(COA Memorandum No, 92-751 dated February 24, 1992)
1. The basic notice of loss to be filed immediately after the discovery of the loss and the
request for relief from accountability which should be filed by the proper accountable
officer within the reglementary period of 30 days from the occurrence of the loss, with
the Auditor concerned or the Commission, as the case may be.
1.1 In case of delay in the filing of the aforesaid notice and request, satisfactory
explanation or the reason(s) for such delay should be submitted
1.2 If the occurrence of the loss has also been reported to other police agencies, like
the NBI, CIS, etc. the progress/initial investigation report thereon should be
2. Affidavit or Swom Statement of the proper accountable officer on the facts and
circumstances surrounding the said loss, supported by the Affidavit of two (2)
disinterested persons who have personal knowledge of such faet/loss
_A~ Comment and/or recommendation of the Agency Head concerned on the request
4. Exact or accurate amount of government cash or book value of the property subject of the
request for relief
5. Property Acknowledgment Receipt (PAR)/Memorandum Receipts (MR) covering the
properties subject of the request, if any
6. Report of Lost, Stolen, Damaged or Destroyed Property
Additionally, in case of the following incidents/occurrence:
1. The progress and/or final report of the local Police/Fire Department or Station on the
2. List or inventory of burned or destroyed properties as well as use properties retrieved
after the fire, stating therein the acquisition cost/book value of each item;
3. Authenticated picture(s) showing the site/office or government properties razed by the
4. Fire insurance policy, if any, covering subject property. If the property is insured,
information as to whether or not the Agency concemed has already been paid the
proceeds of the said insurance policy should be secured and, if so, evidence to this effect
should be submitted. If the property has not been insured, reasons to this effect should be
1. Progress and/or Final Police report on the theft or robbery case.
In cases of theft or robbery including with force upon things (destruction of
Padlocks, doors, window jalousies, etc.), information as to whether or not the
premises of the government Agency or office concemed are manned by security
guards. If so, the respective Sworn Statements or Affidavits of the guards
respecting the incident should be obtained and submitted.
A certified copy of the contract of security/services entered into by and between
the government office and the security agency should also be submitted.
If the Security Guard(s) is found to be negligent in the premises, a
recommendation to the agency Head should be made that appropriate action be
instituted to enforce the civil liability of the security guard and/or security agency
In cases of theft or robbery/hold-up of government cashvfunds to be deposited
with or withdrawn from a depository bank, information as to whether or not the
Proper accountable officer was escorted by a policeman or security guard should
also be submitted, to the negative, explanation to this effect should be submitted
Detailed list of government properties lost or destroyed as well as those properties
retrieved after the robbery incident disclosing the book value of each item or exact
amount of government money/cash involved,
3. Authenticated picture(s) taken relative to the robbery or theft incident.
Detailed list/inventory of lost or destroyed government properties ot lost cash, as well as
those properties retrieved after the calamity
Certification of the proper official of the local PAGASA or other similar govemment
Agency on the actual occurrence of the calamity specifying therein the approximate or
exact time the incident happened and the areas or places affected thereby.
1. Certificate of Death of the large cattle issued by proper official
2. Autopsy report of the proper Veterinarian.