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Smcoad Newsletter - Summer 2018

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Southern Maine

Community Organizations
Active in Disaster
Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2018

• Board News
Brochure, Business
Card, and Logo Refresh;
Planning for Future
• Upcoming Events
Foster Grandparents
Conference, Sea Dogs
Game, Scarborough
• Membership News
May Meeting Review
• Preparedness Points
Prepare for Hurricane

SMCOAD always has a great time at the Sea Dogs! Join us at the game on August 1 this year!

Board News Upcoming Events

Brochure, Business Card, and Logo Refresh Foster Grandparents’ Conference, 7/11
Thanks to the professional skills of a local graphic SMCOAD is pleased to have been invited
designer, Bert Follansbee, SMCOAD has some to present at an upcoming conference for
updated marketing and outreach materials in the Foster Grandparent volunteers through The
works. We appreciate the opportunity to refresh Opportunity Alliance. We plan to use this event to
our image and hopefully attract more potential introduce attendees to SMCOAD, review general
supporters. Keep an eye out for our new look! preparedness information, and possibly partner
Planning for Future Expenses with another organization to provide additional
training or resources to the group.
At its June meeting, SMCOAD Board members
discussed upcoming grant opportunities and the SMCOAD at the Sea Dogs, 8/1
purchases we would prioritize with grant funds. We Prepare for another fun time at
identified two branded give-away items (whistle the ballpark! Join SMCOAD on
light keychains and drawstring bags for holding Wednesday, August 1 at 7pm
go-kit supplies) as well as brochure stands. We when the Portland Sea Dogs
also anticipate using funds for printing costs and take on the Erie SeaWolves.
outreach event registration fees.
Thanks to generous support
from U.S. Cellular, SMCOAD members will be
Contact SMCOAD staffing a community table in the concourse
and providing preparedness information and
P.O. Box 7192 materials to individuals and families attending
Scarborough, ME 04070 the game. Stop by and say hi!
southernmainecoad@gmail.com Tickets can be purchased in advance online here.
Upcoming Events (Cont.) Membership News (Cont.)
Scarborough SummerFest, 8/17 May Membership Meeting, Continued

Plan to visit the SMCOAD table at Lessons Learned

Scarborough SummerFest on Friday, 1. Manage expectations both internally and
August 17, beginning at 5pm. (Rain externally. Make sure that we are communicating
dates are Saturday or Sunday, August what we can provide in times of disaster, what
18 or 19, at the same time.) supports we have available, and how we facilitate
Grab your family and friends for a fun evening of our clients’ recovery.
free entertainment, games, food, 5k Run/Walk and 2. Communication! Communication is still the
Kids Race, and more! Festivities begin at the Clifford key to any successful operation. Ensuring that
Mitchell (High School) Sports Complex at 5pm and information that is coming from the top flows
end with a spectacular fireworks display around down and back up.
9:15pm. Find us sharing community preparedness
3. Define recovery. A lot of people in the community
information near the public safety display. Stop by
want to help following a disaster which is great.
and say hello!
However, we need to be sure that we are working
with clients to create a recovery plan, not just
Membership News giving away resources. We also need to teach
them how to use these resources.
May Membership Meeting
4. Partnerships are SO IMPORTANT. There is NO
On Thursday, May 3, SMCOAD members and organization in the world that can meet every
interested community members attended a client’s needs on its own! We count on our
Membership Meeting at York County Emergency relationships with our partners to fill in the gaps.
Management Agency in Alfred. Aly Finn, Senior We must ensure that we are making strong
Disaster Program Manager from the American Red relationships in time of steady state.
Cross of Maine, was our featured presenter.
5. Show appreciation. Remember to thank those
During the last hurricane with whom you are working alongside. Saying
season, Aly was given the “thank you” can go a long way!
opportunity to deploy to
South Florida in response
to Hurricane Irma. She
shared that she was in
South Florida for over a
month playing two roles,
the District 2 Deputy
Director and the District
2 Shelter Coordinator. In
the Shelter Coordinator
role, which called for 95% Become a Member of SMCOAD
of her attention, she was responsible for over 75
evacuation shelters and over 120,000 clients. It was Organizations and individuals interested in
her responsibility to ensure that Shelter Managers community disaster preparedness efforts in York
were supported and had the resources that they and Cumberland counties should consider becoming
needed to successfully do their job. a member of SMCOAD. Members receive training,
share resources, connect with other organizations,
Aly shared several of her many learnings from the and attend at least two membership meetings
experience, specifically in relation to large scale per year. Email southernmainecoad@gmail.com to
sheltering operations. be notified about our next membership meeting.
Preparedness Points
Prepare for Hurricane Season • Move to higher
ground if there is
Hurricanes are massive storm systems that form
flooding or a flood
over warm ocean waters and move toward land.
Potential threats from hurricanes include powerful
• Turn Around Don’t
winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, coastal and inland
flooding, rip currents, tornadoes, and landslides.
• Never walk or drive
The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to
on flooded roads
November 30.
or through water.
• Call 9-1-1 if you are in life-threatening danger.
Did you know?
• Hurricanes can happen along any U.S. coast
Be Safe After a Hurricane
or in any territory in the Atlantic or Pacific
• Return to the area only after authorities say it
is safe to do so.
• Hurricanes affect areas more than 100 miles
• Do not enter damaged buildings until they
are inspected by qualified professionals.
• Hurricanes are most active in September.
• Never walk or drive on flooded roads or
through floodwaters.
Prepare Now
• Look out for downed or unstable trees, poles,
• Sign up for
and power lines.
local alerts
• Do not remove heavy debris by yourself.
and warnings.
Wear gloves and sturdy, thick-soled shoes to
Monitor local
protect your hands and feet.
news and
• Do not drink tap water unless authorities say
weather reports.
it is safe.
• Prepare to
evacuate by
testing your
plan(s), learning evacuation routes, having a
place to stay, and packing a “go bag.”
• Stock emergency supplies.
• Protect your property by installing sewer
backflow valves, anchoring fuel tanks,
reviewing insurance policies, and cataloging
• Collect and safeguard critical financial,
medical, educational, and legal documents
and records.

Survive During a Hurricane

• Follow guidance from local authorities.
Visit ready.gov/hurricanes for additional tips and
• If advised to evacuate, grab your “go bag”
and leave immediately.
• For protection from high winds, stay away
from windows and seek shelter on the lowest
level in an interior room.

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