General Review: Macro-Economic Aggregates
General Review: Macro-Economic Aggregates
General Review: Macro-Economic Aggregates
Public Finance against the Normal rainfall of 624 mm
The State’s own tax revenues have grown by recording a deficit of 27 percent. During the
16% in the year 2008-09 over the previous North East monsoon 2009-10, the average
year i.e. 2007-08 and stood at Rs.33,358 rainfall received was 185 mm and it is lower
crores. The State’s own non-tax revenue has than the Normal rainfall of 224 mm
grown by 37% in the year 2008-09 over the recording a deficit of 17 per cent.
previous year i.e. 2007-08 and stood at
Rs.9,683 crores. Sales Tax continues to be Agriculture – Advance Estimates, 2009-10
the major source of revenue in the State. The Our state had witnessed natural calamities of
revenue realized through Sales Tax during both drought and the worst ever floods
2008-09 was Rs.21,852 Crores as against during the year. While the State was reeling
Rs.19,026 Crores during 2007-08 registering under severe drought, another calamity of
an increase of 14.85%. Out of total unprecedented floods had hit the State during
expenditure of Rs.75,264 Crores during the September-October, 2009. These floods
year 2008-09, capital expenditure was caused large scale devastation in 13 districts
13.77%. and severely affected five districts of
Kurnool, Mahabubnagar, Krishna, Guntur
Prices and Nalgonda.
The Average Daily Retail Prices of Rice (II Even though the State faced the twin effect
sort), Redgramdal (II-sort), Red Chillies Dry of both drought and floods, the advance
(Gr-II) and Onions have shown increasing estimates of the areas and production of
trend where as the prices of Groundnut Oil various crops for the year 2009-10 are likely
and Common Tamarind (Without Seed) have to be modest.
shown decreasing trend during the period In Kharif 2009-10, the estimate of the area
from April to September,09 when compared under foodgrains is expected to be less than
to the corresponding period of last year. 42.73 lakh hectares in 2008-09. Similarly, the
During the period from April to September, production estimate in 2009-10 Kharif under
09, Consumer Price Indices for Industrial foodgrains is also expected to be less than
Workers (CPI–IW) increased by 14.08% and 105.62 lakh tonnes in 2008-09.
10.56% in the State and All India In Kharif 2009-10, the estimate of the area
respectively, when compared to the previous under Rice is expected to be less than 28.03
year April to September,08. During April to lakh hectares in 2008-09. Similarly, the
September, 09, the CPI-AL increased by production estimate in 2009-10 Kharif under
12.44% in the State and 11.66% at All India Rice is also expected to be less than 83.80
level, when compared to the corresponding lakh tonnes in 2008-09.
period of previous year. The Average Daily
Wages of Artisans and Field Labour of both Crop Insurance
men and women have increased during the Under National Agriculture Insurance
period April to September,09, when Scheme (NAIS), 20 crops during Kharif 2009
compared to the corresponding period of and 11 crops during 2009-10 Rabi are
previous year. notified. Village as Insurance Unit under
N.A.I.S. in the 22 Districts with one major
Public Distribution crop is under implementation from Kharif
There are 43,060 Fair Price Shops 2008 season.
functioning in the State as on 31.03.09. Out Apart from NAIS, for the first time in the
of them, 6,947 are in urban areas and 36,113 State, the Weather Based Crop Insurance
are in rural areas. Scheme (WBCIS) on Red Chilly Crop in
Guntur District on Pilot basis during Kharif
Seasonal Conditions 2009 season is also taken up.
The rainfall received during the South west During Rabi 2009-10 season, Corriander
monsoon period for 2009-10 was 454 mm as crop is notified on Pilot basis under Weather
Based Crop Insurance Scheme in Adilabad, Livestock and Livestock Products
Kadapa, Kurnool and Prakasam Districts. Five types of regular veterinary institutions
viz., 22 Veterinary Polyclinics, 3 Super
Co-operation Specialty Veterinary Hospitals, 278
There are 2940 Primary Agricultural Credit Veterinary Hospitals, 1,826 Veterinary
Societies functioning in the State. 35.25 lakh Dispensaries, 42 Mobile Veterinary Clinics
Kisan Credit Cards have been issued to and 3,110 Rural Livestock Units are
farmer members of the PACS. A.P. State Co- functioning mainly to attend to animal health
operative Bank has provided Rs.2788.54 needs throughout the State. 252.16 Lakh
crores (Kharif Rs.2587.35 crores and Rabi common disease cases were treated, 4.50
Rs.201.19 crores) as production credit to the lakh castrations conducted and 366.83 lakh
farmers through the Primaries and the vaccinations were delivered during the year,
District Central Co-operatives in 2009-10, upto 30.9.09. As per the results of the sample
upto December,2009. Out of Rs.2587.35 survey, the total estimated milk production
crores loans disbursed during the Kharif was 47.59 lakh MTs, while 8934 million
under Seasonal Agrl. Operations (SAO), Oil eggs and 3.14 lakh MTs Meat produced in
Seeds Production Programme (OPP) and the State during 2009-10, upto Sept.2009.
Development of Tribal Programme (DTP)
are Rs.2,327.48 crores, Rs.226.94 crores and Fisheries
Rs.32.93 crores respectively. APCOB Andhra Pradesh, a leading state for fisheries
achieved a loaning programme of Rs.68.29 sector in the country, ranks first in Brackish
crores for disbursement of Long term Credit water shrimp production, first in Fresh water
Loans during the year 2009-10(upto prawn production, second in Fresh Water fish
December,2009). APMARKFED has production and fifth in Marine fish
achieved a business turnover of Rs.757.61 production. The state is contributing about
crores during 2009-10, upto December,2009. 40% of marine exports from the country.
Fish and Prawn production during 2009-10,
Horticulture upto Nov.09 was 6.88 lakh Tonnes.
Horticulture is emerging as an indispensable
and growing part of Agriculture, offering a Forestry
wide range of choices to the farmers for crop The income accrued from forestry sector in
diversification. It also provides ample the State was Rs.87.19 Crores in 2008-09 and
opportunities for sustaining large number of Rs.42.92 Crores in 2009-10, upto September,
agro-industries which generate substantial 2009. At present, 8,499 Vana Samrakshana
employment opportunities. The estimated Samithis are functioning, managing an area
area under Horticulture crops is 19.89 lakh of 23.94 lakh hectares within Reserved
hectares during 2008-09. Forests. About 6.66 lakh hectares of
degraded forests have been treated under Soil
A.P is first in production of Mango, Sweet and moisture conservation scheme.
Orange, Lime/Lemon, Papaya, Oil Palm and
Tomato, third in production of Tapioca, and Sericulture
fourth in production of Grapes, Sericulture is a sustainable farm-based
Pomegranate, Sapota, Bhendi and Sweet enterprise favouring rural poor in Andhra
Potato (NHB data base 2008). Andhra Pradesh with low fixed capital and relatively
Pradesh Ranks first in production of Spices, higher returns on investment. Another
second in production of Fruits and third in important feature of Sericulture Industry is
production of Flowers in the Country. involvement of women around 60% of the
Horticulture commodities worth of work force in this activity.
Rs.2,111.30 crores were exported from the Andhra Pradesh is the second largest
state during 2008-09. producer of Mulberry and Tasar cocoons in
the country and Muga culture is in initial
stage. Andhra Pradesh has the privilege of 103 Special Economic Zones(SEZ)
producing all four types of silk called Tasar, have been approved and 73 SEZs are
Eri, Muga besides mulberry being notified. Of the 73 notified, 40 SEZs have
predominantly practiced in Tribal areas of the already become operational creating 54,776
State. The Tassar cocoon production is 10.61 jobs, with 35,269 direct employment and
lakhs Nos. and raw silk production is 837.32 19,507 indirect employment.
MTs, Cocoon production is 6,698.59 MTs The estimates of Index of Industrial
and the employment generation is for 4.19 Production in the State for the period April
lakh persons during the year 2009-10, upto to October,2009 (provisional) shows a
September,09. growth of 3.9% over the same period of
previous year.
Marketing As per the working results of all the 29 state
There are 317 Market Committees under level public enterprises(SLPEs) during the
which 891 Markets are notified in the State. year 2006-07, the capital employed by all the
The Market Committees have Rs.184.00 SLPEs, was Rs.28,066.43 crores and the total
crores towards market fee during 2008-09, turnover (including other income) made was
upto September,09. Rs.25,320.64 crores. 18 SLPEs, out of the
29, have made profit totaling to Rs.756.71
Industries and Labor crores during 2006-07.
After introduction of Industrial Policy in
August 1991, Andhra Pradesh has received Mines and Geology
investment intentions (IEM) of 6,689 The mineral consumption is increasing due to
proposals with an investment potential of promotion of various industries and
Rs.4,37,925 crores providing employment to manufacture of mineral based products. State
11,13,817 persons so far upto 30.09.2009. produces about 100 to 110 million tonnes of
Out of the above, 2,931 proposals have gone industrial minerals and 200 million cubic
into production with an investment of meters of dimensional stones and building
Rs.54,786 crores providing employment to material. A.P. stands first in Barytes and
4,37,344 persons. Since inception, 104 Mega Limestone production in the country. The
Projects (above Rs.100 crores each in state stands first in value of minor mineral
investment) with an investment of Rs.44,768 production and second in total value of
crores have gone into production as on mineral production in the country;
30.09.2009. 81 Mega projects with an contributing about 9 to 10 per cent,
investment of Rs. 76,106 crores are under Rs.15,966 crores during 2008-09 to the
active implementation. The State has country’s mineral value production.
received Rs.16,178.95 crores of Foreign The Mineral and Mining sector has achieved
Direct Investment (FDI) inflows as equity Rs.1754.51 crores of Mineral Revenue
from January 2005 to September, 2009. during the year 2008-09 and the State stands
Since beginning of the Single Window Act, first in Mineral Revenue among the
70,302 clearances were issued under Single important Mineral Producing States of the
window in respect of 40,129 units (Micro, country. During 2009-10, Mineral revenue of
Small, Medium & Large units) with a Rs.836.66 crores was achieved upto
proposed investment of Rs.2,32,958 crores September 2009.
and an employment potential of 9,40,869 as
on 30-09-2009. Commerce and Exports
3,164 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises The exports from the State have
are established providing employment to increased to Rs.66,698 crores in the year
66,270 persons, involving an investment of 2008-09 from Rs.57,343 crores of the
Rs.1776.00 crores during the year 2009-10, previous year 2007-08. The growth in
as on 30.9.2009. exports during the year 2008-09 is 16.31%
over the last year. The exports under
computer software are contributing more 212.27 lakhs, the energy handled per annum
than 50 percent to the total exports from the increased from 686 MU to 36,489.63 MU
State during the year 2008-09. The other (April’09 to Sep’09). The annual total
major exports from the State are Drugs and revenues from sale of power have been
Pharmaceuticals, Fine Chemicals, Animal, increased, from mere Rs.5.50 crores to
Marine and Leather Products, Engineering Rs.15,089.92 crores (including non-tariff
items, Agriculture and Agro based Products, income). There are 3,880 sub-stations and
Minerals and Mineral Products etc. 6,93,584 distribution transformers existing
upto end of September, 2009.
Irrigation Government of Andhra Pradesh provided
During the year 2004, the Government have free power to Agriculture Sector with effect
taken up plans for fully utilizing the available from 14.05.2004 in view of the extreme
yields of Godavari and other rivers and hardships faced by agriculture consumers in
initiated a historical beginning named the past years. Government has also waived
‘JALAYAGNAM’ with the aim of the power consumption arrears amounting to
completing the ongoing and new projects in a Rs.1,259 crores relating to agricultural
record time to provide immediate irrigation consumers of DISCOMs and RESCOs. So
to water starving segments on top priority by far, 26,446 agricultural services have been
mobilizing funds from all possible sources. released during 2009-10 up to 30.09.2009.
Some more projects were added to There are 6 Major Lift Irrigation schemes at
Jalayagnam Programme and presently 86 132kV supply, 444 Nos medium and minor
projects (44 Major + 30 Medium + 4 Flood Lift Irrigation schemes at 33kV, 11kV and
Banks + 8 Modernisation) were considered LT supply existing as on 30.09.2009.
under Jalayagnam. With the above projects Dedicated feeders were provided for 290 HT
including Minor Irrigation and APSIDC new Lift Irrigation schemes.
irrigation potential of 98.41 lakh acres will be Government is subsidizing Rs.10/- per month
created besides stabilization of 22.26 lakh towards the cost of consumption of one 40-
acres. During 2004-05 to 2008-09, 12 Watt bulb (for 6 hours per day) during the
projects were completed and water released month for 13.92 lakh consumers with a
for 19 more projects creating partial connected load of up to 250 watts and
irrigation potential and the remaining consuming up to 15 units per month effective
projects are programmed to be completed in from September 2004 billed in October 2004.
a time bound and planned manner. Government accorded sanction for payment
The total new Irrigation Potential created of Rs. 91.28 crores during 2004-05 to 2009-
from 2004-05 to 2008-09 is 19.96 lakh acres 10 (upto September,09) for this purpose.
and stabilization to an extent of 3.08 lakh The Government waived surcharge to a tune
acres (Total 23.04 lakh acres) under of Rs.22.13 crores for the arrears
Jalayagnam projects including minor accumulated up to December 2004 (i.e.
irrigation and APSIDC. Rs.180.51 crores) in respect of 17.67 lakh
As per the 4th Minor Irrigation Census SC/ST domestic consumers in SC/ST
conducted in the year 2006-07, there are colonies and Tribal Habitations. It has also
23.06 lakh minor irrigation sources in the granted permission for payment of Current
state as against 20.36 lakh sources in the Consumption charges (CC charges) in 24
previous Minor Irrigation census, 2000-01, monthly installments to avoid burden on the
showing an increase of 13.28 per cent. consumers without levy of interest.
years 2005-06 to 2009-10 (upto the end of Airports
September, 2009). The Hyderabad airport has registered an
overall CAGR of 18.9% during 2001-02 to
During 2009-10, 68,141 pump sets have 2008-09 with international at 25.4% and
been converted into HVDS at a cost of domestic at 10.9%. The year 2008-09 has
Rs.211.82 crores, thus bringing the total shown 12% increase in the overall volumes
number of pumpsets covered by HVDS to of freight handled with international at 38%
5,58,144 at a total cost of Rs.1,718.10 crores and domestic at -12%.
up to the end of September, 2009. For the first half of the year 2009-10,
Domestic Cargo have grown at a rate of
Buildings CAGR 15.5%, whereas the international
Plinth area of the Government Buildings cargo has registered a CAGR of -2.6%.
(Both Residential and Non-Residential) in
the State has increased from 22.80 lakh Ports
Sq.feet as on 1.4.1965 to 99.72 lakh Sq.feet There is one major Port at Visakhapatnam
as on 31.3.2009. under Government of India and 13 Non-
Major Ports under State Government. Ports
Roads offer tremendous potential for development
The total R&B road network in the State is and for the growth of a wide spectrum of
69,051 Kms as on 31-03-2009. Of this, the maritime activities such as international
National Highways constitute 4,648 Kms, the shipping, coastal shipping, ship repairs,
State Highways constitute 10,519 Kms and fishing, captive ports for specific industries,
Major District Roads constitute 32,170 Kms all weather ports, tourism and sports etc.
and rural roads 21,714 Kms. The density
with reference to R&B road network in the Communications
state is 0.23 Kms per one square kilometer As on January 2010, there are 16,146 Post
and 0.86 Kms per 1,000 persons. Offices in the State, of which 104 Mukhya
The total length of the rural roads under Dak Ghars/Head Offices, 2,335 Sub Offices,
Panchayat Raj engineering department is 31 Extra Departmental Sub Offices and
1,29,317 Kms in the State as on 30-9-2009. 13,676 Branch Offices. Similarly, there were
Out of this, Other District Roads consist of 149 Telegraph Offices, 4,180 Telephone
8,184 Kms and village roads 1,21,249 Kms. Exchanges. As per the TRAI report, there are
The surface details of the road length are CC a total of 438.94 lakh telephone connections
Roads 2,854 Kms; BT 31,502 Kms, WBM at the end of December,09 in the state. Out of
22,284 Kms and Gravel 72,677 Kms. which, 24.55 lakh connections are wireline
(land line) and 414.39 lakhs are wireless
Transport (GSM, CDMA and WLL (F)).
Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation
(APSRTC) has 7 Zones, 23 Regions and 202 Banking
Depots with a total fleet strength of 21,390 The number of scheduled bank offices in the
buses and 1.15 lakhs employees on rolls as at State is 6,641 at the end of September, 2009.
the end of September,09. The aggregate deposits amounted to
APSRTC is one of the largest employer in Rs.2,21,651 crores and the total bank credit
the state having 1.15 lakh employees. The advanced was of the order of Rs.2,24,549
staff ratio per bus has been under control at crores as on 30-9-2009. The credit-deposit
6.04 during 2009-10 when compared to that ratio of the banks in AP is 101.31% as
of 6.13 in 2008-09. Employee productivity against RBI norm of 60%.
has increased to 60 KMs during 2009-10
from 58 KMs in 2008-09, upto
Tourism until 1961; it rose till 1991 and the growth
rate, 24.2 per cent during 1981-91 was the
APTDC continues to strive for promotion of highest ever recorded. Later, it has decreased
new tourism products such as Eco-Tourism, to 14.6 percent during 1991-2001 which was
Beach Tourism and Cruise Tourism. During lower compared to the All-India rate at 21.53
2008-09, 6 new Eco-tourism destinations percent. The density of the State is 277
have been promoted as novel initiatives persons per square kilometer as against 313
under community based Eco-Tourism. in the country. For the first time, the sex ratio
Presently, the corporation runs a chain of 55 in the State has increased and it stood at 978
hotels with 1043 rooms and 2,222 beds in as against 933 for All India. Population of
prime locations fostering homely ambience, SCs and STs works out to 16.19% and 6.59%
an impressive fleet of 144 buses connecting respectively.
important tourism locations within and
outside the state. The corporation runs Education
Sound and Light shows, owns and operates The literacy rate of the state is 60.47 in 2001
water fleet of 117 boats, Launches and as against 44.08 in 1991. The literacy rate of
pleasure rides making River and Lake cruise the state is lower than that of all India
tourism an affordable reality. literacy rate at 64.84. While the overall
literacy rate has improved, the male literacy
Information Technology rate has increased from 55.1 to 70.32 per
Andhra Pradesh has emerged as a State that cent. What is encouraging is that the female
provides the right climate for the growth of literacy rate has gone up by more than 54
IT business and is now one of the most percent, i.e. from 32.7 percent in 1991 to
preferred destinations in the Country. A.P. is 50.43 percent in 2001.
at present home for major MNC - IT giants
and Fortune 500 companies. As a growth School Education
engine, IT sector in A.P. is making steady Government of Andhra Pradesh intends to
strides for rapid socio economic development achieve the goal of Universalization of
of the State. For the year 2008-09, the IT Elementary Education by recognizing
sector recorded an export growth rate of Education as a potential instrument for
24.5% as against the national average of Human Development. The primary goal of
20.65%, with the exports turnover of the state is to increase the overall literacy
Rs.32,509 crores. IT sector contributes to levels steadily. During 2008-09, in the
about 52.09% of total exports from all Elementary Education sector there were
sectors in the State. AP State ranked fourth in 65,609 Primary Schools and 14,942 Upper
IT performance in the Country. The share of Primary schools and under Secondary
IT exports from the State of Andhra Pradesh Education, there were 17,376 High Schools
occupies 15% of national IT exports. As of and 100 Higher Secondary schools. There
2008-09, IT sector created gainful direct IT was enrolment of 136.59 lakhs in the state as
employment to 2,51,786 persons. on 30-09-2008 in all types of schools in the
state. In Higher Secondary, there was an
Population enrolment of about 1.11 lakh. Sustained
The state accounts for 7.2 per cent of the total efforts are being made by Government ever
population in the country in the year 2001, since formation of Andhra Pradesh to
having declined from 8.3 per cent in 1961. provide teachers in all types of schools to
The population of Andhra Pradesh almost maintain a reasonable teacher-pupil ratio.
quadrupled in the last century from 19.1 The percentage pass of students in S.S.C
million in 1901 to 76.2 million in 2001. Out examinations during 2008-09 is 78.83%
of which, 38.5 millions are males and 37.7 which is higher than the previous year pass
are females. The decadal growth of of 75.47%.
population was, in fact, below 15 per cent
Intermediate Education A.P. Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP)
There are 4,611 Junior Colleges under There are 233 hospitals in the state, of which,
different managements. Vocational courses 17 are District Hospitals with 4,400 beds, 58
are offered exclusively in 479 Private Junior Area Hospitals with 5,800 beds, 122
Colleges and 12 Govt. Junior Colleges. The Community Health Centres with 4,840 beds,
Percentage of pass in Intermediate 10 Specialty Hospitals with 824 beds and 26
Examinations in March 2008 is 60.15%. Dispensaries under the control of APVVP.
Girls’ performance at 62% is better than that There are 1,569 Doctors on regular and 427
of boys at 58%. doctors on contract basis, 3,347 regular
Nursing Staff and 343 are on contract basis
Collegiate Education and 2,161 regular Paramedical staff and 119
There are 249 Government Degree Colleges are on contract basis working in these
and 179 Aided Degree Colleges in the state hospitals. APVVP hospitals are providing
with a strength of 3,64,726 students. out- patient, in-patient services, Diagnostic
services and Laboratory services. These
Technical Education hospitals along with Primary Health Centers
There are 656 Engineering Colleges, 703 act as a platform for implementation of
MCA Colleges, 881 MBA Colleges, 278 various national health programs like
B.Pharmacy Colleges, and 213 Polytechnics Malaria, Tuberculosis, Family welfare,
functioning in the state(includes 370MCA AIDS, etc.
and 224 MBA stand-alone colleges). The
intake of the students is 2,26,870 in Rajiv Arogya Sri
engineering courses, 47,595 in M.C.A The Rajiv Aarogyasri Health Care Trust was
courses, 59,676 in MBA courses, 16,675 in set up to implement a Community Health
Pharmacy, and 63,075 in Polytechnics. Insurance Scheme named Aarogyasri (now
Aarogyasri-I) to provide much needed help
Family Welfare to poor families for treatment of serious
Estimated Birth rate, Death rate and Infant ailments, thereby saving them from debt-trap,
Mortality Rates for the year, 2008 in the case initially in three districts during April,2007.
of State are 18.4, 7.5 and 52 respectively as The scheme has since been extended to the
against 22.8, 7.4 and 53 for All India(as per entire State with certain modifications in a
Sample Registration System). Expected life phased manner. Aarogyasri-II was launched
at Birth, (2006-10) for Male and Female are in the State in April, 2008 for cashless
65.4 and 69.4 as against 65.8 and 68.1 for All treatment covering about 942 diseases, thus
India. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is enable many more BPL families obtain
154 in the state as against 254 in All India in cashless treatment and lead a healthy life.
2004-06 as per the Sample Registration The scheme provides financial protection
System. upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs to each family in a year
Government of Andhra Pradesh have been for medical treatment. Since inception
making concerted efforts to provide universal (Aarogyasri-I from 1st April, 2007 and
access to comprehensive health and family Aarogyasri-II from 17th July, 2008) 15,353
welfare services of acceptable standards of medical camps were held by the network
quality. Family welfare services are being hospitals in rural areas and 26.81 lakh
rendered through 1,570 PHCs, 12,522 Sub- patients were screened in these health camps.
centers, 131 urban family welfare centers and So far, 7.2 lakh patients are treated as out-
82 post partum units, and 267 urban health patients and 5.7 lakh patients are treated as
centers in the state. 800 PHCs in backward in-patients in 340 network hospitals under
areas have been designated as 24-hours the scheme. 4.94 lakh patients underwent
Mother and Child Health centers to provide surgery/therapy worth Rs.1478.56 crores.
normal delivery services.
Health money and the remaining 80% is being
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control arranged through Nationalized Banks to
Programme, a 100% Central Sponsored enable the disabled person to start self
Scheme is being implemented in the state, employment scheme to make a living.
with a view to promote awareness on Goitre
and Iodine Deficiency Disorders and their Backward classes Welfare
prevention among people, Under Diabetic For Backward Classes, there are 1,422 Govt.
Care and Control Programme, Awareness B.C. hostels (1,102 for boys and 320 for
Campaigns and Screening Camps are being girls) including 14 hostels for De-notified
conducted at PHC/district level. During the and Nomadic Tribes. A total of 1.79 lakh
year 2009-10, 64.77 lakh school children boarders are admitted during 2009-10. Out
were examined under school health of 1,422 hostels, 802 hostels are located in
programme. Out of them, 32.89 lakhs were Government buildings. 44 B.C. Residential
treated, while 32,190 were referred to the Schools (28 for Boys and 16 for Girls) with a
referral hospitals. In accordance with the goal total strength of 14,792 students are
of National Aids Control Programme–III, functioning in the state. The percentage of
Andhra Pradesh aims to reverse the epidemic pass in 10th class in Residential Schools in
by aiming to reduce new infections, as 2009 is 99.60%. 9.78 lakh Post Matric
estimated in the first year of the program, by Scholarships were sanctioned during the year
sixty-percent in the State by 2012. 2008-09 for the students. 4.17 lakh Post
Matric were sanctioned during 2009-10 upto
Women Development and Child Welfare December 2009. Similarly, 10.03 lakh
With an objective to provide nutrition and students have been sanctioned
proper health care, the State Government is Reimbursement of Tuition Fee during the
providing Supplementary Nutrition, year 2008-09. 1.67 lakh students were
Immunization, Pre-school Education, Health sanctioned Reimbursement of Tuition Fee
checkups etc. are provided through Integrated during the year 2009-10 upto December
Child Development Services (ICDS), a 100% 2009. A.P. Backward Classes Co-operative
Central Sponsored Scheme. Girl-Child Finance Corporation Ltd. is implementing
Protection Scheme to eliminate prejudice Margin Money Programme and Rajiv
against the girl child is being implemented. Abhyudaya Yojana in the state.
385 ICDS Projects are sanctioned with
73,944 Anganwadi Centers covering entire
state. Out of which, 300 are in rural, 29 in Social Welfare
Tribal areas and 56 in urban areas. For Scheduled Castes, there are 2,358
Hostels (Boys 1,691 and Girls 667) with an
Disablity Welfare intake of 2.48 lakhs and 79 Ananda Nilayams
For the welfare of disabled persons, 40 with strength of 7,237 during 2009-10. 152
Hostels and 3 Homes are functioning in the Scheduled Caste College Hostels (71 for
State with a sanctioned strength of 4,215 Boys and 81 for Girls) are functioning with
boarders/inmates. 11 Residential Schools (6 an intake of 21,182. In March 2009, SSC
for Hearing Impaired and 5 for Visually Examinations, the percentage of pass among
Impaired) are functioning in the State with a the hostellers was 83.81 as against the State’s
sanctioned strength of 1850. There are two average of 78.83. A.P. Study Circle provides
Residential Junior Colleges, one for hearing coaching for Civil Services Examinations of
impaired and another for visually impaired UPSC. Government based on 2001 Census,
with a sanctioned strength of 60 each and 7 issued orders enhancing the allocations
KGBV schools for disabled girls in the state. towards Special Component Plan from 15%
Economic Rehabilitation and to 16.2% of Plan funds of all the
Development scheme is being implemented Departments from the year 2006-07 onwards.
by sanctioning 20% of the outlay as margin
Tribal Welfare Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
For Scheduled Tribes, there are 599 Ashram Government have given top priority to
Schools with a strength of 1.59 lakhs, 442 provide protected drinking water to all urban
Hostels with a strength of 0.79 lakhs, and local bodies by strengthening the existing
4,317 Government Primary Schools (TW) infrastructure and service levels. During last
with a strength of 1.02 lakh students five years, 54 water supply schemes with an
functioning in the year 2009-10. The estimated cost of Rs.508.17 crores were
department is also maintaining 56 Residential completed adding 365 MLD of water, raising
Schools, 12 Residential Schools for Primitive the installed capacity from 934 MLD to
Tribal Groups (PTGs), 4 English Medium 1,299 MLD and thereby the average water
Schools, 49 Residential Junior Colleges, 2 supply was raised from 63 LPCD to 85
Upgraded Residential Junior Colleges, 3 LPCD. During 2009-10, 12 water supply
Schools of Excellence, 3 Colleges of schemes were completed and commissioned
Excellence, 41 Mini Gurukulams and 90 so far, under plan, UIDSSMT and HUDCO
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas with a grants, duly adding 129.03 MLD of water.
total strength of 73,081, of which 34,081 are
boys and 39,000 are girls. Outer Ring Road Project (ORR)
Government of Andhra Pradesh have taken
Minorities Welfare up construction of 158 kms long Outer Ring
A.P. State Minorities Finance Corporation is Road Project around the twin cities to
providing margin money loans and direct decongest the cities and set up a direction for
loans to the weaker sections of Minorities. the future growth of the city and its
The impact of education on girl children in surrounding municipalities. It is an 8-lane
the medium and long term is expected to be access controlled expressway with a design
multi-pronged and quite positive. speed of 120 KMPH. In addition, 2-lane
service roads on either side are being
Youth Services provided. The entire project is being
During 2008-09, 24,724 units were grounded implemented in 3 phases.
with a project cost of Rs.159.42 crores,
involving a subsidy of Rs.31.63 crores. Rural Development
Suitable training programs are designed and Watershed Development, Drought Prone
implemented as per the market demand and Area, Desert Development, Integrated Waste
needs of the youth to make them employable Land Development and Indira Prabha are a
in association with the Industry. few important programs being implemented
under Rural Development. So far, 9,301
Housing Watersheds covering an area of 46.50 Lakh
Under Weaker Section Housing Program, have been sanctioned, of which, 4,741
since inception till the end of September Watersheds with an area of 23.70 lakhs are
2009, 91,73,067 houses have been completed completed under various watershed
comprising of 84,36,505 in rural areas and development programmes.
7,36,562 in urban areas. First time in the history of the country,
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Rural water Supply and Sanitation gives legal guarantee of providing at least
There are 3,26,506 hand pumps, 47,839 PWS 100 days of wage employment to rural
Schemes and 476 CPWS Schemes (incl. SSP households whose adult members are willing
Schemes) existing as on 01.04.2009. 98,048 to do unskilled manual labour. This Scheme
Individual Sanitary Latrines, 1,795 School is implemented in 22 districts of Andhra
toilets and 632 Anganwadi toilets have been Pradesh. It is State government’s
constructed during 2009-10 so far. responsibility to provide 100 days of
employment to each household. Since
beginning and upto 9-10-09, 119.08 lakhs
Job Cards were issued; 15.64 lakh of the left wing extremist ideologies by
households completed 100 days of wage improving the socio-economic conditions of
employment; 73.41 crores person days the people. 5,622 habitations were identified
generated and 1.51 crores individuals have as Remote and Interior Areas under this
been employed. project in 332 Mandals covering a population
Commencing from early 80s, the process of of 54.38 lakhs in 18 districts.
women empowerment has swept the entire
state of Andhra Pradesh in a silent and Backward Region Grant Fund
dignified manner. There are 9.33 lakh Self (BRGF-RSVY)
Help Groups (SHGs) comprising 106.61 The programme is being implemented in 13
crore rural poor women members, organized selected districts in the State (1st phase of
into 36,391 Village Organizations (VOs) and NREGA) with an allocation of Rs.335.28
1,099 Mandal Samakhyas(MSs) in the rural crores under Development Grant and Rs.13
areas. The SHGs in A.P. constitute 27.74% crores under Capacity Building. District
of all SHGs in the country. It has plans for 13 BRGF Districts were received
substantially become possible by subsidizing from the District Planning Committees and
interest and making loans available at 3% the Annual Plan for the year 2009-10 was
rate per annum. The rate of pension has been approved for an amount of Rs. 337.09 crores
enhanced to Rs. 200/- p.m. for all pensioners for taking up 44,073 works. It includes 9,969
and Rs. 500/- p.m to disabled persons from works with an amount of Rs. 81.89 crores
2006-07. Government is distributing the under SC Sub-Plan and 5,874 works with an
pensions on first of every month to Old age amount of Rs.47.30 crores under ST Sub-
persons, Weavers, Widows and Disabled Plan. An amount of Rs.249.34 crores has
Persons. Government have released an been released to the districts. 5,608 works
amount of Rs. 1,502.26 crores of which, Rs. worth of Rs.76.84 crores were completed and
1,122.82 crores has been distributed to 66.36 the remaining works are in progress.
lakh pensioners upto November 2009 during
the year 2009-10. Rajiv Palle Bata
Dr.Y.S.R Abhaya Hastham is a co- Rajiv Palle Bata is a program involving
contributory pension and insurance scheme dialogue between the leader and the people.
visualized by the Government for the SHG During the process, people get an opportunity
women over and above 18 years age group in to represent their problems directly to their
rural and urban areas to provide social leaders. A total number of 54,540 petitions
security in their old age. Under this initiative, have been received during Rajiv Palle Bata
forty one lakh members have enrolled and programme and 1,195 assurances have also
Rs.15.00 crores is distributed to 3 lakh been made during public interactions.
pensioners for the month of November, 2009 96.66% of petitions and 90.30% of
under the scheme. assurances have been respondent to so far.
The poor in urban areas are organized into Andhra Pradesh and All India in general have
Self Help Groups and they are brought increased over the period 1993-94 to 2004-
together into Slum Level Federations at slum 05. However, during the period 1999-2000 to
level and into Town Level Federations at 2004-05, the rural and urban unemployment
town level. There are 21.78 lakh women in rates in respect of Andhra Pradesh have
1,98,019 self help groups in the 125 urban decreased.
local bodies.