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Fernandez V P Cuerva

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DE FACTO: REQUISITES commissions was concerned. To this, P.

Cuerva contends that

inasmuch as plaintiff's claim was lodged with the regional office of
G.R. No. L-21114 November 28, 1967 the Department of Labor, which is not a court, the same could not
FEDERICO FERNANDEZ, plaintiff-appellant, vs. P. CUERVA and CO., be considered a judicial demand that would suspend the running of
defendant-appellee. the prescriptive period.

Federico Fernandez was employed as salesman by P. Cuerva & Co. ISSUE: Did the filing by plaintiff of that claim with the DOLE RO
from March, 1949 to October, 1959. After his separation from the suspend the running of the period of prescription?
service, he filed a claim against P. Cuerva before the Regional Office HELD: YES
of DOLE to recover unpaid salaries and commissions, and separation
pay (July 26, 1960). It is true that the claim filed by plaintiff with the regional office of
the Department of Labor is not a judicial demand in the same sense
During the pendency of said case, Fernandez again instituted a of the term "judicial demand" because the same was not instituted
similar complaint with the CFI (December 17, 1962) alleging, among in a court of justice. However, pursuant to Reorganization Plan No.
others, that the agreed upon increase of P100.00 a month in his 20-A, each regional office of the Department of Labor was vested
salary (P200 -> P300) and 10% commission were not actually with original and exclusive jurisdiction over all cases affecting all
received by him. Apprently, there was a verbal understanding money claims arising from violations of labor standards on working
between him and P. Cuerva that the same would be retained by the conditions to the exclusion of courts. Consequently, when
latter as bond or deposit for the goods being handled by Fernandez. Fernandez wanted to enforce his claim after his dismissal from the
All in all, the total sum sought to be recovered by Fernandez is service, RO 4 of the DOLE was empowered to take cognizance of the
P11,570.00. claim. He could not institute the action to recover his claim in the
CFI dismissed the case mainly on the ground of prescription. Under court of justice.
the Minimum Wage Law, the action to recover the withheld We believe that the filing of a claim before an administrative agency
commissions was already barred inasmuch as it was not brought
which is vested with authority to decide said claim would produce
within 3 years from the time the right of action accrued (Sec. 17). the effect of a judicial demand for the purpose of interrupting the
On his part, Fernandez mainly argue that the fact that his having running of the period of prescription. The purpose of the law on
filed a similar claim with Regional Office No. 4 of the Department of prescription and the statute of limitations is to protect the person
Labor had suspended the running of the prescriptive period insofar who is diligent and vigilant in asserting his right, and conversely to
as his claim for refund of unauthorized deductions and withheld punish the person who sleeps on his right.
NOTE: While the said Sec. 25 of the reorganization plan was NOTE: A right of action accrues only from the moment the right to
declared unconstitutional, Fernandez had filed his claim about one commence the action comes into existence, and prescription begins
year before said declaration of unconstitutionality. The actual to run from that time.
existence of a statute prior to such declaration is an operative fact,
NOTE: while the amounts withheld by P. Cuerva were actually
and may have consequences which cannot justly be ignored.
deductions from plaintiff's salaries and unpaid commissions, they
It was precisely because Section 25 of Reorganization Plan No. 20-A were, however, constituted as a bond or a deposit to answer for any
was declared unconstitutional that Fernandez, without awaiting the liability that he might incur in connection with the goods handled by
action of Regional Office No. 4 of the Department of Labor on the him. It was, therefore, not feasible for Fernandez to demand every
claim that he filed on July 26, 1960, instituted his action in the CFI. month or every payday, or during the period of his employment the
The move of plaintiff was precisely intended to protect his right of return or refund of those amounts withheld, because the
action from the adverse effect of the decision of this Court. undertaking for which the bond or deposit was constituted was still
subsisting. And so the right of plaintiff to commence an action for
Considering that the running of prescriptive period was deemed the return or refund of the amounts representing such bond or
interrupted, it is clear that Fernandez's action to enforce his claim deposit would accrue only when the same was no longer needed,
was not yet barred by the statute of limitations when he filed his and the time when it was no longer needed only came in October
complaint in the CFI. Plaintiff's action may be considered as brought
1959 when plaintiff was separated from the service. Having ceased
before the court still within the period of three years from the time to be employed by the defendant, the bond put up by plaintiff
his right of action accrued in accordance with the provisions of thereby became unnecessary or useless.
theMinimum Wage Law. And considering further that the amount
sought to be recovered in the complaint is more than P10,000.00
(NOTE: P10,070.00), it follows that the CFI has the exclusive and
original jurisdiction to entertain the action.

NOTE: law applicable is the Minimum Wage Law because the bond
or deposit sought to be recovered by Fernandez was actually the
sum total of the unauthorized deductions from his salaries and
withheld commissions under Section 10 thereof.

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