Scan 13 de Jul. de 18 PDF
Scan 13 de Jul. de 18 PDF
Scan 13 de Jul. de 18 PDF
lo ~h.c-w \oltl\l,k ton n ,ulh ,lun mrr. mon toodro,cd Jllf" rT'k'""t rm¡..-,r·.,....-: ·.J:r,, MI TI,,, .. ◄-.w
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••"' ">'hrí'<lf""
tlW'rt" ,m: .1 k \l. l\1.\1~ ruk, \ o u 11111,1 " luk- ~f> "bcun- fot roundtr, ",lr• "- ''<4ffdtn1'1fn:.or"trurtt..1
¡,.,,,,,n, .10,J ,, . .,,,.. ..-t, ~.: r:..-t-4 Jn ~
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uh"(TH"on ll\ 11-.Ju)Jl. tlk rt)( W l): hn ""krv.nllll¡(
odwr "' ' "•I• ·tv ~ """••1 1
_. • .,.,..,a~, f; •rw~t,,. Affl
Art l\-n
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( 1lfl',(',;J 1W"flth , •hr llrf~ utrh- rmn.....,,f lll..>t ·lll"1rtw-f"dl,
\ \
\JJk».l\.ll¡-ruhth .u-r unwn...~ ~ l\t \nli;,r,'l.,,tw 1'"""1 -.nt
~ ~~
t"li~of rlK"ml-inul..t, .lll ,&n,:k 1tl
(► H\\
l'Cf.,.f.'('f1 1,<f> .mtl 1)º "' ,rh tlx ht1ri v. idth Obl,~ut' strolcrs must bc,c
1,0 10 111< ¡.,.,, on th< paptt,
,,. /¼
,,, hn<:, 1H11he p1¡•<T ~h·p<1kl111,l! 'c. ~¡f, AH th( J,...,.- qn ..C" ( 1 t}
,tt ;11rtrnl,. rn....,.. rhc r,,J , ,. .- 11!'\• <
on rhc.· ¡u nk uLu h.1.11..I )º "nt
,..,1 ,\
lll;t \\ 1..IIC\'C'f ,lll},{k )HU dlt III l\l 11
1 1 krr,r lhn mu.'°' ~ ~ n • 'ltfrt
1hc. co,l"{,~,,t ·he- l'W' .M r ui. •f\
rhc ,unt 11"'--lr ,1., , hn,Jn• lf'W ·hit
.,. ,~u,, . .
,t Ir., 1Mp1'C"Ulnt ,. ,._ ttf'
§11/~ ((())) ~o
¡'I t-.t1,1n..: thc. ,1Wtr'\.t í""'l•h,..... , Jt
t!tt tun...t,.,lot..!,ht~ )hr~c ,"<t
~ l"l ' u, 1h1: ~, ... ..,, '1n_, c, --, t-v
1,t·•1¡'«"m thc. ~-Ufi'l '<r1il!ICNMY"
J-.,,,.,,1 11.._,t>c:~1 ,-,_n , tlth-uarr""
Al~,lutr-1) r,\CntuJ rlur \•lt lrtjl l.ld, ,nd" ,Jual suol« muSI m.;¡-.n."'.: ,, ,n,.._.~ lhcmo.1"' hm \ t• fb> t ...,,,.a¡+- ...., ·he nat' """•"-' 1, t r"T'i.:, , ., rt'lr
10 ,, rh11>0,-:lw1ut " ' rli.u \i ,u, "ºrk 1~ 1(111 ,nJ 11J!l -.1th ,ti, mh hdd aa ,,'f'\(an~_. \~ • hrN\.nr klf ........
. / _.:1,'C\An ovc-r.. 11 u11¡ •1l,,1un ni rf,~U 1he wnt"tn¡.:k
1,J !l\l~lOC,.;\, ~ h r . ,
, ''c"\,lM(' d'l('C.&-«f .an.~ ~... "Ch,:,'( • • , 'lf rt"'\h.llT-"ti: ~t,r ,.~
CCCLC.'+~ Wll\
J111, 111,Rlc• ,, m ,1 1u,1 .1 <¡ur,111111
o( pu">OJ.! 1...,1, 11 , , i,,ho ..n 1111¡• .r
t,1111 t,t1, t1t ,,t tlM" h,md 11..c.:II
'-)\.. , •• \ • .a: hc-..r-k t\· •
hn: 1u •·¡.J~-t, ( \ 1-.-<·h.J ''I'
1,.,.- t1l11, .., ~ f,lf\. • nh<t( a"'-1 h,,'4.J
1•n!>t\t1h • htk ., m''lfi! )
ir~ thc fW'_.~.... "r 111..n~,
thl •-h~-.n<'nlrimc""~~
li¡,.-hr fff"'>ul'< 1he ~ .... .,..¡ «\,.T •.
'11 \¡{k11t t,· l\ fllt•n ,ui tc,1 111
How to hold the pen correctly
~ ~~t_~ 1, ·o
10 adueve sar,sf,ictory rcsult, The most importan! rule of all
therc m a Í(·w basH. rule'!, you mu\t wh1le 3Cl° 1s bcttcr for roundcr, ,s (,trokesarcdr~·l1JJ.Qm__J_Qp. to hdd atan anglc of 45º to thc paper.
obscrveon holding thc romng broadcr wr1ttng. ~ uom ami from lcft 10 ngm, In Failurc to do this w1ll cause irregular,
ArtPcn. othcr words, the nib should be untidy strokcs ( or cven brokcn
¡~ across the paper ancl not strokes).
To'- 11,e 1llustrations show a ¡x,n
,,...._.i<r pushed fig. 4
fi!,t l bctwceo 30"and 45º wuh the hon· "1dth. Obliquc strokes must but
1.0ntal lioes on thc paper, dcpeodtng 45° 10 the lmcs on thc paper. Scnf, are 1hc short strokcs ( 1a)
oo thc parucular hand you are wnt· stcmmmg from the cnd of a stroke
tng. Whatcver anglt you , hoosc. 11 ,n .1 lcttc-r. Thcy must be drawn with
1he cncl edgc of thc nib at exactl)•
1he sarnc ,mglc as when drawing 1he
- ,H .-.
lcttcr 11self. 11 1s 11nportan1 to keep
~ /
pract1s1ng thc rorrcct positioning of
~'-"' thc hand ,nd the mb ·1nc best cxcr·
o-.cs are thr round strokcs as for
,·umple 111 thc k 11cr O. Str:ught lincs
Each mdiviclual strokc must , hould , lso be d rawn without •pply·
1sahsolutelycssent,al tlld! )Ol> kcep Every Artl'en Calhgraphy set thc rnb should he firmly on the
~gUl ancl rog with thc nib bcld at in_g prc~surc on the mb. Thc more
to 1t throughout ,o that your work contains an Arkansas whetstone for .-1nd unconsóou:, thcsc basic ~to ne.
g 1vcs an ovcrall 1mpres...;.1on of regu· the samc anglc. smoothing off or reshapmg thc nib
tC( hm...iucs lx."Come, thc eas1er and
L,rity. as required.
qu1ckcr )-OU w1II be ablc to write dif-
~CCC ~ ~ l h ts angle" nnt ¡u,t a ,¡uc,1100
of personal tJStt. u 1s.tho an 1mpor·
tant charactcri.stK of thc hand 1tsclf.
frrcnt .tlphabcts. (A uscful 11¡,:
hrca1hc m ~forc wntmg and hold
)·our breath whilc wnting.)
To grind thc n1b, duw it across
the stonc severa! umes applymg
light prcssure. Thc forward cdge of
An angle of 4~0 1s mc,rt· SUl(cd to
Composition and proportions
'faking the rotring ArtPcn asa
cxample this means:
Art Pen 1.1 for lower ase letters"
Ali round lcttcrs (o, e, e)
excceJ thc 1r rc,¡)C(t1,•c upper and
lo" er houndary lincs slightl)' in
~ the rules and tip.l given
on this pagc should not be seen as
binding for alJ possible styles of
A 1~A~
11,c cvolution of thc lettcr A
5.5 mm high ordcr ro ;.:1vc thc opr ical 1mprcss1on writing. Thcy are meant as a basis
Lctters of the 5'tmt· hc1ght d1ffer Artl'en 1.5 for lower ase lettcrS" ofb<'1ng rhc wnc ,;1zc as the other for an easy introduction to the
1n bo l<lncs\ whl'n ,, rittcn ,, ith J 1f· 7.5 mm high lctrcrs. Thc s,unc applies to thc broad ficld of calligraphy and will
,\ ~
íu ent ,, i<lch nihs.
'!ne 1llustr,tion shows hm, for
bolJ lcttering thc hc1ght 1, cqu J to
tivc rnh w1dths. Mcd1um ho ld lcttcr·
ArtPcn 1.9 for lowcr case lctters*
9.5 mm h1gh
( • without ascenders or dcsccndcrs)
extreme tips of vertical strokcs
(scc fig. 1).
('o rrcct spacing, both berwcen
lcttcrs and \\Ords, 1s cssem1aJ for a
help you achieve satisfactory rcsulcs
;:----~~ ~ -1~,--
~ l t J~ ;;fdj_~-,1[ ~~
--- _ -~ :;;_ -_ _!_L ul.i
--~ -- -
A fcw JlQIOIS of spccial 1ntcrcst
In thc alphabcts that follow it 1s
not always unmcdiatcly clcar how
thc individual lctters have e-volved.
We would likc to show you a fcw
1 111 t~
rabcdef- ,:. - -
( (lfr«l.,..."11'\(
special combínatio ns.
wcll balanccd overall cffcct. Badly
~JJ'c ff /u
mg 1sc1ght rnb w1Jth, h1gh. and In most commonly used alplu· s¡"'ced lctters give rise to ugly "pat·
narro,, lcttcnng up to twd\.'<: mh bers as«:nders are four nib widths e 1incss" wh1ch should be avoicfed ar Flourishcs can be particularly
"1J ths h1gh. hig h. lt 1s 1m¡,ortanr to note that thc ali cosr. attr:ictivc, but ¡-ou must be c..ueful
Th1s forms the fournht1o n, of a ovcrall 1magc of a word is improved Rule : che largcst spacing exiscs not to overdo ir.
bas1c rule for che compo,1t1on and "hcn che height ofcapitals is one betwccn two vertical srrokes, rhe Flourishes also serve to empha·
(& ,- ~r z
Labcckf-~ •• war<ls.
~ ' 1
--..... ~,
'-"""-' ~
~ ).
o 1 =\
--: ~
The "Grotesque" hand
rhe kncrs ~p.1
1k lettcrs <,rwp..1
TIK knrrs con· ~lt'Urrs
- 1'/J . .
{-1 l "z-
l ~
f/TT / 'i'
O<(Uf'\ ' "!""' o«upyhalfa
squm •
1 f'..
"" º fon<mU·
, .imol«
f_ occup)' }/4 oí a
~ ~u:.ttt
. l.L::,. ~ '1
Thc intcntio n oí this introduc·
J,-.r«')f'Jkf:x-1 JJ~ft(X) ).~}Sré:.S~}'E.SCt )l. t 10n h:i.s bccn to ~how you how,
. _ JL,--- ltnlf/t¡/Jl - J
&htcp..e:kL'-0 t)~JJl,.Je:,-..J(l 10~
7"l~ _·, jlfliJ#tí¡,;1/4,
witl1 a li1tlc paticncc, you can
yui,kly learn to master bcautiful
(,UJCkeJ..1:;;:::eNUNóf"\~~~.s~ ))sqlN ~ npt'i and discovcr writing asan
,1c,;;tl1ct1t cxpcriencc. ·n,econtcnt of
a mcs,;;age may usually be thc most
~~~ 1SCJ'-.Jc-.S..~''vJef?.4,\l~J€}a:z:t:1'.
im portant aspect, but the appcar·
,mu: of the writing itself should not
lx · unJcrcstimated . T his is where
.., ---
~¡r /'?-.. . i i
ifrt r.Ur-
ltr", / j_ 1, , '-- '1
you <an best show your o wn perso-
f;:)CJ~'LSS~.;N...SZLl}1')ffl:NC~(~~ n:uoty, bringing pleasurc to both the '-- 1
writcr anJ the recipient of thc mes·
l ~IA#;/(1/!lt \ b .(,
~ "//'1111
,;¡ge. You have it in your powcr to L. ' . ----..
'- Y
e, e~ , Rt rctt
~ ~~
~k1 ~ ~;LTJ'X'}-~~
~ . S C . ~ " \ : : ~ U " P - J l l.f'JJll7'.k~
ttP.'/Jí·r, )
( ~ ~ N l l x : ) ~ ~~
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v.-.-.,,_.. ■.•■•■.YY. ■.•■•■.W. ■.'V;-W■ 11
l~ Z1 $5 lllf?
-~ ...
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