Letter of Transmittal................................................................................ 1
Meet The Breakfast Club & Contact Info................................................ 2
Executive Summary................................................................................ 3
Research................................................................................................ 4
SWOT Analysis....................................................................................... 5
Research Methods................................................................................. 7
Key Message Platform........................................................................... 11
Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, and Evaluation...................................... 12
Objective 1......................................................................................... 13
Objective 2......................................................................................... 15
Objective 3......................................................................................... 16
Budget.................................................................................................... 17
Timelines................................................................................................. 19
Appendices............................................................................................. 21
Appendix A......................................................................................... 21
Appendix B........................................................................................ 24
Appendix C....................................................................................... 25
Appendix D........................................................................................ 29
Appendix E........................................................................................ 31
Appendix F........................................................................................ 38
Appendix G...................................................................................... 39
Appendix H....................................................................................... 44
Appendix I....................................................................................... 45
Appendix J....................................................................................... 46
Letter of
The Breakfast Club
304 S. University St.
Normal, IL 61761
As The Breakfast Club we are pleased to submit for your approval the attached public rela-
tions campaign for Move. Pilates and Yoga, as promised. After researching your company and
the surrounding community, we were able to develop an exclusive campaign plan detailing the
situation your company is facing and providing guidance on how to overcome possible threats.
The goal of this campaign is to generate demand for Pilates and yoga mat classes by creatively
developing client retention and ambitiously seeking potential new clients, further outlined in the
executive summary.
This plan is comprised of objectives, strategies, and tactics that will help increase brand
awareness, the number of clients who attend class each week, and the number of clients in
each class.
We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with your company, and thank you for
your consideration.
The Breakfast Club looks forward to presenting this plan in person at Fell Hall on April 26,
2016. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at or by phone
at 630-956-8586.
Kelly Larson Allison Cundiff Colleen Muldowney Jedidiah Hasselbring Megan Ponti
Colleen Muldowney
Kelly Larson
Move. Pilates & Yoga is an upscale fitness studio located in Bloomington, Illinois. With a multitude
of exercise opportunities throughout the community, Move. Pilates & Yoga is the only studio to
offer Pilates, yoga, and stand up paddle boarding (SUP) classes in the area. The Pilates instruc-
tors are professionally trained through Balanced Body, a nationally recognized education program
within the industry. The studio is based on a philosophy of providing extraordinary Pilates and Yoga
experiences taught by professionals for a mindful movement and a commitment to understanding
what clients’ bodies are capable of while providing a safe, quality environment where one can nur-
ture their mind and challenge themselves.
Classes at Move. Pilates & Yoga are offered seven days a week with varying schedule times and
different class sizes. While the studio’s equipment classes are extremely popular utilizing a waitlist
for entry, the organization seems to have a hard time filling Pilates and yoga mat classes consis-
tently. Numbers for both mat classes have been fluctuating from full attendance to half capacity,
with yoga being less popular than Pilates. The Breakfast Club has identified the inconsistency in
class attendance as the main problem, as it can negatively impact the future of the business.
The Breakfast Club’s goal for this campaign is to generate demand for Pilates and Yoga mat
classes by creatively developing client retention and aspiringly seeking potential new clients within
the Bloomington-Normal community.
The primary targeted audience is young professionals in the Bloomington-Normal community, ages
25-35, as well as the studios existing clientele. We expect this audience to regularly attend mat
classes at Move. Our Special audience are young moms, fitness enthusiasts and fitness fashion-
istas. We expect them to attend Parkolates Saturdays regularly and be involved in our community
The Breakfast Club’s major strategy includes utilizing audience participation through experiential
marketing as it has been proven to be most successful in the public relations industry. For ex-
ample, tactics such as Parkolates (Pilates in the park) and Bingo Bash to fill mat classes to full
With a budget of $2,000-$3,000 we anticipate an increase awareness of the Move. Studio among
young professionals ages 25-35 in the Bloomington-Normal area, an Increase Increase number of
existing clients who attend three classes a week by 15% by December 31, 2016, Achieve 10 to
12 participants in every mat class among current and potential clientele by December 31, 2016.
The Breakfast Club is anticipating to spend $1786.81 to meet these objectives. If our desired
objectives for the campaign are met by the desired date then this public relations campaign was
This section outlines the current situation and problem faced by Move. Pilates & Yoga,
and offers historical context. It then details the organization’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to provide a foundational basis for initial research. Next,
it describes research questions and methods taken by The Breakfast Club to ensure an
effective and successful public relations campaign, including an analysis of the data found.
Finally, it discusses the target publics and key message platform.
Situation Analysis
Move. Pilates & Yoga is an upscale fitness studio located in Bloomington, Illinois. With a multitude
of exercise opportunities throughout the community, Move. Pilates & Yoga is the only studio to
offer Pilates, yoga, and equipment classes in the same facility. It is also the only studio in the area
to offer stand up paddleboarding (SUP) in warmer months.
Founded in May of 2015, owners Georgia Thomson and Jennie Durchholz strived to hire in-
structors that would foster a sense of community within classes and provide individualized service.
The Pilates instructors are professionally trained through Balanced Body, a nationally recognized
educator in the industry (1). Comparatively, the yoga instructors hold multiple certifications in Vinya-
sa and Pranakriya, two of the most popular forms of yoga (1).
Classes at Move. Pilates & Yoga are offered seven days a week with varying schedule times
and different class sizes. Pilates and yoga classes can hold between 12-14 people, and equip-
ment and SUP classes can only hold three people. While the studio’s equipment classes are
extremely popular utilizing a waitlist for entry, the organization seems to have a hard time filling
Pilates and yoga mat classes consistently.
Numbers for mat classes have been fluctuating from full attendance to half capacity, with
yoga being less popular than Pilates. The Breakfast Club has identified the inconsistency in class
attendance as the main problem, as it can negatively impact the future of the business. Our goal
for this campaign is to generate demand for both Pilates and yoga mat classes by creatively de-
veloping client retention and ambitiously seeking potential new clients.
1: About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved April 04, 2016, from
SWOT Analysis
This table analyzes Move. Pilates & Yoga’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT) as an organization. Each SWOT item is specifically stated (i.e. aspect), defined in terms of
what it means to the company (i.e. implications), and addressed with possible actions to improve
each aspect for the benefit of the company.
t - Ensure new clients feel wel-
r come and apart of the sense of
e Fosters strong sense of com- Enhances relationships be- community
n munity tween Move. Pilates & Yoga
g and its clients - Continue to maintain a wel-
t coming and judgment free zone
Aspect Implication Possible Actions
Send emails to waitlisted
Waitlisted individuals may individuals thanking them
Small equipment class
choose to attend other for their patience
Historical Context
Georgia Thomson and Jennie Durchholz’s passion for fitness and fostering a strong sense of
community lead to their instruction of Pilates at Adkins Pilates in Bloomington, Illinois. Founded in
2010, Adkins Pilates had a positive rapport with the Bloomington-Normal community and a strong
client base. When the owner, Lexy Adkins, decided to close the studio in April of 2015 due to mov-
ing out of state (2), Thomson and Durchholz grasped the opportunity to own their own company.
Thomson and Durccholz bought the equipment from the Adkins studio and formed Move. Pilates &
Yoga at the same location in May of 2015 (G. Thomson, personal communication, March 22, 2016;
2). Firmly believing Pilates and yoga were more than just fitness trends, but a lifestyle, the pair
wanted to foster the same sense of community within their own studio environment (3).
2: Nagle, M. (2015, April 3). Adkins Pilates to close April 19. Retrieved April 04, 2016, from
3.Pantagraph Staff. (2015, May 1). Pilates studio to open on Empire. Retrieved April 04, 2016, from
To better understand Move. Pilates & Yoga’s current situation and problem, opportunities to be
had, and audience, our team decided there were four questions that needed to be answered:
Research Questions
R1 How are competitors marketing themselves versus Move. Pilates and Yoga?
-What social platforms or mobile apps are they using?
What is the difference in scheduling and pricing between Move. Pilates and Yoga and
R2 competitors?
-Are there popular class times not being utilized at Move.?
How do current clients feel about Move. and what are their suggestions for
R3 -What type of rewards are they interested in?
-What classes do they prefer to take?
-What is their preferred class times?
Who is the target demographic for the yoga and Pilates industry?
R4 -What is the audience salary, gender, and education?
-What motivates or interests the audience about yoga or Pilates?
Target Audience
This campaign focuses on current and potential clients for Move. Pilates & Yoga. The current
demographic was given by the studio. The potential audience was chosen by The Breakfast Club
based on information given by Move. and secondary research indicating target demographics for
yoga and Pilates .
Primary Research
The Breakfast Club conducted a series of qualitative and quantitative primary research to give a thorough
background of the Move. studio and effectively plan a successful campaign. For example, the team par-
ticipated in administering a survey to existing clients and doing a content analysis of competitors. Below
are key insights from the research which shaped the direction of the campaign. Key insights consist of a
collection of essential ideas that can be leveraged for the growth of an organization (See appendices A, B
and H).
Secondary Research
To better understand the fitness industry secondary research was conducted focusing on the target demo-
graphics, statistics, and benefits of yoga and Pilates. Key insights are listed below.
Pilates improves things like physical coordination, flexibility, muscle strength and lung capacity8
4: Yoga Journal. (2012, December 06). Yoga Journal Releases 2012 Yoga in America Market Study.
Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
5: Medlin, S. (n.d.). Demographic Profile - Yoga. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
6: SBDCNet. (n.d.). Mind Body Fitness. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
7: Wei, M. (2015, July 10). Why Do People Do Yoga? Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
8: Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Pilates and yoga - health benefits. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
Key Message
The key message platform (KMP) lays out the most important messages of Move. The KMP pro-
vides a consistent space for the production of all messages and content produced by Move.
These messages are the core to what Move. wants their current and potential clients to remember.
Listed below are the KMPs constructed for the campaign:
Move. prides itself in providing personalized training to each and every client. Current clients
areencouraged to stay consistent with class attendance in order to achieve the best results.
Building strength, inner peace, and a personalized experience. Join the Move. Makers.
Vision Statement:
To increase client retention and bring in new clientele to keep mat classes full.
Mission Statement:
To provide premier service, individual and personalized training, and foster a sense of community
within all Pilates and yoga sessions.
Positioning Statement:
For young professionals male and female ages 25-35, and current clients primarily female ages
25-65, Move. stands as a studio for personalized interaction and client appreciation.
Proof Points:
• Values personalized training and individual attention
• Has strong relations with the surrounding community
• Has well-rounded instructors with multiple certifications
to meet the various needs of clients
• Only studio in the area that offers yoga and pilates
Objectives, Strategies,
Tactics, and Evaluation
Objectives represent the desired outcome for the entire campaign, and as such are crucial to the
public relations process. Each objective consists of four parts: a desired outcome or effect, a
goal, a target audience, and a specified date or deadline. Within each objective, benchmarks are
given as a way to measure the organization’s progress throughout the campaign. This section lists
and describes each objective created by The Breakfast Club to address the campaign goal of
retaining clients, and seeking new audiences.
Benchmark: After the campaign peri- Benchmark: Currently on average 17 Benchmark: Currently the average
od a survey should be conducted to clients attend three classes a week number of students per class at
the Bloomington-Normal community at Move. Move. is six
to determine overall target audience
awareness. Rationale: Increasing class atten- Rationale: Mat classes are cur-
dance per week helps increase rently seeing inconsistent numbers
Rationale: Move. would like to client retention and maintain a while the equipment classes have
increase attendance in mat classes strong sense of community among a waiting list, thus threatening the
and in order to increase attendance, members future of the business. Achieving
possible clientele need to be aware 10-12 participants is a reasonable
of the brand. number because Move. likes to keep
its classes to a small or average
Programming consists of the planning and execution of the desired objectives to fulfill the cam-
paign goal. This section provides the strategies, or categories, specifying the actions Move. Pi-
lates and Yoga needs to take to meet the desired objectives. It also outlines the tactics presented
to accomplish each strategy that will fulfill the objectives, including a timeline for implementation.
Objective 1
Parkolates (See appendices E and I)
-No money can be collected, advertising is okay on social media,
space guarantee is a risk to take, no cost to rent space, must be
Strategy 1: during park hours from dawn to dusk
-Do this every Saturday from June-August, with the exception of Inde-
Use experiential marketing
pendence Day weekend
through audience participation
-Have anyone who attends sign their name on sign in sheet
- Location: Clearwater Park, 2716 Clearwater Drive, 10-12 minute drive
from Move. studio
Count how many people attended each Parkolates session
Sponsorships (See Appendix C)
-City of Bloomington Criterium Bike Race
Strategy 2:
Evaluation: Community Outreach
Survey Bloomington-Normal area to determine awareness gained from
attending bike race.
Tactic 2:
Joining the Downtown Bloomington Association (See Appendix D)
Contact DBA to join by June 1st
Survey Bloomington-Normal area to determine awareness gained from
joining the association.
Objective 1
Tactic :
Facebook Advertisements and Social Space (See appendices E, I and J)
-Create two Facebook advertisements selecting the age range 25-35,
geographic location of Bloomington-Normal, male and female, and in-
Strategy 3 come of at least $50,000 (if possible)
-Also select interests such as health and wellness, yoga, Pilates, Lulu-
Utilize target marketing to build
advocacy and engagement in lemon, Jamba Juice, Vitamin Shoppe
-Run the ads from May-December giving them a budget of $400, adjust-
the social space
ing them as needed to ensure click through rate.
-Place schedule flyers in OhmFit Actvewear
The promoted posts success will be measured by using Facebook in-
sights to see how many people “liked” or “shared” the advertisement, as
well as how many people liked the Facebook page after the advertise-
ment rolling out, including page traffic
Objective 2
Tactic :
Move. Makers Program (See appendix G)
Strategy 1: -Attend 3 or more classes in one week for four consecutive weeks and
Utilize audience participation receive the official Move. Makers t-shirt
through developing a stamp -Once in the Move. Makers program (after receiving the t-shirt), for ev-
ery month you fill after that you receive 10% off apparel
card system
-Starting in June-Dec.
Track how many people participate in the program, and how many peo-
ple complete the program
Tactic :
Offer Hatha yoga on Sunday at 1pm, Tuesday at 4:30pm and friday at
-Offer Hatha yoga on Sunday at 1 p.m., Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and Friday Strategy 2:
at 4:30 p.m Implement new yoga class to
-Eva is available to teach during these times and has the ability to
appeal to existing clientele
teach this class
Track class attendance for each Hatha class session and utilize the
sign in sheet to see how many classes a client is attending per week
Tactic :
Post statistics on social media and web page (See appendix J)
-Use scholarly statistics on yoga attendence and practice to persuade
clients into attending three classes a week
Strategy 3:
Utilize research to persuade Evaluation:
Compare the amount of people attending three classes a week before
the statistics roll out to at the end of the campaign after they roll out,
measuring them against the KPI
Objective 3
Tactic 1 :
Start a Referral Program
Strategy 1: Plan:
Use experiential marketing -For every person you refer who signs up for a mat package of class-
es, you get 10% off a mat package
through audience participation
Count how many people were referred to Move. and purchased a mat
Tactic 2:
Bingo (See Appendix F)
-5X5 card with free space in the middle
-Have to get a full line either horizontal, vertical and across (12 ways to
-Fill it with existing yoga and pilates classes
-Once you get a “bingo” you win studio credit (10% off of a single class,
or package; blackout = free class or 25% off a package
-Promote it on Social media
-Feature winners on Facebook page
-Buy branded stamp and print branded bingo cards
-Do this in June, Aug., Oct., Dec.
Count how many people achieve a bingo or blackout each month the
game is played
Tactic 3 :
Move. Maker’s
(See Objective 2)
Objective 1: Awareness
Parkolates 18.2 hours $121 -40 min per Parkolates event, for 6 events = 4 hours
-Organic social posting about an hour per week for 13 weeks = ~13 hours
-Word of mouth instruction in one class, once a week, for ~5 min, for 4 months
= 1.2 hours
-$1 a day on Facebook to promote, for 14 days (two weeks before each
event), for six events = $84
-Flyers at OhmFit Activewear = $36.50 at Office Depot (cost includes one
sided, color, cardstock, cut and ready, and tax at Office Depot)
Bike Race/ DBA 6 hours $688 -Downtown sponsorship for Bloomington Bike Race = $250
association -Table for booth = $42.28 from Walmart
-Banner for booth = $76.38 from CM Promotions
-Water bottle labels = $54.89 for 200 from
-6 32-pack Purelife water cases from Walmart = $25.97
-50 Schedule flyers = $36.77 from Office Depot
-Teal table cover from Walmart = $2.17
-The event is from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Downtown Bloomington Association = $200
Facebook Adver- N/A $400 Run 2 ads on Facbook from May-Dec. with a budget of $400
Flyers at OhmFit N/A $37 Keep schedule flyers at OhmFit Activewear for direct target marketing (cost
Activewear includes one sided, color, cardstock, cut and ready, and tax at Office Depot)
Objective 2: Attendance per week
Tactic 1: Imple- 90 hours N/A 3 hours per week from June-Dec.
ment Hatha yoga
class Sunday at
1 p.m., Tuesday
at 4:30 p.m. and
Friday at 4:30
Tactic 2: Post 8.5 hours N/A Post on Facebook every other week from May-Dec.
statistics on so-
cial media, and
website after
registering for a
Tactic 3: Move 3 hours 416.81 -For 10 small, 10 medium, and 10 large unisex shirts from CustomInk, including
Makers Program a rush fee it is $388.08 for the shirts ($11.76 each for 30)
-For 152 stamp cards (38 full pages) single-sided, color, cardstock, cut and
ready it is $28.73 from Office Depot
Appendix A
A content analysis comparing types of media
Move. Main Street Yoga Dailey Method Body of Bloomington
- Facebook
- Facebook
- Instagram - Facebook
- Instagram - Facebook
Social Media - LinkedIn - Instagram
- LinkedIn - Instagram
- Twitter - Twitter
- Twitter
Appendix A
A content analysis comparing types of scheduling
Note: Sched-
Move. Main Street Yoga Dailey Method Body of Bloomington
ule as of April
Noon 9 a.m.
5:30 p.m. 8 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
5 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Monday 6:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 4:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9.Schedule and Pricing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
10.Classes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
11.Class Schedule. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
12.Schedule. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
Appendix A
A content analysis comparing types of pricing
Move. Main Street Yoga Dailey Method Body of Bloomington
New Client New Student Discount New Client New member discount
- $30 for 3 mat class- - $20 for 3 classes - $75 for one month - $99 for 1 month un-
es unlimited limited
Drop In
Pilates and Yoga Mat - $15 Individual Class Membership Program
- $15 single - $20 - $110 for 12 month
- $70 for 5 classes 5 Class Package unlimited
- $125 for 10 classes - $50 5 Class Package - $140 for 6 month
- $90 unlimited
Equipment Classes 10 Class Package - $145 for 3 month
- $25 single - $90 10 Class Package unlimited
- $120 for 5 classes - $160 - $150 for 1 month
- $225 for 10 classes 15 Class Package unlimited
P - $120 Core Membership
r Private Training - $135 Single Class/Drop In
i - $40-$65 single Weekly Membership - $155 (includes - $16 per class/$15 in
c - $195-$320 for 5 - $25 childcare) cash
i sessions
n - $375-626 for 10 Full-Time Student Semester Unlimited Month Punch Cards
g sessions Membership - $175 - $45 for 3 classes
- $230 - $150 for 10 classes
5 Mat/ 5 Equipment Single Child Care (valid for one year)
- $185 Monthly - $4
- $80 Personal Training
10 Mat/ 10 Equip- 10 Pack Child Care - $40/half hour
ment Individual Membership - $35 - $60/hour
- $365 - $450 for 6 months - $350 for 10 half hour
- $864 for 12 months sessions
- $500 for 10 hour long
Family Membership sessions
- $140 per month
- $798 for 6 months Other monthly deals
- $1560 for 12 months on Facebook
9.Schedule and Pricing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
13.Pricing. (n.d.a). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
14.Pricing. (n.d.b). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
15.Pricing and Packaging. (n.d.). Retrieved April 08, 2016, from
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix C
Appendix C
Bloomington, Ill., June 1, 2016 — Move. Pilates & Yoga will be hosting a booth at the Bloomington
Criterium 2016 Bike Race on 11 am Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016. Move. will also be sponsoring the
event. The Race will take place throughout Downtown Bloomington, Illinois.
The Bloomington Criterium started its operations in 2013, bringing a competitive and en-
tertaining bike race event to the streets of Downtown Bloomington. The 2016 race will mark the
race’s fourth year, and is the third race within the 2016 Illinois State Championship series.
As one of the most popular events for the surrounding community, it is sure to be the highlight
of the summer. Move.’s booth will be located near the finish line offering tips on how stretch, infor-
mation about the studio and water.
Move. Pilates and Yoga is the only exclusive studio in the Bloomington, Illinois area to offer
both Pilates and Yoga. The studio also offers stand up paddle boarding classes in the summer on
a local lake. Owners, Georgia Thomson and Jennie Durchholz are dedicated to their practice and
strongly support the Downtown Bloomington area.
For further information on Move. Pilates & Yoga’s sponsorship or booth with The Bloomington
Criterium please contact Georgia Thomson at (309) 808-3302 or by email at Georgia@movepil-
Appendix C
The Bloomington Criterium hosts its annual bike race Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, in Downtown Blooming-
ton at 11 a.m. The event will consist of several racers and fans cheering them on. The event offers
several different sponsorship packages, and The Breakfast Club suggests that Move. goes forward
with the Downtown Business package. This sponsorship will feature Move’s. logo on all press releases
and event collateral, the event webpage, course banners, and more. The Bloomington Criterium has
also approved Move. for a booth toward the finish line at the corner of Market and Main Street. We
believe that this event will contribute to a high level of awareness for the studio. There will be a large
audience committed to fitness and among our target audience that could be interested in changing
up their routine. By being close to the finish line and passing out water bottles like the one we have
provided for you today, Move. will attract a large amount of the racers as well.
Booth will be set up at the corner of Market Street and Main Street by Wilson Cycle.
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016 at 11 a.m.
The sponsorship for the event and booth will be promoted through a press release, emailing clients,
and the Downtown Bloomington Association membership that we have proposed.
Objective 1:
Generate brand aware-
ness among young profes-
sionals ages 25-35 in the
Bloomington-Normal area by
15% by Dec. 31, 2016
For the booth we suggest to set up a table with a Move. banner hung across the front and pass out
disposable water bottles with Move. branded labels, and class schedules.
To attract potential clientele looking to switch up their fitness routine by creating brand recognition
with printed materials and water bottles.
Appendix D
Appendix D
Appendix E
Event Plan: Parkolates (Pilates in the Park)
Move. Pilates and Yoga will be hosting “Parkolates” at Clearwater Park on Saturday’s twice a
month from June to August. The event will consist of a 40 minute Pilates demo class meant to
increase awareness of the studio to draw in young professionals ages 25-35 in the Blooming-
ton-Normal area as new clients. Each event will be completely free with no donations accepted
due to Bloomington Parks & Recreation legislation. As the faces of the company, The Breakfast
Club suggests that Georgia Thomson and Jennie Durchholz teach the Parkolates classes to pres-
ent credibility and offer an emotional connection to potential clientele. Studio mats will be offered
at each event in case they are needed, and will need to be collected from each individual at the
end. Everyone will gather by the sand volleyball courts before 11 a.m. and walk together down the
hill to the large grassy opening. Each Parkolates event will run as scheduled as long as the weath-
er is permitting. After each event flyers with Move.’s schedule will be available to hand out.
Appendix E
Event Plan: Parkolates cont.
This event will be promoted through a variety of boosted and organic social media posts on Face-
book, direct target marketing with flyers at OhmFit Activewear, media relations, and word of mouth.
The budgetary costs for each promotional item are listed in bullet form below.
Appendix E
Event Plan: Parkolates cont.
The Breakfast Club has a goal of creating awareness among educated young professionals ages
25-35 in the Bloomington-Normal area who would be interested in becoming loyal clients at Move.
Pilates and Yoga. The Clearwater Park area consists of a concentrated demographic appealing
to this target market, making this location aspirational. The Parkolates event will help to fulfill the
goal of reaching out to new clients, and the specific objective is listed below.
Key Ideas
1. Parkolates will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday twice a month from
2. The event will take place at Clearwater Park, 2716 Clearwater Drive.
Objective 1: 3. Everyone will meet by the sand volleyball courts prior to the start
time and walk down the hill together
Generate brand awareness
among young professionals 4. Georgia Thomson and Jennie Durchholz will be the Pilates instruc-
ages 25-35 in the Blooming- tors
ton-Normal area by 15% by 5. Each event will last approximately 40 minutes as a demo.
December 31, 2016
6. Mats from the studio will be brought in case publics don’t have one,
and will need to collected at the end
To get people to go to the event, it will be framed with a a quirky and outgoing personality describ-
ing the first-of-its-kind event with quality instructors ready to bring the heat this summer. There will
be specific graphics made to promote Parkolates geared toward young professionals in the area.
Appendix E
Georgia Thomson
712 E. Empire St.
Bloomington, IL 61701
Alyssa Paldo
3131 N. University
Peoria, IL 61604
As co-owner of the upscale fitness studio Move. Pilates & Yoga located in Bloomington,
Illinois, I am pleased to bring to your attention our first ever summer event series that may be of
beneficial interest to your audience and our supporters through coverage on your station.
Since establishing the company in May of 2015, our focus has been to build strength, in-
ner peace and provide a personalized experience for all. Within the past year our company
has gained a strong clientele base of men and women between the ages of 25-65, much like that
Move. Pilates and Yoga will be heating up the summer with “Parkolates,” a free 40 minute
Pilates demo class taught by myself and fellow co-owner Jennie Durchholz, both highly certified
in the industry. The Pilates classes will be offered every Saturday at 11 a.m. starting in June and
ending in August, with the exception of Independence Day weekend in which no event will be held.
All Parkolates events will take place at family friendly Clearwater Park in Bloomington, Illinois, and
all levels are welcome as modifications will be provided. The studio is also providing mats!
At Move., we are positive that this will be the “can’t miss” series of the summer, and would
love to see you there. Please feel free to take advantage of this opportunity and attend a Parko-
lates class! For more information regarding this event contact me at 309-808-3302 or by email at
Georgia Thomson
Appendix E
BLOOMINGTON, Ill., April 26, 2016 — Move. Pilates & Yoga owners Georgia Thomson and Jennie
Durchholz are prepared to bring the heat this summer with their first ever Parkolates event series
located at family friendly Clearwater Park in Bloomington, Illinois.
The event will take place at the park every Saturday at 11 a.m. starting in June and ending
the last weekend in August, with the exception of Independence Day weekend. Each session will
consist of a free 40 minute Pilates demo class taught by the highly certified owners, offering mod-
ifications for all levels. The studio will also be graciously providing mats.
Parkolates is the can’t miss event series of the summer, bringing together the Blooming-
ton-Normal community through fitness. Those looking to attend should meet by the sand volleyball
courts next to the parking lot before each Pilates class.
Move. Pilates and Yoga is an upscale fitness studio located in Downtown Bloomington offer-
ing Pilates, yoga, private training and stand up paddleboarding (SUP). Move. builds strength, inner
peace, and a personalized experience with highly certified instructors.
For more information on this event please contact Georgia Thomson at 309-808-3302 or by
email at
Appendix E
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix G
Move. Makers
Move. Makers is an aspirational program focusing on transforming clients into dedicated and loyal
customers for Move. Pilates and Yoga. The program consists of a stamp card system, with cli-
ents getting a stamp for each session they attend within the same week (up to three per week).
The stamps only apply to either yoga or Pilates mat classes and three classes per week for four
consecutive weeks must be completed to receive the Move. Makers t-shirt and dedicated client
benefits. Benefits will increase with each full four-week card completion. After completing the
first consecutive card, every month after the client only needs to fulfill at least three out of the
four weeks. The program will start May and finish in December. Move. Makers will be launched at
the one-year anniversary to the most dedicated clientele offering a special one time deal on the
unlimited yearly package. The unlimited yearly package will be offered at a discounted $1,200 for
an entire year. Those who decide to commit to Move. for the year by buying the package will auto-
matically be a part of Move. Makers program and will receive a special t-shirt and the stamp card.
The purpose of the Move. Makers program is to increase the number of clients attending at least
three classes per week to help develop client retention for the studio. As well as increase the
number of participants within each class.
First completed four-week stamp card Move. Makers t-shirt, official member
Fourth completed four-week stamp card 10% off 10 mat package or 5% off 5 mat package
Appendix G
Move. Makers Program
A branded stamp card will be provided to those who want to participate. After attending a class, it
is up to the client to get the card stamped. The date will be stamped on each card to ensure ef-
fectiveness of the program and prevent attempts at working around the system. Once a client has
completed a card they will turn it in to Georgia Thomson or Jennie Durchholz who will keep track
of how many cards a client has completed through a simple excel document, as needed.
The cost of this program will include the price of the shirts, cost of the stamp cards, and the la-
bored time spent keeping track of the completed cards on the spreadsheet.
Shirts For 10 small, 10 medium, and 10 large (30 total) unisex shirts from CustomInk with a
one week rush in time for the anniversary it would be $388.08 ($11.76 each)
Stamp Cards For full color, single-sided, cut and ready stamp cards on cardstock with 4 on a page,
for 38 pages (152 total) it would be $28.73 at Office Depot (free in-store pick up)
Stamp The stamp will be the same stamp used for Bingo Bash. It is $5 from Michaels
Labored Time— To input names and completed cards or check Move. Makers status for a client it
should only take about one minute per client. Also, to post on social media about five
minutes per post. To put info on webpage about one hour. To have instructors speak in
class about 5 minutes once a week.
There are 4 key ideas for this program.
-Move. Makers is for Move.’s most dedicated clientele
-Move. Makers will launch at the one-year anniversary party offering a special deal
-The goal of the program is to increase attendance at mat classes per week
-Clients must attend three classes a week for four weeks for the first time, and at least
out of the four weeks every time after
The program will be promoted in a variety of ways.
-Facebook: Graphics and posts will be used to promote the event starting May 7
-Instagram: Graphics will be used to promote the event starting May
-Website: Put basic details about the program on the webpage
-Word of Mouth: Instructors will tell clients about the program at the end of classes
Appendix G
Appendix G
T- Shirt Design:
Appendix H
Email Interviews
April 8 Email Communication from Kelly Email Communication from Georgia
what would you say is the most popu- Happy Friday! Our biggest sellers (in order YTD) are:
lar package that Move. sells? -3/$30 Mat class (new client promotion)
-Individual/single Mat class
Thanks!, -5 Pack Equipment
-10 Pack Mat
Kelly Larson Let me know if you have any other questions.
A few more question, how many yoga • Liz is available early mornings 1 day/week, and an
instructors does Move. currently have, ocassional Sunday.
Do you happen to know their avail- • Eva has daytime availability M-F (early am-early PM
ability Monday through Sunday, and with the exception of Thursday after 4pm, and early am Tues/
are any of them trained in Hatha. Thursday). She is also available on Sunday’s after 12pm. She is
not currently available on Saturday.
Thank you again for the help, Liz & Eva are both able to lead a Hatha Yoga class
Appendix I
Appendix J
Social Media Plan
This plan includes the strategies and objectives to be used to accomplish the social media
goals identified by Move. Pilates and Yoga. The purpose of this plan is to assist the social media
responsibility in effectively using social media to promote the business and engage with publics.
Who We Are
Founded in May of 2015, Move. Pilates & Yoga is an upscale fitness studio located in Blooming-
ton, Illinois. With a multitude of exercise opportunities throughout the community, Move. Pilates
& Yoga is the only studio to offer Pilates, yoga, and stand up paddle boarding (SUP) classes in
the area. The Pilates instructors are professionally trained through Balanced Body, a nationally
recognized education program within the industry. The studio is based on a philosophy of provid-
ing extraordinary Pilates and Yoga experiences taught by professionals for a mindful movement
and a commitment to understanding what clients’ bodies are capable of while providing a safe,
quality environment where one can nurture their mind and challenge themselves.
-To build advocacy and engagement in the social space
-Young professionals ages 25-35
Move. Pilates and Yoga should portray a fun and engaging voice. Since Move. Pilates and Yoga
should be casual but remember when posting to be accurate, grammatically correct, and pre-
Appendix J
Tools Purpose Metrics for Success
Facebook Increase social media engage- Likes, comments, shares
ment, increase recognition
among new and existing
Twitter Interact, engage and inform new Followers, retweets, favorites
and existing clients
5. Action Plan
Appendix J
6.Monitoring and Moderating comments on Social Media
Comments should never be deleted unless individuals use profanity that directly threatens
someone or the organizations. When posts are deleted by the organization it looks bad and like
there is something to be hidden and that is unacceptable. Comments should be responded to
and thank the person and make them feel that the business values them. See example below
Abby: “Move. Pilates and Yoga posts way too many pictures and they are poor quality and
cropped from other sources where you can see the comments from Instagram”.
Possible Response: “Hello Abby, we are sorry you are experiencing this issue. Move. Pilates and
Yoga is resolving this issue to the best of our ability. Please email us if you have any more ques-
7. Do’s and DON’T’s of Social Media
Do’s Don’ts
Be selective Use “I” or “me”
Model good behavior Share sadness
Promote your business Share too much information
Be positive Neglect to proofread
Move toward face-to-face interaction Like own posts
Maintain accounts Rely on one social media platform
Be consistent Not respond to comments and interactions
Appendix J
Appendix J
Appendix J
Appendix J
Appendix J