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CMS-DOC-01 Rev6 NASA Competency Dictionary

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Rev. 6

Workforce Competency Dictionary

NASA Competency
Management System (CMS)



Issue Date: 12-07-2005
Revision: 6

This document was prepared for and is the property of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration and has not been approved for public release.

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Washington, DC
NASA Competency Management System
Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6

CMS USAGE POLICY....................................................................................................................................................................9
Intended Use.................................................................................................................................................................................9
Restrictions and Limitations........................................................................................................................................................9
BUSINESS RULES & GUIDELINES..........................................................................................................................................10
REVISION HISTORY...................................................................................................................................................................12
1. Business Knowledge Domain.................................................................................................14
1.1. Business Operations Competency Suite............................................................................................................................14
1.1.1. Partnership & Business Development (BUSDEV) [116]....................................................................................14
1.1.2. Business IT Systems (BITSYS) [131]..................................................................................................................14 Information Resources Planning and Evaluation (BITPLAN) [1078]........................................................14 IT Architecture (BITARCH) [1079]...........................................................................................................14 Information Systems Security (BITSECURE) [1081]................................................................................14
1.1.3. Business Management (BUSMMT) [113]...........................................................................................................15
1.1.4. Commercial Technology (COMTEC) [117]........................................................................................................15
1.1.5. Education Programs and Technologies (EDTECH) [137]..................................................................................15
1.1.6. Export Control (EXPORT) [144].........................................................................................................................15
1.1.7. Governmental Affairs (GOVAF) [136]................................................................................................................15
1.1.8. Inspection, Investigation and Compliance (INSCOMP) [127]............................................................................15
1.1.9. Legal (LEGAL) [125]...........................................................................................................................................16 Paralegal (PARALEGAL) [1082]..............................................................................................................16 Intellectual Property Law (INTPROPLAW) [1083]..................................................................................16 General Law (GENERALLAW) [1084]....................................................................................................16 Contracts Law (CONTRCTLAW) [1085].................................................................................................16 Personnel/EEO Law (PERSONLAW) [1086]...........................................................................................16 Environmental Law (ENVLAW) [1087]...................................................................................................16
1.1.10. Public Communications & Outreach (PUBLICOMM) [135]..............................................................................16
1.1.11. International Program Development (INTLPGMDEV) [157]................................................................................17
1.1.12. Policy Management (POLICYMGMT) [169].........................................................................................................17
1.2. Financial Operations Competency Suite...........................................................................................................................17
1.2.1. Budgeting Management (BUDGETMMT) [119]................................................................................................17
1.2.2. Acquisition and Contract Management (CONMMT) [124]................................................................................17 Acquisition Planning (ACQPLAN) [1093].................................................................................................17 Contract Formation (CONFORMAT) [1094].............................................................................................18 Contract Management and Performance Assessment (CONPERFORM) [1095]......................................18
1.2.3. Cost Estimation and Analysis (COSTEST) [121]................................................................................................18
1.2.4. Financial Management (FINMMT) [118]............................................................................................................18
1.2.5. Internal Control / Audit (INTAUD) [120]...........................................................................................................18
1.3. Institutional Operations & Support Competency Suite.....................................................................................................19
1.3.1. Institutional Environmental Engineering & Management (ENVENGMMT) [133]...........................................19 Institutional Environmental Planning/NEPA (ENVPLAN) [1088]................................................................19 Institutional Environmental Remediation (ENVREMED) [1089].................................................................19
1.3.2. Fire Protection Engineering (FIREPROT) [143].................................................................................................19
1.3.3. Master Planning (MASTERPLAN) [167]...........................................................................................................19
1.3.4. Institutional Logistics, Supply and Transportation (LOGSUPTRAN) [134]......................................................20
1.3.5. Security & Program Protection (SECURITY) [126]..............................................................................................20 Physical Security (SECPHYSCL) [1072].......................................................................................................20 Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Analysis, Investigation and Liaison (SECOUNTER) [1073]...........20 Information Security (SECINFO) [1074]........................................................................................................20 National Security Systems (SECNATION) [1075].........................................................................................20

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NASA Competency Management System
Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Personnel Security (SECPERSON) [1076].....................................................................................................20 Industrial Security (SECINDUST) [1077]......................................................................................................21
1.3.6. Emergency Management (EMERGMMT) [151]....................................................................................................21
1.3.7. Occupational and Environmental Health (OCCHEALTH) [130].......................................................................21 Occupational Medicine (OCCMED) [1066]...................................................................................................21 Industrial Hygiene (OCCHYGIENE) [1067]..................................................................................................22 Health Physics (OCCPHYSICS) [1068]..........................................................................................................22 Employee Assistance (OCCASSIST) [1069]..................................................................................................22
1.3.8. Facilities Engineering and Management (FACENG) [112]...................................................................................22 Facility Civil Engineering (FACIVENG) [1090]............................................................................................22 Facility Mechanical Engineering (FACMECHENG) [1091].............................................................................22 Facility Electrical Engineering (FACELECENG) [1092]..............................................................................23 Construction Management (FACONSTMMT) [1096]...................................................................................23 Real Property Management (FACPROPRTY) [1097]....................................................................................23 Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FACOPSMAIN) [1098]..................................................................23
1.3.9. Institutional Aircraft Operations (AIROPS) [152]..................................................................................................23
1.3.10. Research, Development or Flight Facility Planning (FACLTYPLAN) [168].......................................................23
1.3.11. Workplace Safety (WORKSAFETY) [150]............................................................................................................24
1.4. Workforce Operations & Support Competency Suite.......................................................................................................24
1.4.1. Diversity Management (DIVERSEMMT) [158]....................................................................................................24
1.4.2. Human Capital Management (HUMCAPMMT) [128]......................................................................................24 Human Capital Leadership & Planning (HUMCAPLEAD) [tbd]..................................................................24 Workforce Planning & Analysis (WFPLANANA) [tbd]................................................................................24 Workforce Recruitment & Retention (WFRECRURET) [tbd]......................................................................25 Workforce Learning & Capability Building (WFLEARNCB) [tbd]..............................................................25 Leadership & Organization Development (LEADORGDEV) [tbd]..............................................................25 Performance Culture & Workplace Environment (WFCULTURE) [tbd].....................................................25
1.4.3. Equal Opportunity Management (EEOMMT) [129]..............................................................................................25
1.4.4. Professional Administrative Operations (PROFADMOPS) [115]..........................................................................25
1.4.5. Para-Professional Business Operations (PARABUSOPS) [165]............................................................................25
1.4.6. Student Trainee (STUDENT) [174].........................................................................................................................26 Technical Student Trainee (STUTECH) [1101].............................................................................................26 Clerical Student Trainee (STUCLERICAL) [1102].......................................................................................26 Professional Administrative Student Trainee (STUPROFADM) [1103].......................................................26
2. Engineering & Technology Knowledge Domain.....................................................................26
2.1. Engineering of Systems Competency Suite......................................................................................................................26
2.1.1. Design and Development Engineering (DESDEVENG) [8]...............................................................................26 Structural Design and Development Engineering (DDESTRUCT) [1028]................................................26 Electrical Design and Development Engineering (DDEELEC) [1029]......................................................26 Propulsion Design and Development Engineering (DDEPROP) [1030]....................................................27 Test Fixtures and GSE Design and Development Engineering (DDETEST) [1031].................................27
2.1.2. Engineering and Science Support (ENGSCISUP) [11].......................................................................................27
2.1.3. Integration Engineering (INTEGENG) [9]..........................................................................................................27 Structural Integration Engineering (INTSTRUCT) [1032].........................................................................27 Materials Integration Engineering (INTMATER) [1033]...........................................................................28 Systems Integration Engineering (INTSYSTEMS) [1034].........................................................................28 Electrical Integration Engineering (INTELECT) [1035]............................................................................28 Propulsion Integration Engineering (INTPROPEL) [1036]........................................................................28
2.1.4. Manufacturing Engineering (MANUFACT) [24]................................................................................................28
2.1.5. Process Engineering (PROCESSENG) [114]......................................................................................................29
2.1.6. Systems Engineering (SYSTEMSENG) [7].........................................................................................................29
2.1.7. Test Engineering (TESTENG) [10].....................................................................................................................29 Structural Test Engineering (TSTSTRUCT) [1037]....................................................................................29

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Materials Test Engineering (TSTMATER) [1038]......................................................................................30 Thermal Test Engineering (TSTTHERMO) [1039]....................................................................................30 Electrical Test Engineering (TSTELECT) [1040].......................................................................................30 Propulsion Test Engineering (TSTPROPUL) [1041]..................................................................................30
2.2. Systems Analysis & Mission Planning Competency Suite...............................................................................................30
2.2.1. Advanced Mission Analysis (ADVMIS) [89]......................................................................................................30
2.2.2. Aerospace Systems Concept Development & Technology Assessment (ASCDTA) [90].................................31
2.2.3. Mission Analysis and Planning (MAP) [1]..........................................................................................................31
2.2.4. Mission Flight Design (FLTDSG) [2]..................................................................................................................31
2.3. Aeronautics Competency Suite.........................................................................................................................................31
2.3.1. Acoustics (ACOUSTICS) [103]...........................................................................................................................31
2.3.2. Aerodynamics (AERODYN) [101]......................................................................................................................31
2.3.3. Aeroelasticity (AEROELA) [100]........................................................................................................................32
2.3.4. Aerothermodynamics (AEROTHM) [102]..........................................................................................................32
2.3.5. Air Traffic Systems (AIRTRAFFIC) [108]..........................................................................................................32
2.3.6. Flight Dynamics (FLTDYN) [98]........................................................................................................................32
2.3.7. Simulation/Flight Research Systems (SIMFLTSYS) [110].................................................................................32
2.4. Human and Biological Competency Suite........................................................................................................................32
2.4.1. Aerospace Medicine (AEROMED) [36]............................................................................................................32 Medical Practice (MDPRACTICE) [1070].................................................................................................33 Behavioral Health (MDBEHAVIOR) [1071].............................................................................................33
2.4.2. Bioengineering (BIOENG) [58]...........................................................................................................................33
2.4.3. Biomedical Engineering (BIOMEDENG) [35]...................................................................................................33
2.4.4. Biomimetics (BIOMIMETIC) [59]......................................................................................................................33
2.4.5. Crew Systems and Aviation Operations (CSAOPS) [97]....................................................................................33
2.4.6. Extravehicular Activity Systems (EAS) [38].......................................................................................................33
2.4.7. Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) [37]......................................................................34
2.4.8. Habitability and Environmental Factors (ENVFACT) [39]................................................................................34
2.4.9. Fundamental Human Factors Research (HUMFACTRES) [40].........................................................................34 Biomechanics and Ergonomics Fundamental Research (HFRBIOMECH) [1005].......................................34 Habitability and Environmental Psychology Fundamental Research (HFRHABIT) [1006]..........................34 Perception and Psychophysics Fundamental Research (HFRPERCEPT) [1007]...........................................34 Psychophysiology Fundamental Research (HFRPSYPHY) [1008]................................................................34 Fatigue, Alertness, Circadian Rhythms Fundamental Research (HFRATIGUE) [1009]..............................35 Cognitive Science Fundamental Research (HFRCOG) [1010]......................................................................35 Communication and Knowledge Management Fundamental Research (HFRCOMM) [1011].....................35 Decision Making and Risk Management Fundamental Research (HFRDECISMK) [1012].........................35 Organizational Science Fundamental Research (HFRORG) [1013]...............................................................35 Human-Machine Interaction Fundamental Research (HFRHUMMACH) [1014].........................................35 Manual Control Fundamental Research (HFRMANCNTL) [1015]...............................................................35 Supervisory Control Fundamental Research (HFRSUPCNTL) [1016]..........................................................35 Training and Adaptation Fundamental Research (HFRTRNG) [1017].........................................................35 Human Performance Fundamental Research (HFRHUMPERF) [1018]........................................................35
2.4.10. Human Factors Engineering (HUMFACTENG) [41]..........................................................................................35 Biomechanical Engineering, Technology, Standards (HFEBIOMECH) [1019].......................................36 Ergonomics Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFEERGO) [1020].............................................36 Space Human Factors Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFESPACE) [1021]...........................36 Habitability Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFEHABIT) [1022]...........................................36 Perceptual Technologies and Standards (HFEPERCEPT) [1023].............................................................36 Cognitive Technologies (HFECOG) [1024]...............................................................................................36
Human-Automation System Design (HFEHUMAUTO) [1025]........................................................................................36 Training Technologies (HFETRNG) [1026]...............................................................................................36 Human Reliability and Human Error Analysis (HFEHUMERR) [1027].................................................36
2.5. Chemical Competency Suite.............................................................................................................................................36
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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6

2.5.1. Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering (CHEMENG) [25]........................................................................................36

2.5.2. Pyrotechnics (PYROTECH) [18].........................................................................................................................36
2.6. Computer Science & Information Technology Competency Suite..................................................................................37
2.6.1. Computer Systems and Engineering (COMPSYSENG) [80]..............................................................................37
2.6.2. Data Systems and Technology (DATSYS) [161]..............................................................................................37 Database Management Systems (DATDBMMT) [1080]...........................................................................37 Large Scale Data Systems (DATLARGE) [83]..........................................................................................37 Data Visualization (DATVISUAL) [87]......................................................................................................37
2.6.3. Intelligent/Adaptive Systems (IASYS) [85]........................................................................................................37
2.6.4. Network Systems and Technology (NETSYS) [81]............................................................................................38
2.6.5. Neural Networks & Systems (NEUNETSYS) [84].............................................................................................38
2.6.6. Robotics (ROBOTICS) [79].................................................................................................................................38
2.6.7. Software Engineering (SWENG) [82].................................................................................................................38
2.6.8. Imaging Analysis (IMAGING) [166]..................................................................................................................38
2.7. Electrical & Electronic Competency Suite.......................................................................................................................39
2.7.1. Avionics (AVIONICS) [21]..................................................................................................................................39
2.7.2. Communication Networks & Engineering (COMNETENG) [60]......................................................................39
2.7.3. Electro-Mechanical Systems (ELMECHSY) [15]...............................................................................................39
2.7.4. Electrical and Electronic Systems (ELSYS) [13]................................................................................................39 Instrumentation Systems (ELINSTR) [1042].............................................................................................39 EEE Parts (ELEEEPART) [1043]...............................................................................................................39 Parts & Packaging (ELPARTSPKG) [1044]...............................................................................................40 Electrical Circuits Engineering (ELCIRCUITS) [1045]............................................................................40
2.7.5. Flight and Ground Data Systems (FLTGNDSYS) [19].......................................................................................40
2.7.6. Control Systems, Guidance & Navigation (GNC) [22].......................................................................................40 Spacecraft & Stabilization Control Design and Analysis (GNCSPACE) [1046].....................................40 Vehicle Control Design and Analysis (GNCVEHCNTL) [1047].............................................................41 Guidance Design and Analysis (GNCGUIDE) [1048]..............................................................................41 Navigation System Design and Analysis (GNCNAVSYS) [1049]...........................................................41
2.7.7. Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MICROELMEC) [16]................................................................................41
2.7.8. Metrology and Calibration Competency (METROLOGY) [160].....................................................................41
2.7.9. Wireless Communications and Telemetry (WIRELESS) [159].............................................................................42
2.7.10. Electromagnetics (ELMAG) [12].........................................................................................................................42
2.8. Power & Propulsion Competency Suite............................................................................................................................42
2.8.1. Advanced In-Space Propulsion (ADVPRO) [72]................................................................................................42 Advanced Chemical & Thermal Prop (APCHEM) [1052]............................................................................42 Electric Propulsion (APELEC) [1050]............................................................................................................42 Propellantless Propulsion(APNOPROP) [1051]..............................................................................................42
2.8.2. Airbreathing Propulsion (AIRPRO) [69].............................................................................................................42
2.8.3. Combustion Science (BOOMSCI) [74]................................................................................................................43
2.8.4. Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion (HAIRPRO) [70].......................................................................................43
2.8.5. Hypergolic Systems (HYPERSYS) [71]..............................................................................................................43
2.8.6. Nuclear Engineering /Propulsion (NUCLEARENG) [138].................................................................................43
2.8.7. Propulsion Systems & Testing (PROSYS) [68]...................................................................................................43
2.8.8. Power - Energy Storage (PWRENG) [76]...........................................................................................................43
2.8.9. Power Generation - Photovoltaics (PWRPHO) [77]............................................................................................44
2.8.10. Power Systems (PWRSYS) [75]..........................................................................................................................44
2.8.11. Power Generation - Thermal Systems (PWRTHM) [78]....................................................................................44
2.8.12. Rocket Propulsion (ROCKETPRO) [73].............................................................................................................44 Turbomachinery Design and Analysis (RPTURBO) [1053]......................................................................44 Combustion Devices Design and Analysis (RPCOMBUST) [1054].........................................................44 Valves, Lines & Ducts (RPVALVES) [1055]............................................................................................44 Propellant Management Systems Design and Analysis (RPPRPMMT) [1056].........................................45 Spacecraft and Auxiliary Propulsion System Design and Analysis (RPAUXPRP) [1057]......................45
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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Analytical and computational Fluid Mechanics (RPFLUIDMCH) [1058]....................................................45 Dynamic Data Analysis (RPDYNDATA) [1059]............................................................................................45 Solid & Hybrid Motor Systems (SOLIDENG) [tbd].......................................................................................45 Liquid Engine Systems (LIQUIDENG) [tbd]..................................................................................................46
2.9. Sensor Systems Competency Suite....................................................................................................................................46
2.9.1. Sensors & Data Acquisition (SENSORDATA) [20]..........................................................................................46
2.9.2. Electron Device Technology (ELDEVTEC) [14]...............................................................................................46
2.9.3. Laser Technology (LASER) [92].........................................................................................................................46
2.9.4. Microwave Systems (MICROSYS) [94]..............................................................................................................46
2.9.5. Optical Systems (OPTSYS) [93]..........................................................................................................................47
2.9.6. Remote Sensing Technologies (REMOTESENS) [95].......................................................................................47
2.10. Structures, Materials & Mechanics Competency Suite................................................................................................47
2.10.1. Analytical and Computational Structural Methods (ACMSTR) [64].................................................................47
2.10.2. Materials Science and Engineering (MATSCIENG) [66].......................................................................................47 Metallurgy (MSEMETAL) [1060]..................................................................................................................47 Non-metallics (MSENONMET) [1061]..........................................................................................................48 Failure Analysis (MSEFAILURE) [1062]......................................................................................................48 Contamination Control (MSECONTAM) [1063]...........................................................................................48
2.10.3. Mechanics and Durability (MECHDUR) [62].....................................................................................................49
2.10.4. Mechanical Systems (MECHSYS) [17]...............................................................................................................49
2.10.5. Non-destructive Evaluation Sciences (NONDESSCI) [67].................................................................................49
2.10.6. Structural Dynamics (STRUCTDYN) [61]..........................................................................................................49
2.10.7. Thermal Structures (THERMALSTR) [105].......................................................................................................50
2.11. Thermal/Fluid Competency Suite..................................................................................................................................50
2.11.1. Cryogenics Engineering (CRYOENG) [26].........................................................................................................50
2.11.2. Fluid Systems (FLUIDSYS) [106].......................................................................................................................50
2.11.3. Thermal Systems (THERMALSYS) [104]..........................................................................................................50
2.12. Multi-disciplinary R&D Competency Suite..................................................................................................................50
2.12.1. Advanced Analysis and Design Method Development (AADMD) [91].............................................................50
2.12.2. Advanced Measurement, Diagnostics, and Instrumentation (ADVMDI) [111].................................................51
2.12.3. Advanced Experimentation and Testing Technologies (AETT) [109]...............................................................51
2.12.4. Mathematical Modeling & Analysis (MMA) [86]...............................................................................................51
2.12.5. Nanotechnology (TINYTEC) [57].......................................................................................................................51
2.12.6. Space Environments Science and Engineering (SPACE_ENV) [155]................................................................51
2.12.7. Terrestrial & Planetary Environmental Science and Engineering (PLANETENV) [23]...................................52
3. Mission Operations Knowledge Domain................................................................................52
3.1. Mission Operations Competency Suite.............................................................................................................................52
3.1.1. Advanced Technical Training Design (ADVTEC) [3]........................................................................................52
3.1.2. Mission Assurance (MA) [30]..............................................................................................................................52
3.1.3. Mission Execution (MISEXC) [4]........................................................................................................................52
3.1.4. Payload Integration (PAYLOADINT) [5]...........................................................................................................52
3.1.5. Weather Observation and Forecasting (WOBSFR) [6].......................................................................................52
3.1.6. Integrated Logistics Support (INTLOGSUP) [162]................................................................................................53
3.1.7. Program/Project Analysis (PROJANALYS) [147]..............................................................................................53
3.1.8. Technical Management (TECHMMT) [153]..........................................................................................................53
3.2. Quality/Safety/Performance Competency Suite...............................................................................................................53
3.2.1. Quality Engineering & Assurance (QEA) [29]....................................................................................................53
3.2.2. Reliability & Maintainability Engineering & Assurance (RMEA) [28].............................................................54
3.2.3. Risk Management (RISKMMT) [123].................................................................................................................54
3.2.4. Safety Engineering and Assurance (SAFENG) [27]............................................................................................54 System Safety (SYSSAFETY) [tbd]...........................................................................................................54 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PROBRISK) [tbd]....................................................................................54 Trend Analysis (TREND) [tbd]...................................................................................................................55

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Precursor Analysis (PRECURSOR) [tbd]...................................................................................................55

3.2.5. Software Assurance Engineering (SWASSURANCE) [139]..............................................................................55
3.2.6. Configuration Management (CONFIGMMT) [154]...............................................................................................55
3.2.7. Mishap Investigation (MISHAPINV) [149]............................................................................................................55
4. Leadership & Management Knowledge Domain....................................................................56
4.1. Management Competency Suite........................................................................................................................................56
4.1.1. Executive Management (EXECMMT) [170]..........................................................................................................56
4.1.2. Business Work & Team Management (BUSWORKMMT) [172].........................................................................56
4.1.3. Project Work & Team Management (PROWORKMMT) [173]............................................................................56
4.1.4. Technical Work & Team Management (TECWORKMMT) [171]........................................................................56
4.2. Professional Development Competency Suite..................................................................................................................57
4.2.1. Program/Project Management (PROJPROGMT) [122]......................................................................................57
4.2.2. NASA Leadership Competency (NASALEADER) [140]..................................................................................57 Employee & Team Leadership (LEADTEAM) [1001]..............................................................................57 Knowledge & Communication Management (LEADCOMM) [1002]......................................................57 Work Performance Leadership (LEADWORK) [1003].............................................................................57 International Relations (LEADGLOBAL) [1004]......................................................................................58
5. Science Knowledge Domain...................................................................................................58
5.1. Space Sciences Competency Suite....................................................................................................................................58
5.1.1. Astromaterials, Collections, Curation & Analysis (ASTROMATER) [55]........................................................58
5.1.2. Astrobiology (ASTROBIO) [54]..........................................................................................................................58
5.1.3. Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASTRONOMY) [52].............................................................................................58
5.1.4. Earth Atmosphere (EARTHATM) [44]..............................................................................................................58
5.1.5. Planetary Atmospheres (PLANETATM) [44]....................................................................................................59
5.1.6. Planetary Science (PLANETSCI) [53]................................................................................................................59
5.1.7. Space Physics (SPACEPHY) [51]........................................................................................................................59
5.2. Earth Sciences Competency Suite.....................................................................................................................................59
5.2.1. Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems (BBECO) [46]............................................................................59
5.2.2. Earth Science Applications Research (EARSCIRES) [49].................................................................................59
5.2.3. Earth System Modeling (EARSYMODEL) [50].................................................................................................60
5.2.4. Geophysical/Geologic Science (GEOSCI) [45]...................................................................................................60
5.2.5. Geospatial Science and Technologies (GEOSPATIAL) [88]..............................................................................60
5.2.6. Hydrological Science (HYDROSCI) [47]............................................................................................................60
5.2.7. Oceanographic Science (OCEANSCI) [48].........................................................................................................60
5.2.8. Climate Change and Variability (CLIMATE) [164]..............................................................................................60
5.3. Physical Sciences Competency Suite................................................................................................................................61
5.3.1. Fundamental Physics (FUNPHYSICS) [42]........................................................................................................61
5.3.2. Icing Physics (ICEPHYSICS) [107].....................................................................................................................61
5.3.3. Nanoscience (TINYSCI) [56]...............................................................................................................................61
5.3.4. Fluid Physics (FLUIDPHY) [43]..........................................................................................................................61
5.3.5. Advanced Materials and Processing Science (ADVMATSCI) [65]...................................................................61
5.4. Biological Sciences Competency Suite.............................................................................................................................61
5.4.1. Bioethics (BIOETHICS) [156]................................................................................................................................61 Biomedical and Research Clinical Ethics (BRCE) [1064].............................................................................61 Research Subject Protection Regulation (RSPR) [1065].................................................................................62
5.4.2. Biomedical Research (BIOMEDRES) [34].........................................................................................................62
5.4.3. Cell & Molecular Biology (CELLBIO) [31].......................................................................................................62
5.4.4. Developmental Biology (DEVELOPBIO) [32]...................................................................................................62
5.4.5. Neurobiology (NEUROBIO) [33]........................................................................................................................62
Appendix A: Competency ID Number Cross-Reference Table......................................................63
Appendix B: Proficiency Guideline Table.......................................................................................70
Appendix C: Revision 6 Change Overview.....................................................................................73

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NASA Competency Management System
Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6


The NASA Competency Management System (CMS) is a collection of business processes and tools that are used to
measure and monitor the Agency’s corporate knowledge base. A competency is a conceptual representation of a body
of knowledge. The competencies are used to categorize the capabilities of an employee, identify the knowledge
requirements of a job position, forecast the workforce requirements for a project, and stimulate the interaction and
sharing of knowledge across the Agency.


Intended Use
Strategic Human Capital Management: The Competency Management System is primarily a workforce-planning tool
that will help the Agency ensure it has the competencies needed for the future workforce. It identifies competencies
for employees, job positions, and program/projects. By combining this data with other related information (such as
project schedules, mission priorities, allocated resources, etc.), it provides insight into the Agency’s workforce
capabilities, which enables appropriate decision makers to set guidelines for human capital programs (such as staffing,
training, etc.). The program managers can use the competency information to augment other workforce information to
align the workforce to the Agency’s mission.

Integration of Business Processes: The Competency Management System provides a frame of reference. This allows
business processes that are related, to map their objectives and data to competencies. This allows the exchange and
integration of information between the processes utilizing a common language.

Employee Development: The Competency Management System provides employees and supervisors an additional
avenue to help determine the knowledge areas. This sets the focus for defining the appropriate developmental
activities that would further enhance the employee’s capabilities.

Expertise Locator: The Competency Management System provides employees, supervisors, project managers,
functional offices, enterprise management, and senior leadership the capability to locate expertise within the Agency’s
Workforce. It provides insight the Agency’s Corporate Knowledge Base

Knowledge Management: The Competency Management System can help connect employees with the same or similar
competencies into communities of practice. This allows other systems and tools, such as portals, to more easily
connect the community with other knowledge management tools (such as Lessons Learned, Technical Documents,
etc.) that are similar or related to the competency.

Communication Tool: The Competency Management System provides a mechanism to understand the Agency’s
Corporate Knowledge Base that enables improved communication across project, functional, and organizational
boundaries in an effort to realize and apply the full capability of the workforce to accomplish NASA’s mission by
providing a consistent language and framework.

Restrictions and Limitations

Job Selection: The Competency Management System is not designed or used as an Agency employment and selection
system. It does not meet, nor is required to meet, the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (29 CFR
1607). When defining a job, competencies relate to, and can help define, the knowledge requirements for the position.

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But there are several other qualifications factors (such a duties, skills, abilities, location, job environment, etc.) that are
defined and used during the competitive selection process. [ For detailed information about the job selection process,
see the NASA HR Desk Procedure on “The NASA Competitive Placement Plan for Positions GS-15 and Below
(Including Trades and Labor Positions)” ]

Pay Setting: Most employees are in pay systems that are position-based. This means that basic pay is determined by
the classification of the duties and responsibilities of the position to a particular grade or pay level. The intent of the
federal pay system is to ensure that there will be equal pay for equal work. Competencies help to define the
Knowledge part of the position requirements. Some competencies are required for a position and help to determine
grade and pay. However, these competencies are defined and delineated via the job analysis and classification
process, NOT through CMS. Other competencies an employee may possess are associated with an individual and do
NOT apply to grade or pay determination. [ For detailed information about pay setting, see the NASA Desk Guide on
“Pay Setting”)

Employee Performance Evaluation: An employee’s performance plan will be based on an employee’s work
assignments and responsibilities and must contain at least one element that addresses the individual's performance and
its relationship to NASA`s Strategic Plan. Competencies are a body of knowledge and therefore cannot be used to plan
or evaluate employee performance. [ For detailed information about employee performance, see the NASA Policy
3430.1A “NASA Employee Performance Communication System (EPCS)” ]

Task/Work Assignments: Competency information can provide supervisors with limited information about what an
employee may know. It does not capture or communicate the other items that a supervisor would need in order to
assign an employee to a particular task or job, such as how the employee applied their knowledge (which projects,
products, tasks) how the employee performs, other special skills or capabilities that an employee may posses,
availability of the employee, among others. The Competency Management System is not intended to replace
supervisor judgment or direct communication with employees. [ For detailed information about work assignments,
contact your supervisor]

Other: Any application, or use of the competency data must comply with all related NASA HR Policies and

Privacy Act Notice:

Records that relate to employees contained in the Competency Management System (CMS) are subject to the Privacy
Act and must be safeguarded against unauthorized disclosure in accordance with 14 C.F.R. 1212.605. Unauthorized
disclosure of Privacy Act records may result in criminal penalties under 5 U.S.C. 552a(i)(1) and (2).

The content in this section on the CMS Usage Policy is provided to the reader as a synopsis of how the competency
information and implementation relates to selected NASA Human Resource Policies and Procedures, which are
governed by extensive Federal Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines. This information does not supplement or supersede
any NASA Agency, or Center, HR Policy or desk procedure. For any questions about competency information as it
relates to personnel actions please contact the Human Resource Office at your Center.


(1) Guidelines for the number of competencies per position: The intent of the process is to identify competencies that
are required for a job position AND that would be utilized most of the time, or are critical knowledge areas for the
position. It is not the intent of the system to capture every possible competency that could be used. Every position
should have at least one competency identified, and for most positions it is expected there will be anywhere
between 2 and 10 competencies assigned. The CMS system has enough fields to accommodate up to 20
competencies for any position, however, it is expected that there will be few positions that will need to be
assigned more than 10 competencies.
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(2) Guidelines for the number of competencies per employee: Individuals are to identify the areas of knowledge that
they have acquired through past education or work experience. However, it is not feasible, nor the intent of this
system, to capture everything a person may know. Therefore, the employee should limit and select the
competencies that best describe the knowledge areas that they have utilize most often in the present, or in the past.
At a minimum, these should include the competencies that they are using in their current job position. Additional
competencies should reflect only those bodies of knowledge that employees feel are current enough to be usable,
with or without some refresher development, to a maximum of 20 competencies per person.

(3) Rules for Primary Competency: For every job position, one of the required competencies should be designated as
a “primary” competency. It should be the one that best describes, or represents, the knowledge that is utilized the
most over a given fiscal year. All competencies identified for a job position are considered of equal value. The
primary competency is used during the workforce planning process to help simplify forecasting and the data

(4) Rules for identifying required competencies for specific position types:
 Senior Executive Service (SES) All Senior Executive Positions will automatically be assigned Executive
Management as a primary competency. (ref section 4.1.1 ) They will also automatically be assigned all of
the level 2 NASA Leadership Knowledge Domain competencies. (see section 4.2.2 for the complete
listing) They should identify any other appropriate technical competencies that directly relate to the
knowledge needed for the functional responsibilities of the position. The Senior Executive position is
designated by a supervisory code of 2 and either of the following NASA Classification Codes: 67701 or
 Supervisory Positions All supervisory positions (designated in the Federal Personnel & Payroll System
by a supervisory code of 2) will be automatically assigned one of the following Supervisory Competency
Clusters below, depending on their NASA Classification Code. The Supervisory Competency Cluster will
be automatically designated as the primary competency. In addition, all of the competencies that
comprise the cluster will also be automatically added to the job position. Other appropriate technical
competencies may be added as additional knowledge requirements for the job position. These additions
should be made per the normal business operations of the system and HR policies.
 Project Work & Team Management:
77010, 77060, 77061
 Technical Work & Team Management:
All 605, 700, and 900 series except 77010, 77060, 77061 & (77001 SES)
Also 20101, 24501, 28501, 30107, 30113, 30501, 31502, 35501, 35502
 Business Work & Team Management:
All other positions that do not fall into the first two categories, except for SES (67701
 Technicians should have Engineering and Science Support (11) as the primary competency with other
technical competencies as secondary
 Administrative Officers should have Professional Administrative Operations (115) as the primary
competency and other competencies as secondary. (Example: Financial Management, Budgeting
Management, etc.) All positions classified as OPM Series 341 will be automatically assigned this
competency as primary by the CMS tool.
 Secretary positions should have Para-Professional Business Operations (165) as the primary competency.
All positions classified as OPM Series 303 & 318 will be automatically assigned this competency as
primary by the CMS tool.
 Student trainees/co-ops will be tracked and planned for as part of the workforce planning process.
Student Trainee positions will be assigned a generic competency as their primary for planning purposes.
The Centers can further define the knowledge specialty of the student position by assigning one, or more
specific technical competencies as a requirement for the position. The following competency assignments
will be made to the student trainee position based on the NCC classification:
 Technical Student Trainee Positions, classified as NCC 340-XX, will be assigned the
“Technical Student Trainee” (1101) as their primary competency.
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 Clerical Student Trainee Positions, classified as NCC 501-02, will be assigned the “Clerical
Student Trainee” (1102) as their primary competency.
 Professional Administrative Student Trainee Positions, classified as NCC 509-10, 509-12,
510-09, 513-02, 515-03, 516-02, 519-02, 551-02, 560-06, 570-03, 570-04, 576-04, 586-01,
591-02, 591-03, and 596-02, will be assigned the “Professional Administrative Student
Trainee” (1103) as their primary competency.

Any exceptions to these business rules should be reviewed with Center CMS representatives

(5) Guidelines for Levels of Proficiency: Proficiency is a measurement of an employee’s demonstrated level of
capability utilizing the associated body of knowledge. It categorizes the depth of knowledge within any single
competency or subcompetency. Reference the “Proficiency Guideline Table” in Appendix B.



6 12/7/2005 See Appendix C for a summary of changes made to this
revision. See CMS-DOC-16 Revision 6 Change Catalog Rev
12-07-2005 for a complete history of changes made for this
5a 10/8/2005 The Business rules were modified for the
Administrative Officers, Secretary positions, and Student
Trainees/coops. RCN 06-005
174 (new) Level1 competency “Student Trainee” was added to
the dictionary section 1.4.6 . RCN 06-001.
1101 (new) Level2 subcompetency “Technical Student Trainee”
was added to the dictionary section RCN 06-002.
1102 (new) Level2 subcompetency “Clerical Student Trainee” was
added to the dictionary section RCN 06-003.
1103 (new) Level2 subcompetency “Professional Administrative
Student Trainee” was added to the dictionary section RCN 06-004.

5 10/8/2004 See CMS-DOC-16 Revision 5 Change Catalog Rev 09-30-

2004 for a complete history of changes made during this


Preface was added.
Index was added
Cross Reference Table was added.


New Competency Groupings replaced the previous

4 7/21/2003 64 Analytical and Computational Structural Methods has been

clarified as a research competency and is applicable to
structures discipline
122 Program/Project Management was modified to separate out
knowledge associated with program/project analysis (147).

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126 Physical Security was modified to separate out knowledge
associated with export control (144).
130 Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety was
132 Facilities Planning and Operations has been renamed and
subdivided into 4 new competencies:
 Institutional Facilities Planning (145)
 Institutional Facilities Operations (146)
 Research Facilities Planning (132)
 Research Facilities Operations (148)
138 (new) Nuclear Engineering has been added.
139 (new) Software Assurance Engineering has been added.
140 (new) Leadership has been added.
141 (new) Personal Communication has been added.
142 (new) Relationship Management has been added.
143 (new) Fire Protection Engineering has been added.
144 (new) Export Control has been added.
145 (new) Institutional Facilities Planning has been added.
146 (new) Institutional Facilities Operations has been added.
147 (new) Program/Project Analysis has been added.
148 (new) Research Facilities Operations has been added.

3 BASELINE – First dictionary approved by the Competency

Management System Agency Implementation Team


1 12/12/2002 INITIAL DRAFT

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2. Business Knowledge Domain

2.1. Business Operations Competency Suite

2.1.1. Partnership & Business Development (BUSDEV) [116]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the effective targeting and acquisition of external partnerships
and business opportunities, including funding opportunities for projects and programs Includes an understanding of
the Agency's strategic plan, the ability to identify, assess and forecast new business opportunities such as technology
transfer, leasing, enhanced use leasing, and develop and use appropriate marketing strategies. Requires knowledge of
relevant markets, customer needs in those markets, and an ability to recognize and analyze market trends. Involves
development,or assessment, of proposals to win business, and management of existing agreements with external
entities such as industry, government, university, and international partnerships. Also includes knowledge of Space
Act Agreements, and an ability to facilitate and manage partnerships that support Agency strategies, partner
requirements and Space Act provisions. Ability to integrate and work with the appropriate elements of the agency's
technical and support communities.

2.1.2. Business IT Systems (BITSYS) [131]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with computer architectures and computer-based information systems
related to business operations and mission support. This competency is based on knowledge comprised from one or
more of the following interrelated technologies: computer and other hardware, programming languages, commercial
operating systems, web or database systems, network hardware and software, IT security and other technologies that
pertain to the acquisition, computation, storage, distribution, reporting, and management of information. Information Resources Planning and Evaluation (BITPLAN) [1078]

Knowledge of the principles, methods, and techniques of IT assessment, planning, management, monitoring, and
evaluation, such as IT baseline assessment, interagency functional analysis, contingency planning, and disaster
recovery. IT Architecture (BITARCH) [1079]

Knowledge of architectural methodologies used in the design and development of information systems, including
physical structure of a system's internal operations and interactions with other systems.This may also include the
knowledge of enterprise achitecure principles, methods, and tools utilized to simplify processes and unify work
across agencies and within the lines-of-business of the Federal Government. This could also includet heknowledge
of the princilpes, tools, and technquies used to design, develop, and/or implement Knolwedge Management
practices at a local or enterprise level. Information Systems Security (BITSECURE) [1081]

Knowledge of methods, tools, and procedures, including development of information security plans, to prevent
information systems vulnerabilities, and provide or restore security of information systems and network services.
May also include the knowledge of the principles, methods, and tools for evaluating information systems security
features against a set of specified security requirements.

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2.1.3. Business Management (BUSMMT) [113]

Knowledge of principles and practices related to managing the internal and external operations of a business unit, such
as a Center, to accomplish mission objectives and goals efficiently. Includes ability to integrate performance goals
with budget and financial resources as well as the ability to achieve customer satisfaction, develop strong relationships
with other NASA and external entities, and adhere to agencywide programs, policies, and procedures. Understanding
ofAgency and federal government financial, budget and performance operations and processes, and how to apply these
processes to optimize operational and investment decisions.

2.1.4. Commercial Technology (COMTEC) [117]

Knowledge and abilities associated with transferring current and future Agency technology to external entities in order
to meet broad Agency vision and missions, and extend the lifecycle and broaden the usefulness of Agency
technologies. Involves expertise in business practices pertaining to intellectual property, patents, licenses and
partnerships as well as general business knowledge for assessing potential partners. Includes broad understanding of
Agency technologies and programs, as well as familiarity with external entities and markets.

2.1.5. Education Programs and Technologies (EDTECH) [137]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the research and application of education programs, standards,
requirements, activities and services relevant to the fields and disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) within the contexts of pre-college, higher education, and non-traditional learning. Includes
knowledge of education concepts and principles, curriculum development, infrastructure, audiences, instructional
technologies and distance learning tools, and trends in order for NASA to appropriately influence and contribute to
national and state education initiatives and requirements through the use of NASA's unique assets. Includes
knowledge of NASA Enterprise and Center-based research and technology needs, and ability to align education
activities and programs with these needs. Includes knowledge of demographic and geographic dynamics that influence
the educational effectiveness and success within the various student and educator communities.

2.1.6. Export Control (EXPORT) [144]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with complying with federal laws controlling the export of items and
technical data. This includes the formulation and implementation of export control policy, plans, and procedures that
ensure compliance with federal law. The primary focus of export control it to ensure compliance through programs,
education of the workforce, and addressing unique situations in the aerospace environment.

2.1.7. Governmental Affairs (GOVAF) [136]

Knowledge of NASA-related legislation, the legislative process and public affairs as it pertains to NASA. Includes the
ability to monitor legislation that is of interest to NASA, monitor NASA-related hearings and markups scheduled
before the House and Senate committees and subcommittees that have oversight over NASA, to especially include
Authorization and Appropriations subcommittees. Ability to help manage NASA press releases of Congressional
interest and identify key members and issues of importance to them. Broad knowledge of NASA programs and
specific knowledge of local center programs.

2.1.8. Inspection, Investigation and Compliance (INSCOMP) [127]

Knowledge of how to provide objective evaluation of Agency standards and operation through use of inspection and
investigation techniques and compliance audits. Understanding of how to assess risk, evaluate evidence, design and
conduct inquiries such as inspections and investigations, and make recommendations to prevent, detect or solve crime,
fraud, waste and abuse and ensure efficient Agency operations. Involves understanding of how to communicate
information to constituents, including Agency leadership and management, employees, and Congress.

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2.1.9. Legal (LEGAL) [125]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with representation, counseling, advising, researching, performing,
and / or supervising professional legal work in the administration of applicable statutes, regulations, Executive Orders,
rules, and case law. This includes knowledge of topics such as procurement, claims, agreements, fiscal matters,
personnel matters, environmental matters, FOIA, Congressionals, ethics, patents, intellectual property, appeals, and
litigation. Paralegal (PARALEGAL) [1082]

Knowledge of legal research and writing, litigation case management, and providing professional administrative
and technical legal support. Intellectual Property Law (INTPROPLAW) [1083]

Knowledge of intellectual property matters, patents, copyrights, data rights, trademarks and commercialization of
technology. General Law (GENERALLAW) [1084]

Knowledge of fiscal matters, ethics, FOIA, real property, agreements, personnel matters, EEO matters, torts,
privacy issues, procurement, export control, litigation and appeals. Contracts Law (CONTRCTLAW) [1085]

Knowledge of procurement matters, contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, Space Act agreements, claims, and
protests. Personnel/EEO Law (PERSONLAW) [1086]

Knowledge of employee discipline and performance matters, labor issues, EEO matters, ADR, litigation, and
appeals. Environmental Law (ENVLAW) [1087]

Knowledge of local, state and Federal environmental laws, regulations and legal procedures.

2.1.10. Public Communications & Outreach (PUBLICOMM) [135]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the assessment, development and execution of public
communication and outreach efforts. Knowledge of effective public relations and presentation techniques for
representing and expressing the views, work operations and policies of NASA including liaising with and presenting
information to a variety of external audiences. Effectively advocates for the Agency through communication of the
organization's expertise and contributions, and assessing the effectiveness of past or ongoing efforts. Apply principles
and practices of domestic and international customs, regulations and details to ceremonies or other interaction with
distinguished visitors or in public forums. Manage Agency knowledge so it can be accessed where and when needed
for communication purposes inside and outside the Agency. This includes public writing and speaking, information
collection and dissemination, news broadcasting and writing, media relations, exhibit design, story development,
visitor and guest programs, protocols, and concessionaire management.

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2.1.11. International Program Development (INTLPGMDEV) [157]

This competency refers to the knowledge and capabilities associated with establishing international
programs/agreements through international negotiations, drafting international agreements that comply with U.S. laws
and regulations, arranging negotiation meetings, understanding the protocol issues involved in meetings, signing
ceremonies, meetings between heads of agencies and NASA, exchange of gifts, liaison with Department of State and
other U.S. Agencies and Departments. This may involve both reimbursable and non-reimbursable agreements.

2.1.12. Policy Management (POLICYMGMT) [169]

Knowledge of NASA relationships to headquarters, Centers, component facilities, partnerships and other government
agencies, including international governments, in order to effectively integrate services consistent with broad
strategies and objectives. Requires the capability to research and apply government-wide laws and Agency operating
principles, regulations, and policies associated with organizational and business functions such as financial, human
resources, legal, security, communications, inspection, compliance, and health and safety. Utilizes a wide variety of
resources and tools to develop, maintain, monitor, enforce and provide oversight of NASA management requirements.

2.2. Financial Operations Competency Suite

2.2.1. Budgeting Management (BUDGETMMT) [119]

Knowledge of how to apply management knowledge, principles and practices to obtain, utilize, manage financial
resources in the workplace to meet program, project or business requirements. Involves maintaining available
resources, making resource decisions based on need and availability, and developing and implementing strategies to
make rational and well thought-out decisions related to organizational resources. Includes the ability to provide
guidance, formulate a budget plan, defend a budget plan, assess budget performance, advocate budget and alternative
scenarios and execute a budget plan. Requires knowledge of policies and practices related to Federal, Agency and
Installation accounting, and internal business information systems.

2.2.2. Acquisition and Contract Management (CONMMT) [124]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with each phase of the acquisition and contract management lifecycle
including requirement analysis, market research, acquisition planning and strategy, solicitation, proposal evaluation,
negotiation, determination of price reasonableness, selection, contract management, and performance assessment.
Requires understanding of applicable public laws, executive orders, Federal regulations, Agency requirements,
policies, and initiatives. Requires knowledge of contracts to review products and services to determine if they are in
compliance with contract terms and conditions. Includes ability to assess technical requirements needed to support
program and project implementation and provide guidance and direction to contractors to ensure delivery and quality
of services and products. Ability to use contract or acquisition instruments and surveillance systems as necessary to
ensure contract or acquisition requirements are being met throughout the life of the contract. Acquisition Planning (ACQPLAN) [1093]

Knowledge of contract regulations and government contract vehicles, and ability to form contracts through source
selection planning, identifying solicitation terms and conditions, and identifying and selecting techniques for
determining price reasonableness. Also includes ability to recognize factors to be considered when evaluating and
providing government financing, conducting price analyses, negotiating, identifying actions to resolve protests,
and contract awarding.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Contract Formation (CONFORMAT) [1094]

Knowledge of contract regulations and government contract vehicles, and ability to form contracts through source
selection planning, identifying solicitation terms and conditions, and identifying and selecting techniques for
determining price reasonableness. Also includes ability to recognize factors to be considered when evaluating and
providing government financing, conducting price analyses, negotiating, identifying actions to resolve protests,
and contract awarding. Contract Management and Performance Assessment (CONPERFORM) [1095]

Knowledge and capabilities associated with managing contracts and evaluating a contractor's performance,
including identifying and evaluating commercial and noncommercial financing arrangements, determining the
appropriate actions necessary to ensure customer satisfaction, identifying and selecting the appropriate course of
action for resolving a contractor dispute, and identifying and implementing contract close-out procedures.

2.2.3. Cost Estimation and Analysis (COSTEST) [121]

This competency refers to the knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the determination, estimation, and
analysis of costs. It encompasses analytical techniques required to develop and assess estimates for hardware/software
acquisition; design, integration and test, production, operations and support costs (e.g., life-cycle costs) of programs,
projects, systems, and resources. Estimating and cost analysis methodologies used include engineering, parametric,
analogy, cost performance analysis, schedule analysis, and statistical risk analysis. Knowledge and skills required
include Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) development, data collection, cost estimating relationship development
and documentation, application of cost models, and evaluation of cost realism in proposals.

2.2.4. Financial Management (FINMMT) [118]

Knowledge of how to apply financial management skills, principles and practices, generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP), and the standards, policies and practices related to Federal, Agency and Installation accounting
and financial management to obtain, utilize, manage and account for resources in the workplace. Ability to use
accounting related tools and techniques, perform financial data analysis, compile and/or perform transactions, review
related outputs, and identify problems and prepare standard documentation. Ability to develop and implement
strategies to capture, record, maintain and allocate organizational resources rationally and effectively.

2.2.5. Internal Control / Audit (INTAUD) [120]

Knowledge of how to evaluate control systems for financial, administrative, program, and operational activities to
provide reasonable assurances that obligations, costs and disbursements comply with applicable regulations and laws,
that property is funded, and assets are safeguarded; and that revenues and expenditures applicable to operations are
properly recorded and accounted for. Involves ability to conduct surveys, studies and other investigations for
management operations or related processes to assess and report adequacy, validity and compliance/non-compliance to
requirements. Ability to communicate derived audit assessment and recommend, establish, modify and/or implement
internal controls to mitigate findings.

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2.3. Institutional Operations & Support Competency Suite

2.3.1. Institutional Environmental Engineering & Management (ENVENGMMT) [133]

Uses knowledge of environmental engineering, environmental law, chemistry, biology, geology and hydrogeology to
maintain a proactive stance regarding environmental stewardship, including protection and restoration of
environmental resources such as ground water, surface water, soils, sediments, air, and natural, cultural and historic
resources. Plans and assesses compliance with Federal, State, and local statutory and regulatory requirements,
Executive Orders, and directives. Implements proactive programs such as recycling, pollution prevention, affirmative
procurement and energy management, and remediation activities under RCRA and CERCLA requirements. Institutional Environmental Planning/NEPA (ENVPLAN) [1088]

Uses knowledge of environmental engineering, environmental law, economics and the physical sciences to fully
consider the possible environmental effects, along with technical, economic, and other factors, in the earliest
planning of proposed NASA Programs, Projects, and related activities. Implements the requirements of the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) including developing and reviewing NEPA documentation including
Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, Findings of No Significant Impact, and Records
of Decision. Coordinates public meetings to solicit input on major Agency actions. Institutional Environmental Remediation (ENVREMED) [1089]

Uses knowledge of environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, geology and hydrogeology to identify,
investigate, and cleanup contaminated hazardous waste sites in compliance with Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) requirements. Performs remediation contract management duties including evaluation of contractor
performance and financial and schedule planning and tracking. Negotiates agreements with Federal, State, and
local regulators. Manages the schedule of scientific/engineering, contractual, management, and informational
documents, including preparation of Records of Decisions (RODs), administrative orders, and consent decrees.
Performs necessary community relations activities.

2.3.2. Fire Protection Engineering (FIREPROT) [143]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated fire prevention-related tools and their application to systems for
minimizing the occurrence or effects of fire. Maintains comprehensive knowledge of applicable NFPA, OSHA,
NASA, aerospace and/or prevention industry trends, standards and develops policies for fire prevention. Demonstrates
a comprehensive knowledge of and contributes to resources available in the fire prevention community including
NASA, DOD, academia, and industry. Capability to review and assess complex technical documents for their impact
on fire prevention work. Maintain a comprehensive knowledge of Life Safety Systems. Capability to provide
mitigation strategies for fire protection when requirements cannot be met..

2.3.3. Master Planning (MASTERPLAN) [167]

Knowledge of strategic and long-term planning for operations, research or development activities at the Center level.  
Knowledge required to develop functional and overall Center requirements including fit of specific facility needs and
requirements as well as workflow and long-term scheduling.   Includes knowledge required to coordinate and
incorporate the necessary facilities and other building and infrastructure to satisfy all functional, institutional needs to
meet mission requirements. Specialized knowledge of transportation modeling as well as broad aspects of community
interface for emergency services and other requirements of large complex industrial installations.

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2.3.4. Institutional Logistics, Supply and Transportation (LOGSUPTRAN) [134]

Knowledge of principles, practices, equipment and tools in the areas of Logistics, Supply and Transportation.
Understanding of how to manage and optimize equipment, supplies and transportation systems to provide an
infrastructure that enables the agency to operate effectively. Includes management of specifications, acquisition,
certification, storage, delivery, lifecycle support, distribution, and disposal of supplies, hardware, materials,
equipment, and property (except real estate) and the operation and maintenance of transportation and other equipment
used to move materials or passengers. Also includes management of inventories, including government property,
equipment and materials provided to employees and contractors, so that the property is accurately accounted for,
reported against and disposed of at the end of its useful life. Requires understanding of government regulations
regarding property management and disposal, and related contracting terminology and requirements.

2.3.5. Security & Program Protection (SECURITY) [126]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with providing security to protect facilities, personnel and programs.
Ability to develop, implement and manage processes and programs involving law enforcement, counter-intelligence
and counter-terrorism investigations, and security support programs including physical, information, personnel and
industrial security. Physical Security (SECPHYSCL) [1072]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the protection of property and individuals from threats or
adversarial influences. Abilities deal primarily with assessing risk, conducting surveys and implementing physical
counter-measures designed to protect personnel from potential threats; prevent unauthorized access to equipment,
facilities, material, and documents; and safeguard against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Analysis, Investigation and Liaison

(SECOUNTER) [1073]
Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with receipt, analysis, dissemination and investigation of
information for the purpose of detecting, deterring and neutralizing acts involving espionage, intelligence
activities, sabotage and/or terrorist activities conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or
persons. Information Security (SECINFO) [1074]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the protection of national classified information and
sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information including; classification, declassification, and protection of classified
national defense information originated or controlled by Federal agencies in accordance with Executive Order
12958, April 17, 1995, "Classified National Security Information," National Security Systems (SECNATION) [1075]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with researching and implementing national security systems
used for transmitting national security information, including classified and sensitive unclassified information
technology systems and programs involving secure voice, data, video, and facsimile to include ground-to-ground,
space-to-space, and ground-to-space communications assets. Personnel Security (SECPERSON) [1076]

Knowledge and ability to request background investigations appropriate to position sensitivity and to review and
evaluate completed background investigations for the purpose of assessing loyalty, reliability, suitability, and
trustworthiness of applicants, employees, and others to work for the U.S. Government, on U.S. Government
contracts, and/or will have access to classified national security information and material.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Industrial Security (SECINDUST) [1077]

This competency refers to the knowledge and ability to perform personnel, physical, and information security
functions related to contractors and contract facilities, in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program
(NISP), established by Executive Order 12829; the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
(NISPOM), NIPSOM Supplement and Executive Order 12958, "Classified National Security Information. Includes
ensuring that private industry and colleges/universities, while performing on government contracts or conducting
research and development, properly protect classified assets in their possession. Capabilities include conducting
site security reviews and establishing criteria for contractors and subcontractors covering such matters as foreign
ownership or influence; classification and clearance levels required for contract performance; product
classification; and access to communication security, intelligence or international organization information.

2.3.6. Emergency Management (EMERGMMT) [151]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices of Comprehensive Emergency Management are associated with an integrated
approach to the management of emergency programs and activities for all four emergency phases (mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery), for all types of emergencies and disasters (natural, man-made, and attack), and
for all NASA sites and centers, to include special National Level requests. Applies expert knowledge of the National
Incident Management System, the National Response Plan, and Homeland Security Presidential Directives and other
federal policies to enable effective emergency programs at the national, state, or local level as appropriate. Ability to
lead, coordinate, manage and direct the development and implementation of NASA’s and Federal emergency
management policies, plans, and procedures for emergency response conditions, contingencies, continuity of
operations, occupant emergency plans, and NASA’s interagency support functions in a full spectrum of emergencies.
This competency includes the commitment to produce sound policy through requirements development that may affect
lives, property, and operations in the event of unknown scenarios. Demonstrates the ability to: develop standards and
specifications for new data analysis and data collection processes related to emergency preparedness; serve as an
Aency, national level and industry-wide resource and has an established network to facilitate the acquisition of other
resources and information; develop and/or modify safety procedures and requirements for related work and
organization; maintain expert knowledge of applicable NASA, federal, aerospace and/or industry emergency
preparedness trends, standards and policies; provide design concepts, risk management, trouble-shooting and trade-off
analysis; technical expertise to represent Agency-wide, federal, industry and academic working groups, boards and
panes; manage and provide comprehensive interpretation and equivalencies for all phases of emergency management;
exhibit comprehensive knowledge of FEMA, OSHA and NASA standards pertaining to emergency management;
represents agency in determining levels of coordination with intergovernmental departments, state and local agencies;
evaluate agency exercise design criteria for emergency response; conduct risk assessments.

2.3.7. Occupational and Environmental Health (OCCHEALTH) [130]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practice associated with NASA, Federal, and State OSHA health and safety regulations,
policies and procedures used to develop and implement mishap and environmental health prevention practices and
measures in all NASA work places. These knowledge areas include safety of personnel and equipment during launch
vehicle processing, normal and industrial and laboratory operations, special high hazard tests and operations, aviation
and space operations, use and handling of materials and chemicals, and design, construction, and use of facilities.
Capabilities include ability to develop and analyze policy, manage, and assess the effectiveness of health programs
and practices, which are designed to prevent injury to personnel and loss of NASA property in the industrial work
environment, and promote the health and well being of employees. Occupational Medicine (OCCMED) [1066]

Professional skills and knowledge to apply occupational health related requirements to protect and maintain
workers’ physical and mental health. Knowledge to apply and initiate preventive health and wellness measures to
reduce work-related illnesses and injuries. Knowledge and experience to manage implement and evaluate
occupational medicine program areas. This includes clinical case management, health surveillance, and
emergency medical response.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Industrial Hygiene (OCCHYGIENE) [1067]

Professional knowledge and skills to develop and implement preventive measures regarding all work-related
exposures, injuries, and illnesses. Knowledge to coordinate, implement, manage, and assess the impact and
effectiveness of related programs, practices and policies across the Agency, designed to protect the health of
employees. Knowledge to provide advice to Agency top management concerning the impact that new regulations
and technologies will have on the health of employees. Knowledge to provide professional symposia, workshops,
and coordinate the development of related training programs for Agency-wide application. Health Physics (OCCPHYSICS) [1068]

Knowledge of Federal and State Health Physics (ionizing and non-ionizing radiation) regulations, policies, and
procedures, to develop and implement preventive measures regarding all work-related exposures, injuries and
illnesses. Knowledge to develop, coordinate, implement, manage, and assess the effectiveness of related
programs, practices and policies across the Agency, designed to protect the health of employees. Knowledge and
skills to evaluate the application of new technologies to Agency related issues, and the impact of new laws and
regulations and provides advice to Agency top management. Knowledge to provide professional symposia,
workshops, and develop related training programs for Agency-wide application. Employee Assistance (OCCASSIST) [1069]

Professional knowledge and skills to improve the mental health and well being of employees. Knowledge of
regulations and programs to coordinate, implement, manage and assess the effectiveness of related employee
assistance programs, practices and policies, including substance abuse prevention and treatment in support of
drug-free Federal workplace program. Knowledge to implement programs and training for all mental health
concerns for employees and their immediate families. This includes critical incident stress or other traumatic
events in the workplace, promotion of an emotionally healthy workforce, and assessment of regulations that
potentially impact the workplace.

2.3.8. Facilities Engineering and Management (FACENG) [112]

Knowledge of facilities engineering , facility evaluation, cost, schedules and formulation of performance requirements
and alternative analysis/scenarios for key facilities. General knowledge of architectural, civil, mechanical and
electrical engineering disciplines. Knowledge of project management and control including life-cycle costs,
engineering economics, and project planning and evaluation including scope, cost and schedule and program controls
including earned value management or other measure for facility project controls.  Also requires knowledge of
construction contracting and contractor oversight and contracts management. Facility Civil Engineering (FACIVENG) [1090]

Knowledge of building and foundation design and construction, concrete and steel design and construction as well
as design and construction of roads, utilities, and other civil projects for aerospace facility programs.   Requires
understanding of energy management and sustainability standards for sustainable design.  Also requires
knowledge of construction contracting and contractor oversight and contracts management. Facility Mechanical Engineering (FACMECHENG) [1091]

Knowledge of planning, designing, developing, testing, or evaluating mechanical, electromechanical, pneumatic,
hydraulic, fluid or structural equipment and systems for aerospace facility programs.  May include specialization
in Heating Ventalation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), piping and elevators. etc. Also requires knowledge of
construction contracting and contractor oversight and contracts management.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Facility Electrical Engineering (FACELECENG) [1092]

Knowledge of planning, designing, developing, testing, or evaluating electrical components, electrical installation
and inspection for aerospace facility programs. Knowledge of electrical codes and standards, and testing of
complex electrical or electronic systems including sources, loads, power management and distribution,
communications and controls. Also requires knowledge of construction contracting and contractor oversight and
contracts management. Construction Management (FACONSTMMT) [1096]

Knowledge of the materials, methods, systems, and the tools used to construct facilities and other real property
infrastructure. Real Property Management (FACPROPRTY) [1097]

Knowledge of requirements and processes to manage real property including buildings, other infrastructure, land,
and leases and other interests in property and real estate for industrial and aerospace operations.   Knowledge of
real estate principles, practices and law as they apply to the management, leasing or acquisition of real estate.
Knowledge of records management for financial accounting and value maintenance, including development of
files and records to serve as legal documentation of ownership and material value.  Knowledge of facility
utilization include space planning and tracking for institutional charges as well as for space management and
utilization reporting at the agency as well as at the federal level. Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FACOPSMAIN) [1098]

Knowledge of operation and maintenance of office, operations and/or research facilities, and associated systems
and equipment.  Includes but is not limited to: knowledge required to develop and manage a comprehensive
program of facilities management services, such as test planning and development, development of operational
plans and procedures, data acquisition and analysis, test scheduling, resource planning, development of facility
capability enhancements, reliability centered maintenance, energy conservation, system health monitoring, minor
facility modification and repair, etc., to operate, sustain and optimize facilities and equipment.   Includes the
ability to effectively integrate these services to be consistent with the strategies and program goals of the

2.3.9. Institutional Aircraft Operations (AIROPS) [152]

Knowledge of aircraft operations, maintenance, acquisition, airworthiness and aviation safety principles for
technologically complex aircraft programs and their associated systems and facilities.  Knowledge of how to develop
aircraft requirements and the associated costs and scheduling to satisfy functional and regulatory requirements.  
Ability to develop and manage a comprehensive aviation program to sustain and optimize institutional and research
and development (R&D) requirements consistent with standards, codes and regulations.  Effectively integrate these
aircraft services to be consistent with the broader objectives, strategies, and program goals of the organization.

2.3.10. Research, Development or Flight Facility Planning (FACLTYPLAN) [168]

Knowledge of strategic and long-term planning for research, development or flight facilities and related equipment
required to support operations for current and future program needs. Knowledge required to develop functional and
facility requirements and the associated costs and scheduling. Includes knowledge required to coordinate and
incorporate the necessary architectural engineering to satisfy all functional, institutional and regulatory requirements.
Specialized knowledge of engineering and technology competencies to address specific high energy/ high risk facility
systems including but not limited to: high temperature systems, high pressure systems, cryogenic systems, exotic
gases, control systems, data acquisition systems, energy transfer systems, laboratory workspace planning,
communication infrastructure. Knowledge of project management and control including life-cycle costs, engineering
economics, and project planning and evaluation including scope, cost and schedule and program controls including
earned value management or other measure for project controls. Includes abilities to devise and implement policies
and procedures regarding risk/hazard mitigation and safety assurance.

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2.3.11. Workplace Safety (WORKSAFETY) [150]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practice associated with NASA, Federal (29 CFR 1960), and State OSHA health and
safety regulations, policies and procedures used to develop and implement mishap prevention practices and measures
in all NASA work places. These knowledge areas include safety of personnel and equipment during launch vehicle and
payload processing, range operations, normal and industrial and laboratory operations, special high hazard tests and
operations, develops explosives safety programs for pyrotechnics, and propellant operations, explosives and propellant
citing, aviation and space operations, use and handling of exotic materials and chemicals, and design, construction,
and use of facilities. Capabilities include ability to develop,assess and analyze workplace mishap prevention policy,
manage, and assess the effectiveness of safety programs and practices, which are designed to prevent injury to
personnel and loss of NASA property in all work environments on land, sea, air or space, and promote the safety of all
employees. This function will also assure the proper investigation, recording, and corrective action documentation of
all mishaps within the agency. At the National Level assures interagency coordination with all concerned departments
and agencies concerned with safety and health policy development, program execution and evaluation.

2.4. Workforce Operations & Support Competency Suite

2.4.1. Diversity Management (DIVERSEMMT) [158]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the application of diversity management including developing,
implementing, evaluating, and monitoring the Agency’s Diversity Strategic Implementation Plan and related programs
as well as internal diversity communications and external diversity relations, diverse employee network groups,
diversity training initiatives, diversity councils, and mentoring initiatives. Works in partnership with the Center(s)
leadership and Diversity Council(s) to optimize and support efforts to acquire and sustain a vital effective workforce,
to capitalize on the strengths of a diverse workforce to better perform the Center’s mission through teamwork and
innovation, and to build an organizational climate in which employees respect, appreciate, and value individual
differences as catalysts for creativity and productivity..

2.4.2. Human Capital Management (HUMCAPMMT) [128]

Apply knowledge and practices of the full range of personnel/human resource functions, such as classification,
workforce planning & analysis, employee and labor relations, retirement, benefits, disciplinary actions, recruitment,
selection, training, employee development, promotion regulations and procedures, compensation, and personnel
information systems. Provide guidance and leadership in the motivation, performance measurement and overall
management of the workforce including the design, delivery, implementation and evaluation of programs and
processes. Includes understanding of organizational mission, strategy and business objectives as well as various rules,
regulations and culture on people and their work. Human Capital Leadership & Planning (HUMCAPLEAD) [tbd]

Ability to provide consultative services to management by designing and planning for the current and future
workforce; Ability to develop broad human capital strategies, implementing actions, and integrated solutions that
are responsive to the dynamic changes in mission and business. Workforce Planning & Analysis (WFPLANANA) [tbd]

Ability to analyze trends brought on by competing factors such as downsizing, reshaping, technological advances,
and competition in the labor market; Ability to forecast changes in workforce requirements that will meet future
mission demands. Workforce Recruitment & Retention (WFRECRURET) [tbd]

Ability to provide advisory services regarding all phases of Federal employment, recruitment and placement
concepts, principles, laws, regulations and practices. This includes staffing, benefits and compensation, position
classification and position management.
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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Workforce Learning & Capability Building (WFLEARNCB) [tbd]

Ability to provide advisory services regarding all aspects of employee development and training, technical
competency development and capability buidling, and knowledge capture and sharing processes. Leadership & Organization Development (LEADORGDEV) [tbd]

Ability to provide advisory services regarding all aspects of organizational development and performance,
succession planning, leadership competency development, executive candidate development, executive
development and performance mentoring and coaching. Performance Culture & Workplace Environment (WFCULTURE) [tbd]

Ability to provide advisory services regarding change management, employee performance, awards and
recogntion, and adverse and performance-based actions. Knowledge of labor relations law and ability to work
with union partners.

2.4.3. Equal Opportunity Management (EEOMMT) [129]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with formulating, planning, implementing, managing, tracking and
evaluating equal employment opportunity initiatives and programs. Includes the ability to fully integrate EO into all
aspects of NASA’s mission as core values, to ensure a balanced and consistent implementation of statutory and
administrative mandates such as maintaining an efficient and timely complaints processing program, an effective
alternative dispute resolution program, and a comprehensive federally assisted and conducted non-discrimination
program. Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with creating an environment where all persons associated
with NASA are treated fairly and without any form of unlawful discrimination in any agency program or activity.
Includes the conceptualization, delivery and management of equal employment opportunity systems that meet NASA
and Federal goals and objectives to eliminate discrimination and influence change in programs, practices and attitudes
that are considered barriers to equal opportunity. Advisor/advocate role to agency officials to influence change and
ensure compliance with relevant federal law, rules and regulations.

2.4.4. Professional Administrative Operations (PROFADMOPS) [115]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the support of administrative and management activities to
facilitate organizational and mission goals and objectives. This competency requires knowledge of the appropriate
rules, regulations, processes and associated systems within various enabling functions which may include human
resources management, resource management, employee support services, documentation, procurement and financial

2.4.5. Para-Professional Business Operations (PARABUSOPS) [165]

The knowledge and capabilities associated with administrative, clerical and management support to a manager and/or
organization to facilitate the mission, goals and customer satisfaction. This competency requires knowledge of
policies, procedures and tools to implement operations within a business environment such as scheduling of meetings,
office communication and document generation with the organization.

2.4.6. Student Trainee (STUDENT) [174]

This is a training and development competency for employees who are classified as Student Trainees. It is a generic
competency that is intended to be used to help simplify the workforce planning process so tat students will be
correctly identified and planned for during the workforce competency needs assesmement. Reference the Business
Rules section in this document for further clarification.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Technical Student Trainee (STUTECH) [1101]

This is a training and development competency for employees who are classified as Technical Student Trainees. Clerical Student Trainee (STUCLERICAL) [1102]

This is a training and development competency for employees who are classified as Clerical Student Trainees. Professional Administrative Student Trainee (STUPROFADM) [1103]

This is a training and development competency for employees who are classified as Professional Administrative
Student Trainees.

3. Engineering & Technology Knowledge Domain

3.1. Engineering of Systems Competency Suite

3.1.1. Design and Development Engineering (DESDEVENG) [8]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with all aspects of the technical design and development process
including the development of flight hardware, payloads, technology projects fabrication processes and techniques,
concurrent engineering, production assessment, and process verification as applied to aerospace vehicles and systems
used in atmospheric and space environments. Includes ability to create models and prototypes, particularly in a
laboratory setting, based on research oriented plans and schematics and capability to design the system for safe and
reliable development, integration and manufacturability. Structural Design and Development Engineering (DDESTRUCT) [1028]

Knowledge, capability and practices associated with all aspects of the technical structural design and
development by using and modifying advanced analytical and computational methods to design, develop, test and
research the characteristics and performance of structures. Includes the development of structural math models
for and comprehensive assessment of air, space and ground structures, the analysis of the models to determine
structural response to multiple external and internal environmental conditions, and analysis of flight and test data
for structural systems. Includes broad knowledge of structures disciplines including structural dynamics,
structural mechanics, structural acoustics, mechanisms, electro-mechanical devices, aeroelasticity, impact,
damage tolerance and structural life prediction. Also involves research into measurement, instrument and test
systems to assess structural characteristics and risks, and ensure system integration. Electrical Design and Development Engineering (DDEELEC) [1029]

Knowledge, capability and practices associated with all aspects of the technical electrical design and
development process of electrical systems and components for air, space and ground systems and instruments.
Includes knowledge of electrical integration such as electrical / electronic design requirements definition,
subsystem and circuit analysis, test procedure development, and safety analysis. Includes broad knowledge EEE
parts, electronic packaging design and tools, reliability and environmental effects, power generation, distribution,
storage and conditioning systems. Propulsion Design and Development Engineering (DDEPROP) [1030]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the detailed mechanical design of propulsion components,
subsystems and systems. Includes expertise required for safe and reliable component and system design,
development, and integration. Competency assumes a breadth of knowledge of many specialty areas such as
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, cutting edge computer aided design and modeling tools, state of the art

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manufacturing and fabrication processes, specialty hardware and fasteners, bolted joint design, fits and interfaces,
technical specifications, instructions and procedures, engine systems design, functional design, and design for
optimization of component performance in relation to mission environments through testing. Also, depth in
familiarization with system engineering tools, procedures, and documentation such as configuration management,
the design review process, interface control documents, and interface requirements documents. Test Fixtures and GSE Design and Development Engineering (DDETEST)
Knowledge of all aspects of the technical design and development process as applied to ground support equipment
and special test fixtures relating to systems or subsystems including structural, electrical and propulsion
components and technologies. Includes the definition or assessment of concepts and designs to assure adequate
functional performance is achieved and system requirements are met and an assessment of the fabrication process
and techniques, production assessment, and process verification of the hardware design. Includes knowledge and
capability to create and evaluate subscale or full-scale models, test articles, or prototypes to assess the system or
subsystem design, development, and integration meets the intended objectives.

3.1.2. Engineering and Science Support (ENGSCISUP) [11]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with supporting engineering and science functions. This support
includes laboratory, modeling, manufacturing and analytical activities. Focus is on the abilities of an individual to
visualize, plan and execute limited instructions from engineering, in the form of drawings/schematics, written or
verbal direction, in order to produce a model, prototype or finished product. The technician’s application of tools and
apparatus, both physical and analytical, are a key element of this competency.

3.1.3. Integration Engineering (INTEGENG) [9]

Knowledge and capability to integrate all elements into a functioning system or subsystem such as complex flight to
flight and flight to ground and facilities systems. Includes knowledge and capabilities required for safe and reliable
integration of different elements of a system, schedules, configurations and resources as well as the development of
launch, mission, manifest, contigency and long-range plans and responses to externally-driven requirements. Structural Integration Engineering (INTSTRUCT) [1032]

Knowledge of engineering; system engineering; manufacturing; testing; quality, reliability, and safety
engineering; risk management; and resource, schedule, and programmatic requirements for the integration of
structural systems, subsystems, and components that verify the completed products function, efficacy, and
conformance to design requirements. This activity involves the long range planning, coordination, oversight, and
integration of all structural systems, subsystems, and components in accordance with requirements and
specifications, both external and internal. Materials Integration Engineering (INTMATER) [1033]

Knowledge and capability to integrate all materials engineering elements and practices associated with research
into the characteristics and performance of materials and the design, development and testing of those materials,
into a functioning system or subsystem such as complex flight to flight and flight to ground and facilities systems.
Includes knowledge and capabilities required for the development and application of math models and statistical
analysis for assessment of material durability and response to environmental conditions and contaminants,

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required for safe and reliable application and integration of materials engineering elements of a system, schedules,
configurations and resources as well as the development of launch, mission, manifest, contigency and long-range
plans and responses to externally-driven requirements. Systems Integration Engineering (INTSYSTEMS) [1034]

The Systems Integration Engineer (SIE) is responsible for integration of all engineering products and resources
necessary for product development and is the single technical interface between the engineering organization and
the program/project office (PPO) for a specific product. The SIE is responsible for vertical and horizontal
integration of all engineering activities required for product delivery and is responsible to the PPO for cost and
schedule performance under technical direction of a chief engineer. The SIE tracks design decisions and
requirements, maintains techncial baselines, manages interfaces, provides input to the PPO for risk management,
tracks cost and schedule, tracks technical performance, verifies requirements are met and reviews and audits
program engineering support activities. Electrical Integration Engineering (INTELECT) [1035]

Knowledge and capability to integrate electrical components for air, space and ground systems and instruments
into a functioning system or subsystems such as complex flight to flight, flight to ground, and facilities systems.
Includes knowledge and capabilities required for safe and reliable integration of electrical systems, schedules,
configurations, and electrical resources including power generation, control, and storage; controls and
instrumentation; communications and data management; and electrical packaging, as well as the development of
electrical and electronic systems impacts to launch, mission, manifest, contingency and long-range plans, and
responses to externally-driven requirements. Propulsion Integration Engineering (INTPROPEL) [1036]

Knowledge and capability to integrate propulsion elements into a functioning system or subsystem such as the
integration of a propulsion system into a test stand, vehicle, or spacecraft or the integration of components
(turbomachinery, main chambers, valves, etc.) into a propulsion system. Includes knowledge and capabilities
required to understand the complex fluid and structural interactions of the various propulsion system or subsystem
elements such as the interaction between the engine and main propulsion system or the interaction between a
turbopump and an engine system. Inculdes the planning, design, development, and evaluation of the various
components and subsystems that is necessary to insure proper function and compatibility within the propulsion

3.1.4. Manufacturing Engineering (MANUFACT) [24]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices to perform concurrent engineering and producibility. Includes knowledge and
ability to review design documentation, determine resource requirements for manufacturing activities, research and
develop manufacturing processes, plan and manage hardware fabrication and assembly, develop and maintain
manufacturing project schedules, and resolve manufacturing related problems.

3.1.5. Process Engineering (PROCESSENG) [114]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the development and implementation of safe, efficient, and
effective processes to achieve performance excellence in Center operations, development, and enabling functions.
This includes the identification, development, mapping, modeling, measuring, and analysis of processes that enable
work activities, including their suppliers, inputs, outputs, customers, outcomes, and related decisions. Areas of
specialization include queuing theory, function analysis, work method/task analysis, human factors, stochastic

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methods, advanced statistical analysis methods, process improvement techniques, optimization algorithms, process
simulation modeling (discrete and/or continuous), linear programming, and scheduling and capacity analysis systems.

3.1.6. Systems Engineering (SYSTEMSENG) [7]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with defining, developing, integrating and verifying an end-to-end
new or existing system, with the objective of optimizing performance, safety and mission objectives. Includes
knowledge required for safe and reliable system development/integration. Ability to perform feasibility assessments,
provide functional analyses; develop and manage system performance and interface requirements to ensure the
resulting system meets all technical objectives; perform systems analysis and trade studies, and oversee systems
integration and verification. Includes knowledge of system engineering tools and procedures such as configuration
management, integrated logistics management, risk management, and documents such as integrated schematics,
interface control documents, and interface requirements documents for defining interconnection of system parts,
documenting and managing system configurations and identifying all required interfaces, and mass properties for
determining weight distributions. Assumes a breath of knowledge of many specialty areas, and a detailed
understanding of how the pieces fit together. Thorough knowledge of the NASA process of reviews, audits, and
control gates to ensure all technical and programmatic requirements are being met in an organized fashion.

3.1.7. Test Engineering (TESTENG) [10]

Knowledge of physics, engineering and manufacturing to test systems or subsystems under development for their
functioning, efficacy and conformance to design requirements, or to test prototypes for feasibility. May involve ability
to plan, conduct, and evaluate developmental, qualification, and acceptance testing in accordance with NASA,
Military or Commercial Specifications of air, space and ground systems, components, piece parts, as well as integrated
systems. Includes knowledge of environmental test techniques used to simulate loading conditions such as launch,
reentry, orbit, and landing, including vibration, shock, acoustics, contamination, acceleration, electromagnetics,
radiation, pressure, thermal, chemical, microgravity and solar vacuum, aerodynamics and temperature and humidity.
Includes knowledge required for safe and reliable system development/integration. Structural Test Engineering (TSTSTRUCT) [1037]

Knowledge of physics, engineering, and manufacturing to test structural systems, subsystems, and components
that verify the functioning, efficacy, and conformance to deign requirements of these structures. This activity
involves the planning, conduct, and evaluation of results for structural system development, qualification, or
acceptance tests in accordance with NASA, military or commercial specifications. It includes the knowledge of
structural test techniques to simulate loading conditions for structural systems experiencing launch, on-orbit, re-
entry or landing environments and the associated response measurement methods to verify or correlate the
structural system’s analytical models. Test discipline skills associated with this competency include: vibration;
acoustics; shock; static structural loads; and modal analysis. Materials Test Engineering (TSTMATER) [1038]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with materials testing and the behavior and performance
characteristics of materials in their use environment. Included is the understanding of various test set ups,
instrumentation, data acquistion, equipment and tools utilized for material qualification and certification for
ground and aerospace flight systems. Thermal Test Engineering (TSTTHERMO) [1039]

Knowledge of physics, engineering, thermal, and thermal vacuum to test systems or subsystems under
development, qualification, or acceptance requirements for their functioning, efficacy and conformance to design

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requirements and performance, or to test prototypes for feasibility. May involve ability to plan, create test
procedures, conduct, and evaluate developmental, qualification, acceptance, and flight test and checkout
requirements in accordance with NASA, Military or Commercial Specifications of test facilities, space and ground
systems, components, piece parts, as well as integrated systems. Includes knowledge of environmental test
techniques used to simulate thermal and thermal vacuum conditions such as launch, reentry, orbit, and landing,
including radiation, pressure, thermal, outgassing, microgravity and solar vacuum, aerodynamics and temperature
and humidity. Includes knowledge required for safe and reliable system testing and development/integration. Electrical Test Engineering (TSTELECT) [1040]

Knowledge of the principles of electrical engineering, and electronic manufacturing to test components, systems,
or subsystems under development for their functioning, efficacy and conformance to design requirements, or to
test prototypes for feasibility. May involve ability to plan, create test procedures, conduct, and evaluate
developmental, qualification, acceptance, and flight test and checkout requirements testing in accordance with
NASA, Military or Commercial Specifications of air, space and ground systems, components, piece parts, as well
as integrated electronic systems or sub-systems. Includes knowledge of environmental test techniques used to
verify workmanship and validate operations in a relevant environment, including vibration, shock, acoustics,
electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC), depressurization and vacuum operation, and thermal
cycling. Propulsion Test Engineering (TSTPROPUL) [1041]

Knowledge, capabilities and practice associated with propulsion systems, subsystem, and/or component testing
and cryogenic fluids as it relates to the functioning, efficacy and conformance to design requirements, or to test
prototypes for feasibility or flight performance. Includes developing the procedures, methods, and techniques
necessary to perform the test, to prepare, checkout, and assess the readiness of the test facility, and to ensure the
safety of the systems or hardware. Includes full-scale or sub-scale testing of engine systems, subsystems, or
components such as combustion chambers, nozzles, turbomachinery, ducts, valves, and pressurization systems.
Includes knowledge of test techniques used to verify workmanship and validate operations in a relevant
environment in accordance with NASA, Military or Commercial Specifications of air, space and ground systems,
components, piece parts, as well as integrated propulsion systems or sub-systems.

3.2. Systems Analysis & Mission Planning Competency Suite

3.2.1. Advanced Mission Analysis (ADVMIS) [89]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the conception, development, and planning of advanced
missions and systems synthesizing science, commercial, military and exploration requirements and considering
feasibility, performance, cost, reliability/safety and environmental effects. Also includes understanding of architecture
analysis methods and optimization.

3.2.2. Aerospace Systems Concept Development & Technology Assessment (ASCDTA) [90]
Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the development of aerospace vehicle and spacecraft concepts
from a systems perspective to satisfy prescribed mission architectures and identify enabling technologies for
performance, cost, risk and safety. Knowledge of conceptual design, sizing & synthesis of aerospace vehicles or
spacecraft. Knowledge of elicitation from subject matter experts of the potential technology improvements from R&D
projects in all the relevant aerospace disciplines.

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3.2.3. Mission Analysis and Planning (MAP) [1]

Knowledge and ability to analyze requirements of current and near-term missions. Manage integration of technical
elements such as vehicle design, flight trajectories, and operational and ground-based infrastructure requirements in
order to meet mission and programmatic objectives.

3.2.4. Mission Flight Design (FLTDSG) [2]

Knowledge and ability to conduct computational analysis of air and space vehicle flight design for mission
implementation, including sequencing, trajectory optimization, orbital mechanics, flight mechanics and celestial
mechanics. Use flight design modeling and simulation tools that determine optimum trajectory solutions. Includes in-
depth analysis of air borne and ground-based trajectory predictions, automated trajectory planning and modeling and
trajectory negotiation and data exchange as well as optimization tools which take into account environmental and
design constraints. Involves analysis of flight dispersion variables and navigation predict generation.

3.3. Aeronautics Competency Suite

3.3.1. Acoustics (ACOUSTICS) [103]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices related to interior and exterior noise reduction and acoustic design for advanced
aerospace systems, subsystems, and components to meet environmental requirements. Includes knowledge and
application of experimental and computational aero and structural acoustics. Inherent in this competency is the
capability to determine the influence of acoustic environment on ground observers and vehicle passengers alike, as
well as to develop an understanding of its impact on vehicle structural responses, including sonic fatigue. Includes
ability to conceive, plan, and implement appropriate experimental and flight test programs that are designed to
understand and predict the acoustic environment and to validate advanced active and passive noise control concepts.

3.3.2. Aerodynamics (AERODYN) [101]

Knowledge of the science of aerodynamics, with the ability to plan, conduct, interpret and correlate results of
experimental investigations, analytical methods and numerical simulations with varying degree of fidelity such as
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses for the design of aerospace vehicles and components, which include
commercial and military aircraft, space transportation systems and launch vehicles, and the prediction of their
aerodynamic performance from subsonic to hypersonic Mach numbers, including incompressible flows, and over wide
range of Reynolds numbers and flight conditions. Includes knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with fluid
dynamics and flow physics modeling in specialized areas such as external and internal flows, analytical and CFD
prediction methods, wind tunnel model and flight testing techniques, unsteady and high angle-of-attack flow
phenomena, propulsion system-airframe integration, rotary wing aerodynamics, cavity flows, etc., for a realistic
assessment and improvement of the vehicle aerodynamic performance.

3.3.3. Aeroelasticity (AEROELA) [100]

Research knowledge, capabilities, and practices for investigating aeroelastic phenomena and complex steady and
unsteady aerodynamic flow phenomena especially in the transonic speed range, for investigating, developing, and
demonstrating novel concepts that prevent aeroelastic instabilities, alleviate adverse aeroelastic responses, reduce
loads and vibrations, and exploit the aeroelastic characteristics of aerospace vehicles, for developing analytical
methods that predict the aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic responses of aerospace vehicles, and for conducting unsteady
aerodynamic, aeroelastic, and aeroservoelastic wind-tunnel tests.

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3.3.4. Aerothermodynamics (AEROTHM) [102]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices related to aero/aerothermodynamic design for aerospace vehicles and
components under various flight conditions including liftoff, ascent, stage separation and reentry. Ability to plan,
conduct and interpret results of experimental investigations and analytical/computational fluid dynamics to derive
aerothermal environments. Inherent within this competency is also the ability to determine the effects of propulsion
system plumes on the vehicle/components performance and environment. Knowledge of high temperature gas physics
including molecular and atomic internal energy structure, rate processes, and radiative emission characteristics.

3.3.5. Air Traffic Systems (AIRTRAFFIC) [108]

Knowledge of Air Traffic Management elements, and their properties and interactions, such as air space and range
systems, air traffic regulations, aircraft characteristics, airport structures and systems, and geographic and
topographical patterns. Apply knowledge of these elements to the development of new systems and tools to improve
the efficiency, effectiveness and capacity of the air traffic system, using advanced distributed modeling techniques to
research and test concepts and prototypes.

3.3.6. Flight Dynamics (FLTDYN) [98]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with research and technology in analytical, computational, and
experimental methods to characterize the flight dynamics behaviors of aerospace vehicles.

3.3.7. Simulation/Flight Research Systems (SIMFLTSYS) [110]

Knowledge capabilities and practices used to provide and integrate appropriate real-time hardware/software systems in
support of piloted simulators and research aircraft that enable experiments in Flight Dynamics,
Guidance/Navigation/Control, Crew Systems and Aviation Operations, Reliable Digital Systems and

3.4. Human and Biological Competency Suite

3.4.1. Aerospace Medicine (AEROMED) [36]

Knowledge, capabilities, and credentials to engage, determine, and maintain and provide for the physical and
behavioral health, and medical care of crew members, their families, and associated personnel during all mission
phases (pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight) in the diverse environments of atmospheric and space flight missions. Medical Practice (MDPRACTICE) [1070]

Knowledge and expertise of the multi-disciplinary practice of Aerospace Medicine taking into account the hostile,
diverse environments of NASA aeronautic and space missions. Health maintenance and diagnosis and treatment
of illness and injuries are the goals of medical practice. Knowledge and skills of physiology of mission
environment, operational medicine, clinical practice, human systems interfaces, and astronaut selection and
training. Behavioral Health (MDBEHAVIOR) [1071]

Knowledge and expertise of psychology/psychiatry in aviation and operational settings to maintain health and
performance of crewmembers and appropriate associated personnel during all mission phases. Knowledge and
skills of clinical and operational psychiatry, clinical, aviation or organizational psychology, psychosocial
psychology, behavioral health maintenance, human systems interfaces and astronaut selection and training.

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3.4.2. Bioengineering (BIOENG) [58]

Application of technologies to living systems including such areas as biomechanics, imaging, biomedical transducers,
biofluids and sensors.

3.4.3. Biomedical Engineering (BIOMEDENG) [35]

Knowledge of engineering, design, development, analysis and test of biomedical systems such as equipment and tools
for maintaining crew psychological and physical health for long-duration missions in space. Involves knowledge of
broad array of engineering disciplines, and biomedical research, human factors and space medicine findings and
practices. Includes knowledge of operational impacts and sustaining engineering on the systems.

3.4.4. Biomimetics (BIOMIMETIC) [59]

Knowledge and capability to research and further study natural processes which have potential to be deciphered,
mimicked and adopted in technology applications based on biological systems such as environmental heat sensors,
retinal or iris scans or face recognition technology. Also includes capabilities in the area of neural electric machine

3.4.5. Crew Systems and Aviation Operations (CSAOPS) [97]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with research and technology in analytical and experimental
methods for pilot/automation integration, crew station design, and aerospace vehicle operations concepts.

3.4.6. Extravehicular Activity Systems (EAS) [38]

Knowledge of engineering, design, development, analysis and test of EVA systems. Requires knowledge and skills
regarding the unique environment and constraints in sending a crewmember into space outside of a vehicle, and
expertise in designing and developing spacesuits, tools, mechanisms, and operations that support such an activity.
Includes knowledge of operational impacts and sustaining engineering on the system.

3.4.7. Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) [37]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with environmental control and/or life support systems used to
protect life in dangerous or insupportive environments for flight or ground operations, including related
instrumentation, controls, data acquisition, pneumatics and mechanisms. May include knowledge and capabilities
needed for development of advanced and/or regenerative life support, such as how to apply plant physiology and
pathology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, biological engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering and
landscape ecology to development of advanced, regenerative life support such as air and water recycling, solid waste
resource recovery, food sources and thermal environmental control.

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3.4.8. Habitability and Environmental Factors (ENVFACT) [39]

Knowledge of practices associated with research of and applying research to the habitability of spacecraft and space-
based environments and the environmental effects on humans and other organisms with specific emphasis on
barophysiology, microbiology and toxicology and radiation. Knowledge of physical and chemical sciences, including
heat and mass transfer, acoustics, radiation, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and chemical, biological, metabolic
and human factors processes. Ability to integrate and apply this understanding to develop systems and technology to
enable humans to live and work safely and effectively in space.

3.4.9. Fundamental Human Factors Research (HUMFACTRES) [40]

Knowledge of human engineering research methods (e.g. literature search, experiment, operational analysis,
observation, survey, protection of research subjects) and activities (e.g., experimental design, planning data collection,
data analysis, statistics, and documentation. Knowledge of the effects of environmental, individual, cognitive and
organizational factors on the behavior and performance of humans, as well as the associated underlying physiological,
psychological and social/organizational drivers that influence human behavior. Includes knowledge of a variety of
psychophysical areas such as, but not limited to, biomechanics, perception, cognition, sensory-motor control,
communication, decision-making, and teamwork and human-automation interaction. Ability to apply theories,
experimentation, analysis and modeling to increase fundamental knowledge about human cognition and performance.
Ability to develop human factors principles and guidelines which could be used toward designing technology for
human performance in complex aerospace operational environments to reduce errors and increase productivity. Biomechanics and Ergonomics Fundamental Research (HFRBIOMECH) [1005]

TBD Habitability and Environmental Psychology Fundamental Research (HFRHABIT)

TBD Perception and Psychophysics Fundamental Research (HFRPERCEPT) [1007]

TBD (includes vision, audition, haptics, vestibular, multimodal) Psychophysiology Fundamental Research (HFRPSYPHY) [1008]

TBD (includes memory, attention, task processing, etc.) Fatigue, Alertness, Circadian Rhythms Fundamental Research (HFRATIGUE)

TBD Cognitive Science Fundamental Research (HFRCOG) [1010]

TBD (includes memory, attention, task processing, etc.) Communication and Knowledge Management Fundamental Research

(HFRCOMM) [1011]
TBD (includes interpersonal communication, technology-mediated communication, procedures, documentation)

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TBD Organizational Science Fundamental Research (HFRORG) [1013]

TBD Human-Machine Interaction Fundamental Research (HFRHUMMACH) [1014]

TBD (includes human-computer interaction and human-automation interaction) (includes human-computer
interaction and human-automation interaction) Manual Control Fundamental Research (HFRMANCNTL) [1015]

TBD Supervisory Control Fundamental Research (HFRSUPCNTL) [1016]

TBD (includes single human operator supervisory control and distributed [multi-agent] supervisory control) Training and Adaptation Fundamental Research (HFRTRNG) [1017]

TBD (includes basic research on perceptual and behavioral adaptation, learning, memory, etc.) Human Performance Fundamental Research (HFRHUMPERF) [1018]

TBD (includes basic research on human error and error countermeasures)

3.4.10. Human Factors Engineering (HUMFACTENG) [41]

Knowledge and capabilities to apply human factors engineering principles, standards, design guides, regulations, and
advisory material to the .design, test, evaluation, operation, and maintenance of systems and processes. Knowledge of
the physical and psychological processes, capabilities, skill levels, and limitations of humans, such as the science and
practical application of experimental psychology, cognitive psychology, human reliability, anthropometrics,
biomechanics, and psychophysiology. Knowledge of hardware and software human-interface design principles,
modalities (e.g. physical, visual, auditory, verbal), methods (e.g. field studies, analysis, modeling, prototyping,
laboratory experiments, simulations, mockups, database reviews) and tools. The ability to define and analyze human
engineering requirements, formulate human performance criteria, develop guidelines, develop system concepts,
designs, and prototypes; evaluate human-centered technologies, and develop training curricula for application to
processes and systems. Biomechanical Engineering, Technology, Standards (HFEBIOMECH) [1019]

TBD Ergonomics Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFEERGO) [1020]

TBD (including lighting, noise, vibration, physical ergonomics of hand tools, manual materials handling, etc.) Space Human Factors Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFESPACE)

TBD (focus on humans in micro-gravity, radiation environments)

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Habitability Engineering, Technology, and Standards (HFEHABIT) [1022]

TBD Perceptual Technologies and Standards (HFEPERCEPT) [1023]

TBD (includes visual display design, image and video compression, display composition and layout, icon design
and font selection, auditory displays, multimodal environments) Cognitive Technologies (HFECOG) [1024]

TBD (includes augmented cognition devices, decision support technologies, intelligent assistant systems)

3.4.11. Human-Automation System Design (HFEHUMAUTO) [1025]

TBD (includes Distributed Supervisory Control Design; fFunction Allocation; Mixed-Initiative Decision Making,
Planning and Operations; Distributed Human-Machine Systems) Training Technologies (HFETRNG) [1026]

TBD (includes computer-based training systems, intelligent tutoring systems, handbooks, documentation) Human Reliability and Human Error Analysis (HFEHUMERR) [1027]


3.5. Chemical Competency Suite

3.5.1. Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering (CHEMENG) [25]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with Chemistry and Chemical Engineering as applied to aerospace
systems for ground and flight application, particularly for use in sensors, material sciences, propulsion, environmental,
ecological, biological or laboratory processes. This includes an understanding of organic, inorganic, analytical and
physical chemistry and their application to a wide variety of research, development, failure analysis, and operational
systems or topics and/or principles and practices of chemical engineering.

3.5.2. Pyrotechnics (PYROTECH) [18]

Knowledge of the composition, nature, applications and handling of devices or assemblies containing or operated by
propellants or explosives. Involves design and development of such systems for aerospace applications, as well as
study of the safe operation and maintenance of the materials and systems. Includes knowledge of fluid and mechanics,
thermodynamics, materials, chemistry and physics, structures, mechanical drawings, manufacturing processes and
explosive material properties.

3.6. Computer Science & Information Technology Competency Suite

3.6.1. Computer Systems and Engineering (COMPSYSENG) [80]

Knowledge of the design and development of computers and/or robots. Involves design of hardware, software,
networks and processes to solve technical problems such as analyzing flight systems and aerospace data. Utilizes
advanced technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and automation. Includes knowledge of computer
programming, electronics, mathematical models, and neural and/or other networking systems.

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3.6.2. Data Systems and Technology (DATSYS) [161]

Knowledge of the principles, procedures, and tools of data management, such as modeling techniques, data backup,
data recovery, data dictionaries, data warehousing, data mining, data disposal, and data standardization processes. Database Management Systems (DATDBMMT) [1080]

Knowledge of the uses of database management systems and software to control the organization, storage,
retrieval, security, and integrity of data. This could include the knowledge of the principles, methods, and tools for
automating, developing, implementing, or administering database systems. Large Scale Data Systems (DATLARGE) [83]

Knowledge of design, development and implementation of large-scale scientific data storage, access, retrieval
and mining systems or techniques. Includes ability to transfer research algorithms into processing code that
produces scientific data products for the science community. Includes knowledge of image methods and
procedures for automated feature extraction from large data sets. Data Visualization (DATVISUAL) [87]

Knowledge capabilities and practices associated with extracting information and knowledge from extremely large
data sets through interactions with visualization systems. Capabilities include developing and using advanced
data visualization systems for data mining, pattern recognition and feature extraction for application to earth and
space science data sets, as well as large engineering data sets for aviation and space systems. Also involves
knowledge of state-of-the art modeling and simulation techniques and hardware for interpreting data and
translating the data into animated images for use in scientific and education contexts. Includes understanding of
computer science, digital animation three dimensional modeling, video generation and other data representation
techniques. Also involves aesthetic skills in creating renditions of data with the power to communicate meaning.

3.6.3. Intelligent/Adaptive Systems (IASYS) [85]

Knowledge of research and development techniques involving autonomous reasoning, human-centered computing and
intelligent systems for data understanding towards mission requirements. Possesses knowledge of the practices
associated with creating advanced intelligent, self-monitoring and adaptive computer science systems for use in
development of aerospace vehicles (including unmanned systems), enhancement of aerospace flight safety and
efficiency, and understanding of scientific data. Includes knowledge of modeling and simulation, techniques of
artificial intelligence, virtual reality, automated software engineering, and collaborative and assistant systems, as well
as understanding of vehicle health management.

3.6.4. Network Systems and Technology (NETSYS) [81]

Knowledge of how to research and implement high-speed wide area networks, including technology development to
allow very advanced networks to allow data, audio and video communication. This includes electrical, optical and
wireless transmission, telemetry and modeling, simulation of communication systems, and emulation of flight systems,
sensors and data acquisition systems to function in an optimal fashion for distributed science and engineering
applications. Involves technical skills used in the development and application of computer networks and Internet
technology, including switching/routing technology, network architecture, and network security.

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3.6.5. Neural Networks & Systems (NEUNETSYS) [84]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices of synthesizing practical implementations of artificial neural networks for
application to NASA missions, programs, and projects. This includes such applications as machine learning
algorithms and pattern recognition systems for intelligent flight control systems, complex spacecraft docking
capabilities, and instrument control mechanisms.

3.6.6. Robotics (ROBOTICS) [79]

Knowledge of engineering, design, development, analysis and testing of robotic and robotic/human systems, including
telerobotics. Includes knowledge of operational impacts and sustaining engineering on the system.

3.6.7. Software Engineering (SWENG) [82]

Knowledge and ability to apply systematic, disciplines and quantifiable approaches to the acquisition and development
of software systems for spaceflight, ground support, airborne and facility applications. Development and management
of simulations, tools and integrated software development environments for the design, development, verification,
testing, manufacture, operation and maintenance of such systems. Specialized knowledge to predict, evaluate and
manage critical performance attributes of software-intense systems such as real-time response and embedded
hardware-driven resource limits. Includes knowledge of high-performance computing, graphical user interfaces,
networking, data integrity and security.

3.6.8. Imaging Analysis (IMAGING) [166]

This competency referes to the knowledge and capabilities associated with the analysis of all imaging media to include
film, motion picture and video in both visible and non-visible spectra. Includes using digital imagery manipulation
techniques such as frame averaging, motion stabilization, point tracking, etc. to obtain specific data from the images
such as object size, orientation, trajectory, and velocity.  Requires detailed understanding of the cameras and
photographic and digital processes used to obtain the imagery. The analysis supports vehicle preparation, launch, on
orbit, in-flight, landing, terestrial, extratrestrial and planetary study as well as other areas of imaging.  This
competency supports exploration, research and operations from basic scientific knowledge through flight safety.

3.7. Electrical & Electronic Competency Suite

3.7.1. Avionics (AVIONICS) [21]

Knowledge of research and engineering of real-time analog and/or digital electronic avionics systems that use data
acquired from sensors and instruments and processes it to determine status of systems for aircraft and spacecraft for
such purposes as flight control, flight path management and vehicle health monitoring. Includes knowledge of design
and development of computational hardware and software networks and interfaces, electrical integration, power
distribution and electrical systems engineering.

3.7.2. Communication Networks & Engineering (COMNETENG) [60]

Knowledge and practices associated with researching and developing air and space communications architectures and
networks to meet mission and system requirements, and to research new technology for improving air traffic
management and communication between satellites, flightcraft, spacecraft and ground. Includes knowledge of
communication systems electronics engineering for sending and receiving signals with different networks, including
wireless, digital and radio frequency bandwidths. May involve ability to make effective, efficient, and prudent use of
the radio spectrum in the best interest of the Nation, with care to conserve it for uses where other means of
communication are not available or feasible.

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3.7.3. Electro-Mechanical Systems (ELMECHSY) [15]

Knowledge of and ability to design, develop, test, integrate and evaluate electro-mechanical systems such as; gimbals,
cryogenic mechanisms, smart structures, and magnetic bearings, solar array drive systems, choppers, shutters,
scanning, and focusing mechanisms. Has capability to perform the complete engineering lifecycle on systems for the
drive, sensing, and control of precision flight instruments, and spacecraft subsystems.

3.7.4. Electrical and Electronic Systems (ELSYS) [13]

Knowledge of engineering design and analysis, development and research of electrical systems and components for
air, space and ground systems and instruments. Includes knowledge of electrical integration (cable
design/development/testing) such as electrical / electronic design requirements definition, subsystem and circuit
analysis, test procedure development, and safety analysis. Includes knowledge of analog and digital electrical systems
engineering, EEE parts, electronic packaging design and tools, reliability and environmental effects, power generation,
distribution, storage and conditioning systems. Knowledge of thermal analysis of printed circuit boards and use to
analyze data to optimize design of flight electronics. Instrumentation Systems (ELINSTR) [1042]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices related to the design, development, characterization, and application of
measurement and instrumentation systems used on space vehicles, flight payloads, experiments, ground test
equipment, and test facilities. Ability to select and test appropriate measurement sensors for the various
applications and integrate these sensors into larger subsystems. Includes knowledge of, and capability to perform,
research and development of new, advanced and unique measuring sensors for both flight and ground
instrumentation systems in the areas of temperature, pressure, vacuum, vibration, position, displacement,
acceleration, mass spectroscopy, heat flux, flow, optical spectrometry and strain. EEE Parts (ELEEEPART) [1043]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with EEE Parts requirements, selection, analysis, and
verification for space flight and ground support hardware. Parts & Packaging (ELPARTSPKG) [1044]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with electro-mechanical design including printed circuit (pc)
layout, design of mechanical housings (black boxes), thermal analysis of pc boards and black boxes, and processes
involved in the manufacturing/assembly of this hardware. Electrical Circuits Engineering (ELCIRCUITS) [1045]

Knowledge of, and capability to perform, engineering design and analysis, development and research of electrical
circuits components, subsystems, and systems for air, space and ground systems and instruments. Includes
knowledge of electrical cable design, development, and testing; electrical power distribution requirements and
design; electrical packaging integration; subsystem and circuit analysis; test procedure development and safety
analysis; reliability and environmental effects; and knowledge of thermal analysis of printed circuit boards and
subsequent use of thermal data to optimize flight electronics design.

3.7.5. Flight and Ground Data Systems (FLTGNDSYS) [19]

Knowledge of controlling and monitoring systems for aerospace vehicles, payload flight systems and related ground
equipment. Knowledge of processing techniques and requirements for housekeeping, health and status, operational and
science data for spacecraft and science instruments. Includes knowledge of data acquisition, storage, distribution
systems, as well as data analysis and troubleshooting techniques; special purpose analog/digital data handling and
unique interface applications software. Assumes broad understanding of IT, electronics and communications

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disciplines and an ability to integrate the pieces together to optimize the design, integration and test of flight and
ground hardware and software

3.7.6. Control Systems, Guidance & Navigation (GNC) [22]

Knowledge of and ability to develop analytical, computational, and experimental methods for control/guidance
algorithms, and apply research to develop requirements for control and instrumentation systems; establish component
and systems; and use analytical modeling and simulation tools that determine control dynamic solutions. Knowledge
of research and engineering of integrated aerospace vehicle systems for the guidance, navigation, and control and
health management of flight vehicles in the atmosphere and space. Includes knowledge of sensors and avionics, flight
dynamics, mathematical modeling, experimental methods and a broad array of engineering disciplines. Spacecraft & Stabilization Control Design and Analysis (GNCSPACE) [1046]
Knowledge of and ability to conduct research and develop analytical, computational, and experimental methods
for control algorithm and control mechnism design and development for space vehicles, space systems and
subsystems. Appliction of research and or trade studies to develop requirements for control mechanisms, sensors
and instrumentation systems; establish functional, performance, design, analysis, test, integration and verification
requirements for in-space control systems and precision pointing and stabilization systems, subsystems, control
mechanisms and components. Competency includes the use analytical modeling and simulation tools that
determine control system solutions, along with the knowledge of research and engineering of integrated space
vehicle systems for spacecraft control and health management of flight vehicles in diverse space environments.
Includes knowledge of sensors, avionics, actuation and control mechanisms, large space structure dynamics,
mathematical modeling, interplanetary environmental models, experimental methods and a broad array of
engineering disciplines. Vehicle Control Design and Analysis (GNCVEHCNTL) [1047]

Knowledge of and ability to research and develop analytical, computational, and experimental methods for control
algorithm and control mechnism design and development for launch vehicles, space vehicles, and space systems
and subsystems. Apply research to develop requirements for control mechanisms, sensors and instrumentation
systems; establish functional, performance, design, analysis, test, integration and verification requirements for
vehicle control systems, subsystems, control mechanisms and components; and use analytical modeling and
simulation tools that determine control system solutions. Knowledge of research and engineering of integrated
aerospace vehicle systems for vehicle control and health management of flight vehicles in the atmosphere and
space. Includes knowledge of sensors, avionics, actuation and control mechanisms, flight dynamics, mathematical
modeling, experimental methods and a broad array of engineering disciplines. Guidance Design and Analysis (GNCGUIDE) [1048]

Design of guidance algorithms that command vehicle attitude angles and throttle settings (if applicable) for taking
a vehicle from the current state to the desired final state in an optimal fashion within constraints. Includes all
flight phases. Implementation of guidance algorithms in simulation. Support of vehicle design analysis through
guided simulations including aborts and dispersions. Support of verification through demonstration that guidance
integrates with the other subsystems to meet overall requirements. Detailed definition of guidance algorithms and
support of software development and testing.

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Knowledge of and ability to employ navigation hardware including Inertial Measurement Unit’s (IMU: gyro and
accelerometers), Global Position Satellite receivers, star trackers, sun sensors, etc. Knowledge of and skill in
using Kalman filtering and other software techniques to merge data from different sources to obtain an accurate
and optimum navigation solution. Skill in using the output navigation solution for orbit determination.

3.7.7. Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MICROELMEC) [16]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the research, design, development, test, evaluation, application
and manufacture of MEMS technologies, including microfabrication, microsystem design and integration, modeling,
and packaging.

3.7.8. Metrology and Calibration Competency (METROLOGY) [160]

This competency refers to the knowledge, capabilities and responsibilities associated with the NASA Metrology and
Calibration Program. It requires an understanding of the science of measurement and the comparing of a standard of
known accuracy with a unit of test and measuring equipment (TME) for the purpose of detecting, correlating,
reporting, or eliminating by adjustment any deviation in the accuracy of the unit being compared. It requires
application of traceability principles and uncertainty analyses in relating those measurements to National standards,
intrinsic standards, derived standards, or acceptable measurement systems through an unbroken chain of comparisons.
This competency also includes understanding calibration laboratory requirements, their origin and purpose, application
to contracts, use in auditing and surveillance, implementation in management and quality systems, and the impact of
deficiencies, such as, out-of-tolerance TME.

3.7.9. Wireless Communications and Telemetry (WIRELESS) [159]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the design, analysis, development and/or test of microwave, RF
electronic/Electromagnetic systems, particularly for use in flight vehicles, payloads or associated ground support
equipment processes. Includes devices utilizing advanced technology for instrument (including data system) and
communications (including telemetry) applications. Includes knowledge and capability in one or more of the
following areas; RADAR, antenna systems for general electromagnetic components, communications systems for
space, suborbital, aircraft, and ground applications, instrument systems (both active and passive), transmitting and
receiving systems, transmission lines, electromagnetic propagation, data interleaving systems, navigational aids,
atmospheric effects, multipath, scattering, Electromagnetic Interference, Compatibility and Effects (EMI/EMC/EME),
modulation techniques, spectrum analysis, and non-ionizing radiation safety.`

3.7.10. Electromagnetics (ELMAG) [12]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with research and technology in analytical, computational, and
experimental methods to quantify and control complex electromagnetics phenomena to address issues such as
electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic compatibility, electrostatic discharge, and advanced integral/conformal
antennas. Also includes engineering design of systems and how they will react given electromagnetic fields,
compatibility, interference and discharge.

3.8. Power & Propulsion Competency Suite

3.8.1. Advanced In-Space Propulsion (ADVPRO) [72]

Research, development, design, testing and evaluation of propulsion technologies, such as nuclear propulsion, and
space power generation systems to dramatically improve every aspect of in-space propulsion. Specialty knowledge in
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specific technologies such as nuclear propulsion, high powered electrical, solar voltaic, fuel cells, solar dynamic, and
propellantless propulsion such as electrodynamic tethers and beamed energy. Advanced Chemical & Thermal Prop (APCHEM) [1052]

Research, development, design, testing and evaluation of propulsion system technologies which seek to increase
the performance rockets in the space environment through novel means such as more energetic chemical
propellants, ultralightweight propellant storage and management subsytems, high temperature system operation,
heat addition to propellant by insolation concentration, etc. Electric Propulsion (APELEC) [1050]

Research, development, design, testing and evaluation of in-space electric propulsion system technologies,
comprising power, power conditioning, propellant storage and management, and thrusters. Specialty knowledge
in the three categories of electric propulsion thruster devices: electrothermal, electromagnetic and electrostatic. Propellantless Propulsion(APNOPROP) [1051]

Research, development, design, testing and evaluation of in-space propulsion systems which use technologies
other than discharge of a propellant to gain motive force (i.e., non-rocket propulsion). Specialty knowledge in one
or more categories of propellantless propulsion devices including solar sails, momentum exchange –
electrodynamic reboost tethers, aerocapture, etc.

3.8.2. Airbreathing Propulsion (AIRPRO) [69]

Knowledge of technologies and concepts for airbreathing propelled vehicles in order to enhance the safety of
operations, reduce lifecycle costs, contribute to reduced costs of air travel and access to space, and reduce carbon
dioxide emissions. Includes knowledge of various engine cycles, flight conditions, efficient mixing and combustion,
various materials, and reliable design tools for aerodynamic and propulsion system design and performance prediction,
as well as application of combined cycle systems to advanced propulsion techniques.

3.8.3. Combustion Science (BOOMSCI) [74]

Employs knowledge, capabilities and practices of study of the science of burning and burning processes, including
reaction kinetics and fuels, particularly related to heat transfer, combustion and fluid flow processes by which
chemical energy is converted to propulsive power. Utilizes ground based or microgravity experiments to increase
basic knowledge of combustion processes

3.8.4. Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion (HAIRPRO) [70]

Knowledge of research and testing activities associated with hypersonic airbreathing propulsion flowpath and its
integration with the vehicle concepts. Includes knowledge of the physics of high speed fuel-air mixing and
combustion. Ability to plan, conduct, and interpret results of experimental and computational investigations to derive
engine performance. Inherent within this competency is also the ability to design and develop engine components
(inlet, combustor, and nozzle) and their interaction.

3.8.5. Hypergolic Systems (HYPERSYS) [71]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with hypergolic propellants and propulsion systems. This includes
handling characteristics, material properties, system safety, and system unique requirements for the safe and effective
test, implementation, and operation of hypergolic systems for research, development, design, analysis, testing and/or

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3.8.6. Nuclear Engineering /Propulsion (NUCLEARENG) [138]

Knowledge of scientific and engineering principles associated with the safe design and operations of terrestrial and
non-terrestrial nuclear reactor systems and radioisotope decay power systems. Knowledge and practice of neutron
fission and decay of nuclear material, radioactivity determination/calculation/shielding due to fission and decay of
nuclear materials, thermodynamics, nuclear/quantum physics, materials science, operations and control principles of
nuclear reactors, simulation of reactor operations, health-physics effects of reactor radioactivity on humans, and
probabilistic risk assessment. Ability to develop design concepts for potential nuclear propulsion systems, evaluating
proposed designs and doing tradeoffs to determine which concepts can be incorporated into future space missions.

3.8.7. Propulsion Systems & Testing (PROSYS) [68]

Knowledge of conceptual aeropropulsion and aviation systems analysis and testing to assess the benefits of
aeropropulsion systems, subsystems and components over all flight regimes from general aviation through space
access. Knowledge of the integration of component technologies into conceptual systems. Includes research, design,
testing, and evaluation of components systems such as combustors, inlets, nozzles, and turbomachinery, emissions,
engine materials and structures, propulsion controls, and propulsion airframe integration. Knowledge of advanced,
distributed instrumentation for acquiring improved information in a hostile engine environment. Experience in
advanced methods for safe and affordable rocket propellant aeropropulsion systems testing.

3.8.8. Power - Energy Storage (PWRENG) [76]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the design, development, test, and evaluation of battery,
flywheel, fuel cell, membrane technology and other electrical power storage components and systems.

3.8.9. Power Generation - Photovoltaics (PWRPHO) [77]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the design, development, test and evaluation of photovoltaic
power generation systems, including electric actuation and solar cell/array systems.

3.8.10. Power Systems (PWRSYS) [75]

Applies knowledge and capabilities involved in the design, development, test, and evaluation of hardware for power
generation, storage, conditioning and distribution for all vehicles, spacecraft, and experiments. Inherent within this is
a broad knowledge of power sources and technologies and the ability to develop power architectures and integrate all
elements into networked systems tailored to their specific environments. Also includes development, test and
evaluation of the impact of environments and material on power systems.

3.8.11. Power Generation - Thermal Systems (PWRTHM) [78]

Design development, test, and evaluation of dynamic power systems including thermal and solar dynamic systems.

3.8.12. Rocket Propulsion (ROCKETPRO) [73]

Knowledge of research and testing activities associated with liquid and solid rocket propulsion. Includes knowledge of
combustion devices, cryogenic tanks, propellant feedlines, tank pressurization systems, engine systems, and propulsion
system subcomponents such as gas generators, thrust chambers, turbopump assemblies, valves, propellant ducts, and
auxiliary propulsion systems, as well as application of combined cycle systems to advanced propulsion techniques.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Turbomachinery Design and Analysis (RPTURBO) [1053]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with defining, developing, integrating and verifying liquid
engine turbomachinery for advanced propulsion systems. This includes the ability to derive turbomachinery
design requirements, perform design analyses necessary to size turbomachinery, define hydrodynamic and
aerodynamic performance, establish geometry of flow path components, and perform trade studies required to
evaluate the mechanical layout of the machine. Technical abilities include coordinating engine and
turbomachinery interfaces; internal flow dynamics, heat transfer, rotordynamics, structural design, and material
selection for all turbomachinery components especially high speed seals and bearings. Also includes component
test planning, test integration, and data analysis. Combustion Devices Design and Analysis (RPCOMBUST) [1054]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with defining, developing, integrating and verifying liquid
engine combustion devices for advanced propulsion systems. This includes ability to conduct preliminary design
and analysis with respect to approach, dimensions, structural analysis, performance predictions and meeting
engine balance requirements. Includes the ability to coordinate all activities necessary for finalization of design,
fabrication, test planning, testing, and data analysis of combustion devices components which include, injectors,
thrust chambers, nozzles, preburners, heat exchangers, and ignition systems. Valves, Lines & Ducts (RPVALVES) [1055]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with propulsion system valves, valve actuators, lines, ducts,
miscellaneous fluid components, and fluid systems, including functional design, detailed design, testing and
evaluation, anomaly resolution, manufacturing techniques, assembly, inspection, insight and oversight.
Knowledge pertaining to integration of valves, valve actuators, lines, ducts, and miscellaneous fluid components
into flight systems, developmental systems, and ground test systems. Propellant Management Systems Design and Analysis (RPPRPMMT) [1056]

Knowledge of cryogenic fluid physics and heat transfer associated with the design and development of cyrogenic
tankage, insulation systems, zero boil-off, cyrocooler systems, thermodynamic vent systems, zero-G propellant
management devices, zero-G liquid mass gauging, and incorporation of these into complete cryogenic propellant
storage and management systems for long-duration space flight. Spacecraft and Auxiliary Propulsion System Design and Analysis (RPAUXPRP)
Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the development of reaction control thrusters, orbital
manuevering engines, pressurization systems, propellant acquisition devices and feedsystems for storable and
cryogenic propellants in pressure-fed spacecraft auxiliary propulsion systems. Analytical and computational Fluid Mechanics (RPFLUIDMCH) [1058]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the development, validation, and application of
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and codes for tanks, ducts, valves, turbomachinery, and
combustion components as commonly found in chemical propulsion systems (solid, liquid, and gas propellants).
This involves expertise in high fidelity numerical simulation of internal flows that involve finite-rate chemistry,
multiple phases, cavitation, unsteadiness, turbulence, a large range in fluid Mach number, and relative motion
between elements in the simulation. Includes the pursuit of experimental research and technology projects related
to obtaining data for model validation and for demonstrating advanced fluid design concepts. Requires working
knoweledge of thermal and structural dynamisc modeling in order to properly provide output of tasks to these
other disciplines. Dynamic Data Analysis (RPDYNDATA) [1059]

Diagnostic evaluation of rocket engine vibration data acquired from high frequency sensors such as
accelerometers, strain gauges, proximity probes, and fluctuating pressures. Data from these sensors is acquired at
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high speeds (10,000 to 100,000 samples/second) allowing for high frequency spectral analysis to be performed on
engine/engine components. Time, frequency, and phase domain analyses results are maintained in databases that
are utilized to determine engine/engine component health, statistical family comparability, and flight
acceptability. Solid & Hybrid Motor Systems (SOLIDENG) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the design and analysis of complex solid and hybrid rocket
motor systems for rocket propulsion. Includes the ability to perform solid and hybrid motor requirements
development and decomposition, trade studies and feasibility assessments, analytical modeling of solid systems,
detailed and functional design and analysis of solid and hybrid motor components, subsystems, and systems,
motor subsystem and system development, and validation and verification of requirements through test and
analysis to ensure the motor system meets mission requirements. Includes the capability to develop and integrate
motor subsystems including the propellant, liner, insulation, case, and seal and the ability to perform detailed
analyses to ensure the design met its intended objectives. Includes the knowledge and skills associated with solid
and hybrid motor system test formulation, analytical prediction, and data analysis and reduction including
identifying appropriate test methods and techiques, test plan formulation, test article design, test matrix
development, identification of special instrumentation, ballistics modelling, and test facility requirements
necessary to conduct solid and hybrid motor system testing. Ballistics modeling includes numerical simulation of
the motor burn, including propellant geometry, chemistry, burn rates, gas flows, and combustion physics.
Includes data analysis, reconstruction and trending to assess potential conceptual designs, to anchor mathematical
models, or to ensure functional performance and identify design deficienies of as-designed propulsion systems
over all flight / ground test regimes. Includes knowledge of the systems engineering tools, processes, and
procedures that are required to ensure safe and reliable system development and integration. Liquid Engine Systems (LIQUIDENG) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the design and analysis of complex liquid engine systems
for rocket propulsion. Includes the ability to perform engine system requirements development and
decomposition, trade studies and feasibility assessments, first order performance modeling, detailed and functional
design, steady-state and transient performance analysis of liquid engine components, subsystems, and systems,
and validation and verification of requirements through test and analysis to ensure the engine system meets
mission requirements. Includes the capability to integrate engine components including turbomachinery,
combustion devices, valves, and ducts and the ability to perform detailed calculations and analyses to ensure the
design met its intended objectives. Includes the knowledge and skills associated with propulsion system test
formulation, analytical prediction, and data analysis and reduction including identifying appropriate test methods
and techiques, test plan formulation, test article design, test matrix development, identification of special
instrumentation, end-to-end systems and transient modelling, and test facility requirements necessary to conduct
propulsion system testing. Includes test data assessment and data evaluation to assess potential conceptual
designs, to anchor mathematical models, or to ensure functional performance and identify design deficienies of as-
designed propulsion systems over all flight / ground test regimes. Includes knowledge of the systems engineering
tools, processes, and procedures that are required to ensure safe and reliable engine system development and

3.9. Sensor Systems Competency Suite

3.9.1. Sensors & Data Acquisition (SENSORDATA) [20]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with sensors and data acquisition systems, particularly for use in
flight vehicles, payloads and/or associated ground support equipment processes, such as propulsion system sensing or
vehicle health management. This includes knowledge of sensing characteristics and properties, data acquisition and

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data processing characteristics and properties, and system unique requirements for the safe and effective
implementation of sensors and data acquisition usage in aerospace and space systems.

3.9.2. Electron Device Technology (ELDEVTEC) [14]

Knowledge and practices associated in conducting research and development of electron device technology for
communications component and systems such as microwave devices, MEMS and MMICs.

3.9.3. Laser Technology (LASER) [92]

Knowledge of high performance, high reliability lasers and laser systems for measurement of essential planet
atmospheric variables including aerosols, water vapor, ozone, wind velocity, green house gasses, ozone, and metrology
applications such as ice cap thickness, as well as medicine and manufacturing technologies. Able to apply
subspecialty knowledge to research crystal materials and their frequencies, and design highly precise laser systems
(such as those tunable and stable to a part per million with high spectral purity, in double pulse format with
multibillion shot lifetime) that can withstand both launch and the rigors of deployment in space.

3.9.4. Microwave Systems (MICROSYS) [94]

Applies knowledge and practices associated with the design, analysis, development and test support for devices
utilizing advanced technology for instrument (including data system) and communications (including telemetry)
applications. Includes knowledge and capability in one or more of the following areas; antenna systems for general
electromagnetic components, communications systems for space, suborbital, aircraft, and ground applications,
instrument systems (both active and passive) for space, suborbital, aircraft, and ground applications, and systems and
components for instrument, communication, telemetry, and radar applications.

3.9.5. Optical Systems (OPTSYS) [93]

Applies principles and practices related to the research, design, development, test, and evaluation and/or operation of
optical components and systems, including optical sensors and optical data/image processing. Inherent within this
competency is knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with mechanically and digitally based optical
instruments and associated measurement systems required to support siting, construction, assembly or operation of
facilities, flight vehicles, payloads, infrastructure, and/or associated ground support equipment and processes. This
includes the knowledge of light and optical theory and its application, surveying techniques; measurement equipment
operation, care and calibration; measurement data acquisition and data processing techniques; and system unique
requirements for the safe and effective implementation of data acquisition in a wide variety of systems.

3.9.6. Remote Sensing Technologies (REMOTESENS) [95]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices related to the reasearch, design, development, characterization, and application
of active and passive remote sensing and detector systems. This includes advanced flight-qualified laser systems,
optical components, microwave systems, radiometric sensors, and other remote sensing instruments as well as
associated component subsystems, detectors, calibration systems, and data acquisition systems. Includes knowledge
of, and capability to perform, research and development of advanced detectors and detector systems covering a wide
spectral range to include UV, visible, IR, and microwave. May include the design, development, test,
characterization, and integration of detectors and detector systems into a variety of applications with an emphasis on
remote sensing systems. Assumes a broad understanding of specialty areas such as Electro-optical, Imaging, Laser,
Lidar or Optics technologies.

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3.10. Structures, Materials & Mechanics Competency Suite

3.10.1. Analytical and Computational Structural Methods (ACMSTR) [64]

Research knowledge, capability, and practices for developing computationally efficient methodologies for structural
modeling, analysis, and design, for predicting response, damage tolerance, and residual strength of aerospace
structures using nonlinear structural analysis methods and models, for developing validated finite element methods for
special purpose computational methods including rapid optimal structural sizing, for developing analytical models for
radiation protection and shielding, and for developing multi-sensory, visually immersive simulation and design
methodologies for enhanced understanding and collaboration. Involves in-depth understanding of mathematics and
computer science.

3.10.2. Materials Science and Engineering (MATSCIENG) [66]

Knowledge capability and practices associated with research into the characteristics and performance of materials and
the design, development and testing of those materials within aerospace structures such as flight systems, ground
support and facility systems. Includes the development of math models for assessment of material durability and
response to environmental conditions and contaminants. Includes broad knowledge of materials disciplines, including
material types such as ceramics, metallics, and polymers as well as tribology or surface science. Metallurgy (MSEMETAL) [1060]

Knowledge capability and practices associated with research into the production, characteristics, structure,
properties, and performance of metallic materials and the design, development, processing and testing of those
metals within aerospace structures such as flight systems, ground support and facility systems. Includes the
development of math models and statistical methods for assessment of the durability and response of metallic
materials to environmental conditions, composition, processes and applied forces. Includes broad knowledge of
the metallurgical discipline, including characteristics of metallic alloy types and methods of processing metals
into final products such as molding, shaping, forming, thermal treatment, joining, electrochemical processes,
corrosion control, superalloys, powder metallurgy, metal matrix composites, and nanostructures. Also includes
broad capabilities in metallurgical analysis, evaluation and testing , including surface, microscopic, chemical,
crystallography, internal micro and macrostructural analysis, and practices in physical and mechanical testing to
determine and achieve design criteria such as strength, hardness, toughness, corrosion behavior and performance
in extremes of environment and temperature, with emphasis on evaluation of metals under operating environments
to produce reliable and quality materials that will resist expected failue modes such as corrosion, stress
concentration, metal fatigue, creep and environmental stress fracture. Includes analysis of the nature, behavior,
and physical characteristics of metals and their alloys, including the mechanisms and effects by which materials
react to stresses, environments, and processes in order to select, plan, design, develop processing methods and
produce materials with specific and exacting properties for aerospace applications. Non-metallics (MSENONMET) [1061]

Knowledge capability and practices associated with research into the production, characteristics, structure,
properties, and performance of non-metallic materials, including organic and inorganic polymeric materials, fiber
and resin systems, as well as the design, development, processing and testing of those non-metals within aerospace
structures such as flight systems, ground support and facility systems. Includes assessment of the durability and
response of non-metallic materials to environmental conditions, composition, manufacturing processes and
applied forces. Includes broad knowledge of the non-metallic materials engineering discipline, including
characteristics of non-metal types such as ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites, thermal insulation, polymer
and ceramic matrix composites as well as methods of processing into final products. Also includes broad
capabilities in analysis, evaluation and testing of non-metallics including the analysis of the nature, behavior, and
physical characteristics of non-metals and their constituents, including the mechanisms and effects by which
materials react to stresses, environments, and processes.

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Workforce Competency Dictionary Rev. 6 Failure Analysis (MSEFAILURE) [1062]

Knowledge capability and practices associated with research into the characteristics and performance of materials
and the design, development and testing of those materials within aerospace structures such as flight systems,
ground support and facility systems, and investigation and evaluation of failed materials and surfaces to determine
the root causes of failure. Includes the capability to analyze, plan, and execute failure analysis for a component
fabricated of a structural material, identify failure modes and recommend improvements to resolve original
problem (e.g., redesign component, which may include fabricating it from a more resistant material). Examines
failures by evaluating metallurgical cross sections, plus application of the full range of etching techniques in
addition to the traditional techniques based on reflected light microscopy, and also use a broad range of non-
destructive testing techniques and a full range of mechanical testing equipment to quantify the failure modes and
rates. Includes knowledge and practices in operation of electro-optical and diagnostic equipment (such as
scanning electron microscopy, TEM, ESCA, OLM, SIMS, energy-dispersive x-ray, computerized radiography and
Auger microprobe spectroscopy, etc.) to augment observations made metallographically to detect or confirm
chemical contributions to failure mechanism composition, examine fractures or crack-like defects, and to analyze
hardness, grain size, surface chemistry of the first few atomic layers, as well as bulk microstructural features.
Includes the development of math models for assessment of material durability and response to environmental
conditions and contaminants. Includes broad knowledge of materials disciplines, including material types such as
ceramics, metallics, composites and polymers as well as tribology or surface science. Contamination Control (MSECONTAM) [1063]

Knowledge capability and practices associated with the applications in materials, processes, contamination and
foreign object debris (FOD) control requirements definition and insuring proper implementation through
consulting, monitoring, testing and training services. Areas of responsibility include contamination control and
foreign object debris (FOD) program development addressing both ground processing and on-orbit applications as
applicable. Ground processing includes all areas from design, materials procurement, manufacturing, assembly,
test, transportation, storage, launch site processing and any post flight refurbishment activities. Included are
laboratory analysis and testing skills useful in ground processing materials and instrumentation applications for
surface cleaning and cleanliness analysis/inspection. On-orbit applications include thermal vacuum
environmental or space simulation testing. Material and process evaluations related to space simulation include
material and component outgas testing, sensitive hardware bake-out certification, and ultraviolet enhanced
contaminant deposition characterization.

3.10.3. Mechanics and Durability (MECHDUR) [62]

Knowledge, capability and practices associated with using and modifying advanced analytical and computational
methods to assess the capability of structures to withstand applied loads and environmental conditions without failure.
Includes the development of structural math models for the analysis of complex indeterminate structures, mechanical
systems, and propulsion systems to determine structural response to multiple external and internal environmental
conditions. Includes the performance of fatigue and fracture mechanics analyses to assess structural life. Includes
broad knowledge of associated disciplines including structural dynamics, materials science, structural and mechanical
design and damage tolerance. Also involves the planning and development of structural tests including measurement,
instrument and test systems to assess structural characteristics and validate mathematical models.

3.10.4. Mechanical Systems (MECHSYS) [17]

Knowledge, capability and practices involving the design, development and testing of vehicle and instrument
structures, mechanisms deployment systems, associated mechanical ground support equipment and facilities structures.
Includes knowledge of mechanical requirements development; mechanical system interfaces among instruments,

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subsystems, vehicle and ground systems; vehicle and instrument manufacturing and assembly; and vehicle and
instrument alignment techniques and qualification testing. Includes knowledge of manufacturing techniques,
materials, mechanical and materials standards, parametric computer aided design, mechanisms design, basic structural
analysis, and knowledge of the state of best practice for complex mechanical systems.

3.10.5. Non-destructive Evaluation Sciences (NONDESSCI) [67]

Research knowledge, capabilities, and practices for developing and applying advanced sensors, health monitoring
technologies, computational techniques, and NonDestructive Evaluation (NDE) methodologies, e.g., x-ray, ultrasonic,
eddy current inspection, to characterize advanced materials and structures, for developing intelligent, autonomous
micro and nano-methods for characterization, health monitoring, control, and self-repair of aerospace systems, and for
developing techniques and concepts for nondestructive flaw detection, manufacturing process control sensing, and
instrument system miniaturization.

3.10.6. Structural Dynamics (STRUCTDYN) [61]

Research knowledge, capabilities and practices for developing and analyzing methods to predict, verify and control
structural dynamic response for aerospace structures and components including payloads, launch vehicles and
propulsion systems. Involves ability to develop high fidelity integrated mechanical three-dimensional models to
simulate system behavior and to provide a more thorough understanding of interactions between structures and the
motion of mechanisms.

3.10.7. Thermal Structures (THERMALSTR) [105]

Research knowledge, capabilities, and practices for designing, developing, analyzing, and validating thermal-structural
concepts for aerospace systems subjected to extreme operational environments and for developing design technology
for thermal-structures applications and for multiscale optimization of metallic materials, structures, and fabrication

3.11. Thermal/Fluid Competency Suite

3.11.1. Cryogenics Engineering (CRYOENG) [26]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with aerospace cryogenic systems, particularly for use in propulsion,
life support, refrigeration and laboratory processes. This includes handling characteristics, material properties, system
safety, and system unique requirements for the safe and effective usage of cryogenic fluids for research, development,
design, analysis, test, operation and/or evaluation of cryogenic fluids storage and transfer systems for both fuels and

3.11.2. Fluid Systems (FLUIDSYS) [106]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with basic fluid physics research (including microgravitational study
of complex fluids, multiphase and phase change, fluid dynamics and instabilities, and interfacial phenomena), as well
as modeling and development, design, integration, analysis, test, operation and evaluation of aerospace ground and
flight closed fluid systems. Knowledge of assessment of requirements, establishment of specifications and evaluation
to insure proper function and compatibility of fluid systems hardware/components. Also includes integration of
control logic and control systems design to ensurea fully functional process system, and design and development of
instruments for imaging fluid leaks, evaluating sensitivity, vibration susceptibility and field usability to ensure safe

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implementation, particularly for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems. This requires the basic knowledge and
skill of mechanical design, fluid physics, fluid mechanics, component design, and integrated system layouts / designs
and evaluation of their capability to satisfy functional and performance requirements. Agree with recommended
change, however, move under new knowledge category mechanical engineering.

3.11.3. Thermal Systems (THERMALSYS) [104]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with heat transfer, fluid flow, and thermodynamics in the design,
development, testing, integration and evaluation of passive and active thermal control systems for spacecraft,
propulsion systems, instruments, experiments, sensors, aircraft, ground systems, thermal protection systems and
facility systems. Includes knowledge and practices in the development of advanced thermal hardware and thermal
technology for future spacecraft, propulsion systems, instrument, and sensor applications including heat pipes, two-
phase heat transfer systems, cryogenic systems, advanced coatings, and heat pumps. Includes knowledge of the
development of math models for low and high speed convection, conduction, radiation, ablation and aeroheating.

3.12. Multi-disciplinary R&D Competency Suite

3.12.1. Advanced Analysis and Design Method Development (AADMD) [91]

Enable the mission and system analysis and technology trades for advanced aerospace system concepts. Knowledge of
systems analysis methods for use in advanced mission analysis and aerospace systems concept development &
technology assessment. Knowledge of multidisciplinary design optimization methods for use in conceptual,
preliminary and detailed engineering analysis and design of aerospace vehicles and spacecraft (including design,
manufacturing, and operations).

3.12.2. Advanced Measurement, Diagnostics, and Instrumentation (ADVMDI) [111]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with research and development, assessment, implementation, and
integration of advanced measurement, flow diagnostics, instrumentation to understand and discover flow physics, to
develop and validate physical/chemical models, and to support aerodynamic, aerothermodynamic, acoustic, and
hypersonic airbreathing propulsion design and analysis of aerospace vehicles in ground facilities and in flight. Inherent
within this competency is also the ability to resolve issues arising from test articles, data systems, and integrated
measurement systems and their interactions.

3.12.3. Advanced Experimentation and Testing Technologies (AETT) [109]

Knowledge of advanced experimentation and testing philosophies and approaches that provide results to inform
research activities in specialized areas such as structures, materials, airborne Systems, aerodynamics, and propulsion.
Ability to develop and use specialized facilities and equipment such as wind tunnels, arc-jets, and laboratories.
Includes knowledge of how to plan, conduct and interpret experimental test results to understand the interaction of test
elements on the design of current and future aerospace vehicles. Also involves ability to develop, manage and
enhance test processes to optimize productivity, cycle time, data quality, cost and customer satisfaction.

3.12.4. Mathematical Modeling & Analysis (MMA) [86]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with mathematical modeling, the design of algorithms and applied
computational methods, simulation and analysis of physical systems to represent structural, fluid, thermal, dynamic,
chemical, or other real phenomena in a quantifiable manner. This includes using manual calculations and computer

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simulation software. Models can refer to launch vehicle, spacecraft, ground support equipment, handling equipment,
and facility/flight interface hardware related physical systems design of algorithms and applied computational
methods. This includes capability in the area of quantum computing. Understanding of the physical principle
represented in the model is essential to this competency.

3.12.5. Nanotechnology (TINYTEC) [57]

Knowledge of the study of characteristics and properties of extremely small materials for development of new
capabilities and applications in support of agency missions, programs and projects such as advanced structures, storage
capabilities and computer systems. Includes an understanding of how to apply nanoscience findings, and a broad
knowledge of other research and engineering disciplines.

3.12.6. Space Environments Science and Engineering (SPACE_ENV) [155]

Knowledge of composition, elements, behaviors and impact of the space environments on the design, development,
testing and operation of systems and components for aerospace vehicles and satellites. Involves understanding of
space environments such as ionizing radiation, plasma, meteoroids, orbital debris, solar and thermal environments.
Involves the ability to perform analyses to define the environments, quantify their effect on spacecraft design,
development and operations and perform trade-off studies to optimize performance and assess risk.

3.12.7. Terrestrial & Planetary Environmental Science and Engineering (PLANETENV) [23]
Knowledge of composition, elements, behaviors and impact of the terrestrial and planetary environments on the
design, development, testing and operation of systems and components for aerospace vehicles and satellites. Involves
understanding of atmospheric variables such as wind profiles, turbulence, cloud cover, ice/frost formation. Involves
the ability to perform analyses to define the environments, quantify their effect on vehicle design, development and
operations and perform trade-off studies to optimize performance and assess risk.

4. Mission Operations Knowledge Domain

4.1. Mission Operations Competency Suite

4.1.1. Advanced Technical Training Design (ADVTEC) [3]

Knowledge of state-of-the art practices required to train technical personnel such as flight crew or ground support to
accomplish objectives for near-term or futuristic missions. Identify training objectives, design training plans, tools,
curricula and simulations using advanced techniques. Involves knowledge of instruction providers and tools, and how
to employ and assess these resources.

4.1.2. Mission Assurance (MA) [30]

Knowledge of methodologies and practices such as risk identification, analysis, planning, tracking and control (e.g.,
Certificate of Flight Readiness process, product management process) used to achieve mission, product or process
success. Activities include independent verification of product design requirements, testing validation, critical
inspections, facility evaluations, flight safety analysis, development of recommendations, and tracking corrective

4.1.3. Mission Execution (MISEXC) [4]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the execution of missions, including pre-launch, launch, in-orbit
and recovery operations for space flight, or conducting safe, efficient and effective operation of research or training
aircraft. Manage command and control activities, payload integration and operations, robotic operations and EVA
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operations according to mission objectives including the technical activities and real-time decision -making and
problem resolution during mission critical operations.

4.1.4. Payload Integration (PAYLOADINT) [5]

Applies knowledge and practices of management, science and engineering to lifecycle of all payload research
experiments. Ability to optimize use of existing systems for accomplishment of science objectives, and to determine
engineering requirements such as payload support hardware definition, design, fabrication, integration and testing, and
operating procedures. Includes ability to integrate payloads into vehicles and determine requirements and predict
operating impacts between payloads and vehicles. Ability to test and process payloads, and integrate them successfully
on-board the vehicle.

4.1.5. Weather Observation and Forecasting (WOBSFR) [6]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with developing or improving techniques for observing or forecasting
local weather conditions in a coastal, semi-tropical environment. Specific capabilities include high resolution in-situ
or remote sensing of wind, temperature and humidity; mesoscale meteorological modeling; high-resolution
measurement of atmospheric electric fields and charge; radar meteorology; theoretical or numerical modeling of free
electric charge generation and dissipation in clouds; and related areas. It also includes developing concepts of
operation for the application of these technologies to Range operations; identifying and evaluating deficiencies in
operational weather support for new or existing requirements; understanding the impact of meteorological variables on
Range operations and systems; and knowledge of the application of weather data and technologies to the design of
operational systems and procedures.

4.1.6. Integrated Logistics Support (INTLOGSUP) [162]

Knowledge, capabilities, concepts, and methods of strategic logistics planning, ad execution, emphasizing proactive
techniques to ensure maximum logistics influence on systems acquisition as well as optimum life-cycle management
of acquisition and legacy systems. Capabilities include planning, developing, implementing, and sustaining the
Logistics Engineering activities necessary to satisfy support requirements while minimizing life-cycle costs;
maintenance planning; manpower and support planning; supply support; support equipment to include test,
measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE); providing technical data; training and training support; Logistics
Support Analysis (LSA) for developed and modified hardware and software interfaces and components down to the
piece part level on both a continual and iterative basis; generation of data inputs to the Logistics Management
Information (LMI) database.

4.1.7. Program/Project Analysis (PROJANALYS) [147]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with formulating, planning, implementing, tracking and evaluating
work and its associated requirements and risks, ranging from one-time projects to program-level work. Critical ability
is to develop, analyze, and oversee resources, schedule, and management controls needed by the Program/Project
manager to achieve the appropriate balance between resources, schedule, and technical objectives. Includes
knowledge associated with finance, budgeting, schedule, configuration management, and project controls.

4.1.8. Technical Management (TECHMMT) [153]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices of technical formulation, planning, implementing, integration and managing of
complex engineering work. This includes special knowledge in field of expertise, technical resources management to
meet mission specific technical milestones, and processes associated with mitigating or accepting risk.

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4.2. Quality/Safety/Performance Competency Suite

4.2.1. Quality Engineering & Assurance (QEA) [29]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the assurance of quality (aeronautic and astronautic) for all
phases of the mission life-cycle including design, manufacturing, assembly, testing and operations. Capability for
planning, defining, documenting, and executing quality requirements for products, processes, and systems that are
suitable to the activity, proportional to the risk, and consistent with established NASA guidance, practices, and
standards including NASA workmanship standards, NASA parts standards, Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR),
and NASA recommended practices for contract quality and supplier assessment. Knowledge of destructive and non-
destructive material testing and inspection techniques used to validate product compliance, including related contract
data deliverable requirements. Knowledge of ISO 9000 and AS 9100 series of quality standards, as well as the ability
to apply these standards for complex or critical items. Ability to assess quality system compliance and effectiveness in
accordance with requirements of ISO 9000 and AS 9100 quality standards. Knowledge of inspection, auditing and
surveillance methods which can range from a one-time test or inspection of a product, process, or service to periodic in
process monitoring of contract performance. Ability to manage, and/or evaluate the results of quality functions
(audits, surveys, reports, acceptance data package/test report, etc.) performed by NASA, NASA designated/delegated
representatives, and/or third party certification bodies. Ability to continually improve quality through advocacy and
dissemination of advanced quality tools, techniques, technology, practices, policy, procedures, and training. Ability to
perform quality data analysis and trending, to determine deficiency root cause(s), and to implement effective
preventive measures.

4.2.2. Reliability & Maintainability Engineering & Assurance (RMEA) [28]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices used to design flight, ground support, and facility systems, equipment and
instruments for performing their intended function for a specified interval under stated conditions (reliability) and/or
have a defined capability to be restored to operational status following a failure (maintainability). Capabilities include
the capacity to: define mission success criteria; define and evaluate compliance with systems/equipment
reliability/maintainability requirements, including redundancy requirements; model systems/equipment from a
reliability/maintainability perspective, including allocations and predictions; perform and evaluate quantitative and
qualitative analyses and assessments, including failure modes and effects analyses/critical items list, probabilistic risk
assessments, limited life items, quantitative computations; perform and evaluate statistical analysis, trending, and
trade-offs; perform and evaluate maintenance analyses, such as reliability centered maintenance techniques; plan,
perform and evaluate laboratory testing and engineering analyses; evaluate system/equipment failures to determine
root cause and develop corrective actions to prevent similar failures in the future; integrate reliability/maintainability
requirements, activities and results with other related disciplines (competencies) such as Safety Engineering and
Assurance, Risk Management, Quality Engineering and Assurance, Human Factors, Software Assurance, Acquisition
and Contract Management, and Logistics. Also includes availability which can combine the elements of reliability
and maintainability in a single parameter."

4.2.3. Risk Management (RISKMMT) [123]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the decision process associated with mitigating or accepting
risks. This includes knowledge of fundamental risk management concepts, Continuous Risk Management (CRM)
implementation in programs/projects, Risk-Based Acquisition Management (R-BAM) implementation for major
procurements that require formal acquisition planning, and ongoing assessment of program/project risk management

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4.2.4. Safety Engineering and Assurance (SAFENG) [27]

Knowledge of scientific, engineering and management principles for ensuring safety of missions and systems through
controlled design, development, operation, and disposal. Includes ability to develop safety policies and to use
analytical tools such as hazard analysis, failure modes and effects analysis, fault tree analysis, and probabilistic risk
assessment, and develop technical reports of results, conclusions, and recommendations to support risk-informed
decision-making. Develop safety performance measures and apply criteria and techniques such as safety audits,
assessments, inspections, trend analysis, precursor analysis, and sampling to monitor safety performance and to
identify and eliminate/mitigate hazards and achieve an acceptable level of risk, within the constraints of operational
effectiveness and suitability, time, and cost throughout all phases of the system (mission) life cycle. System Safety (SYSSAFETY) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the use of formal approaches to analyze hazards that impact
human, environment and mission assets in order to provide decision makers with recommendations on ways to
eliminate the hazards or reduce their risk to acceptable levels. Involves the ability to develop safety risk models
using qualitative techniques such as System Hazard Analysis (SHA) and quantitative techniques such as
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA); to proactively and reactively identify the need for risk trade studies
concerning resolution of hazards; to formulate risk reduction strategies; and to timely and effectively
communicate safety risk insights to decision-makers. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PROBRISK) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the development and application of system risk models to
support risk-informed decision making. This includes the assessment of mission success criteria, accident
scenario development using logic techniques, phenomenological failure modeling, quantification of accident
scenarios using probabilistic and statistical analysis techniques, consequence assessment (evaluation of the
physical consequences of accident scenarios), uncertainty and risk-trade-off analysis, and risk communication. Trend Analysis (TREND) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the identification of trends and patterns in data. Knowledge
and demonstrated capability in statistical analysis including both classical and Bayesian statistics. Knowledge and
demonstrated capability in using software packages for trend analysis, such as SPLUS, SYSTAT, or SAS.
Knowledge and capabilities in data mining techniques and statistical learning approaches. Involves the ability to
identify statistically significant time trends, patterns associations, outliers, and periodicities. Involves the
capability to interpret the information provided by trends and patterns in terms of their program implications. Precursor Analysis (PRECURSOR) [tbd]

Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with the identification of forerunners to failure. Knowledge of
risk analysis techniques and risk models to be able to infer the risk implications of conditions, events or
sequences of events that are precursors to accidents. Knowledge of quantification techniques to assess the
probability implications of a precursor event or a precursor sequence events. Involves the screening of data and
records to identify potential candidate precursors and assessing the risk implications of the screened events to
estimate the severity of the event in terms of the nearness of the event to a failure or accident. Involves the
assessment of preventative or mitigative actions to determine their impact on the precursor probability or

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4.2.5. Software Assurance Engineering (SWASSURANCE) [139]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the planning, organizing, performing, monitoring and directing
software assurance activities for software acquired and developed for all phases of the product lifecycle including
product concept, acquisition, contractor selection and oversight, requirements, design, implementation, problem
reporting, corrective action, verification and validation, testing, operations, maintenance, and retirement. SA practices
include software product assurance, process assurance, quality, reliability, safety, security, risk management,
verification, validation, and independent verification and validation. Additionally, demonstrate knowledge of current
software and systems engineering practices, languages, management, planning, standards, procedures, and
recommended processes. Assures that process and product standards are appropriate, implemented correctly,
followed, and improved.

4.2.6. Configuration Management (CONFIGMMT) [154]

Knowledge of configuration management practices required to define, document, control and manage changes to the
functional and physical attributes of system hardware, software, and information as applied to systems life cycle.
Ability to control baselines, including identification (requirements, interfaces, and physical and functional attributes of
configuration items) and control of changes to baseline. Knowledge of CM status accounting methods to record and
report status of baselines. Capability to conduct audits of the overall configuration management processes
performance, conduct Physical Configuration Audits, and support Functional Configuration Audits. Knowledge of
NASA Program/Project management processes and the ability to plan, conduct, and evaluate the evolving baselines for
NASA Programs/Projects in accordance with the NASA configuration management requirements and standards.

4.2.7. Mishap Investigation (MISHAPINV) [149]

A NASA employee who understands NASA mishap investigation policy, and requirements, and has the skills to
perform all aspects of mishap investigation including preserving, collecting, and impounding evidence, interviewing,
conducting analyses, drawing collusions, generating recommendations, and writing NASA mishap reports.

5. Leadership & Management Knowledge Domain

5.1. Management Competency Suite

5.1.1. Executive Management (EXECMMT) [170]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with leading change, people, and work of an organization. Includes
awareness and understanding of relevant strategies and techniques to effectively create a vision for change and engage
others in implementing the change process. Ability to apply human capital and leadership strategies to empower
teams and develop leadership capabilities in lower level managers. Ability to determine an organization’s business
direction and vision, and set goals that align with broader Agency objectives and related functional or program plans.
Knowledge of methods for integrating work from across functional and organizational boundaries, considering
complex cross-functional, cross-center, division, business and geographic implications when approaching problems or
issues. Knowledge of how to apply policies and regulations that impact NASA including NASA Strategic Plan,
Mission Directorate Roadmaps, President’s Management Agenda, Space Act, and GPRA. Ability to assess impact of
work performance on NASA’s relationships with external customers and stakeholders.

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5.1.2. Business Work & Team Management (BUSWORKMMT) [172]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with individuals that must understand and manage both the aspects
of functional business opertions, as well as management of employees and/or teams. This pseudo competency requires
the supervisor or lead to have the following competencies:
 Any business management related competency
 Employee & Team Leadership
 Work Performance Leadership

5.1.3. Project Work & Team Management (PROWORKMMT) [173]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with individuals that must understand and manage both the aspects
of managing a project, as well as management of employees and/or teams. This pseudo competency requires the
supervisor or lead to have the following competencies:
 Project Management
 Employee & Team Leadership
 Work Performance Leadership

5.1.4. Technical Work & Team Management (TECWORKMMT) [171]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with individuals that must understand and manage both the aspects
of technical work, as well as management of employees and/or teams. This pseudo competency requires the supervisor
or lead to have the following competencies:
 Technical Management
 Employee & Team Leadership
 Work Performance Leadership

5.2. Professional Development Competency Suite

5.2.1. Program/Project Management (PROJPROGMT) [122]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with formulating, planning, implementing, managing, tracking and
evaluating work and its associated requirements and risks, ranging from one-time projects to program-level work.
Critical abilities are to define customer and stakeholder needs and constraints, reduce ambiguity in objectives, develop
and manage an efficient project organizational structure, and apply system architecture principles to develop and
manage technical requirements in order to achieve the appropriate balance between resources, schedule, and technical
requirements. Includes knowledge associated with system architecture, finance, budgeting, risk assessment, schedule,
configuration management, contract technical management, and project controls.

5.2.2. NASA Leadership Competency (NASALEADER) [140]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with leading and managing change, people, and work of an
organization. Includes awareness and understanding of relevant strategies and techniques to effectively create a vision
for change and engage others to implement the change process. Knowledge of how to apply human capital and
leadership strategies to empower individuals and teams to achieve shared outcomes and develop leadership capabilities
in lower level managers. Understanding of range of practices that create an environment that values diversity,
promotes inclusion of all employees, and leverages talents of all team members. Develop systems that allow effective
assignment, prioritization and monitoring of work. Align work unit performance objectives with organizational
objectives and removes obstacles and barriers to organizational and programmatic performance.

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Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with communicating business direction, goals and performance,
developing and maintaining relationships and alliances, and conducting problem solving for effective decision
making. Includes understanding of effective interpersonal and group communication principles and techniques to
gather, comprehend and express ideas in an effective manner, and inform and influence others. Includes
knowledge of techniques and approaches to resolve conflict and negotiate effective outcomes. Demonstrates
ability to balance short-term needs with long-term priorities and consider complex cross-functional, cross-center,
division, business and geographic implications when approaching problems or issues. Knows how to apply
appropriate techniques, procedures and policies in the management of workforce to achieve work objectives and
maintain effective and positive operational environments. Knowledge & Communication Management (LEADCOMM) [1002]

Understands and applies knowledge management practices, theories and success factors. Possesses knowledge
and capability to lead efforts to capture, organize, store and share knowledge from major team, functional
community or programmatic efforts. Creates systems that facilitate communication of knowledge within NASA
in order to leverage best practices, and technical know how or advancements within the Agency. Possesses
knowledge of information technologies available at NASA and selects and uses those appropriately for managing
work and develops strategies to integrate new technology into the workplace. Understands and applies principles
of information security in relation to data publishing, technology transfer and release of information. Work Performance Leadership (LEADWORK) [1003]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with determining an organization’s business direction and vision,
and setting goals that align with broader Agency objectives and related functional or program plans. Knowledge
of how to apply policies and regulations that impact NASA including NASA Strategic Plan, President’s
Management Agenda, Space Act, and GPRA. Ability to assess impact of work performance on NASA’s
relationship with external customers and stakeholders. Ability to develop systems that facilitate the effective
assignment of work and measurement of results. Knowledge of methods for integrating work from across
functional and organizational boundaries. International Relations (LEADGLOBAL) [1004]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with forming and maintaining cross-cultural relationships and
international partnerships and alliances. Understanding of the rules and policies that regulate or dictate
international partnerships and how to work within those guidelines in order to accomplish objectives and sustain
ongoing relationships.

6. Science Knowledge Domain

6.1. Space Sciences Competency Suite

6.1.1. Astromaterials, Collections, Curation & Analysis (ASTROMATER) [55]

Apply knowledge of foreign materials, and planetary sciences to the collection of materials from foreign planets, and
developing and using appropriate processes for handling and curating them. Includes knowledge and skill in
processing the materials to protect Earth system from contamination.

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6.1.2. Astrobiology (ASTROBIO) [54]

Apply knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, and other sciences in interdisciplinary experimental, observational,
theoretical, and modeling studies of the origin, early development, and transmission of life in or on astronomical
bodies and media, including the Earth and its atmosphere, and to determine how and where life arose and evolved on
Earth and elsewhere, with due regard to environmental conditions and limits.

6.1.3. Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASTRONOMY) [52]

Knowledge of the fundamental processes of radiation and dynamics for the study of the structure and composition of
the Solar System, other planetary systems, stars and stellar systems, galaxies, and the structure and evolution of matter
and cosmology. Use a variety of observational methods, data analysis techniques and theoretical models to
characterize the physical and dynamical states of celestial objects, determine formation history and predict future
evolution. Use physics and chemistry knowledge to conduct observational, experimental and theoretical studies and
modeling of stars, nebulae, galaxies, and systems of stars and galaxies, and of circumstellar, interstellar and
intergalactic media, particles, molecules and radiation fields, in all electromagnetic wavelength ranges. Includes study
of specialty areas such as Gamma Ray & X-Ray Astronomy and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, in which electromagnetic
waves, x-ray emissions and cosmic ray particles provide data for examining the content, structure, origin and evolution
of space elements.

6.1.4. Earth Atmosphere (EARTHATM) [44]

Knowledge of the fundamental processes of radiation, chemistry and dynamics in the study of the structure and
composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Conceive and implement a variety of observational methods, data analysis
techniques, and theoretical models to characterize the state of the atmosphere, detect variability and explain the
responsible forcing mechanisms, and predict the future state of the atmosphere. Able to develop and implement
missions to conduct atmospheric research, and contribute to the development of atmospheric instrument and sensor
development. Includes subspecialty knowledge in areas such as Radiation and Climate, Stratospheric & Tropospheric

6.1.5. Planetary Atmospheres (PLANETATM) [44]

Knowledge of the fundamental processes of radiation, chemistry and dynamics in the study of the structure and
conposition of the lower and upper atmosphiere of the panets and the origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres.
Conceive and implement a variety of observational methods to characterize the state of the atmospheres of the planets-
past and present, detect variability and explain the responsible forcing mechanisms, and predict the future evolution
and state of planetary atmospheres instrument and tnd sensor development. Includes subspeciality knowledge in areas
such as Radiation and Climate, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics, Atmosphere-Surface Interactions,
CelestialMechanics, Solar-Planetary Relationships, Planetary Magnetic Fields and Magnetospheres.

6.1.6. Planetary Science (PLANETSCI) [53]

Knowledge of space science applied to conducting experimental, observational, and theoretical studies and modeling
of planets, planetary satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and other objects, media, and particles in the solar
system, in order to determine their composition and properties in such areas as atmospheres, magnetospheres,
lithospheres, cryospheres, and interiors.

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6.1.7. Space Physics (SPACEPHY) [51]

Uses knowledge to conduct experimental, theoretical, and/or applied physics and modeling relating to matter,
radiation, and their interactions, and ranging from elementary particles and fields to atomic, and nuclear physics,
condensed matter physics, optical, gravitational and quantum mechanical, hydrodynamical and
magnetohydrodynamical physics and General Relativity, and as applied to the nature and structure of the universe and
to chemical, biological, and geophysical systems. Includes specialty areas such as solar physics, involving use of
observational and experimental studies to model the Sun and its magnetic activity, characteristics, composition and
influence on the Earth and other planetary bodies, as well as space plasma physics, focused on near-Earth
environments such as the magnetosphere and its properties.

6.2. Earth Sciences Competency Suite

6.2.1. Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems (BBECO) [46]

Apply knowledge of biology, biogeochemistry of ecosystems and the global carbon cycle to research, understand and
predict how terrestrial and marine ecosystems change. Research ecosystems as they are affected by human activity,
and as they change due to their own intrinsic biological dynamics, and as they respond to climatic variations and, in
turn, affect climate. Emphasis is on an understanding of the processes of the Earth system that affect its capacity for
biological productivity, explain the role of the biosphere in Earth system function, and promote proactive ecological
stewardship. Ability to understand, study and properly document changes in land cover and land use.

6.2.2. Earth Science Applications Research (EARSCIRES) [49]

Use knowledge of Earth systems and measurement technologies for designing research into Earth Science disciplines
that have the objective of improving the quality of life on Earth and the longevity of the planet. Apply research to such
subjects as resource and disaster management, environmental assessment, human health and safety, food and fiber,
infrastructure planning, and environmental quality.

6.2.3. Earth System Modeling (EARSYMODEL) [50]

Apply understanding of Earth systems to consolidation of scientific findings into integrated representations of
atmosphere, ocean, ice land and biosphere systems, with the ability to predict future system trends and evolution of
chemical and biological components.

6.2.4. Geophysical/Geologic Science (GEOSCI) [45]

Knowledge of a wide range of disciplines related to the earth's composition, its fluid envelopes, and its position in
space. Apply concepts and methods in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology to the problems of the
atmosphere, the oceans, the solid earth, and the evolution of the planet. Involves ability to conduct far-reaching
studies of the origin of the earth and solar system.

6.2.5. Geospatial Science and Technologies (GEOSPATIAL) [88]

Applies knowledge and practices of geospatial science and has the ability to utilize and/or develop the tools for
acquiring, storing, analyzing, and outputting data in multiple dimensions, as referenced to the earth by some type of
real-world coordinate system (eg, a map projection). The ability to reference a geographic location as an important
component in the analyses of effects or trends in biological and physical socio-economic resources. Understanding of
and ability to use a variety of technology tools, such as geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing,
thematic mapping, image processing, satellite positioning systems such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), and
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6.2.6. Hydrological Science (HYDROSCI) [47]

Knowledge of the scientific study of waters of the earth, especially with relation to the effects of precipitation and
evaporation upon the occurrence and character of water in streams, lakes and on or below the land surface. Includes
understanding of the hydrologic cycle from precipitation to evaporation or return of the water to the seas, and
application of findings to predict rates and amounts of runoff in rivers, assess required spillway and reservoir
capacities, determine soil-water-plant relationships in agriculture and manage water supplies.

6.2.7. Oceanographic Science (OCEANSCI) [48]

Research into the composition, activities, processes and patterns in the oceans and ocean ice to increase understanding
of how the marine environment interacts with the rest of the planet. Includes research on glaciers and ice sheets. Use a
variety of data collection methods to collect information about the ocean and mathematically describe and predict
ocean processes. Includes ability to translate data into information useful in the understanding and interpretation of
the oceans themselves and their connection to other earth systems.

6.2.8. Climate Change and Variability (CLIMATE) [164]

Applies an integrated and cross discipline approach to understanding, assessing, and predicting the Earth's complex
climate system. This capability draws from the other Earth Sciences related competencies to provide observations at
the high accuracy required to monitor climate change, to evaluate its component processes at climate relevant time and
space scales, and to enable prediction of future climate change. This research capability includes the ability to
estimate the uncertainty of future climate predictions, to support impact assessments, and to develop new climate
observational and modeling requirements, methods, and capabilities.

6.3. Physical Sciences Competency Suite

6.3.1. Fundamental Physics (FUNPHYSICS) [42]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with research and application of electromagnetism, continuum and
classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics. May also include studies in materials, cryogenics,
acoustics, and electromagnetic fields ranging from DC to X-ray. It also includes the development of sensors necessary
to carry out these studies. Involves ability to conduct microgravitational research designed to answer basic questions
about the nature and structure of the universe and its chemical, biological and geophysical systems.

6.3.2. Icing Physics (ICEPHYSICS) [107]

Knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with researching and understanding icing physics analysis and
testing, atmospheric science, and ice sensing and protection methods.

6.3.3. Nanoscience (TINYSCI) [56]

Knowledge, capability and practices to study and research extremely small materials is such areas as their structure,
shape how they act, and how their properties change as their size changes.

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6.3.4. Fluid Physics (FLUIDPHY) [43]

Employ knowledge of the motion of fluids and the effects of such motion, to the understanding, control and
improvement of industrial and natural processes. Areas of research include microgravitational study of complex
fluids, multiphase and phase change, fluid dynamics and instabilities, and interfacial phenomena.

6.3.5. Advanced Materials and Processing Science (ADVMATSCI) [65]

Research knowledge, capabilities and practices associated with the synthesis, structure, processing and properties of
materials, from atomic to macroscopic, including the behavior and mechanisms by which types of materials react to
stresses, processes and environments, particularly the harsh environment of space. Includes experimental research into
materials such as electronic materials, glasses and ceramics, metals and alloys, lubrication materials, sealants, foams,
composites and polymers for improving current and enabling future aerospace applications. Includes computational
research to develop validated structure-property relationship models for all classes of materials. Includes processing,
testing, and characterizing these materials to further understanding of how they can be combined or treated to improve
the quality and reliability of systems, control defects and prevent contamination of operating systems or components.

6.4. Biological Sciences Competency Suite

6.4.1. Bioethics (BIOETHICS) [156]

Knowledge and experience in interpreting and implementing Federal and Agency regulations and guidelines for the
protection of human and animal research subjects. Knowledge and expertise in the ethical principles that guide
biomedical research. The ability to apply regulatory knowledge to implement appropriate and comprehension review
mechanisms for the use of human and animal subjects in research. The ability to apply the knowledge of ethical
theory and thought to guide Agency biomedical research and clinical medical policy development and decision-
making. Biomedical and Research Clinical Ethics (BRCE) [1064]

Professional skills and knowledge of bioethics applied to a range of bioethical issues surrounding biomedical
research, particularly those associated with the use of human and animal subjects in research. Broad and detailed
understanding and knowledge of the evolution and development of ethical thought related to biomedical research
and medical practice, to guide the development of Agency policy, and provision of expert opinion on relevant
ethical issues to inform Agency decision-making. Research Subject Protection Regulation (RSPR) [1065]

Knowledge and a thorough understanding of the Federal and Agency regulatory framework, which governs the use
of human and animal subjects in research. Knowledge of the implementation of all regulatory requirements and
all applicable laws governing research subject protection. Detailed understanding of the procedural requirements
for the conduct of human subjects Institutional Review Boards and Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committees, and knowledge of the implementation of such Agency Boards and Committees.

6.4.2. Biomedical Research (BIOMEDRES) [34]

Involves the capability to research, investigate and characterize the effects of space flight and exposure to
microgravity, radiation, and other stresses on physiological functions (e.g., musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, etc.). In-
depth understanding of the human body, its physical and chemical make-up and the associated technology and
methods to examine the effects of various environments and stresses. Ability to understand the underlying
physiological, behavioral and psychological mechanisms and performance aspects responsible for biomedical and
behavioral changes in humans and animals during spaceflight and apply this information to conduct operational and
clinical research to develop, and validate countermeasures that will ensure the health, safety and performance of flight
crews involved during launches, landings, and while in space.

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6.4.3. Cell & Molecular Biology (CELLBIO) [31]

Knowledge of and ability to conduct research on basic cellular function and properties such as gene regulation and
expression or mechanoreception, that may be directly or indirectly impacted by altered gravitational force and other
space-related effects. Includes study of the dynamics of cell behavior and interactions and differentiation in cellular
systems within and across organisms under a variety of environmental conditions, such as the physiological changes
seen in whole animals in response to the space environment.

6.4.4. Developmental Biology (DEVELOPBIO) [32]

Knowledge of and ability to conduct research on the processes of development, differentiation, and growth in animals
and plants at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels.

6.4.5. Neurobiology (NEUROBIO) [33]

Knowledge of and capability to research and provide understanding regarding the structure, function, chemistry and
development of the brain. Understanding of the techniques of molecular biology and molecular genetics and various
methods for detecting and mapping the activity of individual nerve cells or groups of nerve cells.

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Appendix A: Competency ID Number Cross-Reference Table

CompID Designator Title

1 MAP Mission Analysis and Planning
2 FLTDSG Mission Flight Design
3 ADVTEC Advanced Technical Training Design
4 MISEXC Mission Execution
5 PAYLOADINT Payload Integration
6 WOBSFR Weather Observation and Forecasting
7 SYSTEMSENG Systems Engineering
8 DESDEVENG Design and Development Engineering
9 INTEGENG Integration Engineering
10 TESTENG Test Engineering
11 ENGSCISUP Engineering and Science Support
12 ELMAG Electromagnetics
13 ELSYS Electrical and Electronic Systems
14 ELDEVTEC Electron Device Technology
15 ELMECHSY Electro-Mechanical Systems
16 MICROELMEC Micro-Electromechanical Systems
17 MECHSYS Mechanical Systems
18 PYROTECH Pyrotechnics
19 FLTGNDSYS Flight and Ground Data Systems
20 AEROSEN Sensors & Data Acquisition - Aeronautics
21 AVIONICS Avionics
22 GNC Control Systems, Guidance & Navigation
23 PLANETENV Terrestrial and Planetary Environments Science and Engineering
24 MANUFACT Manufacturing Engineering
25 CHEMENG Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering
26 CRYOENG Cryogenics Engineering
27 SAFENG Safety Engineering and Assurance
28 RMEA Reliability & Maintainability Engineering & Assurance
29 QEA Quality Engineering & Assurance
30 MA Mission Assurance
31 CELLBIO Cell & Molecular Biology
32 DEVELOPBIO Developmental Biology
33 NEUROBIO Neurobiology
34 BIOMEDRES Biomedical Research
35 BIOMEDENG Biomedical Engineering
36 AEROMED Aerospace Medicine
37 ECLSS Environmental Control and Life Support Systems
38 EAS Extravehicular Activity Systems
39 ENVFACT Habitability and Environmental Factors
40 HUMFACTRES Fundamental Human Factors Research
41 HUMFACTENG Human Factors Engineering

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CompID Designator Title

42 FUNPHYSICS Fundamental Physics
43 FLUIDPHY Fluid Physics
44 EARTHATM Earth Atmosphere
45 GEOSCI Geophysical/Geologic Science
46 BBECO Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems
47 HYDROSCI Hydrological Science
48 OCEANSCI Oceanographic Science
49 EARSCIRES Earth Science Applications Research
50 EARSYSMODEL Earth System Modeling
51 SPACEPHY Space Physics
52 ASTRONOMY Astronomy and Astrophysics
53 PLANETSCI Planetary Science
54 ASTROBIO Astrobiology
55 ASTROMATER Astromaterials, Collections, Curation & Analysis
56 TINYSCI Nanoscience
57 TINYTEC Nanotechnology
58 BIOENG Bioengineering
59 BIOMIMETIC Biomimetics
60 COMNETENG Communication Networks & Engineering
61 STRUCTDYN Structural Dynamics
62 MECHDUR Mechanics and Durability
63 STRUCTSYS Structural Systems
64 ACMSTR Analytical and Computational Structural Methods
65 ADVMATSCI Advanced Materials and Processing Science
66 MATSCIENG Materials Science and Engineering
67 NONDESSCI Non-destructive Evaluation Sciences
68 PROSYS Propulsion Systems & Testing
69 AIRPRO Airbreathing Propulsion
70 HAIRPRO Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion
71 HYPERSYS Hypergolic Systems
72 ADVPRO Advanced In-Space Propulsion
73 ROCKETPRO Rocket Propulsion
74 BOOMSCI Combustion Science
75 PWRSYS Power Systems
76 PWRENG Power - Energy Storage
77 PWRPHO Power Generation - Photovoltaics
78 PWRTHM Power Generation - Thermal Systems
79 ROBOTICS Robotics
80 COMPSYSENG Computer Systems and Engineering
81 NETSYS Network Systems and Technology
82 SWENG Software Engineering
83 INACTIVE Data Acquisition, Management and Storage Systems (use 1099)
84 NEUNETSYS Neural Networks & Systems
85 IASYS Intelligent/Adaptive Systems
86 MMA Mathematical Modeling & Analysis

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CompID Designator Title

87 INACTIVE Data Visualization (use 1100)
88 GEOSPATIAL Geospatial Science and Technologies
89 ADVMIS Advanced Mission Analysis
90 ASCDTA Aerospace Systems Concept Development & Technology
91 AADMD Assessment
Advanced Analysis and Design Method Development
92 LASER Laser Technology
93 OPTSYS Optical Systems
94 MICROSYS Microwave Systems
95 REMOTESENS Remote Sensing Technologies
96 DETECTSYS Detector Systems
97 CSAOPS Crew Systems and Aviation Operations
98 FLTDYN Flight Dynamics
99 INACTIVE Applied Aerodynamics (inactive)
100 AEROELA Aeroelasticity
101 AERODYN Aerodynamics
102 AEROTHM Aerothermodynamics
103 ACOUSTICS Acoustics
104 THERMALSYS Thermal Systems
105 THERMALSTR Thermal Structures
106 FLUIDSYS Fluid Systems
107 ICEPHYSICS Icing Physics
108 AIRTRAFFIC Air Traffic Systems
109 AETT Advanced Experimentation and Testing Technologies
110 SIMFLTSYS Simulation/Flight Research Systems
111 ADVMDI Advanced Measurement, Diagnostics, and Instrumentation
112 FACENG Facilities Engineering and Management
113 BUSMMT Business Management
114 PROCESSENG Process Engineering
115 PROFADMOPS Professional Administrative Operations
116 BUSDEV Partnership & Business Development
117 COMTEC Commercial Technology
118 FINMMT Financial Management
119 BUDGETMMT Budgeting Management
120 INTAUD Internal Control / Audit
121 COSTEST Cost Estimation and Analysis
122 PROJPROGMT Program/Project Management
123 RISKMMT Risk Management
124 CONMMT Acquistion and Contract Management
125 LEGAL Legal
126 SECURITY Security & Program Protection
127 INSCOMP Inspection, Investigation and Compliance
128 HUMCAPMMT Human Capital Management
129 EEOMMT Equal Opportunity Management
130 OCCHEALTH Occupational and Environmental Health
131 BITSYS Business IT Systems

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CompID Designator Title

132 INACTIVE Research Facilities Planning (inactive)
133 ENVENGMMT Institutional Environmental Engineering & Management
134 LOGSUPTRAN Institutional Logistics, Supply and Transportation
135 PUBLICOMM Public Communications & Outreach
136 GOVAF Governmental Affairs
137 EDTECH Education Programs and Technologies
138 NUCLEARENG Nuclear Engineering/Propulsion
139 SWASSURANCE Software Assurance Engineering
140 NASALEADER NASA Leadership Competency
141 INACTIVE Personal Communication (inactive)
142 INACTIVE Relationship Management (inactive)
143 FIREPROT Fire Protection Engineering
144 EXPORT Export Control
145 INACTIVE Institutional Facilities Planning (inactive)
146 INACTIVE Institutional Facilities Operations (inactive)
147 PROJANALYSIS Program/Project Analysis
148 INACTIVE Research Facilities Operations (inactive)
149 MISHAPINV Mishap Investigation
150 WORKSAFETY Workplace Safety
151 EMERGMMT Emergency Management
152 AIROPS Institutional Aircraft Operations
153 TECHMMT Technical Management
154 CONFIGMMT Configuration Management
155 SPACE_ENV Space Environments Science and Engineering
156 BIOETHICS Bioethics
157 INTLPGMDEV International Program Development
158 DIVERSEMMT Diversity Management
159 WIRELESS Wireless Communications and Telemetry
160 METROLOGY Metrology and Calibration Competency
161 DATSYS Data Systems and Technology
162 INTLOGSUP Integrated Logistics Support
163 PLANETATM Planetary Atmospheres
164 CLIMATE Climate Change and Variability
165 PARABUSOPS Para-Professional Business Operations
166 IMAGING Imaging Analysis
167 MASTERPLAN Master Planning
168 FACLTYPLAN Research, Development or Flight Facility Planning
169 POLICYMMT Policy Management
170 EXECMMT Executive Management
171 TECWORKMMT Technical Work & Team Management
172 BUSWORKMMT Business Work & Team Management
173 PROWORKMMT Project Work & Team Management
174 STUDENT Student Trainee
1001 LEADTEAM Employee & Team Leadership

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CompID Designator Title

1002 LEADCOMM Knowledge & Communication Management
1003 LEADWORK Work Performance Leadership
1004 LEADGLOBAL International Relations
1005 HFRBIOMECH Biomechanics and Ergonomics Fundamental Research
1006 HFRHABIT Habitability and Environmental Psychology Fundamental Research
1007 HFRPERCEPT Perception and Psychophysics Fundamental Research
1008 HFRPSYPHY Psychophysiology Fundamental Research
1009 HFRFATIGUE Fatigue, Alertness, Circadian Rhythms Fundamental Research
1010 HFRCOG Cognitive Science Fundamental Research
1011 HFRCOMM Communication and Knowledge Management Fundamental
1012 HFRDECISMK ResearchMaking and Risk Management Fundamental Research
1013 HFRORG Organizational Science Fundamental Research
1014 HFRHUMMACH Human-Machine Interaction Fundamental Research
1015 HFRMANCNTL Manual Control Fundamental Research
1016 HFRSUPCNTL Supervisory Control Fundamental Research
1017 HFRTRNG Training and Adaptation Fundamental Research
1018 HFRHUMPERF Human Performance Fundamental Research
1019 HFEBIOMECH Biomechanical Engineering, Technology, Standards
1020 HFEERGO Ergonomics Engineering, Technology, and Standards
1021 HFESPACE Space Human Factors Engineering, Technology, and Standards
1022 HFEHABIT Habitability Engineering, Technology, and Standards
1023 HFEPERCEPT Perceptual Technologies and Standards
1024 HFECOG Cognitive Technologies
1025 HFEHUMAUTO Human-Automation System Design
1026 HFETRNG Training Technologies
1027 HFEHUMERR Human Reliability and Human Error Analysis
1028 DDESTRUCT Structural Design and Development Engineering
1029 DDEELECT Electrical Design and Development Engineering
1030 DDEPROP Propulsion Design and Development Engineering
1031 DDETEST Test Fixtures and GSE Design and Development Engineering
1032 INTSTRUCT Structural Integration Engineering
1033 INTMATER Materials Integration Engineering
1034 INTSYSTEMS Systems Integration Engineering
1035 INTELECT Electrical Integration Engineering
1036 INTPROPEL Propulsion Integration Engineering
1037 TSTSTRUCT Structural Test Engineering
1038 TSTMATER Materials Test Engineering
1039 TSTTHERMO Thermal Test Engineering
1040 TSTELECT Electrical Test Engineering
1041 TSTPROP Propulsion Test Engineering
1042 ELINSTR Instrumentation Systems
1044 ELPARTSPKG Parts & Packaging
1045 ELCIRCUITS Electrical Circuits Engineering
1046 GNCSPACE Spacecraft & Stabilization Control Design and Analysis

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CompID Designator Title

1047 GNCVEHCNTL Vehicle Control Design and Analysis
1048 GNCGUIDE Guidance Design and Analysis
1049 GNCNAVSYS Navigation System Design and Analysis
1050 APELEC Electric Propulsion
1051 APNOPROP Propellantless Prop
1052 APCHEM Advanced Chemical & Thermal Prop
1053 RPTURBO Turbomachinery Design and Analysis
1054 RPCOMBUST Combustion Devices Design and Analysis
1055 RPVALVES Valves, Lines & Ducts
1056 RPPRPMMT Propellant Management Systems Design and Analysis
1057 RPAUXPRP Spacecraft and Auxiliary Propulsion System Design and Analysis
1058 RPFLUIDMCH Analytical and computational Fluid Mechanics
1059 RPDYNDATA Dynamic Data Analysis
1060 MSEMETAL Metallurgy
1061 MSENONMET Non-metallics
1062 MSEFAILURE Failure Analysis
1063 MSECONTAM Contamination Control
1064 BRCE Biomedical and Research Clinical Ethics (BRCE)
1065 RSPR Research Subject Protection Regulation (RSPR)
1066 OCCMED Occupational Medicine
1067 OCCHYGIENE Industrial Hygiene
1068 OCCPHYSICS Health Physics
1069 OCCASSIST Employee Assistance
1070 MDPRACTICE Medical Practice
1071 MDBEHAVIOR Behavioral Health
1072 SECPHYSCL Physical Security
1073 SECOUNTER Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Analysis, Investigation and
1074 SECINFO Liaison
Information Security
1075 SECNATION National Security Systems
1076 SECPERSON Personnel Security
1077 SECINDUST Industrial Security
1078 BITPLAN Information Resources Planning and Evaluation
1079 BITARCH IT Architecture
1080 DATDBMMT Database Management Systems
1081 BITSECURE Information Systems Security
1082 PARALEGAL Paralegal
1083 INTLPROPLAW Intellectual Property Law
1084 GENERALLAW General Law
1085 CONTRACTLAW Contracts Law
1086 PERSONLAW Personnel/EEO Law
1087 ENVLAW Environmental
1088 ENVPLAN Institutional Environmental Planning/NEPA
1089 ENVREMED Institutional Environmental Remediation
1090 FACIVENG Facility Civil Engineering
1091 FACMECHENG Facility Mechanical Engineering

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CompID Designator Title

1092 FACELECENG Facility Electrical Engineering
1093 ACQPLAN Acquisition Planning
1094 CONFORMAT Contract Formation
1095 CONPERFORM Contract Management and Performance Assessment
1096 FACCONSTMMT Construction Management
1097 FACPROPERTY Real Property Management
1098 FACOPSMAIN Facilities Operations and Maintenance
1099 DATLARGE Large Scale Data Systems
1100 DATVISUAL Data Visualization
1101 STUTECH Technical Student Trainee
1102 STUCLERICAL Clerical Student Trainee
1103 STUPROFADM Professional Administrative Student Trainee
TBD PROBRISK Probabilistic Risk Assessment
TBD TREND Trend Analysis
TBD PRECURSOR Precursor Analysis
TBD SOLIDENG Solid & Hybrid Motor Systems
TBD LIQUIDENG Liquid Engine Systems
TBD HUMCAPLEAD Human Capital Leadership & Planning
TBD WFPLANANA Workforce Planning & Analysis
TBD WFRECRURET Workforce Recruitment & Retention
TBD WFLEARNCB Workforce Learning & Capability Building
TBD LEADORGDEV Leadership & Organization Development
TBD WFCULTURE Performance Culture & Workplace Environment

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Appendix B: Proficiency Guideline Table

 The following table provides a generic set of guidelines. It identifies some basic knowledge measurements that are
common across all competencies and professional disciplines.
 To identify an employee’s level of proficiency for a specific competency, the employee should be able to demonstrate
all the items listed under a single tier column.
 An individual may have greater expertise (which would show under a high tier column) in one or more of the
knowledge measurements below. However, for the purposes of this exercise and the current business rules, the
employee must accomplish all of the items in the tier column to be considered at that level of proficiency.
 This table is a tool that should be used by the employee and supervisor. However, the set of measurements do not
represent an exhaustive list, and the criterion is not perfect. Therefore, an employee or supervisor’s assessment may
include additional factors that are not represented below. The intent for collecting the data is to identify an individual’s
depth of knowledge for a given competency that can be compared with others through out the Agency with the same
competency, such that a subject matter expert at one Center is on equal knowledge par with a subject matter expert at
another Center.
 These guidelines, and the corresponding business rules, may change as the data is analyzed and the overall system
matures. For suggestions on improvements to the criteria, please contact the CMS Operation Manager at your Center.

Knowledge Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

Tools Demonstrates basic Demonstrates working Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates the ability
knowledge of and knowledge of and high effectively assess new to develop standards and
proficiency in the use of proficiency in the use of discipline-related tools specifications for new
discipline-related tools discipline-related tools and their application to discipline-related tools
and their outputs. and related outputs. the organization’s work. and their application.

Data Collection Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates ability to

and Analysis compile and analyze summarize data and effectively execute data
data. produce technical analysis to determine
outputs. performance of
organization or discipline-
related systems,
processes and events.
Sharing Demonstrates willingness Routinely contributes Demonstrates Demonstrates ability to
Knowledge to contribute organization organization or discipline- comprehensive serve as an Agency and
or discipline-related related knowledge and knowledge of and industry-wide resource
knowledge and information to the related contributes to resources and has built a network to
information to the related community. available in the related facilitate the acquisition of
community. community including other resources and
NASA, DOD, information.
universities, and industry.

Demonstrates willingness
to and performs as a
mentor or coach to other
Safety Demonstrates awareness Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates Demonstrates ability to
of safety procedures and of and applies safety comprehensive develop and/or modify
related best practices for procedures and related knowledge of and safety procedures and
applicable work. best practices to related incorporates safety requirements for related
work. procedures and work and organization.
requirements to related
work and organization.
CENTER, NASA Maintains awareness of Maintains working Maintains comprehensive
and Industry applicable CENTER, knowledge of applicable knowledge of applicable
Trends NASA, aerospace and/or CENTER, NASA, CENTER, NASA,
Standards and industry standards and aerospace and/or aerospace and/or
Resources policies. industry trends, industry trends,
standards and policies. standards and policies.

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Problem Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates ability to Routinely provides design
Solving identify work-related solve simple work-related develop or change concepts, risk
problems. problems. procedures/processes to management, trouble-
resolve and/or prevent shooting and trade-off
difficult technical issues. analysis.

1. The table below provides some additional guidelines that can be used for selected competencies, which may be more
applicable to certain positions than others (such as engineering, quality safety and assurance, etc.) . It is left to the
discretion of the employee and supervisor to determine which items may apply to their work situation.

Knowledge Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

Safety Demonstrates awareness Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates Demonstrates ability to
of safety procedures and of and applies safety comprehensive develop and/or modify
related best practices for procedures and related knowledge of and safety procedures and
applicable work. best practices to related incorporates safety requirements for related
work. procedures and work and organization.
requirements to related
work and organization.
General Demonstrates ability to Maintains the ability to Demonstrates ability to Demonstrates technical
Knowledge and follow prescribed specify critical design experiments or expertise to represent the
Capabilities procedures and requirements for tests. Center on Agency-wide,
implement plans. experiments and industry and academic
characteristics for related Develops an area of working groups, boards
Can effectively write systems. scientific or engineering and panels.
procedures for simple expertise.
systems. Demonstrates ability to
coordinate and test within Demonstrates capability
Demonstrates ability to a single discipline. to effectively contribute
effectively write basic technical inputs to
requirements for simple Demonstrates depth of complex forums such as
design, test, operational knowledge for one or design reviews, SEBs,
and maintenance more specific area(s) of program reviews and
procedures. specialization or sub- proposals.
Demonstrates knowledge Has effectively performed
of basic design, test, Has participated in as the primary technical
operations and discussions of technical interface for customers
maintenance standards issues related to designs external to the Center.
and requirements. during design reviews.
Demonstrates skill in
Demonstrates ability to overcoming material and
coordinate requirements Demonstrates proficiency system issues in
definition for small in reviewing and complex systems.
projects. providing insight into
requirements, standards Demonstrates thorough
Attends preliminary and and related documents knowledge of at least one
critical design reviews. for research, design or complete system,
process forums such as including related
SBIR, design reviews, instrumentation, controls,
etc. data acquisition and
Demonstrates the ability
to integrate customer Demonstrates ability to
requirements with perform verification
situational constraints planning and oversight of
and interfaces. integration and test at the
Has effectively performed
as an engineer or Demonstrates ability to
designer on a multi- integrate systems,
disciplinary project team. including related system

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requirements and
Has successfully interfaces.
participated on a cross-
organizational design, Demonstrates the ability
development, or to review and assess
manufacturing team. complex technical
documents for their
Demonstrates ability to impact on work.
identify deficiencies in
operational processes
and tools and propose
cost-effective solutions.

Demonstrates the ability

to perform verification
planning and oversight of
integration and test at the
sub-system level.

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Appendix C: Revision 6 Change Overview

Change# CompID Competency Title
535 174 Student Trainee


Change# CompID Competency Title
508 20 Sensors & Data Acquisition - Aeronautics
525 90 Aerospace Systems Concept Development & Technology Assessment
526 91 Advanced Analysis and Design Method Development
529 29 Quality Engineering & Assurance
530 27 Safety Engineering and Assurance
531 143 Fire Protection Engineering
532 150 Workplace Safety
539 1003 Work Performance Leadership
544 80 Computer Systems and Engineering
566 62 Mechanics and Durability
568 101 Aerodynamics
572 109 Advanced Experimentation and Testing Technologies
573 2 Mission Flight Design
580 114 Process Engineering


Change# CompID Competency Title
565 96 Detector Systems
567 63 Structural Systems


Change# CompID Parent Level 1 Competency Level 2 Competency Title
536 Student Trainee Technical Student Trainee
Clerical Student Trainee
Professional Administrative Student Trainee
545 Safety Engineering and Assurance System Safety
546 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
547 Trend Analysis
548 Precursor Analysis
585 Rocket Propulsion Solid & Hybrid Motor Systems
586 Liquid Engine Systems
592 Human Capital Management Human Capital Leadership & Planning
593 Workforce Planning & Analysis
594 Workforce Recruitment & Retention
595 Workforce Learning & Capability Building
596 Leadership & Organization Development
597 Performance Culture & Workplace Environment

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A Business Work & Team Management...............................55

Acquisition and Contract Management.............................16
Acquisition Planning..........................................................16
Cell & Molecular Biology..................................................61
Advanced Analysis and Design Method Development.....49
Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering.....................................35
Advanced Chemical & Thermal Prop................................41
Clerical Student Trainee.....................................................25
Advanced Experimentation and Testing Technologies.....50
Climate Change and Variability........................................59
Advanced In-Space Propulsion..........................................41
Cognitive Science Fundamental Research.........................34
Advanced Materials and Processing Science....................60
Cognitive Technologies.....................................................35
Advanced Measurement, Diagnostics, and Instrumentation
Combustion Devices Design and Analysis........................43
Combustion Science...........................................................42
Advanced Mission Analysis...............................................29
Commercial Technology....................................................14
Advanced Technical Training Design...............................51
Communication and Knowledge Management
Fundamental Research...................................................34
Communication Networks & Engineering........................38
Aerospace Medicine...........................................................31
Computer Systems and Engineering..................................36
Aerospace Systems Concept Development & Technology
Configuration Management...............................................54
Construction Management.................................................22
Contamination Control.......................................................47
Air Traffic Systems............................................................31
Contract Formation.............................................................17
Airbreathing Propulsion.....................................................41
Contract Management and Performance Assesment.........17
Analytical and computational Fluid Mechanics................44
Contracts Law.....................................................................15
Analytical and Computational Structural Methods...........46
Control Systems, Guidance & Navigation.........................39
Cost Estimation Analysis...................................................17
Astromaterials, Collections, Curation & Analysis............57
Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Analysis,
Astronomy & Astrophysics................................................57
Investigation and Liaison...............................................19
Crew Systems and Aviation Operations............................32
Cryogenics Engineering.....................................................49
Behavioral Health...............................................................32
Data Systems and Technology...........................................36
Data Visualization..............................................................36
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems...................58
Database Management Systems.........................................36
Biomechanical Engineering, Technology, Standards........35
Decision Making and Risk Management Fundamental
Biomechanics and Ergonomics Fundamental....................33
Biomedical and Research Clinical Ethics..........................60
Design and Development Engineering..............................25
Biomedical Engineering.....................................................32
Developmental Biology.....................................................61
Biomedical Research..........................................................61
Diversity Management.......................................................23
Dynamic Data Analysis......................................................44
Budgeting Management.....................................................16
Business IT Systems...........................................................13
Business Management........................................................14

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E Governmental Affairs.........................................................14
Guidance Design and Analysis..........................................40
Earth Atmosphere...............................................................57
Earth Science Applications Research................................58
Earth System Modeling......................................................59
Education Programs and Technologies..............................14
Habitability and Environmental Factors............................33
EEE Parts............................................................................38
Habitability and Environmental Psychology Fundamental
Electric Propulsion.............................................................41
Electrical and Electronic Systems.....................................38
Habitability Engineering, Technology, and Standards......35
Electrical Circuits Engineering..........................................39
Health Physics....................................................................21
Electrical Design and Development Engineering.............25
Human Capital Leadership & Planning.............................23
Electrical Integration Engineering.....................................27
Human Capital Management.............................................23
Electrical Test Engineering................................................29
Human Factors Engineering...............................................34
Human Performance Fundamental Research.....................34
Electro-Mechanical Systems..............................................38
Human Reliability and Human Error Analysis..................35
Electron Device Technology..............................................45
Human-Automation System Design..................................35
Emergency Management....................................................20
Human-Machine Interaction Fundamental Research........34
Employee & Team Leadership..........................................56
Hydrological Science.........................................................59
Employee Assistance..........................................................21
Hypergolic Systems............................................................42
Engineering and Science Support......................................26
Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion..................................42
Environmental Control and Life Support Systems............33
Environmental Law............................................................15
Equal Opportunity Management........................................24 I
Ergonomics Engineering, Technology, and Standards.....35
Executive Management......................................................55 Icing Physics.......................................................................60
Export Control....................................................................14 Imaging Analysis................................................................37
Extravehicular Activity Systems........................................32 Industrial Hygiene..............................................................21
Industrial Security..............................................................20
F Information Resources Planning and Evaluation..............13
Information Security..........................................................19
Information Systems Security............................................13
Facilities Engineering and Management...........................21
Inspection, Investigation and Compliance.........................14
Facilities Operations and Maintenance..............................22
Institutional Aircraft Operations........................................22
Facility Civil Engineering..................................................21
Institutional Environmental Engineering & Management 18
Facility Electrical Engineering..........................................22
Institutional Environmental Planning/NEPA....................18
Facility Mechanical Engineering.......................................21
Institutional Environmental Remediation..........................18
Failure Analysis..................................................................47
Institutional Logistics, Supply and Transportation...........19
Fatigue, Alertness, Circadian Rhythms Fundamental
Instrumentation Systems....................................................38
Integrated Logistics Support..............................................52
Financial Management.......................................................17
Integration Engineering......................................................26
Fire Protection Engineering...............................................18
Intellectual Property Law...................................................15
Flight and Ground Data Systems.......................................39
Intelligent/Adaptive Systems.............................................36
Flight Dynamics.................................................................31
Internal Control / Audit......................................................17
Fluid Physics.......................................................................60
International Program Development..................................16
Fluid Systems.....................................................................49
International Relations.......................................................57
Fundamental Human Factors Research.............................33
IT Architecture...................................................................13
Fundamental Physics..........................................................60

Knowledge & Communication Management....................56
General Law.......................................................................15
Geophysical/Geologic Science..........................................59
Geospatial Science and Technologies................................59

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Large Scale Data Systems..................................................36 Paralegal.............................................................................15

Laser Technology...............................................................45 Para-Professional Business Operations..............................24
Leadership & Organization Development.........................24 Partnership & Business Development................................13
Legal...................................................................................15 Parts & Packaging..............................................................39
Liquid Engine Systems.......................................................45 Payload Integration.............................................................51
Perception and Psychophysics Fundamental Research.....33
Perceptual Technologies and Standards............................35
M Performance Culture & Workplace Environment.............24
Personnel Security..............................................................19
Manual Control Fundamental Research............................34 Personnel/EEO Law...........................................................15
Manufacturing Engineering...............................................27 Physical Security................................................................19
Master Planning..................................................................18 Planetary Atmospheres.......................................................58
Materials Integration Engineering.....................................27 Planetary Science...............................................................58
Materials Science and Engineering....................................46 Policy Management............................................................16
Materials Test Engineering................................................29 Power - Energy Storage......................................................42
Mathematical Modeling & Analysis..................................50 Power Generation - Photovoltaics......................................43
Mechanical Systems...........................................................48 Power Generation - Thermal Systems...............................43
Mechanics and Durability..................................................48 Power Systems....................................................................43
Medical Practice.................................................................32 Precursor Analysis..............................................................54
Metallurgy..........................................................................46 Probabilistic Risk Assessment...........................................53
Metrology and Calibration Competency...........................40 Process Engineering...........................................................28
Micro-Electromechanical Systems....................................40 Professional Administrative Operations............................24
Microwave Systems............................................................45 Professional Administrative Student Trainee....................25
Mission Analysis and Planning..........................................30 Program/Project Analysis...................................................52
Mission Assurance..............................................................51 Program/Project Management............................................56
Mission Execution..............................................................51 Project Work & Team Management..................................55
Mission Flight Design........................................................30 Propellant Management Systems Design and Analysis....44
Propellantless Propulsion...................................................41
N Propulsion Design and Development Engineering............26
Propulsion Integration Engineering...................................27
Propulsion Systems & Testing...........................................42
Propulsion Test Engineering..............................................29
Psychophysiology Fundamental Research.........................33
NASA Leadership Competency.........................................56
Public Communications & Outreach.................................15
National Security Systems.................................................19
Navigation System Design and Analysis...........................40
Network Systems and Technology.....................................37
Neural Networks & Systems..............................................37 Q
Non-destructive Evaluation Sciences................................48 Quality Engineering & Assurance.....................................52
Nuclear Engineering...........................................................42
O Real Property Management................................................22
Reliability & Maintainability Engineering & Assurance..53
Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety...........20 Remote Sensing Technologies...........................................46
Occupational Medicine......................................................20 Research Subject Protection Regulation............................61
Oceanographic Science......................................................59 Research, Development or Flight Facility Planning.........22
Optical Systems..................................................................46 Risk Management...............................................................53
Organizational Science Fundamental Research................34 Robotics..............................................................................37
Rocket Propulsion..............................................................43

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S Technical Student Trainee.................................................25

Technical Work & Team Management.............................55
Safety Engineering and Assurance....................................53 Terrestrial & Space Environmental Science and
Security & Program Protection..........................................19 Engineering.....................................................................51
Sensors & Data Acquisition - Aeronautics........................45 Test Engineering.................................................................28
Simulation/Flight Research Systems.................................31 Test Fixtures and GSE Design and Development
Software Assurance Engineering.......................................54 Engineering.....................................................................26
Software Engineering.........................................................37 Thermal Structures.............................................................49
Solid & Hybrid Motor Systems..........................................44 Thermal Systems................................................................49
Space Environments Science and Engineering.................50 Thermal Test Engineering..................................................29
Space Human Factors Engineering, Technology, and Training and Adaptation Fundamental Research..............34
Standards.........................................................................35 Training Technologies........................................................35
Space Physics.....................................................................58 Trend Analysis....................................................................54
Spacecraft & Stabilization Control Design and Analysis. 39 Turbomachinery Design and Analysis...............................43
Spacecraft and Auxiliary Propulsion System Design and
Structural Design and Development Engineering.............25
Structural Dynamics...........................................................48
Valves, Lines & Ducts.......................................................43
Structural Integration Engineering.....................................26
Vehicle Control Design and Analysis................................40
Structural Test Engineering...............................................28
Student Trainee...................................................................25
Supervisory Control Fundamental Research.....................34 W
System Safety.....................................................................53
Systems Engineering..........................................................28 Weather Observation and Forecasting...............................51
Systems Integration Engineering.......................................27 Wireless Communications and Telemetry.........................41
Work Performance Leadership..........................................56
T Workforce Learning & Capability Building......................24
Workforce Planning & Analysis........................................23
Workforce Recruitment & Retention.................................24
Technical Management......................................................52
Workplace Safety........................................................................23

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