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Making Mobile Learning Work: Student Perceptions and Implementation Factors

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Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice Volume 15, 2016

Cite as: Tabor, S. W. (2016). Making mobile learning work: Student perceptions and implementation factors. Journal
of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 15, 75-98. Retrieved from

Making Mobile Learning Work:

Student Perceptions and Implementation Factors
Sharon W. Tabor
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA

Mobile devices are the constant companions of technology users of all ages. Studies show, how-
ever, that making calls is a minimal part of our engagement with today’s smart phones and that
even texting has fallen off, leaving web browsing, gaming, and social media as top uses. A cross-
disciplinary group of faculty at our university came together in the mLearning Scholars group to
study the potential for using mobile devices for student learning. The group met bi-weekly
throughout a semester and shared thoughts, ideas, resources, and examples, while experimenting
with mobile learning activities in individual classes. This paper summarizes student perceptions
and adoption intent for using mobile devices for learning, and discusses implementation issues for
faculty in adding mobile learning to a college course. Outcomes reflect that mobile learning adop-
tion is not a given, and students need help in using and understanding the value in using personal
devices for learning activities.
Keywords: Mobile Learning, GenM, TAM, Activity Theory, Responsive Web Design

Mobile learning is a popular topic in the learning literature, and it is widely represented in both
education and training blogs around the world. Current research approaches the topic from the
viewpoint of determining where it fits with existing learning theory and justifying it as a valid
learning method. Missing from the current research is a view of how students feel about the
presentation of learning content on a small platform, and their interest and ability to adopt mobile
learning. Additionally, other than examples from the blogging world, a missing element is how
other educators have added mobile learning into their courses, along with an exploration of avail-
able and inexpensive tools to enable mobile learning methods. The goal of this study is to address
the missing elements of student acceptance and educator adoption of appropriate tools. Addition-
ally, student feedback leads us to question the appropriateness of the “digital native” label often
associated with today’s college students.
This study draws upon several theoretical areas, including technology acceptance models, which
view the physical aspect of presenting
Material published as part of this publication, either on-line or content on a small platform, along with
in print, is copyrighted by the Informing Science Institute.
Permission to make digital or paper copy of part or all of these adoption and use of the technology. Ad-
works for personal or classroom use is granted without fee ditionally, activity theory emphasizes
provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit students’ ability to learn by their in-
or commercial advantage AND that copies 1) bear this notice volvement with technology and the con-
in full and 2) give the full citation on the first page. It is per-
missible to abstract these works so long as credit is given. To
tent. The following section gives a brief
copy in all other cases or to republish or to post on a server or overview of recent work in these areas.
to redistribute to lists requires specific permission and payment
of a fee. Contact Publisher@InformingScience.org to request
redistribution permission.

Editor: Kathryn Mac Callum

Submitted: January 18, 2016; Revised: April 17, May 22, 2016; Accepted: June 8, 2016
Making Mobile Learning Work

Theoretical Foundations & Definitions

Today’s college students are the foundation of Generation M, digital natives who are assumed to
be heavy users of mobile technology and avid adopters of social media (Cvbetkovic & Lackie,
2009). A recent UK study found that respondents used their smart phones for an average of 221
tasks per day (MacNaught, 2014). Other studies explore ways to add tasks that turn mobile devic-
es into active and effective learning tools; several address how to engage both students and work-
ing adults in learning activities, replacing or supplementing aspects of traditional content deliv-
ery; still others demonstrate the possibilities of reaching remote geographical areas using mobile
devices for instruction. Unanswered questions include how students feel about expanding their
mobile device use to include learning endeavors and what the impact will be for faculty who wish
to make this happen.
Definitions of mobile learning (mlearning) vary across disciplines and research areas. Some
views focus on technology, including “any educational provision where the sole or dominant
technologies are handheld or palmtop devices” (Traxler, 2005, p. 33). Other definitions specify
the size of the device (Quinn, 2000) or lack of a predetermined location (O’Malley et al., 2003).
While some authors consider mlearning to be a natural evolution of elearning, there are differ-
ences in both terminology and technology that distinguish the two, as well as their relevant con-
tent. Comparisons describe the two learning activities as spontaneous vs. interactive, or connect-
ed vs. hyper-linked. The content itself is described as lightweight vs media-rich, situated vs. dis-
tance, and the learning process as informal vs. formal (Laouris & Eteokleous, 2005). Mobile
learning efforts require consideration of both the capabilities of the technology and the abilities of
the user. Feser (2010) supports the position that mlearning is not elearning on a mobile device.
Speaking more from the perspective of workplace learning, he notes the following differences:
• timing - when learning is expected to take place and for typically short periods
• information access – immediate duration related to need
• context –situational drivers, e.g., a pre-flight check list for an aircraft pilot
• assessment – immediate application of the information, e.g., reviewing drug interactions
before prescribing medication
Laouris and Eteokleous (2005) emphasize the importance of defining and understanding the mo-
bile learning process and call for an educationally relevant definition that “embraces not only
technical, methodological and educational aspects, but also considers social and philosophical
dimensions” (p.1). The distinction, they argue, is important so that a complete and accurate defi-
nition can drive and focus implementation efforts. They agree that a mlearning definition requires
consideration of time, space, learning environment, content, and technology, but also add mental
abilities and learning methods (Laouris & Eteokleous, 2005).
The eLearning Guild, a training industry organization, provides this working definition: “Any
activity that allows individuals to be more productive when consuming, interacting with, or creat-
ing information, mediated through a compact digital portable device that the individual carries on
a regular basis, has reliable connectivity, and fits in a pocket or purse” (Wexler et al., 2007, p. 6).
They see mobile learning as a dominant method for workforce training. El-Hassein and Cronje
(2010) more recently examined various aspects of mobile learning, separately addressing mobility
of the technology, mobility of the learner, and “the mobility and dynamism of the learning pro-
cesses and flow of information” as key components to be addressed (p. 12).
Other researchers refute the simplicity of these definitions, while Traxler (2009) notes that our
early definitions were “too technocentric and imprecise” (p. 2), as well as unstable, as technology
itself changes so rapidly to challenge the concept of what portability or mobility really means.


Traxler references the work of Arnedillo-Sánchez, Sharples, and Vavoula (2007), which describes
the benefits of mobile devices to take learning to the individual while enhancing and enriching
traditional learning activities.
When searching for an appropriate theoretical foundation, some researchers view learning on
mobile devices through the lenses of several important pedagogical theories, including behavior-
ist (drill and feedback) and constructivist (self discovery). Metcalf (2006) takes a different ap-
proach and views mobile learning as an augmentation process, letting the brain do what it does
best in terms of pattern matching and data analysis, while enhancing our weaker abilities at rote
operations. The latter weakness, he feels, results in errors of memory and performance that mo-
bile devices can reduce when we use them as a reference tool, thereby augmenting performance.
While this is a reasonable approach for on-the-job performance, the question remains as to how
well we can influence learning with mobile delivery in higher education. If used for supplemental
or repeated practice that is supportive of learning, content may easily move out of the classroom
on mobile devices to the benefit of our students.
Another promising area of relevance is activity theory, built upon the works of Vygotsy (1978).
He defined learning as a system where technology assumes an important role. He tells us that
learning and development are active processes mediated by tools. This was a far-reaching per-
spective, developed long before today’s technological capabilities expanded the possibilities we
see today. Studies on activity theory in education have been growing (Levy, 2008; Lim & Hang,
2003; Mlitwa, 2007; Scanlon & Issroff, 2005), as well as in the area of system design (Mwanza,
2001), and in the use of mobile devices in workplace settings (Marken, 2006).
While mlearning may be a promising application of activity theory, Sharples, Taylor, and Vavou-
la (2005) further define mobile learning as “a cultural-historical activity system, mediated by
tools that both constrain and support learners” (p. 1). A simplified version of their research model
appears in Figure 1. Their work views the subject (user) as taking control, applying technology,
and achieving some degree of change, ideally in the form of learning. Control is an important
construct in the mobile learning framework and an obvious success factor in mobile learning

Technology Tool


Object Change



Figure 1. Mobile Learning Framework (Adapted from Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005)
A number of studies have applied modified technology acceptance models (TAM) to mobile
learning. Wang, Wu, and Wang (2009) evaluated intention to adopt mlearning in a mixed popula-
tion of students and business professionals in Taiwan. Building upon UTAUT (Venkatesh & Da-
vis, 2000), Wang, Wu, and Wang note that mlearning differs from the traditional IT context. To
accommodate user factors, they added constructs of playfulness and self-management of learning
to UTAUT factors of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. Their out-

Making Mobile Learning Work

comes supported the relevance of all five constructs and concluded that performance expectancy
was the strongest predictor of intention to adopt. Their initial hypotheses that age and gender
would play a role in moderating key effects was supported, particularly related to social influ-
ence. This work provides important support for mlearning design, suggesting the importance of a
focus on ease of use to attract new users, as well as the value of the medium in supporting per-
formance expectancy. Early adopters will typically share benefits with their peers, demonstrating
the construct of social influence. Additionally, the Wang et al. (2009) study supported the bene-
fits of making the mlearning playful and enjoyable to further attract users, supporting the renewed
interest in gamification for learning.
While Sharples and others have made some major progress toward a theory of mobile learning,
the search for a comprehensive definition, supportive theory, and appropriate assessment
measures continue. Current research seems to diverge into two major groups: those who feel the
learning foundation is most important, and those who view technology adoption theory as the
starting point. While both are certainly important, our goal as educators is to carefully explore
new media to determine value for classroom use. If we can adapt or develop new activities for
mobile devices that challenge the student user, as well as uncover workable methods to assess
outcomes, adoption by faculty level is worthwhile. This paper addresses some of the challenges
of mlearning development and adoption in a business course.

Mobile Learning Experimentation

Mobility implies that the learner has the ability to take their learning environment with them as
they move (Barbosa & Geyer, 2005). It is generally agreed that laptops do not fall under the
realm of mlearning, as most models lack the “instant on” feature of a smart phone or tablet that
encourages device use in various environments for various amounts of time. This will undoubted-
ly be challenged by new form factors that offer better mobility and connectivity.
Trainers and instructional designers across the globe were among the earliest adopters of mobile
learning. Performance technology experts embraced mobile learning to supplement or replace in-
house classes, prepare employees for new product releases, and reach busy executives. Industry
case studies also show the use of mobile devices in the field has the potential for building closer
customer relationships by presenting faster solutions and service times, as well as easier dissemi-
nation of data for analysis and decision-making (Quinn, 2011).
Remote areas of the world have also demonstrated early adoption of mobile learning, often where
traditional technology required landlines that were not available or reliable. In developing coun-
tries, mobile devices may function as the sole training and support platform. For example, medi-
cal organizations send personnel deep in country to serve the local population with their only out-
side access being mobile assistance and digital references (Kiyan et al., 2010).
Motiwalla (2007) addressed the potential for personalization presented by mobile content, while
empowering learners to choose their own time and place for engaging with learning materials.
Bansal and Joshi (2014) evaluated the use of a single mobile app to enhance learning and com-
munication for a group of future educators. The majority of their students felt the improved ac-
cess to faculty and social interaction with other students contributed to enhanced learning. Fuller
and Joynes (2014) took a different approach, suggesting there should be less emphasis on whether
mobile learning should be implemented, and more on developing mobile learning that is “com-
prehensive, sustainable, meaningful and compulsory” (p. 153). In their area of healthcare educa-
tion, workplace learning is closely tied to the future use of mobile devices. They reference a UK
physician poll in which 59% of doctors surveyed used their mobile devices to access clinical in-
formation during a typical work shift. They call for more research to understand how students are
learning with mobile devices, and how we can help them carry this process on into the workplace.


In higher education in the United States, formal experiments with mobile learning have moved
slowly. The University of West Florida and Wake Forest University developed fully mobile
courses, creating the “Pocket Campus” and “Pocket Classroom,” respectively. While students
could potentially complete an entire course via a mobile device, neither program was being of-
fered at the time of this research. Abilene Christian College was an early adopter of mlearning
and remains an active proponent, choosing to standardize on a single device platform by provid-
ing an iPhoneTM or iPod TouchTM to all incoming students. Platform standardization offers signif-
icant benefits for the custom development of learning applications, and removes the large varia-
bility of mobile operating system features, mobile web browsers, memory, and storage limita-

Research Design and Methodology

This section discusses the process, challenges, and outcomes resulting from a mobile learning
experiment in a core course in a college of business. The primary goal of this study was to ex-
plore student acceptance of mobile learning. A secondary, yet important goal was to explore mo-
bile learning preparation and find available tools that would allow an educator to design and de-
velop effective content for the mobile learning platform. New methods that are too time consum-
ing, or beyond the scope of a department technology budget, will clearly not be adopted in spite
of the expected benefits.
In the process of gauging student acceptance, an additional goal of this experiment was to pro-
mote student engagement. Core courses typically present challenges for educators, as students
tend to focus on their major area of study and are less interested or have less time to excel in
courses designated for foundation skills. Additionally, at our school, these courses are typically
large sections, limiting in-class activities and participation that might encourage higher levels of
student engagement.
The mLearning Scholars group was launched with the express purpose of exploring the meaning,
scope, faculty interest, and student acceptance of mobile learning. Following on the heels of hy-
brid/blended and online education, the potential for using mobile devices as a learning tool
seemed compelling. Media development, podcasted lectures and small screen activities seemed to
be a natural fit given the rapid market penetration of small tablets, the many capabilities of exist-
ing devices like the iPod TouchTM, and continued growth in the smart phone segment. Mobile de-
vices represent many interesting possibilities for learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Interested faculty wrote competitive proposals to identify a specific course that might benefit
from a mlearning approach. Some disciplines, such as music education, seemed to be ideally suit-
ed for mobile technology; for example, deploying a piano practice application on a tablet or send-
ing out audio files for transcription were easy additions to the curriculum. A geography instructor
found a graphing calculator application for class field work, and a linguistics professor had stu-
dents use recording capabilities to capture previously undocumented African dialects.
Our business intelligence course replaces a traditional introduction to information technology for
all business majors. In this course, we changed from a focus on technology to explore the various
ways data are gathered, analyzed, and used for business decision making. When our graduates
enter the job market, they are expected to use quantitative tools in their work. These tools include
spreadsheets, small databases, and often, visualization tools supported by large data-driven sys-
tems that organizations adopt for human resource management, inventory and supply chain con-
trol, customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP). We
teach students to recognize the value of data and to apply various quantitative tools to solve prob-
lems and make logical and ethical business decisions. It seemed possible that the introduction of
content and study aids delivered via mobile devices, along with assignments that incorporated
their use in creating content, could support learning and increase student engagement. Moving

Making Mobile Learning Work

beyond simple memorization to problem solving and interactive simulation holds great promise in
reinforcing learning. The first challenge, therefore, was how to make elements of the course mo-
bile, and then determine if students would see the potential of using mobile technology for learn-
ing and buy-in to the new format.
The research design was essentially survey research, with the added benefit of a stimu-
lus/response environment. By assigning the full class specific activities that used mobile learning,
we could immediately collect student thoughts and perceptions. Open feedback was collected on
course blogs on our Blackboard learning management system, and structured surveys were creat-
ed in the Qualtric survey system. The size of the class and resulting amount of data collected did
not require analytical tools beyond the scope of Excel and simple comparative statistics.
The population consisted of members of one section of the BI course that met on a Tuesday and
Thursday schedule. Before the start of the semester, a short description of the experiment and the
opportunity to acquire a new mobile device at half price was posted on the course Blackboard
site. Students were encouraged, but not required, to participate in mobile learning activities and
respond to a series of surveys. Of the 47 students enrolled in the BI course, 22 signed up for a
$150 credit toward a new 32-Gb iPod Touch,TM subsidized by our Center for Teaching and Learn-
ing. Some members of the class already had smart phones, netbooks, or laptops they could use, so
declined to purchase another device. All class members indicated interest in the study and agreed
to participate in surveys, with appropriate human subjects paperwork introduced the first day of
class. A full set of data responses was collected from 33 students.

Mobile Learning Content & Tools

With the joint goals of exploring mlearning adoption and building student engagement, the multi-
platform problem presented some immediate challenges for mobile content development. Student
devices varied from the Apple line of iPhoneTM, iPod TouchTM and iPadTM, to smart phones in-
cluding Android, BlackberryTM, WebOSTM, and Windows7TM. Other students had browser-capable
devices such as netbooks, MacBooksTM, and WindowsTM or Linux laptops. Mobile development
tools on the market at the time of the study tended to be platform-specific, primarily targeting
Apple or Android. The only logical solution to meeting the multi-platform challenge for this ex-
periment was to adopt an open approach so content could be delivered on any device. As such, it
was also apparent that the deliverables would have to be very basic. Content that focused on key
concepts in the course or used basic business applications like spreadsheets seemed feasible,
along with exam study aids and podcast media for course assignments. HTML5 standards were
minimally supported on mobile browsers at the time of this experiment.
Table 1 summarizes the applications and tools used during the semester, along with a brief pur-
pose of each tool, key features of how they were used, and outcomes. Mobile style sheets with
basic HTML web pages were one of the most successful content delivery tools, as a single docu-
ment was easily viewed on any sized device. Web-based study applications such as QuizletTM,
along with mobile clients for downloading Quizlet flash card study decks were very popular with
students. MicroPollTM was used via mobile browsers for in class polls, and while TwitterTM was
used for some class communications, it was less well received by students.


Table 1: Mobile Applications & Tools Explored

Application/ Outcomes
Purpose Features
Mobile formatted Top Ten Topics Simple web pages with mo- Students across all plat-
web pages, using chapter summaries bile device meta-tags linked forms could easily access
mobile style sheets for class prep and from the course website for & use web pages for class
exam study each chapter. Must be a prep and exam study.
website available; simple
HTML coding used; once
template with mobile styles Many preferred this op-
was developed it was reusa- tion over loading a specif-
ble for new pages ic app to their device
QuizletTM Flashcard decks on Decks built & stored on the Most students used a mo-
(www.quizlet.com) topics, terms & con- site are accessible via web bile client (Quizlet now
cepts for each chapter or mobile client apps. Many has its own). Students
for class prep and apps were free although who used the tool regular-
Basic account at exam study paid apps included features ly reported they felt they
Quizlet.com is free such as ability to create new did better on exams.
with small annual decks on the device, keep
fee for content crea- track of study progress or
tors to add images mark difficult cards for res- As a bonus, students
tudy. Decks are reusable found other study decks
from semester to semester for GMAT, LSAT exam
prep, or for other classes

TwitterTM Pre-class announce- Primarily one-way commu- Some students pushed-

ments, weekly in- nication; low traffic, sent at back on the use of this
class activity re- standard times. Some stu- tool; they didn’t want
minders, notice of dents used their account to another “account,” or
bonus point opportu- send clarifying questions or didn’t want to use person-
nities comments al accounts for classwork
MicroPollTM Poll/survey app used Polling site for simple sur- Students could access
during class: a. poll veys with results displayed with any device & vote
student position on graphically as users re- anonymously; shy stu-
current topics; b. spond. Several basic format- dents could participate
vote on decisions ting choices, limited ques- with low risk. Weak Wi-
Free polling appli-
after an ethics case; tions per poll for free ver- Fi signal in classroom
c. discuss alternative sion. No way to determine caused some issues with
actions who voted or limit votes per in-class use of site
QR Codes Easy shortcut for QR client app required but Simple way to avoid typ-
mobile users to ac- available for many plat- ing URLs. Used for quick
cess web links, email, forms; code on screen read- access to polls & other
etc. able by student devices course sites
throughout room
TextNowTM Interactive texting Free texting service for Wi- Occasional use for course
tool to respond to Fi devices such as iPod questions; students can
student questions Touch to avoid having to find instructor anywhere,
use personal cell number anytime

Making Mobile Learning Work

Camtesia and Podcasts replaced Two versions allowed stu- Most student used audio
iTunesUTM chapter lecture con- dents to listen to a MP3 file, formats as being quicker
tent of the course or view a MP4 movie to download & less stor-
age space
Device Cameras Student developed Enhanced content was add- Students added interviews
& Audio Record- media ed to traditional case activi- & photos to written work
ings ties

Data Collection
At several points over the course of the semester, structured surveys were used to gather student
participation levels and opinions. At the beginning of the semester, students completed a technol-
ogy experience survey to set expectations about current skills, and the Index of Learning Styles
instrument (Felder & Soloman, 1999) captured student reported learning styles. Students re-
sponded to several sets of discussion questions on the course blog mid-point in the semester, and
a final survey collected student perceptions about their overall mlearning experience and intent to
adopt at the end of semester. A full set of surveys is available in the Appendix.
The technology experience survey is an in-house instrument we use regularly to measure student
ability with various technologies at the start of a semester. Results from the full class survey
showed members had slightly less experience and access to technology than those taking the sur-
vey in prior semesters. Table 2 shows an abbreviated set of results on key technologies and stu-
dent experience with them.
Table 2: Summary Results from Technology Experience Survey

Questions to Determine Experience Level Positive Response

n %
1. Have a computer at home 44 94%
2. Have broadband Internet access at home 40 86%
3. Have a laptop or netbook 42 90%
4. Have a mobile device that plays MP3s 36 78%
5. Have a mobile device that plays video 29 63%
6. Have a phone with web browser 29 63%
7. Have viewed videos on YouTube 46 98%
8. Have uploaded videos on YouTube 22 48%
9. Subscribing to podcasts or newsfeeds 24 52%
10. Subscribing & listening to podcasts from iTunesU 13 28%

Students in this course tended to be more consumers of media rather than creators, with minimal
experience listening to educational podcasts. This was emphasized further when two weeks after
receiving their devices only a small number of students had completed the first assignment of
finding a mobile learning tool or educational application.
The first ten minutes of each class meeting were used to cover device or application issues, but
students seemed reluctant to ask questions in the full group. To encourage more student involve-
ment, an in-class exercise on team process was modified to include a mobile element. Students


self-selected into small groups by their device type or operating system. The team goal was to
share applications they discovered, search for useful learning applications, ask and answer group
questions, and post a team summary to the course technology blog.
Some students found course-related content on YouTubeTM, TedTM sessions on related course top-
ics, PDF readers, and other small applications that they shared on the course technology blog. The
majority quickly adopted QuizletTM, an application to view and study flash cards of course con-
cepts developed for them, and in the process found other categories of card decks to help them
prepare for graduate or law school admissions exams, or content for other classes. Some students
clearly saw the potential for using mobile devices as study aids and were eager to continue the
process. Students seemed more likely to ask questions of each other during this small group activ-
ity than in the full class, and most claimed to have learned something new about their mobile
technology and capabilities in their team blogs.

GenM Students Speak Out

A surprising aspect of this study was in discovering how students viewed their relationship to
technology. Several semi-structured blogging activities resulted in interesting and unexpected
responses. The first activity asked students to discuss their thoughts on the definition of genera-
tion mobile (GenM), and opinions about using mobile technology for lifelong learning. While
most students agreed with the definition of GenM provided, supporting Cvbetkovic and Lackie
(2009), few were ready to say mlearning was a long-term learning solution. Some, in fact, la-
mented the constant use of technology and noted that their peers no longer knew how to read a
map or do basic math functions without technology. Table 3 summarizes the category definition
and discussion questions, along with selected student responses.
Table 3: GenM Definition & Student Thoughts (blog responses)

Question: “Gen M, those born from 1980-99, is alternately defined as the "millennials," "multi-taskers,"
"multisensory," and, of course, "mobile." What do you think of this classification? Is the stereotype of a
wired, tech-savvy generation accurate? Are we ready to say that life-long learning is enabled by our mobile

“I would say that this is a fairly accurate summation as some of the greatest technological advances
in America occurred during the given time frame. The multitasking generation, that I am a part of,
was born into this rapidly growing system of communication, advertising, etc. We have come at a
time when the internet and data phones are really accessible to most people. I don't know if this is a
good thing though. Some people would make the argument that multimedia is the best way to ob-
tain information for our brains. Studies show however that when reading on screen or watching on
screen we retain 15% - 20% less info and read 20% - 30% slower.”

“I think that the classification of our Gen M, is fairly accurate. Overall, those years are the times of
big technological break-throughs that have defined our generation. We have been introduced to the
i-phone and Zunes of our time and used and adapted them to our needs. We make things simpler
with our mobile devices; however I do not believe that we are ready to say that life-long learning
will be enabled by our mobile devices. The technology is close but not there yet. We still need
some time to invent all the things we need to make mobile learning successful as the books and
pen and paper of older times have been.”

Making Mobile Learning Work

“It is absolutely fair to say that Gen M are "millennials," "multi-taskers," "multisensory," and, of
course, "mobile." I recently witnessed my two-year old nephew enter the passcode to get into his
mother's phone. He also turned on the television, the Wii and chose his movie of preference on
Netflix. A two-year old! Imagine what he can do when he gets older. Now, he doesn't belong in the
Gen M categorization, perhaps he will be known as Gen T for "technology"? For those that fit in
the Gen M era, I truly believe that the "m" description fits. It is true that everywhere on campus,
you can't help but notice students glued to their phone walking from to class. Although we rely on
our mobile devices every day, to say that it will enable life-long learning is premature. We are so-
cial people and use these devices for "friends" but it is up to the individuals to decide that learning
comes out of it. I'm just not ready to "learn" from my phone, I don't know if I'll be using my phone
that much if it was created for learning purposes.”

Regarding students’ self-reported ability to use various technologies, or degree of self-efficacy,

(Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) many students felt they were part of GenM and had confidence with
technology, even though they did not always demonstrate this ability with their mobile devices in
class. From activity outcomes, they did not appear to be rapid adopters of mobile learning appli-
cations beyond typical gaming or social media use. As noted by one student:
“Generation M is much less tech savvy than people assume. The ability to efficiently use im-
portant applications such as Microsoft Excel is very rare among people my age. The stereotype is
dead wrong when it assumes that people of this age already have real, useful technological skills.”
(blog response)
This study hints that the digital native definition applied to college students by Cvbetkovic and
Lackie (2009) is not a given. While they have access to technology as never before, it is still indi-
vidual preference as to what and how much technology they adopt and use on a regular basis.
Early in the course, students demonstrated reluctance to experiment with their new devices, or
even to search for appropriate educational applications. Only with encouragement and perhaps a
bit of peer pressure when asked to perform on a team, did they take the extra step of exploration
beyond their comfort zone. This supports the work of Wang et al. (2009), regarding performance
expectancy. Throughout this experiment, unless students expected to benefit from a tool or tech-
nology, they were reluctant to devote time to it.
Results of this study also show that students’ desire to learn on their personal mobile devices
should not be an automatic assumption, as some of them feel strongly about keeping their person-
al lives separate from their academics. For example, some students declined to use their TwitterTM
accounts for class and were reluctant to create a second account for school use. The reluctance to
use “personal” space or tools for learning is an interesting observation that could use more study
and interpretation, as well as the aspect of motivation for adopting mlearning and a possible rela-
tionship to learning style.

Outcomes Identified Related to Objectives

A series of questions were asked to gauge student pre-course study habits, expectations about the
use of mlearning, their actual use, and their perceptions about future use. Total usable responses
represented 33 students (70.2%) who completed all surveys. Early in the course, students reported
on their current study and time management skills, with outcomes shown in Table 4. They gener-
ally felt they were good at self-direction, goal setting, and time management, all important quali-
ties for successful use of learning content outside of class.


Table 4. Student Perception of Study Skills

Question: What are your current views of your study skills? 5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1 Total
When it comes to learning and studying, 13 12 6 1 1 33
I am a self-directed learner.
39.4% 36.4% 18.2% 3% 3% 100%
In my studies, I am self-disciplined and
find it easy to set aside reading &
8 10 10 4 1 33
homework time.
24.2% 30.3% 30.3% 12.2% 3% 100%
I am able to manage my study time ef- 10 18 3 2 0 33
fectively and easily complete assign-
30.3% 54.5% 9.1% 6.0% 0 100%
In my studies, I set goals and have a 12 10 7 3 0 32
high degree of initiative.
37.5% 31.2% 21.9% 9.4% 0 100%

Students generally had high expectations at the beginning of the course that mobile learning
would be useful to them, although 30% were neutral or negative on the topic as shown in Table 5.
They also expected that mlearning tools would be easy to use, with 78.8% reporting high or
above average confidence that they could become proficient with them. In other words, the per-
formance expectancy variable impacted intention to adopt as noted in Wang et al. (2009).

Table 5. Expectations for mlearning at the Start of the Course

Question: What expectations did you have about mobile learning at the beginning of this
course? 5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1 Total
1. mlearning would be useful in my learning pro-
cess. 7 16 6 2 2 33

21.2% 48.6% 18.2% 6% 6% 100%

2. Using mlearning would help me accomplish

learning activities more quickly. 7 15 9 0 2 33

21.2% 45.5% 27.3% 0 6% 100%

3. Using mlearning would increase my learning
productivity. 6 14 9 2 2 33

18.2% 42.5% 27.3% 6% 6% 100%

4. Using mlearning would increase my chances

of getting a better grade in class. 8 12 8 3 2 33

24.2% 36.5% 24.2% 9.1% 6% 100%

Making Mobile Learning Work

5. It would be easy for me to become skillful at 11 15 6 1 0 33

using mLearning
33.3% 45.5% 18.2% 3% 0 100%

6. I would find mlearning tools easy to use. 8 15 7 3 0 33

24.2% 45.5% 21.2% 9.1% 0 100%

7. Learning to operate mlearning tools is easy for
me. 11 17 4 1 0 33

33.3% 51.5% 12.2% 3% 0 100%

In the post-course survey results shown in Table 6, students shared their experiences and opinions
over various aspects of using mlearning in the course. In all cases, the majority of respondents
strongly agreed or agreed there were benefits to the use of mobile devices for learning and that it
added value to the course (81.8%).
Table 6. Opinions of mlearning after Semester Experience

What is your level of agreement with the following statements about mlearning?
5=high, 1=low

5 4 3 2 1 Total
Mobile learning allows instant access 7 12 10 3 1 33
regardless of your location
21.2% 36.4% 30.3% 9.1% 3% 100%
Mobile learning is useful to supplement 8 16 6 1 2 33
to an existing course
24.2% 48.5% 18.2% 3% 6.1% 100%
Mobile learning is an effective learning 8 14 7 4 0 33
aid or assistant for students
24.2% 42.4% 21.2% 12.2% 0 100%
Mobile learning allows you to convert 12 13 7 0 1 33
any wait (dead) time into productive time
36.4% 39.4% 21.2% 0 3% 100%
Mobile learning allows convenient access 8 14 8 3 0 33
to discussions – anywhere and anytime
24.2% 42.4% 24.2% 9.1% 0 100%
Mobile learning that sends information to 10 9 11 3 0 33
you via messages (push) may be better
30.3% 27.3% 33.3% 9.1% 0 100%
Mobile learning can be used as a sup- 10 14 7 2 0 33
plemental tool for any existing course
30.3% 42.4% 21.2% 6.1% 0 10%
Using mobile learning tools adds value to 9 17 7 0 0 33
course learning
27.3% 54.5% 21.2% 0 0 100%


One objective of this study was to create engagement in the course, and results in Table 7 show
the experiment was partially successful with 48% agreement or strong agreement, 33% neutral,
and 18% (6) disagreement. The majority of students liked the study decks available through
Quizlet and mobile web pages that summarized content for exams, with 73% stating they had
helped improve exam performance. This was also a positive vote for basic, open source learning
solutions to support key content areas. A few students, unfortunately, felt the mobile aspect of the
class was distracting and commented that some students spent class time “browsing or playing”
instead of participating in class discussions.
Table 7. mlearning Impact on Course Interest & Exam Scores
Please respond to the following questions about mlearning activities used in this course.
5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1
Course mlearning activities increased my interest 2 14 11 5 1
and engagement in this course? 33
6% 42% 33% 15% 3%
Course mlearning activities improved my perfor- 4 20 5 3 1
mance on course exams 33
12% 61% 15% 9% 3%

As far as how they felt about using mlearning in the future, the majority of respondents indicated
they would likely continue using mobile devices for learning activities if content was available in
other classes. See Table 8.
Table 8. Likelihood that Students will Continue Using Mobile Devices for Learning
What do think about using mobile devices for learning going forward? 5=high, 1=low

5 4 3 2 1
I intend to use mlearning in the future. 7 14 7 2 2
21.9% 43.8% 21.9% 6.2% 6.2%
I predict that I will use mlearning in the 6 19 5 1 1
future. 32
18.8% 59.4% 15.6% 3.1% 3.1%
If available, I plan to use mlearning in the 7 15 7 1 2
future. 32
21.9% 46.9% 21.9% 3.1% 6.2%

With regard to what content or activities students would like to see available on mobile devices,
70% of respondents asked for practice quizzes. One of the clear messages from students is that
they would like to see mobile device content used as a supplement to course content, supporting
Metcalf’s (2006) thoughts on the use of mobile devices to augment learning. This further high-
lights the importance of having a goal and plan in place before embarking on a mobile learning
effort. The notions of personalization and control with mobile learning merits more research,
along with more exploration of the self-efficacy construct (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). Extending
the work of Wang et al. (2009), a deeper look at the relationship between previous positive tech-

Making Mobile Learning Work

nology experience and the performance expectancy construct will likely also impact adoption
outcomes for mobile device learning.
A primary goal of the study was to examine adoption levels, or to what extent students actually
used their mobile devices as learning tools. The end of the course survey asked which technology
students used the most for mobile learning activities. An interesting outcome is that about half of
the purchasers of the iPod Touch fell back to other technology for learning activities as shown in
Table 9.
Table 9. Predominant Device used for mlearning

Please indicate which mobile device you used most

often for class activities.
n %
iPod Touch 11 33%
iPhone 3 9%
iPad 1 3%
Android Phone 10 30%
Windows Phone 0 0%
Blackberry 0 0%
Netbook 0 0%
Laptop 10 30%
Macbook 2 6%

Student reasons for not using their mobile devices more varied from not always having WiFi ac-
cess, already having their laptop booted up when they needed to study, or screen size.
One comment from the discussion blog summed it up:
“I'm not sure if I’m exactly going to learn more through my "mobile device" or aka my
phone or a Touch simply because its so small. I feel like I learn more from use of a laptop
than those things. Are they helpful to maybe get small messages out? Yes, I think so,
however I don't want to only have access to a whole assignment on my smaller devices.
That just seems really silly to me. I think they are going to be more useful for reminding
me that I need to do something for class, or if I need to look something up for my class
quickly. That is where I see the most use coming from mobile learning. For the most part
I still see laptops being the most useful, along with lectures and being in a classroom.
People have been and will continue to learn regardless of if they have a mobile device or
not; learning always will take place.” (blog response)

In their first attempt at mobile learning, students tended to choose a favorite content format and
focus on that for course use. While many commented that they preferred viewable web content
(48%) over downloaded applications, the highest tool use was QuizletTM and its variety of appli-
cation clients (52%), along with the web-viewing option, as shown in Table 10.


Table 10. Mobile Content used on Mobile Devices

During the course of the semester, which of the mobile content did
you access with your mobile device? (select all that apply)

Content Type
n %
Chapter objectives & Top Ten mobile web pages 5 15%
Quizlet TopTen Flashcard decks 18 55%
Course Polls 9 27%
Blackboard via Blackboard Mobile App 6 18%
iTunesU Podcasts 0 0%
Lecture Capture recordings 1 3%
Course Tweets 6 18%
Other 1 3%

Mobile Content Development Options

It is not desirable or good time management for faculty to replicate learning content in multiple
formats or build applications for various platforms. A growing number of elearning vendors are
bringing mobile development environments to market that address cross-platform challenges,
with two distinct models developing. The first is the traditional model of a purchased software
license per developer, often with a base development package and various add-on modules; the
vendors typically provide mobile clients for various platforms. Developed content may be acces-
sible on various platform-specific clients, including desktop, tablets, and mobile platforms. The
modular approach offers an interesting range of learning formats such as simulations, games,
puzzles, flashcards, and active learning options. Prices vary with features ($500-$3,000 with edu-
cation discount), and some require an annual renewal fee. The purchased license model includes
ArticulateTM, Rapid IntakeTM, and Adobe CaptivateTM, all major elearning software providers, as
well as a smaller startup called ReadyGoTM that generates web output for a variety of platforms.
The second model is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) method, such as Mobi21TM or LearnCastTM.
Content development is web-based, with a monthly charge for content pushed from the site. An-
other model requires users to obtain an appropriate client from the vendor site and subscribe to
the content for a time-based fee ($4-10/user per month). Course materials may be as detailed as
an ebook or as simple as flashcard study decks. Most of these organizations also provide devel-
opment services for organizations with a budget. The online tools are in their early stages, and
often have a tedious process for adding content. Upload capabilities are considered to be among
future enhancements.
Some elearning tools such as those from ArticulateTM, Rapid IntakeTM, and Adobe offer the ad-
vantage of developing problem-based learning scenarios and interactions that can extend the val-
ue of mobile learning efforts beyond content review. The primary challenge with this type of
learning content has been collecting scores or evaluating student performance. ArticulateTM is a
promising tool in this category, as learning module output is a SCORM-compliant package that
will upload to course management systems and exchange assessment data with the grade book.
These modules require the use of FlashTM, so will be useful on a device-specific basis, and nota-
bly not supported by AppleTM products.

Making Mobile Learning Work

There is a strong opinion among learning experts that web delivery is the best option for mobile
platforms, using the foundation of HTML5 with mobile style sheets (CSS). All devices, however,
must be able to support the rich HTML5 features in a consistent manner before this is a viable
option. HTML5 development requires structure and work effort, but the finished product promis-
es better overall accessibility to users with various devices and operating systems. It is unclear
whether we can capture scores from these standalone learning tools, or if they will be supported
by popular learning systems in the future. Articulate’s offshoot product called StoryLineTM sur-
passes the original Powerpoint-linked product by generating output as a SCORM package or as
HTML5 code for web delivery. The SCORM standard allows packaged content to be linked to a
learning management system for assessment collection, while the HTML5 web content offers the
advantage of delivering content to a variety of devices via the web but in a standalone mode
without captured assessment outcomes. There is still a Flash component in the finished package
that the company addressed by releasing a mobile player application.

Responsive Web Design Approach

Since we will rarely have control over the devices our students own and use for class, we need to
design learning materials that are “flexible and fluid across multiple screens, intelligent learning,
that always points learners to a single URL, and avoids at all cause the need for installing differ-
ent native apps for different mobile operating systems” (Jacquez, 2015). Responsive Web Design
(RWD) is a promising approach that produces that kind of flexibility and yields web content that
is accessible on multiple platforms with various screen sizes.
RWD is the ultimate example of reusability in support of the mlearning design process. If a single
modular course design is usable with variable content throughout the life of a course, we have
solved one of the major challenges of mobile learning. It is better yet, if the module can be easily
modified for a variety of courses as needed. Anyone with some basic knowledge of style sheets
(CSS) can use this method, and, for faculty with a web development background, many open
source tools are available to help manage CSS and make it readily reusable. Media queries, for
example, were introduced to style sheets in CSS3 and allow us to test for device screen size and
specify how content will appear. The example in Figure 2 specifies a screen as the target device,
and checks for a size of 480 pixels:
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
Figure 2. Media Query Screen Size Check (Tabor, 2016)
The style sheet checks the device screen size and adapts the way the content displays to accom-
modate any device screen size from desktop to mobile. Developer and author Ethan Marcotte
(2010) shares an excellent example of responsive design (http://alistapart.com/d/responsive-web-
design/ex/ex-site-mini.html) which shows how cleanly content is rearranged when we resize our
browser window from full to mobile size. The well-designed large screen view is reduced in size
without content loss, moving to stacked menu items on a mobile screen. Other style code resizes
graphics to fit mobile devices using alternative layouts, and changes or resizes type to enhance
the reading experience on a small screen.
CSS gets bulky quickly, however, when we add tags to test for multiple device sizes and specify
content response, so more experienced web developers use tools to organize and simplify the pro-
cess. Tabor (2016) addresses using open source tools to build a responsive design model. The
following example, written in a community-supported tool called Sass (www.sass-lang.com ),
tests the device size using self-commenting variables. Considered a pre-processor, Sass creates
neat code with easily read variable names and, when processed, creates usable CSS for mobile
web pages.


$mobileSize: 568px + 10;

$tableMinSize: $mobileSize + 1;
$tableMaxSize: 960px;

iframe#trailer {
@media screen and (max-width: $mobileSize) {
width: 300px;
height: 169px:

@media screen and (min-width: $tableMinSize) and

(max-width: $tableMaxSize) {
width: 560 px;
height: 315px;
Figure 3. Mobile Style Rules Written in Sass (Tabor, 2016)
Some faculty may find this process less than desirable, but might be able to seek university sup-
port for their efforts, either with staff coding help or with funds to have a basic reusable design
module developed by a professional. In either scenario, testing is a major pre-requisite for all mo-
bile learning designs, via a localhost site, or external sites with simulators used to view device
layouts by type and size. Once a mobile learning design is developed and tested, it should remain
reusable for content changes as needed.

Conclusion & Future Research on Mobile Learning

Whether we pursue a new learning trend or technology platform, a major concern for educators is
that the outcomes include a positive return on time investment for both faculty and students. Hav-
ing reusable learning content with an acceptable life is critical. For faculty in the IT field, particu-
larly, it is easy to become enamored with new technology, and thus we must be careful to allocate
time to worthwhile endeavors. Learning experts emphasize the importance of an organizational
plan for mobile learning, which includes a development budget and access to tools and applica-
tions to lighten the content conversion load. Add to that a careful consideration of the kind of
content and activities that add value and extend learning for the course. Schools that standardize
on a single platform and take an enterprise view to mobile learning have better control over con-
tent creation and make part of the adoption and development process much easier.
This experiment examined student adoption and use of mobile learning materials and study aids
that enhanced engagement and success. General outcomes support the challenges of technology
acceptance including self-efficacy and performance expectancy, and activity theory concepts of
control and positive outcomes.
1. Students indicated the mlearning process did encourage engagement and added value
to the course. Using early adopters to sell the platform to their classmates is an im-
portant adoption practice and can enhance performance expectancy as shown in
Wang et al. (2009).
2. Active users reported better exam performance using mobile study tools, supporting
the notion of activity theory (Vygotsky, 1978) and user control leading to a positive
change (Sharples et al., 2005).

Making Mobile Learning Work

3. Students tried many of the tools provided to them, but were not willing to use them
exclusively for course preparation or exam study; adoption was selective, further
supporting the Wang et al. (2009) study results on performance expectancy. Those
who couldn’t see the ultimate advantage of the medium were less willing adopters.
4. While some students were supportive of trying new methods and indicated they will
use mlearning tools when available, others were less interested in using what they
considered personal entertainment devices for the learning process.
5. Students may not be as technology savvy as the GenM or digital native labels imply,
as in their own comments they expressed a lack of interest and/or skill set to adopt
some technologies; this is an important aspect of successful adoption, and some stu-
dents will require more training and encouragement to adopt mobile learning meth-
This was a small study and outcomes are clearly subject to sample size bias. Mobile learning op-
tions must be further tested to determine a statistically significant evaluation of student adoption,
satisfaction, and performance outcomes. More research is also needed to find the most effective
content and design for the mobile learning platform. In terms of contribution, this paper also
delves into the challenges and easy successes that educators interested in the area of mobile learn-
ing can learn from and explore within their discipline.

The author wishes to acknowledge and thank Boise State Center for Teaching and Learning for
their initial funding of the mLearning Scholars experiment, and the College of Business and Eco-
nomics for continuing support for this research.

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Appendix – Survey & Blog Discussion Questions

Pre-Course: Technology Experience Survey

Please answer the following questions about the technology you Yes No
regularly use:
Q1 I have a computer at home
Q2 I have broadband Internet access at home
Q3 If you have a fast Internet connection, what is your
download speed in Mbps?
Q4 I have a laptop or netbook computer
Q5 I have a mobile device that plays audio files (MP3)
Q6 If you have a mobile audio device, what kind/model?
Q7 I have a mobile device that plays video files (MP4)
Q8 If you have a mobile device that plays video, what
Q9 What make and model of mobile phone do you use?
Q10 Do you have a 3G or better data plan with your phone?
Q11 Do you have an unlimited texting plan with your phone?
Q12 Does your phone have a web browser?
Q13 If yes to above, what operating system is on your phone?
(Android, Windows Mobile, IOS, Blackberry, etc)


1 2 3 4 5
none a little some quite a lot
a bit
Q14 Please indicate your level of experience with the following
technologies: (1=none, 5=a lot)Watching videos on pub-
lic Internet sites such as YouTube
Q15 Listening to audio from public sites such as Internet radio.
Q16 Subscribing and listening to podcasts from any source
Q17 Subscribing and listening to podcasts from iTunes
Q18 Subscribing and listening to podcasts from iTunesU (edu-
cational materials)
Q19 Contributing to a wiki
Q20 Receiving tweets on Twitter
Q21 Sending your own tweets on your own Twitter account
Q22 Maintaining your own Facebook page
Q23 Maintaining your own LinkedIn presence
Q24 Maintaining your own blog
Q25 Maintaining your own web site (other than those men-
tioned already)
Q26 Doing your own digital audio recording
Q27 Using any audio editor such as Audacity
Q28 Doing your own video recording
Q29 Using any video editor such as Windows Movie Maker
Q30 Uploading your videos to YouTube or another public site
Q31 Doing screen recordings with a tool such as Camtasia that
adds audio to PowerPoint, or captures screen content
Q32 In addition to what was asked about already, do you use
any other hardware or software to listen to, watch, create,
edit, or publish digital audio or video materials? If so,
please list what you use and what you use it for.
Q33 In addition to what was asked about already, do you use
any other social networking tools or sites? If so, please
list what you use and what you use it for.
Q34 Do you have a job that involves extensive work with or
support of computers or information technologies? If so,
please explain what you do.
Q35 Do you have any other experience with computers or IT
you’d like to mention?

Making Mobile Learning Work

Early Course Blog Post

GenM Definition & Student Thoughts (blog responses)

Question: “Gen M, those born from 1980-99, is alternately defined as the "millennials," "multi-taskers,"
"multisensory," and, of course, "mobile." What do you think of this classification? Is the stereotype of a
wired, tech-savvy generation accurate? Are we ready to say that life-long learning is enabled by our mo-
bile devices?”

Mid-Course Surveys

Student Perception of Study Skills

Question: What are your current views of your study skills? 5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1
1. When it comes to learning and studying, I am a self-directed learner.
2. In my studies, I am self-disciplined and find it easy to set aside read-
ing & homework time.
3. I am able to manage my study time effectively and easily complete
assignments on time.
4. In my studies, I set goals and have a high degree of initiative.

Expectations for mlearning at the Start of the Course

Question: What expectations did you have about mobile learning at the beginning of this
course? 5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1
1. mlearning would be useful in my learning process.
2. Using mlearning would help me accomplish learning activities more
3. Using mlearning would increase my learning productivity.
4. Using mlearning would increase my chances of getting a better grade
in class.
5. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using mlearning
6. I would find mlearning tools easy to use.
7. Learning to operate mlearning tools is easy for me.


End of Course Surveys

Opinions of mlearning after Semester Experience

What is your level of agreement with the following statements about mlearning? 5=high,
5 4 3 2 1
1. Mobile learning allows instant access regardless of your location
2. Mobile learning is useful to supplement to an existing course
3. Mobile learning is an effective learning aid or assistant for students
4. Mobile learning allows you to convert any wait (dead) time into pro-
ductive time
5. Mobile learning allows convenient access to discussions – anywhere
and anytime
6. Mobile learning that sends information to you via messages (push) may
be better than accessed sites (pull)
7. Mobile learning can be used as a supplemental tool for any existing
8. Using mobile learning tools adds value to course learning

mlearning Impact on Course Interest & Exam Scores

Please respond to the following questions about mlearning activities used in this course.
5=high, 1=low
5 4 3 2 1
1. Course mlearning activities increased my interest and engagement in
this course?
2. Course mlearning activities improved my performance on course ex-

Likelihood that Students will Continue Using Mobile Devices for Learning
What do think about using mobile devices for learning going forward? 5=high, 1=low

5 4 3 2 1
1. I intend to use mlearning in the future.
2. I predict that I will use mlearning in the future.
3. If available, I plan to use mlearning in the future.

Making Mobile Learning Work

Sharon W. Tabor is Professor of Information Technology Manage-
ment at Boise State University, College of Business and Economics.
She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Texas following a
lengthy management career. Dr. Tabor’s current teaching and research
interests include information security, business intelligence, IT service
management, and mobile learning. She has published in various jour-
nals including Communications of the ACM, Decision Science Journal
of Innovative Education, Journal of Information Technology Educa-
tion, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications,
Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, and the Quarterly Review
of Distance Education.


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