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Rancangan Skripsi

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1.1 Background Of The Study

In real life, human face so many kinds of problems. Every humans have

problems but they struggle to face it in also to get out from it. Struggle itself

occurs when people have the desire to do it. Most people struggle against

their problem such as economic problem and social problem. Economic

problem that people have to face is the problem that force them to fulfill their

daily needs such as food , drink , clothes, and many more. Then there are

kinds of social problem, one of them that still exists until this day is the issue

of discrimination. Forms of discrimination that are very often found are like

job discrimination, religion discrimination, and skin color discrimination.

Talking about discrimination of skin color, it can be seen in high-

population countries such as South Africa. In South Africa there is often

racial discrimination that makes African blacks regarded as not equal to the

whites. They are treated like slaves and there is no black work that is above

the whites. Nelson Mandela is one of the blacks who dare to stands against

racial discrimination and when he served as a South African president he did

not live to see the difference in skin color because he wanted an equation that

is not limited by the skin color.

In segment of how they see each other as a part of society there is an

issue which is interesting to discuss, it is racial issue. For example in a multi

races like Indonesia, a lot of people come from different races, however these
people can live in harmony. Healey(1998:20) states even though race is not

important biologic characteristics, however it is an important social concept.

This is the way differentiating people and it is also the first thing people

would noticed about one another.

Races in society are divided at least into two parts, they are racial

minority and racial majority. These races take their own role in society. They

influence each other. Racial minority does not always belong to the weak of

power, however racial minority usually become the victims of the bad

treatment of the dominant one. It is important to see how people are

considered as part of racial minority.

In order to know whether a person is considered as a member of racial

minority, he or she could be examined through the characteristics which

belong to them. According Oxford Dictionary (2003:65) characteristics is

typical of something or somebody’s character. Characteristics belong to

special features which make something seen as different from others. For

example: the ability to produce the language is the characteristics of humans

which make them different from animals. It more specific case characteristics

could be used as tools to differentiate where a race person belong to. There

are five characteristics of racial minority such as subordinate segments of

complex society, special physical and cultural traits which seen as

undesireable by another segment, marriage within the group, we-feeling that

descent by blood (Harris and Wagley, 1958).

One of social science which has a strong bond to Racial discrimination is

literature since it is a social document. Literature takes place in the society

because the community based on their emotional pressures creates it.

Studying literature makes the readers aware of problems that occurs in the

society. As a genre of literary works, poetry helps the reader understand other

people’s feelings, thought and attitude toward life. Novel presents the social

products and also imitates the human subjective environment. Through novel,

the author as a member of society conveys his or her subjective ideas about

the circumstances within. Those ideas may often affect readers’ horizon or

even reader’s ways of life.

Numbers of literary works such as novel and prose have been written to

express the concept of thinking of the author. As the time goes, these works

present such complex discussion. A literary work is not seen as an

independent art anymore since it reflects what is on author mind and heart.

An author is influenced by the environment around to write literary work. In

this section, the author explicitly or implicitly tries to raise the issues around

him. Some authors are challenged to raise the issues around him, what

happen in society, how the society bring themselves in interactional process

and how they see another as a part of society life.

One of the novel that contain racial discrimination issue is in the novel

“The Help” by Kathryn Stockett which tells about the injustices that

happened to black people in the past who work as domestic servants. Many

unfair treatment to blacks like they are not allowed to use the same toilet with

white people, they are forbidden to befriend white people, they are

considered as bad people just because of their skin color. There are three

main characters Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson, and Skeeter Phelan.

Aibeleen Clark and Minny Jackson are two maids who work for white

families. The novel took place in Jakscon Mississippi, America.

Based on this thesis the writer would like to discuss about one of Kathryn

Stockett’s novel entitled “The Help”. The main analysis is about racial

discrimination. This novel is also to inform the readers that situation in

America today is not that different from the situation back in 1960’s.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

In order to focus on the study, the writer limits the problem of discussion

into the following question:

1. How are the courage to struggle against racial discrimination depicted

in “The Help” novel?

2. What kinds of racial discrimination depicted in the “The Help” novel?

1.3 Scope and Limitation

Based on the background of the study, the scope of this study concerns

with literary work, which is a novel entitled The Help by Kathryn Stockett

was first published in 2009. The limitation of this study focuses on racial

discrimination problems that happen in America. The writer tries to explain

how are racial discrimination.

1.4 Goals of the Study

1. To describe how the courage to struggle against racial discriminations

are revealed in “The Help” novel.

2. To analyze what kinds of racial discrimination in the novel.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The functions of this study are:

1. To improve the writer’s knowledge and skill in analyzing a literary

work, on particularly how to give criticism from the sociological

perspective. Besides, the major topic of the research was realized by

the first time reading the novel entirely.

2. To present the readers knowledge relates to prejudice and

discrimination of the selected work.

1.6 Systematical presentation

The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction,

which consists of the background of the study, the reasons for choosing the

topic, statements of the problem, the objectives of the study, the significance of

the study, and the outline of the study.

Chapter two contains the review related literature that use to analyze the

poetry through the whole process and approaches.

Chapter three deals with method of investigation, that discusses about the

object of the study, the source of data, technique of collecting the data, and the

procedure of analysis.

Chapter four explains and describes the concerned topic as stated in the

statements of the problem, the forms of racism and the investigation of the spirit

to struggle against racism in the novel.

The last chapter is chapter five which includes the conclusion about the

analysis deal with the topic.



2.1 Related Studies

This study analyzes about racial discrimination. There have been some

students who have conducted the same topics. The first was conducted by

Handayani (2010) from Pamulang University entitled “An Analysis of Racial

Prejudice based on Sociological criticism in the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird

by Harper Lee”. She discussed about racial prejudice based on socilogical

criticism in the novel to kill mockingbird by Harper Lee. In her study also

described about the influence of racial prejudice.

The second related studies was conducted by Pita Purnamasari (2016)

entitled “Sociological Analysis On Racial Discrimination In Roll Of Thunder,

Hear My Cry Novel. The study discussed about racial discrimination in Roll

My Thunder, Hear My Cry Novel. The writer used Herbding and Glick

Theory to analyze this novel. The similarity between this study and her

research is that both have the same issue is racial.

The third related studies was conducted by Astuti (2015) entitled “An

Analysis of Racial Discrimination in 12 Years A Slave Film” from Pamulang

University. The study disccussed about racial discrimination and types of

discrimination in the film. The writer used Clarke Theory to analyzed the

Related to previous studies, this study tries to analyze the same case that

related to human life in society. This study tries to analyze racial

discrimination which is problem that happens in society. Nowadays we still

find the racial discrimination especially in our country.

2.2 Review of Litelature

2.2.1 Novel

Novel has become an important thing for people. Either only as a

material of reading or get deeper meaning of what the novel they read. Novel

as a reading material could be just the way to kill time or praticising reading

skill for college students, meanwhile in the need to get the meaning novel is

needed to get another thing like the value of the novel itself. Usually in both

of those terms reading novel is conducted by college students, particularly in

related major of department. A novel is a long, fictional narrative which

describes intimate human experiences. The novel in the modern era usually

makes use of a literary prose style, and the development of the prose novel at

this time was encouraged by innovations in printing, and the introduction of

cheap paper, in the 15th century. According to Long (2003) “Novel is a work

of fiction in which the imagination and the intellect combine to express life

in the form of a story and the imaginations always directed and controlled by

the intellect”. From the quotation, it can be said that novel is a combined

work of imagination and real life as outlined in the story.

2.2.2 Racism

Racism is the most crucial issue that almost occurs in every generations.

It also has several form and conditions. The term of racism according to
Spencer (1985:241) is that racism is a set of beliefs comprising three


1. That certain important abilities and social traits are passed on

genetically, not socially.

2. That human group socially defined as races differ in their possession

of these traits.

3. That these heredity differences between races make some of them

superior to others and justify giving them respects and rights.

Based on that definition above, it can be see that racism is a belief system

based on assumption of perceived or natural biological differences between

different races or racial groups to determine groups or individual’s behavior and

attitude. Racism may be based on an assumption of natural biological differences

between different ethnic groups to determine cultural or individual behavior.

Every race has its particular differences in their physical forms, culture,

language, and even behavior and racism appears when there is assumption or

consideration that one’s race is superior to the others and then views other races

as lesser human beings. This belief system assumes a hierarchy among various

human races or racial groups. Thus, this set of belief influences one’s attitude

behavior and even oppressions toward another person of different racial group.

Such attitude and behavior are regarded as racial prejudice and racial


2.2.3 Racial Discrimination

The word discrimination derives from the Latin language

“discriminare”, which means to distinguish between. Discrimination is

defined as the behavioral manifestation of negative prejudice. The term racial

discrimination may refer to the behavioral manifestation of negative

prejudice based on race or racial groups. In racial discrimination, there is a

distinction between people on the basis of races or racial groups without

regarding to individual merit, such as personal achievement, skill or ability.

According to Mc. Kee (1969:309) discrimination has several forms, those


a. Employment: discrimination in jobs is primary by such means of a

minority group is denied equal opportunity for social mobility.

b. Education: discrimination in schooling has taken the direct and obvious

form of segregated schools in the Southern US where the Negro schools

are less supported and qualitatively inferior.

c. Politics: has meant to limit the participation of minority group in the

political process first in voting, and second in holding political office.

d. Housing: The restriction of the Negro to residential areas and the

exclusion from most of the entire community.

Many people have become victim of racial discrimination. In some

countries, the government discriminates against group of people within the

community such as in some Southern of the United States. The States

segregated colored people, For example, they obliged colored people to use

separate schools and restaurants.

2.2.4 Struggle
According to Marsam (2000: 181) The struggle comes from the word

that means struggle a fight for survival or independence of the State. The
struggle in this research effort is mean as a woman in order to defend the

rights and dignity of women who are oppressed due to arbitrary injustice of

considerable cultural flourishing in society. Meaning struggle is hard work

and efforts in achieving a good thing as the key to success. Those

descriptions above have some similarities. All of them state that struggle is

related to fight and strive. In this case struggle refers to strive in making great

efforts to achieve our goals.

2.3 Theoritical Framework

This study uses theories from Clarke (1995) about “Discrimination”. He

explains about kinds of discrimination, they are: race discrimination, sex

discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, victimization,

and harassment. According to Clarke (1995:89), “Discrimination on grounds

of another’s race, it also has been held to racial discrimination where

someone is discriminated against because someone else’s color or race”.

Based on Clarke theory it means that racial discrimination happed with

someone who has a different race not only race but also color of skin, ethnic,

class, status, national, etc.

Clarke also explains about types of racial discrimination, the first is

direct discrimination and the second is indirect discimination. Clarke

(1995:87) claimed, “Direct discrimination occurs when person treats

someone, on racial grounds, less favourably than they treat or would treat

another person”. Racial grounds means on the grounds of color, race,

nationality, ethnic, or national origin. It means that direct discrimination is

one of action which happens with someone who has a different race. Action

of racial discrimination can cause violence.

Clarke (1995:89) points out, “Applies to (another) a condition or

requirement which he applies or would apply equally to persons not of the

same racial groups”. Racial group means a group of persons defined by

reference to color, race, nationality, or ethnic ot national origins”. Indirect

discrimination is condition which given for people or someone who have a

different race.


3.1 Approach of the study

This study uses qualitative method to analyze “The Help” novel and looks

for racial discrimination books to find the theories doing the analysis.

Creswell (2003:18) says: Qualitative approach is one in which the inquirer often

makes knowledge claims based primarly on constructivist perspective or afvoancy

or participatory perspective or both. It also uses strategies of inquiry such as

narratives, phenomenologies, ethnographies, grounded theory studies, or case

studies. The research is determined by subjective opinion and point of view the

writer and by reading some related theories from libraries and internet.

Based on the statement above it means qualitatives approach is used to

describe life experiences and situations to give the meanings and also to

explore the behavior, perspectives, experiences, and feeling of people and

emphasize the understanding the elements.

3.2 Source of the Data

The writer uses the data in the form of sentences that found in the novel and

tries to find out the impacts of the problems on the present condition. In

gathering data, there are two types of data source in this study. The first source is

called primary source. This is source from which the main data of the analyzing

were taken. They are taken from the object of the study.
The second source is called secondary source. It is source from which the

supporting data were taken. It involves the opinion of some experts on racism,

theories. The data were taken from books and websites.

3.3 Collecting the Data

In collecting the data, this study will use the following steps:

1. Identify the analysis of “The Help” novel by reading in some library

in other University to find related references.

2. Reading references such as from articles and journal related to this

3. Finding part of novel the courage that related to struggle against

4. Finding part of type’s racial discrimination

3.4 Procedure of Analyzing the Data

The writer used descriptive method research as a method of this study

since the data were in the form of written words and they were descriptively

analyzed, this method includes three techniques to answer the problem. First

is exposing the data in order to reveal the context. Second, the data

intepretation is to present the form of racism and struggle suggested in the

novel relate to some theories of racism and new criticism approach. The last

is making conclusion.
The writer used descriptive qualitative research as a method of this study

since the data were in the form of written word and they were descriptively

analyzed. This method includes three techniques to answer the problems. First is

exposing the data in order to reveal the context. Second, the data interpretation is

to present the form of racism and struggle suggested in the poem relate to some

theories of racism and new criticism approach. The last is making conclusion.


In this chapter, the writer presents the findings and the analysis of the

research. Here the writer wants to show the readers about analysis from the

kinds of discrimination and courage struggle against discrimination in the

novel The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

4.1 Racial Discrimination that depicted in “The Help” novel

In this study, the colored people who suffers discrimination by whote

people in The Help novel. The discrimination by white people to colored
people is caused by the colored skin colour so that white people feels that
they are the superior people. The discrimination can be see through some

4.1.1 Racial Discrimination suffers by Aibeleen

Aibeleen is one of colored maid who work at the Leefolt residence. The

first discrimination she suffer was from one of Elizabeth Leefolt’s friend

Hilly Holbrook when she came over to club meeting Elizabeth. Hilly

supposed to go to the toilet but in that house there is only one toilet and that

means that the maid in this case Aibeleen is also using it. Then Hilly encite

Elizabeth to build a toilet outside for Aibeleen.

“Oh Hilly, I wish you’d use the guest bathroom,” say Miss Leefolt,

rearranging her cards. “Aibileen doesn’t clean in the back until after lunch.”

Hilly raise her chin up. Then she give one a her “ah-hem’s.” She got this way

a clearing her throat real delicate-like that get everbody’s attention without
they even knowing she made em do it. “But the guest bathroom’s where the

help goes,” Miss Hilly say. Nobody says anything for a second. Then Miss

Walter nod, like she explaining it all. “She’s upset cause the Nigra uses the

inside bathroom and so do we.” Miss Hilly talk slow, like she spreading icing

on a cake. “You just tell Raleigh every penny he spends on that bathroom

he’ll get back when y’all sell this house.” She nod like she agreeing with

herself. “All these houses they’re building without maid’s quarters? It’s just

plain dangerous. Everybody knows they carry different kinds of diseases than

we do. I double.”
Based on the quotation above, it can be see how Hilly really afraid to

go to the toilet because Aibeleen also using the toilet. Then Hilly encite

Elizabeth to build another bathroom outside for the Aibeleen. In this case

Hilly discriminate Aibeleen by telling Elizabeth to build another toilet outside

for the maid because she think that colored people carried more diseases that

white people.
On the way back to home, when Alibeleen taking the bus home,

suddenly the bus stopped for some reason. “We cross the bridge, head in the

direction a the colored hospital, where the bus make its turn. I got my prayer

book out so I can write some things down. I concentrate on Mae Mobley, try

to keep my mind off Miss Hilly. Show me how to teach Baby Girl to be kind,

to love herself; to love others, while I got time with her... I look up. The bus

done stopped in the middle a the road. I lean over into the aisle, see a few

blocks up they’s blue lights flashing in the dark, people standing around, a

road block. White driver stare ahead. He turn off the motor and my seat go

still, feel strange. He straighten his driver’s hat, hop out the seat. “Y’all stay
put. Let me find out what’s going on.” So we all set there in the quiet,

waiting. I hear a dog barking, not a house dog, but the kind that sound like he

yelling at you. After a full five minutes, driver get back on the bus, start the

motor again. He toot his horn, wave his hand out the window, and start

backing up real slow. “Wha happen up there?” colored man in front a me call

to the driver. Driver don’t answer. He keep backing up. The flashing lights is

getting smaller, the dog barking fading off. Driver turn the bus around on

Farish Street. At the next corner, he stop. “Colored people off, last stop for

you,” he holler in the rearview. “White people lemme know where y’all need

to get to. I’ll get you close as I can.”

It can be seen in the quotation, Aibeleen get a discrimination by the bus

driver. Because when the situation became hostile for all people in the town,

white people safety always be the first priority then the colored people. That

is why Aibeleen was forced to get out the bus because the bus driver only

care about taking the white people home and colored people in the bus such

as Aibeleen and the other colored man has to go off the bus and go home on

The other discrimination came from Aibeleen employer, Elizabeth

Leefolt. When Elizabeth came home, her daughter Mae Mobley told her that

she is ready to take her business in the toilet from now on. But turns out Mae

Mobley cannot do it in inside bathroom. She run as fast she can to the

bathroom outside.
“But Miss Leefolt, she got her lips sticking out and she hmphing and

frowning down at her. Before I can get her diaper on again, Baby Girl run off

fast as she can. Nekkid little white baby running through the house. She in

the kitchen. She got the back door open, she in the garage, trying to reach the
knob to my bathroom. We run after her and Miss Leefolt pointing her finger.

Her voice go about ten pitches too high. “This is not your bathroom!” Baby

Girl wagging her head. “My bafroom!” Miss Leefolt snatch her up, give her a

pop on the leg. “Miss Leefolt, she don’t know what she do—” “Get back in

the house, Aibileen!” I hate it, but I go in the kitchen. I stand in the middle,

leave the door open behind me. “I did not raise you to use the colored

bathroom!” I hear her hiss-whispering, thinking I can’t hear, and I think,

Lady, you didn’t raise your child at all. “This is dirty out here, Mae Mobley.

You’ll catch diseases! No no no!” And I hear her pop her again and again on

her bare legs”

From quotation above, can be see that Elizabeth taking Hilly’s word

very serious about diseases that carried by colored people and in this case

Aibeleen. She really angry with her daughter Mae Mobley for she was using

Aibeleen bathroom.
The last discrimination that Aibeleen suffer is also from Hilly

Holbrook. Beside of Hilly Holbrook idea of build a toilet outside for

Aibeleen, she also discriminate Aibeleen at Elizabeth’s house.

“Aibileen,” Miss Hilly says and she lick her lips. “When you returned

my silver yesterday, there were three pieces missing out of that felt wrapper.

One silver fork and two silver spoons.” I suck in a breath. “Lemme—lemme

go look in the kitchen, maybe I left some behind.” I look at Miss Leefolt to

see if that’s what she want me to do, but she keep her eyes on the crack. A

cold prickle creeps up my neck. “You know as well as I do that silver’s not in

the kitchen, Aibileen,” Miss Hilly say. “Miss Leefolt, you checked in Ross’s

bed? He been sneaking things and sticking em—” Miss Hilly scoff real loud.

“Do you hear her, Elizabeth? She’s trying to blame it on a toddler.” My

mind’s racing, I’m trying to remember if I counted the silver before I put it

back in the felt. I think I did. I always do. Law, tell me she ain’t saying what I

think she saying”.

From the quotation above, it can be see that Hilly discriminate Aibeleen

by accusing her stealing hers silver fork and spoons. She implied that colored

people like to steals a thing or two in their employer house. Because of

Hilly’s accusation, Elizabeth immidiately fired Aibeleen. Hilly did that just

because she wants her revenge to colored maid that dare to talk about white


4.1.2 Racial Discrimination suffers by Minny Jackson

Minny Jackson is Aibeleen best friend who work for Hilly Holbrook’s

mother Miss Walters. Minny is the best cook in the town. Minny also

discriminate by Hilly. “She telling everbody in town I’m stealing! That’s why

I can’t get no work! That witch done turned me into the Smart-Mouthed

Criminal Maid a Hinds County!” “Hold on, Minny, get your breath—”

“Before work this morning, I go to the Renfroes’ over on Sycamore and Miss

Renfroe near bout chase me off the property. Say Miss Hilly told her about

me, everbody know I stole a candelabra from Miss Walters!” I can hear the

grip she got on the phone, sound like she trying to crush it in her hand. I hear

Kindra holler and I wonder why Minny already home. She usually don’t

leave work till four. “I ain’t done nothing but feed that old woman good food

and look after her!” “Minny, I know you honest. God know you honest.” Her

voice dip down, like bees on a comb. “When I walk into Miss Walters’, Miss

Hilly be there and she try to give me twenty dollars. She say, ‘Take it. I know
you need it,’ and I bout spit in her face. But I didn’t. No sir.” She start making

this panting noise, she say, “I did worse.” “What you did?” “I ain’t telling. I

ain’t telling nobody about that pie. But I give her what she deserve!” She

wailing now and I feel a real cold fear. Ain’t no game crossing Miss Hilly. “I

ain’t never gone get no work again, Leroy gone kill me . . .”

From the quotation above, Hilly with her words has influenced almost

everybody in town saying that Minny is a bad maid because according to her,

Minny steals things in Miss Walters’s house which is not true. Knowing that

Hilly has influenced so many white people not to hire Minny, Minny affraid

that her husband Leroy would kill her because she is quiting work for Miss

Walters. Hilly discriminate Minny by saying that Minny the colored maid has

steals things from white people house.

“The booklet is simply a list of laws stating what colored people can

and cannot do, in an assortment of Southern states. I skim the first page,

puzzled why this is here. The laws are neither threatening nor friendly, just

citing the facts:

No person shall require any white female to nurse in wards or rooms in

which negro men are placed. It shall be unlawful for a white person to marry

anyone except a white person. Any marriage in violation of this section shall

be void. No colored barber shall serve as a barber to white women or girls.

The officer in charge shall not bury any colored persons upon ground used

for the burial of white persons. Books shall not be interchangeable between

the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first

using them.”
From the quotation, it can be see that there is a list of laws that explain

about what colored people can and cannot do. This is a form of

discrimination, that differ colored people and white people. It can be see that

colored people and white people living in a whole different world and the

government want to keep it that way.

“On our fifth session, Aibileen reads to me about the day Treelore died.

She reads about how his broken body was thrown on the back of a pickup by

the white foreman. “And then they dropped him off at the colored hospital.

That’s what the nurse told me, who was standing outside. They rolled him off

the truck bed and the white men drove away.” Aibileen doesn’t cry, just lets a

parcel of time pass while I stare at the typewriter, she at the worn black tiles.”

From the quotation can be see that Aibeleen talked about how her son

Treelore died. It was not a crime when white people hit colored people.

Treelore was hit by a white man and the white man just drop Treelore outside

the colored hospital. Colored people cannot be in the same hospital as white


4.2 How the courage to struggle against racial discrimination in the


“AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK the next morning, the phone rings. Luckily,

I’m in the kitchen and pick it up. “Miss Skeeter?” I stand very still, then look

out at Mother examining her checkbook at the dining room table. Pascagoula

is pulling a roast out of the oven. I go into the pantry and shut the door.
“Aibileen?” I whisper.She’s quiet a second and then she blurts it out. “What

if—what if you don’t like what I got to say? I mean, about white peoples.” “I

—I . . . this isn’t about my opinion,” I say. “It doesn’t matter how I feel.”

“But how I know you ain’t gone get mad, turn around on me?” “I don’t . . . I

guess you’ll just have to . . . trust me.” I hold my breath, hoping, waiting.

There is a long pause.“Law have mercy. I reckon I’m on do it.” “Aibileen.”

My heart is pounding. “You have no idea how much I appreciate—” “Miss

Skeeter, we gone have to be real careful.” “We will, I promise.” “And you

gone have to change my name. Mine, Miss Leefolt’s, everbody’s.” “Of

course.” I should’ve mentioned this. “When can we meet? Where can we

meet?” “Can’t do it in the white neighborhood, that’s for sure. I guess . . . we

gone have to do it over at my house.” “Do you know any other maids who

might be interested?” I ask, even though Missus Stein has only agreed to read

one. But I have to be ready, on the slim chance she likes it. Aibileen is quiet a

moment. “I guess I could ask Minny. But she ain’t real keen on talking to

white peoples.” “Minny? You mean . . . Missus Walters’ old maid,” I say,

feeling suddenly how incestuous this is turning. I wouldn’t just be peering

into Elizabeth’s life, but Hilly’s too. “Minny got her some stories. Sho nuff.”

“Aibileen,” I say. “Thank you. Oh, thank you.”“Yes ma’am.”“I just . . . I have

to ask you. What changed your mind? Aibileen doesn’t even pause. “Miss

Hilly,” she says. I go quiet, thinking of Hilly’s bathroom plan and accusing

the maid of stealing and her talk of diseases. The name comes out flat, bitter

as a bad pecan.”
From the quotation above, it can be see that Aibeleen grows a courage

to help Skeeter to write a book about the help experience such as how much
they paid, the bathroom, how they treat them. Aibeleen refuse at first but then

he changed her mind and want to help Skeeter because she had enough about

what Hilly says about colored people.

“Aibeleen said to Skeeter, “If I say I don’t want a do it anymore, then

everthing I been writing and still have to write ain’t gone get to be said. No, I

think. I don’t want a stop. I’m surprised by how loud I think it.“If Miss Hilly

know, she know,” I say. “Stopping ain’t gone save us now.”

It can be see that eventough that there is a risk that Hilly would know

about what Skeeter, Aibeleen, and Minny are up to, Aibeleen still want to do

it because she knows that she must be brave to do this and by doing this, she

might have made her son proud.

“Miss Skeeter,” she says, without a smile, “I’m on help you with the

stories.” I turn and look at Aibileen. Her eyebrows go up, her mouth opens. I

turn back to the woman but she is already walking out the door. “I’m on help

you, Miss Skeeter.” This is another woman, tall and lean, with the same quiet

look as the first. “Um, thank . . . you,” I say. “I am too, Miss Skeeter. I’m on

help you.” A woman in a red coat walks by quickly, doesn’t even meet my

From the quotation, it can be see that other maids understand what

Aibeleen and Minny want to do. One by one maids speak up and want to help

Skeeter to make this book happen by telling Skeeter about their experience as

a maid in white people house. The courage that other maids show is because

they seen what Aibeleen, Skeeter, and Minny are doing. And they think that

this is the time to stand up against discrimination by telling the world what

white people did through a book.

“Angry stories come out, of white men who’ve tried to touch them.

Winnie said she was forced over and over. Cleontine said she fought until his
face bled and he never tried again. But the dichotomy of love and disdain

living side -by-side is what surprises me. Most are invited to attend the white

children’s weddings, but only if they’re in their uniforms. These things I

know already, yet hearing them from colored mouths, it is as if I am hearing

them for the first time.”

From the quotation, it can be see that Winnie stands up against sex

discrimination by white people by fought him no matter what happen. It

shows how brave Winnie to have a courage to stands against discrimination.



5.1. Conclusions

After analyzing previous chapter, the writer will make some

conclusions as follows: Racism is a belief system based on assumption

of perceived or natural biological differences between different races

or racial groups to determine groups or individual’s behavior and

attitude. Racism may be based on an assumption of natural biological

differences between different ethnic groups to determine cultural or

individual behavior. Black people have been stereotyped and

discriminated in all aspects of their lives. They were also segregated in

schools, public facilities, churches, hospitals, cafes, libraries,

elevators, housing, drinking fountains, hotels, etc. Therefore, Black

people struggled to obtain the equal rights as White people so that

they will have the same opportunities of income, wealth and


Above all data, the poems directly expose struggle suggested by

Black People toward racism practices and the dominant white culture.

The novel reveal the spirit to raise the awareness of Black racial

identity. Thus, the term African transformed into a symbol of pride for

Black people. The novel encourage Black people to be confidence and

proud of being Blacks. Black people struggle against racism is also

revealed in the desire to unify. The struggle suggested in the novel is

that Black people must unite together to fight against racism. Black

people in America desire to be treated in the same way as a white

person of the same ability, the same wealth, the same education and

other comparable traits.

5.2 Suggestions

The writer wants to give some suggestions related to the topic of the

study. Firstly, by understanding the theory of racism, people will be aware of

such social matter exist in their surroundings. There will be no more racism

practices such as discrimination in the society as long as each citizen admit

and use their basic rights well. In addition, we may also get the lesson from

the history of the nation that a good government should lead the citizens into

the welfare, peace and justice.

Secondly, the writer suggest for further researcher to analyze the impact

of racism toward colored people in America since the practices of racism had

been going on and stil occuring up to recent days.

The last, the writer hopes that this study will be useful in presenting

some information about Black people and racism history in America as a

reference of American Studies subject.

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