Application of An Expert System For Assessment and Evaluation of Higher Education Courses To Identify Fast and Slow Learners
Application of An Expert System For Assessment and Evaluation of Higher Education Courses To Identify Fast and Slow Learners
Application of An Expert System For Assessment and Evaluation of Higher Education Courses To Identify Fast and Slow Learners
This article is based on design and development of An Assessment and Evaluation is designed to assess and
Expert System for Higher Education Courses. The evaluate the students, to discriminate the questions of
aims of this system are to assess and evaluate the each test and there by identifying fast and slow
students by considering Scholastics and Non learners. The system provides platform to register
Scholastic aspects and to identify fast and slow College, Course, Student, to add subjects, Tests. Then
learners based on the performance of students. by applying the algorithm, based on the performance
of the student in selected subject system will generate
Keywords: Expert System, Assessment, Evaluation, the list of Fast Learners and Slow Learners.
Scholastic, Non-scholastic
2. Objectives of System:
Teachers and students are familiar with words such as 1) To provide a platform to register College,
examinations, tests, correction of question papers and Course, Student, to add subjects
results. All this has to do with finding out how much a 2) To generate Tests and to add the questions
student has learnt. An educational system which does 3) To store the performance evaluation details of
not lay a balanced emphasis on all the three aspects the students
namely, cognitive, affective and psychomotor is likely 4) To evaluate Student based on scholastics and
to produce imbalance in the personality of the student. Non Scholastics aspects
In actual practice schools and colleges confine 5) To identify the fast and slow learners.
themselves to the cognitive development of students
committed to their care. Even in regard to cognitive 3. Platform Used to Design System:
development, schools and colleges are very selective Expert system for Assessment and Evaluation is
and undertake only scholastic programmes which can developed using Visual Studio.NET 2010 framework.
be easily dealt with either through the oral method of Developed d system using Windows Application and
teaching or through the medium of textbook. The preferred C#.NET language to code.
most important constituent of cognitive development
is the development of the power of discrimination. 4. System Analysis:
But before discriminating the students based on their
performance in a test, very first questions asked in the Algorithm for Assessment and Evaluation System
tests are require to be discriminate, the discrimination
of question means identifying whether the question Step1: Start
has power to discriminate or not. So by considering Step 2: Select Class
this factor the proposed system i.e. Expert System for
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2038
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2039
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
7. Conclusion:
Evaluation deals with the collection of evidences
regarding changes which occur in the learner's
behavior during the teaching learning process. Based
on these evidences, interpretation and judgment, the
progress of the learner is arrived at and decisions
taken. The proposed expert system evaluates students
based on their performance in each subject, and
directly identifies the overall list of Fast learners and
Slow learners.
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2018 Page: 2040