Tab 5 Bundle - 1
Tab 5 Bundle - 1
Tab 5 Bundle - 1
This sample pleading is for informational purposes only. It should be used only in conjunction with an attorney’s
own primary research and independent reading of cited statutes, rules, regulations, cases, and other materials in
order to ensure accuracy and completeness. This is especially important as the law as well as “common practices”
may have changed since the pleading was initially written. In addition, arguments and strategies that were helpful
or appropriate in the sample case may be inapplicable or detrimental in your situation, because every case has its
own facts and circumstances. Please note that the names and facts in this pleading have been changed to maintain
the anonymity of the parties.
The adoption petition and accompanying documents (adoption information sheet and vital records form) are NOT
served on the parties to the case. They are confidential pleadings and only are filed with the court. The adoption
judge’s orders in response to the filing of an adoption petition put the other parties on notice of the filing of the
adoption petition.
court as follows:
1. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to D.C. Code § 16-301, et seq. (2009) in that the
the Child and Family Services Agency (“CFSA”). The Court’s jurisdiction also derives
2. [PETITIONER] was born on [PETITIONER DOB] and is [AGE] years old. [HE/SHE] is
bedrooms, and has lived there since [YEAR]. [PETITIONER]’s parents, [PARENT 1]
and [PARENT 2], and [PETITIONER]’s niece and her child, [NIECE] and [NIECE’S
5. [PETITIONER] is the licensed foster parent of [CHILD]. [CHILD] was placed in the
care of [PETITIONER] on [DATE] by the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency.
[HE/SHE] has lived with [PETITIONER] continuously since that time, which is over half
of [HIS/HER] life, and has thrived in [HIS/HER] care. [PETITIONER] and [CHILD]
6. [PETITIONER] is requesting an adoption subsidy. [CHILD] has special needs and has
been entered into prior to the filing of this petition, but [PETITIONER] expects that one
8. [CHILD]’s birth mother is [BIO MOM]. Her last known address is [ADDRESS]. [BIO
9. On information and belief, [CHILD]’s putative birth father/father is [BIO DAD]. [BIO
DAD] is believed to be [RACE] and his religious affiliation is unknown. His address is
unknownbut it is anticipated the CFSA’s Dilligent Search Unit will attempt to locate him.
10. There are no executed original written consents signed by the birth mother or birth father.
Upon information and belief, there are no relinquishments of parental rights signed by the
birth parents. Upon information and belief there are no orders terminating parental rights
11. The name and address of the agency responsible for securing any required consent or
relinquishment of birth parents is the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency, 200 I
Street, SE, Washington, DC, 20003 [and PRIVATE AGENCY NAME/ADDRESS [if
12. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), D.C. Code § 4-1421 et
seq. (2009), is applicable to this adoption due to the fact that the Petitioner resides in
Maryland. Approval has not been received prior to the filing of this petition, but
13. The Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. § 1901 et seq., is not applicable to this
14. [CHILD] is the subject of a neglect case, N-[###]-[##], before Judge/Magistrate Judge
[NAME]. [PETITIONER] is not aware of any other pending court action involving
15. In addition to the ongoing neglect case regarding [CHILD], N-[###]-[##], during the past
ten years, [PETITIONER] has been a party in the following civil matter:
16. Upon information and belief, [CHILD]’s combined assets do not exceed $3,000.00.
17. [CHILD] is physically, mentally, and otherwise suitable for adoption by [PETITIONER]
18. [PETITIONER] is fit and able to give [CHILD] a proper home and education.
19. [PETITIONER] desires to adopt and treat [CHILD] as [HIS/HER] natural child.
1. that a final decree of adoption be entered establishing the relationship of natural parent
and natural child for all purposes between the Petitioner, [PETITIONER], and the
2. that the name of the prospective adoptee be changed to [CHILD’S NEW NAME].
3. that an order of reference with a copy of the Petition attached be served upon Child and
Family Services Agency for the purpose of verifying the allegations contained in the
Petition. A report is to be made to the Court within 90 days regarding the advisability of
4. that the the consent of the biological parents is not required pursuant to D.C. Code § 16-
5. For such other and further relief as may seem just and proper to the Court.
Date Signature of Petitioner
[PETITIONER] , being first sworn, states that [HE/SHE] has read the Petition
for Adoption and understands its terms and that the statements contained in this Petition are true to the
Deputy Clerk/ Notary Public
D.C. Bar No. ######
Counsel for [PETITIONER]
The following information is needed for the purpose of locating the original record of birth in
the office files.
In order that there may be a complete record of the history of the adoptive parents as if they
were the natural parents on the new certificate, it will be necessary that the information
requested below be furnished.
Occupation [OCCUPATION]
The items regarding the age, occupation, and residence of the adoptor is to be furnished as
of the date that the adoptee was born.
15. Neglect Judge’s Name: Magistrate Judge [JUDGE]
18. Please provide the case number of the case in which the affidavit was filed: [##]-NEG-[###]
38. Social Worker’s Name: [SOCIAL WORKER]
40. Place of Hearing: Courtroom of Magistrate Judge [JUDGE] ([RM #]) D.C. Superior
Court, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001
61. Email: [EMAIL]
66. Competing Case: Yes; open custody case, consolidated with neglect case.
In order that there may be a complete record of the history of the adoptive parents as if they were the natural
on the new certificate, it will be necessary that the information requested below be furnished.
Birthplace Birthplace
Occupation Occupation
Other children born to, or adopted by these parents (do not include this child):
No. now living No. born alive but now dead No. born dead
The items regarding the age, occupation, and residence of the adopters are to be furnished as of
the date that the adoptee was born.
Ex Parte in the Matter of ) Adoption Case No. XXXXXX
The Petition of ) Adoption Calendar
For adoption of a minor child[REN]. )
2. Petitioners’ Address:
16. Is the Mother’s Affidavit of Paternity Attached:
18. Please provide the case number of the case in which the affidavit was filed:
39. Neglect Hearing Date:
40. Place of Hearing: Courtroom of Judge [JUDGE] ([RM #]) D.C. Superior Court, 500
Indiana Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001
42. Address:
50. Address:
52. Email:
54. Address:
56. Fax:
57. Email:
59. Address:
61. Email:
62. Petitioner’s Relationship to Adoptee:
This sample pleading is for informational purposes only. It should be used only in conjunction with an attorney’s
own primary research and independent reading of cited statutes, rules, regulations, cases, and other materials in
order to ensure accuracy and completeness. This is especially important as the law as well as “common practices”
may have changed since the pleading was initially written. In addition, arguments and strategies that were helpful
or appropriate in the sample case may be inapplicable or detrimental in your situation, because every case has its
own facts and circumstances. Please note that the names and facts in this pleading have been changed to maintain
the anonymity of the parties.
Upon consideration of the Petition for Adoption filed by [PETITIONER] for the adoption
of a minor child born [CHILD DOB], in [CITY/STATE], and the report and recommendation of
the Child and Family Services Agency of the District of Columbia, it appears to the satisfaction
of the court that: (1) the court has jurisdiction pursuant to D.C. Code § 16-301 (2001); (2) the
adoptee is physically, mentally, and otherwise suitable for adoption by the petitioner; (3) the
petitioner is fit and able to give the adoptee a proper home and education; (4) the adoption will
be in the best interests of the adoptee; (5) the adoptee has resided with the petitioner since
[DATE], which is more than six months preceding the date of this Final Decree; and (6) the
adoption form has been completed pursuant to Section 10 of the Vital Records Act of 1981, D.C.
relationship of natural parent and natural child for all purposes between
[PETITIONER], the petitioner, and the adoptee, to the same extent as if the adoptee
2. The [name of the adoptee be and is hereby legally changed to [new name of
3. The Clerk of the court is hereby authorized and directed to furnish four certified
copies of this Final Decree of Adoption to the petitioner through the petitioner's
(Signed in Chambers)
Copies to:
Counsel for Petitioner
This sample pleading is for informational purposes only. It should be used only in conjunction with an
attorney’s own primary research and independent reading of cited statutes, rules, regulations, cases, and
other materials in order to ensure accuracy and completeness. This is especially important as the law as
well as “common practices” may have changed since the pleading was initially written. In addition,
arguments and strategies that were helpful or appropriate in the sample case may be inapplicable or
detrimental in your situation, because every case has its own facts and circumstances. Please note that the
names and facts in this pleading have been changed to maintain the anonymity of the parties.
case, this court has issued and signed a Final Decree of Adoption for the child [CHILD],
In an Order issued [DATE], this Court waived the consent of the biological
parents, [BIO MOM] and [BIO DAD], pursuant to D.C. Code § 16-304 (2005). On
[DATE], this Court issued an Order granting petition for adoption in favor of Petitioners.
This sample pleading is for informational purposes only. It should be used only in conjunction with an
attorney’s own primary research and independent reading of cited statutes, rules, regulations, cases, and
other materials in order to ensure accuracy and completeness. This is especially important as the law as
well as “common practices” may have changed since the pleading was initially written. In addition,
arguments and strategies that were helpful or appropriate in the sample case may be inapplicable or
detrimental in your situation, because every case has its own facts and circumstances. Please note that the
names and facts in this pleading have been changed to maintain the anonymity of the parties.
The biological parents have the right to file an appeal within ten (10) days of the
docketing of the Final Decree of Adoption, which shall be docketed on the same date as
this Notice.
ORDERED that the Clerk of the court shall file the Final Decree of Adoption and
this Notice of the Issuance of Final Decree of Adoption in the above-captioned adoption
case and shall docket both the Final Decree and the Notice on the same date. The Clerk
shall send only this Notice to the counsel, social workers, and persons listed below in the
distribution list to advise them as to the status of the child and of appeal rights.
Copies to:
This sample pleading is for informational purposes only. It should be used only in conjunction with an
attorney’s own primary research and independent reading of cited statutes, rules, regulations, cases, and
other materials in order to ensure accuracy and completeness. This is especially important as the law as
well as “common practices” may have changed since the pleading was initially written. In addition,
arguments and strategies that were helpful or appropriate in the sample case may be inapplicable or
detrimental in your situation, because every case has its own facts and circumstances. Please note that the
names and facts in this pleading have been changed to maintain the anonymity of the parties.
200 I Street S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003