6 1507540220 - 09-10-2017 PDF
6 1507540220 - 09-10-2017 PDF
6 1507540220 - 09-10-2017 PDF
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 36 – 40
*Corresponding Author
Email: baghel.pooja43@gmail.com
Abstract : With the growing industry field, it becomes necessary for every organization to work upon its weakness and force their strength to
improve its working environment. Lean manufacturing offers best tools and technique for improving the competitiveness of manufacturing
organizations over the globe. The concept of Lean manufacturing helpsin identification of waste, their reduction or elimination to enable smooth
manufacturing of superior quality with lesser efforts, time and at low cost. Due to its fruitful features, it is gaining more popularity among
manufacturing industries. This paper presents a review on Lean Manufacturing elements, aids, operation strategies and barriers in execution for
manufacturing industry.
1. Introduction philosophy. With a lean philosophy, any society can get rid
Now a day, all manufacturing companies are seeking for of waste and better its bottom seam, such as Engineers can
high quality product with lesser use of resources. The aim is reduce that complexity of assembly task; Scientists can
to improve the production by removing waste from the reduce wasted time running tests, Accountants can speed up
system using the best techniques. The Toyota production end of month reports and even management can improve
system formed the basis of lean manufacturing (Herron et administration and compliance processes. An industry need
al., 2008) which was very effective for identification and to be elastic enough to rapidly take on the changes to reduce
elimination of waste that might improve quality of the the cost of their product and meeting the customer’s
product as well as the production cost and the time. During expectations.
1980’s Toyota got popular in all over the world for
implementation of various techniques covering a wide range 2. Concept of lean manufacturing
of manufacturing operations such as JIT (just in Time) Lean manufacturing can be considered as the outlay of
system.JIT can be excused as a philosophy which aimed at resources to reach the target (minimum waste) other than the
continuous improvement by identifying and rejecting all creation of value for the customer need. Basically, lean
sorts of waste from the system (Brox and Fader, manufacturing improves the efficiency of the production
2002).During 1990, lean manufacturing gained the huge processes by doing away with unnecessary work,
popularity after the publishing of the record presented by unevenness in production, maintenance events and so along.
Womack, Ross and Jones “The car that switched the word”. It gets rid of non-value-added operations and focus on
During the last two decades, much of researches have been increasing the output quality. Companies can concentrate on
performed on the Toyota Production System by Adler, 1993; more value-added process and expend more time on
Womack and Jones, 1994; Sobek et al. 1998;Liker ,1998; improving operational procedures.
Papadupouloe et al. 2005; Shah et al. 2007; Mike Henry Ford made the concept of Just-In-Time (JIT)
Rother,2009.By applying lean manufacturing techniques manufacturing for car production in which he concentrated
such as Kaizen, poka-yoke, cellular manufacturing, etc., on decreasing the running costs of stock by eliminating as
Toyota production system was able to get better quality cars much stock as possible. The modern rules of lean
with lesser number of defects resulting higher customer manufacturing are derived from the Toyota Production
satisfaction. As a Japanese company adopted the precepts Systems. Toyota’s philosophy eliminates three types of
of lean manufacturing, other companies also tried to inefficiency: non-value-adding work, overburdening of
develop, produce and supply the product to client with fewer workers and unevenness in productivity.
resources such as textiles, human efforts, machines. Tools, In other industries Lean methodology can be utilized for
floor space, capital investment and total expenses (Womeck identifying sources of dissipation and the methods to get rid
et al. 1990; Ohno, 1998;; Mike Rother, 2009). of them. At once a day’s lean technology is spreading
Toyota now has become the most successful lean throughout the creation and its tools have become the
manufacturer, but every industry can benefit from a lean worldwide standards. Every company must adopt these
IJFRCSCE | October 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 36 – 40
standards to be competitive in a global economy. Not merely manufacturing processes to produce a specific part number
to compete globally, Lean helps in empowering and or production of different part number or production of part
motivating the employees to enlist for the improvement of with different attributes. SMED processes are highly
their employment. designed and rehearsed to minimize machine downtime.
Generally, SMED involves the process of replacing the
A manufacturing/production system best characterized as existing dies with other dies or structures or changing
relentlessly eliminating waste from all of its’ activities and machines by different mechanical structure.
operations. Lean strives to produce products:
On-Time Using as few resources as possible 4.2TOC/Theory of Constraint: A constraint is anything
Better than competitors that bounds a system from attaining its goal. While talking
Faster & Cheaper than competitors about company, a constraint is the major limiting factor that
may reduce the amount of throughput the company can
3. Strategies of lean production system: achieve. A constraint may be a machine or process.
For implementing Lean philosophy within the organization, For a company, there may be many bottlenecks, but the
it becomes important to think about lean, starting with Constraint of the company will be the “Alpha Bottleneck”
smaller projects turned into bigger projects, under the as it directly effects the throughput of the company. Many
guidance of an expert. Some of the stages are discussed companies can have more than one Constraint in which one
below: may be slightly larger than another.
3.1 Involvement of senior management: For creating any 4.3 Standards of Quality: American Automobile
major alteration in the manufacturing system, it is always Manufacturers uses the quality system/standard, based on
required that top management should support and do the ISO 9000, to register their suppliers. But now many quality
changes. Carrying out of lean system may contribute to systems exist to control quality standards throughout the
various problems at the beginning stage and consequently it world. For a company to be competitive especially in world
is always required that these issues must be read and solved markets, it is important, even essential to endorse and
by top management without effecting lean implementation qualify for registration into a quality system specific to their
process. industry.
3.2 Start with small projects: It is important that the Initial 4.4 Total Productive Maintenance: TPM is a powerful
project must be small, so that the available resources can be program for planning and achieving minimal machine
used effectively and lesser risk is linked up with the project downtime. Equipment and tools are literally put on
and better results will come. Moreover, people associated “proactive” maintenance schedules to keep them running
with that project will discover while doing recommendation. efficiently and with greatly reduced downtime. Machine
operators take far greater responsibility for their machines
3.3 Start with restricted performance: By using a limited upkeep. Maintenance technicians are liberated from
area initially, Lean implementation can easily be discovered, mundane, routine maintenance, enabling them to focus on
modified and directed for further execution. After that the urgent repairs and proactive maintenance activities. A solid
continuous use of lean technology will reduce control and TPM program allows you to plan your downtime and keep
mentoring of people involved in lean implementation. breakdowns to a minimum.
TPM is an outstanding program that drives improvement
3.4 Hire a professional: For conversion of a conventional initiatives and facilitates many other Lean activities.
organization into a lean organization, a professional mentor Without a strong TPM program, becoming truly Lean would
should be hired at least at the start to resolve the issues that be a difficult if not impossible task in an environment
may arise during installation of lean system and should be heavily dependent on machinery. Buy-in at the shop floor
handled professionally under the eye of an expert. level is generally quite high as TPM is an exciting
4. Elements of Lean Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing is the “umbrella” under which many 4.5 Kanban: In Lean Manufacturing system, Kanban means
manufacturing improvement tools are housed. Some “Signal.”Kanban is a Japanese term which means “visual
examples include: record” or “card.” Kanban “signals” are basically used to
tell the workers that there is more work to be done.In other
4.1 SMED/Single Minute Exchange of Die: SMED is the words, the presence of a “Kanban Card” or an empty
Lean tool that is used to quickly change the machines or “Kanban Location” is a “signal” to do the work described on
IJFRCSCE | October 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 36 – 40
the card either to make the parts or fill the empty Kanban
location with the already produced parts.
IJFRCSCE | October 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 36 – 40
5.1 Reduced cost: Lean Manufacturing organizations helps
in reducing cycle times, bottlenecks, machine downtime and 6.1 Deficiency of management support: The concept of
increased labour productivity which directly reduced the lean is still not fully developed. Getting pressure from
cost of production. customer side competitor is trying to follow lean practices or
others. In this case management just starts only superficial
5.2 Reduced lead time: By reducing cycle time, lead time, lean and does not force further the result and thus neither
machine down time and work in progress inventory of lean is implemented nor does it get benefit.
manufacturing and delivery of the product is drastically
reducing. 6.2 Resistance to Change: People don’t want to change as
they are afraid of failure so they do not support the new
5.3 Waste reduction: A main function of Lean system is to technology and hence it stops the progress of lean
identify and reduce the waste. All the form of waste i.e. implementation.
overproduction, transportation, defect, work in progress
inventory, waiting and motion, over processing are reduced 6.3 Deficiency of training: Most of the organization facing
with Lean manufacturing implementation. lack of clear understanding about lean concepts and tools. It
is required to provide them a special training so that the
5.4 Improved productivity and Multi skill worker: organization can easily implement the lean technology.
Productivity of the organization depends upon the labour
work time. The idle time of workers is reduced and workers 6.4. Lack of Communication: It is one of the prime
are advised to use their full effort productively and eliminate obstacles in lean manufacturing implementation.
unnecessary tasks or unnecessary motions. Involvement of
worker in various Lean tools such asset up time reduction, 6.5 No direct financial income: Lean can help in
quality circles, kaizen circle, layout improvement; value identification and elimination of waste. It does not support
stream mapping, etc. creates better understanding of any direct financial benefits but reduction of cost.
processes, machines, material flow among the team and
progresses core abilities of worker. 6.6 Past failures: Without knowing the complete concept of
Lean, its implementation is itself a big obstacle. Lack of
implementation knowledge may lead to lack of faith in
5.5 Reduced work in progress (WIP) Inventory: whole philosophy.
Inventory levels are minimized at all stages of production.
Works-in-progress inventories as well as inventory between 7. Conclusions:
production stages, are lowered which mean lower working In some countries and manufacturing sector, Lean
capital requirements. Manufacturing concept has been broadly accepted over the
Earth. It results in improvement of operational performance
5.6 Lower Cycle Times and Better Utilization of of the system by deeply studying the process parameters, the
equipment and space: Reducing waiting times between defects and sources of defect, waste associated with the
processing stages and production cycle times, production processes. Continuous improvement, process
manufacturing lead time as well as cycle time is reduced. improvement and improving supplier customer relationship
Minimizing machine downtime by proper use of equipment by cutting lead time is the main aspect of lean system. It has
and manufacturing space maximize the rate of production been observed that there is no short and crisp definition of
though existing equipment. lean manufacturing. Many researchers have studied and
presented their different views on lean manufacturing.
5.7 Improved Flexibility and Reduced Defects – Lean can Common understanding about lean manufacturing is mainly
produce a more flexible range of products with minimum waste reduction. Lean offers an extended list of tools to
changeover costs, time and defects by reducing unnecessary improve manufacturing and generates the desired advantage
physical wastage such as excess use of raw material inputs, to endure in today’s competitive scenario. Choice of tools
costs associated with reprocessing defective items, and depends upon knowledge about lean techniques, process to
unnecessary product characteristics which are not required improve, current condition, etc. Small lot size requires less
by customers. work in process inventory and reduces blockage of cash. It
directly reduces the cost of capital. Providing flexibility by
6. Hindrances in Lean Manufacturing execution: reducing changeover time results in reduced inventory and
The following may be some obstacles in Lean reduced reaction time to customer.
manufacturing implementation:
IJFRCSCE | October 2017, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 3 Issue: 10 36 – 40
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