Daftar Pustaka: Sciences. Vol. 8. Pages 59-61
Daftar Pustaka: Sciences. Vol. 8. Pages 59-61
Daftar Pustaka: Sciences. Vol. 8. Pages 59-61
1. Djuanda S, Sulasrito SA. 2015. Varisela. Dalam: Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan
Kelamin Edisi ke-VII. Jakarta: FK UI. Halaman 128-131
2. Soedarmo SSP dkk. 2012. Varisela. Dalam: Buku Ajar Infeksi dan Pediatri
Tropis Edisi Kedua. Jakarta: UKK Infeksi dan Penyakit Tropis IDAI. Halaman
3. Kementerian Kesehatan RI. 2013. Buku Saku Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu Di
Fasilitas Kesehatan Dasar Dan Rujukan. Jakarta : Kementerian Kesehatan RI.
Halaman 184
4. National Centre For Immunisation Research and Surveillance. 2015. Varicella-
Zoster (Chickenpox) Vaccine For Australian Children. Fact Sheet.
5. Ayoade F, Gossman W. 2018. Varicella (Chickenpox) Zoster. National Center
Of Biotegnology Information.
6. Goldsmith L.A, Katz S.I, et all. 2012. Fitz Patrick’s Dermatology in General
Medicine. NewYork: Medical Publishing Division. Halaman 3388-3410
7. Kumar SP dkk. 2013. Varicella Zoster Virus-Its Pathogenesis, Latency and Cell
Mediated Immunity. Departement of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal.
Vol. 4, No. 2 July – Desember 2013. Pages 360-363
8. Nussbam, R. 2014. Theories on Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation Based on
Shingles Pattern. The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and
Sciences. Vol. 8. Pages 59-61
9. Abraham, M. Rudolph. 2014. Cacar Air. Dalam: Duku Ajar Pediatri
Rudolph. Edisi 20 Vol. 1. Jakarta: EGC. Halaman 765-767
10. Gershon AA, Gershon MD. 2013. Pathogenesis and Current Approaches to
Control of Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections Volume 26 Number 4. Departments
of Pediatrics and Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University College of
Physicians and Surgeons, New York.
11. Alberta Health. 2014. Varicella (Chickenpox). Public Health Notifiable Disease
Management Guidelines.
12. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. 2015. Varicella : Epidemiology and
Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 13th Edition.