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How to hold the ~n corr(>rtly

lo ~h.c-w \oltl\l,k ton n ,ulh ,lun mrr. mon toodro,cd b.tm~ Jllf" rT'k'""t rm¡..-,r·.,....-: ·.J:r,, MI TI,,, .. ◄-.w
-\:--•~ """"' .....
.: , " 1 \ .. ,ll o
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••"' ">'hrí'<lf""
tlW'rt" ,m: .1 k \l. l\1.\1~ ruk, \ o u 11111,1 " luk- ~f> "bcun- fot roundtr, ",lr• "- ''<4ffdtn1'1fn:.or"trurtt..1
¡,.,,,,,n, .10,J ,, . .,,,.. ..-t, ~.: r:..-t-4 Jn ~
'+'+ '+'+
• • ..., .. . . . . . . . . . . . , r f f ~
uh"(TH"on ll\ 11-.Ju)Jl. tlk rt)( W l): hn ""krv.nllll¡(
odwr "' ' "•I• ·tv ~ """••1 1
_. • .,.,..,a~, f; •rw~t,,. Affl
Art l\-n

V~ 111_·;; ll!~ ((( )))

1•ulhl.-r1M •lw p.,,f"''_..~,..t
,...... ~..,~----"'-'• ,,<f"I"
..,,.. •::•tt,.,,.,.~. ,i t ,-. 1

~ v
( 1lfl',(',;J 1W"flth , •hr llrf~ utrh- rmn.....,,f lll..>t ·lll"1rtw-f"dl,

\ \
\JJk».l\.ll¡-ruhth .u-r unwn...~ ~ l\t \nli;,r,'l.,,tw 1'"""1 -.nt

h 1,mlf'l•rf,mf 1h,.r lh< tnd 1he ·Goth,c • h,nJ, as in out

cx.unpk-(ti¡¡ 4), hasaconJWlt l,nc : : r~~'·~7i~~~ ~n¿:.\:r::~·~~ J1W ~, - - , n f \1 \

~ ~~
t"li~of rlK"ml-inul..t, .lll ,&n,:k 1tl

(► H\\
l'Cf.,.f.'('f1 1,<f> .mtl 1)º "' ,rh tlx ht1ri v. idth Obl,~ut' strolcrs must bc,c
1,0 10 111< ¡.,.,, on th< paptt,

,,. /¼
,,,.ir.al hn<:, 1H11he p1¡•<T ~h·p<1kl111,l! 'c. ~¡f, AH th( J,...,.- qn ..C" ( 1 t}
,tt ;11rtrnl,. rn....,.. rhc r,,J , ,. .- 11!'\• <
on rhc.· ¡u nk uLu h.1.11..I )ºu.in "nt

,..,1 ,\
lll;t \\ 1..IIC\'C'f ,lll},{k )HU dlt III l\l 11
1 1 krr,r lhn mu.'°' ~ ~ n • 'ltfrt
1hc. co,l"{,~,,t ·he- l'W' .M r ui. •f\
rhc ,unt 11"'--lr ,1., , hn,Jn• lf'W ·hit
.,. ,~u,, . .
,t Ir., 1Mp1'C"Ulnt ,. ,._ ttf'

§11/~ ((())) ~o
¡'I t-.t1,1n..: thc. ,1Wtr'\.t í""'l•h,..... , Jt
t!tt tun...t,.,lot..!,ht~ )hr~c ,"<t
~ l"l ' u, 1h1: ~, ... ..,, '1n_, c, --, t-v
1,t·•1¡'«"m thc. ~-Ufi'l '<r1il!ICNMY"
J-.,,,.,,1 11.._,t>c:~1 ,-,_n , tlth-uarr""
Al~,lutr-1) r,\CntuJ rlur \•lt lrtjl l.ld, ,nd" ,Jual suol« muSI m.;¡-.n."'.: ,, ,n,.._.~ lhcmo.1"' hm \ t• fb> t ...,,,.a¡+- ...., ·he nat' """•"-' 1, t r"T'i.:, , ., rt'lr

10 ,, rh11>0,-:lw1ut " ' rli.u \i ,u, "ºrk 1~ 1(111 ,nJ 11J!l -.1th ,ti, mh hdd aa ,,'f'\(an~_. \~ • hrN\.nr klf ........
. / _.:1,'C\An ovc-r.. 11 u11¡ •1l,,1un ni rf,~U 1he wnt"tn¡.:k
1,J !l\l~lOC,.;\, ~ h r . ,
, ''c"\,lM(' d'l('C.&-«f .an.~ ~... "Ch,:,'( • • , 'lf rt"'\h.llT-"ti: ~t,r ,.~

CCCLC.'+~ Wll\
J111, 111,Rlc• ,, m ,1 1u,1 .1 <¡ur,111111
o( pu">OJ.! 1...,1, 11 , , i,,ho ..n 1111¡• .r
t,1111 t lur.M.tt,t1, t1t ,,t tlM" h,md 11..c.:II
'-)\.. , •• \ • .a: hc-..r-k t\· •
hn: 1u •·¡.J~-t, ( \ 1-.-<·h.J ''I'
1,.,.- t1l11, .., ~ f,lf\. • nh<t( a"'-1 h,,'4.J
1•n!>t\t1h • htk ., m''lfi! )
ir~ thc fW'_.~.... "r 111..n~,
thl •-h~-.n<'nlrimc""~~
li¡,.-hr fff"'>ul'< 1he ~ .... .,..¡ «\,.T •.
'11 \
An.in¡{k11t t,· l\ fllt•n ,ui tc,1 111
How to hold the pen correctly

slimmer, more condenscd lcttering. ·1ne rotring ArtPcn should i>c

~ ~~t_~ 1, ·o
10 adueve sar,sf,ictory rcsult, The most importan! rule of all
therc m a Í(·w basH. rule'!, you mu\t wh1le 3Cl° 1s bcttcr for roundcr, ,s (,trokesarcdr~·l1JJ.Qm__J_Qp. to hdd atan anglc of 45º to thc paper.
obscrveon holding thc romng broadcr wr1ttng. ~ uom ami from lcft 10 ngm, In Failurc to do this w1ll cause irregular,
ArtPcn. othcr words, the nib should be untidy strokcs ( or cven brokcn
¡~ across the paper ancl not strokes).
To'- 11,e 1llustrations show a ¡x,n
,,...._.i<r pushed fig. 4

~![~Ju ((())) _,_: ~

h 1s 1mportant that tht' end

cdgc of thc nib makes an ,mgle ot
The ·Gothic' hand, as in our
cxarnplc (fig. 4), hasaconstant bnc
Consequemly, thc lettcrsofthe
var1ous alphabcts are constructccl by
simpl)· comhining a numbcr ofbas,c
strokes w1th OCcJS1onaJ, m 1nor vana-
mclinccl too far to the lcft (5 a), a
peo inclincd too far to thc nght
(5 b), and a pcn m thecorrcct writ·
mg posiuon (5c).
\ \

fi!,t l bctwceo 30"and 45º wuh the hon· "1dth. Obliquc strokes must but
1.0ntal lioes on thc paper, dcpeodtng 45° 10 the lmcs on thc paper. Scnf, are 1hc short strokcs ( 1a)
oo thc parucular hand you are wnt· stcmmmg from the cnd of a stroke
tng. Whatcver anglt you , hoosc. 11 ,n .1 lcttc-r. Thcy must be drawn with
1he cncl edgc of thc nib at exactl)•
1he sarnc ,mglc as when drawing 1he
- ,H .-.
lcttcr 11self. 11 1s 11nportan1 to keep

~ /
pract1s1ng thc rorrcct positioning of
~'-"' thc hand ,nd the mb ·1nc best cxcr·
o-.cs are thr round strokcs as for
,·umple 111 thc k 11cr O. Str:ught lincs
Each mdiviclual strokc must , hould , lso be d rawn without •pply·
1sahsolutelycssent,al tlld! )Ol> kcep Every Artl'en Calhgraphy set thc rnb should he firmly on the
~gUl ancl rog with thc nib bcld at in_g prc~surc on the mb. Thc more
to 1t throughout ,o that your work contains an Arkansas whetstone for
1utur.tl .-1nd unconsóou:, thcsc basic ~to ne.
g 1vcs an ovcrall 1mpres...;.1on of regu· the samc anglc. smoothing off or reshapmg thc nib
tC( hm...iucs lx."Come, thc eas1er and
L,rity. as required.
qu1ckcr )-OU w1II be ablc to write dif-
~CCC ~ ~ l h ts angle" nnt ¡u,t a ,¡uc,1100
of personal tJStt. u 1s.tho an 1mpor·
tant charactcri.stK of thc hand 1tsclf.
frrcnt .tlphabcts. (A uscful 11¡,:
hrca1hc m ~forc wntmg and hold
)·our breath whilc wnting.)
To grind thc n1b, duw it across
the stonc severa! umes applymg
light prcssure. Thc forward cdge of
An angle of 4~0 1s mc,rt· SUl(cd to
Composition and proportions

'faking the rotring ArtPcn asa
cxample this means:
Art Pen 1.1 for lower ase letters"
Ali round lcttcrs (o, e, e)
excceJ thc 1r rc,¡)C(t1,•c upper and
lo" er houndary lincs slightl)' in
~ the rules and tip.l given
on this pagc should not be seen as
binding for alJ possible styles of
A 1~A~
11,c cvolution of thc lettcr A
5.5 mm high ordcr ro ;.:1vc thc opr ical 1mprcss1on writing. Thcy are meant as a basis
Lctters of the 5'tmt· hc1ght d1ffer Artl'en 1.5 for lower ase lettcrS" ofb<'1ng rhc wnc ,;1zc as the other for an easy introduction to the
1n bo l<lncs\ whl'n ,, rittcn ,, ith J 1f· 7.5 mm high lctrcrs. Thc s,unc applies to thc broad ficld of calligraphy and will

,\ ~
íu ent ,, i<lch nihs.
'!ne 1llustr,tion shows hm, for
bolJ lcttering thc hc1ght 1, cqu J to
tivc rnh w1dths. Mcd1um ho ld lcttcr·
ArtPcn 1.9 for lowcr case lctters*
9.5 mm h1gh
( • without ascenders or dcsccndcrs)
extreme tips of vertical strokcs
(scc fig. 1).
('o rrcct spacing, both berwcen
lcttcrs and \\Ords, 1s cssem1aJ for a
help you achieve satisfactory rcsulcs
;:----~~ ~ -1~,--
~ l t J~ ;;fdj_~-,1[ ~~
--- _ -~ :;;_ -_ _!_L ul.i
--~ -- -

A fcw JlQIOIS of spccial 1ntcrcst
In thc alphabcts that follow it 1s
not always unmcdiatcly clcar how
thc individual lctters have e-volved.
We would likc to show you a fcw
1 111 t~
rabcdef- ,:. - -
( (lfr«l.,..."11'\(
special combínatio ns.
wcll balanccd overall cffcct. Badly

~JJ'c ff /u
mg 1sc1ght rnb w1Jth, h1gh. and In most commonly used alplu· s¡"'ced lctters give rise to ugly "pat·
narro,, lcttcnng up to twd\.'<: mh bers as«:nders are four nib widths e 1incss" wh1ch should be avoicfed ar Flourishcs can be particularly
"1J ths h1gh. hig h. lt 1s 1m¡,ortanr to note that thc ali cosr. attr:ictivc, but ¡-ou must be c..ueful
Th1s forms the fournht1o n, of a ovcrall 1magc of a word is improved Rule : che largcst spacing exiscs not to overdo ir.
bas1c rule for che compo,1t1on and "hcn che height ofcapitals is one betwccn two vertical srrokes, rhe Flourishes also serve to empha·

~-abcdef~ proporttonmg oí k·ttcnn,g. ·1 tw, rule

,l5sumcs that thl' hc1ght of.t k)\\cr
case lctter ,, 1rhour as<.en<lcr, or <lec;-
<rn<lcrs 1s equal to fivc rnh widthl.
rnb w1dth lcss then that of lower
,ase lcttcrs with ascenders.
As a rule, descenders should
cxtend thrce nib widths clown·
smallest bc twt."Cn rwo curves. llie
spactng betwccn a vertical stroke
.t.nd a curve musr be a com promisc
of thetwo.
si;,.e cerca.in parts of a text and givc a
written page a special rhrthm.

(& ,- ~r z
Labcckf-~ •• war<ls.
~ ' 1
--..... ~,


'-"""-' ~

~ ).
o 1 =\
--: ~
The "Grotesque" hand


, r¡. o B N ¡,'

rhe kncrs ~p.1
1k lettcrs <,rwp..1
TIK knrrs con· ~lt'Urrs

- 1'/J . .
{-1 l "z-
l ~
f/TT / 'i'
O<(Uf'\ ' "!""' o«upyhalfa
squm •
1 f'..
"" º fon<mU·
, .imol«
f_ occup)' }/4 oí a
~ ~u:.ttt
. l.L::,. ~ '1

¡1,- _,-: hi4tt t

J- - ¡,· i
W~ ... ...'
Tht:-lcucrs arc
1han th< S<¡IW< Ir 11 impürtant for the Grotes·
q ue hand thar ali vcmcal srrokes are
Group 1 -
Group 2 -
Group 3 -
Group 4 -
J/2 square
single stroke
w1der than square
parallel. ·n,c s.une appLles to obl,que
. •• ' / [r. , L ..
Thc lcttcrs of th1s alphabct are Lateral strokes as in an H, and strokes in the leucr combmation Group 5 - 3/4 square
dm,n w1th the rorrmg ArtPcn Le t· the intcrsection of rhe oblique lines VA l

aaocebpg g9 vxyzhknustf ijl

rcring (nib w1d1hs M/8/llll). Thc
ratio ot line w1dth to character
hc1gh1 <an be frcely sdccted, hur "
normally bctween 1· 8 an<l I 10
wm 1.t~..,,",ec; ,,.....,.
QL.LAMDIU ERO VERE UT SIM, In order to gtvc an overall
¿. .-- ... -
MEUM EST. 1mprcss1on of degance and balante
1t is important that thc inc..l1\ 1dual m a Y must be exactly in the ·1·1i(' s¡xK111g bctwccn words The romng /\rrPen Lettcnng IS
excellent for 11luminat1ng lctters.
SENECA m1ddle; for A and R, howcvcr, the ,hould he approximarely equal to
letters d,ffer m thcir propomons.
ho riwntal stroke must be slightly thc hc1ght o ( thc lowcr LL'>C lettcrs.
Hcrc thcy are divide<l mto fivc
QUAMDIU SIM, ALIENUM EST: above rhe geometric centre. The lowcr case alphabet 1s
groups, and for sake of clariry onc
QUAMDIU ERO VERE UT SIM, MEUM EST. d1\ 1dc<l inw ~roups a,rorJing to
letter from each group ,s shown
SfNECA thc >.U11e sysrem as rhc capitals.
w1thin a squarc.
u r--.Lmnop J(.l.M..NC,-J)QJ¿ .dm,'"&xd6°1¡;¡kop;:Iy(3,,,
QRS -CU V YJ"U lJW'X);.l .,,,_,"Bc,-sc,1;,.,p~c,,,•
.,_l, cdc f 0 b,¡ a&cd4gfiíj~lm
k_l r1t¡'l u ¡..,qr n CYp¡zp-qrsiui, u,
L:·•~v w,xy-z :ie¡¡z3
The Writing Se nsat,on

Thc intcntio n oí this introduc·
J,-.r«')f'Jkf:x-1 JJ~ft(X) ).~}Sré:.S~}'E.SCt )l. t 10n h:i.s bccn to ~how you how,
. _ JL,--- ltnlf/t¡/Jl - J
&htcp..e:kL'-0 t)~JJl,.Je:,-..J(l 10~
7"l~ _·, jlfliJ#tí¡,;1/4,
witl1 a li1tlc paticncc, you can

yui,kly learn to master bcautiful
(,UJCkeJ..1:;;:::eNUNóf"\~~~.s~ ))sqlN ~ npt'i and discovcr writing asan
,1c,;;tl1ct1t cxpcriencc. ·n,econtcnt of
a mcs,;;age may usually be thc most
~~~ 1SCJ'-.Jc-.S..~''vJef?.4,\l~J€}a:z:t:1'.
im portant aspect, but the appcar·
,mu: of the writing itself should not
lx · unJcrcstimated . T his is where
.., ---

~¡r /'?-.. . i i
ifrt r.Ur-
ltr", / j_ 1, , '-- '1
you <an best show your o wn perso-
f;:)CJ~'LSS~.;N...SZLl}1')ffl:NC~(~~ n:uoty, bringing pleasurc to both the '-- 1
writcr anJ the recipient of thc mes·
l ~IA#;/(1/!lt \ b .(,
~ "//'1111
,;¡ge. You have it in your powcr to L. ' . ----..

~t:Ll~'(~ ~Je;lh~lc:&'Jl.Uv., .sqe,-e, rnakc wnting a true expcrience.

IÍ .,_ t,t,(. (. rt:
~ ~ J ~ l ' N l ~ O l l¡;?.(.¡ m lt11} ,\!ti¡ 7'

'- Y
e, e~ , Rt rctt
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~k1 ~ ~;LTJ'X'}-~~
~ . S C . ~ " \ : : ~ U " P - J l l.f'JJll7'.k~
ttP.'/Jí·r, )
( ~ ~ N l l x : ) ~ ~~

l 'l
v.-.-.,,_.. ■.•■•■.YY. ■.•■•■.W. ■.'V;-W■ 11

l~ Z1 $5 lllf?
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