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Fire, Smoke and Control Dampers: Manual - Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Recommendations

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Fire, Smoke and Control Dampers

v100 – Issue Date: 04/02/15

© 2015 Price Industries Limited. All rights reserved.
Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Recommendations
Recommended Maintenance Schedule.......................... 1
Purpose......................................................................... 1
Background................................................................... 2
Commissioning or Acceptance Testing........................... 2
Continuous Inspection, Testing and Maintenance........... 3
References..................................................................... 5
Recommended Replacement Parts................................ 5
Recommended Maintenance Schedule Purpose
Fire Dampers, Smoke Dampers, Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers,
Ceiling Radiation Dampers and any other type of damper that
All model FSD, SSD, FDD, FD, CCD, BDD, CFS and CD dampers. performs a safety function in building’s Fire Protection or Life-Safety
System must work properly at the appropriate time during a fire or
smoke emergency. This could be years after their installation and
• Appropriately commission or acceptance test all building initial testing. Everyone agrees that periodic inspection performance
systems. Verify and document that all systems operate testing, and maintenance are required to assure that these dampers
satisfactorily and perform their appropriate functions per function as intended when required in an emergency. A number
the building’s design and that all Fire and Smoke Dampers
of codes, standards, regulatory and manufacturer’s publications
are properly installed and perform as intended.
have been issued recommending testing and maintenance
intervals as well as testing and maintenance procedures.
• Cycle Test (open and closed) all motorized The purpose of this document is to bring the more significant of
Fire and Smoke Dampers these recommendations together and to provide guidance for a
building owner to develop appropriate periodic and continuing
• Test all dedicated smoke control systems
inspection, testing and maintenance processes for all Fire and
Life-Safety related dampers installed in a building. This document
puts more emphasis on life safety equipment, but the air control
• Test all non dedicated smoke control systems equipment also needs to be inspected at regular intervals. It is
• Test operation of all motorized Air Control Dampers. suggested that motor operated dampers be inspected during
every other inspection of motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers.
• Visually inspect all Fire Dampers, Ceiling Radiation Dampers,
Smoke Dampers, and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers


• Manually operate (open and close) all fusible link operated
Fire Dampers and Ceiling Radiation Dampers

No routine preventive maintenance is required unless one of the above

periodic Inspections or tests identifies the need for maintenance.

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Background Commissioning or Acceptance Testing
Fire and Smoke Dampers are designed to perform a number of fire The term commissioning is used to define a process in which
and life-safety functions in a building’s HVAC and/or Smoke Control all aspects of a new building are started, run, checked out, and
System. Generally, Fire and Ceiling Radiation Dampers are designed shown to be operating as intended by the building’s design.
to close and prevent the spread of fire through an opening in a fire Ensuring that a building’s mechanical systems, its HVAC System,
resistive barrier. Smoke and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers and any smoke control or other life-safety related systems operate
generally operate to prevent the spread of smoke by closing to stop properly (including all Fire and Life-Safety Related Dampers),
airflow, opening to exhaust smoke, or by opening or closing to create and documenting their proper operation is the aim of the
pressure differences which contain or control the spread of smoke. commissioning process. This process is also called acceptance.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL/ULC) has developed and maintains ASHRAE and NFPA have developed guidelines and procedures
standards for the testing qualification and appropriate labelling of to Acceptance Testing of Commissioning of HVAC Smoke
Fire Dampers (UL555/ULC S-112) Smoke and Combination Fire/ Control and other Fire Life-Safety Related Systems
Smoke Dampers (UL555S/ULC S-112.1) and Ceiling Radiation
Commissioning a building establishes a point for the beginning of a
Dampers (UL555C). Manufacturers of these dampers who
periodic testing and maintenance program for Fire-Life Safety Related
have complied with these UL requirements offer appropriately
Dampers. If a building has not been appropriately commissioned
tested, qualified, and labelled dampers for installation where
all systems including all dampers must be demonstrated to be
required in HVAC and Engineered Smoke Control Systems.
operating properly before beginning a continuing testing and
Building Codes and several NFPA and ASHRAE standards identify maintenance program. It is also extremely important that proper
where Fire and Smoke Dampers are required to be installed in a operation of all systems and components be documented to
building’s HVAC and/or Smoke Control System. Architects and design establish a point from which to begin any damper testing and
engineers usually incorporate code required dampers in their building maintenance program. ASHRAE and NFPA recommendations
designs but also may incorporate additional requirements depending for appropriate documentation should be followed.
on a building’s specific purpose and intended function. Most building
codes allow architects and engineers to demonstrate that a designed
system will provide all needed fire and life-safety functions even though
it may not include all code mandated features (such as dampers).

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Continuous Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance TESTING OF SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS
Fire Life-Safety Related Dampers that are properly applied NFPA 92A (Standard for Smoke Control Systems Utilizing
equipped with the appropriate UL Labels are appropriately Barriers and Pressure Differences) mandates the following:
installed, and demonstrated to function as intended through • The smoke control system shall be operated for each
a building commissioning process should require no control sequence in the current design criteria.
specific preventive maintenance. The procedures hereinafter
• Operation of the correct outputs for each
discussed are intended to ensure that nothing interferes with
given input shall be verified.
a damper’s proper operation and to identify and eliminate a
number of potential situations, which could so interfere. • Where standby power is provided test shall also
be conducted under standby power.
Generally there are two distinctly separate types of Fire and Smoke
Dampers: • Dedicated systems shall be tested at least semi annually.

• Fusible Link Operated Dampers: Fire Dampers and Ceiling • Non dedicated systems shall be tested at least annually.
Radiation Dampers are usually held in an open position by a Dedicated Systems are Smoke Control Systems that have
fusible link which is designed to melt at a certain temperature,
no function other than providing smoke control, such as a
allowing gravity or springs to close the damper. These dampers
Stairwell Pressurization System. The Previously discussed
then remain closed until reopened manually, requiring a new
fusible link to be installed. Some of these dampers incorporate requirement for every six month (semi annual) cycle testing of
a latch to hold them in the closed position, others do not. all motor operated fire smoke dampers should be part of the
semi annual testing of any Dedicated Smoke Control System.
• Motor Operated Dampers: Smoke Dampers and Combination
Fire-Smoke Dampers are most often motor operated. An Non Dedicated Systems are Smoke Control Systems that utilize
electric or pneumatic actuator is incorporated as part of the part or all of a building’s HVAC system to perform smoke control
damper assembly. This actuator, responding to control signals functions during a fire emergency such as a zoned smoke control
from devices such as a high temperature thermostat, a smoke system. Motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers that are part of any
detector, a buildings Fire Control Command Center, a sprinkler Non Dedicated Smoke Control System must be cycle tested every
water flow switch, or possibly other such devices will position six months. lf these systems are only tested on an annual basis,
the damper open or closed allowing it to execute its appropriate
provisions must also be made to cycle test all associated motorized
function during periods of normal or emergency operation.
fire smoke dampers on a six month or semi annual basis.
All Smoke and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers equipped Unlike Motor Operated Dampers Fusible Link Operated Dampers
with electric or pneumatic actuators should be cycled open and cannot be cycled open and closed without accessing the
closed periodically. This may occur in normal system operation damper and manually removing and reinstalling the fusible link.
if systems are regularly shut down (i.e. daily or weekly) and if As this is an extremely time consuming process, and because
the motorized fire and smoke dampers are arranged to shut this introduces the possibility the fusible link may be reinstalled
or cycle when their corresponding system is shut down. improperly, actual cycling (open and close) of fusible link
In any event, a procedure should be established to cycle operated dampers is recommended only every fourth year.
all motorized fire and smoke dampers a minimum of NFPA 90A (Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and
once every six months. This will verify that each damper Ventilating Systems)
is operational and prevent the remote possibility that a
damper actuator continuously actuated for long periods of • Recommends: Each damper should be examined every
2 years to ensure that it is not rusted or blocked, giving
time loses its ability to close when signaled to do so.
attention to hinges and other moving parts. lt is recommended
This six months check of all motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers that dampers operate with normal system airflow to ensure
should be accomplished wherever possible by simulating that they close and are not held open by the airstream.
an actual fire emergency. Operation of dampers with remote Care should be exercised to ensure that such tests are
positioning indication can be verified by observing the remote performed safely and do not cause system damage.
position indication. In the absence of any remote damper position • Requires: The following maintenance be performed on
indication, the damper actuator (and damper where appropriate) fusible link operated dampers at least every 4 years
shall be observed, as it is cycled open or closed. As all damper and
1. Fusible links (where applicable) shall be removed.
actuator manufacturers require this periodic testing, appropriate
records should be maintained documenting that each damper 2. All dampers shall be operated to verify that they close fully.
has been cycle tested a minimum of once every six months.

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3. The latch if provided, shall be checked. testing of smoke control systems every six to twelve months,
and the physical inspection of all fusible link operated dampers
4. Moving parts shall be lubricated as necessary
every two years. No periodic preventive maintenance is required
Price recommends that obstructions, dirt build up, and rust, unless a periodic inspection or test reveals a specific need.
or corrosion be removed using mild solvents or detergents. If
As cycle testing of motor operated dampers does not always require
needed, damper track and blade hinges may be lubricated with
a visual inspection of the damper (operation can often be verified by
a dry lubricant such as Silicone Spray or TFE Dry Lube.
remote indication), the additional requirement of visually inspecting
NOTE: Never use petroleum based lubricant as it will attract motor operated dampers every two years is recommended. As part
dust and eventually impede a damper’s operation. of the inspection procedure PRICE recommends the following:
During any inspection and testing of fusible link operated • Remove any obstructions, dirt, rust, corrosion, or other observed
dampers, Price recommends the following. conditions that could impede proper damper operation. Clean
damper blades and other moving parts if necessary. Use of mild
1. Caution is advised when a fusible link is tripped or suddenly
detergent or solvents is recommended for any required cleaning.
released. Gravity or spring operated dampers may slam
closed causing an abrupt interruption of airflow. As this • Check linkage between actuator and damper
could cause damage to ductwork, consideration should be and tighten or adjust if necessary.
given to conducting these tests without system airflow. • Cause the actuator to operate the damper open and closed.
Operation should be smooth and positive throughout entire
2. When removing the fusible link to check damper operation
stroke. Verify that damper blades close and open completely.
be sure to keep fingers, hands, and any other body
parts out of the blade travel path to prevent injury. • lf necessary lubricate linkage, bearings and other moveable parts
using a dry lubricant such as silicone spray or TFE Dry Lube to
3. Check closure springs. If defective contact damper ensure smooth operation. Never use a petroleum based lubricant
manufacturer to replacement procedures. as it will attract dust and eventually impede a damper’s operation.
NOTE: Some fire dampers (especially spring operated fire dampers)
may, because of their size and/or location, be difficult or in some WHAT IF A FIRE SMOKE DAMPER ACTUATOR
cases impossible to manually open and close. In these instances a FAILS TO OPERATE PROPERLY?
thorough inspection should be made to ensure that nothing would Actuators supplied as an integral part of any UL Labeled Fire
prohibit the damper from closing. This should include verifying Smoke Damper are intended to operate properly throughout the
that the damper has been installed squarely and free from racking expected design life of the system, however premature failures will
or twisting and that blade channels are free of all obstructions. occasionally occur. If, during any test or inspection, a fire smoke
damper actuator fails to operate properly the following steps
ADDITIONAL TESTING, MAINTENANCE AND should be taken to verify that the actuator, itself, is inoperable:
• Verify that appropriate power voltage of pneumatic
The preceding procedures are strongly endorsed by AMCA air pressure is being supplied to the actuator.
(the Fire and Smoke Damper Manufacturer’s Trade Association)
• Determine what condition and specific control signal (from
along with the following additional recommendations.
a thermostat, smoke detector, etc) is required to cause
Conduct a Recommissioning or Acceptance Testing a damper’s operation. Verify that the appropriate control
Program after any renovation or remodelling project signal is being generated. If this is impractical disconnect
any system wiring or piping and provide the appropriate
Any remodelling, reconstruction, or other changes to a building-even voltages and signals from a separate reliable source. If
those that do not appear to affect a building’s HVAC or Smoke Control the actuator fails to operate it should be replaced.
System-can introduce dirt or debris into the system. Dirt or debris is
likely to interfere with proper damper operation. Repeating the original Any field replacement of a fire smoke damper actuator should
Acceptance Tests or Commissioning Procedure is recommended to follow the damper manufacturer’s specific instructions for this
ensure proper operation of all systems and components including procedure. Fire smoke dampers and their installed actuators are
Fire and Smoke Dampers. In any event appropriate steps must be tested and qualified as a unit by UL. The actuators themselves
taken to make certain any remodelling or reconstruction has not must also meet specific requirements developed by UL and each
adversely affected any Fire Protection or Life-Safety System. damper manufacturer. PRICE recommends that any actuators
requiring field replacement be obtained from the damper
All Fire Smoke and Life Safety Related Damper manufacturer who originally supplied the dampers along with
should be inspected every two years a detailed procedure for appropriate field replacement: Use of
Previously stated recommendations call for the cycle testing of a similar actuator obtained through local distribution channels
all motor operated dampers every six months, the operational may not provide all appropriate and required features.

4 FIRE, SMOKE AND CONTROL DAMPERS - Manual | ehpricesales.com

Published by the National Fire Protection Association:
An appropriate record or log page should be established for each Fire
• NFPA 90 A Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
or Life Safety related damper installed in a building. lt is suggested
that this record page include the damper’s type, manufacturer, • NFPA 92 A Standard for Smoke Control Systems
model number, ratings, date installed, date of commissioning and/ Using Barriers and Pressure Differences
or acceptance, location (including system or portion of system it • NFPA 92 B Guide for Smoke Management
is serving) and a list of recommended periodic inspections and Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Areas
testing. Space should also be provided to record observations
Published by the American Society of Heating Refrigeration
made periodic inspection and testing as well as any corrective
and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
actions taken. Any replacement of actuator or other parts or
damper components should be recorded for future reference. • ASHRAE Guideline 5-1994 Commissioning
of Smoke Management Systems
The actual format of any log or record sheet can vary to suit
a particular building’s needs. Development of an appropriate • ASHRAE Guideline 1-1996 The HVAC Commissioning Process
digital format is encouraged, as this would facilitate Published by Underwriter’s Laboratories
sorting by systems or other means to aid in organizing
• UL555 Standard for Fire Dampers
and conducting the periodic inspection process.
• UL555S Standard for Smoke Dampers
• UL555C Standard for Ceiling Dampers
• ULC S-112 Standard for Fire Dampers (Canada)
• ULC-S112.1 Standard for Smoke Dampers (Canada)
• Marking and Application Guide - Dampers for Fire
Barrier and Smoke Applications & Ceiling Dampers

Recommended Replacement Parts

• FSD - Fuse Links of Appropriate Temperature (If dampers
are shipped with fuse links). It is suggested that an extra
actuator of the kind supplied on the job be on hand
for immediate replacement in the event one is found to
be inoperable, since this is Life Safety Equipment.
• FD, FDD - Fuse Links of Appropriate Temperature.
• SSD - lt is suggested that an extra actuator of the
kind supplied on the job be on hand for immediate
replacement in the event one is found to be inoperable.
• CCD - There is nothing suggested having on hand for
these products due to they are not considered Life
Safety Equipment. If a part breaks or an actuator is found
inoperable, time allows for search of replacement parts.
• CFS, CD - Fuse Links of Appropriate Temperature.

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Sales Offices or Representation in all major Canadian cities.

Please contact your local Price sales office for product availability.

This document contains the most current product information as of this printing.
For the most up-to-date product information, please go to ehpricesales.com

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