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Audited Consolidated Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 October 2009

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Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

for the year ended 31 October 2009


Auditors’ Report 1

Consolidated Balance Sheet 2

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 3

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 4

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 28

1 These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the MphasiS and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified financial
reporting framework and are free of material misstatements. An audit includes, examining on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall consolidated financial statements. We
believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Auditor's Report

The Board of Directors

MphasiS Limited

We have audited the attached consolidated balance sheet of MphasiS Limited (‘the Company’) and its subsidiaries
(collectively referred to as ‘MphasiS Group’) as at 31 October 2009, and also the consolidated profit and loss account
and the consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

We report that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the Company’s management in accordance
with the requirements of Accounting Standard 21, ‘Consolidated financial statements’, notified pursuant to the
Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, (as amended).

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the consolidated
financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
(a) in the case of the consolidated balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the MphasiS Group as at 31 October 2009;
(b) in the case of the consolidated profit and loss account, of the profit for the year ended on that date; and
(c) in the case of the consolidated cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.


Chartered Accountants

per Sunil Bhumralkar

Membership No. 35141

Place: Bangalore, India

Date: 24 November 2009

MphasiS Group

Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Rs 000’s)
Notes 31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Share capital 3 2,095,779 2,089,303
Reserves and surplus 4 21,350,582 12,213,422
Employee stock options outstanding 5 6,994 60,718
23,453,355 14,363,443

Secured loans 6 33,207 53,792


23,487,994 14,417,235


Cost 10,043,649 9,463,223
Accumulated depreciation and amortisation (6,879,945) (6,057,869)
Net book value 3,163,704 3,405,354
Capital work-in-progress including capital advances 127,346 730,719
3,291,050 4,136,073
GOODWILL 9 2,945,512 2,959,287

INVESTMENTS 10 7,612,471 -
DEFERRED TAX ASSETS 11 695,378 344,539


Debtors and unbilled revenues 12 9,063,810 8,809,671
Cash and bank balances 13 1,785,698 731,198
Interest receivable 14 1,295 2,247
Loans and advances 15 7,240,135 3,356,948
18,090,938 12,900,064
Current liabilities 16 6,413,739 4,424,862
Provisions 17 2,733,616 1,497,866
9,147,355 5,922,728
NET CURRENT ASSETS 8,943,583 6,977,336
23,487,994 14,417,235

Significant Accounting Policies 1

The notes referred to above form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements

This is the consolidated balance sheet

referred to in our report attached
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For S.R. BATLIBOI & CO. Andreas W Mattes Balu Ganesh Ayyar
Chartered Accountants Chairman Chief Executive Officer

per Sunil Bhumralkar Ganesh Murthy A. Sivaram Nair

Partner Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Membership No. 35141

Bangalore Bangalore
24 November 2009 24 November 2009

MphasiS Group

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

(Rs 000’s)
Notes For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Revenues 42,638,827 19,065,192
Cost of revenues 18 28,793,179 14,254,627
Gross profit 13,845,648 4,810,565
Selling expenses 19 1,804,010 727,721
General and administrative expenses 20 2,781,219 1,192,314
Provision for doubtful debts 21 8,036 11,256
Operating profit 9,252,383 2,879,274
Foreign exchange gain, net 292,202 163,926
Other income, net 22 155,008 8,495
Interest income 23 27,927 45,419
Profit before taxation 9,727,520 3,097,114
Income taxes
-Current 1,435,685 408,432
-Deferred (338,590) (83,161)
-Minimum alternative tax credit entitlement (487,060) (217,965)
-Fringe benefit tax 30,706 35,443
Net profit 9,086,779 2,954,365

Earnings per share (Par value - Rs 10) 30

Basic (Rs) 43.45 14.16
Diluted (Rs) 43.17 14.08

Significant Accounting Policies 1

The notes referred to above form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements

This is the consolidated profit and loss account

referred to in our report attached
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For S.R. BATLIBOI & CO. Andreas W Mattes Balu Ganesh Ayyar
Chartered Accountants Chairman Chief Executive Officer

per Sunil Bhumralkar Ganesh Murthy A. Sivaram Nair

Partner Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Membership No. 35141

Bangalore Bangalore
24 November 2009 24 November 2009

MphasiS Group

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements of MphasiS Limited (‘the Company’) and its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as ‘the
MphasiS Group’ or ‘the Group’, have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis of
accounting and comply with the mandatory Accounting Standards (‘AS’) prescribed in the Companies (Accounting Standards)
Rules, 2006, other pronouncements of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’) and the related provisions of
the Companies Act 1956.
Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of MphasiS Limited and all its subsidiaries, which are
more than 50% owned or controlled. Please refer to Note 2 for the description of the Group.
The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the principles and procedures for the preparation and presentation of
consolidated financial statements as laid down under AS 21, Consolidated Financial Statements prescribed by the Companies
(Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
The financial statements of the parent company and subsidiaries have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding together
the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses after eliminating intra-group balances/ transactions and
resulting unrealised profits in full. Unrealised losses resulting from intra-group transactions have also been eliminated except to
the extent that the recoverable value of related assets are lower than their cost to the Group. The amounts shown in respect of
reserves comprise the amount of the relevant reserves as per the balance sheet of the parent company and its share in the
post-acquisition increase in the relevant reserves of subsidiaries.
Minority interest is the amount of equity attributable to minorities at the date on which investment in a subsidiary is made and its
share of movements in the equity since that date. Any excess consideration received from minority shareholders of subsidiaries
over the amount of equity attributable to the minority on the date of investment is reflected under reserves and surplus.
Consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies across the Group.
Use of estimates
The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of the consolidated financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year reported. Actual results could differ from those
estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognised prospectively in the current and future years.

Revenue recognition
The Group derives its revenues primarily from software services & projects, call centre & business process outsourcing
operations, infrastructure outsourcing services and from licensing arrangements & application services.
Revenues from software services & projects comprise income from time-and-material and fixed-price contracts. Revenue from
time-and-material contracts is recognised on the basis of software developed and billable in accordance with the terms of
contracts with clients. Revenue from fixed-price contracts is recognised using the percentage of completion method, calculated as
the proportion of the cost of effort incurred up to the reporting date to estimated cost of total effort.
Revenue from call centre & business process outsourcing operations arises from both time-based and unit-priced client contracts.
Such revenue is recognised on completion of the related services and is billable in accordance with the specific terms of the
contracts with clients.
Revenue from infrastructure outsourcing services arises from time-and-material contracts and accordingly, revenue is recognised
on the basis of services billable in accordance with the terms of the contracts with clients.
Revenue from licensing arrangements is recognised on transfer of the title in user licenses except those contracts, which require
significant implementation services, where revenue is recognized over the implementation period in accordance with the specific
terms of the contracts with clients.
Maintenance revenue is recognised rateably over the period of underlying maintenance agreements.
Provisions for estimated losses on incomplete contracts are recorded in the period in which such losses become probable based
on the current contract estimates. ‘Unbilled revenues’ included in current assets represent revenues in excess of amounts billed to
clients as at the balance sheet date. ‘Unearned receivables’ included in current liabilities represent billings in excess of revenues
Advances received for services are reported as liabilities until all conditions for revenue recognition are met.
Interest on the deployment of surplus funds is recognised using the time-proportion method, based on underlying interest rates.
Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive the dividend is established.

MphasiS Group

Fixed assets and capital work-in-progress

Fixed assets are stated at the cost of acquisition or construction less accumulated depreciation. Direct costs are capitalised until
assets are ready to be put to use. Borrowing costs directly attributable to acquisition or construction of those fixed assets which
necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use are capitalised. Fixed assets purchased in foreign
currency are recorded at cost, based on the exchange rate on the date of purchase. Acquired intangible assets are capitalised at the
acquisition price. Internally generated intangible assets are stated at cost that can be measured reliably during the development
phase and when it is probable that future economic benefits that are attributable to the assets will flow to the Group. Fixed assets
held by foreign subsidiaries are translated into Indian rupees at the closing rate (refer accounting policy on foreign currency
included in this note).
Leases under which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Such
assets acquired are capitalised at the fair value of the asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of
the lease, whichever is lower.
Advances paid towards acquisition of fixed assets and the cost of assets not ready for use as at the balance sheet date are
disclosed under capital work-in-progress.
Goodwill arising on consolidation
The excess of cost to the Company of its investment in subsidiaries over its portion of equity in the subsidiaries at the respective
dates on which subsidiaries were acquired is recognised in the financial statements as goodwill. The Company’s portion of equity
in the subsidiaries is determined on the basis of the value of assets and liabilities as per the financial statements of the subsidiaries
as on the date of acquisition.
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation on fixed assets is provided using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of assets. Depreciation is
charged on a proportionate basis for all assets purchased and sold during the year. Individual assets costing Rs 5,000 or less are
depreciated in full in the year of purchase. The estimated useful lives of assets are as follows:

For assets used in other services For assets used in call center services
Years Years
Buildings 10 Buildings 10
Plant and machinery 4 Plant and machinery (including
telecom equipments) 5
Computer equipment 2 Computer equipment 5
Office equipment 3 Office equipment 5
Furniture and fixtures 4 Furniture and fixtures 5
Vehicles 3 to 5 Vehicles 3 to 5

Freehold land is not depreciated. Leasehold improvements are amortised over the remaining lease term or 3 years (5 years for
Call center services), whichever is shorter. Significant purchased application software and internally generated software that is
an integral part of the Group’s computer systems, expected to provide lasting benefits, is capitalised at cost and amortised on the
straight-line method over its estimated useful life or 3 years, whichever is shorter. Internally generated software for sale expected
to provide lasting benefits is amortised on the straight-line method over its estimated life or 7 years, whichever is shorter.
Leases where the lessor effectively retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of the leased term, are classified as
operating leases. Operating lease payments are recognized as an expense in the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over
the lease term.
Profit or loss on sale and lease back arrangements resulting in operating leases are recognised immediately in case the transaction is
established at fair value, else the excess over the fair value is deferred and amortized over the period for which the asset is expected
to be used.
Impairment of assets
The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that a fixed asset including goodwill may be
impaired. If any such indication exists, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the
asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset belongs is less than its carrying amount, the carrying
amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction is treated as an impairment loss and is recognised in the profit and loss
account. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication that if a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, the
recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subject to a maximum of depreciated historical
cost. In respect of goodwill, the impairment loss will be reversed only when it was caused by specific external events and their
effects have been reversed by subsequent external events.
Investments that are readily realisable and intended to be held for not more than a year are classified as current investments. All
other investments are classified as long-term investments. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value
determined on an individual investment basis.
Long-term investments are carried at cost. Provision for diminution in value of investment is made if the impairment is not
temporary in nature.

MphasiS Group

Employee benefits
Gratuity which is a defined benefit is accrued based on independent actuarial valuation which is done based on project unit credit
method as at the balance sheet date. Actuarial gains/losses are immediately taken to profit and loss account and are not deferred.
The cost of short term compensated absence is provided for based on estimates. Long term compensated absences costs are
provided for based on actuarial valuation which is done based on project unit credit method.
Contributions payable to recognised provident funds and approved superannuation schemes, which are defined contribution
schemes, are charged to the profit and loss account. The Group liability is limited to the contribution made to fund.
Foreign currency
Foreign exchange transactions are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the respective transactions.
Exchange differences arising on foreign exchange transactions settled during a year are recognised in the profit and loss account
of that year.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as at the balance sheet date are translated at the exchange rates
on that date. The resultant exchange differences are recognised in the profit and loss account.
The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries being non-integral operations in terms of para 24 of AS 11, accounting for the
Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, are translated into Indian rupees as follows:
a) Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates.
b) Assets (including goodwill) and liabilities, both monetary and non-monetary are translated at the closing rate.
c) All resulting exchange differences are accumulated in a foreign currency translation reserve which is reflected under
Reserves and Surplus until the disposal of the net investment.
d) Contingent liabilities are translated at the closing rate.

Forward contracts are entered into to hedge the foreign currency risk of the underlying outstanding at the balance sheet date and
also to hedge the foreign currency risk of firm commitment or highly probable forecast transaction. The premium or discount on
forward contracts that are entered into to hedge the foreign currency risk of the underlying outstanding at the balance sheet date,
arising at the inception of each contract is amortised as income or expense over the life of the contract. Any profit or loss arising on
the cancellation or renewal of forward contracts is recognised as income or as expense for the year.
In relation to the forward contracts entered into to hedge the foreign currency risk of the underlying outstanding at the balance sheet
date, the exchange difference is calculated and recorded in accordance with paragraphs 36 and 37 of AS 11. The exchange
difference on such a forward exchange contract is calculated as the difference between the foreign currency amount of the contract
translated at the exchange rate at the reporting date, or the settlement date where the transaction is settled during the reporting year,
and the corresponding foreign currency amount translated at the later of the date of inception of the forward exchange contract and
the last reporting date. Such exchange differences are recognised in the profit and loss account in the reporting year in which the
exchange rates change.
The Group has adopted the principles of AS 30 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" in respect of its derivative
financial instruments excluding embedded derivatives that are not covered by AS 11 "Accounting for the Effects of Changes in
Foreign Exchange Rates" and that relate to a firm commitment or a highly probable forecast transaction. In accordance with AS 30,
such derivative financial instruments, which qualify for cash flow hedge accounting and where Group has met all the conditions of
AS 30, are fair valued at balance sheet date and the resultant gain / loss is credited / debited to the hedging reserve included in the
Reserves and Surplus. This gain / loss would be recorded in profit and loss account when the underlying transactions affect
earnings. Other derivative instruments that relate to a firm commitment or a highly probable forecast transaction and that do not
qualify for hedge accounting have been recorded at fair value at the reporting date and the resultant gain / loss has been credited /
debited to profit and loss account for the year.
Fringe Benefit Tax
The Group provides for and discloses the Fringe Benefit Tax (‘FBT’) as a part of taxes in accordance with the provisions of section
115WC of the Income tax Act, 1961 and the guidance note on FBT issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The
Finance Act, 2009 has withdrawn FBT with effect from 1 April 2009.
Income taxes
The current charge for income taxes is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations. Minimum Alternative Tax
(‘MAT’) paid in accordance with the tax laws which gives rise to future economic benefits in the form of adjustments of future
income tax liability, is considered as an asset if there is convincing evidence that the Group will pay normal tax after the tax holiday
period. MAT credit entitlement can be carried forward and utilised for a period as specified in the tax laws of the respective
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for the future tax consequences attributable to timing differences that result
between taxable profits and accounting profits. Deferred tax in respect of timing differences which originate during the tax holiday
period but reverse after the tax holiday period is recognised in the period in which the timing differences originate. For this purpose
the timing difference which originates first is considered to reverse first. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the
tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The effect on deferred tax assets
and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognised in the period that includes the enactment date. Deferred tax assets on timing
differences are recognised only if there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which

MphasiS Group

such deferred tax assets can be realised. However, deferred tax assets on the timing differences when unabsorbed depreciation and
losses carried forward exist, are recognised only to the extent that there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will
be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realised. Deferred tax assets are reassessed for the appropriateness of
their respective carrying values at each balance sheet date. The legal entities within the Group offsets, on a year on year basis, the
current and deferred tax assets and liabilities, where it has a legally enforceable right and where it intends to settle such assets and
liabilities on a net basis.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
The Group recognizes provision when there is a present obligation as a result of an obligating event that probably requires an
outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is
made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources.
Where there is a possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no
provision or disclosure is made.
Provisions for onerous contracts, i.e. contracts where the expected unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract
exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it, are recognised when it is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle a present obligation as a result of an obligating event, based on a reliable
estimate of such obligation. Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on best estimate required to
settle the obligation at the balance sheet date. These are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best
Earnings per share
The basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to equity shareholders for the year by the weighted
average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. The number of shares used in computing diluted earnings per share
comprises the weighted average shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share, and also the weighted average number of
equity shares which would have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. Dilutive potential equity shares
are deemed converted as of the beginning of the year, unless they have been issued at a later date. The diluted potential equity
shares have been adjusted for the proceeds receivable had the shares been actually issued at the average market value of the
outstanding shares. In computing dilutive earnings per share, only potential equity shares that are dilutive and that either reduce
earnings per share or increase loss per share are included.
Stock-based compensation
The Group accounts for stock-based compensation based on the intrinsic value method. ‘Option Discount’ is amortised on a
straight-line basis over the vesting period of the shares issued under Employee Stock Option Plans (‘ESOP’).
‘Option Discount’ means the excess of the market price of the underlying shares as at the date of grant of the options over the
exercise price of the options.

MphasiS Group


The MphasiS Group, a global, multicultural organisation headquartered in Bangalore, India, specialises in providing a suite of
application development and maintenance services, infrastructure outsourcing services and business process outsourcing solutions
to clients around the world.
MphasiS Limited is registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office in Bangalore. This is the flagship
company of the Group and is listed on the principal stock exchanges of India.

List of subsidiaries with percentage holding

Subsidiaries Country of incorporation and other particulars % of

MphasiS Corporation (‘MphasiS USA’) a company organised under the laws of Delaware, USA 100

MphasiS Deutschland GmbH (‘MphasiS GmbH’) a company organised under the laws of Germany 91
BFL Software Asia Pacific Pte Ltd a company organised under the laws of Singapore
(‘BFL APAC’) [Refer Note 2(f)]
MphasiS Australia Pty Ltd (‘MphasiS Australia’) a company organised under the laws of Australia 100

MphasiS (Shanghai) Software & Services Company a company organised under the laws of The People’s
Limited (‘MphasiS China’) Republic of China
MphasiS Consulting Limited (‘MphasiS Consulting’) a company organised under the laws of United Kingdom 100

Eldorado Computing Inc. (‘Eldorado’) a company organised under the laws of Arizona, USA 100
MphasiS FinsourcE Limited (‘MphasiS FinsourcE’) a company organised under the laws of India 100

MphasiS Ireland Limited (‘MphasiS Ireland’) a company organised under the laws of Ireland 100
MphasiS Belgium BVBA (‘MphasiS Belgium’) a company organised under the laws of Belgium
[Refer note 2(d)]
MphasiS FinSolutions Private Limited. (‘MphasiS a company organised under the laws of India
FinSolutions’) [Refer note 2(e)]

MphasiS Europe BV (‘MphasiS Europe’) a subsidiary of MphasiS USA, organised under the laws of
The Netherlands
MphasiS Pte Ltd (‘MphasiS Singapore’) a subsidiary of MphasiS Europe, organised under the laws
of Singapore
MphasiS UK Limited (‘MphasiS UK’) a subsidiary of MphasiS Europe, organised under the laws
of United Kingdom
MphasiS Software and Services (India) Private a subsidiary of MphasiS Europe, organised under the laws
Limited (‘MphasiS India’) of India
MsourcE Mauritius Inc. (‘MsourcE Mauritius’) a subsidiary of MphasiS Europe, organised under the laws
of Mauritius

MsourcE (India) Private Limited a subsidiary of MsourcE Mauritius, organised under the
(‘MsourcE India’) laws of India

All the above subsidiaries are under the same management.

MphasiS Group

2(a) The Company acquired control of Kshema Technologies Limited (“Kshema”) on 1 June 2004. Kshema has been amalgamated with
MphasiS Limited with effect from 1 April 2005.
The balance consideration payable to the erstwhile shareholders amounting to Rs 17,060,055 (31 October 2008: Rs 17,060,055) is
carried as a liability which will be paid after necessary regulatory approvals are obtained (refer note 16).
2(b) During July 2006, the Board of the Company approved the amalgamation of EDS Electronic Data Systems (India) Private Limited
(‘EDS India’), a wholly owned subsidiary of then Electronic Data Systems Corporation USA, (‘EDS’) into MphasiS Limited. The
scheme of amalgamation was approved by the shareholders at their meeting on 13 November 2006, and by the Hon’ble High Courts
of Maharashtra and Karnataka on 2 February 2007 and 19 June 2007 respectively. The necessary formalities to give effect to the
amalgamation have been completed thereafter. Under the scheme, the Company issued 44,104,064 shares to EDS World
Corporation (Far East), the holding company of EDS India and a subsidiary of EDS and 1 share to EDS World Corporation,
(Netherlands) on 6 August 2007. Post allotment of the shares, EDS, through EDS Asia Pacific Holdings, Mauritius (formerly TH
Holdings, Mauritius), EDS World Corporation (Far East) and EDS World Corporation (Netherlands) holds 127,106,266 equity
shares forming more than 50% of the paid-up share capital of the Company. In terms of a merger agreement executed between
Electronic Data Systems Corporation USA, Hewlett-Packard Company (‘HP’) and Hawk Merger Corporation, the last named
company merged in to Electronic Data Systems Corporation USA on 26 August 2008. As a result of the merger, Electronic Data
Corporation USA became 100% subsidiary of HP and was renamed as Electronic Data Systems LLC. Further HP became the
ultimate holding company of MphasiS. Post merger, the Board of Directors of the Company on 16 October 2008 approved the
change in the accounting year-end from March to October, in line with the ultimate holding company’s accounting year-end.
2(c) During the year ended 31 March 2008, MbrokeR India, a subsidiary of the Company made an application to the Registrar of
Companies, Karnataka, to strike off its name from the Register of Companies. The name was struck off on 16 June 2008 from the
Register of Companies and MbrokeR India stands dissolved.
2(d) During April 2008, MphasiS Belgium BVBA was incorporated as a subsidiary of MphasiS Limited.
2(e) The Company acquired AIG Systems Solutions Private Limited, a subsidiary of AIG Inc effective 1 October 2009. The name of the
acquired company stands changed to MphasiS FinSolutions Private Limited with effect from 13 October 2009.
2(f) During the year, the Company filed an application with Reserve Bank of India for closure of its subsidiary BFL Software Asia
Pacific Pte Ltd.

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008

Authorised capital
245,000,000 (31 October 2008: 245,000,000) equity shares of Rs 10 each 2,450,000 2,450,000
Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
209,585,021 (31 October 2008: 208,937,364) equity shares of Rs 10 each 2,095,850 2,089,374
[Of the above 53,590,838 (31 October 2008: 53,590,838) equity shares are
allotted for consideration other than cash and 134,186,274
(31 October 2008: 134,184,874) equity shares are allotted as fully paid-up
by way of bonus shares.]

Less: 14,200 (31 October 2008: 14,200) equity shares of

Rs 10 each forfeited (142) (142)
Add: Amount originally paid-up on forfeited shares 71 71
2,095,779 2,089,303


Securities premium account
Balance brought forward 1,564,203 1,543,318
Add: Premium on allotment of shares 73,352 20,885
Add: Transferred from employee stock options outstanding 31,803 -
[Securities premium amounting to Rs 1,147,812,167
(31 October 2008: Rs 1,116,010,000) is for consideration other than cash]
1,669,358 1,564,203
Foreign currency translation reserve
Balance brought forward 246,143 (373,156)
Add / (Less): During the year/period (179,040) 619,299
67,103 246,143
Capital reserve
Balance brought forward from previous period 96,234 96,234
96,234 96,234
General reserve
Balance brought forward 956,975 692,461
Add: Transfer from Profit and loss account 836,872 264,514
1,793,847 956,975
Hedging reserve
Balance brought forward (312,289) -
Add / (Less): During the year/period 788,204 (312,289)
Add / (Less): Transfer to revenue 194,326 -
670,241 (312,289)

Profit and loss account

Balance brought forward 9,662,156 7,461,882
Add: Net profit for the year/period 9,086,779 2,954,365
Profit available for appropriation 18,748,935 10,416,247
Transfer to General reserve 836,872 264,514
Final dividend for earlier years 80 596
Proposed dividend 733,498 417,846
Tax on dividend 124,672 71,114
Issue of bonus shares 14 21
17,053,799 9,662,156
21,350,582 12,213,422

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Balance brought forward 60,718 60,718
Less: Transferred to Securities premium account on exercise of options 31,803 -
Less: Reversal on forfeiture/ lapse of options granted 21,921 -
6,994 60,718

Employee Stock Option Plans (‘ESOP’)

All the ESOPs are in respect of the Company’s shares where each stock option is equivalent to one share. In accordance with the
Guidance Note on “Accounting for Employee Share-based Payments” issued by the ICAI with effect from 1 April 2005, the necessary
disclosures have been made for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period ended 31 October 2008 for grants outstanding on
and made on or after that date for each of the plans described below (Also refer note 29).
Employees Stock Option Plan-1998 (the 1998 Plan): The Company instituted the 1998 Plan for all eligible employees in pursuance of
the special resolution approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on 31 July 1998. The 1998 Plan provides for
the issuance of 3,720,000 options to eligible employees as recommended by the ESOP Committee constituted for this purpose.
In accordance with the 1998 Plan, the Committee has formulated 1998 Plan - (Version I) and 1998 Plan - (Version II) during the year
1998-1999 and 1999-2000 respectively.
1998 Plan - (Version I): Each option, granted under the 1998 Plan - (Version I), entitles the holder thereof with an option to apply for
and be issued one equity share of the Company at an exercise price of Rs 34.38 per share. The equity shares covered under these
options vest at various dates over a period ranging from six to sixty-six months from the date of grant based on the length of service
completed by the employee to the date of grant. The options are exercisable any time after their vesting period.
The movements in the options granted under the 1998 Plan - (Version I) for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period from 1
April 2008 to 31 October 2008 are set out below:
Year ended For the period from
31 October 2009 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008
No of Options Weighted Average No of Options Weighted Average
Exercise Price Exercise Price

Options outstanding at the beginning 77,196 34.38 77,196 34.38

Granted - - - -
Forfeited - - - -

Exercised 2,972 34.38 - -

Options outstanding at the end 74,224 34.38 77,196 34.38

Exercisable at the end 74,224 34.38 77,196 34.38

The weighted average share price of options exercised as at the date of exercise was Rs 412.69 (31 October 2008: Nil). The options
outstanding as at 31 October 2009 had an exercise price of Rs 34.38 (31 October 2008: Rs 34.38).
1998 Plan - (Version II): Commencing January 2000, the Company decided to grant all future options at the market price immediately
preceding the date of grant. The equity shares covered under these options vest at various dates over a period ranging from twelve to
forty-eight months from the date of grant based on the grade of the employee. However, in case of options granted to the then
Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, the vesting period of the options, subject to minimum period of one year from the date
of grant, is determined by the ESOP Committee and approved by the Board. The options are to be exercised within a period of ten
years from their date of vesting.

MphasiS Group

The movements in the options granted under the 1998 Plan - (Version II) for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period from
1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 are set out below:
Year ended For the period from
31 October 2009 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008
No of Options Weighted Average No of Options Weighted Average
Exercise Price Exercise Price

Options outstanding at the beginning 843,128 93.93 895,108 94.68

Granted - - - -
Forfeited 400 130.43 12,000 130.60
Lapsed - - - -
Exercised 97,604 108.40 39,980 99.65

Options outstanding at the end 745,124 92.01 843,128 93.93

Exercisable at the end 745,124 92.01 839,928 93.79

The weighted average share price of options exercised as at the date of exercise was Rs 482.95 (31 October 2008: Rs 233.65). The
options outstanding as at 31 October 2009 had an exercise price ranging from Rs 23.21 to Rs 275.00 (31 October 2008: Rs 23.21 to
Rs 275.00) and weighted average remaining contractual life of 3.71 years (31 October 2008: 4.98 years).
Employees Stock Option Plan-2000 (the 2000 Plan): Effective 25 July 2000, the Company instituted the 2000 Plan. The shareholders
and ESOP Committee approved the 2000 Plan in July 2000. The 2000 Plan provides for the issue of equity shares to employees and
directors of the Company and its subsidiaries.
The 2000 Plan is administered by an ESOP Committee appointed by the Board. Under the 2000 Plan, options will be issued to
employees at an exercise price, which shall not be less than the market price immediately preceding the date of grant. The equity
shares covered under these options vest over a period ranging from twelve to forty-eight months from the date of grant. The exercise
period is one to two years from the date of vesting.
The movements in the options under the 2000 Plan for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period from
1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 are set out below:

Year ended For the period from

31 October 2009 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008
No of Options Weighted Average No of Options Weighted Average
Exercise Price Exercise Price

Options outstanding at the beginning 749,151 138.41 867,725 137.06

Granted - - - -
Forfeited 23,203 124.76 18,350 127.67

Lapsed 113,486 147.34 46,593 132.50

Exercised 235,208 128.05 53,631 125.07

Options outstanding at the end 377,254 143.02 749,151 138.41

Exercisable at the end 334,972 139.50 480,273 136.25

The weighted average share price of options exercised as at the date of exercise was Rs 401.66 (31 October 2008: Rs 219.66). The
options outstanding as at 31 October 2009 had an exercise price ranging from Rs 113.38 to Rs 208.45 (31 October 2008: Rs 71.88 to
Rs 208.45) and weighted average remaining contractual life of 1.15 years (31 October 2008: 1.63 years).
Employees Stock Option Plan - 2003 (the 2003 Plan): The shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 2 June 2003 approved a
new Employee Stock Option Plan. The 2003 Plan provides for the issue of equity shares to employees and directors of the Company
and its subsidiaries and is administered by an ESOP Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. Options will be issued to
employees at an exercise price which shall not be less than the market price immediately preceding the date of grant. The equity
shares covered under these options vest over a period ranging from twelve to forty-eight months from the date of grant. However,
certain options were granted to executive directors having a target stock price condition and a one year service condition as vesting
conditions. The exercise period is two years from the date of vesting.

MphasiS Group

The movements in the options under the 2003 Plan for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period from
1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 are set out below:
Year ended For the period from
31 October 2009 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008
No of Options Weighted Average No of Options Weighted Average
Exercise Price Exercise Price

Options outstanding at the beginning 175,950 116.64 229,877 116.00

Granted - - - -
Forfeited 600 130.60 3,750 130.60
Lapsed 17,850 97.85 15,827 102.19
Exercised 118,300 114.78 34,350 117.51

Options outstanding at the end 39,200 130.60 175,950 116.64

Exercisable at the end 39,200 130.60 128,600 111.50

The weighted average share price of options exercised as at the date of exercise was Rs 450.22 (31 October 2008: Rs 219.53). The
options outstanding as at 31 October 2009 had an exercise price of Rs 130.60 (31 October 2008: Rs 85.63 to Rs 130.60) and weighted
average remaining contractual life of 1.16 years (31 October 2008: 1.42 years).
Employees Stock Option Plan - 2004 (the 2004 Plan): At the Extraordinary General Meeting on 12 May 2004, the shareholders
approved a new Employee Stock Option Plan. The 2004 Plan provides for the issuance of equity shares to employees and directors of
the Company and its subsidiaries and for the exchange of outstanding stock options of MsourcE Corporation as on 20 September
2004, pursuant to its merger with MphasiS Corporation and the assumption of the MsourcE stock options by the Company.
The 2004 Plan is administered through an ESOP Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company and comprises two
programs. Under Program A, outstanding options of MsourcE Corporation were exchanged for options in the Company on the agreed
exchange ratio of 0.14028 stock options with underlying equity shares of the Company for each stock option in the MsourcE 2001
plan, the exercise price being the equivalent amount payable by the option holder under the MsourcE 2001 plan. The equity shares
underlying these options vest over a period up to forty-eight months from the date of assumption by the Company and shall be
exercisable within a period of ten years from the original date of grant under the MsourcE 2001 plan.
Options under Program B represent fresh grants and will be issued to employees at an exercise price which shall be equal to the fair
value of the underlying shares at the date of grant. The equity shares covered under these options vest over a period ranging from
twelve to forty-eight months from the date of grant. The exercise period is two years from the date of vesting.
The movements in the options under the 2004 Plan for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period from
1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 are set out below:

Year ended For the period from

31 October 2009 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008
No of Options Weighted Average No of Options Weighted Average
Exercise Price Exercise Price

Options outstanding at the beginning 460,727 125.75 570,349 125.20

Granted - - - -
Forfeited 15,664 133.50 13,402 132.90

Lapsed 84,989 102.09 26,889 132.48

Exercised 192,173 132.35 69,331 117.24

Options outstanding at the end 167,901 129.44 460,727 125.75

Exercisable at the end 159,809 126.66 342,005 121.41

The weighted average share price of options exercised as at the date of exercise was Rs 394.04 (31 October 2008: Rs 222.63).The
options outstanding as at 31 October 2009 had an exercise price ranging from Rs 50.34 to Rs 184.50 (31 October 2008: Rs 50.34 to
Rs 184.50) and weighted average remaining contractual life of 2.67 years (31 October 2008: 3.20 years).

MphasiS Group

Fringe benefit tax on ESOPs

The Finance Act, 2009 has withdrawn Fringe Benefit Tax (‘FBT’) on ESOP’s exercised after 1 April 2009. As per the ESOP
schemes of the Group, all the taxes, including FBT on ESOP’s exercised till 31 March 2009 is borne by the concerned employees
and hence, this will not have an impact on the profit and loss account of the Group.

Restricted Stock Units

EDS the holding company, had issued Restricted Stock Units (‘RSU’) to certain employees of the Group. These have been replaced
by RSUs of HP, pursuant to the merger. Subsequent to the merger, HP had also issued RSUs to certain employees of the Group. Total
cost incurred towards RSUs for the year ended 31 October 2009 and for the period 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 amounted to
Rs 100,370,084 and Rs 67,763,390 respectively. However, the cost has been borne by HP and accordingly this has not been accounted
as an expense by the Group.

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008

Vehicle loans 33,207 53,792
(Secured by the hypothecation of vehicles)
33,207 53,792


On depreciation 1,432 -
1,432 -

MphasiS Group

8. FIXED ASSETS ( Rs 000's)

Cost Accumulated depreciation and amortisation Net book value
Assets 1 November 2008 Additions Deductions/ 31 October 2009 1 November 2008 Charge for Deductions/ 31 October 2009 31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Adjustments* the year Adjustments*

Tangible assets
Freehold land 27,375 - - 27,375 - - - - 27,375 27,375

Buildings 1,230 - - 1,230 933 123 - 1,056 174 297

Leasehold improvements 1,353,106 444,573 212,555 1,585,124 901,547 343,850 202,828 1,042,569 542,555 451,559

Plant and machinery 2,092,506 459,299 80,405 2,471,400 1,248,243 374,914 56,313 1,566,844 904,556 844,263

Computer equipment 2,608,532 419,681 647,341 2,380,872 1,913,878 559,085 599,956 1,873,007 507,865 694,654

Office equipment 880,729 133,581 55,341 958,969 594,136 197,860 50,236 741,760 217,209 286,593

Furniture and fixtures 1,057,519 193,356 64,400 1,186,475 657,481 213,103 58,715 811,869 374,606 400,038

Vehicles 106,332 25,677 33,334 98,675 54,319 27,670 26,731 55,258 43,417 52,013

Intangible assets
Software 1,335,894 251,185 253,550 1,333,529 687,332 305,550 205,300 787,582 545,947 648,562

Total 9,463,223 1,927,352 1,346,926 10,043,649 6,057,869 2,022,155 1,200,079 6,879,945 3,163,704 3,405,354
Seven months ended
31 October 2008 7,819,704 1,451,023 192,496 9,463,223 4,941,753 1,004,851 111,265 6,057,869 3,405,354
* includes the effect of translation of assets held by foreign subsidiaries, which are considered as non-integral in terms of AS 11

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Goodwill arising on consolidation
Balance brought forward 2,959,287 2,448,977
Add : On acquisition of AIG Systems Solutions Private Limited 173,227 -
Add/(Less): Movement on account of exchange rate fluctuation (165,081) 510,310
Add/(Less): Adjustment on forfeiture/ lapse of options granted (21,921) -
on earlier acquisitions
2,945,512 2,959,287

Short Term (At lower of cost and market value)
ICICI Prudential Flexible Income 3,687,246 -
348,725,344.16 units at Rs 10.5735
(31 October 2008: Nil units)
Birla Sun Life Savings Fund 3,825,050 -
382,245,085.51 units at Rs 10.0068
(31 October 2008: Nil units)
ICICI Prudential Institutional Liquid 100,175 -
8,453,484.13 units at Rs 11.8502
(31 October 2008: Nil units)
7,612,471 -


On depreciation 630,103 268,852
On provision for doubtful debts 29,001 25,299
On provision for employee benefits 36,274 50,388
695,378 344,539


Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months, unsecured

red - considered good 69,507 39,981
ed - considered doubtful 89,353 172,202
Other debts, unsecured
red - considered good 3,750,006 3,515,306
3,908,866 3,727,489
Less: Provision for doubtful debts (net of write-offs) (89,353) (172,202)
3,819,513 3,555,287
Unbilled revenues 5,244,297 5,254,384
9,063,810 8,809,671

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008


Cash in hand 290 962
Remittance in transit - 11,854
Balances with scheduled banks
- Current accounts * 296,172 256,503
- Deposit accounts ** 950,665 86,214
- Margin money deposit account 913 913
Balances with non-scheduled banks
- Current accounts 537,658 374,752
1,785,698 731,198
* Includes Rs 4,014,928 and Rs 1,251,941 representing the balances in unclaimed dividends account as at 31 October 2009 and
31 October 2008 respectively.
** Includes restricted deposits of Rs 70,732,170 as at 31 October 2009 (31 October 2008: Rs 10,732,170)


Unsecured - considered good 1,295 2,247
1,295 2,247


Unsecured - considered good
Employee loans 1,594 3,737
Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received * 3,151,835 757,578
Loan to a ESOP trust 8,575 3,575
- premises 988,520 1,028,758
- with government authorities 14,233 10,907
- others 24,172 11,745
Advance tax and tax deducted at source 2,121,685 1,130,887
MAT credit entitlement 929,521 409,761
Unsecured - considered doubtful
Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received - 43,345
7,240,135 3,400,293
Less: Provisions (net of write-offs) - (43,345)
7,240,135 3,356,948
* includes service tax input credit receivable Rs 1,931,711,218 (31 October 2008: Rs 354,475,627)


Sundry creditors 631,904 1,022,918
Book overdraft 93,490 185,257
Advances from clients 61,228 21,821
Unearned receivables 331,492 44,632
Salary related costs 2,446,704 765,302
Other liabilities* 2,844,906 2,383,680
Unclaimed dividends 4,015 1,252
6,413,739 4,424,862

* The above amount includes Rs 17,060,055 (31 October 2008: Rs 17,060,055) which represents the remaining consideration
payable for the acquisition of Kshema Technologies Limited [refer note 2(a)].

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008

Compensated absences 307,510 178,704
Gratuity [refer note 31 (a)] 59,475 135,270
Proposed dividend 733,498 417,846
Tax on dividend 124,658 71,013
Taxation 1,508,475 695,033
2,733,616 1,497,866

For the year For the period from

ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008


Salary and allowances 17,222,619 8,355,632
Contribution to provident and other funds 942,051 421,283
Staff welfare 684,207 437,831
Travel* 970,109 729,038
Recruitment charges 104,481 45,816
Communication expenses 834,723 482,217
Rent 1,508,238 805,049
Professional charges 91,726 44,317
Depreciation and amortisation 1,892,025 938,804
Software development charges 1,648,736 582,686
Staff training expenses 19,663 33,022
Electricity 437,370 239,997
Software support and annual maintenance charges 1,870,679 916,484
Miscellaneous expenses 566,552 222,451
28,793,179 14,254,627
* Previous period amount includes accelerated amortization of visa costs amounting to Rs 92,786,174 incurred in prior periods owing to a
change in accounting treatment. Consequently, the travel expenses of the previous period is higher by the same amount.


Salary and allowances 1,352,172 523,677
Contribution to provident and other funds 86,374 33,022
Staff welfare 15,656 7,684
Travel 114,870 70,577
Communication expenses 61,806 25,051
Rent 33,725 16,513
Professional charges 40,524 9,731
Depreciation and amortisation 12,717 6,865
Recruitment expenses 17,007 11,279
Business meeting expenses 19,168 3,301
Miscellaneous expenses 49,991 20,021
1,804,010 727,721

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008


Salary and allowances 1,250,407 517,846

Contribution to provident and other funds 41,759 33,960
Staff welfare 81,449 53,685
Travel 54,269 39,643
Communication expenses 110,041 39,537
Rent 267,291 86,946
Professional charges 227,660 86,732
Depreciation and amortisation 117,413 59,182
Auditor's remuneration 7,876 5,138
Bank charges 8,067 6,019
Insurance 13,726 16,947
Rates and taxes 150,855 15,928
Repairs and maintenance
- Plant and machinery 48,473 23,993
- Building 11,979 8,504
- Others 148,084 80,993
Membership and subscriptions 8,931 5,685
Printing and stationery 42,389 24,475
Postage and courier charges 8,019 4,906
Miscellaneous expenses 182,531 82,195
2,781,219 1,192,314


Provision for doubtful debts (81,169) 11,256
Bad Debts written off 89,205 -
8,036 11,256


Profit /(loss) on sale of fixed assets 7,661 1,463
Mutual Fund dividend income 153,128 6,958
Miscellaneous income /(expense), net (5,781) 74
155,008 8,495


Interest on deposits 27,927 45,419
27,927 45,419

24. The Group’s software development centres and call centres in India are 100% Export Oriented Units (‘EOU’) / Special Economic Zone
(‘SEZ’) under Special Economic Zone Ordinance / Software Technology Park (‘STP’) Units under the Software Technology Park
guidelines issued by the Government of India. They are exempted from customs and central excise duties and levies on imported and
indigenous capital goods and stores and spares. The Group has executed legal undertakings to pay customs duty, central excise duty,
levies and liquidated damages payable, if any, in respect of imported and indigenous capital goods and stores and spares consumed duty
free, in the event that certain terms and conditions are not fulfilled. Bank guarantees aggregating to Rs 123,042,815 as at 31 October
2009 (31 October 2008: Rs 148,893,415) have been furnished to the Customs authorities in this regard.

25. Contingent liabilities and commitments

(a) Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts amount to Rs 855,926,880 (31 October 2008: Rs 222,790,578);
(b) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account (net of advances) and not provided for as at
31 October 2009: 330,389,414 (31 October 2008: Rs 842,880,473);
(c) Guarantees outstanding including those furnished to the Customs authorities as at 31 October 2009: Rs 412,787,640
(31 October 2008: Rs 343,527,315); and
(d) Forward contracts outstanding as at 31 October 2009 are as below:

MphasiS Group

Currency Amount Amount in INR

USD 652,900,000 32,088,557,750
GBP 54,654,683 4,405,112,949
SGD 6.889,857 234,842,330
CAD 850,000 37,601,875
Forward contracts outstanding as at 31 October 2008 are as below:
Currency Amount Amount in INR
USD 243,624,000 12,048,424,920
GBP 2,585,037 206,673,704
EUR 1,602,777 100,958,912
SGD 7,143,405 238,357,566
The foreign exchange exposure of the Group has been hedged by forward contracts disclosed above.
Unamortised premium as at 31 October 2009 on forward exchange contracts to hedge the foreign currency risk of the
underlying outstanding at the balance sheet date is Rs 32,906,777 (31 October 2008: Rs 6,058,796). Net foreign currency
exposure of the Group that is not hedged by a derivative instrument or otherwise as at 31 October 2009: Rs 1,771,303,487.
(e) The Group has issued performance guarantees to certain clients for executed contracts.
26. Operating leases
The Group is obligated under non-cancellable leases for office and residential space that are renewable on a periodic basis at the
option of both the lessor and the lessee. Total rental expense under non-cancellable operating leases amounted to Rs 1,067,537,705
for the year ended 31 October 2009 and Rs 395,483,502 for the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008.
Future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases as at 31 October 2009 are as follows:
(Rs 000’s)
Period 31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Not later than 1 year 829,196 815,313
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 870,346 1,039,963
More than 5 years 72,814 -
1,772,356 1,855,276

The Group leases office facilities and residential facilities under cancellable operating lease agreements. The Group intends to
renew such leases in the normal course of its business. Total rental expense under cancellable operating leases was Rs 741,716,650
for the year ended 31 October 2009 and Rs 513,023,849 for the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008.
Office Premises are obtained on operating lease for terms ranging from 1 to 7 years and renewable at the option of the
Company/lessor. Further, there are no sub-leases.

27. Related party transactions

(a) Entities where control exists:

• Hewlett Packard Company, USA (ultimate holding company)

• Hewlett Packard Eagle Corporation, USA (100% subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Company, USA)
• Electronic Data Systems LLC, USA (formerly Electronic Data Systems Corporation, USA), (100% subsidiary of Hewlett
Packard Eagle Corporation, USA)*
*EDS Asia Pacific Holdings, Mauritius (formerly TH Holding, Mauritius), EDS World Corporation (Far East) and EDS World
Corporation (Netherlands), the subsidiaries of Electronic Data Systems LLC, USA (formerly Electronic Data Systems
Corporation, USA) hold 60.65% of the equity capital of the Company.
The related parties where control exists also include BFL Employees Equity Reward Trust and Kshema Employees Welfare Trust.

(b) Key management personnel:

The key management personnel of the Group are as mentioned below:

Executive key management personnel represented on the Board of the Company

„ Balu Ganesh Ayyar Chief Executive Officer - Appointed w.e.f. 29 January 2009

„ Jeya Kumar Chief Executive Officer - Resigned w.e.f. 28 January 2009

„ Deepak Patel Managing Director – Resigned w.e.f. 10 June 2008

MphasiS Group

Non-executive / independent directors on the Board of the Company

„ Andreas W Mattes Director – Appointed as non-executive Chairman w.e.f. 6 February 2009.

„ Jose de la Torre Director

„ Nawshir H Mirza Director

„ Davinder Singh Brar Director

„ Vinita Bali Director

„ Jim Bridges Director

„ Craig Wilson Director - Appointed w.e.f. 6 February 2009

„ Prakash Jothee Director - Appointed w.e.f. 6 February 2009

„ Friedrich Froeschl Director - Appointed w.e.f. 30 March 2009

„ Michael Coomer Non-executive Chairman - Resigned w.e.f. 6 February 2009

„ Jeroen Tas Non-executive Vice Chairman - Resigned w.e.f. 13 October 2008

„ Thomas Erhardt Director - Resigned w.e.f. 6 October 2008

„ Michael Ronald Koehler Director - Resigned w.e.f. 6 October 2008

„ Joseph Eazor Director - Resigned w.e.f. 6 February 2009

„ Anthony Glasby Director - Resigned w.e.f 30 March 2009

(c) Direct or indirect subsidiaries of ultimate holding company with which transactions have taken place:
„ TH Consulting India Private Limited „ EDS Austria Gmbh

„ EDS (Operations) Pty Limited „ EDS Operations Services Gmbh

„ EDS Itellium Gmbh „ Electronic Data Systems Limited

„ Electronic Data Systems (EDS) International B.V. „ EDS (New Zealand) Limited

„ EDS Information Services LLC „ Electronic Data System Belgium N.V

„ EDS Canada Inc. „ EDS Information Business Gmbh

„ EDS (Australia) PTY Limited „ EDS Business Services PTY Limited

„ EDS Gulf States, WLL „ EDS (China) Co. Limited

„ EDS Sweden AB „ EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited

„ EDS (Thailand) Co. Ltd „ Electronic Data Systems Taiwan Corporation

„ EDS International (Greece) SA „ EDS (Schweiz) AG

„ EDS Application Services Gmbh „ Electronic Data Systems (Hong Kong) Limited

„ Electronic Data Systems do Brasil Ltda „ EDS (Ireland) Ltd

„ RelQ Software Private Limited „ EDS Malaysia (Shell EPO AP)

„ Electronic Data Systems Limited, UK „ Electronic Data Systems Hungary Limited

„ Electronic Data Systems Italia SPA „ Electronic Data Systems France SAS

„ Electronic Data Systems (Egypt) SAE „ EDS Columbia

„ EDS World Corporation (Far East) „ EDS Answare SA

MphasiS Group

„ EDS Poland Sp.Z.O.O „ EDS Denmark A/S

„ EDS MSC (M) Sdn Bhd „ Mercury Interactive (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

„ EDS Japan LLC „ Hewlett Packard India Sales Private Limited

„ Neoware Inc „ HP India Software Operation Private Limited

„ Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. „ Hewlett Packard International Sarl

„ GEMS Techno Solutions India Private Ltd. „ Hewlett Packard AP (Hong Kong) Ltd.

„ Shanghai Hewlett Packard Co. Ltd. „ Hewlett Packard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd.

„ Hewlett Packard New Zealand „ Saber Software, Inc.

„ Hewlett Packard GmbH „ Hewlett Packard Inter-Americas United States (California)

„ EDS Omega S.L „ Hewlett Packard Limited (UK)

„ Hewlett Packard Company „ Hewlett Packard Financial Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.

(d) The following is a summary of significant transactions with related parties by the Group*: (Rs 000’s)

For the year For the period from

ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Rendering of services to other related parties 29,572,068 11,003,640
-EDS Information Services, LLC 19,016,810 8,573,248
-Electronic Data Systems Ltd, UK 3,689,604 864,626
-Others 6,865,654 1,565,766
Purchase of fixed assets from other related parties 94,889 -
-EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited 44,045 -
-Hewlett Packard Singapore (Sales) Pte. Ltd. 27,279 -
-Hewlett Packard India Sales Private Limited 21,780 -
-Others 1,785 -
Sale of fixed assets to other related parties 46,003 -
-Hewlett Packard Financial Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. 46,003 -
Lease Rentals paid to other related parties 5,376 -
- Hewlett Packard Financial Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. 5,376 -
Communication charges paid to other related parties 117,206 54,349
-EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited 117,206 54,349
Software development charges paid to entities where control exists 22,610 21,472
-Electronic Data Systems LLC, USA 22,610 21,472
Software development charges paid to others 44,848 33,657
-RelQ Software Private Limited 44,848 33,657
Software support and annual maintenance charges paid to other related
parties ** 1,759,182 868,102
-EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited 1,759,182 868,102
Other expenses paid to other related parties 63,455 -
-EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited 63,455 -
Remuneration to executive key management personnel 66,583 46,220
-Deepak Patel - 17,129
-Jeya Kumar 32,814 29,091
-Balu Ganesh Ayyar 33,769 -
Commission to non-executive directors 9,909 4,667
-Davinder Singh Brar 2,400 1,400
-Jose de la Torre 2,433 1,167
-Vinita Bali 2,000 700
-Nawshir H Mirza 2,400 1,400
-Friedrich Froeschl*** 676 -
Loan given to BFL Employee Equity Reward Trust 5,000 5,000
Loan refunded by BFL Employee Equity Reward Trust - 5,000
MphasiS Group

*This does not include remuneration paid to certain non-executive directors who are paid by the ultimate parent company and its
affiliates as they are employees of the said companies.
**The Group has accrued expenses for certain services received from a related party where significant influence exists for which the
Master Service Agreement (“MSA”) has been signed and the statement of work is expected to be signed upon completion of the
ongoing negotiation of terms. As at 31 October 2009, the provisioning for such services has been made on best estimate basis.
***Subject to Shareholders approval.

(e) The balances receivable from and payable to related parties are as follows: (Rs 000’s)

31 October 2009 31 October 2008

Interest free loans to BFL Employee Equity Reward Trust, 8,575 3,575
included in Loans and advances
Sundry debtors and unbilled revenue - other related parties 6,457,991 6,051,517
-EDS Information Services, LLC 3,753,443 4,539,459
-Electronic Data Systems Ltd, UK 792,393 280,734
-EDS Australia Pty Ltd 792,469 103,140
-Others 1,119,686 1,128,184
Current liabilities – other related parties 1,100,265 683,431
-EDS International (Singapore) Pte Limited 1,073,511 654,446
-Others 26,754 28,985
(f) Balu Ganesh Ayyar, a non resident director was appointed as Chief Executive Officer w.e.f. 29 January 2009. The Company has
made an application to the Central Government for approval in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 1956,
which is pending for approval.
28. Segment reporting
The Group’s operations predominantly relate to providing application development and maintenance (Application) services, business
process outsourcing (BPO) services and infrastructure outsourcing (ITO) services delivered to clients operating globally. Secondary
segmental reporting is done on the basis of the geographical location of clients.
Application services cover consulting, application development, testing and application maintenance services. BPO services provide
voice, transaction based services and knowledge based processes. ITO covers a range of infrastructure management services and
service/ technical help desks.
The accounting policies consistently used in the preparation of the financial statements are also applied to record revenue and
expenditure in individual segments.
Assets, liabilities, revenues and direct expenses in relation to segments are categorised based on items that are individually identifiable
to that segment, while other items, wherever allocable, are apportioned to the segments on an appropriate basis. Certain items are not
specifically allocable to individual segments as the underlying services are used interchangeably. The Group therefore believes that it is
not practical to provide segment disclosures relating to such items, and accordingly such items are separately disclosed as ‘unallocated’.
Client relationships are driven based on client domicile. The geographical segments include United States of America (USA), the
Middle East and India and Others.
Primary segment information (Rs 000’s)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Segment revenue
Application Services 27,325,778 12,207,837
BPO Services 7,425,736 4,001,158
ITO Services 7,887,313 2,856,197
42,638,827 19,065,192
Segment profit
Application Services 8,998,205 2,977,820
BPO Services 1,644,401 1,080,966
ITO Services 3,203,042 751,779
13,845,648 4,810,565
Interest income, net 27,927 45,419
Other unallocable expenditure, net of unallocable income 4,146,055 1,758,870
Profit before taxation 9,727,520 3,097,114
Income taxes (including Fringe benefit tax) 640,741 142,749
Profit after taxation 9,086,779 2,954,365

MphasiS Group

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Segment assets
Application Services 8,453,031 8,550,910
BPO Services 6,131,431 6,330,792
ITO Services 2,920,603 2,473,969
Unallocated assets 15,130,284 2,984,292
32,635,349 20,339,963
Segment liabilities
Application Services 3,449,877 2,265,005
BPO Services 1,611,095 1,031,376
ITO Services 1,513,894 749,687
Unallocated liabilities 2,607,128 1,930,452
9,181,994 5,976,520

For the year For the period from

ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Capital expenditure
Application Services 605,868 674,245
BPO Services 549,313 615,326
ITO Services 168,798 137,306
1,323,979 1,426,877

Depreciation and amortisation

Application Services 948,455 485,973
BPO Services 814,320 423,049
ITO Services 259,380 95,829
2,022,155 1,004,851

Secondary segment information (revenues)

For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
USA 28,633,186 12,928,148
The Middle East and India 3,089,995 1,625,054
Rest of the world 10,915,646 4,511,990
42,638,827 19,065,192
Revenues by geographic area are based on the geographical location of the client.

Secondary segment information (segment assets)

31 October 2009 31 October 2008
USA 9,285,490 9,768,127
The Middle East and India 20,224,060 8,126,159
Rest of the world 3,125,799 2,445,677
32,635,349 20,339,963

Secondary segment information (capital expenditure)

For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
USA 114,016 135,032
The Middle East and India 1,203,285 1,289,650
Rest of the world 6,678 2,195
1,323,979 1,426,877

MphasiS Group

29. Earnings Per Share (‘EPS’)

Reconciliation of basic and diluted shares used in computing earnings per share:
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Number of weighted average shares considered for calculation of 209,131,904 208,852,739
basic earnings per share
Add: Dilutive effect of stock options 1,336,310 1,127,377
Number of weighted average shares considered for calculation of
diluted earnings per share 210,468,214 209,980,116
206,053 weighted average number of shares (31 October 2008: 205,426 weighted average number of shares) held by the BFL
Employees Equity Reward Trust and Kshema Employee Welfare Trust have been considered for computing basic and diluted earnings
per share. The above does not include 25,600 bonus shares held in abeyance by the Company.

30. Stock Based Compensation

The Group uses the intrinsic value method of accounting for its employee stock options. The Group has therefore adopted the pro-
forma disclosure provisions as required by the Guidance Note on “Accounting for Employee Share-based Payments” issued by the
ICAI with effect from 1 April 2005.
Had the compensation cost been determined in a manner consistent with the fair value approach described in the aforesaid Guidance
Note, the Group’s net profit and EPS as reported would have been adjusted to the pro-forma amounts indicated below:
(Rs 000’s)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Net profit as reported 9,086,779 2,954,365

Add: Stock based employee compensation expense determined under - -

the intrinsic value method
Add/(Less): Stock based employee compensation expense 2,291 (17,275)
determined under the fair value method
Pro-forma net profit 9,089,070 2,937,090

Earning per share: Basic

As reported 43.45 14.16

Pro-forma 43.46 14.06

Earning per share: Diluted
As reported 43.17 14.08
Pro-forma 43.18 13.99

The fair value of each stock option has been estimated by management on the respective grant date using the Black-
Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions:
Dividend yield % 1.44% to 1.98%
Expected life 1 to 4 years
Risk free interest rates 5.78% to 8.00%
Expected volatility (annualised) * 67.12% to 69.48%
* Expected volatility (annualised) is computed based on historical share price movement since April 2001.

MphasiS Group

31. Employee Benefits

a. Gratuity Plan
The following tables set out the status of the gratuity plan as required under revised AS 15.

Reconciliation of the projected benefit obligations

(Rs 000’s)
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Change in projected benefit obligation
Obligations at year/period beginning 235,903 204,098
Obligations acquired on acquisition 12,767 -
Service cost 139,266 46,209
Interest cost 15,877 9,457
Benefits paid (13,486) (17,079)
Actuarial loss/ (gain) (11,761) (6,782)
Obligations at year/period end 378,566 235,903

Change in plan assets

Plan assets at year/period beginning, at fair value 100,633 114,707
Plan assets acquired on acquisition 7,712 -
Expected return on plan assets (estimated) 13,205 4,980
Actuarial gain/ (loss) 590 (2,655)
Contributions 210,437 680
Benefits paid (13,486) (17,079)
Plan assets at year/period end, at fair value 319,091 100,633

Reconciliation of present value of obligation and fair value of plan assets

Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year/period 319,091 100,633
Present value of defined benefit obligation at the end of the year/period 378,566 235,903
Liability recognised in the balance sheet (59,475) (135,270)

Interest rate 7.00% 8.62%
Discount rate 7.00% 8.62%
Expected rate of return on plan assets 7.00% 8.62%
Attrition rate 5% - 30% 5% - 30%
Expected contribution over next one year 100,000 25,000

For the year For the period from

ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Gratuity cost for the year/period
Service cost 139,266 46,209
Interest cost 15,877 9,457
Expected return on plan assets (13,205) (4,980)
Actuarial loss/(gain) (12,351) (4,127)
Net gratuity cost 129,587 46,559
The estimate of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant
factors such as supply and demand factors in the employment market.

Experience Adjustment
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
On obligations, gain/ (loss) 11,761 6,782
On plan assets, gain/ (loss) 590 (2,655)

b. Provident Fund
The Company contributed Rs. 429,921,822 during the year ended 31 October 2009 (31 October 2008: Rs.218,436,406)

MphasiS Group

32. Revenue disclosure

(Rs 000’s)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Revenue recognised on customised software development 11,903,488 5,289,299
11,903,488 5,289,299

Disclosure for contracts in progress at the reporting date (Rs 000’s)

31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Fixed Price projects:
Revenue recognised until the reporting date 746,435 570,970
Unbilled revenue 298,588 345,534
Unearned receivable - 17,269
Time and material projects:
Revenue recognised during the year/period 8,203,021 4,716,265
Unbilled revenue 1,195,203 1,181,321
Unearned receivable 152 -

33. The Group paid an amount of US$ 397,217 (Rs 17,529,186) against a claim received from a client in respect of alleged identity theft
pertaining to customer bank accounts involving the Group’s employees and ex-employees. Liquid assets and properties worth US$ 228,489
(Rs 10,055,790) of the alleged offenders have been frozen by the authorities and legal action has been instituted against them. Under a
separate deed of assignment, the client has assigned any amount recoverable from the aforesaid frozen assets of the alleged offenders to the
Group. During the quarter ended 31 December 2005, the Group reached settlements for US$ 175,000 (Rs 7,650,875) with the insurance
companies. The amount has since been received in cash.

During July 2007, the Group has received from the client, who was given this amount by the Court to be held in trust, an amount of
Rs 10,732,170 including interest from the aforesaid frozen assets. The said amount has been assigned by the client to the group and has
been kept in Fixed Deposit, until such time the Court in a final, non-appealable written order holds that the amounts may be appropriated
by the the Group or the client.

34. The Group has made a provision of Rs 123,231,404 (31 October 2008: Rs Nil) towards claims during the year and the closing balance of
such provisions as at the end of the year is Rs 169,101,026 (31 October 2008: Rs 45,869,622).

35. Prior period figures are for the period 1 April 2008 to 31 October 2008 and hence not comparable with the figures of the current year ended
31 October 2009. The figures of previous period have been regrouped/ reclassified, wherever necessary, to conform with the current year

For S.R. BATLIBOI & CO. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants

per Sunil Bhumralkar Andreas W Mattes Balu Ganesh Ayyar

Partner Chairman Chief Executive Officer
Membership No. 35141

Ganesh Murthy A. Sivaram Nair

Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Bangalore Bangalore
24 November 2009 24 November 2009

MphasiS Group

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

(Rs 000's)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Cash flows from operating activities:
Profit before taxation 9,727,520 3,097,114
Adjustments for:
Interest income (27,927) (45,419)
Mutual Fund dividend income (153,128) (6,958)
Profit on sale of fixed assets (7,661) (1,463)
Depreciation and amortisation 2,022,155 1,004,851
Effect of exchange rate changes (18,239) (43,002)
Operating profit before working capital changes 11,542,720 4,005,123
Debtors and unbilled revenues (52,452) (2,849,123)
Loans and advances (2,300,098) 18,898
Current liabilities and provisions 2,973,416 844,902
Cash generated from operations 12,163,586 2,019,800
Income taxes (paid)/ refund (1,646,270) (236,215)
Net cash provided by operating activities 10,517,316 1,783,585
Cash flows from investing activities:
Interest received 28,969 45,714
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 124,502 3,546
Purchase of fixed assets (1,499,751) (1,259,820)
Mutual Fund dividend income 153,128 6,958
Purchase of units of Mutual Funds (51,666,305) (2,667,090)
Payment for subsidiary acquisition, net of cash acquired (253,462) -
Sale of units of Mutual Funds 44,053,834 2,667,090
Net cash used in investing activities (9,059,085) (1,203,602)

MphasiS Group

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (continued)

(Rs 000's)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from issue of share capital 6,462 1,973
Proceeds of premium from issue of share capital 73,352 20,885
Availment of secured loans 14,618 16,096
Repayment of secured loans (35,203) (19,084)
Dividend paid including dividend tax (486,189) (806,569)
Net cash provided by/ (used in) financing activities (426,960) (786,699)
Changes in cash and cash equivalents 1,031,271 (206,716)
Effect of exchange rate changes 23,229 (14,592)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year/period* 731,198 952,506
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year/period* 1,785,698 731,198
* Cash and cash equivalents consists of cash and bank balances and short-term funds that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash
and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. It also includes restricted deposits amounting
Rs 70,732,170 (31 October 2008: Rs 10,732,170).

This is the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For S.R. BATLIBOI & CO. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants

per Sunil Bhumralkar Andreas W Mattes Balu Ganesh Ayyar

Partner Chairman Chief Executive Officer
Membership No. 35141

Ganesh Murthy A. Sivaram Nair

Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Bangalore Bangalore
24 November 2009 24 November 2009

MphasiS Group

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Reconciliation of consolidated financial statement items with consolidated cash flow items

(Rs 000's)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Purchase of fixed assets
As per the Consolidated Balance Sheet 1,927,352 1,451,023
Add: Closing capital work-in-progress 127,346 730,719
Add: Opening creditors for capital goods 302,372 139,280
Less: Opening Fixed Assets of MphasiS Finsolutions (35,941) -
Less: Opening capital work-in-progress (730,719) (754,865)
Less: Closing creditors for capital goods (90,659) (302,372)
Less: Effect of foreign exchange translation - (3,965)
Purchase of fixed assets 1,499,751 1,259,820

Loans and advances

As per the Consolidated Balance Sheet 7,240,135 3,356,948
Less: Opening Loans and advances of MphasiS Finsolutions (59,825) -
Less: Advance income tax & tax deducted at source considered separately (2,121,685) (1,130,887)
Less: MAT credit entitlement considered separately (929,521) (409,761)
Add: Effect of foreign exchange translation (12,706) (81,057)
4,116,398 1,735,243
Less: Opening balance considered 1,816,300 1,754,141
Changes in loans and advances 2,300,098 (18,898)

Current Liabilities and Provisions

As per the Consolidated Balance Sheet 9,147,355 5,922,728
Less: Opening current liabilities and provisions of MphasiS Finsolutions (220,810) -
Less: Creditors for capital goods, liability for unclaimed dividend, provision for taxation
and proposed dividend & tax thereon considered separately (2,461,305) (1,487,516)
Less: Liability for Kshema acquisition considered separately (17,060) (17,060)
Less: Liability for EDS India merger expenses considered separately (66,688) (66,688)
Less: Hedge Reserve 670,242 (312,289)
Add: Effect of foreign exchange translation (39,143) (161,300)
7,012,591 3,877,875
Less: Opening balance considered 4,039,175 3,032,973
Changes in current liabilities and provisions 2,973,416 844,902

MphasiS Group

Reconciliation of consolidated financial statement items with consolidated cash flow items (continued)

(Rs 000’s)
For the year For the period from
ended 1 April 2008 to
31 October 2009 31 October 2008
Income taxes paid/(refund)
As per the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 640,741 142,749
Add: Increase in deferred taxes 350,839 84,410
Less: Opening Deferred taxes of MphasiS Finsolutions (8,294) -
Less: Opening MAT Credit Entitlement of MphasiS Finsolutions (32,700) -
Add: Increase in deferred tax liability (1,432) -
Add: Increase/ (decrease) net of provision for taxation 177,356 (329,224)
Add: Increase in balance in advance income tax and tax deducted at source - 121,213
Add: Increase in balance in MAT credit entitlement 519,760 217,965
Less: Effect of foreign exchange translation - (898)
Income taxes paid 1,646,270 236,215

Interest received
Interest income, Net 27,927 45,419
Add: Opening interest receivable of MphasiS Finsolutions 90 -
Add: Opening interest receivable 2,247 2,542
Less: Closing interest receivable (1,295) (2,247)
Interest received 28,969 45,714

Sundry debtors and unbilled revenue

As per the Consolidated Balance Sheet 9,063,810 8,809,671
Less: Opening Debtors and Unbilled revenues of MphasiS Finsolutions (164,195) -
Add: Effect of foreign exchange translation (37,492) (158,649)
8,862,123 8,651,022
Less: Opening Balance considered 8,809,671 5,801,899
Changes in sundry debtors and unbilled revenue 52,452 2,849,123

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Andreas W Mattes Balu Ganesh Ayyar

Chairman Chief Executive Officer

Ganesh Murthy A. Sivaram Nair

Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

24 November 2009


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