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Amended Revised Guidelines - FTL 070317 14

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Revised Guidelines


The Scheme of
Setting – up/Up-gradation of Food Testing
with effect from 01.01.2017

Government of India
Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Panchsheel Bhawan
August Kranti Marg
New Delhi - 110 049

Revised Guidelines for Grant-in-Aid for Setting-up/Up-gradation of Food Testing

Laboratories w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
(1) Objectives:

Setting up / up-gradation of Food Testing Laboratories would benefit all stakeholders

in ensuring safety and quality of food products. The objectives are:

 To analyse the samples received from food processing industry and other stakeholders.
 To reduce the time taken for analysis of samples by reducing transportation time of
 To ensure compliance of domestic/international standards on food.
 To establish a surveillance system for monitoring the quality and composition of food.

(2) Pattern of Assistance:

(i) Central/State Government and its organizations /universities (including Govt.

owned deemed universities) are eligible for grant-in-aid of entire cost of
laboratory equipment and 25% of the cost of technical civil work to house the
equipment and furniture and fixtures associated with the equipment for general
areas and 33% for difficult areas. In addition, they are also eligible for 80% of
the monthly emoluments of two technical staff for two years from the date of
completion of the laboratory i.e. on procurement and installation of all the
equipment and completion of civil work of Food Testing Laboratory, provided
this does not exceed the emoluments prescribed for Junior Research Fellow
(JRF) under ICAR.

Note: In case of any dispute regarding issues related to service/emoluments of

the staff to be employed, MoFPI will not be a party and this will be purely
between the respective lab and the employed staff.

(ii) All other implementing agencies/private sector organizations/ universities

including deemed universities will be eligible for grant-in-aid of 50% of cost of
laboratory equipment and 25% of the cost of technical civil work to house the
Equipment and furniture and fixtures associated with the equipment for general
areas and 70% of cost of lab equipment and 33% of technical civil work and
furniture and fixtures for difficult areas.

(iii) When the Ministry establishes / sponsors such food testing laboratories, there
would be no ceiling to financial assistance and the amount to be approved will be
decided on case to case basis with the approval of Competent Authority.

(iv) The food testing facilities so created will be accessible to public and will be
made available to the food processing units for testing their products.

Difficult areas include J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, North-

Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Integrated Tribal
Development Project (ITDP) areas.
(3) Documents Required:

(i) Application in the prescribed format as given in Annexure- I (Format available

on website: http://mofpi.nic.in).

(ii) Detailed Project Report clearly indicating the total project cost (with item-wise
and cost - wise break-up), Means of Finance to meet the project cost, recurring
expenditure, information on availability of land and building, qualified
manpower available and proposed to be hired, implementation schedule, list of
lab equipment available and proposed (their cost, purpose/parameters being
tested/to be tested), Technical Civil Work (TCW) and the Furniture& Fixtures
required etc.

(iii) Sanction letter of term loan from bank / financial institution, if any.

(iv) Certificate of incorporation/registration of the organization, Memorandum and

Articles of Association and bye laws of the society (if applicable)/ partnership
deed (notarized) etc.

(v) Bio-data/background of the office bearers and promoters of the organization

including details such as PAN/ Voter card / Aadhar card etc.

(vi) Annual reports and Audited Statement of Accounts of last two years, in case of
up gradation proposals with Service Tax Registration Number.
(vii) Blue Print of the laboratory building Plan.

(viii) For private organizations/universities, notarized copy of land document of

owned land / building or rent / lease agreement with a validity period of
minimum of 15 years, preferably with an extension clause (notarized English
version, in case document is in regional language). For Government
organizations/Universities, certificate regarding availability of land is required.

(ix) Item wise and cost wise details of Technical Civil Work (TCW) proposed,
duly certified by Chartered Engineer (Civil).

(x) Item wise and cost wise details of lab equipment proposed duly supported by
quotations and duly certified by Chartered Engineer (Mechanical). Each
proposal with list of the commodities and equipment is to be given with
parameters to be tested with equipment. In case of up-gradation of lab, list of
existing lab equipment with complete details are also required to be furnished.

(xi) A self-attested confirmation as per the following format (Annexure-II):

“That the organization has not obtained/applied for or will not obtain any
grant/subsidy from any Ministry/Department of Central Govt./Government
organization/agencies and State Govt. for the same purpose/activity /same

(xii) A confirmation in the letter head of the organization/ Institute stating that the
grant will be utilized for the purpose for which it is sanctioned (Annexure-III).

(xiii) Surety Bond (duly notarized) on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- by the
applicants of private sector organizations, implementing agencies other than
central/state government organizations/ universities. (Annexure-IV).

(xiv) If the applicant is a Govt. organization / University / Public Sector institution

and applies for assistance for 80% of cost of emoluments of two technical staff
under the project, an undertaking on official letter head duly issued by the Head
of the Department confirming that 20% of the monthly emolument of the
technical staff to be employed under the project will be met by the applicant
organization from its own resources.

(4) The Applicant Organization has also to confirm the following:

(i) If the applicant is a Govt. organization / University / Public sector institution, the
organization’s share of expenditure is borne from their self-generated funds and
not from other grants received from Govt. departments/bodies.

(ii) The facility created out of financial assistance from MoFPI will be availed of by
the food processing units for getting their products tested. The organization shall
create awareness through wide publicity of such facility among the food
processing units in and around the area.

(iii) The gap in the means of finance between grant amount sought and approved by
MoFPI shall be borne by the organization.

(iv) The organization has adequate funds/ source of funds to meet recurring
expenditure and maintain/upgrade testing facilities.

(v) The organization has availability of qualified manpower available vis-à-vis the
facility created or would recruit such manpower.

(vi) The organization would implement the schedule of the proposed laboratory
within a period of 18 months from the date of issue of approval letter.

(vii) The documents for claiming the 1st installment of Grant-in-Aid will be
submitted within a time period of 8 months after issue of approval letter, failing
which, the approval granted will automatically stand cancelled.

(viii) The documents for claiming the 2nd installment of Grant-in-Aid will be
submitted within a time period of 14 months after issue of approval letter.

(ix) The time period by which NABL accreditation would be obtained for the
parameters to be tested after setting up/up-gradation of lab with MFPI assistance.
For proposals pertaining to up-gradation of an existing laboratory, it has to be
confirmed that NABL accreditation has been obtained for existing parameters
being tested.

(x) The confirmation that the laboratory will strive to obtain Food Safety and
Standards Authority (FSSAI) recognition / notification for carrying out the
analysis of food samples under Section 45 of FSS Act, 2006.

(5) Procedure for Approval and release of grant:

(a) Proposals for financial assistance for setting up / up-gradation of Food Testing
Laboratories will be received by Director / Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food
Processing Industries, Panchsheel Bhavan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi –

(b) All proposals received for financial assistance will be placed before Techno
Scrutiny Committee (TSC) constituted by MoFPI for examining such proposals
from technical angle. Applicant organizations will make presentations before the
TSC. The organizations will have to furnish information / documents as sought by
the TSC.

(c) Thereafter, the proposals recommended by TSC and complete in all respects will
be placed before Project Approval Committee (PAC) constituted by MoFPI for
consideration and approval.

(d) The following schedule will be adopted for release of grant assistance for
Central/State Government and its organizations /universities (including Govt.
owned deemed universities):-
(i) 1 installment of 40% of the total grant will be released after receiving
requisite documents / confirmations prescribed in para 3 and 4 above. The
organization shall submit the documents along with the request for 1 st
Installment within 8 months from the date of issue of the approval letter.
(ii) 2 installment of 40% of the total grant will be released only after ensuring
full utilization of 1 installment of grant towards purchase of lab equipment,
expenditure on Technical Civil Work (TCW) and fixing of Furniture &
Fixtures for housing the equipment, as the case may be. The organization
shall submit the documents along with the request for 2nd Installment
within 14 months from the date of issue of the approval letter.
(iii) 3 installment of 20% of the total grant will be released only after ensuring
full utilization of 2 installment of grant towards purchase of lab equipment,
completion of Technical Civil Works (TCW) and fixing of Furniture &
Fixtures for housing the equipment, as the case may be.

(iv) The emoluments at the rate of 80 percent for the two technical staff for 2
years will be released as 4 and final installment after all the PAC approved
equipment has been purchased, installed and the organisation has submitted
the utilization certificate for 3 installment along with the status of NABL
nd rd
(Note: 2 and 3 installment would be released on submission of utilization
certificate (Annexure -V) and certificate from Competent Authority relating to the
expenditure incurred at each stage along with detailed statement of expenditure as per
format at Annexure-VII, along with copies of invoices, receipts, delivery challans

(e) The following schedule will be adopted for release of grant assistance for all other
implementing agencies/private sector organizations/ universities including
deemed universities:-
(i) 1 installment of 40% of the total grant will be released after ensuring that
40% of the promoter’s contribution and 40% of the term loan has been spent
on the project. The promoter shall submit the documents along with the
request for 1st Installment within 8 months from the date of issue of the
approval letter.
(ii) 2 installment of another 40% of the total grant will be released after
ensuring utilization of first installment of grant and that 80% of promoter’s
contribution and 80% of term loan have been spent on the project. Utilization
certificate (Annexure-V) of the first installment shall be submitted by the
promoter at the time of making claim for the second installment. The
promoter shall submit the documents along with the request for 2 nd
Installment within 14 months from the date of issue of the approval letter.
(iii) 3 and final installment of remaining 20% of the grant will be released after
ensuring that the second installment has been utilized fully and 100% of
promoter’s contribution and 100% of term loan has been spent in the project.
It will be ensured that all the equipment that are approved by PAC have been
procured, the project has achieved completion and commercial operation has
started. Utilization Certificate (Annexure-V) of the second installment
alongwith the status of NABL Accreditation shall be submitted by the
promoter at the time of making claim for the 3rd and final installment.
st nd rd
(Note: 1 , 2 and 3 installment would be released on submission of certificates from
Chartered Accountant relating to the expenditure incurred at each stage along with
detailed statement of expenditure as per format at Annexure-VII, along with copies of
invoices, receipts, delivery challans etc.)

(f) The implementation schedule for the project would be 18 months as detailed
below from the date of issue of approval letter, unless extended by Project
Approval Committee (PAC) for reasons to be recorded:

Sl.No Particulars Time Period

1 Date of issue of approval letter to 1st 8 months
2 1st installment to release of 2nd installment 6 months
3 2nd installment to release of 3rd installment 4 months
Total 18 months

The applicant organisation / promoter(s) shall make all possible efforts to

complete the project as per the stipulated timelines. In case of non-adherence to
stipulated timelines, except in case of force de majeure or reasons beyond the
control of applicant organisation / promoter(s), the PAC may consider imposing
appropriate penalty in terms of reducing the grant, on case to case basis.

(g) The laboratory assisted under the scheme will submit the information in the
prescribed format regarding procurement and installation of all the equipment and

completion of civil work of Food Testing Laboratory [Annexure-VI(a)(b)(c)].

This must be submitted along with the claim for release of 3 installment (in case
of private organization) and claim for emoluments of technical personnel (in case
of government organization).

(h) Inspection to verify the progress before release of the final installment of grant
may be carried out. Format for inspection report is at Annexure-VIII.

(i) Invariably, all the documents to be submitted at each step shall be countersigned
by the applicant.

Note: The organization submitting the application as per above guidelines may ensure
that the details/ documents are as per checklist (Annexure-IX).



Application Form for Setting up/ up-gradation of Food Testing Laboratory

S.No Particulars Details

1. Name and Address of promoter(s) including
Telephone, fax, email, Name of the
laboratory with contact details etc.

2. Type of Organization like Government,

Private, Industry Association, Public sector,
Co-operative etc.

3. Background of the organization

4. Objectives of the Laboratory

5. In case of up-gradation of existing lab,

details of lab equipment available and their
utilization with products and parameters
being tested.

6. In case of up-gradation of existing lab

performance of the last three years
indicating type of food products tested,
parameters, with number of samples tested,
revenue earned and any other relevant

7. Justification for the proposed equipment

with reference to products and parameters
to be tested as per Appendix-A

8. Number of Food Processing Industries

situated in the region/ nearby area and other
potential users who may avail testing
facilities. Attach list of giving names &
address of units along with their products.

9. Total Project cost :

a. Land- not eligible for grant
b. Building
(i) Technical civil work which includes
only the constructed area required for
housing the lab equipment, storage of
samples/ chemicals/ consumables.

(ii) Non-technical civil work such as office

area, library, roads, boundary wall, canteen,
guest house etc.

c. Laboratory Equipment

d. Recurring Expenditure
(i) Consumables
(ii) Salaries & Wages
(iii) Any other expenses

e. Furniture & Fixtures

f. Any other items

10. Means of Finance
(a) Promoters Contribution
(b) Grant from MFPI
(c) Term Loan from bank
(d) Any other Source (please Specify)

*Unsecured loans will not be considered


11. Details of Equipment proposed to be

installed in the laboratory indicating
specifications, make, quantity, cost (Please
furnish technical literature and quotations
for each proposed equipment)

12. Total no. of manpower available and to be

employed (with their qualifications and

13. Implementation Schedule- Bar chart/ Mile

Stone Chart

14. Recurring expenditure & how this will be

met. Cash flow for the next five years

15. Details of NABL accreditation for existing

parameters being tested (In case of up-
gradation). In case of setting up of
laboratory, time frame by which the NABL
accreditation will be obtained may be

16. Any other relevant details

Encl: List of documents attached


Name and Designation

Seal of the Organization

Annexure II

(Rule 209(1) of GFR 2005)

(As undertaking on Official Letter Head)

I ……..Son of …, aged ……. years, working as …………of ……..hereby affirm and

declare as under-:
1. That the organization has not obtained/applied for /will not obtain any
grant/subsidy from any Ministry/Department of Central Govt / Govt
organization/Agencies and State Government for the same purpose / activity /
same component.

Place : Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date :

Name of the Institution


Annexure III


I, ………………………., aged ………….., resident of …………………. do hereby

solemnly affirm that the grant will be utilized for the purpose it is sanctioned.

Hence this undertaking

Place : Signature of the Authorized Signatory

Date :

Name of the Institution


Annexure IV
(To be prepared on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/-)



________________________, a
___________________(Type of organization) incorporated / registered
under the
_________________(Name of the Act) and having its registered
office at
_____________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Obligers”) are
held fully and firmly bound to the President of India (hereinafter called the
“Government”) for the sum of Rs._____________________
(Rupees_____________________________________only) well and truly to be paid to
the Government on demand and without a demur for which payment we firmly bind
ourselves and our successors and assignees by these presents.
SIGNED on the _________________________ day of ______________________ in
the year Two Thousand ________.
WHEREAS on the Obligers’ request, the Government as per Ministry of Food
Processing Industries’ Sanction Order No.____________________ Dated
(hereinafter referred to as the “Letter of Sanction”) which forms an integral part of
these presents, and a copy whereof is annexed hereto and marked as Annexure-I,
agreed to make in favour of the Obligers grants-in-aids of
Rs._______________ (Rupees
_____________________________only) for the purpose of
_______________________(description of the project) at
out of which the sum of Rs.____________ (Rupees _____________________ only)
have been paid to the Obligers (the receipt of which the Obligers do hereby admit and
acknowledge) on condition of the Obligers executing a bond in the terms and manner
contained hereinafter which the Obligers have agreed to do.
NOW the conditions of the above written obligation is such that if the Obligers duly
fulfill and comply with all the conditions mentioned in the letter of sanction, the above
written Bond or obligation shall be void and of no effect. But otherwise, it shall remain
in full force and virtue. The Obligers will abide by the terms & conditions of the
grants-in-aid by the target dates, if any specified therein.

THAT the Obligers shall not divert the grants-in-aids and entrust execution of the
Scheme or work concerned to another institution(s) or organization(s).
THAT the Obligers shall abide by any other conditions specified in this agreement and
in the event of their failing to comply with the conditions or committing breach of the
bond, the Obligers individually and jointly will be liable to refund to the President of
India, the entire amount of the grant-in-aid with interest of 10% per annum thereon. If
a part of the grant-in-aid is left unspent after the expiry of the period within which it is
required to be spent, interest @10% per annum shall be charged upto the date of its
refund to the Government, unless it is agreed to be carried over.
The Obligers agree and undertake to surrender / pay the Government the monetary
value of all such pecuniary or other benefits which it may receive or derive / have
received or derived through / upon unauthorized use of (such as letting out the
premises on adequate or less than adequate consideration or use of the premises for any
purpose other than that for which the grant-in-aid was intended of the property)
buildings created/ acquired/constructed largely from out of the grants-in-aid sanctioned
by the Government of India, Ministry of Food Processing Industries or the
administrative Head of the Department concerned. As regards the monetary value
aforementioned to be surrendered / paid to the Government, the decision of the
Government will be final and binding on the Obligers.

AND THESE PRESENTS ALSO WITNESS THAT the decision of the Secretary to
the Government of India in the Ministry of Food Processing Industries on the question
whether there has been breach or violation of any of the terms or conditions mentioned
in the sanction letter shall be final and binding upon the Obligers and

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed as under on behalf of the
Obligers the day herein above written in pursuance of the Resolution
No.________________ Dated _____________ passed by the governing body of the
Obligers, a copy whereof is annexed hereto as Annexure-II and by
_______________________________________ for and on behalf of the president on
the date appearing below:-

Signed for and on behalf of
(Name of the Obliger in block letters)
(Seal / Stamp of Organization)

1. Signature of witness 2. Signature of witness

Name & Address Name & Address
______________________ __________________
______________________ __________________
______________________ __________________



For and on behalf of the President of India
Designation: _______________________

Notary Seal & Signature



[Rule 212 (1)]

S. No. Letter No. & Date Amount

Certified that out of Rs.________ _________________ of grant-in-aid sanctioned

during the year_________ in favour
under this Ministry/ Department letter No. given in the margin and Rs.__________
on account of unspent balance of the previous year, a sum of Rs.
_________________ has been utilized for the purpose of
_________________________________________ for which it was sanctioned, that
the balance of Rs. ___________________ remaining un-utilized at the end of the
year _____________has been surrendered to Government (vide
No._______________________ dated ____________) will be adjusted towards the
grants-in-aid payable during the next year ____________.

2. Certified that I have satisfied myself that conditions on which the grant-in-aid
was sanctioned have been dully fulfilled/ are being fulfilled and that I have
exercised the following checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the
purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Kinds of checks exercised.

Signature (*CA) _____________

Counter signature of applicant with Seal

Counter signature of Branch Manager with Seal

* Competent Authority / comptroller of Accounts in case of Government organization/institution/universities.





(Rs. in Lakh)

Head of Proposed Eligible MoFPI approved Grant Promoters Contribution

Expenditure Cost Grant


Technical Civil

Civil Works

Furniture &


Signature with Seal of the authorized person(s)

of the grantee organization

Counter-signed by Chartered Engineer (Civil.)





Sl. Name of Price in US Exchang Price/Value Make Date of Date of Purpose Whether Amount
No the PAC $/EURO, e Rate as in Rupees / Purchas installatio of the functiona utilized
. approved etc. + on …… VAT/Servic Mode e as per n of the equipmen l or not out of
e Tax etc.,
equipmen Custom (Date) (if l invoices equipment t grant-in-
t Duty/Servic applicable) in the aid
e Tax, etc. laboratory released
(if by MoFPI
applicable). for
(In the case purchase
of imported of
equipment) equipmen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Signature with Seal of the authorized person(s)

of the grantee organization

Counter-signed by Chartered Engineer (Mech.)





Sl. No. Name of the TCW Purpose Whether completed/ Expenditure incurred Amount utilized out of grant-in-
and Furniture & aid released by MFPI
Fixture as approved installed or not
by PAC

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Signature with Seal of the authorized person(s)

of the grantee organization

Counter-signed by Chartered Engineer (Civil.)



CA Certificate/Statement of Expenditure (With membership No. of CA) in the

following format:
Rs. in Lakh
S. Name of the Proposed Eligible Cost Grant Actual
No. Component Project considered Approved /Expenditure
Cost by MoFPI for Incurred as on
calculation date
1 Equipment
2 Technical Civil
3 Furniture &
4 Recurring Cost
5 Other Expenditure
(Please specify)

Means of Finance:

Rs. in Lakh
Sr. Name of the Proposed Approved Means Actual Remark
No. component / Means of of Finance Expenditure
Item Finance as on date

1. Promoters equity
2. Grant from MoFPI
3. Bank loan
4. Total

Signature and Seal of C.A.*

Counter Signature by the Applicant with Seal

Counter Signature of Bank Branch Manager with seal (in case of bank loan).

Competent Authority / comptroller of Accounts in case of Government organization/institution/universities.


Annexure. VIII



1. Name & Address of food testing laboratory (along with Tel./Fax/E-mail):

2. Name & designation of officer-in-charge:
3. Status of the laboratory i.e. Govt./Private/Autonomous/:
(Mention the administrative authority under which it operates)
4. Status of Building infrastructure for housing the laboratory:
a. Technical civil works
b. Non-technical civil works
5. (a) List of Instruments/Equipment as approved by PAC, their cost, the details of
purchase/installation, make/specification, function, accuracy (qualitative/quantitative)
supported with a copy of invoice. The details pertaining to deviation from PAC approval (if
any) in respect of equipment cost should be clearly indicated.
(b) List of TCW approved by PAC with cost and against that TCW Carried out with cost,
bringing out deviation, if any.
(c) Furniture & Fixtures (F&F): list of items approved by PAC with cost and against that F&F
carried out with cost, bringing out deviation, if any.
6. List of scientists and technical staff with their qualifications and experience, staff structure and
7. Services provided / to be provided by the lab (such as analytical, training, certification etc.)
8. Available Analytical facilities:
Food quality parameters & Food Safety parameters in the following format

S.No Test Parameters Yes/No

1. Physical Characteristics
2. Chemical Analysis
(a) Proximate Analysis
(b) Metal contaminants
(c) Water analysis
(d) Residue (Pesticides, Veterinary drugs, antibiotics etc.,)

S.No Test Parameters Yes/No

(e) Adulterants
(f) Food Additives (Sweetners, flavouring material,
colouring matter etc.,)
(g) Fatty acid & amino acid profile
(h) Vitamins
(i) Allergens
3. Microbiological Analysis
(a) Toxins (Aflatoxin, mycotoxins etc.,)
(b) Pathogens
(c) TPC, Y & M, Coliform, E.Coli
4. Genetically modified components

5. Any other

9. Brief description of participation in proficiency testing programme, if participated:

10. Performance of the lab for the last three years (if applicable):
No. of samples tested year wise (indicating parameters):
No. of clients served year wise
Total revenue earned
11. Whether laboratory has specified rates for testing of the products. If so, details thereof. If not,
reasons therefor.
12. Are all standard test methods available in the laboratory?
13. Are all standard reference materials available in the laboratory?
14. In case of existing lab, status of NABL accreditation. If not, steps taken in this regard.
15. Details of manpower employed for the project.
6. Details of Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC).
7. Whether commercial operation has started and the date thereof.
8. Recommendations of inspection team clearly indicating installation & functioning of lab
equipment, status of building for housing the lab and the date of start of commercial operation.

(Signature, Name and designation of members of inspection team)

* Supporting documents are required to be enclosed with inspection report.


Check list for the Scheme of Setting –up/ Up gradation of food testing laboratories
1 Application in the MFPI prescribed format

2 Total project cost (item-wise and cost – wise break-up)

3 Means of finance to meet the project cost

4 Details of recurring expenditure,

5 Availability of land and building,

6 Details of existing /required qualified manpower

7 Implementation schedule

8 List of lab equipment duly supported by attested quotations with their specifications,
cost, purpose/parameters along with the certificate by C.E (Mechanical).

9 Sanction letter of term loan from bank / financial institution

10 Certificate of incorporation/registration of the organization

11 Memorandum and Articles of Association and Bye laws of the Society

12 Bio-data/background of the office bearers/promoters of the organization

13 Annual Reports and Audited Statement of Accounts of last two years

14 Blue Print of the laboratory building Plan

15 Notarized land document of owned land/ building or rent/ lease agreement with a
validity period minimum 15 years (notarized English version if the land document is in
regional language).

16 Item wise and cost wise details of technical civil work envisaged duly certified by
Chartered Engineer (Civil)

17 List of existing lab equipment with complete details along with products and parameters
being tested

18 An undertaking as per Annexure – II duly signed.

19 An undertaking as per Annexure –III , duly signed.

20 Status of NABL accreditation


Details of the proposed equipment with reference to products and parameters to be tested

Sl.No Name of the Specification(s) Quantity Cost in Foreign Cost in Purpose Products to be Parameters to be
equipment currency(in case of Rupees tested tested


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