deemed necessary by the

b. Inspection and Test Procedures. Design approval of critical or life-limited parts

may require demonstration of the manufacturing process, and inspection and test procedures.
These processes and procedures include process controls, finished product performance, and
incoming material controls. The data usually include elements of the manufacturing cycle: raw
material purchase, material chemistry and grain, structure evaluation, fabrication, melt forging,
machining, surface treatments, other material properties, required inspections, and so on. If the
application basis is identicality, then the applicant includes the necessary manufacturing test
procedures to demonstrate these processes and procedures. If the application basis is test and
computation, then the applicant includes the design and manufacturing test procedures.

c. Test Results. Design approval of critical or life-limited parts may require the
applicant to perform additional inspections and tests. If an applicant uses an FAA-approved test
plan, we review and approve the results. The applicant sends the ACO the resultant inspection
and test reports to substantiate the airworthiness of the parts produced in conformity with the
proposed design. If the application basis is identicality, applicants send the MIDO test results
that show their manufacturing methods and processes do not affect airworthiness (as originally
approved). If the application basis is test and computation, the applicant sends the ACO the
design and manufacturing test results.

d. Safety Assessment. Expect the applicant to submit a failure mode and effects
assessment to support classification of the proposed part as either critical or non-critical. This
assessment provides at a minimum:

(1) A qualitative assessment of failure modes and effects, which notes the part
criticality and considers:

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¥ Effect of characteristics, processes, maintenance procedures, or

inspections when there’s a failure, omission, or non-
conformance; and

¥ Effect of operating outside the part application or intended


(2) Effect of part failure on the next higher assembly and its performance.

(3) Effect on the product and its performance if the next higher assembly fails.

NOTE: We evaluate this assessment against the applicable criteria

in 14 CFR §§ 33.75, 29.602, 27.602, 25.1309, 23.1309 and Policy
for Propeller Safety Analysis, Policy No. ANE-2002-35.15-RO of
30 October 2003. Go to the Regulatory and Guidance Library at
icy.nsf to see this policy memorandum. If the assessment shows an
unsafe condition by the criteria in paragraphs 2-5d(1) through
2-5d(3), then the part is critical.

e. Design Change Control. Applicants describe the methods and controls for changes to
the part design. They also describe how to integrate design changes into the manufacturing

f. Airworthiness Limitations. Life-limited parts identified in the TCDS or

airworthiness limitations section require a method for accurately assessing their fatigue life. This
method will include, at least, appropriate aspects of material property distributions, loads,
frequency of loads, mission profiles, stress and temperature distributions, and fatigue testing.
We expect the applicant to assess the impact of PMA parts on mating life-limited assemblies.

g. Life Assessment. PAHs often assess the life of parts that operate in cyclic load
environments. This assessment occurs during certification through test, analysis, or both. If a
PAH assessed the life of a part, a PMA applicant evaluates the life of the proposed replacement
part. The evaluation may entail fatigue life analysis and testing. The results verify part life and
support ICA and a continued operational safety (COS) plan.

h. Other Data per 14 CFR parts 34 and 36.

i. Continued Operational Safety (COS) Plan. PMA holders are responsible for the
continued operational safety of their designs. Applicants who propose complex or critical parts
should develop a COS plan. The critical nature of a part sets the scope of this COS plan. The
plan embodies the basic requirements for tracking and reporting failures and defects per 14 CFR
§ 21.3. These requirements also include at least:

¥ Detailed records of all aspects of the manufacturing cycle;

¥ A record-keeping plan for the entire part life;

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¥ Methods to isolate possible discrepant part populations, continually

monitor the service use of parts, and review design assumptions based on
service experience;

¥ Means for identifying possible failure modes and effects that account for
the part’s operating environment and interfaces to the next higher
assembly and product; and

¥ Methods and resources used to identify causes of failures and to develop

corrective actions, and means to carry out these actions quickly based on
an assessment of the associated risks.

j. Part Marking. The applicant provides detailed part marking information that
complies with 14 CFR §§ 45.15. Life-limited parts require marking that complies with
14 CFR § 45.14. Ensure these part markings do not compromise airworthiness.

k. Installation Eligibility. Expect the applicant to identify where the part goes. If the
PMA is for parts from an STC, the installation eligibility follows eligibility requirements in the
STC. The PMA supplement will note the models affected by the STC. A copy of the STC is
enough to show eligibility. If the part is simple, non-critical, and not based on an STC, then an
illustrated parts catalog (IPC) alone may suffice to show eligibility. Otherwise, the applicant
demonstrates an understanding of the part by doing the following:

• Identifying at least one product for possible installation of the part.

Identify the product by make and model, series, and serial numbers if
necessary. The applicant uses the model information found in the title
box on the product’s TCDS.

• Showing where the part goes through a combination of an IPC, other

supplements, service bulletins, and PAH repair manual data.

• Assessing the effects of part failure on that next higher assembly and the
associated product when applicable.

l. Airworthiness Directives (AD). The applicant identifies all ADs or unresolved

service difficulties involving the original part.

m. Maintenance Instructions and Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA).

Applicants furnish instructions for continued airworthiness per 14 CFR § 21.50. This regulation
requires a design approval holder to provide ICA prepared in accordance with the airworthiness
requirements applicable to the effected product. If the effected product had a TC application
date after January 28, 1981, the applicant shows and states that the product’s ICA is still valid
with the PMA part installed. Otherwise the applicant provides supplemental ICA. We at the
FAA also require supplementary maintenance and related instructions when:

• The PMA part invalidates the product’s ICA,

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• The parts are only eligible for installation on a product where the
application date for TC was on or before January 28, 1981, or

• The design approval holder’s instructions are inadequate.

n. ICA for Life-limited parts. If the PMA part is life-limited, the applicant must submit
a supplement to the limitations section of the ICA per 14 CFR § 21.50. The supplement
identifies the part numbers and associated life limits.


APPLICATIONS. Applications submitted on the basis of test and computation should
specifically address:

a. Compliance with Airworthiness Standards. Applications based on test and

computation, either comparative or general test and analysis, must demonstrate compliance with
applicable airworthiness standards. The certification basis for the PMA part is the same as the
basis for products affected by part installation (see the TCDS). Find airworthiness requirements
in applicable TSOs and the following 14 CFR parts:

• 14 CFR part 23, Airworthiness Standards: Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and

Commuter Category Airplanes.

• 14 CFR part 25, Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes.

• 14 CFR part 27, Airworthiness Standards: Normal Category Rotorcraft.

• 14 CFR part 29, Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Rotorcraft.

• 14 CFR part 31, Airworthiness Standards: Manned Free Balloons.

• 14 CFR part 33, Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines.

• 14 CFR part 34, Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emission Requirements for
Turbine Engine Powered Airplanes.

• 14 CFR part 35, Airworthiness Standards: Propellers.

• 14 CFR part 36, Noise Standards: Aircraft Type and Airworthiness


b. Substantiation. The applicant can prove compliance with applicable airworthiness

standards by either comparative or general test and analysis. Comparative test and analysis
substantiates that the PMA part is equal to or better than the approved original part. Thus, the
PMA part meets the same airworthiness standards as the original part. General test and analysis
shows the part complies directly with all airworthiness regulations applicable to the product
affected by part installation. Tests support each type of analysis and confirm significant
assumptions, findings or conclusions.

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(1) Comparative Test and Analysis. Expect the applicant to demonstrate the
functional design of the proposed part is equal to or better than that of the original TC, STC, or
TSO part. This method entails analyses and tests of the original and proposed parts. The
criticality of the part and the complexity of its design will dictate the rigor of the comparative
analysis and the extent of testing. Side-by-side testing of proposed and original parts with zero
service time under the same procedures and conditions provide the standard to evaluate the
adequacy of the replacement part. The results of the analyses and tests will note any differences
and provide sound technical justifications for these differences. Reverse engineering of the
original part supports a comparative analysis. However, comparison of the respective PMA and
product designs may suffice for simple, non-critical parts.

(2) General Test and Analysis. The applicant shows the part complies directly with
the product’s airworthiness requirements and applicable TSO requirements. For example,
certification of a proposed replacement part for an engine by this method would require
compliance with all regulations of 14 CFR part 33 applicable to the affected product.

(3) Test Scope and Plan.

(a) Part criticality and complexity determines the need, type, and scope of testing
to support either a comparative or general analysis. Testing ranges from functional to
component to flight. This verifies the performance and durability of the original part or
compliance with applicable airworthiness standards. Simple, non-critical parts may need little or
no testing. Functional testing has many purposes including:

¥ Verifying design characteristics (for example, vibratory,

coating effectiveness, and so on),

¥ Verifying part interactions with the next higher assembly

(for example, gears, bearings, seals, blades, and so on), and

¥ Evaluating complex parts made of intricate components.

(b) If the design warrants testing, applicants include a proposed test plan and a
draft request for conformity in their application to the ACO. The test plan identifies at least:

¥ Test purpose, ¥ Test conditions and duration,

¥ Physical and functional description ¥ Test success and failure criteria,

of the test article and setup, ¥ Test instrumentation and data collection,
¥ Number of test units, ¥ Test safety control, and
¥ Unit identification, ¥ Control of test procedures.

(c) When appropriate, the ACO issues the MIDO the request for conformity of
the test article and test setup. The applicant conducts the tests after receiving FAA approval of
the test plan and MIDO approval of the conformity. Either the ACO or MIDO may delegate to
authorized designees their respective witnessing of testing, teardown inspections, and conformity

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inspections. Then, the applicant sends a test report to the ACO that includes an analysis of the
test results, the post-test teardown inspection results, and a determination of adequacy to the
applicable airworthiness or test standards.

(4) Flight Testing. Any flight tests that require an FAA test pilot or designee will
need a prior approved type inspection authorization.

(5) Test Standards. Expect applicants to use one of the following test standards to
measure the adequacy of the PMA part:

¥ Comparative Testing. They use a part from the TC or STC

holder that has zero service time. They also test the PAH part
under the same procedures and conditions as the applicant’s

¥ General Testing. They verify the part meets the applicable

airworthiness requirements of 14 CFR and the applicable TSO
performance requirement.

¥ Other tests deemed acceptable by the FAA.

c. Reverse Engineering. The reverse engineering process uses techniques that vary
widely and produce diverse results. The process alone is inadequate to characterize and compare
a new original part to a proposed replacement. An applicant’s challenge entails selecting the
processes and techniques that are appropriate to the part’s complexity. Reverse engineering
alone is enough to duplicate simple parts. However, complex parts may need other
substantiating information to show equivalency between original and PMA parts. The applicant
usually considers the following when using reverse engineering:

(1) Sample Size. Typically these samples are new, unused parts from approved and
traceable sources (for example, purchase orders, FAA airworthiness tag, and so on). The sample
size varies with design complexity and key attributes that define a part. Use enough samples to
correctly represent the essential characteristics of a design. These essential characteristics
include nominal dimensions, tolerances, material properties, fabrication processes, and so on.
Sampling used parts may provide some characteristics that do not deteriorate during use, such as
material composition, grain size, grain flow and depth of case hardening. Ensure applicants
substantiate the validity of this approach and get concurrence from the appropriate ACO.
Testing may include more samples to show equivalency between a new original and the PMA

(2) Dimensional Tolerances. Variations in the sample measurements and accepted

engineering practices determine the tolerances in part dimensions. The resulting tolerances for
the PMA part should not exceed the minimum and maximum dimensions measured on the
sampled approved parts. Exceeding these limits requires substantiation.

(3) Materials. Various tests and documentation from the PAH holder or supplier
define the material composition of a part. Usually the PMA part materials are equivalent to the
materials for the original part including the base part, any subparts, added welds, and coatings.

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However, an applicant may propose and substantiate alternate materials and processes that are at
least equivalent. A qualified laboratory can provide thorough destructive testing for at least the
following information:

• Composition of each material in the part,

• Material properties (that is, strength and fatigue

characteristics, hardness, grain structure, and so on),

• Form of material (that is, casting, forging, bar stock, sheet,

and so on), and

• Use of special processes (that is, nitriding, heat treat, shot

peening, and so on) and resulting effect on material properties.

(4) Weight and Mass Properties. The mass properties of a part are often significant
to its function and impact on the associated product. To assess the effects on the next higher
assembly and product, the reverse engineering process compares these properties. This
assessment accounts for weight differences between the proposed part and the original part to
ensure the absence of detrimental effects. For example, a small weight increase in compressor
blades can affect disc life.


is identicality without a license agreement, expect the applicant to show every aspect of the
submitted design is identical to a TC, STC, or TSO part. Common areas of identicality include
materials, dimensions, assembly, and special processes. However, allowable changes may
include standard industry practices, processes, and specifications that were updated universally.
Also, the applicant submits a criticality assessment per paragraph 2-5d with the substantiation
data package.

2-8. PART MARKING REQUIREMENTS. Title 14 CFR § 45.15 sets the marking
requirements for PMA parts installed on TC and STC products and TSO articles. These
markings are permanent and legible. They identify the part as FAA-PMA. They also identify
the manufacturer, part number, and the affected type-certificated products. If the part basis is an
STC, then the shipping document refers to this STC when identifying installation-eligible TC

a. Marking Critical Parts. Critical parts also follow the marking requirements in
14 CFR § 45.14. This requirement adds a serial number or equivalent to the part markings. The
method for marking a critical part is essential design data that the FAA reviews. The applicant
ensures and the ACO confirms the marking location and that the process does not degrade
airworthiness. To do this, we require applicants to define the marking location and method on
their drawings.

b. Marking an Assembly. Applicants apply PMA part markings required by 14 CFR

§ 45.15 to the top-level assembly of the approved replacement or modification part. We do not
require applicants to mark subassemblies or individual detail parts. For example, if the top-level

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assembly is a hydraulic pump, mark this assembly accordingly. Marking the detail parts of the
pump is optional unless production of these parts occurs under separate PMAs. When PMA
holders separately sell detail parts for installation in their approved assembly, they note the
information required by 14 CFR § 45.15 on the accompanying shipping documentation. Also,
they identify the eligible PMA assembly. The PMA holder’s design data usually contain the
marking information for detail parts of the assembly. This provides a means of tracing the
individual detail parts to their related PMA assemblies.

c. Part Numbering. If the PMA part replaces an original part, the applicant assigns a
part number that distinguishes the PMA part number from the corresponding TC holder part
number. Adding a prefix or suffix to the TC holder’s part number is enough as long as the prefix
or suffix does not compromise the TC holder’s part marking practices. The applicant may use a
prefix or suffix to satisfy 14 CFR § 45.15(a)(2) requirements for marking the part with a name,
trademark, or symbol. This only applies if the prefix or suffix is consistent across the applicant’s
product line. Also, each part bears “FAA-PMA” to meet another 14 CFR § 45.15 requirement.

(1) Supplier Numbers. Some applicants are suppliers to PAHs. Often these PAHs
use the supplier part numbers in their approved designs. When these suppliers later apply for a
PMA, they may continue to use their original part numbers with the added marking requirements
of 14 CFR §§ 45.15(a)(1) and (2). These added requirements entail permanently marking the
part with “FAA-PMA,” and the name, trademark, or PMA holder’s symbol.

(2) Parts Manufactured Under License. When the PMA basis is by showing
evidence of a licensing agreement, the PMA part may have the same number as the type-
certificated part. However, we require the applicant to meet the requirements of 14 CFR
§§ 45.15(a)(1) and (2) by permanently marking the part with “FAA-PMA” and the PMA
holder’s name, trademark, or symbol.

d. Parts Impractical to Mark. If we find the part too small or impractical to mark all
the information on it, an attaching tag or container label must have the missing information.
Often the number of eligible type-certificated products is too long to include with the part. Since
the list is likely to change, a tag or label on a container may refer to the applicant’s publicly
available part eligibility information. Title 14 CFR § 45.15(b) requires making the installation-
eligibility information contained in a manual or catalog readily available. Providing a manual or
catalog via the Internet meets the intent of “readily available.” However, access to the Internet is
not universal. The PAH must have an alternative means of providing the manual or catalog.

e. Marking a PMA Part on a TSO Article. Markings for a PMA part that goes on a
TSO article follows the same protocols. Title 14 CFR § 45.15 requires the holder to mark parts
as prescribed per the approved design. The installation eligibility in these markings notes the
name and model of each applicable type-certificated product. To meet the requirements of
14 CFR § 45.15, record the PMA installation-eligibility information (that is, A310-200 series,
B737-300 series, and so on) on the part. Do not list the TSO identification information (that is,
TSO-C149, TSO-C63C, TSO-C85A, and so on).

2-9. USE OF DESIGNEES. Use of designees within their authorized limitations can help the
PMA process. Give the names and contact information of participating DERs in the application

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letter and PSCP, as applicable. See chapter 5 of this order for more information on the use of


14 CFR § 21.303(h) requires the applicant to set up and maintain a FIS. See appendix 1 for more


a. Report Failures, Malfunctions, and Defects. PMA holders must comply with
14 CFR § 21.3. The PMA holder creates a procedure to report to the FAA any failure,
malfunction, or defect of a PMA part that left its quality control system. At a minimum, this
reporting requirement applies to failures, malfunctions, or defects that may result in one of the
occurrences listed in 14 CFR § 21.3(c). The data package includes this procedure in the plan for
the continued operational safety. We review this procedure during the design approval portion
of PMA. See paragraph 4-2f for enforcement information.

b. Maintain FIS. We require PMA holders to maintain an accepted FIS to comply with
14 CFR § 21.303. Before implementing changes, they report to the MIDO any changes to the
FIS that may affect the inspection, conformity, or airworthiness of their parts. Evidence of a FIS
is a production approval number issued by the MIDO.

c. Designees. After we issue a PMA, the holder can apply for appointment of qualified
individuals as DMIRs or ODARs per 14 CFR part 183. See Order 8100.8, Designee Handbook,
for more details.

d. Additional Part or Installation Approvals. A PMA holder can apply for additional
approvals for other parts or installations on other products. These applications follow the
applicable requirements of this order. The holder still complies with design approval
requirements in 14 CFR § 21.303 and marking requirements in 14 CFR § 45.15(a)(4).

(1) When the holder uses an already approved production system, the ACO still
approves the design of the additional part and the MIDO conducts an optional review of the
holder’s FIS. The MIDO reviews the holder’s FIS if production of new parts causes a significant
change in the PMA holder’s operation or abilities.

(2) Holders can apply for additional installation eligibility for an approved part on
other products. They still show the part meets the airworthiness requirements of these products
and demonstrate an understanding where the part goes. See the applicable procedures in
paragraph 2-5. Also expect the holder to submit the information about any associated ICA per
paragraph 2-5m. After design approval and FIS review, the ACO will sign and the MIDO will
issue a PMA supplement that adds the new parts or installations to the original approval.

(3) PAHs often use existing parts in newer/later models of their products. PMA
holders of corresponding replacements for these parts usually cite an IPC that notes these
common parts in the newer models. For simple, non-critical parts, an unaltered IPC from a PAH
may be enough to show eligibility. However, for critical or complex parts, additional installation
eligibility for an approved part should follow the procedures in paragraph 2-5k.

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e. Design Changes.

(1) PMA holders may introduce changes to their designs. Minor changes are those
having no appreciable effect on the approval basis or conformity. All other changes are major.
The certifying ACO and the holder agree on the manner and timeframe for sending and
reviewing these minor changes. They also agree on how often these reviews occur. One manner
may entail the holder provide sufficient information to affirm the change is minor. This
information includes a list of parts by name and number, their latest FAA-approved drawing
revision with date of approval, and a brief description of each change. The applicant and ACO
often record the agreement in writing for clarity.

(2) Any changes to critical or life-limited parts and major changes to all other parts
require prior approval by the appropriate ACO. This approval occurs before implementing any
change and in the same manner as original PMA. Also, we expect the PMA holder to show the
effects of this change on the next higher assembly and associated product in a revised safety

(3) If the basis for the PMA was identicality by showing evidence of a licensing
agreement, the holder may implement the same minor changes accepted by the FAA on an
original TC or STC part. PMA holders have the responsibility to keep a document trail linking
their change to the revised design of the original design approval holder. When the licensing
agreement ends, the PMA holder submits design changes to the FAA for approval. The ACO
having jurisdiction over the PMA holder approves those later changes.

NOTE: Part manufacturers must get their own TSO authorization if

the installation of a replacement part results in a major design change
to a TSO article. A new TSO authorization is unnecessary if you
install a PMA part under 14 CFR part 43 or other applicable
airworthiness regulations. See Order 8150.1 for more details.

f. Relationship Change in a License Agreement. The PMA holder may not produce
parts when a change in its relationship to the design approval holder prevents them from meeting
their PMA responsibilities.

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3-1. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The geographic ACO as specified in FAA

Order 8100.5, Aircraft Certification Service Mission, Responsibilities, Relationships, and
Programs, has several responsibilities for PMA applications. The project engineer at the ACO:

a. Accepts Application. The ACO in the applicant’s geographical area accepts the
application for a PMA based on identicality without a licensing agreement or test and
computation. See appendix 6 for a sample of this FAA-PMA letter of application. If the PMA
basis is identicality with evidence of a licensing agreement or STC, applicants send a letter
directly to the MIDO in the geographic area of their FIS. Consult ACO or MIDO policy on how
to acknowledge receipt of the applicant’s letter.

b. Confirms Location of Manufacturer. If the FIS is outside the United States, we at

the FAA will not issue or expand a PMA unless regulatory oversight places no undue burden on
us. Work with headquarters (AIR-200) to determine if the oversight poses an undue burden. See
Order 8100.11, Developing Undue Burden and No Undue Burden Decision Papers Under
14 CFR Part 21, for more details.

c. Manages Design Review and Approval. The rigor and scope of the design data
depend on the part’s complexity and criticality. A PMA project involving complex, critical, or
life-limited parts may involve a PSCP. The PSCP is an agreement between the PMA applicant
and the FAA on applicable documents, project schedule, certification basis, testing, conformity
inspections, communication/coordination, and delegation involved in the project. See
appendix 3 for an example of a PSCP. A PSCP is usually not necessary for simple, non-critical
parts when the supporting data are substantially complete with the application for PMA. Use of
the PSCP is at the reviewing ACO’s discretion.

d. Reviews Engineering and Test Data. Review the applicant’s engineering design to
determine if the design meets the applicable airworthiness standards. Seek FAA expertise from
other ACOs, directorates, and CSTAs as needed. During this review:

• Verify safety assessment.

• Verify acceptable service history of the original part.

• Verify the eligibility for installation on type-certificated products.

• Verify the PMA application uses airworthiness requirements applicable

to the type-certificated product subject to part installation.

• Verify the design data are adequate to produce the part.

• Review all differences between the proposed and original parts. Assess
the technical justification for these differences and associated impacts on
the next higher assembly and product. For example, weight and other
mass properties significantly influence rotating components. Also, assess

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the applicant’s analysis of part weights and associated effects from any
weight differences on an assembly and associated product.

• Initial the applicant’s request for conformity. This indicates the ACO
concurs with the request. Then, forward this request to the MIDO.

• Review and approve test plans and reports.

• Find the applicant’s substantiating data show compliance with applicable

airworthiness standards.

• Verify suitability of applicant’s COS plan.

3-2. APPLICANT APPROACHES. Applicants may combine methods of showing

compliance. The substantiating basis varies from identicality, to test and computation, to a
mixture of these bases. Applicants may compare some aspects of the originally approved and
proposed parts to show identicality. They use test and computation to show compliance with
airworthiness standards for other aspects. The identicality portion need not show compliance
with airworthiness standards, but any differences require substantiation of compliance by test
and computation.

3-3. REVIEW OF APPLICANT’S ABILITIES. Review each application with the MIDO as
needed (that is, issue requests for conformity inspections). Confirm the applicant’s ability to do
the following:

• Conform materials to specifications in the design;

• Conform the part to the design drawings;

• Apply the manufacturing, construction, and assembly processes specified in the

part’s design (see 14 CFR § 21.303(f)(1) through (4));

• Process approval of major and minor design changes; and

• Track and report failures, malfunctions, and defects per the requirements in
14 CFR § 21.3.


Coordinate with the CMACO and the accountable directorate on all critical and life-limited parts.
Send the CMACO copy of the certification project notification (CPN) upon notifying the
accountable directorate. See Order 8110.4. Set the appropriate level of CMACO involvement
based on the part’s criticality; at a minimum, coordinate service history and safety assessment. If
the part basis is identicality, confirm with the CMACO (and MIDO when appropriate) if the
applicant’s manufacturing processes are identical to the part produced under the TC or STC.

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a. A manufacturer’s IPC offers information about installation eligibility, but the IPC is
usually not FAA-approved. Consider using the IPC with other data like purchase orders from the
PAH, service bulletins, maintenance manuals, a technical publications index, or a master
drawing list. We cannot use the IPC to make any engineering finding leading to approval of the
applicant’s design data. Also we also cannot use the IPC to determine part conformity. Other
acceptable documentation is a combination of the following:

¥ FAA airworthiness approval tag (FAA Form 8130-3),

¥ Other PMA supplements, and

¥ “Weight of evidence” evaluations using enough information from various

sources to show eligibility.

b. Accept use of the IPC alone as a means for verifying installation eligibility on non-
critical parts. When the IPC is the sole means of verifying installation eligibility, confirm the
authenticity of that IPC.

c. If the application lacks documentation from the TC or TSO authorization holder (or
other FAA-approved data), then the ACO may consider other evidence from the applicant. To
verify installation eligibility, check other documents including the type design’s master drawing

3-6. SERVICE HISTORY CONSIDERATIONS. Review of the service history is essential

when a part is critical. However, verify that any part regardless of criticality is neither subject to
an AD nor a causal factor in an accident. Also, verify the part is free of continued airworthiness
problems. Follow the guidelines below if a PAH part has a potential unsafe condition and the
proposed PMA part has a similar design:

a. Reject the PMA application if an existing AD removes the associated TC holder’s part
from service immediately or in the future.

b. Consider delaying the processing or rejecting the PMA application if we are

discussing or developing an AD to remove the TC holder’s part from service.

c. If the TC holder’s part is under investigation for an incident or accident, delay

processing the PMA application until the part is cleared.

d. Reject the PMA application if an AD calls for repetitive inspections without setting a
terminating corrective action (for example, modification or replacement of the part). Also, reject
the PMA application if the intent of repetitive inspections is to detect potential failures before
reaching a published service life. We want and prefer a terminating corrective action. Issuing a
PMA to produce and distribute parts of a substantially identical design only complicates and
prolongs the unsafe condition.

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e. If a part is not identical or substantially identical to the TC holder’s part, determine

whether installing the applicant’s part creates an unsafe condition.

f. If the original part has a service bulletin to remove it from service, we may still issue a
PMA. A service bulletin alone is not enough to disapprove a PMA.

g. If the part is having service difficulties and the FAA is ACTIVELY pursuing
corrective action (that is, a design change per 14 CFR § 21.99) with the TC holder, reject the
application for PMA.

h. Consult the FAA Service Difficulty Reporting System and the TC product support
database for service difficulties of a critical part.

3-7. LIFE-LIMITED PARTS. Substantiate any life-limited parts per applicable

paragraphs in section 2-5. The required substantiating data must include tests on components
produced by the applicant. Ensure the applicant notes the means for adding PMA life limits to
an operator’s maintenance program.


identicality entails the applicant showing that the PMA part design is identical to the TC part
design in dimensions, tolerances, materials, processes, and specifications. See paragraphs 2-3a
and 2-3b for more details. Design approval occurs after we make a finding of identicality.
However, some part designs contain features that have no influence on airworthiness or the next
higher assembly. These features may include color, tighter tolerances, and so on. The PMA may
deviate in these features without affecting identicality. Also, the applicant’s design need not
conform to the latest revision level of the TC, STC or TSO authorization holder’s drawing if we
determine that the previously approved parts are still eligible for installation on the listed product

a. Limitations of Reverse Engineering. Take special care in evaluating identicality

based on reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is one way to develop the part’s design.
However, reverse engineering a part will not normally produce a design that is identical to a
type-certificated part. The applicant is unlikely to show that tolerances, processes, and
manufacturing specifications are identical. The rigor and scope of the substantiating data should
reflect the degree that the design is identical. The test and computation method is the alternative
to identicality. The applicant shows that the proposed design complies with the applicable

b. Identicality Not Found. If the design data (including the manufacturing processes)
do not show that the part is identical to a part covered under a TC, reject and return the
application to the applicant. Notify the applicant of the failure to find identicality. See
appendix 11, Sample Design Rejection Letter. However, PMA is still possible if the applicant
shows through tests and computations that the part meets all applicable airworthiness
requirements per 14 CFR § 21.303(f)(1) through (4).

c. Minor Design Changes. Limit minor design changes on PMA parts based on
identicality. Limit these changes to part marking, updated specifications, and so on.

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of the part design. Most applicants will use a comparative approach (see paragraph 2-6b(1)).
One valid approach under test and computation compares a PMA part to a TC holder’s part to
show equivalency or compliance to regulations. Consult with other FAA organizations such as
directorates, chief scientific and technical advisors, and designees as needed to promote timely

a. Safety Assessment. Review the applicant’s assessment of the part criticality.

Confirm the criticality determination as necessary with the CMACO. Use available FAA
expertise to aid in evaluating these assessments (see paragraph 2-5d).

b. Reverse Engineering. Applicants typically use this process to duplicate parts without
original design data. The process entails disassembly, measurement of features, and material and
functional analyses. Subsequent testing confirms the intended function. Review the applicant’s
data to confirm equivalency to the original design. Ensure the design of the duplicate part
defines dimensions, material properties (for example, microstructure, chemical composition),
special processes (for example, welds, heat treat, coatings), and continued airworthiness

c. Test Plans and Reports. Review any test plans and results that show the part is
equivalent to the original or complies with applicable airworthiness standards. Also, verify that
the results confirm the functionality of complex parts in their assemblies. Request additional
testing as needed to confirm equivalency to the original part and impact on the original’s ICA.

d. Conformity Inspections. Conformity inspections ensure that a modification or

replacement part complies with an approved design. These inspections are a prerequisite for
FAA certification tests. Coordinate with the responsible MIDO to schedule timely inspections.
The MIDO or appropriate designees determine that the part conforms to drawings, specifications,
and special processes. To request an inspection, use FAA Form 8120-10, Request for
Conformity; a memorandum; or FAA Form 8110-1, Type Inspection Authorization.

e. ICA or Maintenance Instructions. Review the applicant’s proposed ICA or

maintenance instructions and coordinate with the appropriate aircraft evaluation group (AEG) of
the Flight Standards Service. If the applicant proposes that no new ICA or maintenance
instructions are necessary, then review the applicant’s substantiation for that position. If the
ACO agrees that the TC or TSO authorization holders’ instructions are applicable, note such on
the design approval letter. See appendix 12, Sample Notification of Design Approval.

f. Minor Design Changes. The certifying ACO sets the manner and interval for
approving minor changes to the design of a PMA part. One manner is through a written
agreement with the PMA holder to periodically provide a list of minor changes to the ACO. The
holder provides sufficient information to affirm the change is minor. This information lists the
parts by name and number, their latest FAA-approved drawing revision with date of approval,
and a brief description of each change. The ACO keeps a record of these approvals and sends a
letter notifying such to the holder. As noted in their handbook, we may authorize designees to
approve these changes.

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3-10. EVALUATING THE DRAWING PACKAGE. Ensure all applications include enough
detailed design data. These data include drawings, technical data that confirms structural
strength, part marking information, process specifications that define the configuration, and other
data that define the pertinent characteristics of the part. The applicant presents their own detailed
drawings unless they submit evidence of a license agreement. Consider the following areas
when evaluating any data package:

a. Manufacturing and Process Specifications. Manufacturing procedures and process

specifications may affect the part’s airworthiness. If the applicant’s detail drawings refer to a TC
holder’s process specifications, then the applicant must submit these specifications. Coordinate
with the CMACO as necessary to determine how these specifications affect the design’s

b. Source Control Drawings. Carefully review source control drawings to determine if

the applicant has proper control over the part’s configuration and manufacture. Ensure the
applicant submitted all applicable detail drawings and specifications. We need these drawings
and specifications to evaluate the sources listed on source control drawings. Before sending the
application to the MIDO, confirm the applicant has satisfactory and verifiable control procedures
in the FIS for vendor-supplied items. Coordinate with the responsible MIDO, using a request for

c. Drawing Notes. Establish that the applicant’s data are enough to produce conforming
parts before issuing engineering approval. Evaluate each applicant’s ability to produce the part
on a case-by-case basis. If the applicant cannot provide this information, use the test and
computation method. Pay particular attention when the design approval holder’s drawings or
specifications used to make a finding of identicality have notes stating:

• Parts supplied to this drawing shall be in strict accordance with samples

(first articles) approved by (name of applicant) engineering department
unless prior written approval is given to subsequent change.

• Source approval is required for raw stock through total fabrication.

• This drawing represents a critical item and must successfully complete

substantiation tests and be approved by engineering.

• Other similar statements implying special source selection criteria.

3-11. DESIGN APPROVAL. Perform the following steps after finding that the applicant
showed compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements:

a. Keep the submitted data package for ACO project files or get a written agreement with
the applicant for on-demand access except as noted in paragraph 3-11c.

b. Send the applicant a letter that confirms you sent the application to the MIDO for more
processing. See appendix 12 for a sample of a design approval letter. Adjust this sample to
comply with office guidelines on format as needed, but ensure the revised format contains the
same information as the sample.

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c. Return previously FAA-approved design data that the applicant voluntarily submitted.
We used that data to make a finding of identicality by comparing the applicant’s drawing to the
previously approved data. In the official ACO files, identify in detail what data supported the
finding of identicality.

d. Send copies of the FAA notification of design approval, the unnumbered and signed
PMA supplement, and the applicant’s application to the MIDO for more processing. Also, send
electronic copies of these documents in advance to the MIDO for faster processing.

3-12. REVISING THE PMA SUPPLEMENT. Often an existing supplement needs correcting
or updating for typographical errors or changed contacts. Each ACO or MIDO usually sets an
appropriate method to correct or update the supplement. Some offices issue a revised
supplement with corrections. Then, they send the revised supplement to the PAH and request
return of the original incorrect supplement. Usually we need an amendment when an applicant
adds eligibility to the supplement.

3-13. NON-COMPLIANCE. If you cannot find compliance, send the applicant a rejection
letter and return the applicant’s data package in its entirety. See appendix 11 for a sample of an
FAA design rejection letter. Adjust the format of the letter as needed, but keep the information
from the sample.

23 (and 24)
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4-1. PMA ACTIVITIES. As an inspector at the MIDO, you confirm the applicant can
produce the proposed part per the approved design. Conduct the production approval process
after receiving a design approval, evidence of a license agreement, or an STC. This production
approval process includes:

a. Conformity Inspections. Perform or delegate conformity inspections at the request

of an ACO, MIDO, or certificate management office. An applicant may also request a
conformity inspection via FAA Form 8120-10 through the ACO. The need for this inspection
depends on part criticality, history of the applicant, complexity, supplier control issues, and so

b. FIS Statement. Ensure the applicant submits a statement per the requirements of
14 CFR § 21.303(d)(2). This statement certifies the applicant set up a FIS, as required by
14 CFR § 21.303(h). Evaluate the data submitted as evidence of compliance with 14 CFR
part 21 subpart K, per the criteria in FAA Order 8120.2, Production Approval and Certificate
Management Procedures, and FAA Order 8100.7, Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation
Program. Request help from the ACO when evaluating technical data such as design data
control, software control, material review board (MRB) dispositions, and so on. After finding
the data acceptable, include the following statement in the initial PMA letter:

(Applicant name) must produce all parts per (Applicant name), Quality
Manual, Revision X, dated Month XX, 20XX or later FAA-acceptable

c. Facility Evaluation. Before the first issuance of a PMA, evaluate the applicant’s and
any supplier’s facilities as needed to determine if they comply with 14 CFR part 21 subpart K.
Consider performing a conformity inspection within 30 days after receiving the PMA
supplement from the ACO.

d. Principal Inspector (PI). The PI can conduct a part conformity inspection or

evaluate the facility when we approve additional parts on amended or revised supplements to the
original PMA approval letter. This may also occur when the manufacturer expands or moves its

e. Assign PMA Project Number. Use the Certificate Management Information System
(CMIS) to assign PMA project numbers. CMIS is a computer application that automates and
consolidates many certificate management activities in the production certification process.
After validating the FIS, sign the PMA supplements to affirm production approval. Use the
PMA project number on subsequent approved supplements for that PMA.

f. PMA Letter. Prepare a PMA letter for all initial issuance of PMAs. See appendix 13,
Sample FAA-PMA Letter. Use a transmittal letter for all subsequent issuance of PMAs and
supplements. See appendix 14, Sample Transmittal Letter of Subsequent PMA Supplement.
Give the original to the manufacturer, keep a copy at the issuing office, and send a copy

8110.42B 9/9/05

electronically to the ACO. Also, electronically send a copy of the PMA supplement to the
Aircraft Certification Service, Aircraft Engineering Division, Delegation and Airworthiness
Branch (AIR-140). AIR-140 adds the supplement to the PMA database.

g. Design Change Issues. Ensure the applicant has either proper authority or processes
for design changes and MRB dispositions. Confirm the FIS has these processes. Coordinate
with the ACO as needed to approve the FIS controls that detail the design change and MRB
disposition processes.

h. PMA Assist Letter. The evidence of a licensing agreement must include written
permission from the TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder to use their design data to apply for
FAA-PMA. A “PMA assist letter” or similar evidence authorized by the TC, STC, or TSO
authorization holder is enough to show evidence of a licensing agreement. See appendix 8 for a
sample of a PMA assist letter. Applicants must meet all the requirements of 14 CFR § 21.303.
A licensing agreement alone is not enough to issue a PMA. Ensure the “PMA assist letter”
includes the following information (as appropriate):

• Product model, name, and TC/STC number.

• A statement that the design approval holder authorized the PMA

applicant to use the design data as identified by part name, drawing
number, and revision level.

• Information on the authority the PMA applicant has to use the TC

holder’s part number and other part marking information

• Information that sets the part’s life limits or airworthiness limitations.

• Information on the part’s eligibility for installation (product make, series,

model, and if appropriate the serial number per the TCDS).

• A statement confirming the use of the TC, STC or TSO holder’s quality
assurance processes to control design changes and disposition of
nonconforming parts. Also, the statement must describe how information
about design changes will flow to the applicant and the FAA.

i. Identicality Finding. Make a finding of identicality by showing evidence of a

licensing agreement. Do this by reviewing the PMA assist letter that contains the information in
paragraph 4-1h. Also, review the PMA supplement that the applicant prepares. See appendix 10
for a sample of a FAA-PMA supplement with licensing agreement.

j. Life-Limited Parts. Send applications for life-limited parts to the CMACO to verify
if design data are complete. Ensure this application includes a COS plan.


a. Change in Location of the Manufacturing Facility. When a manufacturer moves or

expands, consider reevaluating the FIS at the new or expanded facilities. Include suppliers with

9/9/05 8110.42B

delegated major inspection functions that expand their operations to facilities at other locations.
Title 14 CFR § 21.303(j) requires the PAH to notify the FAA within 10 working days from the
date such action takes place. This notification requirement also applies to supplier facilities
where the safety and conformance to the approved design is not made at the receiving facility.
The PMA holder should take special care to keep the inspection status of parts that are moving to
the new location.

b. Transferability. A PMA is not transferable to another person, company, or location.

Thus, a PMA holder may not license a supplier or another PAH. The regulations do not prevent
revising approval letters to show a holder’s name change. Revise these letters if the FIS,
management, ownership, and location of the principal facility do not change. However, a PAH
can sell, license, or transfer the design portion of an STC-based PMA. The new holder or
licensee of the STC must apply for a new PMA.

c. Reuse of PMA Design Data. Although a PMA itself is not transferable, another
person can use the design and substantiating data approved under a PMA to apply for a new
PMA. The applicant must comply with the regulations and can submit previously approved
substantiating data to meet (partially or fully) this requirement. Critical parts can require testing.
See paragraphs 2-5b and c for more information on testing requirements.

d. Changes to FIS. A PI must approve any later changes to the FIS after initial PMA. A
holder cannot implement the changes until a PI approves them. Coordinate revisions that affect
the design (that is, MRB process, design data control, service difficulty reporting, and so on)
with the ACO. Notify the PMA holder as to whether the data are acceptable.

e. Certificate Management. Assign a PI to each PMA holder to manage all aspects of

the PMA. The assigned PI conducts ongoing certificate management as appropriate to ensure
compliance with 14 CFR part 21 subpart K. See FAA Order 8120.2 for the PI’s responsibilities.

f. Enforcement. Follow FAA Order 2150.3, Compliance and Enforcement Program, for
any violation against 14 CFR § 21.303. Non-compliance with 14 CFR § 21.3, 14 CFR part 21
subpart K, and 14 CFR § 45.15 is the basis for enforcement actions.

g. Export Considerations. Many countries have additional requirements for their

acceptance of PMA parts. For example, European Union Member States want a specific
statement about the criticality or non-criticality of the part on the FAA airworthiness approval
tag, FAA Form 8130-3. See the various Implementing Procedures for Airworthiness on the AVS
website at http://www.faa.gov/certification/aircraft/ for other specific export requirements.

27 (and 28)
9/9/05 8110.42B


5-1. DER ROLES IN THE PMA PROCESS. We at the FAA have sole authority to approve
PMAs. DERs support the approval process with findings within their limitations. We define
DER limitations in Order 8110.37, Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Guidance
Handbook. The PMA process entails findings of design acceptability through identicality or test
and computation.

5-2. TEST AND COMPUTATION. Findings under test and computation are within the
normal scope of DER delegation. DERs find compliance with the appropriate airworthiness
regulations and record these findings and their approval on FAA Form 8110-3. See the
following appendixes in this order for examples of DER findings and associated bases:

• Appendix 15, Form 8110-3, Test and Computation (General Analysis). It shows
DER approval of data from tests and computations using a general analysis

• Appendix 16, Form 8110-3, Test and Computation (Comparative Analysis). It

shows DER approval of data from tests and computations using a comparative
analysis approach.

5-3. IDENTICALITY PROVISIONS. Identicality is unique to PMA. A DER requires a

special FAA authorization to make this finding. The DER adheres to the following provisions
when conducting PMA activities for findings of identicality. See appendix 17, Example of FAA
Form 8110-3 for Identicality.

a. Critical and Life-Limited Parts Require ACO Approval. A DER may only
recommend approval on Form 8110-3.

b. Non-Critical Parts. The DER marks the “approve” block and signs FAA
Form 8110-3. The DER’s approval means that the design data of the stipulated part is identical
to a TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder’s design data. On the form, the DER lists data from
the TC or TSO authorization holder that are the bases of this finding. Then, the DER sends these
data, the PMA data, and Form 8110-3 to the project ACO.

c. Identicality. The DER records a finding of identicality by checking the approved

block on FAA Form 8110-3, Statement of Compliance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
This check in the box does not mean FAA approval of the PMA. A note in the “List of Data”
section on the form must state, “FAA will approve the design after FAA engineering verifies the
authenticity of the type design or TSO authorization data listed.” See paragraph 3-8 for special
considerations for identicality.

d. Regulatory Basis. The DER notes the regulatory basis for the identicality finding.
They note this by writing “Identicality only approval under 14 CFR § 21.303” in the “Purpose of
Data” block. The DER also records “14 CFR § 21.303(c)(4)” in the “Applicable Requirements”
block on FAA Form 8110-3.

8110.42B 9/9/05

5-4. FINDINGS OF IDENTICALITY. We verify the following for findings of identicality:

• The TC, STC or TSO authorization data listed on Form 8110-3 is approved type
design data for the indicated product models.

• The stated eligibility of the PMA is appropriate.

• No mandatory corrective actions are necessary in the part.

• No serious unresolved service difficulties make the part ineligible for


9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 1


1. Establishing a Fabrication Inspection System (FIS).

a. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) § 21.303(h) states that the
applicant must establish and maintain a FIS. The FIS description may be in any form acceptable
to the FAA. However, the suggested form for this FIS is a manual with indices for durability and
ease of reference. This manual should describe the methods, procedures, inspections and tests
that the applicant and associated suppliers use to meet the requirements of 14 CFR
§ 21.303(h)(1) through (9). This also applies to provisions for reporting under 14 CFR § 21.3
and provisions for identifying the product according to 14 CFR § 45.15.

b. The description may result in a lengthy document. The document might contain only a
few pages, depending upon the size of the applicant’s facilities and the number and complexity
of parts being manufactured. In describing the FIS, you can use references to other documents or
data maintained by the applicant instead of a detailed description of a particular procedure. This
may occur if you include a brief description in the manual, and the referenced documents provide
a complete description of the system. All referenced documents must be submitted for approval
as part of the FIS description.

c. If procedures or data are kept or controlled by the original design/production approval

holder under a contractual arrangement with the applicant, the applicant must demonstrate
contractual provisions or provide other appropriate written assurance of the procedure for
communicating design and manufacturing changes to the applicant. The applicant should also
demonstrate that termination of the contractual relationship would not affect the applicant’s
ability to comply with the established FIS. For record purposes, the description should also
include a facsimile of the applicant’s symbol, trademark or prefix/suffix.

d. The following paragraphs (headed by the section of 14 CFR part 21 that applies) provide
an example of the material usually found in an acceptable description.

2. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(1). The portion of the FIS established to comply with this
section would usually include the procedures that ensure conformity to approved design data of
all supplier-furnished materials and services. Generally, this part of the FIS description
describes how the applicant ensures that:

a. All incoming materials conform to approved design data before their acceptance and
release to production.

b. The applicant makes provisions for the evaluation and surveillance of suppliers when it
relies to any degree on a supplier’s inspection system. The surveillance of suppliers of
proprietary parts must enable the applicant to determine that incoming materials conform and
that supplier services are performed correctly.

c. Formally advise the suppliers that their inspection system and supplied materials are
subject to inspection by the FAA. This applies also to suppliers of proprietary parts (upon whom
an applicant relies for controlling conformity and quality). When a supplier from a foreign

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 1


country is involved, the FAA determines whether the performance of any FAA duties at the
supplier’s facilities would result in an undue burden being placed on the FAA. If such FAA
duties would be required, a means acceptable to the FAA of relieving any undue burden must be
found. If the undue burden is not found, the applicant must perform all required functions in the
United States. Note that the FIS is in the United States. See Order 8120.2 for more details.

d. The suppliers exercise positive control over the design configuration and condition of all
obtained parts. The fact that the supplier does not hold a production approval for the part re-
emphasizes the PMA holder’s responsibilities for the part’s design configuration.

e. The applicant evaluates all material review actions and design changes made by
suppliers. This includes suppliers of proprietary over which the applicant does not exercise
direct design control. The material review actions and design changes are approved as
applicable according to 14 CFR § 21.303(d) and 14 CFR part 21 subpart D.

f. Records are maintained of all inspections and tests performed by or for the applicant in
controlling the conformity of all supplier-furnished materials.

g. All incoming materials and services, including related inspection and test records are
identified with appropriate acceptance, rejection, or rework stamps as applicable.

3. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(2). The FIS description will include the system the applicant
uses, with respect to compliance with this section. This ensures that the physical and chemical
properties of incoming material are as specified in the approved design data.

4. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(3). An acceptable description of the storage and issuance

system established by the applicant would include the procedures that ensure:

a. Identification, segregation, and protection of materials and in storage.

b. Periodic re-inspection and disposition of materials subject to deterioration from

prolonged storage.

c. Protection from damage of materials, and of components being delivered to fabrication

or shipping areas, and while stored in fabrication areas, before use.

d. Incorporation of all applicable design changes before release of stored components for
installation in the part.

e. That only those materials and components identified as having passed receipt inspection
criteria are received into, and issued from, storage.

5. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(4). The integrity of processes and services used in the
manufacture of parts is dependent upon the skill with which the work is performed, the
capabilities of the equipment used, and close control of critical factors such as temperatures,
solutions, curing time, special tools, and so on. A system to control processes and services, such

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 1


as welding, brazing, heat treatment, plating, and radiographic, ultrasonic, or magnetic particle
inspection, and so on, requires that trained and qualified personnel perform each process
according to approved specifications containing definitive standards of quality, and that periodic
inspection of gauges, solutions, or any critical equipment is controlled and documented. The
description with respect to this section in the FIS manual should explain the procedure on how
the applicant will qualify personnel, and control processes performed at the approved facilities.
This includes suppliers, and should generally include a listing of manufacturing processes that
are relied upon to ensure quality, conformity, and safety of the completed parts.

6. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(5). Compliance with this section requires that the applicant
establish procedures to control all phases of inspection of the part. The FIS description should,
therefore, provide descriptions of all procedures established by the applicant to ensure that all
inspections and tests will be conducted in the proper sequence, when components and processes
are in an inspectable condition” for example, prior to painting or closures.” This is achieved
through use of inspection instructions, shop travelers, checklists, or similar media. Following are
examples of inspection functions that would be described to the extent applicable to the
complexity of the parts or size of the manufacturer’s facilities:

a. Planning Procedures. These procedures ensure that each component used in the part is
adequately inspected for conformity with the approved design. This function of the planning
system would be facilitated if it provided for:

(1) Classifying design characteristics and related manufacturing defects to determine

their critical nature so that the most effective fabrication inspection methods and process controls
will be used with respect to critical and major characteristics and detecting defects. See the
following documents:

¥ 14 CFR § 21.93;

¥ MIL-STD-1916, DOD Preferred Methods for Acceptance of

Product, dated April 1, 1996; and

¥ ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-2003, Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming, dated
December 18, 2003.

(2) Selection of appropriate inspection methods and plans for each classification. This
ensures that all safety characteristics are inspected and re-inspected, as appropriate, to ensure
conformity to approved design data and to eliminate discrepancies from in-process and
completed parts.

b. Inspection Status. This system ensures that appropriate stamps or marks are placed on
components. The system also ensures that other means are used to indicate their inspection
status. It would be helpful if this portion of the description also contains copies of all inspection
forms, checklists, and imprints of the various inspection and process stamps and their meanings.

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 1


Procedures should call for the applicant to use suitable acceptance, rework, or rejection stamps,
particularly on life-limited, critical or non-conforming parts (that is, MRB), as follows:

(1) Materials and components subjected to heat treatment, welding, bonding, and so on,
or testing and inspection. This may include hardness tests, laboratory analysis, magnetic particle
inspection, or similar functions.

(2) Materials and components inspected at the specified point in production and in
conformity with the approved design.

(3) Materials and components that are rejected as being unusable or scrap, so as to
preclude their installation.

c. Tool and Gauge Control. This system should control periodic inspection and
calibration of inspection tools, gauges, testing equipment, production jigs, fixtures, templates,
and so on, which are depended upon as media for inspection product acceptance.

(1) The description of the means used for tool and gauge control should include a
schedule of periodic or usage inspection and calibration intervals. This ensures that tools,
gauges, and so on, are inspected, adjusted, repaired, or replaced before their becoming
inaccurate. The inspection system description should also describe the procedures for
implementing the tool and gauge control schedules. Such procedures would basically ensure that
each piece of equipment is:

(2) Checked before its first usage, at the proper periodic interval, and marked to
indicate that it is under calibration control and the date that the next inspection is due. Also,
remove the equipment from inspection and shop areas, with conspicuously identified, to prohibit
use after the inspection due date’s expiration.

d. Final Inspection. This function of the inspection system ensures that each completed
part is subjected to a final inspection to determine conformity with approved design data. The
system also ensures compliance with applicable FAA airworthiness directives and, whether the
part is safe for installation on type-certificated products. Such a system would usually
incorporate procedures to ensure that:

(1) Each part is inspected for completeness, adjustments, safety, calibration, markings,
placards, and so on, that apply to the part’s complexity.

(2) If applicable, each completed part or appropriate sample is subjected to a functional

test to ensure that the operating characteristics meet the approved design provisions.

7. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(6). The description of the system established for compliance
with this rule includes:

a. The procedures that ensure that current design drawings are readily available to
manufacturing and inspection personnel, and use when necessary, and

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 1


b. The procedures utilized to ensure that obsolete drawings and data, those affected by
superseding data, or FAA airworthiness directives are controlled or promptly removed from
production and inspection areas to prevent their improper use.

8. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(7). The description of the drawing change controls required
by this regulation should include procedures to ensure that, before the final acceptance of articles
and completed parts, all changes required to be FAA-approved have been approved and are
incorporated in the applicable drawings or covered by change notices attached to such drawings.
The inspection system manual would include a section describing or referring to the drawing
change control system. If the drawing change control system refers to or relies upon the original
design approval holder’s system through a contractual relationship, the applicant should
demonstrate contractual provisions. The applicant may also provide other appropriate written
assurance that ensures that all changes will be incorporated into the finished parts the applicant
manufactures. In such cases, the applicant should also indicate how it establishes a new system
to maintain the FIS, in the event the contractual relationship with the original design or
production approval holder changes or terminates.

9. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(8). The description of the procedures established for

compliance with this regulation includes provisions for the evaluation of rejected materials and
articles to determine whether they can be reworked, repaired, or accepted “as is” without the
part’s airworthiness being affected. This MRB procedure should describe engineering, quality,
and production involvement in MRB activities. Approval for the PMA applicant to use this
provision shall consider the ability of the applicant to substantiate the effects of non-
conformance or repair to the safe performance of the part and its parent systems. If the
procedures proposed by the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the FAR rely upon a
contractual relationship with the original design approval holder, the applicant must demonstrate
contractual provisions or provide other appropriate written assurance indicating how compliance
by the applicant with applicable requirements will be ensured. In such a case, the applicant
should also indicate whether to establish a new system to maintain the FIS if the contractual
relationship with the original design or production approval holder is changed or terminated.

10. TITLE 14 CFR § 21.303(h)(9). Compliance with this section requires that procedures be
established for maintaining inspection records. This includes all inspections accomplished on
the parts from raw materials to finished parts. There should be a procedure established for
identifying inspection records where practicable with parts, such as serial numbers, dates, codes,
and so on. The applicant must file and retain the inspection records for at least 2 years after the
part’s completion.

A1-5 (and A1-6)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 2


(NOTE: Numbers in bold refer to paragraph numbers in this order.)

Modification and replacement

parts approval process
14 CFR § 21.303

Identicality without
Identicality with licensing agreement or
licensing agreement or Approval
Method test and computation
Application and data
sent to ACO, 3-1a
Application and data
sent to MIDO, 4-1
Identify certification basis Determine eligibility,
and certification service experience and
requirements, 3-9 airworthiness of TC
holder's part, 3-5, 3-6
Yes or critical part?
4-1j Determine criticality and
needed tests and Life-limited or
No critical part? No
analyses, 3-9a

Evaluate data and drawings Yes

Forward to CMACO,
for compliance with
4-1j certification basis, 3-10 Initiate CPN.
No Coordinate with
Establish level of
Review materials and involvement.
process specifications, 3-4
Complete Yes
Tests data?
Evaluate and Yes required?
approve test
No 3-9c
plan, 3-9c No Evaluate material
Return data specifications,
Issue conformity Return data to
to applicant, dimensions,
request No applicant, 3-13
3-13 tolerances, 3-8

Verify conformity Complete evaluation

and witness tests, of data, 3-1d
3-9d Identical

Accomplish complete part and No

installation conformity, as
required, 3-9d, 4-1a No
Send PMA supplement and 3-8
application to the MIDO and
send acceptance letter to
applicant, 3-11

MIDO quality assurance

Return data to
and product evaluation,
applicant, 3-13
4-1b, c, d

MIDO issues PMA,

Return or retain data
as needed
A2-1 (and A2-2)
9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 3


Note: This document is a template and an aid to help define content and format when drafting a PSCP.
All text in italics is instructional for editing or deletion as necessary. Retain all text not in italics in the
PSCP, but edit as necessary for each project.

Project Specific Certification Plan

[Insert the Name of the Applicant/Company]

and the

[Insert the FAA Certification Office]

Project Number (leave blank until number assigned)

List of Revisions
Revision Revision Description Approved by: Release Date

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 3


Table of Contents

Section Title/Subject Page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Project Description
1.3 Background
1.4 Component Description

2.0 Applicable Documents

3.0 Project Schedule

4.0 Certification Basis

5.0 Tests

6.0 Conformity Inspections

7.0 Communication and Coordination

8.0 Delegations

9.0 Signatures

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 3


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Scope

The purpose of this Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP) is to define and document
the requirements and tasks required for FAA evaluation and PMA approval of replacement
parts. The [Insert the applicable FAA Certification Office] of the Federal Aviation
Administration and the applicant will jointly manage and maintain this PSCP.

1.2 Project Description

This section should contain a brief description of the aircraft, engine, propeller, or TSO
part requested for PMA approval including the part name, part number, and make/model

1.3 Background (include service history)

1.4 Component Description

1.5 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Plan

2.0 Applicable Documents

The following documents are required as part of this PSCP to substantiate the manufacture of the
parts and to show compliance to the regulations:

Item Document/Drawing Revision Description

1 12121212 A ABC Aircraft Top Drawing

2 IPC IR Illustrated Parts Catalog or other proof of
installation eligibility

3.0 Project Schedule

Milestones as Applicable Proposed Completion Date

Submittal of PSCP
First Article Conformity
Test Plan submittal to FAA
Test Plan approval
Testing completed
Test Report submittal to FAA
DER approved 8110-3 reports/drawings
Final data submittal for PMA completion
Issuance of engineering design approval
Addition milestones as appropriate

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 3


4.0 Certification Basis

The certification basis and compliance with the applicable regulations is required, if the
substantiation is accomplished by test and computations through general analysis.

5.0 Tests

The applicant will propose any tests necessary to show compliance with the applicable
regulations. These tests support the associated general or comparative analysis.

6.0 Conformity Inspections

Please list any expected conformity inspections necessary for this project.

7.0 Communication and Coordination

The focal points for official communication between the FAA and the applicant are as follows:

FAA Office Branch Project Manager [Insert Name and phone number]
[Insert Company Name] Project Manager [Insert Name and phone number]

This does not prevent team members from engaging or communicating with any other team
member, however team members must inform the project focal point. Both the FAA and the
applicant will provide to each other a listing of their project team members.

The project focal points will manage the project by conducting regularly scheduled status

8.0 Delegation

Both the FAA and the applicant agree to foster an environment where the designees, the FAA,
and the applicant maintain open communications. The FAA supports using designees to the
fullest extent possible to help in the successful completion of the project in the identified time

The applicant will propose the use of any suitable designee in specific test plans for FAA
concurrence of the test plan, and the designees will complete the task. It is important the
applicant keep the designees and the FAA focal point informed of any potential shift in the
project schedule.

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 3


9.0 Signatures:

The FAA and the applicant agree to the provisions of this PSCP as indicated by the signature of
their authorized representatives.

FAA Concurrence:

Project Manager

_______________________ Date:_________
[if applicable]

Applicant Concurrence:

Project Manager

A3-5 (and A3-6)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 4


The ABC Tool Company

3000 Hill St.
Randolph, MA 02368
(781) 555-1212

FAA - New England Region

12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803
(781) 238-7199

Attention: Mr. Mark Steale

Manager, Manufacturing Inspection
Satellite Office, NE-MIDO-42

Subject: Request for New FAA-PMA Approval

Mr. Steale:

We tender this application for parts manufacturer approval for our part number (P/N) ABC
13579. Please review the enclosed data in support of this application. ABC 13579 is a bushing
assembly eligible on PS PT9D-1, -7, -9 series engines. Request approval based on (STC # or
Licensing Agreement #, dated), per 14 CFR § 21.303(c). ABC 13579 replaces PS bushing
assembly P/N 13579, drawing no. 13579, revision level C.

We certify we set up a fabrication inspection system at 3000 Hill Street, Randolph, MA 02368
per 14 CFR § 21.303(h). However, we will manufacture the part at 200 Main Street, New York,
NY using this system.

Our point of contact for this matter is Ms. Janice Blank, head of quality assurance.

We appreciate your due consideration of this application.

Very truly yours,

PMA Administrator,
ABC Tool Company

1 copy STC or PMA Assist Letter
1 copy unnumbered PMA Supplement

A4-1 (and A4-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 5



Go to http://www.faa.gov/certification/aircraft/map.htm to locate the appropriate certificate

management office, MIDO, or MISO or consult the following:

1. Manufacturing Inspection District Office (NE-MIDO-41)

Bradley International Airport
Corporate Air Building 85-214, 2nd Floor
Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096

2. Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (NE-MIDO-42)

12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803

3. Manufacturing Inspection District Office (NE-MIDO-44)

400 Airport Drive
Building 201, Room 102
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070-3419

4. Manufacturing Inspection District Office (NE-MIDO-45)

Park 80 West – Plaza One
Concourse Level
Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07663

5. Manufacturing Inspection District Office (NE-MIDO-46)

7150 Republic Airport, Suite 236
Farmingdale, New York 11735-1585

6. Atlanta Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-42)

One Crown Center, Suite 475
1895 Phoenix Boulevard
Atlanta, Georgia 39348

7. Savannah Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (CE-52)

404 Airways Avenue
Savannah, Georgia 31408

8. Mobile Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (CE-51)

88 5th Street
Mobile, Alabama 36615

9. Orlando Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-44)

Citadel International III Building
5950 Hazeltine National Drive, Suite 405
Orlando, Florida 32822

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 5



10. Minneapolis Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-46)

Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
6020 28th Avenue South, Room 103
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55450-2700

11. Cleveland Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-47)

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Federal Facilities Building, Room 127
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

12. Detroit Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (CE-53)

Willow Run Airport - East Side
8800 Beck Road
Belleview, Michigan 48111

13. Vandalia Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-48)

3800 Wright Drive
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

14. Chicago Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (CE-55)

2300 East Devon Avenue, Room 105
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018

15. Wichita Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-43)

Mid-Continent Airport
1801 Airport Road, Room 101
Wichita, Kansas 67209

16. Kansas City Manufacturing Inspection District Office (CE-45)

901 Locust, Room 376
Kansas City, Missouri 64106

17. Seattle Manufacturing Inspection District Office (ANM-108S)

2500 East Valley Road, Suite C-2
Renton, Washington 98055-4071

18. Everett Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (ANM-108S)

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group - M/S OF-04
P. O. Box 3707
Seattle, Washington 98108

19. Seattle Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (ANM-108S)

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group - M/S 94-08
P. O. Box 3707
Seattle, Washington 98108

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 5



20. Auburn Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office (ANM-108S)

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group – M/S 5H-44
P. O. Box 3707
Seattle, Washington 98109

21. Los Angeles Manufacturing Inspect. District Office (ANM-108L)

3960 Paramount Boulevard
Lakewood, California 90712-4137

22. Long Beach Certificate Management Office

Boeing Long Beach Division, Mail Stop MC36-35
3855 Lakewood Boulevard
Long Beach, California 90806-2425

23. Van Nuys Manufacturing Inspection District Office (ANM-108V)

7120 Hayvenhurst Avenue, Suite 100
Van Nuys, California 91406

24. Phoenix Manufacturing Inspection District Office (ANM-108P)

13951 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 123
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254-3454

25. Fort Worth Manufacturing Inspection District Office (SW-MIDO-42)

2601 Meacham Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4298

26. Oklahoma City Manufacturing Inspection District Office (SW-MIDO-41)

5909 Philip J. Rhoads Avenue
Suite 206
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008

27. San Antonio Manufacturing Inspection District Office (SW-MIDO-43)

10100 Reunion Place, Suite 650
San Antonio, Texas 78216

A5-3 (and A5-4)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 6


The ABC Tool Company

3000 Hill St.
Randolph, MA 02368
(781) 555-1212

FAA - New England Region

12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803
(781) 238-7199

Attention: Mr. Mark Jones

Manager, Engine Certification Office, ANE-140

Subject: Request for New FAA-PMA Approval

Mr. Jones:

We are applying for parts manufacturer approval for our part number (P/N) ABC 13579. We
request your review of the enclosed data in support of this application. ABC 13579 is a bushing
assembly eligible for installation on PS PT9D-1, -7, -9 series engines. We base this requested
approval on (showing identicality without license agreement or submitting test reports
and computations) per 14 CFR § 21.303(c). ABC 13579 replaces PS bushing assembly
P/N ABC 13579, drawing no. 13579, revision level C.

We will manufacture this bushing assembly in our facility at 3000 Hill Street, Randolph, MA
02368. We certify that we set up a fabrication inspection system per 14 CFR § 21.303(h) for
manufacture of this part.

We appreciate your efforts in support of this request.

Very truly yours,

PMA Administrator,
ABC Tool Company

1 copy ABC drawings, specifications, and processes
1 copy unnumbered PMA supplement

A6-1 (and A6-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 7


Go to http://www.faa.gov/certification/aircraft/acomap.htm to find the appropriate ACO or refer

to the following:

1. Engine Certification Office (ANE-140)

12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803-12

2. Boston Aircraft Certification Office (ANE-150)

12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803

3. New York Aircraft Certification Office (ANE-170)

1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410
Westbury, New York 11590

4. Anchorage Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115N)

222 West 7th Avenue, #14
Room 128
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7587

5. Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115A)

One Crown Center
1895 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 450
Atlanta, Georgia 30349

6. Chicago Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115C)

2300 East Devon Avenue, Room 107
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018

7. Wichita Aircraft Certification Office (ACE-115W)

Mid-Continent Airport
1801 Airport Road, Room 100
Wichita, Kansas 67209

8. Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100S)

1601 Lind Avenue, S.W.
Renton, Washington 98055-4056

9. Denver Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100D)

Technical Operations Center
26805 East 68th Avenue, Room 214
Denver, Colorado 80249

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 7



10. Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office (ANM-100L)

3960 Paramount Boulevard
Lakewood, California 90712-4137

11. Airplane Certification Office (ASW-150)

2601 Meacham Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76193

12. Rotorcraft Certification Office (ASW-170)

2601 Meacham Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76193

13. Special Certification Office (ASW-190)

2601 Meacham Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76193

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 8




Smith Engineering Corporation

10 Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012 FILE NO.___________

(1) Supplier (2) Approved (3) TC/STC/TSO (4) Model

Part Name and Replacement Approval and Eligibility
Part No. for Design Data

Part Name: Spring General Air TC: E9NM General Air

P/N: SE24689 P/N: 24689 DWG. No: SE25206 CP6-6, -30
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88

Part Name: Pin General Air TC: E9NM General Air

P/N: SE24695 P/N: 24695 DWG. No: SE25207 CP6-6, -30
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88

We certify that the components listed above Approved:

are in the type design/approved design data General Air Corp.
for General Air models as specified in the
fourth column. These components are free
of service problems that cause an unsafe
condition. J. Doe, Manager Date
(Engineering Manager,
We authorize the supplier named above to Q. A. Manager,
use the approved (type design) data noted in Corporate Officer, DER, or
the third column to manufacture FAA Liaison)
replacement components noted in column 1.
The supplier will use our quality processes
to control design changes and disposition
nonconforming parts. We approve use of
this assist letter to support application for
FAA-PMA. (14 CFR § 21.303) PAGE 1 OF 1

A8-1 (and A8-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 9




Smith Engineering Corporation PMA NO._____________

10 Main Street SUPPLEMENT NO.______
Los Angeles, CA 90012 DATE________________

Part Name Part Number Approved Approval Basis and Make Model
Replacement for Approved Design Data Eligibility Eligibility
Part Number

Spring SE24689 24689 Identicality per General Air CP6-6, -30

14 CFR § 21.303
DWG No: SE 25206
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88 or later
FAA-approved revisions

Pin SE24695 24695 Test and Computations General Air CP6-6, -30
per 14 CFR § 21.303
DWG No: SE 25207
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88 or later
FAA-approved revisions

-------------------------End of Listing------------------------------

NOTE: Provide minor design changes in a manner as determined by the ACO. Handle major design changes to drawings and
specifications in the same manner as that for an original FAA-PMA. If TC holder’s ICA applies to these replacement parts,
provide a statement noting such. If not, provide supplementary ICA per 14 CFR § 21.50.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Manager, Aircraft Manager, Manufacturing
Certification Office Inspection District Office

A9-1 (and A9-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 10




Smith Engineering Corporation PMA NO._____________

10 Main Street SUPPLEMENT NO.______
Los Angeles, CA 90012 DATE________________

Part Name Part Number Approved Approval Basis and Make Model
Replacement for Approved Design Data Eligibility Eligibility
Part Number

Galley SE101001-101 101001-101 Identicality per Ace Aircraft A-700, -710

14 CFR § 21.303,
licensing agreement
between Smith
Engineering Corp. and
Ace Aircraft, File No. 5-
1034-89-RMS 769, dated
DWG No: SE 25207
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88 or later
FAA-approved revisions

Wing Kit MDL 660 Modification Part STC SA1234NM General Air CP6-6, -30
DWG No: Smith
MDL 660
Rev: None
Date: 3/31/88 or later
FAA-approved revisions

---------------------------End of Listing-----------------------------

NOTE: The procedures that are acceptable to the type certificate or TSO authorization holder and their cognizant FAA
Aircraft Certification Office, for minor changes to original parts used on type-certificated products, are also acceptable for
incorporating the same minor changes on identical FAA-PMA replacement parts. The FAA-PMA holder must show
traceability to the TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder on all minor changes incorporated by this procedure. When these
procedures are no longer applicable because of completion of the production contract, or termination of the licensing
agreement or business relationship, submit all subsequent minor design changes to the PMA parts in a manner determined by
the ACO. TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder controls all major design changes to drawings and specifications.

Manager, Manufacturing
Inspection District Office

A10-1 (and A10-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 11


Expert Aviation Co.

1000 West Street
Tempe, AZ 85281

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to your request for design approval based on identicality. We reviewed your
data and did not find it identical to the corresponding approved data. Enclosed are the data you
sent to us.


Manager, Rotorcraft Certification Office


A11-1 (and A11-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 12


XYZ Aviation Co.

1000 West Street
Burlington, MA 01803

To Whom It May Concern:

This is in response to your letter, dated April 5, 1995, requesting parts manufacturer approval
(PMA) on XYZ Aviation bushing assembly Part Number XYZ13579 that is eligible on the ABC
JT9D-3A series engine.

We reviewed the drawings and data submitted and find they meet the requirements of 14 CFR
§ 21.303(d)(1). We noted design approval on the PMA supplement. We sent it with your
application to (name and address of MIDO). We will grant production approval after validating
your fabrication inspection system. The FAA-PMA letter and PMA supplement from the MIDO
documents your approval. We may require the recipient of FAA-PMA supplement, as a design
approval holder, to provide instructions for continued airworthiness prepared per 14 CFR
§ 21.50(b).


Manager, Engine Certification Office

cc: Van Nuys MIDO

A12-1 (and A12-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 13


Kansas City Manufacturing Inspection District Office
250 Richards Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64116

May 1, 1995

Aero-Parts, Incorporated
3212 Newton Street
St. Louis, Missouri


We found the design of your part meets the regulatory requirements for airworthiness applicable
to the eligible products listed in the attached supplement. Also, per Title 14 CFR 21.303(h), we
found you have the required fabrication inspection system (FIS) at your Newton Street address in
St. Louis, Missouri. Accordingly, we grant you parts manufacturer approval (PMA) to produce
the replacement parts listed in the enclosed supplement. These parts must conform to the
approved designs. Report any future minor changes in the part designs to us in an agreed upon
manner and timeframe. However, we must approve any changes to critical or life-limited parts
or any major design changes before you can implement them.

The following terms and conditions apply to this approval:

1. The manufacturer’s Fabrication Inspection System, methods, procedures and manufacturing

facilities, including suppliers, are subject to FAA surveillance or investigations. Accordingly,
the manufacturer must advise their suppliers that their facilities are also subject to FAA
surveillance and investigation.

2. The manufacturer must notify our district office (address) in writing within 10 days from the
date the manufacturing facilities at which parts are manufactured are relocated or expanded to
include additional facilities at other locations. This requirement also applies to manufacturer’s
suppliers with major inspection authorization, and those who furnish parts or related services
where a safety and conformance determination to the approved design cannot or will not be
made upon receipt at the approved receiving facility.

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 13


3. Upon request, the manufacturer must make available to FAA any pertinent information
concerning their suppliers who furnish parts/services. This includes:

¥ A description of the part or service; ¥ The inspection procedures required to be

¥ Where and by whom the part or service
will undergo inspection; ¥ Results of the manufacturer’s evaluation,
audit, and/or surveillance of their
¥ Any delegation of inspection duties;
¥ Any delegation of materials review
authority; ¥ The purchase/work order number (or
equivalent); and
¥ Name and title of FAA contact at the
supplier facility; ¥ Any feedback relative to service
difficulties originating at the
¥ Any direct shipment authority; manufacturer’s suppliers.

4. Parts, appliances, or manufacturing services furnished by any suppliers located in a foreign

country may not be used in the production of any part or appliance listed in the enclosed
supplement unless:

a. That part or service can and will be completely inspected for conformity at the
manufacturer’s U.S. facility; or

b. The FAA has determined that the location of the foreign supplier facility places no
undue burden on the FAA in administering applicable airworthiness requirements. The
manufacturer must advise the FAA at least 10 days in advance when the use of such foreign
suppliers is contemplated. This allows the FAA to make this determination; or

c. The parts/services furnished by the foreign supplier are produced under the
“components” provisions of U.S. bilateral airworthiness agreements. They are also approved for
import to the U.S. according to 14 CFR § 21.502.

5. Permanently mark parts produced under the terms of this approval with the identification
information as required by 14 CFR § 45.15. Use the letters “FAA-PMA,” the name, trademark,
or symbol of the company, the part number, and the name and model designation of each type-
certificated product on which the part is eligible for installation. If the part is too small or
impractical to mark, the FAA must approve alternate means of identification. For a part based
on an STC, the identification of installation-eligible type-certificated products must refer to the
STC on the shipping document. Reference the assembly PMA part number on the shipping

6. This approval is not transferable and it may be withdrawn for any reason that precludes its
issuance or whenever the FAA finds that the Fabrication Inspection System is not being
maintained. A withdrawal may occur if unsafe or nonconforming parts are accepted under the
fabrication inspection system.

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 13


7. Our district office must be notified within 10 days from the date of the address change in
this approval.

8. The manufacturer must maintain their fabrication inspection system in continuous

compliance with the requirements of 14 CFR § 21.303(h). The manufacturer must also ensure
that each part conforms to the approved design data and is safe for installation on type-
certificated products.

9. The manufacturer is eligible for the appointment of qualified individuals in their employ to
represent the FAA as Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representatives (DMIRs) or
Organization Designated Airworthiness Representatives (ODARs). The DMIRs and ODARs
issue Export Airworthiness Approvals for Class II and Class III products.

10. The manufacturer shall report information concerning service difficulties on any part
produced under this approval to our district office in a timely manner. The manufacturer should
also report any failures, malfunctions, and defects that require reporting under 14 CFR § 21.3.

11. All technical data required by 14 CFR § 21.303(c)(3) (for the parts to be produced under this
approval) must be readily available to the FAA at the facility where parts are being produced.

12. The manufacturer shall notify our district office immediately, in writing, of any changes to
the Fabrication Inspection System that may affect the inspection, conformity, or airworthiness of
the parts approved in this letter.

13. The manufacturer shall produce all parts in accordance with Aero-Parts, Inc., Quality
Assurance Manual, Revision B, dated August 7, 1977, which has been accepted as evidence of
compliance with 14 CFR § 21.303(h). Accordingly, any revisions to these data must be
submitted for approval by this office before implementation. (NOTE: Prescribe the above
condition only when the applicant voluntarily submits inspection system data/procedures as
evidence of compliance with 14 CFR § 21.303(h).)

G. Jones
Manager, Kansas City Manufacturing Inspection District Office

Parts Manufacturer Approval Listing
Supplement No. 1

A13-3 (and A13-4)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 14



U.S. Department Transport Airplane Directorate

of Transportation Aircraft Certification Service
Kansas City Manufacturing
Inspection District Office
Federal Aviation 250 Richards Road
Administration Kansas City, Missouri 64116

May 1, 2005

Aero-Parts, Inc.
3212 Newton Street
St. Louis, Missouri


Per 14 CFR part 21 subpart K, we found design data submitted with your letter dated
___________ to meet the airworthiness requirements of the regulations for the products on
which the parts are to be installed. We based our finding on (identicality, test and
computation, or STC). Also, we determined that your company set up the fabrication
inspection system at 3212 Newton Street, St. Louis, Missouri as required by 14 CFR § 21.303(h).
Therefore, we grant parts manufacturing approval (PMA), which authorizes you to produce the
replacement parts in the enclosed Supplement No. #.

We remind you that the provisions of 14 CFR, noted in our PMA letter of approval dated
____________, also apply to the enclosed PMA Listing-Supplement No. #. Please keep the
enclosed supplement with the original PMA letter as evidence of approval to produce the parts


Manager, MIDO Kansas City, Manufacturing

Inspection District Office

A14-1 (and A14-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 15



General Electric CF6-50, CF6-80, Helicopter, etc.) Sam’s Engine Parts
CF6-80C2 Engine

A12345X Oil Pump Shaft Drawing

Rev. D 04/01/2001

RPT-2468 Certification and Compliance Report

Rev. B 04/12/2001

- - -END- - -

In Support of PMA Design Approval for the listed part; Test & Computation by General Analysis

APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (List specific sections)

14 CFR § 33.xx and/or compliance checklist

CERTIFICATION – Under authority vested by direction of the Administrator and in accordance with conditions and
limitations of appointment under Part 183 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, data listed above and on attached
sheets numbered N/A have been examined in accordance with established procedures
and found to comply with applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
I (We) Therefore Recommend approval of these data
X Approve these data

Joe Smith DERT-999999-NM Engine/Part 33

Joe Smith


A15-1 (and A15-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 16




MCDONNELL DOUGLAS DC-9-83, -87 and MD-88 Helicopter, etc.) SAM’S AIRPLANE PARTS

A12346X Tray Table Drawing

Rev. A 04/01/2002

RPT-2469 Certification and Compliance Report

Rev. A 04/12/2002

- - -END- - -

In Support of PMA Design Approval for the listed part; Test & Computation by Comparative Analysis

APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (List specific sections)

14 CFR § 21.303(c)(4) and applicable 14 CFR part 25 requirements.

CERTIFICATION – Under authority vested by direction of the Administrator and in accordance with conditions and
limitations of appointment under Part 183 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, data listed above and on attached
sheets numbered have been examined in accordance with established procedures and found
to comply with applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
I (We) Therefore Recommend approval of these data
X Approve these data

Joe Smith DERT-999999-NM Systems & Equipment

Joe Smith


A16-1 (and A16-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 17



General Electric CF6-50, CF6-80, Helicopter, etc.) Sam’s Engine Parts
CF6-80C2 Engine

A12345X Oil Pump Shaft Drawing

Rev. D 04/01/2001

RPT-2468 Certification and Compliance Report

Rev. B 04/12/2001
- - -END- - -

FAA approval of the design is contingent upon FAA

Engineering verification of the type design data listed.

Identicality only under 14 CFR § 21.303

APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (List specific sections)

14 CFR § 21.303(c)(4)

CERTIFICATION – Under authority vested by direction of the Administrator and in accordance with conditions and
limitations of appointment under Part 183 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, data listed above and on attached
sheets numbered N/A have been examined in accordance with established procedures
and found to comply with applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
I (We) Therefore Recommend approval of these data
X Approve these data

Joe Smith DERT-999999-NM

PMA Identicality
Joe Smith

A17-1 (and A17-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 18


14 CFR Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations

14 CFR part 21 Certification Procedures for Products and Parts
14 CFR part 43 Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration
14 CFR part 45 Identification and Registration Marking
ACO Aircraft Certification Office
AD Airworthiness Directive
AEG Aircraft Evaluation Group
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CPN Certification Project Notification
CMACO Certificate Management ACO
COS Continued Operational Safety
DER Designated Engineering Representative
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FIS Fabrication Inspection System
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog
MIDO Manufacturing Inspection District Office
MISO Manufacturing Inspection Satellite Office
MRB Material Review Board
PAH Production Approval Holder
PC Production Certificate
PSCP Project Specific Certification Plan
PI Principal Inspector
PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval
P/N Part Number
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
TC Type Certificate
TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet
TSO Technical Standard Order

A18-1 (and A18-2)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 19


When following procedures in this order, the following definitions and terms apply:

1. Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) is the field branch of the FAA Aircraft Certification
Service. The project ACO has geographic responsibility for finding the design complies with
applicable airworthiness standards. It administers and secures compliance with agency
regulations, programs, standards, and procedures governing the design approval of replacement
and modification parts. The individual ACO’s location, addresses, and geographic areas of
responsibility are in appendix 7, List of FAA Aircraft Certification/Field Offices.

2. Certificate Management ACO (CMACO) is the ACO that issues and has oversight over
the original design approval for the product/appliance for which the PMA applicant’s part is
eligible for installation.

3. Critical is a class of parts, appliances, characteristics, processes, maintenance procedures,

or inspections where a failure, omission, or non-conformance may cause a significant
degradation of the airworthiness of a product during all phases of operation.

4. Design is all drawings and specifications that show the part’s configuration and all
information on dimensions, tolerances, materials, processes, and procedures necessary to define
all part characteristics. A master drawing list is the summary of these drawing and
specifications. The design can also include the airworthiness limitations section of the
instructions for continued airworthiness.

5. Distributor is a supplier who buys and sells aviation products, parts, appliances,
components, or materials. Distributors do not manufacture these items.

6. Eligibility relates to the type-certificated products that are approved as candidates for
installation of a PMA part.

7. FAA-PMA Letter is the initial production approval document issued to the PMA applicant
by the appropriate manufacturing inspection district office (MIDO). This letter accompanies a
PMA supplement. The supplement is the ACO’s record of design approval and the MIDO’s
production authorization. A transmittal letter that references the initial PMA letter conveys later
PMA supplement approvals.

8. Life-limited Part is a part with an established replacement time, inspection interval, or

related procedure in the airworthiness limitations section as required by 14 CFR §§ 21.50,
23.1529, 25.1529, 27.1529, 29.1529, 31.82, 33.4, and 35.4. Early type certificate data sheet
(TCDS) has the mandatory replacements or inspections for some products. These products were
certified before 14 CFR had the above airworthiness requirements. Also, a letter for a technical
standard order (TSO) authorization may note or reference mandatory replacement or inspection
for an affected part.

9. Manufacturing Facility is the location of the fabrication inspection system.

8110.42B 9/9/05
Appendix 19


10. Manufacturing Inspection District Office (MIDO) is the field branch of the FAA Aircraft
Certification Service responsible for certificate management in the geographic area in which the
PMA applicant’s FIS is located. In some areas, a manufacturing inspection satellite office
(MISO) will perform these functions. The location, addresses, and geographic areas of
responsibility of the individual MIDO/MISO are in appendix 5, List of FAA Manufacturing
Inspection District/Satellite Offices. The certificating MIDO is the MIDO that issued the initial
production approval or has certificate management responsibility for producing the
product/appliance on which the PMA applicant’s part is eligible for installation.

11. Producer of a part is a person who participates in controlling the part’s design,
manufacture, or quality. Significant participation in one or more of the following actions
distinguishes an individual as a producer of a part:

¥ Fabricating or treating the part, or performing a value-added part inspection.

¥ Developing the design or performance data to manufacture the part.
¥ Selecting materials to manufacture the part.
¥ Developing fabrication processes or assembly methods to manufacture the part.
¥ Developing quality control procedures to manufacture the part.
¥ Controlling or supervising the manufacture of the part.

12. Product is an aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller. See 14 CFR § 21.1(b).

13. Production Approval Holder (PAH) is the holder of a production certificate, approved
production inspection system, PMA, or TSO authorization. This person controls the design and
quality of a product or part.

14. Quality System is an organizational structure with responsibilities, procedures, processes,

and resources that implements a management function to determine and enforce quality
principles. A quality system encompasses quality assurance and quality control.

15. Revision is a correction of typographical errors or an update of administrative data on

existing PMA supplements.

16. Standard Part is a part manufactured in complete compliance with an established industry
or U.S. government specification. This includes design, manufacturing, test and acceptance
criteria, and uniform identification requirements.

a. The specification must include all information necessary to produce and conform the
part, and be published so that any person or organization can manufacture the part. The
Administrator may also believe a type of part shows conformity solely because it:

¥ Meets performance criteria, and

¥ Is in complete compliance with an established industry or U.S. government
specification that contains performance criteria, test and acceptance criteria,
and uniform identification requirements.

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 19


b. Examples of specifications include, but are not limited to, national aerospace standards,
Army-Navy aeronautical standard, SAE International aerospace standards, military standards,
and so on. They also include technical documents by SAE Sematec, Joint Electron Device
Engineering Council, Joint Electron Tube Engineering Council, and American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). Discreet electrical and electronic components that conform to their
applicable performance criteria are also standard parts (see 62 Federal Register 9923,
March 5, 1997).

17. Supplier is any person or organization contracted to provide aviation products, parts,
appliances, materials, or services to the manufacturer of a product or associated components.

18. Technical Standard Order (TSO) Authorization is an FAA design and production
authorization issued to a specific manufacturer of an article that we found to meet or exceed a
specific TSO’s minimum performance standard. The Aircraft Engineering Division (AIR-100) is
responsible for TSOs. The geographic ACO is responsible for issuing the TSO authorization to
the applicant. The TSO authorization is not an installation approval. We approve the installation
of the article as part of the type design of a type-certificated product.

A19-3 (and A19-4)

9/9/05 8110.42B
Appendix 20


1. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). You can get copies of 14 CFR sections from the
Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37154, Pittsburgh, PA
15250-7954. Telephone (202) 512-1800; fax (202) 512-2250. You can also get copies on-line at

2. FAA Orders. You can get copies of the following orders from the FAA’s Regulatory and
Guidance Library (RGL) at www.airweb.faa.gov/rgl:

¥ Order 8000.50, Repair Station Production of Replacement or Modification Parts,

¥ Order 8100.5, Aircraft Certification Service Mission, Responsibilities, Relationships, and


¥ Order 8100.7, Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation Program,

¥ Order 8100.8, Designee Handbook,

¥ Order 8100.11, Developing Undue Burden and No Undue Burden Decision Papers Under
14 CFR Part 21,

¥ Order 8110.4, Type Certification,

¥ Order 8110.37, Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Guidance Handbook,

¥ Order 8120.2, Production Approval and Certificate Management Procedures, and

¥ Order 8150.1, Technical Standard Order Program.

3. U.S. Military Documents. Order copies of MIL-STD-1916, DOD Preferred Methods for
Acceptance of Product, dated April 1, 1996, from the Department of Defense Single Stock Point,
Subscription Services Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098.
Telephone (215) 697-2179, fax (215) 697-1462. You can also order copies online at

4. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and American Society for Quality
(ASQ). Order copies of ANSI/ASQC Z1.9-2003, Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming, dated December 18, 2003, from the
American Society for Quality, 600 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203.
Telephone (414) 272-8575, fax (414) 272-1734. You can also order copies online at

A20-1 (and A20-2)

U.S. Department
of Transportation

Federal Aviation

Directive Feedback Information

Please submit any written comments or recommendations for improving this directive, or suggest new items or
subjects to be added to it. Also, if you find an error, please tell us about it.

Subject: Order 8110.42B

To: Directive Management Officer, AIR-530

(Please check all appropriate line items)

… An error (procedural or typographical) has been noted in paragraph _______ on page _______.

… Recommend paragraph _______ on page _______ be changed as follows:

(attach separate sheet if necessary)

… In a future change to this directive, please include coverage on the following subject:
(briefly describe what you want added)

… Other comments:

… I would like to discuss the above. Please contact me.

Submitted by: ________________________________________ Date: _________________

FTS Telephone Number: ____________________ Routing Symbol: ____________________

FAA Form 1320–19 (8-89)(Representation)

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