Periodization For Optimizing Strength and Hypertrophy The Forgotten Variables
Periodization For Optimizing Strength and Hypertrophy The Forgotten Variables
Periodization For Optimizing Strength and Hypertrophy The Forgotten Variables
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Fisher et al. Periodization for optimizing strength and hypertrophy 11
EFFORT for all sets and exercises, and thus it could be reasonable to
A key aim of periodization is to manage or reduce the risk of assume that they trained to the same intensity of effort
overtraining through modification of variables over time 2. throughout the intervention. As such, perhaps the most poi-
However, whilst fatigue and recovery are usually discussed, it gnant variation between groups was the week’s active rest
is interesting that effort is not referred to. For example, (aerobic exercise on a cycle ergometer using a low resistance)
Williams, et al.3 repeatedly discussed training intensity in ref- for the PER group. The authors reported no significant
erence to the load (% 1-repetition maximum; RM) being used. between-group differences for strength increases for bench
It has been suggested that intensity might best be thought of as press and parallel squat 1RM. However, they speculated that
the effort applied, rather than the load used9 and further that the slope of improvement for the PRE group might be indica-
intensity actually refers to a measure of something and as such tive of overtraining toward the end of the intervention, and that
requires clarity (e.g., intensity of effort) when used, or should this might have been avoided in the PER group due to the peri-
be dropped from the lexicon when discussing RT10. The use of ods of active rest.
the term intensity in reference to load is a relatively common Other studies have reported similar decreases in progression
error in RT publications, however as Leo Tolstoy stated; throughout the duration of a continuous RT intervention when
“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share compared to groups performing non-continuous training. For
in it”.11 The maximal number of repetitions performed at the example, Ogasawara, et al.18 divided participants in to continu-
same relative load (% 1RM) shows considerable heterogeneity ous- (CTR) or non-continuous- training groups (RTR) for a
across the population, as well as variation between exercis- 15-week RT intervention. The CTR group trained for 15 weeks
es.12-14 Therefore, the effort required by an individual to com- without interval whilst the RTR group trained for 6 weeks,
plete a set number of repetitions at a particular relative load then rested for a 3-week detraining period, and then retrained
can differ between and even within individuals. As such, it has for a further 6-weeks. The authors reported greater increases in
been argued that, not only should the term intensity be avoided the CTR group for the first 6-weeks compared to the final
and instead load or effort simply used,10 but that effort should 6-weeks, whereas the RTR showed similar increases through
be considered with respect to proximity to momentary failure both 6-week phases. Both CTR and RTR groups showed simi-
and controlled by appropriate definition and applications of set lar increases in both strength (bench press 1RM) and muscle
endpoints15. It is worth noting, that, as Williams, et al.3 identify size of the triceps brachii (TB) and pectoralis major (PM) fol-
in the limitations of their meta-analysis, training to momentary lowing the 15-week intervention. In a later study Ogasawara,
failure versus non-failure might affect the adaptive response. If et al.19 repeated a similar research design across 24 weeks. The
this is the case then it seems folly to attempt to interpret the CTR group trained continuously for 24 weeks (3 sets of 10
impact of periodized RT approaches compared to non-peri- repetitions @ 75% 1RM, 3 days per week), whilst the periodic
odized RT approaches, or even one form of periodization com- re-training (RTR) group performed 3 cycles of 6 weeks of RT,
pared to another, where set end points and thus effort has not with 3-week detraining periods between training cycles. Their
been controlled between groups or conditions. Any differences results were similar to the previous study; following signifi-
could be confounded by the effects of different degrees of cant increases in the first 6 weeks, the rate of increase in both
effort. This is particularly relevant when avoiding overtraining, strength and muscle cross sectional area (CSA) of the TB and
since RT leading to failure considerably increases the time PM for the CTR group decreased throughout the intervention.
needed for the recovery of neuromuscular function and meta- In contrast the RTR group showed sustained increases across
bolic and hormonal homeostasis, even when compared to work the 3-week detraining/6-week retraining phases, ultimately
matched training not to failure.16 resulting in both groups showing similar increases in strength
and muscle CSA at the conclusion of the 24-week intervention.
DETRAINING PERIOD Additionally, Gentil et al.20 compared strength gains following
In the recent meta-analysis Williams, et al.3 stated “However, 20 sessions of continuous and periodic resistance training pro-
extended periods of training at a high intensity can greatly grams in 60 young women. One group performed two sessions
increase the risk of stagnation or overtraining”, citing Herrick per week for 10 weeks continuously, while the other trained
and Stone. 17 Herrick and Stone 17 compared previously for 5 weeks, detrained for 2 weeks and resumed training for 5
untrained females divided into one of two groups; either pro- weeks. According to the results, there was no significant dif-
gressive resistance exercise (PRE; 3 sets of 6RM for 15 ference on knee extensors and elbow flexors peak torque gain
weeks) or periodized resistance exercise (PER; 8 weeks of 3 between groups.
sets using 10RM, 2 weeks of 3 sets using 4RM and 2 weeks of It is noteworthy that none of this research considering
3 sets using 2RM, with 1 week of active rest between each detraining periods18-20 was included in the meta-analysis by
cycle). Both groups performed the bench press, lat pulls, Williams, et al.3 or discussed the systematic review by Grgic,
behind-the-neck seated press, parallel squat, leg curl, and leg et al.1 In this sense, it appears that authors have defined peri-
extension. Herrick and Stone17 reported that both groups had odized training by its variation purely in load and repetitions,
their loads “prescribed and adjusted to ensure that the princi- rather than considering training/detraining/retraining periods.
ples of PRE and PER were being followed” (page 73), and also Since this appears to be the variable that determines a sus-
that the Borg’s rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale was tained increase throughout an intervention, and the reason why
used to record ‘intensity’. Notably, both groups trained to RM Herrick and Stone17 reported a change in the slope of adapta-
12 Journal of Trainology 2018;7:10-15
tion, it seems that this might be an important variable for con- are similar irrespective of load and VOL-L. It may be that the
sideration. It should be noted that, though there were differenc- relatively low frequency of training (twice per week) in this
es between the continuous and non-continuous groups in slope study meant that the potentially negative effects of greater
of improvements at different time points in the aforementioned VOL-L from training with lighter loads was inconsequential.
studies,17-20 it is naïve to assume that the rate of improvement As such, we should be cautious to prescribe increased volumes
over these short periods is in anyway indicative of what the and/or frequencies in combination with reductions in training
slopes of improvement may look like over a longer period of loads to a high degree of effort (e.g. to momentary failure), in
time. The simple fact of the matter is that we do not know the an effort to decrease training-related stress and reduce the risk
degree to which the continued manipulation in any RT variable of overtraining. The evidence suggests that reduction in load
over extended periods of time might affect slope of change for may serve to increase VOL-L and catalyze undesirable (and in
any outcome variable. fact, opposing) physiological responses (i.e., increasing BLa
The consideration of detraining periods is likely complex and cortisol). Again though, we would point out the lack of
and dependent upon interindividual responses to RT. However, long term data suggesting this is indeed the case i.e. that adap-
the evidence presented suggests that short-term (e.g. ≤ tations to training will differ over longer periods of time in
3-weeks) detraining periods might present a useful opportunity response to the manipulation of either load, repetitions, or fre-
to allow recovery from training stress without a fear of losing quency.
strength and muscle mass that cannot be recovered. Indeed, The general belief is that periodization would be beneficial
over the time course of an intervention (e.g. 10-24 weeks), the because the alternation between periods of intensive training
data suggests that strength and hypertrophy increases are simi- with recovery would promote supercompensation, leading to
lar irrespective of detraining periods. increased results. Based on this, it is usually hypothesized that
larger performance increments would be observed after reduc-
VARIATION IN LOAD ing training stress in those who experienced overreaching
Since variations in load and/or repetitions seem to be the compared with those who did not.24 However, the efficiency of
defining characteristics of periodization (see above), at least in this practice has been challenged in a recent study. Aubry et
most authors minds, it is worth discussing the practicality of al.24 reported that triathletes that showed symptoms of over-
reducing the load used in a RT programme. This might serve to training did not show signs of supercompensation during a
increase the number of repetitions possible; however, in doing taper period; moreover, increases in performance were more
so a personal trainer or strength coach has not guaranteed a evident in people that consistently reported positive results in
reduction in effort as this is primarily determined by proximity comparison to those with signs of overreaching. This brings
to momentary failure14. And in fact, he or she might have into question if it is necessary to alternate cycles of stress and
increased the relative discomfort, possible muscle damage, and recovery or simply train with an optimal combination of inten-
required recovery time. Our recent article21 comparing heavy- sity, volume and recovery. In agreement with this, some stud-
(HL) and light-load (LL) RT showed similar increases in iso- ies have shown that periodization showed inferior25 or similar26
metric strength where effort was matched through training to results to approaches involving constant training planned to
momentary failure (confirmed by assessment of RPE). increase specific performance without inducing excessive
However, greater values were reported for measures of dis- fatigue and overreaching. Therefore, discussing the effects of
comfort for LL compared to HL. In this sense, whilst reducing periodization without considering the adequacy of the training
the load during a training programme might be performed with regimens (i.e. its potential to induce overtraining/overreach-
the intention of reducing the effort and/or risk of overtraining, ing) might be misleading.
this might not be achieved, and in fact as a product of the like- In consideration of maximal strength, Mattocks, et al.27
ly greater number of repetitions might produce conflicting recently demonstrated that performing low-volume single
results. maximal efforts (5 repetitions), described as “practicing the
Lower loads inherently result in greater volume-loads (e.g. test”, produced similar increases in maximal strength to a more
load x repetitions x sets; VOL-L) being performed when they traditional (hypertrophy) resistance training programme (4 sets
are continued to momentary failure. Genner and Weston 22 of 8-12RM to volitional failure). Whilst the hypertrophy group
assessed VOL-L and physiological responses to decreasing showed greater increases in muscle hypertrophy, and the study
training loads (55%, 70% and 85% 1RM). They reported considered untrained participants – which would show greater
increasing VOL-L as well as BLa and cortisol with decreasing increases in strength for both groups compared to trained per-
training loads. In a further study, Steele, et al.23 reported larger sons, it suggests that a low-volume, skill specific approach to
weekly VOL-L for a light-load group performing 2 sets of RT can be efficacious for maximal strength increases. Indeed,
12-15RM to momentary failure compared to a heavy-load other authors have also recently highlighted the importance of
group performing 3 sets of 4-6RM to momentary failure (LL = specificity in maximal strength development as a result of load
1142.4 ± 341.8 kg, HL = 696.4 ± 216.5 kg). Both groups and skill acquisition.28,29 As such, whilst RT at submaximal
trained twice per week for 9 weeks and analyses revealed simi- loads might be useful for strength and hypertrophic adapta-
lar increases in maximal strength (bench press 1RM) and abso- tions, it seems reasonable to suggest that in preparation for a
lute muscular endurance (number of repetitions @ 70% 1RM single event (e.g. a powerlifting competition) a person should
for bench press). These studies suggest that strength increases be optimising specific adaptation. For muscular hypertrophy,
Fisher et al. Periodization for optimizing strength and hypertrophy 13
differing recommendations might exist. For example, research ceased training altogether.37 From a practical perspective, the
has suggested that muscle growth is similar when training with benefits of supervision for RT adaptations are evident. As
heavier and lighter loads,28,30 however, if metabolic stress is such, powerlifters and/or bodybuilders looking to optimise
truly a driving force in muscle hypertrophy31 then periods of strength or hypertrophic responses to RT should consider the
lighter-load resistance training to momentary failure might be potential advantages of being coached/supervised throughout
purposeful if performed using appropriate frequencies or in their program. Indeed, the addition of a training partner might
coordination with successive detraining periods to allow serve the same role with similar benefits and future research
recovery and avoid overtraining. should consider this possibility.
strength or any other outcome can adapt as such either. In fact, modality during additional “high-intensity interval training” on aerobic
fitness and strength in powerlifting and strongman athletes. J Strength
the effects of variation in RT variables upon strength may
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