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Why Your Advertising Never Makes You Money

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Special Report #1

Why Your Advertising

Never Makes You Money.
• Why 90% of today’s ad campaigns are a total
waste of money …
• How Madison Avenue sleight of hand turns savvy
business people into drooling morons …
• The four things every ad MUST accomplish to be
successful …
• A great opportunity for copywriters – in a place
you’d never even THINK of looking …
• Much more!
By Clayton Makepeace,
Billion Dollar Marketer, Publisher and Editor, The Total Package
Dear Business-Builder,
Sometimes I wish I had gone into
advertising instead of direct response
I can see myself nestled in a posh
Madison Avenue corner office, hauling down
six figures a year, creating beer-swilling
frogs, taco-eating Chihuahuas and other
madcap characters …
… and of course, personally casting ads
in which scantily clad babes with legs up to
here and bushels of bouncing booty and
boobage cavort in soapy slow motion!
I can see myself being worshipped as an “advertising genius” for
this “brilliant” work … getting huge bonuses and promotions … winning
armfuls of creative awards … and getting my smiling face plastered all
over the cover of Ad Age.
The best part? Knowing that nobody will ever ask the question, “…
But do his ads work?”
Unfortunately, I didn’t take that route. Instead, I wound up in
direct response marketing – where every order and every penny
generated by every ad, every direct mail package and every Internet
campaign I create is carefully tracked.
Within a few weeks, days, or – in the case of TV and Internet
promotions – a few hours, everybody knows whether I’m a genius or a
If my client puts $500,000 in the mail, he expects at least
$500,000 in net sales back – PLUS ten thousand or so new customers.
If my copy does that for him, I’m gold.
If not, I’m a schmuck – and if I ever tried to convince a client that
my bomb of a promo enhanced his “brand awareness” or “image,” he’d
probably think I’d lost my mind.
That means I don’t have the luxury of sacrificing proven sales-
boosting techniques on the altar of creativity. Every promotion I create
must accomplish all the things that are necessary to do in order to
make the sale.
But most of the ad campaigns created by major ad agencies are
NOT trackable. And that simple fact is now creating some of the worst
advertising ever produced … costing American consumers a fortune …
and is at the root of what I am convinced is the greatest scam ever
perpetrated upon U.S. corporations.
How advertising “experts” turn brilliant CEOs
into drooling morons
Imagine this: You’re the CEO of a major corporation – in this case,
a brewery.
As the CEO, your prime directive is quite simple: Your bosses – the
Board of Directors and your stockholders – demand that every
corporate dollar you spend produces a positive return on investment.
You’re good at what you do. By producing a superior product and
pinching every nickel until the buffalo squirts, your company has
become the most successful in its industry and your market share is
still growing.
Then one day, a guy from a major New York ad agency shows up
in your office. He has bad news for you.
“You’re doing it all wrong,” he says.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Your advertising,” he says. “Your ads just drone on and on about
how delicious and refreshing your beer is – and how superior it is to
everybody else’s.”
“So what’s wrong with that?” you ask.
“No frogs.” the adman says.
“Absolutely. Fat, ugly frogs on lily pads in the middle of a
mosquito-infested swamp, all croaking your product’s name.”
“Will that sell more beer?” you ask incredulously.
The Madison Avenue wizard waves his hand slowly before your
eyes. “You don’t care if it sells more beer,” he intones.
Your eyes glaze over and, in a trancelike voice, you mindlessly
repeat after him: “Sales … not … important … ”
You can feel yourself slipping under his spell – the Madison Avenue
version of the Jedi Mind Trick – but somehow, you marshal enough
self-control to blurt out another question: “But … how will I know if
these frog ads are a good investment?”
Another wave from the adman: “You won’t know … and you don’t
“Return meaningless … don’t care …” You hear the words coming
out of your mouth involuntarily as if someone else – a crazy person –
were saying them.
You gather every remaining ounce of strength to ask your final
question: “How … much … for … the … frogs?”
The ad wizard waves again, this time a double whammy – with
both hands: “You don’t care how much it costs …”
The double whammy does the trick. You are completely under the
wizard’s spell.
As you surrender, your eyeballs roll back in your head … a drop of
spittle appears at the corner of your mouth … and you hear yourself
chanting, “Sales meaningless … investment return meaningless …
profits meaningless … just … need … frogs.”
Next thing you know, you – the Harvard MBA … the hard-boiled
businessman who fought his way to the top of the corporate ladder …
the CEO who, in every other area of business demands that every
penny spent produces a trackable, measurable, positive return on
investment …
… YOU are signing the check for a new $50 million ad campaign,
complete with butt-ugly frogs.
Fooling All of the People, All of the Time
The next morning, you awake with a hangover – and a severe case
of buyer’s remorse.
Where are you going to find the courage to face the Board and tell
them you just blew $50 million on an ad campaign – and you have no
way on Earth of knowing if that fifty mill was a brilliant investment or
money down a rathole?
“Well,” you try to tell yourself, “if sales go up, that means it’s
working – right?”
Alas, you know better. You know that sales can rise for lots of
reasons: Maybe it’s a heat wave in the South that’s making people
thirstier. Maybe it’s a major competitor’s distribution problems causing
his customers to buy your products … or maybe it’s just that his new
ads sucked worse than yours did.
Heck – for all you know, your sales would have gone even higher if
you had been running your old ads … or, for that matter, no ads at all!
(Hey – when Israeli doctors went on strike a few years ago, the
national death rate declined: How do we know that the U.S. GDP
wouldn’t double if Madison Avenue went on strike?)
Of course, you reason, if sales go down, you can always blame
everything but your ad campaign. Shoot: You could even claim that if
it weren’t for those frogs, sales could have fallen even farther!
The fact is, since there’s no way to track each purchase back to its
source, you will never know if you made a good investment or not.
… And therein lies your salvation.
Because nobody will ever know whether your $50 million
advertising decision was a good one or bad one – not you, not the
Board, and certainly not your stockholders!
Advertising is Never Having To Say, “I’m Sorry.”
Do you think – even for a minute – that the slick admen and
adwomen on Madison Avenue are oblivious to the fact that they are
NOT being graded on the sales they produce?
Do you think most of them even care if they increase their clients’
sales and profits?
If you answered “yes,” to either question, please give me a call.
There’s a nice bridge for sale not too far from my office!
If you need proof that much of the junk passing for advertising
today is little more than a scam, grab a yellow pad and a pen … turn
on your TV … and after each ad, answer these four questions:
1. “Did the ad make me crave this kind of product?”
2. “Did the ad explain all the reasons why this brand is the only
one I should consider?”
3. “Did the ad make me feel as though it’s urgent that I buy this
product now – or at least soon?”
4. “Do I have everything I need to know to make the purchase?”
I’ll be knock-me-down-with-a-feather AMAZED if 10% of the ads
you see do all of the above.
And that means the poor schmucks who paid for the rest of the ads
you see are being scammed … bamboozled … swindled … played for
chumps … taken to the cleaners.
Ask a rational business owner, “Why advertise?” – and he or she
will say, “To sell more products.” I mean – why else would a perfectly
pragmatic business person voluntarily give money to an ad agency?
But if you ask an adman or adwoman the same question, you’ll get
very different answers. One practitioner will explain that his job is to
improve “brand identification.” Another will say she’s an expert at
enhancing “brand image.”
But ask the ad geeks why any business would want such a thing –
or to provide statistical proof that their image enhancing, name-
recognition ads actually increase sales, and you’re likely to get a blank
Madison Avenue just doesn’t get it
How silly can it really get? Here’s a true story:
A few years ago, Nissan hired TBWA Chiat/Day and its creative
director Lee Clow to create a series of commercials for its line of fine
Clow presented the Nissan executives with some of the cutest,
cleverest, most “creative” ads they had ever seen: Ads featuring toy
action figures driving toy Nissan automobiles.
In one memorable commercial, a toy dinosaur dropped a toy
soldier into a toy sports car. In another, a toy doll drove a Nissan out
of a magazine ad and onto a real road.
As in my little flight of fantasy above, the ads were pure
“entertainment-as-advertising.” Not a single word was said about the
benefits Nissan automobiles offer … or why Nissans are unique – and
therefore better than the competition. Nor did the ads suggest that
viewers visit their local Nissan showroom or offer them any
inducement for doing so.
No matter. The ads were “creative” – and that was all that
mattered. The Wall Street Journal called the campaign, “... by many
measures, the most successful TV commercial of 1996.” Both Time and
Rolling Stone proclaimed it “the best ad campaign of the year.”
Creative Director Lee Clow was inducted into the Advertising Hall of
Fame. The whole creative team was invited to appear on Oprah. Sony
Pictures even made plans to turn the ads into a TV show series!
But there was just one teeeensy little problem:
As soon as the ads began running, Nissan sales CRATERED!
According to The Wall Street Journal, the month the “toy” ads
debuted, Nissan’s sales fell 2.7%. The next month they fell 10.2% ...
then 4.2% ... and then, 1.6%.
Meanwhile, the poor, unenlightened folks at Toyota – Nissan’s chief
competitor – were still doing things the “old-fashioned” way:
Trumpeting their products’ benefits ... driving home their Unique
Selling Proposition ... positioning their products as head and shoulders
above the competition – that kind of boring un-creative stuff.
And while Nissan sales went down the crapper, Toyota was doing a
land-office business.
With sales falling off the proverbial cliff, Nissan dealers pouted …
then complained … and then went into open revolt.
The company was deluged with thousands of telephone calls and
letters from livid dealers, demanding that the company junk
Chiat/Day’s ads.
… And that’s when Creative Director and Advertising Hall-of-Famer
Lee Clow uttered the single stupidest thing ever said by any adman,
ever, in the history of the universe:
“That’s car dealers. They’re forever bitching about something ...
There are always people that like to damn things that are new.”
Clow clearly didn’t give a flying fig about sales. As a “creative
genius” – an “artiste” – he couldn’t be bothered by something as crass
as common commerce.
The fact that his ads were driving dealers to the brink of
bankruptcy and forcing them to lay off good, loyal workers was
meaningless to him. They were merely cretins, unable to appreciate
the sheer genius of his creativity!
Fortunately, the folks at Nissan were a helluva lot smarter than the
preening, self-obsessed Clow. They canceled the idiotic campaign and
returned to old-fashioned ads emphasizing their cars’ features,
benefits, USPs and positioning.
And sure enough – as soon as Nissan tossed Clow’s brilliant,
award-winning ads into the nearest trash can, the sales drought
ended. Sales rebounded 10.7% in January and 15.5% in February.
The Wall Street Journal summed up the problem nicely:
“Not long ago, the conventional wisdom on Madison Avenue held
that advertising was all about giving people a compelling reason to buy
a product.
“TBWA Chiat/Day believed advertising could have a different goal:
to create flashy images for a client and turn the company’s name into
a household name.”
“There is just one justification for advertising:
Sales! Sales! Sales!”
-- John W. Blake
Now, I’d like to report that Madison Avenue learned its lesson and
is avoiding the whole “Advertising-as-Entertainment” and “Image-is-
everything” fraud like the plague.
I’d like to tell you that these geniuses have learned what direct
response pros have known for years: Benefits sell products. “Reason
Why” copy sells products. Unique selling propositions sell products.
And most importantly, when “creativity” gets in the way of making
a sale, it’s not creative; it’s just stupid.
But you watch TV. You read magazines and newspapers. And if I
said something like that, you’d know I was lying my keester off.
The most tragic part of all this is NOT the fact that incompetent ad
agencies are taking a bunch of gullible Fortune 500 fat cats and their
shareholders to the cleaners.
Nor is it the fact that in the end, we consumers pay the price for
their ignorance and arrogance in increased costs for every product we
To me, the saddest part of all this is that the Madison Avenue
misfits guilty of perpetrating this fraud are the rightful heirs of the
greatest advertising geniuses the world has ever known.
The great men who created modern advertising – who founded
many of the agencies that now pollute our airwaves and our printed
pages with this pap – must be spinning in their graves!
Giants like John E. Powers … John E. Kennedy … Albert Lasker …
Claude Hopkins … John Caples … Rosser Reeves … David Ogilvy and
others taught us that the ONLY reason to advertise is to increase sales
and market share.
And, they taught us that to accomplish its mission, advertising
must at the very least …
1. Create or intensify the consumer’s desire and sense of urgency
to buy the product – by driving home the tangible benefits it will bring
to his or her life …
2. Present compelling reasons why the product is unique and
therefore superior to all others of its kind – and therefore the only
rational choice for the consumer to make, and …
3. Provide a way for the prospect to purchase the product at the
first opportunity – either by ordering directly or by emblazoning the
brand in the prospect’s consciousness so it will be his first choice when
I am absolutely convinced that if every advertiser insisted that his
ads did these three things, the U.S. economy would double virtually
overnight – and it would do so without enlisting the services of a single
Accountability is everything
Fortunately, not everyone who creates ad campaigns for major
companies today is an idiot or a scoundrel. Some are actually pretty
sharp and reasonably honest. And some are even interested in being
held accountable for the success or failure of their ads.
While the dumbest ads are growing dumber by the day, many
advertisers are actually helping to offset this cumulative drop in
America’s advertising IQ.
They’re doing it by using their creativity to find ways to
scientifically measure the response to their ads. More and more are
asking consumers to call a toll-free number or go on-line – or adding
some other trackability device to their advertising: Like coupons,
contests, and more.
Of course, mainstream ad execs will tell you that their products are
different. Creating measurable, trackable campaigns just isn’t possible
for the kinds of products they advertise. People buy their products in
stores – not over the phone, through direct mail or on the Internet.
Sorry – that’s just an excuse.
Prescription drugs have to be the world’s hardest products to track.
A consumer sees the ad for a new anti-allergy pill and is told to ask his
doctor about it. The doctor then has to prescribe the drug. The
consumer then has the prescription filled.
How in the heck do you track that?
Impossible – right?
Not when real creativity is applied!
For years, drug companies advertised their drugs simply by telling
consumers to ask their doctors about them. But today, they’re asking
consumers to dial a toll-free number to receive a full information kit on
the condition the drug treats.
Instant accountability!
Lessons learned …
1. Accountability counts: Sure – life is easier when you don’t
have to own up to your mistakes. But that’s a treacherous path that
invariably leads to alcoholic frogs (Budweiser), window-washing
bimbos (GoDaddy), toy cars (Nissan), and billions of wasted
advertising dollars each year.
Challenge yourself to find ways to scientifically track the
effectiveness of every ad and every campaign you use. It’s the only
way to consistently improve your return-per-advertising dollar over
2. Make sure every ad makes four essential sales: Whether
your ad campaigns are trackable and especially when they’re not, it is
absolutely essential to make certain that every ad you pay for
accomplishes four essential missions:
A. It must create or intensify your prospect’s desire for the type of
product you’re selling by presenting the benefits it will bring to his or
her life …
B. It must convince your prospect that the key benefits your
product provides are unique and therefore unobtainable from any
competing product …
C. It must leave your prospect feeling that it is urgent to buy the
product as soon as possible …
D. It must compel your prospect to action – to purchase your
product at the earliest opportunity.
3. If you’re a copywriter, recognize that there are truly enormous
opportunities outside of the typical direct response marketing sphere.
Millions of small and medium-sized businesses trust their ad
messaging to the account executives who sell them their local TV and
radio time and print space. As a rule, these salespeople know very
little about salesmanship and next to nothing about advertising.
Trusting media reps to create ad campaigns is kind of like putting a
hungry rabbit in charge of security down at the carrot patch.
Applying what you know about persuasion and salesmanship in print
can help any business multiply sales and profits. And taking a chunk of
increased sales could make you a bundle!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

P.S. If you haven’t already, go to www.makepeacetotalpackage.com to

sign up for more response-boosting strategies for growth obsessed
marketers and business owners.

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