Technology of Lasers and Their Applications in Oral Surgery: Literature Review
Technology of Lasers and Their Applications in Oral Surgery: Literature Review
Technology of Lasers and Their Applications in Oral Surgery: Literature Review
In ancient Greece, the exposure of the body to sun
the sun was used in heliotherapy for the restoration of
health. The Chinese used the sun to treat such conditions
as rickets, skin cancer and even psychosis. This use of
light for treatment of various pathologies is referred to as
Based on Albert Einstein’s theory of spontaneous
and stimulated emission of radiation, Theodore Maiman
in 1960 introduced the first solid state ruby laser1. Shortly
thereafter, in 1961, Snitzer2 published the prototype for the Figure 1. Electromagnetic spectrum
Nd:YAG laser. The first application of a laser to dental tissue
was reported by Goldman et al3 and Stern and Sognnaes4. The absorption of the laser beam’s energy plays
However, modern relationship of operative dentistry and an important role and is illustrated by the absorption
laser takes its origins from an article published in 1985 by spectrum for each laser wavelength in the targeted tissue.
Myers and Myers5, describing in vivo removal of dental Apart from wavelength and absorption, reflection and
caries using a modified ophthalmic Nd:YAG laser4. transmission also play role in the interaction of laser with
The introduction of lasers in the field of oral surgery tissue. Transmission is the degree to which the laser’s
has replaced a lot of routine surgical techniques and has energy is able to penetrate into the tissue (Fig. 2).
resulted in several sophisticated products designed to
improve quality of treatments.
Lasers are heat producing devices converting
electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. The
most significant and basic characteristic of them is
wavelength, which defines the position of the laser in
the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelength used in
medicine and dentistry generally ranges from 193 to
10.600nm, representing a broad spectrum from ultraviolet
to the far infra-red range (Fig. 1). Figure 2. Laser/tissue interaction
132 Theodoros Tachmatzidis, Nikolaos Dabarakis Balk J Dent Med, Vol 20, 2016
a. 37°C to 50°C - The tissue temperature is elevated 2. Photo-chemical interaction - The basic
but is not destroyed (hyperthermia). principle of photochemical process is that specific
b. 60°C - The tissue whitens or blanches. Proteins wavelengths of laser light are absorbed by naturally
begin to denature without vaporization of the underlying occurring chromophores, which are able to induce certain
tissue. This phenomenon is useful in surgically removing biochemical reactions.
diseased granulomatous tissue, because if the tissue 3. Photo-mechanical interaction - This includes
temperature can be controlled, the biologically healthy photo-disruption or photo-dissociation and photo-acoustic
portion can remain intact. interactions. In photo-acoustic effects, the pulse of laser
c. 70°C - Produces desirable effect of haemostasis energy on the dental tissues can produce a shock wave.
by contraction of the walls of the vessel and is used for When this shock wave explodes the tissue, it creates an
coagulation. abraded crater.
d. 70°C to 80°C - The soft tissue edges can be
4. Photo-electrical interaction– This includes
welded together with uniform heating.
photo-plasmolysis, which describes how the tissue is
e. 100°C to 150°C - When the target tissue
removed through formation of electrically charged ion9.
containing water is elevated to a temperature of 100°C,
• Energy density (Fluency) - Energy density is
vaporization of the water within it occurs, a process
called ablation. There is a physical change of the state; the defined as energy (Joules) per square centimetre of spot
solid and liquid components turn into vapour in the form size (J/cm2). The laser beam spot size can be focused
of smoke or steam. As soft tissue is composed of a high or defocused. Depending on the degree of beam focus,
percentage of water, excision of the soft tissue commences the laser beam spot size can be altered and fluency will
at this temperature. In hard tissues, ablation does not accordingly change.
occur at this temperature, but the water component is
vaporized and the resulting jet of steam expands and then Classification of Lasers
explodes the surrounding matter into small particles. This Lasers used in dental practice can be classified
mixture of steam and solid is suctioned away. This micro- into several categories according to: (1) the range of
explosion is termed “spallation”. wavelength, (2) the lasing medium, such as gas laser and
f. >200°C - If the tissue temperature continues to solid laser, (3) tissue penetration - soft tissue and hard
be raised to about 200°C, it is dehydrated and then burned tissue lasers, (4) The risk related to laser application, and
in the presence of air. Carbon, as the end product, absorbs (5) potential hazards.
all wavelengths. Carbonization occurs with risk of soft Several types of laser are available based on the
tissue damage. It can be because of high power setting or wavelengths, which can be used in oral surgery. The most
slow movement of fibre tip across tissue surface. commonly used nowadays are the following (Tab. 2):
Table 2. Types of lasers and their characteristics
• CO2 Laser (10,600nm wavelength, 5-15W) - a very high empathy for water. It is delivered through a
The carbon dioxide laser is a gas-active medium laser and hollow tube-like waveguide in continuous or gated pulsed
the light energy is placed at the end of the mid-infrared mode10. It has the highest absorption in hydroxyapatite
invisible non-ionizing portion of the spectrum. This compared to other dental lasers (about 1000 times greater
is most commonly used in soft tissue periodontal and than erbium), but can lead to thermal damage if there is
oral surgery. The CO2 wavelength is 10.600nm and has a contact with hard tissue11. It leaves a char layer on root
134 Theodoros Tachmatzidis, Nikolaos Dabarakis Balk J Dent Med, Vol 20, 2016
surface. Some disadvantages are the high cost and the 6mm depth before it is attenuated to 10% of its original
large size. CO2 laser has a shallow depth of penetration strength. It belongs to invisible near-infrared portion of
into tissue and it is used ideally for soft tissue incision and the electromagnetic spectrum. Energy is scattered rather
ablation, sub-gingival curettage, superficial lesions and than absorbed. The Nd:YAG laser is ideal for ablation of
removal of sialoliths. haemorrhagic tissue. It provides a relatively conservative
• Erbium Laser - The erbium “family” laser has procedure, which is related to rapid wound healing18. With
two wavelengths: Nd:YAG laser procedures anaesthesia is required in less
• Er:YAG (yttrium aluminium garnet) laser - than 50% of cases19.
(2.940nm) - it has an active medium of a solid crystal of
The wide-spread belief that Nd:YAG lasers have the
yttrium aluminium garnet that is doped with erbium12;
highest penetration depths in the soft tissue is only partly
• (Er,Cr):YSGG (yttrium scandium gallium
correct. A study conducted at the RWTH Aachen19 proved
garnet) laser - (2.780nm) - it has an active medium of a
solid crystal of yttrium scandium gallium garnet that is that a free-running pulse Nd:YAG laser has a penetration
doped with erbium and chromium. There is absence of depth of approximately 0.1mm to 0.3mm, whereas a
melting, charring and carbonization. The absorption in continuous wave mode Nd:YAG laser has a penetration
water of this laser is two to three times lower than that of depth of up to 6mm.
Er:YAG laser and their thermal effects on the tissue are • Diode Laser - (range from about 800nm to
much higher if not administered correctly. 980nm wavelength, 1-10W power) - it is a solid active
The erbium wavelengths have a high empathy medium laser that includes semi-conductor crystals using
for hydroxyapatite and the highest absorption of water some combination of aluminium or indium, arsenic and
compared to other dental laser wavelengths. This is the gallium. Due to crystalline nature, the ends of the crystal
preferable laser for treatment of dental hard tissue, but can be polished relative to internal refractive indices to
also, in contact mode with special surgical tips, it can be produce totally and partially reflective surfaces. The light
used to cut soft tissues. The benefits of treating patients energy is placed at the starting of the near-infrared portion
with the erbium family of lasers include bactericidal of the invisible non-ionizing spectrum. Each machine
effects, which can sterilize the area, and analgesic effect employs a flexible optic fibre (300μm diameter) to deliver
on the target tissues, similar to the Nd:YAG devices13.
the treatment beam to the desired area.
Also many studies have shown that the erbium laser
These lasers are said to be running in either CW
energy applied to bone releases growth factors that
or pulsed mode. Pulsing is achieved by electronically
enhance regeneration of bone14. In maxillary alveolar
bone, the speed of laser is comparable with that of a bur switching the laser on and off. With this method, the
and slightly slower in the mandible, reflecting the greater laser power in pulse is not increased, but is in the order of
mineral density of cortical bone15,16. several Watts. In comparison, free-running pulse Nd:YAG
The difference between CO2 and Er:YAG laser lies in laser systems, which can generate high peak powers,
their differing absorption coefficients: Er:YAG lasers are individual pulse powers can reach several thousands of
much more strongly absorbed in the water. On the other Watts. Research has shown that diode laser is one of
hand, CO2 lasers show very high absorption on the tissue the most versatile with regard to the number of possible
surface. treatments options and can be effectively used in the field
• Argon Laser - (488nm, 514nm wavelength, of soft tissue surgery20. In oral surgery, these machines
1-20W power) - it is a laser with an active medium of can be used in numerous clinical procedures, such as
argon gas that is energized by a high-current electrical various types of soft tissue surgery, second stage implant
discharge. It is fibre optically delivered with fibre recovery, in peri-implantitis, sub-gingival curettage etc.
diameter 300μm in continuous wave and gated pulsed There are many indications and researches, which show
modes. The light energy is placed in the visible spectrum. that diode laser can be used to perform these procedures
Argon lasers are readily absorbed by haemoglobin
with added bonus of disinfecting the treated area. But the
and melanin; thus, they have excellent haemostatic
most important benefits in comparison to all other types
capabilities. These lasers are useful in the treatment of
of laser are the ease of operation, the sub-millimetre
pigmented lesions, vascular anomalies and soft tissue
incisions and ablations17. Neither wavelength is well dimension and their extreme compactness21,22,23.
absorbed in dental hard tissues or in water. Generally, surgical procedures in soft tissue require a
• Nd:YAG (Neodymium yttrium aluminium cautious approach. For instance, a 810nm diode and CO2
garnet laser) - (1064nm wavelength) - it has a solid lasers are very well suited for frenectomies (operations
active medium, which is a garnet crystal combined with on the frenula of the lips, cheeks or tongue). Cautions
rare earth elements yttrium and aluminium, doped with is required when using Nd:YAG and 980nm diode lasers
neodymium ions. The Nd:YAG with a very long pulse because the higher thermal effect of these wavelengths
duration (between 90μs and 150μs) penetrates water up to (<100μs) can very often cause necrosis.
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