Garden College Unit Planner: (From Year Band Description)
Garden College Unit Planner: (From Year Band Description)
Garden College Unit Planner: (From Year Band Description)
Duration: 10 weeks Teaching Staff: Edma Kassouf Australian Curriculum Version: v8.3
Contexts of interaction
Learners use Arabic in the classroom and in their extended social space, such as family, neighbourhood and the community, for a growing range of purposes, for example, exchanging
information, expressing ideas and feelings, and responding to experiences. They are able to work more independently, but also enjoy working collaboratively in pairs and in groups. They
explore cultural aspects of communication, and use information and communications technologies (ICT) to support and enhance their learning.
Level of support
While learners work both independently and collaboratively at this level, ongoing support and feedback are incorporated into task activities such as the production of written texts.
Support includes the provision of models, scaffolds, stimulus materials, and resources such as word charts, vocabulary lists and dictionaries.
Content Descriptions:
(Choose from Australian Curriculum Strands)
Communicating Skills: (What are students expected to be able to do?) Knowledge and Understanding: (What are students expected to know and understand?)
Convey ideas and information on topics of interest and aspects of culture in different Explore the origins of Arabic and how it has been influenced by and influences other
formats for audiences (ACLARC141) languages (ACLARU152)
Create and perform imaginative texts in print, digital or online formats, such as songs,
stories, video clips or short plays, based on a stimulus, concept or theme (ACLARC143)
Translate and interpret texts from Arabic into English and vice versa for peers, family and
community, and identify words and expressions that may not readily correspond across
the two languages (ACLARC144)
Produce bilingual texts and resources such as displays, instructions and newsletters for
own learning and for the school community, identifying cultural terms in either language
to assist meaning (ACLARC145)
Reflect on their experiences of interacting in Arabic- and English-speaking contexts,
discussing adjustments made when moving between languages (ACLARC146)
Reflect on how own biography, including family origins, traditions and beliefs, impacts on
identity and communication (ACLARC147)
Students identify the role of vowels in softening and extending sounds and apply writing conventions to own constructions. They distinguish between the structure and features of
different types of spoken and written Arabic texts and identify ways in which audience, context and purpose influence language choices and the form of Arabic used. They provide
examples of how language use and ways of communicating vary according to the relationship between participants and the purpose of the exchange, for example, اإلسمية:أنواع الجمل
والفعلية؛ التداد يف بعض العبارات؛ طول الجمل والفواصل الشفهية فيها. They identify how languages influence one another, including the influence of indigenous languages of the Arabic-speaking world
and regional languages such as Aramaic, Syriac, Phoenician, Persian, Kurdish and Turkish on Arabic, for example األبجدية؛ المفردات المستعارة؛ أصل الكلمات. They give examples of how language
use reflects particular value systems, attitudes and patterns of behaviour across cultures.
Other Evidence of Learning: (may include major formative learning tasks, rubrics, formal Assessment Task(s): (Summative tasks that cater for students across the full range of
and informal feedback, student self-assessment, anecdotal notes, observations) abilities)
A direct feedback is given to the students regarding their work in the class. Also, the Reading20%
students receive feedback regarding their homework. Alphabets with the short sounds
The family members, shapes, and feelings
Regular assessment through questions and activities such as exit card is held at the end of Speaking & Listening 20%
the learning session. Introducing themselves
Introducing their family members
Telling about their feelings
Writing 20%
Letters at the beginning, middle and end of the word
The family members, shapes, and feelings
Project 20%
Drawing their family and labelling it.
Homework 15%
Writing the words in their exercise books
(What materials do we need to help us plan and teach this topic?)
Worksheets prepared by the teacher, related to the topic.
Videos from YouTube
Exercise books
القراءة المشوقة
العربية ربي يديك
Flash Cards
Teaching and Learning Sequence (How will the learning tasks be sequenced?) Differentiation: Adjustments for Needs of Learners (How will specific
learning needs of individual students be catered for?)
(This may be week by week) The required materials and the product will be differentiated to match the
Format students with special needs based on their abilities.
Learning Intention: For the students to be able to communicate easily using Arabic, the students will be
studying the verbs, adjectives and the disconnected pronouns. This helps the students form short
sentences using the Arabic language.
Week one:
Identifying the verbs
ركضت ركض تركض يركض
ركلت ركل تركل يركل
رسمت رسم ترسم يرسم
قرأت قرأ تقرأ يقرأ
نامت نام تنام ينام
غنت غنى تغني يغني
قصت قص تقص يقص
بكت بكى تبكي يبكي
جلست جلس تجلس يجلس
نفخت نفخ تنفخ ينفخ
لبست لبس تلبس يلبس
كتبت كتب تكتب يكتب
ركبت ركب تركب يركب
أكلت أكل تأكل يأكل
سقت سقى تسقي يسقي
شربت شرب تشرب يشرب
رتبت رتب ترتب يرتب
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter س.
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter س.
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Using the posters on the wall, introduce the verbs to the students.
Explain the verbs to the students
Let the students repeat the names.
The students are asked to copy the verbs in their books.
Week two:
Practicing the verbs
Writing the long and short sounds of letter ش
Reading the short and long sounds of letter ش
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter .ش
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter .ش
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Have the students work in groups to revise the verbs
The students must match each verb with its photo.
The students work in pairs to write the verb with its derivatives.
Each pair of students should write 5 sentences using 5 different verbs.
Week three:
Identify adjectives.
جديد قديم تحت فوق
نظيف وسخ ناشف مبلل
فارغ ممتلئ ثقيل خفيف
بارد ساخن قصير طويل
سريع بطيء سعيد حزين
خاسر فائز طويل قصير
كبير صغير نحيف سمين
قريب بعيد ضعيف قوي
مغلق مفتوح مختلف متشابه
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter ص.
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter ص.
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Introduce the new lesson to the students.
Using the photos on the wall, the students will work in pairs in matching the adjectives to their opposites.
The students present their work.
Week Four:
Practice using adjectives
Writing the long and short sounds of letter ض
Reading the long and short sounds of letter ض
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter .ض
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter .ض
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
With the help of their notes, the students recall the adjectives.
Working in pairs, the students write at least 5 sentences using at least fine different adjectives.
The students share their work with their friends.
Week Five:
Introducing Careers.
بائعة بائع نادلة نادل
شرطية شرطي صحافية صحافي
طبيب طبيبة مسعف مسعفة
ممرض ممرضة مهندس مهندسة
معلم معلمة خياط خياطة
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter ف
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter ف
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Introducing the topic by each student stating what he/she wish to become in the future.
Then the students watch the video
The students copy the careers names in their books.
Week Six:
Writing the long and short sounds of letter ط
Reading the long and short sounds of letter ط
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter ط
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter ط
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
The students revise the careers, verbs and adjectives with the help of the flash cards.
Week Seven:
Assessment week
Listening assessment.
Writing and comprehension assessment.
Reading assessment.
Week Eight:
Introducing disconnected pronouns هي هما هم نحن أنتما أنت أنتم هو أنا
Writing the different forms and words of letter ظ
Reading the short and long sounds of letter ظ
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter ظ.
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter ظ.
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Using the flash cards, I introduce the pronouns to the students.
the students work in groups to match each pronoun to its photo.
The students copy the pronouns in their books.
Week Nine:
Practicing the disconnected pronouns
Writing the different forms and words of letter ق
Reading the long and short of letter ق
Lesson 1:
Students watch a video about letter ق.
The students identify the different short and long sounds of letter ق
Then they write the letter in their worksheets
The students are given a story to practice reading and writing it at home.
Lesson 2:
Using the cards, the students revise the pronouns.
Working in pairs the students write sentences using these pronouns.
The students present their work.
Week Ten:
Using group games, the students revise the pronouns, adjectives, verbs, careers, and letters.
Supporting Documents (Assessment attachments and checklists, rubrics need to be attached)
The assessment is found in the resource drive.
The worksheets and stories are in the black folder on the shelf. The folder is named Year 6.
TEACHER REFLECTION ON THE UNIT PLAN (How successful was the Unit in meeting the purpose of the Unit in Part 1? How do I know? What evidence have I collected?)
Identify what worked well during and at the end of the unit, including:
learning tasks that worked well and why
learning tasks that could be improved and how
assessment that worked well and why
assessment that could be improved and how