Circle Barrel
Circle Barrel
Circle Barrel
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U.S. Patent Oct. 31, 1978 Sheet 1 of 3 4,122,903
U.S. Patent Oct. 31, 1978 Sheet 2 of 3 4,122,903
U.S. Patent oct. 31, 1978 Sheet 3 of 3 4,122,903
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4,122,903 2
circle drive mechanism. Excessive backlash also causes
MOTOR GRADER CIRCLE DRIVE poor surface finish of the graded surface and inaccura
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED cies in grade and slope. This is because backlash can
APPLICATIONS produce blade tip movement. In a motor grader with
the dimensions previously stated, a backlash of 0.22 inch
Details of the draw bar structure and of the circle produces 0.92 inch movement at the blade tip.
mounting bar and circle assembly which are illustrated It appears that the special drive pinion of U.S. Pat.
and described generally in this application are described No. 3,911,758 probably reduces the backlash problem.
in detail and claimed in copending U.S. patent applica Another severe problem is that a motor grader blade
tions of Carroll Richard Cole, Ser. No. 661,880, filed 10 is normally operated at an angle of approximately 45
Feb. 27, 1976, issued Dec. 27, 1977 as U.S. Pat. No. from the longitudinal center line of the grader, either to
4,064,947 and Ser. No. 663,594, filed Mar. 3, 1976 issued the right or to the left. This causes wear to occur only
Apr. 5, 1977 as U.S. Pat. No. 4,015,669. on a very limited number of circle teeth, and only one
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tooth of the pinion and the circle mesh carries the entire
15 load. This problem is somewhat obviated in U.S. Pat.
Motor graders have a longitudinal main frame which No. 2,928,381 where there are two circle pinions en
has a dirigible wheel assembly at its forward end, an gaged with the internal gear, so that wear is spread over
operator's cab at its rearward end portion, and a trac more than 90 of the internal gear and two teeth are in
tion chassis for the motor and power train behind the engagement at all times. Nevertheless, this only allevi
cab. The motor grader blade is suspended from the main 20 ates the problem and may complicate backlash prob
frame by means of a circle draw bar and a circle. The lems because of inherent differences in the backlash
circle draw bar has its front end connected to the front between the gear meshing at each of two drive pinions
of the main frame by a ball and socket connection, while with one of the two meshes carrying the load when the
the rearward portion of the circle draw bar is suspended blade force moves the circle to take out the backlash.
from the main frame by hydraulic cylinder and piston 25 Further, the use of a pinion as a circle drive requires
means which permit the draw bar to swing in a vertical very accurate adjustment of the shoes which support
plane about its front end. the circle in order to maintain proper mesh between the
The rearward portion of the circle draw bar consti drive pinion and the internal gear. The problem of ad
tutes a circle carrying structure, and a circle is sup justing the circle supporting shoes is complicated by the
ported beneath the carrying structure for rotation about 30 fact that the entire motor grader circle, grader blade,
a vertical axis. An internal gear, which is preferably a blade mounting and circle drive is at least coated with
spur gear because of the relative ease of manufacture, is dust and may be caked with mud.
secured to the circle, and the internal gear and circle are The present invention drives the circle internal gear
driven by a hydraulic motor through a power train by means of a barrel worm gear which either eliminates
which commonly terminates in a pinion of one sort or 35 or greatly reduces the problems heretofore referred to.
another engaging the internal gear. Barrel worm gears employed with an internal gear
Two types of prior art circle drives which are known are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,329,733 and 2,349,642.
to applicant are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,928,381 Hourglass gears, the reverse of a barrel gear, and used
and 3,911,758. with externally toothed gears, are disclosed in such U.S.
There are a number of problems with prior art which Pat. Nos. as 3,048,051, 3,386,305 and 3,710,640.
drives an internal gear of a motor grader circle from a SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
pinion. Perhaps the most serious is that the forces im
posed at the tip of an extended motor grader blade are The principal object of the present invention is to
carried back through the internal gear to the pinion and provide a motor grader circle drive which eliminates or
then to the power input for the spur gear. With a typical 45 greatly reduces the problems that are inherent in a drive
motor grader having a maximum extended blade reach using a pinion as heretofore mentioned. The improved
of 10 feet and a circle of 30 inch radius can produce a drive is achieved by the following structural features.
contact stress in excess of 700,000 psion the circle drive 1. A barrel worm gear, or preferably two such worm
pinion. This is sufficient to cause metal to extrude away gears set 60 apart, are used to drive the motor grader
from the contact area and permanently deform the 50 circle. The barrel worm gear has the same pitch diame
tooth surfaces. Since the only ultimate braking effort is ter as does the internal gear with which it meshes.
provided by the input worm drive, substantial damage 2. The barrel worm gear is on an axis of rotation
may be sustained by those components. which is equal to the pitch angle of the helical worm
Another problem in conventional pinion drives for tooth, thus permitting the barrel worm gear or gears to
motor grader circles involves the inherent variations in 55 be used with an internal spur gear.
backlash of the pinion to circle mesh. Where the pinion 3. The problems and ill effects of backlash are mini
tooth is nearly at the bottom of the tooth's base, there is mized or eliminated by mounting the barrel worm gear
almost no backlash, while with the pinion rotated ap for axial movement between a pair of belleville spring
proximately half way from the internal gear tooth washers which center the barrel worm gear between
dedendum to the internal gear tooth addendum the abutments while permitting slight axial movement.
backlash may be about 0.22 inch even before there has 4. The barrel worm gear is made with a lead angle of
been any tooth wear. This permits the induced blade approximately 5, which automatically provides sub
forces to set up vibrations in the circle and the blade stantially complete circle braking action and prevents
mechanism, as well as in the related structure, which high forces imposed on the circle drive from entering
substantially reduces the fatigue life of components. 65 the input gearing.
The backlash also causes impact loading on the circle The improved structure produces a number of results
drive mesh which further increases the contact stress in addition to eliminating or reducing the problems
and produces further damaging forces in the entire heretofore discussed. In the first place, tensile stresses
4,122,903 4.
are reduced approximately 65% because contact be structure, indicated generally at 18; and a grader blade
tween the helical tooth and the internal gear teeth is and blade mounting, indicated generally at 9.
always at the pitch line with full tooth contact, instead The circle draw bar 17 is best seen in FIG. 2 to in
of there being what is essentially point contact as is true clude a forward beam, indicated generally at 20, and a
with a pinion drive. In addition, where two barrel worm rearward circle carrying structure, indicated generally
gear drives are used the contact stresses are no more at 21, the forward part 22 of which is integral with the
than about 10% of those experienced at the pinion-inter rear end of the beam 20. Behind the part 22 of the carry
nal gear area of mesh. ing structure said carrying portion has a section 23 the
This permits the barrel worm gear to be made from a depth of which is great enough that it forms a housing
much softer material than the steel used for the internal 10 extending below the circle 18. The housing section 23
gear- for example, heat treated aluminum may be used; receives a drive means sub-assembly, indicated gener
so that tooth wear is limited almost entirely to the rela ally at 24. The housing section 23 of the circle draw bar
tively inexpensive and easily replaced barrel worm merges into a nearly semi-annular upright wall 25
gear, and the life of the internal gear is greatly extended. which is part of an internal housing for the circle 18,
The braking force exerted by the barrel worm gear 15 and integral with the wall 25 is a horizontal top wall 26.
substantially eliminates transmittal of grading forces An integral flange member 27 overlies the more inward
and impacts to the circle drive input, which permits portion of the circle.
these components to be of much lighter and less expen The subassembly 16 is mounted under the main frame
sive construction than is required with the prior art. 11 by means of a front mounting element and rear
The term "barrel worm gear' is used herein as a 20 mounting elements which engage with cooperating
convenient, generally descriptive identification of the elements carried upon the main frame. At the front end
most significant element of the circle drive of this inven 20a of the circle draw bar is a ball 28 which forms part
tion. The barrel worm gear is not a barrel gear in the of a ball and socket connection (not shown) by means of
same sense as that of U.S. Pat. No. 2,329,733, in which which the front of the circle draw bar is connected for
the gear surface is generated by rotating a segment of a 25 universal movement on the front end 11a of the main
circle of radius equal to that of the internal gear about frame. At the back end of the housing section 23 of the
an axis which is a chord of the circle defined by the rearward circle draw bar portion 21 is a pair of aligned,
internal gear. laterally extending upright plates 29 which are pro
The surface of the barrel worm gear here disclosed is vided with balls 30 that make ball and socket connec
generated by rotating an ellipse about an axis which is 30 tions with fittings (not shown) on the lower ends of a
parallel to the major axis of the ellipse and in the plane pair of hydraulic cylinder and piston units 31 which are
of the ellipse. The result is a surface which gives the carried upon the main frame 11. Thus, operation of the
general visual impression of being barrel-shaped, but hydraulic cylinder units 31 swings the circle draw bar
which is not a true barrel shape. 17 about the ball and socket connection including the
35 ball 28, which in this respect provides a horizontal pivot
axis. A ball 30a on one of the webs 29 provides for a ball
FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a motor grader and socket connection with a side-shift cylinder (not
embodying the invention; shown) which shifts the draw bar sideways, with the
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a sub-assembly con ball 28 providing a vertical pivot axis.
sisting of a circle mounting bar, a circle, and a grader Referring now to FIG. 3, the housing 23 has a bottom
blade, in which the circle drive of the present invention plate 32 which is below the plane of the circle 18 and
is used; extends continuously around the circle carrying struc
FIG. 3 is a fragmentary, sectional view on an en ture 21, the rearward portion of the bottom plate 32
larged scale with parts broken away, taken substantially being semi-annular in shape and welded along the lower
as indicated along the line III-III of FIG. 2; 45 margin of the semi-annular upright wall 25. The periph
FIG. 4 is a greatly enlarged fragmentary plan view of ery of the bottom plate 32 is circular, and at its forward
the barrel worm gear and the internal gear taken sub portion is an upstanding lip 33 which has an upright
stantially as indicated along the line IV-IV of FIG. 3 outer surface 34 and a shoulder 35 which receive a
with numerous parts omitted for clarity; removable ring 36 that supports the circle 18. There is
FIG. 5 is a fragmentary sectional view taken substan 50 an antifriction wear strip 37 between the face 34 of the
tially as indicated along the line V-V of FIG. 3; and lip and the circle 18, and an antifriction wear strip 38 is
FIG. 6 is a fragmentary sectional view taken substan also positioned between the ring 36 and the circle 18. A
tially as indicated along the line VI-VI of FIG. 5. seal 39 in the face 34 and a seal 40 in the upper surface
of the ring 36 prevent lubricant from leaking out of the
55 chamber 23. Similar antifriction wear strips and seals
are associated with the circle 18 and the ring 36
Referring first to FIG. 1 of the drawings, a motor throughout their circumferences.
grader, indicated generally at 10, includes a longitudinal The laterally extending upright plates 29 close th
main frame 11 the front end 11a of which is supported rear of the housing 23 at its two sides, and a generally
upon a dirigible front-wheel assembly 12, and the rear transverse, upright wall structure 41 connects the plates
end of which constitutes part of a traction chassis, indi 29 to form the rear of the housing 23. An upright enclos
cated generally at 13, on which is mounted a power ing wall 42 connects at its rear end with the plates 29
plant, indicated generally at 14. An operator's cab, indi outwardly of the rear housing wall 41, extending along
cated generally at 15, is on the rear portion of the main both sides of the housing and having an arcuate forward
frame, forward of the traction chassis. A grader blade 65 portion 43 along the lower margin of which is an in
subassembly, indicated generally at 16, consists gener wardly extending flange 44 which cooperates with the
ally of a circle mounting bar, indicated generally at 17, upright lip 33 to define a drive opening which is closed
which in the illustrated apparatus is a draw bar; a circle by the inward portion of the circle 18 and into which an
5 6
integral internal spur gear 45 of the circle extends so the shoulders are annular inserts 91. One end portion 92
that its teeth 46 may be engaged by a part of the drive of the barrel worm gear 80 surrounds the fixed radial
means 24 as will be described. abutment 83, and the opposite end portion of said barrel
Surmounting the housing 23 is a top plate 47 which is worm gear is spaced from the removable radial abut
welded to the peripheral wall 42, the upright back wall ment 84. The barrel worm gear 80 with its annular
41 of the housing, and the upright transverse plates 29. inserts 91 is free to move axially upon the sleeve 81, and
The top plate 47 has two openings 48, one of which is is biased to a center position between the abutments 83
seen in FIG. 3, and said openings accommodate the two and 84 by belleville springs 93 which have their inner
drive means sub-assemblies 24. margins bearing upon the inserts 91 and their outer
Each of the drive means sub-assemblies 24 includes a O margins bearing upon the abutments 83 and 84, respec
circular mounting plate 49 which serves as a closure for tively.
one of the openings 48. The mounting plate has a pilot The barrel worm gear 80 has a helical tooth 94. The
flange 49a surrounded by a seal 49b, and an indexing barrel worm gear 80 has its longitudinal surface 95
dowel 49c seats in a blind bore in the top plate 47. A which is the base of the helical tooth 94 convexly
circumferential array of machine screws 50 secure the 15 curved; and said surface 95 is generated by rotating an
plate 49 to the top plate 47. ellipse about an axis which is parallel to the major axis
Secured beneath the mounting plate 49 is a support, of the ellipse and in the plane of the ellipse. The result
indicated generally at 51, which is seen in FIGS. 3, 5 is a surface which gives the general visual impression of
and 6 to consist of a molded or a die cast frame which being barrel-shaped, but which is not a true barrel
has end members 52 and 53 connected by a rear wall 54, 20
shape. The pitch radius of the helical tooth 94 is the
and an arcuate botton wall 55 with a pilot boss 55a that same as the pitch radius of the internal gear 45. Addi
seats in a blind bore in the bottom plate 32. Formed tionally, the barrel worm gear 80 has a lead angle of
integrally with the mounting plate 49 just inside the approximately 5, and its axis of rotation provided by
juncture of the walls 53 and 54 is a sleeve 56 which has the axis of the fixed spindle 72 is set at said angle of
upper and lower inturned flanges 57 and 58, respec 25
approximately 5 to the plane of the internal gear 45
tively. Formed in the bottom 55 of the support in axial which makes it possible for the internal gear to be a
alignment with the sleeve 56 is a hollow boss 59. At the simple spur gear. With the pitch radius of the helical
upper end of the sleeve 56, on the top surface of the tooth 94 the same as that of the internal gear 45, the
mounting plate 49, is an annular boss 60 which serves as helical tooth 94 has a wide area of surface engagement
a support for a hydraulic motor 61 which has a splined 30
output shaft 62 extending into the upper portion of the with the internal spur gear teeth 46, and during its rota
sleeve 56 above the upper flange 57. Removably tion either one or two turns of the helical tooth 94 are
mounted in the sleeve 56 is a bearing support tube 63 the engaged with the spur gear teeth 46. This, combined
upper end of which has an external flange 64 that over with the large area of contact between the helical tooth
lies the upper internal flange 57, and small fastening 35 94 and the teeth 46, affords very low bearing pressures
screws 65 secure the tube 63 in the sleeve 56. between the helical tooth and the spur gear teeth.
An upper antifriction bearing means 66 and a lower Additionally, as seen in FIG. 2, there are two drive
antifriction bearing means 67 are fixed in the tube 63, means sub-assemblies 24 each of which has a barrel
and a bearing ring 68 is seated in the annular boss 59; worm gear 80 engaging internal gear teeth 46, so the
and a drive shaft 69 which has a splined slip connection driving load is divided between the two; and in addition
70 at its upper end is journalled in the bearings 66, 67 the areas of engagement of the two barrel worm gears
and 68, with its splined slip connection 70 in driving with the internal gear are 60 apart which spreads the
engagement with the hydraulic motor output shaft 62. wear on the internal gear teeth 46 over a substantially
On the drive shaft 69 is a drive worm gear 71. larger arc than is the case where only a single drive gear
Referring now to FIG. 5, a mounting spindle 72 is 45 is used with the internal gear.
carried in hollow bosses 73 and 74 in the respective The greatly reduced forces at the engaging surfaces
support side walls 52 and 53. The spindle 72 has a flange of the teeth makes it possible to fabricate the barrel
75 which overlies the outer surface of the boss 73 and worm gear 80 from a relatively soft material, such as
receives fastening screws 76; while the opposite end of heat treated aluminum, so that gear wear is almost en
the spindle 72 seats in the boss 74 and receives a remov 50 tirely restricted to the relatively inexpensive and easily
able fastening disc 77 and screws 78 which screw into replaced barrel worm gear, leaving the expensive and
tapped bores in the end of the spindle 72. Journalled on hard to replace internal gear with very little tooth wear.
the spindle 72, by means which will be described, are a Each of the drive means 24 may be readily removed
spiral input gear 79 which is in driving engagement with from the circle carrying structure 2 by removing the
the worm drive gear 71, and a barrel worm gear, indi 55 fastening screws 50 and lifting it out of the housing 23.
cated generally at 80. There is no tooth interference at any position of the
The mounting for the input gear 79 and the barrel barrel worm gear 80, so each of the drive means 24 may
worm gear 80 comprises a sleeve 81 which is journalled be easily mounted in and removed from the housing 23.
upon the spindle 72 on sleeve bearings 82; and the sleeve The floating mount of the barrel worm gears 80 be
81 has a fixed radial abutment 83 at one of its ends and tween the belleville springs 93 permits them to adjust to
a removable radial abutment 84 at its other end. Longi backlash, so that differences in backlash on the two
tudinal keyways 85 in the sleeve 81 receive internal barrel worm gears 80 at various times during the opera
fingers of the abutment 84 and also receive keys on the tion of the device are automatically compensated and
spiral input gear 79 which has an outer end face 86 that the driving force is quite closely balanced between the
is separated from the boss 74 by thrust bearings 87. 65 two barrel worm gears 80 at all times.
The barrel worm gear 80 has an axial bore 88 with an The driving load exerted on the drive means support
inset central portion 89 that defines outwardly facing 51 is carried into the top plate 47 by the mounting plate
shoulders 90, and in the two ends of the bore 88 abuting 49 and the dowel 49c and screws 50, and is also carried
7 8
into the bottom plate 32 by the pilot boss 55a, thus annular inserts of hard metal mounted therein and sup
distributing the load about the housing 23. ported on the tube for axial sliding movement, and the
Sealing of the housing 23 by the seals 39, 40 and 49b spring means are a pair of belleville spring washers
permits the housing to serve as a sealed lubricant cham mounted on the tube with a washer between and bear
ber, so the drive gear 71, the input gear 79, and the ing upon each flange and the adjacent hard metal insert.
barrel worm gear 80, as well as the internal gear teeth 9. The combination of claim 1 in which the improved
46 where they engage with the helical tooth 94, are all driving means includes a second support independent of
operating in an oil bath. said first support and detachably mounted on the circle
The foregoing detailed description is given for clear carrying structure inside the circle defined by the inter
ness of understanding only and no unnecessary limita 10 nal spur gear, said second support being identical with
tions should be understood therefrom as modifications the first named support and being separated therefrom
will be obvious to those skilled in the art. by about 60, and a second barrel worm gear journaled
What is claimed is: in said second support, the structure, mounting, and
1. In a motor grader which includes a circle carrying tooth engagement of said second barrel worm gear
structure, a circle supported beneath said carrying 15 being effectively identical with that of said first named
structure for rotation about a vertical axis, and an inter barrel worm gear.
nal spur gear of predetermined pitch diameter secured 10. The combination of claim 9 in which there is a
to said circle, improved means for driving said internal second mounting spindle in the second support, a sec
spur gear comprising, in combination: ond tube is journalled on said second mounting spindle,
a support detachably mounted on the circle carrying 20 said second barrel worm gear is non-rotatably mounted
structure inside the circle defined by the internal for axial sliding movement on said second tube, radially
spur gear; extending second flanges are secured to said second
a mounting spindle in the support; tube to restrict said axial sliding movement of said sec
a tube journalled on said spindle; ond barrel worm gear, and second spring means bears
a barrel worm gear, non-rotatably mounted for axial 25 on said second flanges and second barrel worm gear to
sliding movement on the tube, said worm gear bias said second barrel worm gear to a position centered
having a helical tooth which is engaged with the between the second flanges.
internal spur gear teeth, said helical tooth having a 11. The combination of claim 1 in which the means
pitch diameter effectively equal to that of the inter for driving the barrel worm gear comprises an input
nal spur gear and having a predetermined lead 30 gear keyed to said barrel worm gear and a drive gear
angle, said worm gear having a convex longitudi engaging said input gear.
nal surface with a radius of curvature substantially 12. The combination of claim 11 in which the drive
equal to and no greater than that of the internal gear is a worm gear and the input gear is a spiral gear.
spur gear, and said worm gear having an axis of 13. The combination of claim 1 in which the support
rotation which is tilted with reference to the plane 35 includes mounting means which connects to an upper
of the internal spur gear on an axis which is sub part of the circle carrying structure and pilot means
stantially equal to the lead angle of the helical which engages a lower part of said carrying structure,
tooth; whereby driving forces on the support are distributed
radially extending flanges secured to the tube to re between said upper and lower parts.
strict said axial sliding movement of the barrel 40 14. The combination of claim 10 in which the spring
worm gear; means and the second spring means are belleville wash
spring means bearing on the ends of the barrel worm S.
gear and said flanges to bias said barrel worm gear 15. In a motor vehicle which includes a mobile frame,
to a position centered between the flanges; a first member on said mobile frame and a second mem
and means for driving said barrel worm gear. 45 ber on said mobile frame which is rotatable relative to
2. The combination of claim 1 in which the lead angle said first member about a vertical axis, improved means
of the helical tooth is of the order of 5. for driving said second member comprising, in combi
3. The combination of claim 1 in which the lead angle nation:
of the helical tooth varies, and the axis of rotation is an internal spur gear of predetermined pitch diameter
tilted at an angle which is substantially equal to the 50 of one of said members:
mean lead angle. a support detachably mounted on the other of said
4. The combination of claim 3 in which the mean lead members inside the circle defined by the internal
angle is of the order of 5. spur gear;
5. The combination of claim in which the spring a barrel worm gear journalled in said support, said
means are belleville washers. 55 worm gear having a surface defined by rotating an
6. The combination of claim 5 in which the tube has ellipse about an axis which is parallel to the major
a portion which extends longitudinally beyond one of axis of the ellipse and in the plane of the ellipse, and
said flanges, and the means for driving the barrel worm having a helical tooth in said surface which is en
gear includes an input gear keyed to said portion of the gaged with the internal gear teeth, said helical
tube. 60 tooth having a pitch diameter effectively equal to
7. The combination of claim 1 in which the internal that of the internal spur gear and having a predeter
spur gear is of hard metal, the barrel worm gear is of a mined lead angle, said worm gear having a convex
rigid material substantially softer than said hard metal, longitudinal surface with a radius of curvature
and the support and the barrel worm gear are a prefabri substantially equal to and no greater than that of
cated sub-assembly which is readily removable and 65 the internal spur gear, and said worm gear having
replaceable without disturbing the internal spur gear. an axis of rotation which is tilted with reference to
8. The combination of claim 7 in which the barrel the plane of the internal spur gear on an axis which
worm gear has a through bore with a pair of spaced is substantially equal to the lead angle of the helical
tooth, whereby maximum surface contact is con 17. The combination of claim 16 which includes pilot
stantly maintained between the helical tooth and means on the bottom of the support which engages a
the internal spur gear teeth at the pitch line so as to lower part of the circle carrying structure, whereby
minimize tooth contact pressures and stresses at the driving forces on the support are distributed between
roots of the internal spur gear teeth and so the said upper and lower parts of said structure.
support with the barrel worm gear journalled in it 18. The combination of claim 16 in which the internal
may be moved vertically to engage and disengage spur gear is of hard metal, the barrel worm gear is of a
the helical tooth with the internal spur gear teeth; rigid material substantially softer than said hard metal.
and gear means journalled in said support for driving 19. The combination of claim 16 in which the gear on
said barrel worm gear.
10 the drive shaft is a worm gear and the gear which is
16. In a motor grader which includes a circle carrying fixed relative to the barrel worm gear is a spiral gear.
20. In a motor vehicle which includes a mobile frame,
structure, a circle supported beneath said carrying a first member on said mobile frame and a second men
structure for rotation about a vertical axis, and an inter ber on said mobile frame which is rotatable relative to
nal spur gear of predetermined pitch diameter secured 15 said first member about a vertical axis, improved means
to said circle, improved means for driving said internal for driving said second member comprising, in combi
spur gear comprising, in combination: nation:
a mounting plate detachably mounted on an upper an internal gear of predetermined pitch diameter on
part of the circle carrying structure above the in one of said members;
ternal spur gear and inside the circle defined by 20 a support detachably mounted on the other of said
said internal spur gear; members inside the circle defined by the internal
a support fixed to the underside of the mounting spur gear;
plate; gear mounting means journalled in said support;
an upright drive shaft journalled in said support; a barrel worm gear non-rotatably mounted for axial
a barrel worm gear journalled in said support along 25 sliding movement on the gear mounting means,
side said drive shaft, said worm gear having a heli said worm gear having ends with a convex longitu
cal tooth which is engaged with the internal spur dinal surface therebetween which has a radius of
gear teeth, said helical tooth having a pitch diame curvature substantially equal to and no greater than
ter effectively equal to that of the internal spur gear 30 that of the internal spur gear, a helical tooth on said
and having a predetermined lead angle, said worm convex longitudinal surface which is engaged with
gear having a convex longitudinal surface with a the internal spur gear teeth, said helical tooth hav
radius of curvature substantially equal to and no ing a pitch diameter effectively equal to that of the
greater than that of the internal spur gear, and said internal spur gear and having a predetermined lead
worm gear having an axis of rotation which is tilted 35 angle, and said worm gear having an axis of rota
with reference to the plane of the internal spur gear tion which is tilted with reference to the plane of
on an axis which is substantially equal to the lead the internal spur gear on an axis which is substan
tially equal to the lead angle of the helical tooth;
angle of the helical tooth and which orients the flanges carried by the support which flank the ends of
helical tooth so that the mounting plate may be the barrel worm gear to restrict said axial sliding
lifted off the circle carrying structure without in movement of the barrel worm gear;
terference between the helical tooth and the spur spring means bearing on the ends of the barrel worm
gear teeth; gear and on the flanges to bias said barrel worm
and a gear on the drive shaft which directly inter gear to a position centered between the flanges;
meshes with a gear that is fixed relative to the and means for driving said barrel worm gear.
barrel worm gear. 45