Silva 2004
Silva 2004
Silva 2004
75 (2004) 583–590
The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of Zn(S2CNR2)2 com-
plexes (R=CH3, C2H5 and n-C3H7) were determined with the dynamic thermogravimetric method.
Superimposed TG/DTG/DSC curves show that thermal decomposition reactions for chelates with
R=C 2H5 and n-C3H7 occur in the liquid phase, at temperatures far away from their melting points,
whereas for the complex with R=CH3 the thermal decomposition begins at a temperature closer to its
melting point, suggesting a rather complex decomposition mechanism.
The thermal decomposition mechanism of solid dialkyldithiocarbamates [M(CS2CNR2)n;
M=metal] shows a particular behavior: differently from most solid metal complexes that
decompose in the solid phase, metal dialkyldithiocarbamates decompose in the liquid
phase at temperatures far away from their melting points [1–3].
In the present work the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the thermal
decomposition of Zn[S2CN(CH3)2]2, Zn[S2CN(C2H5)2]2 and Zn[S2CN(n-C3H7)2]2
were determined using a non-isothermal method.
Zn(II) dialkyldithiocarbamate complexes were synthesized from direct reaction of
ZnCl2 with appropriated dialkylammonium compounds in acetone, as described in
more detail elsewhere [4–7].
After purification, the complexes were vacuum dried and characterized by dif-
ferent techniques, such as melting point determination, thermal analysis (TG, DTG
and DSC), infrared spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy and elemental analysis.
The melting points were obtained with a Microquimica equipment model
MQAPF 301 and a differential scanning calorimeter Shimadzu-model DSC-50. The
infrared spectra, in the 4000–400 cm–1 region, were obtained with a Bomem spec-
trometer, model MB-102; samples were mixed with KBr and pressed to form pellets.
Mass spectra were obtained with a Varian (model MAT 311) spectrometer, at ioniza-
tion energy of 70 eV. The elemental analysis for C, H and N were performed with a
Perkin Elmer CHN analyzer, model PE 2400.
The dynamic thermogravimetric curves were obtained in a Shimadzu Thermo-
balance model TGA-50, under nitrogen atmosphere, at 50 mL min–1 carrier gas flow
and initial sample masses 5.0±0.7 mg, in the range of 25–500°C, with heating rates of
5, 10 and 15°C min–1.
Melting temperatures/°C
Conventional method DSC
Zn[S2CN(CH3)2]2 252.7–253.0 253.4
Zn[S2CN(C2H5)2]2 178.8–180.6 180.6
Zn[S2CN(n-C3H7)2]2 113.5–115.5 114.5
The elemental compositions (Table 3) are in agreement with expected data from
stoichiometric formulae of the complexes.
The mass spectra data for all complexes were obtained with sample insertion by
direct probe injection. The intensities of molecular ions [ML2]+ and the loss of ligand
molecules suggest the following order of stability:
Thermal behavior
The superimposed TG/DTG curves presented similar shapes with a single step corre-
spondent to decomposition of ligand. The mass loss was calculated stoichiometrically
(Table 4). The superimposed TG/DTG/DSC curves of Zn[S2CN(C2H5)2]2 and
Zn[S2CN(n-C3H7)2]2 complexes suggested thermal decomposition beginning in the liq-
uid phase and for Zn[S2CN(CH3)2]2 complex suggested thermal decomposition begin-
ning in the solid phase, at a temperature close to the melting point, followed by an ex-
pressive amount of decomposition occurring in the liquid phase.
According to the beginning temperature of the decomposition of complexes the
following order of thermal stability may be proposed:
curve shows two peaks which are attributed to the thermal decomposition of
Zn[S2CN(CH3)2]2, as discussed above.
g (α ) AR E
ln = ln – (1)
T 2
where T accounts for absolute temperature, E – apparent activation energy, A – pre-
exponential factor, R – gas constant, Φ – heating rate and g(α) – kinetic model.
The kinetic model that best fitted the experimental curves was the one-dimen-
sional phase-boundary controlled model (R1), within the range of decomposed frac-
tion 0.95≥α≥0.15.
with correlation coefficients equal or better than 0.999, while the HM and VK ap-
proach methods showed kinetic parameter values somewhat higher than those for CR
and MD methods, due to different mathematical treatment (Tables 5–8).
Thermodynamic parameters
The thermodynamic activation parameters for the zinc(II) chelates (Table 9) were es-
timated according to the Coats–Redfern equation, applied in the determination of ki-
netic model, and the following expressions:
∆H # = E – RTs (2)
∆S # =R ln –1 (3)
∆G # =∆H # – Ts ∆S # (4)
where ∆H# – activation enthalpy, ∆S# – activation entropy, ∆G# – Gibbs activation free
energy, h – Planck constant, k – Boltzmann constant and Ts – observed peak temperature.
The thermal decomposition of the complexes Zn[S2CN(CH3)2]2, Zn[S2CN(C2H5)2]2
and Zn[S2CN(n-C3H7)2]2 occurs in a single step, following the same phase boundary
reaction of the unidimensional R1 model, at temperatures far from their characteristic
melting points, except for the methyl compound that decomposes only partially in the
solid phase. The estimated thermodynamic activation parameters indicate the occur-
rence of an irreversible thermal decomposition through an endothermic process, and
a better molecular orientation in the activated state.
* * *
The authors acknowledge CAPES and CNPq Foundations (Brazil) for scholarships and financial
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