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e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 9, Issue 1, Ver. III (Jan. 2014), PP 69-75
Abstract: Image Processing is a technique to enhance raw images received from cameras/sensors placed on
satellites, space probes and aircrafts or pictures taken in normal day-to-day life for various applications. Various
techniques have been developed in Image processing during the last four to five decades. Most of the techniques
are developed for enhancing images obtained from unmanned spacecrafts, space probes and military
reconnaissance flights. Image Processing systems are becoming popular due to easy availability of powerful
personnel computers, large size memory devices, graphics software etc.
Medical image segmentation & classification play an important role in medical research field. The patient
CT lung images are classified into normal and abnormal category. Then, the abnormal images are subjected to
segmentation to view the tumor portion. Classification depends on the features extracted from the images. We
mainly are concentrating on feature extraction stage to yield better classification performance. Texture based
features such as GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) features play an important role in medical image
analysis. Totally 12 different statistical features were extracted. To select the discriminative features among them
we use sequential forward selection algorithm. Afterwards we prefer multinomial multivariate Bayesian for the
classification stage. Classifier performance will be analyses further. The effectiveness of the modified weighted
FCM algorithm in terms of computational rate is improved by modifying the cluster center and membership value
updating criterion.
Objective of this paper is that
To achieve a perfect classification by multivariate multinomial Bayesian
Index Terms: Histogram Equalization, Image segmentation, feature extraction, neural network classifier, fuzzy c-means
The early detection of lung cancer is a challenging problem, due to the structure of the cancer cells, where most
of the cells are overlapped with each other. Classification is very important part of digital image analysis. It is a
computational Procedure that sort images into groups according to their similarities. In this paper Histogram
Equalization is used for preprocessing of the images and feature extraction process and neural network classifier to
check the state of a patient in its early stage whether it is normal or abnormal. The manual analysis of the sputum
samples is time consuming, inaccurate and requires intensive trained person to avoid diagnostic errors. The
segmentation results will be used as a base for a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for early detection of
lung cancer which will improve the chances of survival for the patient. However, the extreme variation in the gray
level and the relative contrast among the images make the segmentation results less accurate, thus we applied a
thresholding technique as a pre-processing step in all images to extract the nuclei and cytoplasm regions, because
most of the quantitative procedures are based on the nuclear feature.. Experimental analysis is made with dataset to
evaluate the performance of the different classifiers. The performance is based on the correct and incorrect
classification of the classifier. All experiments are conducted in WEKA data mining tool.
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Lung Cancer detection and Classification by using Machine Learning & Multinomial Bayesian
B. System Architecture
C. System Requirements
1. Hardware Specification
Pentium IV – 2.7 GHz
250Gb Hard Disk
2. Software Specification
Operating system: Windows 7
Language : Matlab
Version : 7.9
Contrast Enhancement:
• CLAHE- Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
• CLAHE differs from ordinary adaptive histogram equalization (AHE) in its contrast limiting.
• The contrast limiting procedure has to be applied for each neighborhood from which a transformation function is
• The contrast amplification in the vicinity of a given pixel value is given by the slope of the transformation
function, which is Proportional to the slope of the CDF and therefore to the value of the histogram at that pixel
• CLAHE limits the amplification by clipping the histogram at a predefined value before computing the CDF.
• This limits the slope of the CDF and therefore of the transformation function. The value at which the histogram
is clipped, the so-called clip limit, depends on the normalization of the histogram and thereby on the size of the
neighborhood region.
While performing AHE if the region being processed has a relatively small intensity range then the noise in that
region gets more enhanced. It can also cause some kind of artifacts to appear on those regions. To limit the
appearance of such artifacts and noise, a modification of AHE called Contrast Limited AHE can be used. The
amount of contrast enhancement for some intensity is directly proportional to the slope of the CDF function at that
intensity level. Hence contrast enhancement can be limited by limiting the slope of the CDF. The slope of CDF at
a bin location is determined by the height of the histogram for that bin. Therefore if we limit the height of the
histogram to a certain level we can limit the slope of the CDF and hence the amount of contrast enhancement.
The only difference between regular AHE and CLAHE is that there is one extra step to clip the histogram before
the computation of its CDF as the mapping function is performed. Hence CLAHE is implemented in the same
function tiled AHE in ahe.cpp. The program "AHE" takes an additional optional parameter which specifies the
level at which to clip the histogram. By default no clipping is performed. Valid values for clipping fall in the range
from 1 to 1/bins.
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Lung Cancer detection and Classification by using Machine Learning & Multinomial Bayesian
There are 16 pairs of pixels in the image which satisfy this spatial separation. Since there are only three gray levels,
P [i,j] is a 3×3 matrix.
• Count all pairs of pixels in which the first pixel has a value i, and its matching pair displaced from the first
pixel by d has a value of j.
• This count is entered in the ith row and jth column of the matrix Pd[i,j]
• Note that P d [i,j] is not symmetric, since the number of pairs of pixels having gray levels [i,j] does not
necessarily equal the number of pixel pairs having gray levels [j,i].
Automatic feature selection is an optimization technique that, given a set of features, attempts to select a subset
of size that leads to the maximization of some criterion function. Feature selection algorithms are important to
recognition and classification systems because, if a feature space with a large dimension is used, the performance of
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Lung Cancer detection and Classification by using Machine Learning & Multinomial Bayesian
the classifier will decrease with respect to execution time and to recognition rate. The execution time increases with
the number of features because of the measurement cost. The recognition rate can decrease because of redundant
features and of the fact that small number of features can alleviate the course of dimensionality when the training
samples set is limited, leading to overtraining. On the other hand, a reduction in the number of features may lead to
a loss in the discrimination power and thereby lower the accuracy of the recognition system.
In order to determine the best feature subset for some criterion, some automatic feature selection algorithm can
be applied to the complete feature space, varying the number of selected features from 1 to m.
classifier or the linear discrimination analysis method can be applied. Aim of classification is to group items that
have similar feature values into groups. Classifier achieves this by making a classification decision based on the
value of the linear combination of the features.
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Lung Cancer detection and Classification by using Machine Learning & Multinomial Bayesian
The work in this research involves using kernelised Bayesian to classify the input which is CT lung image into
normal and abnormal conditions. We intend to prove that this kennel technique will help to get more accurate
result. Thus we have achieved high accuracy.
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