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Association Between Adiponectin Levels With Markers of Atherosclerosis in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Original Article

Association Between Adiponectin Levels with Markers

of Atherosclerosis In Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tanggo Meriza1, Harry Isbagio1, Rahmad Mulyadi2, Murdani Abdullah3

Rheumatology ABSTRACT significant correlation between adiponectin serum and
Division Department Background: Several studies have shown that atherosclerosis in patients with RA (p = 0706 and r
of Internal Medicine
Medical Faculty
atherosclerosis underlying processes of Cardiovascular = 0.055). The analysis results of the correlation of
University of Indonesia disease (CVD), increased in rheumatoid arthritis adiponectin with atherosclerosis based on age, disease
Jakarta. (RA) and occurred early (premature). The cause of duration, ESR, rheumatoid factor, DAS 28, CRP, BMI,
Department of accelerated atherosclerosis in RA are still unknown. dyslipidemia showed no significant correlation.
Radiology Medical
Adipokines have known that the adipokines play a role Conclusion : From this study, researchers found no
Faculty University of
Indonesia Jakarta. in the pathophysiology of RA and CVD. Accumulation of statistically significant correlation between adiponectin
Gastroenterology and visceral fat associated with dysregulation of adipokines levels with marker of atherosclerosis (CIMT) in patients
Hepatology Division that influence the development of the atherosclerotic with rheumatoid arthritis
Department of Internal and disruption plaque. Obesity and pathological changes Keywords : Adiponectin, Atherosclerosis
Medicine Medical
Faculty University of
in fat mass and fat dysfunction as well as a change in
Indonesia Jakarta. the pattern of secretion of proinflammatory adipokines,
may have a correlation between heart disease and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic
rheumatic diseases. Adiponectin is one of the most inflammatory disease characterized by the
widely-studied adipokines. In RA, adiponectin is involvement of articular and extra-articular.
involved in the pathophysiology of RA that produces of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most important
various proinflammatory and prodestructive molecules. cause of mortality and morbidity of patients with
So far, adiponectin has been known to provide anti- RA.1 CVD causes almost 50% to more deaths in
atherosclerotic effects in patients with non-RA. But, patients with RA.2 Several studies have shown
several recent studies in RA patients get opposite that atherosclerosis underlying processes of CVD,
results in which increased levels of adiponectin are increased in RA and occured early (premature). But
associated with increased prevalence of atherosclerosis. the cause of accelerated atherosclerosis in RA are
The effect of adiponectin on atherosclerosis in patient still unknown. The increased risk of CVD in RA
with RA is still unknown. can not be fully explained by traditional risk factors
Objective: to determine the relationship of adiponectin such as age, sex, smoking, hypertension or type 2
with atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid diabetes (DM).3
arthritis. In contrast to the general population, the risk
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted of CVD in patients with RA particularly elevated
on outpatients of the rheumatology clinic at Cipto in younger patients and female gender. Low body
Mangunkusumo General Hospital from January until mass index (<20 kg/m2) was also associated with
April, 2013. Subjects consisted of 50 patients were a higher cardiovascular mortality. This may be
diagnosed based on ACR 1987/EULAR 2010 criteria. The correlated with increased inflammatory cytokines
collection of data obtained by consecutive sampling and leads to a catabolic process.1
evaluated the patients’ medical data that included age, It remains unclear how the traditional risk
long-suffering of RA, body mass index (BMI), lipid profile, factors interact with non-traditional rial factors to
rheumatoid factor levels, levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated increase CVD in RA. However, some traditional
peptide (anti-CCP), C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte risk factors, such as: men, sex, smoking and
sedimentation rates (ESR), blood pressure, fasting previous cardiovascular events, seems to have a
blood glucose, 2 hour post prandial blood glucose, ECG, relationship with the occurrence of CVD in patients
examination of serum adiponectin levels and bilateral with RA, but its contribution to the rate of CVD
carotid ultrasound to measure the carotid artery intima seems weak.4
media thickness. In addition to traditional risk factors, chronic
Results: From the results of the 50 patients studied, systemic inflammation has been shown to
obtained 28 (56%) of patients had increased levels be an important factor in the development of
of adiponectin. Atherosclerosis was found in 13 atherosclerosis. Increased systemic inflammation
(26%) subjects. The median value was 9.46 μg / ml in patients with RA is one of the non-traditional
with the lowest levels of 4 μg/ml and the highest factors that will increase the cardiovascular risk
levels of 24μg/ml. The Spearman’s test showed no in RA.5 RA is a prototype of a chronic systemic

12 Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology 2014; Vol 05

Original Article

inflammatory disease. And interestingly, there are similarities unintended opposite. Giving inhibitor of adiponectin through
between the inflammatory pathways in atherosclerosis and intra-articular pathways is more advisable because theoretically
RA.1 it can limit the proinflammatory effects of adiponectin on the
Although traditional risk factors are also involved in the joints but do not eliminate the anti-inflammatory effects on
pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in patients with RA, blood vessels and cardiovascular.23
but does not fully explain how the increased cardiovascular Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) is an important
risk in this population. Classical risk factors such as obesity marker for early subclinical atherosclerosis. CIMT is also a
might explain the increased risk of CVD in patients with strong predictor for future cardiovascular events in individuals
RA.6 It is well known that adipokines play a role in the RA and non-RA.24,25 In individuals non RA, adiponectin levels
pathophysiology of RA and CVD. Visceral fat accumulation are inversely related to CIMT, where low adiponectin levels
associated with dysregulation of adipokines that influence the will increase progression of atherosclerosis, thereby increasing
development of atherosclerotic and disruption plaque. Obesity the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Shargorodsky et al
and pathological changes in fat mass and fat dysfunction as found that serum levels of adiponectin are associated with
well as a change in the pattern of secretion of proinflammatory early atherosclerosis assessed by CIMT in obese patients non-
adipokines, could be one of the link between heart disease and RA.14 So adiponectin is also an independent predictor marker
rheumatic diseases. Indeed, the incidence of CVD is increased of early subclinical atherosclerosis in obese individuals non-
in obese individuals with rheumatic disorders.7 RA. Measurement technique of Carotid IMT can be considered
Since the discovery of leptin in 1994, adipose tissue is no as a valid marker of early atherosclerosis in asymtomatic
longer considered as a passive reservoir for storage energy.8 patients and is a predictor of mortality and morbidity of the
Adipose tissue is an endocrine and metabolic organ that is cardiovascular disease.23-25
very active and produce large amounts of bioactive peptides.8,9
These molecules known as adipokines and substantially can METHODS
modulate the metabolic cardiovascular risk factors including Study Design
insulin resistance and atherogenesis, and inflammatory and The research design was a cross-sectional study design using
immune respons. Leptin and adiponectin are the most studied primary data obtained from anamnesis, physical examination,
adipokines.8 and investigation. The study was conducted between January
At the individual non-RA, adiponectin is anti-inflammatory, until April 2013, at Polyclinic Rheumatology, Department of
anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic,11, 12,13 repair and production of Internal Medicine, Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital (RSCM),
metabolic risk decrease with increasing adiposites.8, 10 High Jakarta.
levels adiponectin are favorable factor because it will decrease
the progression of atherosclerosis.14 Patients
The above findings are very opposite, considering the Total sample consisted of 50 patients with new and old RA
increased adiponectin level in RA, while the incidence who have been diagnosed RA based on the ACR 1987/EULAR
of atherosclerosis in RA also increased. In contrast to the 2010 criteria who visited rheumatology outpatient clinic at
properties of adiponectin as an anti-inflammatory in a non- the Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital (RSCM). Sampling were
RA population. In contrast to RA, adiponectin is involved collected using a consecutive sampling method. The inclusion
in the pathophysiology of RA, which produce a variety of criteria were patients with RA who fullfilled ACR 1987/
proinflammatory and prodestructive molecule.8,15-18 Most EULAR 2010 criteria, age > 16 years when diagnosed and
studies in patients with RA have shown an increase in the are willing to follow the study. The exclusion criteria were
serum concentration of adiponectin, and adiponectin is also patients with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, patients with a
produced in the inflammed joints.8,15,19 Several studies have history of myocardial infarction, stroke or peripheral artery
also shown that adiponectin is involved in the development disease and treatment with ACE-inhibitor drugs.
of RA.8,15-18,20,21 These finding support the involvement of
adiponectin in the immune response in RA. Adiponectin may Assestments
play a role in the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis Necessary data were collected by performing anamnesis,
that adiponectin can be a potential new therapeutic targets by physical examination, laboratory tests and carotid ultrasound.
performing inhibition of adiponectin.22 Included in the assessment were clinical variables such as
Is the RA could modify the effect of adiponectin on risk age, disease duration of RA, Body Mass Index (BMI), lipid
of atherosclerosis, is currently unknown. Therefore, this profile, rheumatoid factor levels, levels of anti-CCP, levels
study required for the management of RA and inhibition of of anti CRP, and ESR, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose,
adiponectin on the possible use of RA (as a new therapeutic 2-hour post-prandial, ECG, and serum adiponectin levels
target),18 so that can explain how the inhibitory effect of examination. The concentration of serum adiponectin [μg/
adiponectin on cardiovascular risk in patients with RA. ml] were measured using Human Adiponectin ELISA kit
Adiponectin has anti-inflammatory effects on blood vessels according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The normal value
and on metabolic pathways and is a cardiovascular protective of total adiponectin concentration in plasma 3.58 to 9.66 μg/
factor. Therefore, when inhibition therapy of adiponectin is ml for women and 2.54 to 6.06 for μg/ml for males. Carotid
done systematically, may provide cardiovascular consequences ultrasound is done by one person radiologist using ultrasound

Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology 2014; Vol 05 13

Original Article

B-mode brand Philips Sonos 5500. Standard normal values of with the intima media thickness of the carotid artery. It
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) is ≤ 1.0 mm.26 is a marker of early atherosclerosis. The relationship of
adiponectin and atherosclerosis were then analyzed by age,
Statistical Analysis disease duration, ESR, rheumatoid factor, DAS 28, CRP,
The data collected were analyzed using computer BMI, dyslipidemia, but none of which showed significant
applications with SPSS version 15.0. Descriptive and results. The results of this study have the same results with the
analytical data will be presented in the form of text, tables, results obtained by Gonzalez et al.25,27 and Dessein et al.22, that
and pictures as appropriate. there is no correlation between adiponectin and intima media
thickness of the carotid artery.
RESULTS Serum concentration of adiponectin was not associated
Of the 50 subjects involved in this study, 56% (28 patients) with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular event rates in
subjects had high serum adiponectin levels. Mean adiponectin RA.7,20,27,28 It should be noted that in this case, the presence
levels could not be determined because the data distribution is of autoimmunity may change the effects of adiponectin on
not normal. While the median value is 9.46 μg / ml with the metabolic risk and cardiovascular disease.22
lowest levels of 4 μg / ml and the highest levels of 24μg/ml. So also with the incidence of CVD in RA, because not
The total of male subject (2 patients) have high adiponectin all patients with RA will experience the same CVD events.
levels. This difference is thought to be caused by the presence of
Bivariate analysis was done to see the correlation of genetic susceptibility to atherosclerosis which may also play
independent variabel, namely adiponectin levels with the a role. HLA-DRB1*0404 is a predisposing gene for RA
dependent variable, namely atherosclerosis. All variables and is associated with more severe RA disease. RA patients
were analyzed had a abnormal distribution, so the Spearman with HLA-DRB1*0404 gene-shared epitope-positive have a
correlation statistical test was used. The results of correlation higher cardiovascular mortality compared with the epitope-
test between adiponectin levels and atherosclerosis showed negative.29
a very weak correlation Alt value of p=0706 and r=0.055. Patients with RA had an increased prevalence of premature
Furthermore, the relationship of adiponectin levels and atherosclerosis and insulin resistance, are associated with
atherosclerosis were analyzed by age, disease duration, ESR, accelerated coronary atherosclerosis.28 Prevalence of CVD
rheumatoid factor, DAS 28, CRP, BMI, and dyslipidemia, but in RA may be higher than DM type 2.30 This study found no
none of which showed significant results. correlation between adiponectin with other cardiovascular risk
factors such as age, disease duration, ESR, rheumatoid factor,
DAS 28, CRP, BMI, and dyslipidemia. Other researchers also
found that adiponectin was not correlated with several risk
factors for atherosclerosis such as coronary calcium scoring28,
HOMA IR,12.28 total cholesterol, LDL kolesterol levels,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure12. However, adiponectin
correlated negatively with high levels of inflammation and
plasma glucose.12 Rho et al also found high concentrations
of adiponectin in patients with RA, but adiponectin was not
associated with coronary calcification and insulin resistance.28
In another study Gonzalez obtained the different results.
High levels of inflammation associated negatively with
circulating adiponectin, and low adiponectin concentration
is more correlated independently with an overview of the
metabolic syndrome (dyslipidemia and high plasma glucose
levels). These findings are similar to those reported in non-RA
Figure 2. The relationship between the adiponectin levels and subjects, and these increase the possibility that adiponectin
average value of atherosclerosis contributes to atherogenesis in RA and subsequently involve
in cardiovascular disease in patients with RA.12
Adiponectin has been associated as a protective factor for
DISCUSSION atherosclerosis in individual non-RA. However, in this study
In this study, obtained 28 subjects (56%) had high levels found no relationship between adiponectin and atherosclerosis.
of adiponectin. With a higher proportion (56%) indicate that This may be due in patients with RA, the effect of adiponectin
adiponectin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of RA. in atherosclerosis may be obscured by other inflammatory
At the individual non-RA, adiponectin is inversely related mediators that have pro-atherogenic effect whose levels are
to atherosclerosis. Adiponectin has been shown to play a elevated in RA.
key role in obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance and Adiponectin play an important role in the pathogenesis of
atherosclerosis, but little is known about their contribution to RA, but plays small role in the pathogenesis of subclinical
individual with RA. As shown in this study, the adiponectin atherosclerosis in RA and inhibition of systemic adiponectin
levels in patients with RA showed no-significant correlation

14 Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology 2014; Vol 05

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would not change the overall cardiovascular risk in patients Serum adiponectin levels may not be the same as the joint
with RA.22 In the context of adiponectin as a therapeutic target adiponectin levels.20 Adiponectin produced locally by intra-
for RA, this provides new opportunities for the provision of articular adipocytes, may play a role in the degradation of
adiponectin inhibitors through the systemic pathways. Because extracellular matrix components.15 These raise an assumption
adiponectin is not associated with atherosclerosis in patients that the serum adiponectin levels may not reflect the actual
with RA, we don’t need to worry about giving systemic activity of adiponectin in a particular tissue. Alternatively,
inhibitors of adiponectin will eliminate the protective effect increased production of adiponectin in autoimmune disease
of adiponectin in the cardiovascular. So that the provision or in chronic inflammatory conditions may be secondary to
of adiponectin inhibitors can be done through the systemic inflammation - due to the catabolic response that occurs in
pathways. RA.15,32,33
Another consequence of the results of this study also
shows that levels of adiponectin have not been able to replace CONCLUSION
the use of ultrasound to measure CIMT as a predictor of In this study, we found no statistically significant correlation
atherosclerotic events in particular and the incidence of between adiponectin levels with marker of atherosclerosis
cardiovascular disease is common in patients with RA who do (CIMT) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
not exhibit clinical symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
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