Supply Chains in The Construction Industry: Guest Editorial
Supply Chains in The Construction Industry: Guest Editorial
Supply Chains in The Construction Industry: Guest Editorial
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to introduce a special issue about the construction industry and the management of its supply chains. It aims to
discuss and point to some differences and possible similarities with traditional manufacturing and its supply chains.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper is mostly a literature review and contains official statistics.
Findings – The market of the construction company is mostly local and highly volatile. The long durability of the construction “product” contributes to
the volatility. The product specification process before the customer order arrives shows different degrees of specifications: engineer to order, modify to
order, configure to order, select a variant. (The common make-to-stock in traditional manufacturing does not exist.) A construction company only
executes a small part of the project by its own personnel and capacity. This is a way of risk spreading and risk mitigation and to compensate for an
unstable market. If a construction company wants to establish a new concept, from “engineer to order” to e.g. “configure to order”, it must be
engaged earlier in the business process and with other than usual customers, which might complicate the process.
Research limitations/implications – Experiences from Sweden and Swedish developments are the main source of information.
Originality/value – The paper introduces the articles that are a source of scientifically generated knowledge regarding various problems and
opportunities associated with supply chain management in the project-based construction industry.
Keywords Supply chain management, Construction industry, Sustainable development, Sweden, Project planning
Introduction Even so, much research work and several public funded
unraveling reports have assessed and suggested ways to
This is the introductory article in a special edition about the improve productivity in the construction industry.
construction industry and the management of its supply Since the 1990s there has been an increased interest of
chains. Eccles (1981) defined construction as “the erection, supply chain management theories to understand and
maintenance, and repair of immobile structures, the characterize the deficiencies and to propose solution to
demolition of existing structures, and land development”. improve the coordination of the often many subcontractors
The term architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) and suppliers in the construction supply chain. The UK-
industry also includes the design in the supply chain of the sponsored Latham (1994) and Egan (Construction Taskforce,
construction, repair and retrofit of our built environment. 1998) reports investigated the current practice of loosely
Also, the boundary between construction and the coupled supply chain; Dubois and Gadde (2002) suggested a
manufacturing industry is indefinite and fuzzy. Are plants more integrated supply chain using collaborative agreements
producing building insulations part of construction or part of between contractors, suppliers and clients. Cox and
the manufacturing industry? The difference in output Townsend (1998) discussed the relationship between supply
produced, firm size and use of technology in the residential, chain management and market structure, i.e. the constraints
commercial/public, industrial and infrastructure sector also
makes it hard to characterize and measure the performance of Many of the authors mentioned in this article have also served as
construction on industry level (Huang et al., 2009). reviewers; a lot of people have been engaged in the review process,
Therefore, several investigations showing a slow increase or therefore special thanks also go to: Paola Olimpia Achard, Diana
Chronéer, Tim Foster, Rickard Garvare, Jopp I. M.Halman, Petri Helo,
even decline in productivity developments may be debatable. Olli-Pecka Hilmola, Zhongsheng Hua, Karl Inderfurth, Patrik Jonsson,
Jari Juga, Kristian Kristiansen, Jarmo Laitinen, Aleš Magdič, Stefan
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at Minner, Arthur Money, Andreas Norrman, Ossi Pesämaa, David Pyke,
Martin Rudberg, Göran Svensson, Ou Tang, Anders Thorstenson, Peter
Wallström, Erik van der Sluis, Karel van Donselaar, Ruben Vrijhoef,
Simone Zanoni, Pär Åhlström
The authors would also like to thank Mrs Tatiana Liljeström for
administrative help.
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
15/5 (2010) 347– 353 The work with this special issue has been supported by the Swedish
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited [ISSN 1359-8546] Research Council Formas (Project SE þ 468200440 and
[DOI 10.1108/13598541011068260] SE þ 358961522072) for which the authors are very thankful.
Supply chains in the construction industry Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Anders Segerstedt and Thomas Olofsson Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2010 · 347 –353
and structural forces of the market and Agapiou et al. (1998) to increase efficiency and lower costs in production,
introduced the “building merchants” providing supply for the decreasing delivery times, and even increasing the flexibility
building industry as an important player in the supply chain. and variety of products to satisfy customers’ demands.
Other perspectives and explanations of root causes for low Christopher (2001) discusses the introduction of a strategic
productivity development have been proposed by Vrijhoef and inventory to hold common sub-assemblies and only complete
Koskela (2000), who recommended an integrated the final assembly or configuration when the precise customer
management of the interface between site activities and requirement is known. This type of postponement strategy
supply chain. moving the customer order point up-streams is utilized in the
Several authors have also recognized the important role of mass-customization industry separating “base” and “surge”
the client. Briscoe et al. (2004) identified the client as the demands. However, unlike the construction industry, the
most significant actor in achieving integration in the supply product design is often developed in a separate product
chain. London and Kenley (2000) adapted Lambert et al. development process in the manufacturing industry by the
(1998) model of the supply chain structure from an industrial lead firm or system integrator.
organization perspective and put the client organization in the The peculiar relation between design and production in the
focal point. Vrijhoef and de Ridder (2005) developed this construction industry has also been recognized by Winch
concept further and discussed two strategies for integration; (1998), who classified from an institutional view the principal
supplier driven integration and client driven integration. contractor and principal designer as sharing the role of the
system integrator, see Figure 1. The customer of a
construction company is often “separated”; this means the
What kind of supply chain is the construction first tier customer to the construction company is often an
supply chain? agent for the second tier customer; and the real consumer of
It is not uncommon to hear that the construction industry is the product (e.g. the tenant of the flat) is still not known.
totally different to other industries and must find other However, this is not totally unique for the construction
solutions and concepts for improving performance and industry, other companies are also often in a supply/demand
efficiency. Is it true or a myth? It is customary to view that chain where the first tier customer delivers to second and
there are certain peculiarities of construction, like one-of-a- third tiers customers, etc. But a construction company is
kind products, temporary organization, and site production, often more movable and impermanent in its supply chain
preventing the attainment of flows as efficient as in compared to other industries; the construction company can
manufacturing (Koskela, 1992). As an example the principal be the focal company in a development project and be
construction company that manages a construction project positioned as first or even second tier supplier in other
mostly executes only a small part of the “product” by its own projects (see Figure 1) (Figure 1 is adapted after Lambert et al.
personnel and its own production facilities. The great part, (1998), London and Kenley (2000) and Vrijhoef and de
approximately 75 percent and more, of the product’s value is Ridder (2005)).
built with help from suppliers and subcontractors (Dubois
and Gadde, 2000). It is often believed that advances in Market volatility: the Swedish case
construction are related to the elimination of these
peculiarities, like site production by means of The construction industry is local. Governmental subsidies,
industrialization or one-of-a-kind products by means of pre- national and local regulations and culture have essentially
engineering. These peculiarities are also at the core of the protected the construction industry from global competition.
argument that construction is so different, especially from The building products also have a long life-span creating a
manufacturing that technology transfer from other fields is situation where the demands vary dramatically over time.
not possible. Ballard and Howell (1998a, b), advocates of Since 1950 the number of initiated flats in Sweden has varied
Lean construction, who posed the question “What kind of with a factor of 10 over time, Figure 2.
production is construction?” argued that parts and In the 1960s when the large governmental multi-dwelling
components more suitable for manufacturing should take program was launched many concrete prefabrication factories
started changing the construction from an essential craft
advantages of lean techniques developed in manufacturing
based industry to more of an assembly on-site operation.
while lean techniques suitable for the dynamics of
During this era both construction companies as well as client
construction should be developed to “minimize the
organizations started element factories. As the demand
peculiarities in construction”. One such technique to shield
decreased in the 1970s many of these prefabrication
the production on-site from the jumbled flow and loosely
facilities were closed and more work were again performed
linked process segments is the Last planner approach (Ballard
on-site (Kadefors, 1995).
and Howell, 1998b). Vrijhoef and Koskela (2000)
In the 1970s the energy crisis introduced thicker insulation
characterized the supply chain in construction as:
and more advanced systems for heating and ventilation
converging at the construction site where the object is
introducing new specialists in the project organization.
assembled from incoming materials;
However, the market for single housing was still booming
temporary producing one-off construction projects
due to beneficial interest rate subsidies, which resulted in the
through repeated reconfiguration of project organizations
build-up of the one-family detached timber house
separated from the design; and
manufacturing industry in Sweden. The financial crisis in
typical make-to-order supply chain, with every project
the real estate sector together with the de-regulation and
creating a new product or prototype.
decrease of governmental subsidies in the 1990s caused the
In traditional manufacturing, modularization and production of single and multi-dwelling flats in Sweden to
standardization of semi-manufactured items have been ways drop to historically low numbers.
Supply chains in the construction industry Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Anders Segerstedt and Thomas Olofsson Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2010 · 347 –353
Figure 1 The system integrator (SI) is located in the focal point of the supply and demand chain
Figure 2 Started number of flats in apartment blocks (Flerbostadshus) and detached single houses (Småhus) in Sweden from 1950 to 2008
The business cycles in the construction industry seem to 1981). The durability and the long life span of building
have higher amplitudes than in other manufacturing products also contribute to the amplitude of the business
industries. The unemployment of construction workers is cycle. The more durable a product is the more the demand
greater in low business cycle than in other industries. In will oscillate, since the yearly production only adds a small
high business cycles more unskilled people are hired than in volume of an already existing product. It is also common, as
other industries; people go out and in from the construction described above, that governments try to stimulate the
industry at a greater rate than other industries (Eccles, economy in low business cycles by subsidiaries and other
Supply chains in the construction industry Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Anders Segerstedt and Thomas Olofsson Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2010 · 347 –353
stimulation activities in order to start new construction Figure 3 Product specification process for different variants of building
projects (Kalbro et al., 2009). system
Supply chains in the construction industry Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Anders Segerstedt and Thomas Olofsson Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2010 · 347 –353
options including energy performance and exterior design. Andreas Hartmann and Jasper Caerteling,
This kind of building product is sold directly to the client or “Subcontractor procurement in construction: the
developer. The role of the principal designer is replaced by interplay of price and trust”
sales staff. It further requires that the product can be A key characteristic of the construction industry is a huge
introduced early in the conceptual phase of the construction amount of subcontracting. Subcontractors supply drawings,
project. labor and material and transform order-related specifications
The configure to order type of product offers are based on into physical components that will be included in the
modules and standard parts that can be configured to satisfy construction projects. Selecting appropriate subcontractors
customer needs. These type of building systems are relative and managing subcontractor relationships is very important
uncommon. The “NCC Komplett” is an example of a more for an efficient project performance. From about 200
flexible and configurable building system that recently was questionnaires from the Dutch residential building industry
the authors conclude that neither price nor trust can be
closed down due high development cost and poor return on
downplayed as sole procurement mechanisms. The study
investment (Andersson et al., 2009). The system was quit
shows what is more, and what is less important. We have no
flexible and consisted of configurable modules with all
doubts about that most of this study in The Netherlands
equipment, fittings, wallpaper and flooring attached to the would also be found applicable to Sweden and other nearby
elements before assembly on-site. As in the select-a-variant cultures, and a lot of it also to more different cultures. This
the configure-to-order system requires direct access to clients study may trigger, and be extended to, similar studies in other
in the conceptual phase of the construction project. countries.
Of the described building systems above, the select-a-
variant and configure-to-order type of building systems affect Charlene Xie, Dash Wu, Jianwen Luo and Xiaoling Hu,
the traditional business process with the professional clients “A case study of multi-team communications in
the most. One possible solution for the industrialized builder construction design under supply chain partnering”
is to offer generous framework agreements with big clients Based on a previous survey result a study is performed to
from which the client can call-off apartments when needed. investigate communication issues and problems in the design
This type of arrangements is coming into practice by some of and construction of a new shopping centre. Multiple research
the major property owners in Sweden (Andersson et al., methods including questionnaire survey and interview are
2009). employed to explore how supply chain partnering
procurement influences the team communications. A total
of 26 participants, who were identified as “communication
stars”, were asked to take part in two rounds of questionnaire
Concluding remarks and introduction of special survey and interviews. One important finding is that co-
issue location is still important despite new techniques of
communications. Another is that partnership provides a
This volatility of market demand and increased complexity is
friendly and free environment for communication, but
one cause for fragmentation of the construction industry communication overload can occur if there is not a proper
where subcontracting and rental of expensive equipment been communication protocol established.
a way of risk mitigation for construction companies. The
major distinction between construction and manufacturing is Pierre Hadaya and Robert Pellerin, “Determinants of
that the construction industry is project-based and of construction companies’ use of web-based
discontinuous nature, while manufacturing industries interorganizational information systems”
involve continuous processes and relationships. While the Information technologies (IT) may be beneficial to the
majority of contributions involving supply chain relationships construction industry by linking main contractors with their
in management and marketing literature deal with continuous subcontractors, by reducing the response time and by
exchanges in long-term buyer-supplier relationships enabling companies to expand their activities into new local
(Claycomb and Frankwick, 2010), there is a lack of and international markets. But, studies have concluded that
research on discontinuous exchanges in project-based IT is less used in the construction industry than in other types
industries, such as the construction industry (Crespin-Mazet of industry. A survey is performed with 67 senior managers of
and Ghauri, 2007). Management of supply chain Canadian construction companies. Characteristics of the
relationships is, however, especially problematic in project- organization and characteristics of its supply chain are the
based industries due to; the discontinuity of demand for main determinates investigated. One interesting finding is that
technology experts do not seem to play the role of opinion
projects, the uniqueness of each project in technical, financial,
leaders and change agents in the adoption of IT in the
and socio-political terms, and the complexity of each project
construction sector. Another is that construction companies
in terms of the number of actors involved (Skaates et al.,
will more likely use web-based transactional processes with
2002). Also, the recent development of modular building those strong supply chain relationships that can provide them
system opens new research opportunities in the application of with a competitive advantage.
supply chain modularity in construction (Voordijk et al.,
2006). This special issue therefore serves as a source of Lars Bankvall, Lena E. Bygballe, Anna Dubois and
scientifically generated knowledge regarding various problems Marianne Jahre, “Interdependence in supply chains
and opportunities associated with supply chain management and projects in construction”
in the project-based construction industry. The special issue Researchers have claimed that the construction industry
includes the following contributions: suffers from poor performance. Supply chain management
Supply chains in the construction industry Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
Anders Segerstedt and Thomas Olofsson Volume 15 · Number 5 · 2010 · 347 –353
(SCM) and related concepts such as partnering and lean Ballard, G. and Howell, G. (1998b), “What kind of
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Claycomb, C. and Frankwick, G. (2010), “Buyers’
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Lean thinking has not yet been widely adopted in the project-
based construction industry, as compared to many other Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 252-63.
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“Relationships and project marketing success”, Journal of construction”, Building Research & Information, Vol. 31
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SOU 2002:115 (2002), “Skärpning gubbar! Om
konkurrensen, kvaliteten, kostnaderna och kompetensen i Further reading
byggsektorn”, available at: Teicholz, P. (2001), “Discussion of US construction labor
1649 (in Swedish). productivity trends, 1970-1998”, Journal of Construction
SOU 2009:6 (2009), “Sega gubbar? En uppföljning av Engineering and Management, Vol. 127 No. 5, pp. 427-8.
Byggkommissionens betänkande ”Skärpning gubbar!”,
available at:
Corresponding author
2009/200906.pdf (in Swedish).
Voordijk, H., Meijboom, B. and de Haan, J. (2006), Anders Segerstedt can be contacted at: anders.segerstedt@
“Modularity in supply chains: a multiple case study in the