It Assessment
It Assessment
It Assessment
Table of Contents
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
High Capacity Partners .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Service Partners ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Strategy Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Data Center .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery ....................................................................................... 12
Business Continuity Planning Sequence ............................................................................................................ 12
Disaster Recovery Planning Sequence ................................................................................................................ 12
Purchasing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Shared Resource................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
GIS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Voice over IP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Emergency Services, Police, Fire, 911 Dispatch ................................................................................................... 14
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Help Desk and Support ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Email ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Planning Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Tiered Strategies ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Approach to Assessment .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Partner Assessments ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Prairie Township .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
City of Upper Arlington .................................................................................................................................................. 24
City of Grandview Heights............................................................................................................................................. 28
Metro Parks ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Metropolitan Educational Council (MEC) ............................................................................................................... 37
Though the partners are a very diverse group, there are definite areas within IT that can be
exploited with a Shared Services approach.
Benefits of partnership:
QSI has laid out some high level strategies and accompanying plans. With this recommended
approach, we believe there would be reduced time spent on commodity IT services while allowing
local IT staff to concentrate on applications, business processes, and user services.
High Capacity Partners
The Metropolitan Educational Council Information Technology Center (MEC‐ITC) is one of 23
designated data acquisition sites to provide technology services to Ohio school districts. The MEC‐
ITC offers educational management information systems, fiscal, student, technical services,
professional development and cooperative purchasing to schools and educational organizations.
Technical services include: WAN, LAN, high speed internet, network monitoring and security, email
archiving, firewall, ISP, disaster recovery and helpdesk support. MEC‐ITC is looking to offer its
services to a wider audience through the shared services model. The MEC‐ITC has ISP and data
center excess capacity.
The City of Westerville through ISPs, Managed/Cloud Service Providers including Data Recovery
Services (DRS), LLC, a regional provider of data center design and services in a public/private
partnership to open the tier III WēConnect Community Data Center. The city owns the data center
infrastructure, while DRS manages operations. The WēConnect facility has excess capacity that can
be used by the partners in a shared services capacity. A full range of data center, ISP, Networking,
Managed Services and Cloud services is available.
The City of Dublin is a founding partner of Metro Data Center. Metro Data Center is the City’s data
center service provider and is the primary location for the city’s network operations and data
warehousing. It is also the location for TechDEC which provides companies, specifically information
technology startups, access to a data center and the ability to house servers, store data, and access
interconnect points.
The City of Upper Arlington has invested in its infrastructure and has experienced staff with the
capacity to support smaller partners. Other partners have limited capacity they may be willing to
share. The proposed shared services model will offer all partners a vehicle to offer services.
Data Center
Dark Fiber
Service Partners
Prairie Township has a small budget and manages with basic IT functionality. Whenever IT
support is needed, either the Township Administrator or department heads will contact IT support.
Though when dealing with support; this is not an ideal situation. The township hopes to utilize a
shared services partnership to support its IT functions, better meet its business needs, leverage
partner knowledge and expertise, as well as become proactive in IT planning.
Prairie Township
Opportunity Shared Service Option
Server Management Data Center, Shared Resource
Desktop Management Shared Resource
Network Management Shared Resource
Document Management Shared Resource
IT Help Desk Shared Resource, Helpdesk & Support
Backup and recovery to Data
Center Data Center
Disaster Recovery BCP and DR
HR Database Shared Resource
Inventory System Shared Resource
Standardized Emergency Services EMS,Police,fire,911 Dispatch
The City of Grandview Heights also utilizes their Fire Chief for IT management. They would like to
reduce or eliminate the chief’s role in IT. They are also looking to upgrade connectivity, tap into a
larger GIS system, host its’ servers offsite, and strengthen disaster recovery capabilities.
Metro Parks is unique in its coverage area and the terrain of internal sites. They would like to
update technology, increase efficiency, host servers in a data center, and be in possession of offsite
backup as well as a robust Disaster Recovery plan.
Metro Parks
Opportunity Shared Service Option
Virtualization Data Center
Data Center server hosting Data Center
IT Help Desk Helpdesk & Support
Backup and recovery to Data Center Data Center
Disaster Recovery BCP and DR
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESC) has a core mission of providing shared services
in the education space. They are located next door to MEC and has a substantial server room.
Potentially it would be worthwhile to conduct a business case to assess the benefits of locating the
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio equipment in the MEC data center. The business case
could identify the potential costs of making this move, if there are any cost increases or savings, and
what value would be added to IT services. They already use ISP services provided by MEC‐ITC as
well as are a member of MEC’s purchasing cooperative.
Opportunity Shared Service Option
Offer users more services Shared Resource
Improve the broadband at a lower cost Shared Resource
Colocation Data Center
GIS savings GIS
Overall synopsis of opportunities related to both the questionnaire and interview findings:
Opportunity Prairie Grandview Upper Metro
Township Heights Arlington ESC MEC Parks MORPC Westerville WeConnect Dublin
Server Management O O R O R
Desktop Management O O R O R
Network Management O O R O R
Document Management O O R O
IT Help Desk O O O O O O O O R O
Virtualization O O R O O R
Data Center server
hosting O O O O R O O R R
Backup and recovery to R
Data Center O O O O O O O O R
Disaster Recovery O O O O O O O O R R
HR Database O
Inventory System O O
Standardized Emergency
Services O O O O O
Fiber connectivity O O O O R O O R R R
Opportunities with no listed resources can utilize the shared resource strategy to locate resources (pg. 13)
Strategy Recommendations
Data Center
Dublin, MEC, and Westerville have facilities with sufficient capacity to host IT services for
additional public partners. The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio, Grandview Heights,
Metro Parks, MORPC, Prairie Township, and Upper Arlington could realize significant savings from
closing or reducing the footprint of their existing server rooms. Connectivity plays a large role here
in the selection of a data center partner. Quoted connectivity costs have been a road block for many
of the partners previously considering migrating to commercial data centers. Connectivity and data
center rack space fees have made it unfeasible. The unique assets of the high capacity partners can
eliminate this barrier. Partners with dark fiber can lease sell or lease to the other partners.
Relocating partners would save in power and infrastructure maintenance and also gain the
advantages of being located in a data center. Advantages include security, dual power sources,
generator backup, cooling, and fire suppression.
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio would have the potential of reduced costs by
relocating its servers to the MEC. They would be able to repurpose the majority of their server
room, save on cooling, maintenance, personnel, and power. The Educational Service Center of
Central Ohio does have a battery backup, but does not have a generator.
Planning Sequence
Conduct business case to gather cost/benefit data
Request connectivity surveys to the data centers
Determine necessary Rackspace and requirements
RFP from selected Data Centers
Select locations
Purchase or plan to relocate equipment
Migrate to data centers
Decommission server rooms where possible
*Sites connect to data centers and run the majority of servers from data centers.
Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans will be based upon the Data Center Strategy. It is
recommended that the partner Business Continuity Planning strategy include dual connectivity and
replication. Data center sites will partner to replicate between a minimum of 2 sites. It is
recommended that DR include business resumption utilizing the partner locations.
Metropolitan Educational Council Partners should utilize a set of standard documents to
communicate with each other. Each partner will use existing purchasing avenues to get price
quotes. Government, education and nonprofit groups will need to be careful in using the
appropriate avenues.
Planning Sequence
Create a purchasing team from members of each partner organization
Create communication channel amongst partners
Create a standards process
Communicate plans and actions amongst partners leverage buying power
Coordinate planned purchasing cycles
Submit joint RFP
Partners must commit to RFP process and not use bids to negotiate with other vendors on
an individual basis.
Shared Resource
The partners have excess capacity in certain areas at certain times or lack necessary resources with
particular skill sets. The preferred strategy would be to share skilled resources or potentially even
enter into an agreement with a third party vendor in a joint manner.
Planning Sequence
Each partner states how much capacity and the type of capacity (Support, Admin,
Developer) they need in terms of hours per week.
A standard SLA for each type of service is agreed upon.
A list of 2‐3 approved provider/vendors is selected.
The needs are aggregated and collectively the group does a RFP bid to cover a services
retainer for a contracted period of time from those 2‐3 vendors.
RFP should state rates for both planned capacity and unplanned capacity.
Partners are allowed to bid as 3rd party vendors.
Once the RFP is accepted, partners are committed contractually.
Dublin, Grandview Heights, Metro Parks, MORPC, and Westerville all use ArcGIS systems from ESRI.
Upper Arlington uses City GIS from Draftco, while Prairie Township would like to access GIS, but
currently lacks the funding. The preferred strategy would be to combine infrastructure and share
base maps. Numerous options can be supplied by Franklin County. A combined resource strategy
can be implemented to help with any maintenance and setup. There are two (2) ESRI Account
Managers for the current partners, which are willing to meet with the partners and discuss options.
They are familiar with the current services each partner has purchased and would have a good
picture of how they can fit together. Draftco and other vendors may be considered.
QSI recommends a consolidated approach to GIS infrastructure, software, and support across
partners to reduce cost and unnecessary redundancy.
Planning Sequence
Determine requirements
Meet with ESRI and Draftco representatives
Determine options
Select options or create RFP
Implement solution
Voice over IP
The VOIP shared services strategy consists of consolidating the partner phone systems to save on
maintenance cost and those using analog lines will be able to save costs by moving to VOIP.
QSI recommends phone systems be migrated to the City of Dublin’s existing Voice over Internet
Protocol (VOIP) system, which currently has surplus capacity to support all partners. Westerville's
Mytel system could also be utilized as a secondary option, and a third option could be engaging a 3rd
party connectivity agreement.
Planning Sequence
Survey to determine necessary client‐side equipment (VOIP router)
SLA between Dublin and participating partners
Purchase or lease additional phones and equipment
Implement solution
Planning Sequence
Create a governance structure that respects all partners
Gather requirements for each partner
Create RFP for multi‐jurisdictional systems
Select for demonstrations
Select vendor
Implement solution
** Dublin and Upper Arlington are part of a study to consolidate 911 dispatch services with Hilliard
and Worthington. Grandview Heights is also part of a study with smaller entities to consolidate
their services. This is an area that the other government partners should look to pursue.
Help Desk and Support
The recommended support strategy is a unified cloud‐based ticketing system, level 1 support, and
self‐help by FAQs. QSI recommends that the strategy be implemented in phases.
Phase I is to implement a unified ticketing and work request system that supports all of the
partners. Calls and tickets will be routed to the appropriate partners and third parties. The current
support staff and structure will be maintained during this phase.
Phase II would be to create a shared help desk to act as a single point of contact for any shared
services, to handle level 1 technical support and route calls and tickets to the partners and third
It is also recommended to create a Wiki (a self‐help web application) for support FAQ and training
resources that can be shared across all partners.
Planning Sequence
Phase I
Determine hours, SLAs, average number of tickets
Select ticketing system (which could include a knowledge base)
Determine if migration data is needed
Migrate to new system (potentially consider going google)
Phase II
Determine Help Desk staffing needs
Create Wiki
Inform users on help desk usage, hours, number, SLA, etc.
Implement solution
Email has become a commodity and there are a number of options available in the public cloud
space. A public cloud email solution is recommended for the six remaining partners who are still
on an exchange. Westerville and Metro Parks have converted to Google Apps. Metro Parks’
decision was based mainly on accommodating various connection speeds to remote locations while
Westerville gained back support hours. Dublin switched to Office365. There are a number of
applications that can be added to these products such as MS Office. During our assessment, there
was some debate on consolidating exchange on the backend with a number of virtual servers being
managed by a single group, though this would reduce infrastructure, it would be complicated and
support intensive. The services available now are proven and require minimal administration.
QSI recommends Prairie Township, Grandview Heights, Upper Arlington, MORPC, MEC, and
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio to consider migrating from Exchange to a cloud‐based
Email solution. As a secondary recommendation; these same partners can also consider encryption
system be added.
Planning Sequence
Each partner will implement individually:
Dublin, Metro Parks, and Westerville have been through the process and can be tapped for their
knowledge and experience. They have reported savings in overall cost do to significantly reduced
administration and the elimination of servers.
Tiered Strategies
•Shared Resources
•Data Center
•Cloud based E‐mail
•Emergency Services
•GIS (GIS services and shared licensing)
Recommended Strategies tiered and sequenced from top to bottom.
Tier 1 – low difficulty, medium‐high value
Tier 2 – medium difficulty, medium‐high value
Tier 3 – high difficulty, high value
Approach to Assessment
QSI believes the business functions impacted by IT departments fall into and will base the
assessments on the following categories:
Training and Education
Service Delivery
Customer Support
Day‐to‐Day Operations
QSI sent out a questionnaire, to partner Point of Contacts, to gather initial information on the areas
of review. Interviews and site visits were conducted at Partner locations with IT and business
representatives. Each partner was assessed individually and recommendations are included.
Individual assessments and recommendations were made for each partner. The overall strategy
and plan is based on a compilation of all the partners’ goals, resources, available technology,
industry trends and an IT shared services approach. In regards for requested information for a
pricing module; since this particular issue was not a focus of the current assessment, QSI
recommends that the Central Ohio Public Sector Partnership initiate a refined study focused solely
on the analysis of establishing a pricing module.
Partner Assessments
The chart below list a snapshot of the information gathered in surveys and interviews conducted
between the partners and QSI.
Prairie Township Heights , Upper Arlington ESC MEC Metro Parks MORPC Westerville Dublin
Fire Chief, Admin, 1 Consultant &
IT Staff Infolink Microman 4 6 17 2 2 11.5 12
Employee + (Part
Time & Seasonal) 52 65 + 35 PT&S 230 1200 22 280 + 50 PT& S 90 435 + 365 PT&S 500 + 200 PT&S
External Clients No No No 27 School Districts Network, App, ISP No No No No
ESRI Franklin
GIS None ESRI‐desktop City GIS‐Draft‐Co None None County ESRI ESRI ESRI
Email Users 52 150 230+ 2738 35 300 142 525
Email Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Google Apps Exchange Google Apps Office365
Physical Servers 3 4 23 10 18 8 12 19 16
Host 1 2 8 4 10 0 5 10 10
Virtual Servers 1 8 100 41 51 0 55 83 63
PC (desktop,
laptop, tablet) 26 27 250 350 20 110 93 372 450
Oarnet 10GB
ATT & WOW 15MB TW Comm 10GB Bresco Broadband L3 100M, TW Com
ISP TW 300KB up/2 MB down TW 20MB MEC 100M utilizing 2.25G 7M TW Comm 10M 40M XO 300M
Web host AT&T CIVICSPLUS eGov In House In House AFSWeb In House In house RackSpace
Sharepoint Cpanel,
CMS Fusion v.12.0 CIVICSPLUS eGov WordPress eschool View ZoomCMS Percussion Vision Internet Wordpress
Productivity MSOffice2007 &
software 2010 MSOffice2010 MSOffice2010 MSOffice2010 MSOffice2010 Google Apps MSOffice 2007 MSOffice 2010 MSOffice 2010
Phone PBX (Merlin) Pri VOIP Avaya Some voip PBX Pri Windstream VOIP VOIP‐MYtel VOIP ‐ Cisco
Sharepoint No No yes Yes No No Yes, 2007 , 2010 No Yes
Fire & EMS Fire House FireHouse Zoll NA NA NA NA Alert Tracking Township
EMS Rescue Medic FireHouse Medic Zoll NA NA NA NA Alert Tracking Township
NA‐ Franklin
Police County Sheriff Access TriTech NA NA NA NA New World HT
Windows live/not
Messaging No used No Lync EIOBoard None Lync Google Talk Lync
Training & Ed plan No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
VDI No No TS ~20 No No No Pilot Pilot No
purchasing Venders& IT Vender MEC Purchasing Direct from Direct from
Sys/Proc outsource VIP‐SSI New World (hp,CDWG) /MEC Coop Venders TechSoup STS state system Venders
No, Iomega in
Offsite Backup? wiring closet No /on‐site yes /Standby site Yes / MEC Yes Yes / home TW /Data Center Yes /Data Center Yes /Data Center
DR Plan Yes (needs work) No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Use 2 Metro Data
Data Center No No No No MEC No No WeConnect and Datacenter.BZ
Prairie Township
Tracy Hatmaker Administrator
Randi Good Administrative Assistant
Steve Feustal Fire Chief
Prairie Township is an unincorporated local government with approximately 17,000 residents. Its
organization has roughly 52 employees and 4 locations, with the majority of the work being
conducted at the firehouse location.
Prairie Township has no IT department or IT employees and has outsourced all IT functions to
INFOLINK Technologies. Info‐Link Technologies is a locally owned and operated IT company which
provides complete computer services for business, educational markets and individuals in Central
Ohio. The Prairie Township Administrator and Fire Chief work with Info‐Link Technologies for all
IT support. INFOLINK remotely monitors servers located in the Firehouse and General Office as
well they provide phone support and a consultant is on site once a week.
The Township has a website for general public information which they characterize as a bulletin
The administrative assistant uses Fusion v.12.0 for web authoring and LeapFTP for posting. The
site is hosted by AT&T. The staff would like to add enhancements to the site which includes
submitting complaints, a virtual town hall, and usage statistics. As well, they currently do not have
an intranet, but would like to have one including individual calendars that are shared.
Due to the size and shared terminal setup, the Administrator Township does not feel a need for a
messaging system. However, there is a current need for a content and document management
system. Currently documents are stored on a shared drive as well as individual drives. There is no
version control or uniform numbering and there are a large number of fax and paper documents.
Service Delivery
Prairie Township major systems:
Firehouse Fire department logistics
InspectionFiles Permitting software installed in fire and zoning departments ‐ computing
power is local, data is in the cloud
PAYCOR Web based payroll system ‐ outsourced
Rescue Medic tracks the EMS runs, EMS billing is contracted out to Med3000.
UAN Unified Accounting Network, from State of Ohio, which is also web based.
MS OFFICE Productivity software
No specific data retention policy is documented for either system or records including emails which
are public domain. Clayton IDS has proprietary binary data files for EMS runs prior to 2005. Due to
cost the files have not been converted to the Rescue Medic format.
A GIS system is cost prohibitive at this time, but is at the top of the wish list. GIS can be plugged into
Inspection File, Firehouse, and Rescue Medic systems.
The Township would like to have an HR Database which includes FMLA and Healthcare.
There is also a need for an inventory system for facilities and infrastructure such as light, sidewalks,
signage, pavement types, and streets. Currently an attempt is being made to keep the inventory
updated manually.
Customer Support
INFOLINK provides IT Assurance package which includes weekly on‐site service and unlimited
remote service for $1,350 per month. Prairie Township employees call INFOLINK directly for IT
support. Web issues are reported directly to the Administrative Assistant who serves as the
All Laptops are utilized by firehouse staff; the Senior Center and The Road Cemetery and Parks
department have shared desktop computers. Server and PC updates are done by (WSUS) Windows
Software Update Services.
Projects are run by the Administrator or the Fire Chief, who are the subject matter experts for the
township IT. Projects are run ad hoc with no prescribed methodology. Vendors are relied upon for
managing larger projects. INFOLINK is consulted for support purposes.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
There are 2 server locations. The Administrative office has 2 physical servers for Exchange,
Office2010, Permitting software, and ESXI hosting located in a server closet. There is 1 virtual
server which serves as the domain controller. An Iomega drive is located at the other end of the
building, in the Telco closet, for backups. A complete backup is done daily at 7PM and users are
encouraged to save local files to the server for backup.
There are 2 servers located at the firehouse for Emergency Management Systems and Office2007.
One system previously used for backups is no longer in use as backups are currently not taking
Time Warner is the internet service provider (ISP) with a connection speed of 300KB.
The administration building has a PBX phone system and the firehouse has an older Merlin system.
Network security is handled by a Sonic Wall firewall. MS Security Essentials is used for Anti‐
The Disaster Recovery Plan was written by the vendor with no input from the client. The plan has a
48 hour goal for events which do not cause damage to major facilities or equipment. The plan
currently does not have a clear timeline for recovery in the case of a catastrophic event such as a
tornado or fire. A Mobile Site Plan will be implemented post insurance documentation and
assessment. Bringing a mobile site online depends on how quickly it can be delivered to its desired
location, and how quickly backups are restored and made operational.
There are no automated reports; however reports can be pulled from various systems. They are
available in electronic form. Network and server statistics are sent by INFOLINK monthly.
Prairie Township representatives should meet with the vendor INFOLINK and review the current
services. The IT assurance package comes with a number of stand features including IT consulting
and Asset reporting. A written response and minutes should be requested.
Consider using a web host site which specializes in government intranet sites. The process has
been standardized and they can find many of the features they are looking for as well as other
offerings. The cities of Upper Arlington and Granville Heights are good examples.
Contact the Franklin County GIS to determine if there is a way to tie into their system.
Officials should pursue the IT shared initiative to accomplish the stated goals above.
City of Upper Arlington
Granville Harris IT Director
The City of Upper Arlington has approximately 33,000 residents and 230 government employees.
There are five supported locations: The Municipal Service Center, Public Service Center, Fire Station
71, Fire Station 72, and the Senior Center.
Assist other Agencies with their IT services needs
Produce Revenue
Fill general helpdesk needs with Shared IT Services
The office of the Director of Information Technology (IT) oversees and guides all technology‐related
activities associated with the delivery of products and services managed by every department of
the City. Currently there is governance documentation with procedures for monitoring and
patching servers. The IT department consists of an IT Director, two (2) System administrators and
one (1) intern.
The city has invested heavily into technology and has a number of projects in the works.
Twenty‐five HPT310 Thin Clients are in production, which is being managed using Unidesk.
Unidesk is also used by Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) for its’ VDI
Tritech police software has been updated and is running their latest operating system.
Upgrade Security Monitoring System.
Upgrade New World HR application.
Deploying Two factor authentication rollout, utilizing NetMotion software with access
tokens, to maintain security compliance for LEADS access.
Upgrade internal cabling at the Public Service Center 4100 Roberts Road location.
Upper Arlington has an internet site hosted by eGov. There are a number of utilities provided by
the host including content management software. Separate modules have been purchased from the
host for end user web services. The public Information Officer, Emma Spates, manages and
oversees information placed on the website. Each department maintains their individual web page
content, though there is currently no governance for content management. Upper Arlington is in
the process of evaluating the current website and looking to make improvements such as the
possibility of a mobile interface app. Upper Arlington realizes the importance of being able to
interface and communicate with residents utilizing mobile technology.
SharePoint is being tested as an intranet site for city employees. The fire department intranet site is
up in production. The plan is to roll out the rest of the departments by the first quarter of 2014.
Shared folders are currently be used for document sharing. Application Extender is used for
document storing, archiving, and retrieval. There is no messaging system being utilized or
considered as there is no immediate need.
Service Delivery
The City of Upper Arlington major systems:
Arbitrators Police in‐car camera system
City GIS outsourced to vendor DRAFTCO which maintains it 100%
GBS Courts System
New World Finance System
New World Land Mgt. Development
Panamasion Finance application no longer used, but maintained for 7 year
RECTRAC Parks & Rec event management software
TRITECH Police Application
VOIP Avaya
ZOLL Fire Application
MS OFFICE Productivity software
All systems have some level of vendor support and there is capacity for other users.
Data retention is specific to the retention guidelines set forth by the Ohio Historical society.
Upper Arlington staff is open to switching to alternate systems. They have considered switching
from MS Office 2010 to Office 365. They have also been looking into consolidating its 911 dispatch
with other areas, though switching requires migrating historical data, thus there are concerns in
potential loss of both data and history.
Customer Support
UA has a helpdesk and helpdesk line for internal clients. The Help desk uses JITBIT a web based
automated ticketing system that corresponds with users through email. Occasional external clients
call the IT director directly. The IT Department’s contact information is posted on the web site. The
IT director feels the staff can support additional users or nodes with no additional staffing. They
are willing to support instances for other partners.
New World, Tritech, and Zoll can be configured as multi‐jurisdictional systems.
There are 200 personal computers and 50 laptops with Windows 7. Additionally there are 30 iPads
and 30 air cards for laptops.
Server and P.C. updates are done by (WSUS) Windows Software Update Services. Critical Updates
are automatic and regular updates are implemented a week later. There are no post‐update testing
Projects are run by the IT staff members, who are the subject matter experts. Projects are run ad
hoc utilizing no specific prescribed methodology. Vendor supplied Project Management is relied
upon for managing larger projects.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
Purchases are handled by the Finance Department which has a documented process. The
purchasing manager uses the New World application for purchasing equipment.
There is a documented computer use policy available in a central location that is part of the
Personnel rules document.
There are 23 physical HP servers using Compellent SAN in the 2008 Active Directory. Eight (8) are
clustered to host 100 VMware servers. The servers are located in a basement server room with
backup servers located at the Public Service Center. Servers are Windows 2008R2 and backups are
done using Exagrid to the standby site. Although most of data is cold storage, 96% of the data that
is archived and considered stale data, which is not accessed often.
The Municipal Service Center, Public Service Center, Fire Station 72 and the Senior Center sites are
connected to a Sonnet Ring. Fire Station 71 has a T1 connection and is being upgrade to a 10MB
connection with a November installation timeframe.
TW Telecomm is the ISP using a 20MB up and down load from the Municipal building.
Upper Arlington has approximately 328 phones utilizing VOIP with Avaya G450 gateways.
Virus protection management is handled by firewalls, Trend for servers and Symantec endpoint
protection for clients. Network security is handled by Top Layer appliance, an analysis firewall
providing network‐level protection, a denial‐of‐service protection engine and a deep packet
inspection engine providing protection against vulnerabilities, worms and application‐level attacks.
The server room is secured by an S2 security system which requires a key card for access. This
room is located in the same facility as the police station and is monitored by the police dispatchers.
The server room has 40 minutes of UPS power and the building has a generator. There is a
sprinkler for fire suppression and the server room does not have raised floors. There is room and
power for 4 additional racks. The UPS backup will need to be modified if additional racks are
Helpdesk ticket reports are generated on a regular basis and can be utilized in a digital format.
Relocate Server room to a Tier 2 Data center or upgrade existing location with higher physical
security and redundant internet uplink, cooling and power.
City of Grandview Heights
Bob Dvoraczky Finance Director
Steve Shaner Fire Chief
The City of Grandview Heights is a local municipality with approximately 6,500 residents. Its
government has 65 fulltime and approximately 35 part time employees at 4 different locations.
Increase the efficiency of information services, which would “free up” the Fire Chief from IT
Strategy for fiber connectivity‐ shopped around, TW, XO too expensive
Connect Civic buildings to Metro Columbus or Upper Arlington
Offsite Hosting of Servers and services – Fiber connectivity key component
Disaster Recovery
IT end user training‐ currently on the job training / no training program
Best practices
Tap into Columbus or Upper Arlington GIS system
Grandview Heights has no IT department or IT employees. Fire Chief Shaner heads up IT Part time,
has a dual role and has been active in trying to partner with other municipalities. He utilizes best
practices and makes recommendations to the Mayor informally throughout the year as needs arise,
and formally through the budget process annually. The Fire Chief works with a local vendor
MICROMAN, a third party consultant and system vendors for IT support. The consultant does
general housekeeping such as (GPO) Group policy cleanup and assists with server consolidations.
MICROMAN (MS Gold Partner) handles most of their infrastructure, provides server management
and staff augmentation for large projects.
It is a goal of the city to create governance documentation, as well as procedures for monitoring and
patching servers and applications.
GH has been actively shopping for fiber connectivity to an ISP. Pricing has ranged $700‐$800
monthly. They would like to connect their Civic buildings to Metro Columbus or Upper Arlington.
They are seeking a partner to host the servers. They are planning to virtualize their final server.
The city has an intranet and internet site hosted by CivicsPlus. There are a number of utilities
provided by the host including content management software. A combination of the Fire chief,
department secretaries and outside contractor maintains content, but there is currently governance
for content management though it is not totally enforced. The website is the main interaction with
the public which primarily uses it for document retrieval, information on parks and recreational
events, and notification services. There is a notification service for crime and roadwork residents
can sign up for. The City of Grandview Heights currently handles the notification service for Marble
Cliff through its website and email system.
Other services are available online to citizens but are seldom used. The city is looking to drive
traffic to the site and has advertised in Parks & Rec bi‐annual Brochure. It will also be sending out
brochures to citizens and businesses.
They would like to add online transactions such as paying parking and registration fees. The host
provides many modules not being utilized, have not been integrated into current practices. Lack of
training is an issue here.
Windows live server is available for messaging but is not being utilized. An extranet was listed one
of the city’s needs. Departments use shared drives for document sharing and could benefit from a
SharePoint site, especially for the fire and police personnel who do shift work.
Service Delivery
The City of Grandview Heights major systems:
MS OFFICE Productivity software
VIP‐SSI Finance System (Software Solutions Intelligence, VIP financial software)
Firehouse Fire/EMS software hosted offsite
CMI Courts System
ArcView GIS Desktop system for viewing files, provided by EMH&T through Franklin
County, for Storm Water and Waste Management
Though the staff is open to switching to alternate systems, they’re currently not open to switching
fire software vendors anytime soon. They’ve recently switched to VIP‐SSI, a new financial system,
so it would be difficult to justify a switch. Documents are being scanned into the new financial
system and purchase orders and paystubs are being emailed from the system.
EMH&T is a private engineering and surveying firm which provides GIS maps to the county. The
City of Grandview Heights has responsibility for its sewer system.
Customer Support
There is no help desk; Fire Chief Shaner is called directly for internal IT issues. He can fix or direct
the issues to the vendors for resolution. External Web issues are reported and resolved by the host
There are a total of 51 PC’s, 8 laptops in a mixed Windows 7 – XP environment. They are rapidly
transitioning to a mixed Win 7 /8 environment. They also have 7 servers in a mixed WinServer
2003‐ WinServer 20012 environment. Currently there are plans to renew their Software
Assurance on all servers and probably MS Exchange. The police and fire personnel use mobile
laptops which are standalone using Sprint and/or Verizon wireless.
There is no documented testing or test procedures post updates. Testing is done by the Fire Chief
and outside consultants as needed. As of now, testing is slated for fall 2013 after the server
consolidation is completed.
Project management is outsourced as needed.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
There are two (2) Host servers in the server room running on the VMware platform. Each hosts
four (4) virtual servers. A datacenter is desired but fiber connection cost is prohibitive. There is
also a backup server offsite.
There are both full and incremental automated daily, weekly and special backups to disk Backups
are logged daily and have weekly, monthly and annual retention periods. Although we considered
the backups as being stored onsite, Fire Chief Shaner relayed that technically the backups are off‐
site, but more physical separation is desired. So a better offsite location is preferable but the cost is
high and the perceived benefit low.
WOW is the ISP, with a 15M up and 2M down connection speed for $85 monthly.
There is a PRI phone system and the fire department has a loop line to Columbus through AT&T at a
negotiated $145 monthly.
The Municipal building, Park and Recs building and Services building are fiber connected. There is
no connectivity from these buildings to the swimming pool facility, while the desire is to connect
the pool to the parks and rec via fiber.
A hardware firewall is monitored as well as the use of Trend software and Trend worry free for
desktops and Internet security for mobile computers.
Though technically there is no Disaster Recovery plan, Chief Shaner is currently preparing the
disaster recovery documentation and testing scheduled to be completed during the fall of 2013.
There are no regularly generated reports. Annual user and security reports are generated and
utilized in a digital format.
Hire an intern for desktop support needs.
Utilize the CIVICSPLUS University free online training sessions, training manuals, monthly webinars
and upcoming features. Use the information to add the mentioned additional enhancements to the
site. If the free training is not adequate invest in an onsite, offsite, or webinar training session.
Currently the City of Grandview Heights and the City of Upper Arlington have non IT related shared
services. Grandview Heights’ fire trucks are serviced at the UA Roberts Road garage. GH Police use
the UA shooting range. The cities partnered to purchase defibrillators for a bulk rate and share a
Tax department intern.
The phone system is a mixed copper and VOIP. Dublin’s phone system can support 6,000 phones of
which they are using 400. This can be an opportunity for VOIP shared services, but moving to a
hosted solution in Dublin would likely require all new hardware and controllers.
Dublin has a colocation site, where users have access to co‐located services.
Help desk ticket closures, performance, and various application reports are used on a regular basis.
They can be generated and utilized in a digital format
Metro Parks
William Ruff Finance Director
Michael S. Newcomb Manager, Information Systems
Metro Parks is a separate political subdivision of the State of Ohio organized under Ohio Revised
Code Section 1545 to conserve natural resources and provide natural area parks for people to
They have 280 full time (165) and part‐time employees (115) and between 30‐50 seasonal
employees and interns. There are 16 sites (Parks) within several counties. Most sites have multiple
buildings and are in remote locations. They are made up of Park Centers, lodges, and activities
Metro Parks IT consist of an IS manager and one technician. The manager is specialized in systems
analysis and design, while the technician is a trained coder. The manager handles the typical
management details, but consults frequently with the technician, the Finance Director, and affected
users. There are frequent consultation and a collaborative approaches to resolving most issues.
No single, formal governance document exists, but procedural and systems documentation have
been developed and maintained, as well as an equipment inventory.
A new server with MSSERVER 2012 is being purchased to set up virtualization to host servers for
document management and Terminal services. If the opportunity becomes available for servers to
be hosted remotely from a Data Center, the accounting and domain controller systems must remain
local. They are the 2 most critical systems and Metro Parks would like to have access in the event of
a WAN outage.
Metro Parks would also like to provide WiFi limited to their lodges and not the surrounding parks.
The IT staff looked at office365 but decided to go with Google Apps after reviewing the system
which is used by the Westerville water department.
The external web site hosted by AFSWeb, is managed by our Media group. The Public Media
Manager administers, and the {desktop publishing specialist} maintains the site via the content
management system “ZoomCMS,” which was purchased from AFSWeb.
The site is the main interaction with the public so it is maintained for changes, which occur
frequently, but not on a daily basis. The marketing web site has links to the
reservations/registration system maintained by Emerge, Inc. in Avon Lake, OH. Scheduled
programming updates offered in Metro Parks, are done on the site. Members of the public can read
about programs offered by naturalists and register for those for which there is limited space. The
public can also reserve any of the lodges and a limited number of shelters from the site. The
Summer Nature camp registration system is also managed through Emerge.
There has been some consideration to hosting conferences and developing a smart phone
application, but it is too costly at this time.
Being spread over seven counties at 16 sites, some with more than one building where personnel
are based, they make heavy use of e‐mail, telephone, and radio communications. The most robust of
these is Google Apps for Business, which offers not only e‐mail, but also shared calendars and files,
and internal web sites that are easy enough for most users to create and use.
Service Delivery
Metro Parks Systems:
Google Apps Email, Intranet, shared calendars, Web pages made available to volunteers
Fortis Electronic Document Management system
Financial Edge Accounting System
Portfolio Photographic Collection
VolunteerWorks Volunteer Records
GIS Geographic information System, ESRI Franklin County
NeoGov Human Resources
Google Apps was purchased from and is supported by Promevo. Fortis, the Document Management
System by Westbrook, is supported by MT Business Technologies.
Customer Support
Metro Parks currently replaces workstations and servers on a six‐year rotation; although they are
moving to a five‐year rotation. Some servers and workstations are replaced more frequently ‐
based on the roles and the demands placed on them. User support is available during extended
office hours as the manager reports to duty at 6:00am, while the technician comes in later and stays
daily till about 6:00pm. Though there is no formal support procedure, users call the IS manager or
technician directly and problems are usually resolved the same day. External clients are not
The technician manages server and workstation patching via a Windows Server Update Service
(WSUS) server. There are no post‐update testing procedures.
Projects are managed by the IT Manager; larger projects involve outsourced providers, while
smaller projects are undertaken with analysis and design handled by the IT Manager in close
consultation with end‐users and affected managers. Most internal project development utilizes
Microsoft Office applications and Google Apps services. The IT Technician develops computer code
when MS Office capabilities need to be extended.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
There are 8 physical servers located at the main Headquarters and backup location. Four (4)
Servers running Server 2003, three (3) on 2008R2 SP1, and one (1) running 2008 Server Standard.
IT maintains local networks at each of the 16 locations. Users share access to storage, printers, and
other resources. A virtual private network (VPN) links almost all of the 110 workstations and 10
servers together in a Microsoft domain. The OS are Windows XP or Windows7. About 20 PC’s are
purchased per year 4‐5 at a time. There is no purchasing system, but competitive quotes are
obtained. Recently the 6 year refresh cycle was reduced to 5 years.
Metro Parks has a published a computer use policy: the Use of Metro Parks’ Information
Technology chapter of the Employee Handbook.
The IT Manager has developed a “Disaster Recovery” document describing the systems in place. In
addition, the IT staff (1 Manager and 1 Technician) have developed a set of guidelines and
procedures governing the configuration of networks, workstations, servers, etc. These are
maintained in electronic documents. Included in these standards is a full backup of all servers on
weeknights. The latest Friday tapes are carried off‐site by the IT Manager, and the first Friday tapes
of each month are stored for at least one year off‐site. Offsite consists of the IS managers home and
another building on site. Printed copies of critical recovery information are kept by the IT staff and
the Finance Director.
Centralized malware protection is maintained with Symantec Endpoint Protection on all computers.
Scans are run with other anti‐malware software when systems are reported to have problems or
slow‐downs. There are periodic centralized checks for malware and on the state of Microsoft
software updates on our workstations and servers, via their WSUS server.
There is no formal server monitoring process, but there are daily manual checks and a weekly
The ISP for headquarters is Bresco Broadband; they provide a 7Mb wireless connection utilizing a
tower as part of the configuration. AT&T DSL and Verizon wireless are used for remote locations.
Although several servers are maintained in a basement room, there is no server room or central
server location.
There are local UPSs on most workstations, all servers, and PBX.
There are no reports generated on a regular basis.
Move servers to a secure location.
Metropolitan Educational Council (MEC)
Bret Longberry ITC Director
Dayna Duncan Assistant ITC Director
The MEC‐ITC is authorized by the Ohio Department of Education as one of 23 Designated Data
Acquisition Sites to provide technology services to Ohio school districts. Members pay an annual
fee which is based on specific criteria. Current MEC‐ITC membership spans 16 counties. ITC offers
a number of services to schools and educational organizations. Services include Educational
Management Information Systems, Fiscal, Student, INFOhio (media and library), and Technical
services. They also offer Professional Development, Cooperative purchasing, and Document
Storage and Retrieval (OnBase).
Technical services include: WAN, LAN, high speed internet, network monitoring and security, email
archiving, firewall, ISP, disaster recovery, and helpdesk support.
The MEC‐ITC is looking to offer its services to a wider audience through the shared services model.
As the lead applicant for the LGIF grant, match partners with needs to partners with
Create a new revenue stream
Locate an alternate DR/ BC site
There are 22 employees in the organization, Seventeen (17) ITC and five (5) purchasing. ITC
management is hierarchal structured then broken out functionally by service offerings. They have a
Director, Assistant Director, Service Coordinators, and Specialists.
There are documented policies and procedures for IT governance. The documentation includes
some guidelines, SLO’s (Service Level Objectives) and procedures.
Upcoming IT initiatives include: replacing a number of switches at the client side location, retiring a
VMS system, implementing a wireless solution, working on a Google Apps archiving project and an
initiative to archive their clients' social media and websites. Google Apps was considered to replace
MS Office, but their financial application requires Excel.
Current equipment that is school funded cannot be shared. Any equipment, other than fiber entry
points and networking, to be used in an IT shared service capacity will need to be purchased or
leased. MEC has expertise in negotiating prices and works with others in the same space for
member pricing.
MEC‐ITC has an internet site which is maintained and updated by internal staff. The content
management system is eSchoolView and updates are made as needed. MEC is an eSchoolView
Educational Partner and there is currently limited governance for site content which is mostly
dictated by policy.
MEC has two (2) shops; ITC and purchasing. Purchasing will be revamping their part of the website
within the next 30 days and they will be including one‐stop shopping with portals for goods and
services. They would also like to set up an ecommerce type site where items can go to perspective
vendor baskets, similar to Amazon.
ITC uses an in house messaging system EIOBoard for interoffice communication. Ohio Alert is used
for text message alerts. OnBase, one of its service offerings is used for document management.
There is also a staff file server for documentation.
Service Delivery
ITC has semi‐annual site reviews from ODE and an annual Continuous Improvement Plan as
required by ORC and ODE to determine business systems and personnel efficiencies.
MEC‐ITC Systems:
Exchange 2007 Email
MailMeter Email Archiving
OnBase Document Imaging
OnBase Document Imaging Test/Dev
Student Information System Student Information System
Gradebook & Special Services System Special Services
EMIS‐R System Statewide collection system for staff, student,
district/building, and financial data for schools
MEC Webserver Web
What'sUpGold Monitor Network management and monitoring
VMware Virtual Center VMware
VMware Virtual Center DR VMware
Compellent Enterprise Manager SAN management
MEC can support additional nodes of current systems for potential partners.
Customer Support
ITC uses CA Unicenter an online helpdesk ticket system to support its client members. Tickets are
resolved by the appropriate staff member. Application support for provided services, basic
networking, consulting and price negotiating with vendors are provided to member organizations.
MEC‐ITC supports 20 internal employee PC’s. There are testing procedures for updates to
applications, servers, and workstations updates.
The Assistant ITC Director serves as the in house Project Manager. The team does not employ any
specific methodology, but is working to secure ITIL training. There are weekly meetings and
project reviews and debriefs.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
ITC has a Data Center where is houses nine (9) physical servers, 51 virtual servers and a PBX.
There are also an additional eight (8) servers at their DR site.
Daily, incremental and monthly full system backups are performed automatically. Backup jobs are
initiated through the Time‐based scheduler. Backup tapes are rotated off‐site regularly and stored
in secure off‐site locations. An additional backup to an off‐site STOREServer is performed daily.
The MEC Purchasing Cooperative analyzes costs, negotiates with vendors, and makes
recommendations for products and services that have been submitted for competitive bidding.
MEC Purchasing is a fee membership service separate from ITC.
MEC‐ITC is an ISP and has leased a significant amount of Dark Fiber throughout central Ohio. They
have two upstream providers OARnet and TW Communications. ITC currently utilizes 1.25G of 10G
from OARnet and 1G of 10G from TW, leaving at lot of bandwidth for growth. The MEC‐ITC is an E‐
Rate service provider and provides pricing to its members. The E‐Rate program provides discounts
to assist most schools and libraries in the United States to obtain affordable telecommunications
and Internet access. There are multiple point to point links between ITC and their various
members. ITC is confident it can match school pricing, for shared services partners, including last
mile connectivity which would make them very competitive.
Servers and workstations are protected with ESET Antivirus software. Internet security is handled
by firewalls and M86 filtering.
MEC‐ITC has an extensive Disaster Recovery Plan. It is well thought out, documented and planned.
The plan includes tiered system recoveries which meet specified SLA, specified roles and
responsibilities, vendor contact information, procedures for switching to the cold site, business
resumption and Recovery.
The MEC‐ITC Data center is 800 square feet, of which 100 square feet is being utilized. There is
redundant power at 40% utilization and the center is connected to the buildings generator. MEC‐
ITC has invested heavily into their Data Center, recently updating their fire suppression to
potassium based system. It has raised floors, battery backup and system monitoring.
Helpdesk reports can be generated and utilized in a digital format in a limited fashion.
MEC should continue to monitor trends in cloud‐based IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) or
platform as a service (PaaS). If appropriate and should significant cost savings be available, MEC
should evaluate moving core services to a cloud provider.
If they feel it is still necessary to operate their own data center and disaster recovery/business
continuity site, MEC should consider using the Westerville and Dublin model to partner with an
established Data Center.
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESC)
Angie Crandall Director, Center for Technology
Steven Wright Network Analyst
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio of Central Ohio accelerates the missions of school
districts in Delaware, Franklin, Licking, Ross and Union counties, serving more than 200,000 school
children in 27 school districts. Through direct instruction and quality professional development,
the agency partners with districts to improve education for all students, particularly those with
special needs. The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio has approximately 1,200 employees
spread over five (5) counties.
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio uses a Shared Services Model to provide services at
an affordable cost. Current services include background checks and training for substitute teachers,
as well as professional development for educators. They are also looking to exploit opportunities in
the IT space through shared services.
Cost Sharing
Cost Avoidance
Improved Systems
Disaster Recovery
Data Center
o Improved Data Security
o Take advantage of Virtual Hosting
o Generator backup
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio has approximately 1200 employees spread over five
counties. There are six (6) IT Staff members: the Director of IT, Data Systems Analyst, three (3)
Technology specialists and an EMIS Administrative Assistant. Technology specialists serve as help
desk technicians and the EMIS Administrative Assistant handles data management and reporting.
The Network Analyst position was not filled when the former analyst left the organization.
Management is hierarchical and IT staff report to the Executive Director of Business and
Innovation. There are several Governing Board policies related to technology matters. Several
systems, processes, procedures and data definitions are documented.
There are plans to purchase copiers, SAN, Mac Servers and Workstations and MAC. The current 9T
SAN will be replaced with a 20T system; while the old system will be used for Disaster Recovery.
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio has an intranet and Intranet site which the
Communications department updates on a regular basis.
The intranet site is mostly informational and there is not a lot of interaction. The Educational
Service Center of Central Ohio hosts their web‐servers onsite. SharePoint is used for content
management, but WordPress will eventually replace it for the Internet site. SharePoint workflows
are used to automate the approval and publication process for both sites.
SharePoint is being utilized for content and data, and document management. OnBase ‐ which is a
service provided by MEC, is being used for document management of employee files. Several
departments have SharePoint team sites and the IT department uses Microsoft Lync. Listserv
software is used to funnel communications to large external groups.
Service Delivery
Data Systems Analyst act as a business analyst document business processes, define data needs and
reporting requirements for development projects. Analysts provide details on how the business
systems and personnel interact to determine efficiencies.
Progress Book Electronic grade book
Review 360 Behavior plan data
SharePoint Onboarding documents &processing /agency goal tracking/Team sites
SharePoint: Solomon Business
Portal Billing system (timecards)
SOES EMIS subsystem
Solomon MS Dynamics Backend
STARS ODE event tracking system
Track It Technology inventory/helpdesk
USAS Accounting
USPS Payroll
A number of systems are cloud based, including OnBase provided by MEC‐ITC. WordPress will
replace SharePoint for internet CMS due to reduced development cost and ease of use. Currently
they spend $157.50/hr. to a third party vendor (Rackspace) for SharePoint support. The
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio is open to switching systems if it is cost effective, as
longs as it adds benefit and switching costs are affordable.
Customer Support
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio has a help desk staffed by three Technology
specialists. They support clients and 350 PCs’ in over 40 locations, the majority of the locations are
classrooms. The majority of the PCs are running Windows 7, and there are approximately 30 Macs,
which are running OSX 10.8.
There are a large number of remote users who utilize their services such as email and cloud hosted
applications, but do not have Educational Service Center of Central Ohio issued equipment. There
are some remote users with Educational Service Center of Central Ohio issued and supported
equipment. Account and access related issues are resolved by Educational Service Center of Central
Ohio technicians or the appropriate business application owners. Educational Service Center of
Central Ohio technicians can remote into Educational Service Center of Central Ohio owned user
machines. If the issue is hardware related and cannot be resolved remotely, a site visit is scheduled.
Connectivity issues at non Educational Service Center of Central Ohio supported sites are referred
to local IT staff.
From June 2012‐ May 2013, the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio helpdesk responded to
3,071 helpdesk requests; with the average number of calls per month at 256, median 225, Min 129,
max 516. The busiest month was August with 516 support requests.
There are some testing procedures for updates to applications, servers, and workstations.
SharePoint and SQL testing is done in a development environment prior to making changes to
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio currently provides helpdesk services for the Action
for Children’s organization. They also perform web hosting for the Mentoring Center and Online
Currently Subject Matter Experts (SME) performs PM functions as two (2) Project Management
positions have remained unfilled.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
There are 51 servers 10 physical and 41 virtual servers. The majority (41) are Windows
Server2008R2, but there are a few MAC servers and (6) servers on Linux CentOS platform. There
are 15 Microsoft Multipoint TS clients on a Microsoft Multipoint server.
There are multiple backup systems including VEAM which has direct SAN access. Backups are
stored to Disk and tape and tapes are stored offsite. Data is also backed up to MEC location next
door. Educational Service Center of Central Ohio is looking into increasing options for redundancy.
There is a process that is followed for justification of hardware and software purchases. Based
upon an informal business case, recommendations are made regarding purchases, in alignment
with budget.
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio is a MEC purchasing member and makes purchase from
CDWG and vendors directly. The SAN purchase will be direct from HP.
MEC provides a 100M ISP connection to the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio Central
Office for which it qualifies for e‐rate pricing. MEC is also the ISP for Ventures/Arts Academy, and
Glenmont locations. Other locations are serviced by Time Warner (business cable) or Frontier
(DSL). If the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio leases classroom space within a district, the
district in most (if not all) cases, would provide internet connectivity. In most cases, the
Educational Service Center of Central Ohio provides hardware to the classrooms, but there are
cases where the district provides both the hardware and the internet connectivity. The
arrangement depends upon district preferences and how the agreement was set up.
The phone system consists of a local PBX with a 32 lines Potts hybrid system with ring central at
While there is a formal documented Computer use policy, employees sign an acceptable use policy
document and data security training is conducted with end users. Security is handled with firewalls
and MEC provided spam (ProofPoint) and content (M86) filtering.
There is no documented Disaster Recovery Plan, but there is system documentation and an
inventory of systems, vendors and architecture which can be used to rebuild, post disaster.
The server room has a mechanical keypad on the entry door, 8 tons of AC cooling, as well as battery
There are numerous reports produced from the various systems as well as compiled data from the
systems. These reports can be generated and utilized in a digital format. Individual reports are
listed in the system Inventory spreadsheet.
Develop a robust comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan.
Conduct a business case to determine the benefits and costs of migrating servers to a data center.
Mid‐Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC)
Steven White Information Technology Manager
The organization has a total 90 employees, including an IT Manager and a Systems Administrator
who make up the IT department. There is no documented IT governance. The IT Manager reports
to the HR&IT Director. The IT staff has been reduced from six personnel to two. There may be a
need to add additional staff, possibly a programmer in the near future. They have one location and
may be moving in the near future. Rack space is leased (1 rack) at TW Communications for
colocation, but is currently not being used much. There are plans for heavy use in the future
especially during a move.
MORPC host several of its own websites including Transportation and Housing. Some are
interactive, but they are mostly informational. Editors maintain the content for each department
using Percussion CMS. A Web Coordinator is responsible for content governance. The IT Manager
is responsible for web development.
SharePoint 2007 and 2010 is used for data, document management on the intranet and extranet
sites, but not on the internet sites. Microsoft Lync is available for intra office communication.
Training and Education
An IT strategy and training plan is currently in the works.
Service Delivery
MORPC major systems:
Exchange Email system
ESRI GIS Mapping
Percussion Enterprise CMS system
Lync Instant messaging
SharePoint Document management
OpenIndicators Statistical data and reporting system
Pyxis Web Server of most of our web sites
3D Modeling Modeling server for 3D and statistical data
The ESRI GIS system is currently running on several VM’s with more servers likely to be added.
Other transportation departments sync with the system.
Customer Support
The IT staff is called directly for customer support. A Help desk system was piloted but users were
accustomed to the direct approach and it was scrapped. There are 93 supported PC’s running MS
Windows7 and 1GB connections.
There testing procedures for updates to applications, servers, and workstations updates.
MORPC supports Rideshare Ohio and OSU Ride solution; they also host Trapeze group websites.
The IT staff manages projects for MORPC with project managers from the supplier if necessary. No
PMO or specific methodology is used.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
The server environment is mostly VMware, 55 of the 67 are virtual. They consist of file & print, GIS,
applications, SharePoint, DNS, email archive, statistical, TS and web servers. The 12 Physical
servers include Clustered SQL servers, exchange, modeling, backup and web servers.
A third party vendor (Revolution Group) monitors 30 servers, 3 physical and 27 VM’s, for $1,200
monthly. Microsoft System Center Datacenter has been deployed for application monitoring.
Though Symantec Backup Exec is used for backups, Dell AppAssure software was recently added
for disaster recovery and backup.
MORPC is a nonprofit which allows it to participate with TechSoup; which currently is a nonprofit
organization which connects nonprofit, charity, or public libraries with technology products and
solutions. Members can access donated and discounted products and services, including high‐
quality refurbished hardware, and software from partners like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and
Symantec. MORPC purchases or receives a vast majority of its hardware and software through this
TW Telecomm is the ISP; it provides a 10MB up and down connection for $1,200 per month.
MORPC is currently leasing it phone system from Pro OnCall Technologies for $1,200 per month,
but are looking at purchasing a Cisco phone system.
Email spam filters and antivirus and adware software is running on each computer. Shared drives
on servers are scanned for viruses. There are two Sonicwall NSA 2400 firewalls to handle Internet
There is a disaster recovery plan and a colocation site. MORPC leases a full rack at TW
communications’ Data Center ($450/month).
The server room has a lock and thumb print security, 5 tons of cooling, raised floors, as well as 2
and ½ hours of battery backup. Critical servers are monitored by a third party (Rackspace) and
non‐critical systems are monitored by local staff. With five (5) server racks and one (1) Telco rack,
there is little room for expansion.
Microsoft Systems Center Datacenter will produce reports that can be generated and utilized in a
digital format.
MORPC should research using a cloud provider, such as Azure, for 3D imaging. This will allow them
to free up server resources currently being utilized and speed up the process tenfold.
City of Westerville
Todd Jackson Information Systems Director
Brian Mundy Network Operations Manager
Nancy Kiester Applications Manager
The City of Westerville is a local municipality with approximately 38,000 residents and a daytime
population of over 70,000. Its government has 423 fulltime and 377 part time or seasonal
employees at 22 locations.
Reduce Cost
Get away from Hardware Support
Reduce Hardware
Support Hyper Visor Layer and above
Allow more time to focus on business process improvement, applications, databases, and
system integration
The organization has 11 full time and one (1) part time IT personnel; including a Director, two (2)
Managers, a GIS specialist, EMI consultant and an Oracle DBA.
The IT action plan includes installing DVR for police cruisers, implement new Court Docket and
Records Management System, Land Development/Permitting/Code Enforcement System, replace
Enterprise Document Management System, Leverage Cloud services available in the WeConnect
Community Data Center, develop RFP for Enterprise Resource Planning Solution (WERKS –
Westerville Enterprise Resource Knowledge System) and exploring alternative locations for the
City replication site.
The city constructed a 16,000 square foot facility, of which 9,000 square feet available for
colocation space. The facility opened in 2012 as the WēConnect Community Data Center. The Data
Center is a public/private partnership; the City owns the data center infrastructure, while Data
Recovery Services (DRS), a regional provider of data center design and services, manages
operations. As a customer, Westerville located its hot site in the WēConnect data center and
currently leases 4 racks and uses 100 mbps of bandwidth from Level 3. The City of Westerville
WēConnect is a tier III data center.
The City hosts its intranet site from the WeConnect facility. Each department maintains its pages
using the Vision Internet content management system. Department of Administrative Services
(DAS), Community Affairs Administrator, oversees the content
Collaborative Google Apps for Government or GAfG (Google docs, Drive and Sites) is utilized for
content, data, and document management.
Service Delivery
Westerville Systems partial list:
Alert Tracking Fire and EMS Records Management System
New World Police Records Management and Computer Aided Dispatch System
Google Apps Email, Collaboration, Docks, Drive, Sites and additional applications
MS Office2010/GAfG Productivity Software
Customer Support
Westerville has a helpdesk for internal clients and uses GroupLink software for incident
management. IT supports 372 PCs’ mostly Windows7 and a few with Windows8. A remote
application server has been set up for a VDI pilot, but VDI is currently not being used.
There are testing procedures for updates to applications, servers, and workstations updates, test
environments are created as well.
A Project Management Organization is being set up and roles have been defined. The IS Director
would like to add additional Project Managers and Business Analysts and remains focused on
applications and databases. The city utilizes outsourced resourced for some project work. Recently
Citiworks was contracted to develop a mobile application for permitting and work orders.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
The 22 locations, including three (3) fire houses and the community pool, are connected with fiber
and the network is monitored with “What’s UP Gold". The WeConnect center serves as the hot site
and houses the host and more than 80 virtual servers. Servers are replicated to an alternate site as
part of business continuity.
There is a documented Computer use as well as a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy.
A total of 14T of data is backed up and stored offsite to locations in Atlanta and Michigan.
Purchases are made using OHIO STS. STS (State Term Schedule) is a negotiated contract based on
similarly situated most favored customer pricing and are held by manufacturers or software
L3 provides a 100M internet connection from the administration building and TW communications
supplies a 40M link from the DR site. All 22 sites are connected with fiber. Police, fire and EMT use
Verizon air cards for remote connectivity.
Westerville has a Mytel virtual phone system, some locations have legacy PRI which require
physical boxes to convert to a digital signal. There is room to add additional users to the system
and they may be interested in hosting other partners, dependent on the number of phones. Cost to
partners would include licensing as well as a portion of the system maintenance fees. Some sites
may require an MCD virtual switch.
Virus protection management is automated at the domain (Enterprise) level. Internet Security is
handled by Firewalls, vulnerability scanning, IPS, alerting, filtering, monitoring and reporting,
Security, baseline, audit and backup reports that are being used regularly and can be generated and
utilized in a digital format.
Opportunities for IT shared initiatives:
Reduced Hardware
Shared GIS ( make use of 1 set of aerial photos provided by the county)
Open to potentially moving replication site to partner location.
WeConnect partner and government discounts
chilled water/glycol cooling systems and dry pipe pre‐action zoned fire protection. Dual power and
communication conduit paths feed the facility. Power is N+1 supplied from multiple power sub
stations and there are dual generators. Power is scalable; the current two (2) Megawatts can be
upgraded to six (6) megawatts. The data center is energy efficient and the facility will be applying
for LEED certification. The center has excess capacity of 20% and with configuration changes in
progress will increase to 50%.
Access to city‐wide fiber‐optic network (which is connect to Columbus FiberNet in two
Cloud computing
Managed services
Disaster recovery services
Business continuity
Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
Managed phone system
Managed Circuits
Plus a catalog of other services provided by Managed/Cloud Service providers currently
resident in the data center.
City of Dublin
Bradley Jones Network Engineer
Bob Schaber Network Operations Manager
The City of Dublin is a local municipality with approximately 45,000 residents and a daytime
population of over 100,000. Its government has 500 fulltime and 200 part time or seasonal
employees at seven (7) locations.
The organization has 12 full time IT personnel which provide networking, support, GIS and project
management services t. At least two (2) employees work out of the metro Data Center. The City of
Dublin has a professional service agreement with Metro Data Center LLC to assist with the City’s
Economic Development division. The Data center provides a multitude of services while supporting
business growth. The two have a joint role in TechDEC, a technology based entrepreneurial center.
Current initiatives include an Office365 migration from GroupWise. The staff did a comparison of
Office365 to Google Apps and selected Office365 for its quality in relation to their business. New
police and Finance applications will be purchased, upgraded versions of the current HTE Financial
software will be considered amongst other software.
VOIP and data services are being relocated from the Campus 7 building to the colocation site
Datacenter.BZ. A strategy is being implemented to make buildings expendable, where users can
work remotely from anywhere. Dublin has fiber connectivity to BZ.
The internet site is hosted by RackSpace. A separate web team outside of IT manages the site using
WordPress and CPanel for CMS and publishing. The police department uses Twitter and other
social media to disseminate information.
Lync is used for inter and intra office communication and SharePoint for content, data, and
document management.
Service Delivery
ESRI GIS system, ARC10.1, GIS team exist
HTE Police System, Dispatch
HTE Community Apps Finance and community apps
Office 365 Email
Netmotion Mobile Connectivity
Cityworks Work Orders
Frontrange Heat Helpdesk
VSI Rec Trac Recreation App
Netmail Archives
Infortel Phone reporting
Laserfiche DMS
The GIS system feeds the information into MORPC’s GIS system.
Dublin hosts a shared Radio System, for police, fire and EMT, with Worthington and Delaware
County. They are connected agency to agency to Delaware, through OARnet, with a cost savings of
$4,000 per month.
Fire and emergency medical services for the City of Dublin are provided by the Washington
Township Fire Department. Fire and EMS units are dispatched by the City of Dublin 911
Communications Center from four stations located within the city. Consultants manage HTE and
Firehouse Fire systems; Dublin IT does not support these systems.
Customer Support
Dublin’s’ seven facilities are fiber connected. There is a help desk and users can submit a ticket
through email, voice mail or via the web. IT supports 450 PC’s which are XP or windows7. There
has been a slow rollout of Windows7 underway. IT management is not considering VDI since they
use ZenWorks to push images and the equipment cost savings would not be much if any.
Dublin has two (2) Project managers on staff and the Network Operations Manager takes on a PM
role when necessary. No specific methodology is utilized; a hybrid of existing is used. Vendor
supplied PM’s may be used if a vendor is involved on a project.
Day‐to‐Day Operations
There are 16 physical servers, including 10 VMware hosts which support 63 virtual servers. The
host servers are located in the Metro Data Center and 6 servers reside in City Hall and the Justice
Backups are documented and handled by network group. Server templates in‐place and backups
are configured for disk to disk to tape.
There is no formal acquisition policy; purchases are negotiated directly with vendors. Prior
relationships with NetTech have yielded 45% discounts on Cisco products. Other vendors include
CDWG and HP. HP servers are in a 3 year server lifecycle plan. VMware is also purchased from
OARnet which resells to governments for 70% off of retail.
The phone system is VOIP and most phones are Cisco. Dublin’s phone system can support 6,000
phones of which they are using 400. This can be an opportunity for VOIP shared services.
Dublin has a colocation site, where users have access to reduced services.
Help desk ticket closures, performance, and various application reports are used on a regular basis.
They can be generated and utilized in a digital format
CivicsPlus Intra/ Internet
hosted off site
community apps
H.T.E. dispatch 150 Dispatching DB2 Crime Cognos
Faster Fleet 50 Fleet Mgmt. SQL Fleet Crystal
GIS / ARC 100 ArcGIS SQL Many Crystal
Infortel 5 Phone reporting SQL Phone Use Crystal
Netmail 525 Archives Proprieta Litigation Proprietary
Laserfiche 75 DMS SQL Retention Crystal
VSI Rec Trac 100 Recreation App Progress Member Crystal
Netmotion 150 Mobile SQL Connection HTML
Connectivity activity
Frontrange Heat 10 Helpdesk SQL Overdue, closed, Crystal
quantity, etc.
Cityworks 50 Work Orders SQL Completed, Due, Crystal
Informacast / 50 Paging / SQL sent notifications HTML
Singlewire Notification
EMIS (state system) 5 State reporting cloud Validation, NA‐ cloud
system (student, hosted submission hosted
staff, financial reports
eTPES (state system) 100 State system for cloud supervisor NA ‐ cloud
teacher and hosted assignment/eval hosted
principal uation
evaluation data completion
tracking status/performa
(OTES/OPES nce data
Employee Kiosk 289 Employee portal cloud NA ‐ cloud
for employee data hosted hosted
LearningCircle 3 admin decision support cloud At present ‐ NA ‐ cloud
system ‐ utilizes hosted attendance and hosted
student data to alerts if
inform exceeding
educational thresholds‐
decision‐making. potential for
Lenel 2 admin Security/badge SQL Door access NA ‐
system activity proprietary
Link Roster verification 12 State system for cloud Class roster data NA‐ cloud
(MCOECN) linking teachers hosted hosted
to student
performance data
MeetingRoomManager 10 meeting room cloud meeting detail NA ‐ cloud
scheduling hosted summaries hosted
Moodle 2767 LMS MySQL Enrollment/usag Moodle ‐
e, etc. proprietary
MS Exchange 2738 e‐mail MS NA NA
(active & Exchang
inactive) e
MyLearningPlan 3,748 Tracks cloud PD and event NA‐ cloud
professional hosted reports hosted
development‐ (registration/atte
related ndance)
information and
NWEA Map 200 online testing for cloud Performance NA‐ cloud
(student students hosted data by district, hosted
s & staff) building, class,
OnBase 20 Document cloud document NA‐ cloud
digitization/repos hosted repository hosted
itory contents based
upon index
search criteria
PeopleWerks 35 HRIS Filemaker Custom report Filemaker
Pro cabapility with Pro
HR data.
Review360 49 Currently tracking cloud Current users, NA‐ cloud
student behavior hosted hosted
plans, proposed
interventions, and
staff PD for
student needs
SharePoint 250 Used to support SQL Varies by site and SharePoint
agency‐specific app.
electronic forms
and collaboration
SharePoint: Solomon 125 Portal for logging SQL NA NA
Business Portal into our billing
system to track
for Student
Solomon (MS Dynamics 7 billing system SQL Billing related, Crystal
Backend) timecard reports
Track It 950 Technology SQL Inventory and Crystal
equipment ticket history, Reports
inventory and technician
help desk workload
software (tickect
USAS 42 accounting cloud accounting NA‐ cloud
system hosted reports hosted
USPS 23 payroll system cloud payroll reports NA‐ cloud
hosted hosted
(being replaced
by SIRE)
Kronos Workforce 800 Time & SQL Yes
Azteca Cityworks 100 Work Order SQL Yes Crystal
Management Reports
Azteca Cityworks 25 Permitting and SQL Yes Crystal
Land Reports
Vision Internet 50 Content SQL Yes Crystal
Management Reports
GBS 5 Mayor's Court SQL Yes internal
software (being
Courtview Justice 5 Mayor's Court Oracle Yes Crystal
software (being Reports
Zenworks 5 Asset SQL Yes internal
Management (IT)
MicroCall 2 Call Accounting SQL Yes internal
Mytel 400 Phone system SQL Yes
ESNA 400 Voice mail system SQL & Yes Hybrid
Biscom 100 desktop fax Yes
MicroPaver 3 pavement Yes
condition tracking
Siemens? 3 traffic light Yes
ENRP 2 OUPS ticketing Access Yes
ArcFM 20 Electric UtilityGIS SQL Yes Crystal
Facilities Reports
AlertTS 120 Fire Records SQL Yes Crystal
Management and Reports
New World Systems 100 Police Records SQL Yes
LERMS Management and
NEW World Systems 120 Dispatch Records SQL Yes
CAD and Mobile Management,
Police Mobility
and Reporting
HyTek LTD 5 Firearms Yes
Watchguard 100 Police incident SQL Yes
recording system
Dialogic 25 Emergency Yes Cloud
Plant CML 25 Emergency call Yes
routing, recording
and reporting
ProQA 25 medical assist and Yes
Landis & Gyr 5 Electric Meter SQL Yes
SCADA 3 Electric Utility SQL Yes
Control and Data
CRC 10 Call Routing and Yes Cloud
AMI 25 Advanced Oracle Yes Crystal
Metering Reports
PetraVend 5 Fuel Monitoring Yes
(gas pumps)
AllMax 5 Water Quality Yes
Records Mgmt
Tokay 5 Backflow SQL Yes
Records Mgmt
Telog 5 Water Yes
Government Jobs 50 Applicant tracking Yes Cloud
Advanced Systems 25 Training Yes
Halogen 450 Performance SQL Yes
Users Utilized Reports platform
CygnusX1 142 email system Exchang NA NA
mainlbo e
xes Database
esxi01 unlimite VMware VMware VMware VMware
d Enterprise plus
esxi02 unlimite VMware VMware VMware VMware
d Enterprise plus
VCS unlimite VMware vsphere VMware VMware VMware
d Enterprise plus
with nexus 1000
AmunRe 4 Programming and SQL NA NA
Development Server
ArcGISCacher 10 Environment for NA NA NA
caching of
mapping services
ArcGISServer1 NA ESRI Mapping NA NA NA
ArcGISServer2 NA ESRI Mapping NA NA NA
ArcGISWebAdp1 Internet ESRI web server NA NA NA
for the ArcGIS
server system
CM1 Enterprise CMS Built‐in NA NA
Cohiba 90 File Server NA NA NA
DataSource Internet Statistical data mySQL
and reporting
DC1 90 Active Directory AD NA NA
DC2‐32 90 Active Directory AD NA NA
DOTNetNuke Internet CMS system SQL NA NA
ExchangeArchive 142 Exchange Server SQL NA NA
mailboxe archiver Server
IMS1 internet ESRI Mapping SQL NA NA
server Server
Lync 90 Instant messaging SQL NA NA
server Server
LyncArchiver 90 Instant messaging SQL NA NA
archiving server Server
MORPC1 90 File Server NA NA NA
MOSS64 90 Sharepoint front SQL NA NA
end server Server
MOSS64Search 90 Sharepoint search SQL NA NA
server Server
MOSS64Apps 90 Sharepoint SQL NA NA
application server Server
OpenIndicators Internet Statistical data mySQL NA NA
and reporting
Pyxis Internet Web Server of SQL windows, google windows
most of our web Server
Reports 90 SQL server SQL sql server windows
Reporting server Server
ReportServer internet SQL server SQL sql server windows
Reporting server Server
SCCA 5 System Center SQL System Center windows
Configuration Server
HyperV virtual
machine manager
sdeServer unlimite ESRI Spatial SQL NA NA
d Database Engine Server
Sharepoint 2010 Internet Sharepoint 2010 SQL sharepoint windows
server Server
Sharepoint 2010 fast Internet Sharepoint 2010 SQL sharepoint windows
search server Fast Search Server
SharingServer internet File Server for GIS NA NA NA
SOCServer1a Internet ESRI Mapping SQL NA NA
Server Server
SOCServer1b Internet ESRI Mapping SQL NA NA
Server Server
SOCServer2a Internet ESRI Mapping SQL NA NA
Server Server
SOCServer2b Internet ESRI Mapping SQL NA NA
Server Server
SystemCenter unlimite Site server for SQL System Center windows
d System Center Server
tas2 Internet Remote Desktop NA NA NA
Tdata 90 File Server NA NA NA
Trans2 90 File Server NA NA NA
Utilities Sever 5 Server to control NA NA NA
Dell SAN, misc
vCA 90 Certificate server NA NA NA
and print server
vCerts 90 Certificate server NA NA NA
Vela 90 Custom Web NA NA NA
Application server
Weave Internet Statistical data NA NA NA
and reporting
WebAppSom2b Internet ESRI web server NA NA NA
for the ArcGIS
server system ‐
Shared service
WebServerPHP Internet Web Server for mySQL google windows
PHP internet sites
HyperV‐01 unlimite Windows SQL System Center windows
d Datacenter for Server
Microsoft HyperV
HyperV‐02 unlimite Windows SQL System Center windows
d Datacenter for Server
Microsoft HyperV
HyperV‐03 unlimite Windows SQL System Center windows
d Datacenter for Server
Microsoft HyperV
MORPCESXVC01 90 file server, SQL System Center windows
HyperV Server
sql2old 90 vmware server, SQL NA NA
ESRI License Server
VMwareVDIServer 10 VDI testing server SQL NA NA
for vdi solution Server
SQL‐A unlimite SQL server for SQL SQL Server windows
d High Availability Server
SQL‐P unlimite SQL server for SQL sql server windows
d High Availability Server
Gitane1 Internet Web Server NA NA NA
DC3 90 Active Directory Active NA NA
Server Directory
BackupServer1 5 Backup Server for SQL NA NA
Backup Exec and Server
BackupServer2 5 Backup Server for SQL NA NA
Backup Exec and Server
AppAssureServer NA Backup and NA NA NA
disaster recovery
COTA‐Model1 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model2 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model3 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model4 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model5 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model6 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model7 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTA‐Model8 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
Newton 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
Dirac 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
Faraday 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
Kepler 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTAWorker1 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTAWorker2 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTAWorker3 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
COTAWorker4 2 Modeling server NA NA NA
for 3D and
statistical data
Trans3 2 Server for NA NA NA
reporting and
Control of Models
RecTrac Parks & Rec event
Arbitrators Police in‐car
camera system
City GIS GIS‐ Draftco
100% ownership
Panamasion Finance app no
longer used, but
maintained for 7
year retention
VOIP Avaya
Exchange Email