Suite 1102, Ermita Center Building
1350 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Manila 1000
No: 6
Series of 2016
Pursuant to its power to supervise law schools under Section 7(b) of Republic Act
No. 7662, otherwise known as the Legal Education Reform Act of 1993, the Legal
Education Board (LEB) hereby promulgates the following policies and regulations on the
reportorial requirements of law schools:
1. Policy and Rationale ~ To improve the quality of legal education, it is necessary to
gather complete, accurate and reliable baseline data. This is to ensure that policies
which are responsive to the conditions and needs of Philippine legal education
institutions are formulated to increase the effectiveness of the enforcement of
standards in relation to the administration of legal education and monitoring of law
schools. To this end, the LEB institutes a Law Schoo! Information reportorial system
that all law schools shall comply with.
2. Reportorial Requirement — Beginning in the Second Semester of the
‘Academic/School year 2016-2017, all aw schools shall submit to the LEB a Law
School Information Report (IIR) containing the following information within the
indicated period:
Information Cluster Information ‘Submission
‘A. HEI General Information | 1. Complete corporate name of | Not later than 45 days
the Higher Education Institution | from start of the First
(HEN) Semester/Term
2. Complete address of HEI
3. Academic Administrators
3.1. HEI President
3.2, HEI Registrar
4, Contact data:
4.1, HEI institutional landline
telephone and facsimile
4.2. HEI institutional electronic.
mail address
B, Law Schoal General T. Name ofthe law school unit _| Not later than 45 days
Information 2. Complete address of the law —_| from start of the First
school ‘Semester/Term
3. Contact data:
3.1 Landline telephone and
eefacsimile numbers of the
law school
41.1. Institutional electronic mail
address of the law school
Law dean
2.4. Complete name
2.2. Appointment date as law
2.3. Highest academic degree
attained in legal education,
date conferred, and name
and address of granting
2.4, Personal mobile telephone
number and electronic
mail address
C. Program Information
. Legal education programs
2.1, LEB approval date
2.2. School year implemented
2.3. Total academic load, but
excluding units of non-law
subjects imposed as
institutional requirement
3.1, Government Recognition
3.2. Granting agency
3.3. Year issued
Delivery schedule
Beginning and ending date of
academic year
Schedule of classes per year
level and _block/section
(subjects, academic weights,
class. days and hours, and
Not later than 45 days
from start of the First
Tuition fee rates
Other school fees
(miscellaneous, laboratory and
other fees)
‘Schoo! year when school fees
were last adjusted/increased
Not later than 45 days
from start of the
E. Students Profile
Number of enrolled students
broken down according to:
Year levels
Transferees admitted
Gender (male or female)
Full-time and working students
Scholars per year level
Wot later than 45 days
from start of the First
F. Law Faculty Profile | Information on the Taw faculty, | Not later than 45 days
consisting of the following: from start of the First
= Complete names of law | Semester/Term
+ Roll number
+ Gender distribution
‘+ Employment status in the HE!
* Highest law degree obtained,
year of graduation and granting
+ Teaching load, and law practice |
experience related to teaching
G. Faculty Development [Information on faculty | Not later than 45 days
development activities undertaken | from start of the First
jin the preceding semester/term, | Semester/Term
consisting of the following
+ Activity title
* Subject matter of training,
+ Number of training hours
+ Number of participating active
law faculty members
Form — The LSIR shall be submitted using the form to be prescribed for the purpose by the
LEB Chairman, and shall be co-signed under oath by the law school dean and
university/college president.
Filing ~The LSIR shall be filed with the LEB at its office address either by personal delivery, or
through registered mail or courier service. The LSIR may also be required to be filed in
digital/electronic copy by electronic mail provided that the sender shall use the institutional
electronic mail address of the law school supplied to the LEB and is accompanied by a sworn
certification co-signed by the law school dean and the college/university president that
tthe print and digital/electronic versions are identical. LSIR submitted with incomplete or
missing information shall not deemed filed.
Updating — In case of any change in the information contained in the LSIR filed, it shall be the
obligation of the law school to update its information with the LEB by submitting an LSIR
Update Report within thirty (30) days from any such change.
Non-Filing - The processing of - (i) LEB Certifications, (i) curriculum changes, (ii) document
authentication, (iv) accreditations, (v) establishment of extension class or branch, and other
transactions of a law school shall be deferred until it files the required LSIR for the applicable
Penal Clause ~ Violation of this Memorandum Order shall be penalized by the sanctions
provided under Section 22 of LEB Memorandum Order No. 2, Series of 2013, and/or fine of
‘One Hundred Pesos (P100) per day of delay,
Transitory Provision ~ The LSIR for the Second Semester of AY 2016-2017 shall be submitted
not later than February 28, 2017.
——— ae