DBP Vs Ca 449 SCRA 57
DBP Vs Ca 449 SCRA 57
DBP Vs Ca 449 SCRA 57
Held: HELD: No. DBP MRI Pool is not liable. Though the
No. Article 1897 provides that an agent who acts power to approve the insurance is lodged to the
as such is not personally liable to party with pool, the DBP MRI Pool did not approve the
whom he contracts except when (1) he expressly application of the deceased. There was no
binds himself to the obligation and (2) when he perfected contract between the insurance pool
exceeded his authority. The Deed of Assignment and Mr. Dans.
clearly states that respondent Edwin Cuizon DBP was wearing two legal hats: as a
signed as the sales manager of Impact Systems. lender and insurance agent. As an insurance
agent, DBP made believed that the family
DBP vs CA already fulfilled the requirements for the said
449 SCRA 57 insurance although DBP had a full knowledge
that the application would never be approved.
FACTS: Juan B. Dans, 76 years of age, together DBP acted beyond the scope of its authority for
with his family, applied for a loan worth Php 500, accepting applications for MRI. If the third
000 at the Development Bank of the Philipppines person who contracted is unaware of the
on May 1987. The loan was approved by the authority conferred by the principal on the agent
bank dated August 4, 1987 but in the reduced and he has been deceived, the latter is liable for
amount of Php 300, 000. Mr. Dans was advised damages. The limits of the agency carries with it
by DBP to obtain a mortgage redemption
the implication that a deception was
perpetrated—Articles 19-21 come into play.