Steel Reinforcement Estimation-3
Steel Reinforcement Estimation-3
Steel Reinforcement Estimation-3
length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of
No. details spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 50Ø20
200 3000 15 10.5 315 100 3000 30 6 360 50 5 500
1 C47, C48 32Ø25
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 32 5 160
200 3000 15 7.5 112.5 100 3000 30 6 180
2 C28 32Ø25
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 32 5 160
200 3000 15 7.5 112.5 100 3000 30 4.5 135
3 C12 30Ø20
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 30 5 450
4 C38, C40 & C41 200 3000 15 7.5 337.5 100 3000 30 5 450 30Ø20
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 30 5 450
5 C31 200 3000 15 7.5 112.5 100 3000 30 5 150 24Ø25
Ø10@150 24 5 120
6 C9 150 3000 20 3.5 70 24Ø25
Ø10@150 24 5 120
7 C44 150 3000 20 4 80
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 44Ø20
8 C45 200 3000 15 9 135 100 3000 30 6 180 44 5 660
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 44Ø20
9 C37 200 3000 15 9 135 100 3000 30 6 180 44 5 660
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 66Ø20
10 C46 200 3000 15 15 225 100 3000 30 9 270 66 5 990
Ø10@200 Ø12@100 36Ø20
11 C39 200 3000 15 7.5 112.5 100 3000 30 5 150 36 5 540
length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of
No. details spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty
Ø12@200 Ø16@150 Ø20@150
CW9, CW11 200 3000 15 18 540 150 9200 122.667 5 613.333 150 9200 122.667 5 613.333
Ø16@150 Ø25@150
CW10, CW12 150 3000 40 6 480 150 3000 40 5 200
1 150 3000 40 5 200
Ø20@200 Ø25@150
CW13, CW15 200 3000 15 6 180 150 3300 44 5 440
Ø12@200 Ø20@200 Ø25@150
CW16 200 3000 15 4 180 200 3000 15 3 180 150 6000 80 5 400
Ø20@200 Ø25@150
2 CW17, CW18 200 3000 15 24 720 150 23000 306.667 5 1533.3
Ø12@200 Ø25@150
CW21 200 3000 30 9 270 150 7000 93.3333 5 466.67
Ø12@150 Ø20@150
CW20,CW22 150 3000 20 7 280 150 3300 44 5 440
CW24 200 3000 15 24 360
150 3300 44 5 220
Ø12@200 Ø20@150
3 CW23 200 3000 15 13 195 150 6200 82.6667 5 413.333
Ø12@200 Ø25@150
CW28 200 3000 15 5 150 150 2000 26.6667 5 266.67
Ø12@200 Ø25@150
4 CW25,CW27 200 3000 15 13 195 150 4500 60 5 300
0 2390 2546.67 3606.7
0 2.12232 6.23933 13.886
length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of
No. details spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty
Ø10@125 12Ø16 TOP & 7Ø16 BOTTOM
125 34000 272 2.5 1360 TOP 12 36 864
125 34000 272 1.5 816 BOTTOM 7 36 504
125 45000 360 2.5 1800 TOP 12 48 1152
125 45000 360 1.5 1080 BOTTOM 7 48 672
SKIN 2 36 144
1 TB1 SKIN 2 48 192
Ø10@125 10Ø16 TOP,7Ø16 BOTTOM & 2Ø16 SKIN
125 13200 105.6 2.5 2376 TOP 10 15 1350
125 13200 105.6 1.5 1425.6 BOTTOM 7 15 945
SKIN 2 15 270
2 TB2
Ø10@125 4Ø12 TOP,4Ø12 BOTTOM & 2Ø12 SKIN
200 160000 800 1.6 1280 TOP 4 170 680
BOTTOM 4 170 680
SKIN 2 170 340
3 TB3 2+A92:A96
10137.6 1700 6093 0 0
6.2549 1.5096 9.87066 0 0
length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of length of no. of length of
No. details spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty spacing member bars rebar qty
Ø10@200 4Ø16 TOP 2Ø20 BOTTOM
250 30000 120 1.2 1584 4 36 1584 2 36 576
250 43000 172 1.2 2270.4 4 48 2112 2 48 960
1 RIBBED BEAMS 250 13200 52.8 1.2 3801.6 4 15 3600 2 15 1800
200 30000 150 15 2250
200 43000 215 15 3225
200 13200 66 36 2376
200 13200 66 48 3168
200 18000 90 4 0
2 SLAB 200 3500 17.5 18 630
7656 11019 7296 3336 0
4.72375 9.78487 11.8195 8.1732 0