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General Plant Description: Form No. 7

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Name of Generating Company/Facility: _____________________________________

1. Plant Geographical Location:____________________________________________


2. Type and Number of Plant installed:______________________________________


3. Installed Capacity in MW: ______________________________________________

4. Plant Factor in percent: ________________________________________________

5. Maximum/ Minimum Stable Load


6. Ramp Up / Ramp Down Rate (MW/Minute)________________________________

7. Heat Rate (if applicable) ________________________________________________

8. Annual Generation in GWH: ____________________________________________

9. Fuel type: ____________________________________________________________

(Main Fuel & Start-up Fuel)

10. Fuel Source: _______________________________________________________

11. Point of Interconnection: _______________________________________________

12. Source of Fresh Water: _______________________________________________

13. Construction Period in months: _________________________________________

14. Economic Life in years: _____________________________________________

15. Oil Equivalent in million barrels(Fuel): __________________________________

16. Percent contribution to the Luzon Grid: _________________________________

17. Percent contribution to the entire Grid: __________________________________

18. Estimated Project Cost: _______________________________________________

19. Date of Commissioning: _______________________________________________


20. Plant Efficiency: ______________________________________________________

21. Description and rated capacity of substation/switchyard and metering


22. Description of its communication and SCADA equipment:


23. Spinning Reserve Level in MW: ______________________________________


24. Handling and disposal of dangerous waste and substances: __________________


25. Contingency measures in case of flood, typhoon, etc. _______________________


Description of the Specific Technical Data For Coal Plants:

26. Coal Unloader Capacity & Type: ________________________________________

27. Coal Yard Description: ________________________________________________

28. Pulverizer: __________________________________________________________

29. Ash Handling System: _________________________________________________

30. Stacker/Reclaimer: ___________________________________________________

31. Electrostatic Precipitator: _____________________________________________

Technical description of Thermal(Coal) and/or Geothermal plants:

32. Steam Generator type:_________________________________________________

(Nameplate data)

33. Steam Turbine Type:__________________________________________________

(Nameplate data)


34. Condenser Type : _____________________________________________________

(Nameplate data)

Technical Description for Hydro Power Plants

35. General Water Appropriation: (Please check)

____ Domestic _____ Fisheries
____ Municipal _____ Livestock raising
____ Irrigation _____ Industrial
____ Power Generation _____ Recreational
____ Others, please specify:

36. General Land Classification of the Project areas: (Please check)

____ Public Land _____ Privately owned land

37. Present Land Use Classification: (Please check)

_____ Agricultural _____ Industrial
_____ Commercial _____ Forest Land
_____ Open Spaces _____ Tourism
_____ Institutional _____ Others, please specify:

38. Project Components

a) Relevant Dimensions
Plant Capacity in MW : ______________________
Max. Plant Discharge in Cubic meter per second : ______________________
Min. Plant Discharge in Cubic meter per second :_______________________
Max. Headwater Level meters at sea level : ______________________
Min. Operating Headwater Level : ______________________
Tailrace Water Level : ______________________
Estimated Net Head: : ______________________
Total Storage Volume in cubic meters : ______________________

b) Structures and Buildings: Description and Specifications

Reservoir : ________________________________________
Waterways : ________________________________________
Turbines :_________________________________________
Generators : ________________________________________
Switchyard equipment : ________________________________________
Penstock : ________________________________________
Powerhouse : ________________________________________
Other Structures : ________________________________________


Note: Please provide additional sheet(s) if necessary.


Name of person who provided the above information: _______________________

Signature: _______________________ Date Accomplished: ______________
Res. Cert. No. ____________________
Date Issued : _____________________
Place Issued: _____________________

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