Electric Versus Conventional Vehicles For Logistics: A Total Cost of Ownership
Electric Versus Conventional Vehicles For Logistics: A Total Cost of Ownership
Electric Versus Conventional Vehicles For Logistics: A Total Cost of Ownership
Barcelona, Spain, November 17-20, 2013
Today, different measures are investigated to solve the challenge of a sustainable urban freight transport.
Among them, electric vehicles are often viewed as an interesting solution but the purchase cost of these
vehicles is commonly seen as a barrier to their adoption. However the different cost structure between
electric and conventional vehicles makes an analysis of every cost particularly needed if fleet managers
want to assess the real competitiveness of the vehicles. As a result, we developed a total cost of ownership
model to assess the competitiveness of light commercial vehicles in the Brussels-Capital Region. This
paper presents the results of the total cost of ownership analysis on 8 battery electric vehicles, 5 diesel
vehicles and 2 petrol vehicles. The results of a sensitivity analysis of the model are also presented.
The electric vehicles were found to be competitive with conventional vehicles in the category of the
quadricycles and the light commercial vehicles with a payload lower than 1,000kg: five out of six battery
electric vehicles had a cost lower than the conventional vehicles of their category. The situation is inverted
for the battery electric vehicles with a payload above 1,000kg where the costs are always higher than the
conventional vehicles because of the expensive purchase and battery costs. Since battery electric vehicles
are found to be a viable solution for some parts of the logistics, the next challenge should be to convince
the fleet managers of the benefits of battery electric vehicles.
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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 6 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2013 WEVA Page Page 0946
vehicle makes such an analysis particularly In general, the total cost of ownership is calculated
important. Hence, assessing to what extent the in three steps:
trade-off between low operating costs and high 1. Analysis of every stream of periodic costs;
purchase costs makes the BEVs competitive with 2. Calculation of the present value of the
conventional vehicles is critical. Hence, the paper one-time and the recurring costs;
presents the results of a competitiveness analysis 3. Division of the present value by the
between diesel, petrol and electric vehicles in the number of kilometres during the vehicle
market of urban commercial vehicles. lifetime in order to produce a cost per
We developed a total cost of ownership (TCO) kilometre.
model for the commercial vehicles with a gross
vehicle weight of maximum 3.5 tonnes in the 2.2 Assumptions of the model
Brussels-Capital Region. We analysed the costs Given its definition, the TCO equation can be
from 8 electric vehicles and 7 conventional divided into three variables: (1) the costs of
vehicles available on the Belgian market. The ownership, (2) the period of time over which these
paper presents a competitiveness analysis of the costs occurred and (3) the discount rate applied to
different drive trains and the sensitivity of the future costs to actualize them.
different assumptions of the model. The results
of the sensitivity analysis are used to estimate the 2.2.1 Period of ownership
impact of expected market evolutions on the
competitive position of electric commercial The distribution of the end life of the commercial
vehicles. vehicles in Belgium is shown in Figure 1. As the
average end life of the vehicles is 12.47 years
[9,10], a period of 12 years of ownership is used in
2 Methodology the TCO model.
Owning and operating a vehicle is associated 30000
with costs that occur at different moments in 25000
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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 6 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2013 WEVA Page Page 0947
bounds at 10 years as reference for the real an annual depreciation rate of 18.57%2 on
discount rate of 2.54% [11]. We extract from the the value of the diesel, petrol and hybrid
interest rate the 2% of expected inflation in vehicles and an annual depreciation rate of
Belgium [12] to find a real discounted rate of 24.43%3 on the value of electric vehicles.
0.54%. 5. In order to have a clear idea of the cost
structure, the costs of the new battery
2.2.3 Cost of ownership included in the initial purchase costs are
The analysis of the cost of ownership considers deduced from the purchase costs and
every cost associated to the use of the vehicle. affected to the battery costs. As battery
Only investments in charging infrastructure are prices are expected to fall in the future, we
not included since they will be diluted according tested the sensitivity of such a change on
to the size of the fleet. The following costs flows the TCO.
are considered: road taxes, governmental support 6. The lifetime of the batteries differs
and fiscal incentives, battery, maintenance, car according the kind of batteries. The lead-
inspection, insurance, fuel (and electricity) and acid batteries and sodium-nickel chloride
purchase costs. All costs are excluding VAT. The are the least performing with a lifetime of
following assumptions of the model are applied respectively 500 and 1,000 cycles [16].
to these costs: The longest lifetime is attributed to
1. Based on the data from the Belgian car Lithium iron phosphate batteries with
inspection (GOCA, 2011), commercial 1,500 cycles [17]. Once the number of
vehicles were found to drive an average cycles is reached, the model considers that
of 185,145kms in 12 years, which the battery is replaced by a new one. Since
represents 15,429kms per year and a the BEVs are assumed to be charged once
daily distance of 58kms. a day during 260 days a year, BEVs with a
2. The insurance costs were calculated for lead acid battery are replaced after 2
a company with a frequent use of the years, BEVs with sodium-nickel chloride
vehicle, based in Brussels (postcode are replaced after 4 years and lithium-ion
1000) with no accidents in the last 5 batteries are replaced after 6 years. If the
years. The insurance is limited to the manufacturer provides a warranty on the
civil liability1. No cost difference as battery, the replacement is then assumed
such is applied between electric and to take place only once the warranty is
conventional vehicles but differences in over. However, it is important to mention
the power of the motors may generate a that the number of cycles is based on the
variation in the insurance premiums standardized lifecycle methodology.
between the different drive trains. Indeed, the performances can change to a
3. Maintenance costs include costs for large extent depending on many factors
small and large maintenance. They are such as the depth of discharge, operating
different between conventional and temperature and the charging method [17].
electric vehicles. Maintenance costs of 7. The support for electric commercial
BEVs are more limited than vehicles in the Brussels-Capital Region is
conventional since they do not have an of 25% for large firms, 35% for medium
internal combustion engine: they have firms and 45% for small firms on the
less moving components; they face less investment costs with a maximum of
temperature stress and do not need oil 5,000€ [18]. Since most of the firms in
and filter replacements [13]. As a result, urban freight transport are small [19], the
the maintenance costs of BEVs are TCO model considers a 45% support. The
estimated to be half of the conventional efficiency of the subsidies in supporting
[14] which gives a cost of 4.3€/100km
for conventional vehicles and 2
2.2€/100km for BEVs [15]. This is an average of the annual depreciation rates
4. As the vehicle is assumed to be sold on of the company LeasePlan between the Kangoo
the second hand market, its residual 1.5dci, Caddy 1.6tdi, Trafic 272. 0dci L1H1,
Transporter 2.0tdi swb, Master 35 2.3 dci L3H3,
value is retrieved. The analysis considers
Crafter 35 2.0tdi lwb.
This is based on the Kangoo ZE annual depreciation
Data collected from the insurance company Axa. rate of the company LeasePlan.
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the competitiveness of BEVs was attention to keep the diversity of the market supply
assessed in the sensitivity analysis. by showing a range of vehicles from different
8. The Belgian fiscal system allows a vehicle categories according the European vehicle
deductibility from corporate income classification [22,23], with different payloads
taxes of 120% for electric vehicles on (from 450kg to 1,700kg) and different business
every cost related to the use of the models (battery leasing and purchasing). To be
vehicle. Conversely, conventional able to compare as accurately as possible the
vehicles support a deductibility rate electric commercial vehicles with conventional
ranging from 50% to 100% depending vehicles, the most similar version of the selected
on their CO2 emissions [20]. A rate of BEVs were chosen. As a result, 5 diesel vehicles
75% is always applied on fossil fuels. and 2 petrol vehicles were included in the analysis.
Hence, the influence of the system on The costs considered by the TCO model of the
the competitiveness of the BEVs varies different models were retrieved from vehicle users
in function of the total of the costs and by contacting directly the manufacturers, the
associated to the use of the vehicle and distributors, the car dealers and the regulatory
in function of the corporate tax rate bodies.
applied to the company operating the
vehicle. More the corporate tax rate and 3 Results
the total cost of the vehicle are elevated,
stronger is the impact of the fiscal Based on the TCO model for commercial vehicles
system. The model uses a rate of 24.98% in the Brussels-Capital Region, the cost structure
which is commonly used for companies of the different vehicles is shown in Figure 2. The
with a profit between 1 and 25,000 euros vehicles are divided into three groups according
[21]. However, a sensitivity analysis was the European classification (European
conducted to test the influence of a Commission, 2002, 2007):
higher corporate tax rate on the TCO of 1. the quadricycles (L6 & L7) that can be
the vehicles. driven without a driving license and do
9. Fuel and electricity costs are assumed not support any road tax or car inspection
not to increase more than the inflation. cost;
Because we use the real discount rate, 2. the light commercial vehicles (LCV) N1
the TCO model does not simulate with a payload less than 1,000kg;
change in fuel prices. The prices excl. 3. the light commercial vehicles (LCV) N1
VAT is €1.64/l4 for petrol, €1.42/l5 for with a payload equal or superior to
diesel and €0.15/kWh6 for electricity. 1,000kg.
However, the effect of increasing fuel The results for diesel vehicles compared to petrol
prices was tested and the results are vehicles are consistent as they reflect the real
presented in the sensitivity analysis market facts. The diesel vehicles have higher
given the uncertainty of oil prices in the purchase costs but lower fuel costs which, within
future. logistics operations, entails in a lower total cost of
ownership. This is the reason why today’s market
for light commercial vehicle is primarily
2.3 Scope of the market research dominated by diesel vehicles.
The supply of commercial electric vehicles is When analysing the competitiveness position of
less developed than for passenger car. electric vehicles, the results do not give a
Nevertheless, a total of 8 electric vehicles were straightforward answer. Indeed, the cheapest and
selected based on the availability of the the most expensive vehicles are both electric
commercial information. Also, the selection paid vehicles (the Goupil G3 with 18 cents/km and the
IVECO Ecodaily with 80 cents/km). However, a
Source : www.petrolfed.be (price of “Petrol 95 oct trend emerges from the TCO results: when the
10ppm”, Consulted on 1st of May, 2013) payload of the investigated vehicles gets higher,
Source : www.petrolfed.be (price of “Diesel the electric alternatives become less competitive.
10ppm”, Consulted on 1st of May, 2013) In the category of the quadricycles, the most
Source: www.brusim.be (price for a professional expensive vehicles are internal combustion engine
customer based in 1000 Brussels, with a single rate vehicles (Alke petrol with 35 cents/km and diesel
meter and a total consumption of 10.000kWh a with 32 cents/km). The relatively small batteries of
year, Consulted on October 9, 2011) the electric vehicles in this category do not
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Quadricycles (L6 & L7) Payload below 1,000kg Payload over 1,000kg
(N1) (N1)
Figure 2 : Total cost of ownership for diesel, petrol and battery electric commercial vehicles (own setup)
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penalize their competitiveness. On the contrary, subsidies were analysed. Figure 3 provides an
they allow saving on fuel costs. Because of the overview of the results.
simplicity of the electric motor, BEVs can also Different studies forecast that the cost of batteries
save on maintenance cost compared to for EVs will lower in the upcoming decades. These
conventional vehicles. As a result, the electric could be divided by two in 2020 [24,25]. When
version of the Alke ATX200 receives a lower simulating the effect of battery prices cut by half in
TCO than its conventional counterparts. But the the model, the TCO model shows that the biggest
4 years of warranty that covers the batteries of impact is on the BEVs with a frequent replacement
the Goupil G5 and G3 gives the best competitive of the battery and on BEVs with large batteries.
position in the category of the quadricycles. The The TCO of the BEV from Alke is reduced of 6
TCO of the Alke ATX200 supports indeed a cents/km. However the BEVs from Goupil remain
more frequent replacement of the batteries due to the most competitive of the category since they
the short lifetime of the lead-acid batteries. also profit of a reduction of 2 cents/km from the
In the light category of the N1 vehicles, the falling battery costs. The Moovilles have a reduced
observations are similar: every BEV presents a TCO of about 3 cents/km. But the main impact is
lower total cost of ownership than the on the BEVs from IVECO and Smith given their
conventional vehicles of the category, except for large battery: their TCOs are reduced respectively
the Mooville 4m³, the heaviest vehicle of the of 14 and 10 cents/km.
category. The most relevant comparison in this Conventional vehicles might also be impacted by
category though is within the Kangoo’s vehicle market changes. The total cost of ownership model
family of Renault where the electric version considered an equivalent inflation on every
receives a TCO of 3 cents/km lower than the product. However, fuel prices might grow faster
diesel versions and 9 cents/km lower than the than the other prices given the scarcity of the oil
petrol version. Also, the battery leasing of the reserves. Hence, a sensitivity analysis on the effect
Kangoo protects the vehicle user against of rising fuel prices has been conducted to evaluate
replacement costs of batteries. This way business its impact on the competitiveness of electric
model of Renault allow to save in the TCO 2 vehicles. A scenario where prices of diesel and
cents/km from the battery costs compared to the petrol converge to 2 euros per litre is simulated in
Mooville business model where batteries need to the total cost of ownership model. The results
be replaced after 3 years (lifetime of their battery show that the TCO of the conventional vehicles in
is 800cycles according the manufacturer). the two first categories of vehicles increases
In the heavier category (with a payload more between 3 and 5 cents/km while the TCO of the
than 1,000kg), the competitiveness of electric electric commercial vehicles does not change from
vehicles is inverted. The expensive TCO of the the base scenario. In the category of vehicles with
electric models highlights the challenge for the a payload above 1,000kg, the TCO of the diesel
introduction of BEVs within this category of IVECO daily and Mercedes Sprinter increases
vehicle. The difference between the diesel and respectively of 6 and 7 cents/km. Though, these
electric vehicles is indeed large, varying between vehicles remain more competitive than their
15 and 34 cents/km. Figure 2 illustrates that the electric version. But when the effect of falling
main part of the TCO for the heavy electric battery costs and increasing fuel prices are
LCVs consists of the elevated purchase costs and combined, the competitive position change: the
battery costs. However, the Lithium iron Smith Electric vehicle becomes less costly than the
phosphate battery of the Smith Vehicle needs to Mercedes Sprinter of 2 cents/km and is as
be replaced once compared to the sodium-nickel competitive as the IVECO daily. On the other
chloride battery of the IVECO Ecodaily that has hand, the electric IVECO Ecodaily remains more
a lifetime requiring one more replacement in 12 expensive with a TCO higher of 15 cents/km. The
years. This results in a better competitive government has economic instruments to influence
position for the Smith Electric Vehicle. the market. It can use either fiscal measures or
subsidies. Regarding fiscal measures, the TCO
4 Sensitivity analysis model considered a company with profits of less
than 25,000euros. However, a company making
In this analysis, the different assumptions of the profits higher than 90,000euros in Belgium would
TCO model were tested to evaluate the have to support a tax rate of 35.54% instead of
sensitivity of the results. The battery cost, the 24.98%. Within the Belgian fiscal system, the
fuel prices, the corporate tax rate, and the level of impact is especially interesting for the heavy LCV
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category since more the vehicles of the category payload above 1,000kg) or with frequent
are costly, more the fiscal system supports the replacement of the batteries (BEV with lead-acid
competitiveness of BEVs: while the BEVs of the batteries). Also, the effect of rising fuel prices was
last category have a reduced TCO of about 2 found to increase the TCO of conventional
cents/km, the diesel vehicles support a higher vehicles. Finally, the effectiveness of
TCO of 2 cents/km. The effect is more limited on governmental support to BEVs was evaluated. The
less costly vehicles since BEVs of the two first subsidies appeared to be less efficient than the
categories benefit of a reduction of about 1 fiscal system for companies in the Brussels-Capital
cent/km while the conventional vehicles have an Region. Indeed, subsidies are granted to already
increased TCO of about 1 cent/km. Since the competitive electric commercial vehicles and do
lighter electric commercial vehicles are already not bring sufficient support to heavier electric
more competitive than the conventional commercial vehicles. However, the fiscal system
commercial vehicles, a higher tax rate widens the was found to be better adapted. Its flexibility
competitive gap between Diesel and electric brings stronger incentives for BEVs with important
vehicles. Conversely, the fiscal system reduces costs than vehicles BEVs with small ones. As a
the gap between electric and conventional result, the BEVs with a higher payload receive a
vehicles in the category of vehicles with a bigger support from the fiscal system than from the
payload higher than 1,000kg. subsidies while the lighter electric commercial
Subsidies are also a way of supporting BEVs but vehicles receive a smaller support from the fiscal
their design does not seem to be efficient. Indeed, system than from subsidies.
the sensitivity analysis revealed that the Hence, electric commercial vehicles with a
competitive position of the BEVs with a payload payload below 1,000kg can be a viable
of less than 1,000kg would not be affected if the technological solution to make urban freight
subsidies were discontinued. The TCO of each transport more sustainable. However, even if a
BEV increases of 2.7cents/km which does not technology is better, actors tend to stick to the old
change the competitiveness position of the technology as they fear to adopt the wrong one
vehicles across all the categories: the vehicles [26]. Hence, the challenge relies in convincing the
from Goupil, Alke, Renault and the Mooville fleet managers of the benefits and the
2m³ remain more competitive in their category competitiveness of the identified electric
than the conventional vehicles while the Moovile commercial vehicles.
4m³ and the BEVs of Mercedes and IVECO keep
a higher TCO than their conventional Acknowledgements
This research was performed in the framework of a
Prospective Research for Brussels, financially
5 Conclusion supported by Innoviris, the institution in the
The results of the total cost of ownership analysis Brussels-Capital Region encouraging scientific
show that electric commercial vehicles with a research and innovation.
payload lower than 1,000kg can be more
financially attractive than the conventional References
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Philippe Lebeau graduated in 2011 as
Master in Management Sciences at
the Louvain School of Management.
After its final thesis concerning
consumer acceptance for electric
vehicles, he joined the MOSI-
Transport and Logistics research
department of the Vrije Universiteit
Brussel as a research associate. His
expertise fields are electric vehicles,
conjoint methods and new product
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