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Learning Disability - 1

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Strategy Matrix: Organize Needs & Interventions

Disability: Math Learning Disability

Student’s Strengths: Artistically creative; Strong technology skills; Visual thinker; kinesthetic learner with
preference of hands-on tasks and assignments.

Common Disability Characteristic Evidence-based Strategies

This student experiences challenges with Music based activities can increase engagement and help with
memorizing and recalling math facts. This memory/recall. Songs can facilitate learning through
includes sequencing and recognizing left to remembering sequences and/or categorical structures.
right orientation. Teaching with movement have been a proven strategy that can
result in improved memory, improved grades, and increased
attention and concentration.
This student has challenges with high, Graphic organizers are one of the most effective visual learning
abstract mathematical thinking and strategies to aid in constructing a graphical-connection and/or
difficulties comprehending abstract math apply strategies needed to solve math problems.
concepts. Sticky notes, for example, can integrate both math and art to
make learning mathematics more authentic and meaningful to
students. Sticky notes can make math concepts more visual and
provide a more concrete understanding.
Social / School Skills
This student displays lower self-esteem Positive self-talk can strengthen self-esteem, aid in
and self-efficacy than peers due to coping/confronting fears, and guide cognitive performance while
challenges faced during Math instruction. regulating social behavior.
Self-regulating strategies work to strengthen both cognitive and
behavioral regulatory processes. These strategies can lead to
increased academic achievement and stronger self-concept.
This student seldomly participates in Math Response cards and choral response work together to promote
discussions during both whole group and active participation in the classroom. Student engagement is
small group settings. maximized when implementing these strategies because students
answer questions in unison creating a risk-free learning
Think-Pair-Share is a collaborative learning strategy designed to
maximize participation, practice social skills, and provide a safe
learning environment.
Behavior / Organization
This student prefers to work alone or with Choice boards allow students to control how they will learn a
a teacher for assistance and support during concept in the classroom. Choice boards are beneficial in that
Math. they promote students to become self-directed learners.
P.A.L.S. is a scientifically-based peer-mediated instructional
program designed to create opportunities for lower-achieving
students to assume an integral role in a valued activity. This
strategy promotes positive and productive peer interactions.
This student often demonstrates avoidance Seesaw is a highly effective student-driven digital portfolio that
during Math such as going to the restroom encourages student engagement and creativity, shown to
for long periods of time or being positively impact learning.
disruptive. Play is an important and natural way to learn. Studies have
shown by implementing academic games in the classroom, it can
lead to increased motivation, engagement, and higher student

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