dp1737 PDF
dp1737 PDF
dp1737 PDF
Hielke Buddelmeyer
Roger Wilkins
September 2005
zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Institute for the Study
of Labor
The Effects of Smoking Ban Regulations
on Individual Smoking Rates
Hielke Buddelmeyer
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research,
University of Melbourne and IZA Bonn
Roger Wilkins
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research,
University of Melbourne
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IZA Discussion Paper No. 1737
September 2005
This paper describes the dynamics of smoking behaviour in Australia and investigates what
role smoking ban regulation has, if any, on individual level smoking patterns. The main
argument to motivate the introduction of tougher smoking bans is the effect of second hand
smoke on non-smokers. From a public policy perspective it is important to know if these
policies also affect if a person smokes, or if they only influence when and where people
smoke. We use data that tracks individual smoking behaviour over the period 2001 to 2003
during which separate smoking ban initiatives in Queensland, Victoria and the Northern
Territory came into effect. We exploit this variation over time and across states as a natural
experiment to assess the impact of tougher smoking regulations. Our findings indicate that
the introduction of smoking ban regulations on individuals’ smoking behaviour has the
expected sign but is not significant for most types of individuals. Interestingly, we do find a
significant ‘rebellion’ effect amongst 18 to 24 year old smokers, with the introduction of
smoking bans found to increase the likelihood that they continue to smoke.
Corresponding author:
Hielke Buddelmeyer
Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
Email: hielkeb@unimelb.edu.au
We would like to thank David Black for excellent assistance in collecting information on legislative
initiatives undertaken in Australia.
1. Introduction
Governments around the world seek to reduce the adverse health effects of smoking, both to
smokers and non-smokers. Policies have focused on discouraging smoking through tobacco
taxes, restrictions on tobacco advertising, providing services to assist smokers to quit and
taking various steps to inform the community of the health risks associated with smoking.
Many governments have also placed restrictions on the locations in which people can smoke,
including government buildings, office buildings, shopping centres, restaurants and bars.
While restrictions on where people can smoke have primarily been motivated by reducing
harm caused by smoking to non-smokers, they have also been positioned, at least in Australia,
as seeking to reduce smoking rates (see for example, Queensland Health, 2000).
There has been considerable research, both internationally and in Australia, into the
determinants of smoking behaviour and, more particularly, the effects of government anti-
tobacco policies. One consequence of this research is that the socio-demographic and other
personal characteristics associated with smoking are reasonably well understood. However,
despite this research, the determinants of both starting and quitting smoking are not so well
understood, and there is also considerable debate about the relative merits of different types of
anti-tobacco policies.
In this paper we seek to contribute to the literature by examining the determinants of starting
and quitting smoking using a nationally representative longitudinal sample of Australians
interviewed annually over the period 2001 to 2003. A primary focus of our investigation is on
identifying the impacts on smoking behaviour of regulations banning smoking in public
venues. There is scant research internationally on the effects on smoking behaviour of such
regulations. Studies of restrictions on smoking have largely focused on workplace bans
which, while likely to have parallels with a study of bans on smoking in other locations, are of
a quite different nature to those being considered in this study. On the one hand, a smoker will
generally have more discretion over time spent in entertainment venues than over time spent
in the workplace. On the other hand, smokers who do not work, or do not work in a workplace
where smoking can be restricted, may be unaffected by workplace bans but affected by bans
on smoking in entertainment venues. While the implementation of smoking bans does not turn
on whether smoking rates are affected, given that the primary objective is to protect non-
smokers from exposure to ‘second hand’ smoke, it is nonetheless an important question
whether and to what extent these bans impact on smoking levels.1
A key advantage of the data source we use is that it allows us to model transitions in
individuals’ smoking status of all individuals in the Australian community. While a number of
other studies have also modelled smoking transitions, a pitfall of many studies of the effects
of workplace bans and other restrictions on smoking is that they examine samples drawn from
subsets of the community. For example, studies often look at the effects of workplace bans on
smoking behaviour at establishments affected by the ban, or by workers employed at the
establishment. The essence of the problem is that the people who elect to remain working – or
take up work – at an establishment may be affected by a workplace ban. Some smokers may
choose to quit the firm rather than the habit, while new recruits may be disproportionately
non-smokers because of the ban. Establishment based surveys will therefore in all likelihood
overstate the effects of workplace bans.
To investigate the effects of smoking bans, we exploit a natural experiment provided by the
variations across the states and territories of Australia in the timing and nature of regulations
introduced over the period spanned by the data. Most of these newly introduced regulations
involve restricting smoking in hospitality industry venues such as restaurants, bars and
gambling venues. We interpret the differences across states and territories as providing a
natural experiment because we are not aware of any other state-specific changes in the period
we examine that could have impacted on smoking behaviour. Thus, the state-specific bans
introduced over the period provide a valuable opportunity to produce credible estimates of the
effects of smoking bans.
We should also acknowledge that smoking bans may potentially impact on a range of other behaviours,
including the extent and nature of social activity, which may in turn have implications for economic activity in
some industries.
controlling for initial conditions and attrition is that the estimation results we obtain also
provide estimates of the determinants of initial status and attrition status.
The contribution of this study to the existing literature stems from a combination of four
(interconnected) factors: our focus on smoking bans, the natural experiment we are able to
exploit, the nature of the data used, and the modelling strategy employed, which controls for
initial conditions and attrition. Together, these factors mean this study sheds valuable new
light on the determinants of starting and quitting behaviour, and in particular, the effects of
smoking regulations.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides cursory contextual
information on smoking in Australia and relevant previous research on smoking behaviour.
Section 3 briefly describes the current regulatory environment in Australia and the changes to
tobacco regulations that have occurred in the period spanned by our data source – the HILDA
Survey. Section 4 describes the methodology used to model individuals’ smoking dynamics
and discusses the issues of non-response and initial conditions. In Section 5 we present an
overview of the data, followed by a discussion of the estimation results in Section 6. Section 7
2. Background
The proportion of individuals who smoke in Australia is low by both international and
historical standards (see Table 1 and Figure 1), but is nonetheless still high in absolute terms.
Nearly 20 per cent of adults are regular smokers, with females only slightly behind males in
their rate of smoking. In light of the growing body of evidence on the adverse health
consequences of smoking, the implication is that smoking remains one of the most important
issues for public health policy in Australia. Table 2 presents smoking rates (prevalence) by
smoking frequency in Australia over the period 1991 to 2004, derived from the National
Campaign Against Drug Abuse Household Surveys in 1991 and 1993 and the National Drug
Strategy Household (NDSH) Surveys in 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004. Comparable estimates
derived from the first three waves of the HILDA Survey are presented in the same table and
appear broadly consistent with the NDSH Survey estimates.
Table 1: International comparisons of adult smoking rates (%)
Total Male Female Annual per person
cigarette consumption
Australia 19.5 21.1 18.0 1907
New Zealand 25.0 25.0 25.0 1213
France 34.5 38.6 30.3 2058
UK 26.5 27.0 26.0 1748
USA 23.6 25.7 21.5 2255
Source: Table A in The Demographics of Tobacco (WHO 2002)
Figure 1: Daily smokers: proportion of people aged 14 years and over, 1985 to 2001
Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005), originally sourced from National Campaign Against
Drug Abuse Social Issues surveys 1985, 1988; National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Household surveys
1991, 1993; and National Drug Strategy Household surveys 1995, 1998, 2001.
Table 2: Smoking status of the Australian population aged 14 (15) years and over (%)
Smoking Status 1991(a) 1993(a) 1995(a) 1998(a) 2001(a) 2001(b) 2002(b) 2003(b) 2004(a)
Daily 24.3 25 23.8 21.8 19.5 22.8* 18.7 18.4 17.4
Weekly 2.8 2.3 1.6 1.8 1.6 n.a. 2.4 2.2 1.6
Less than weekly 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.3 2 n.a. 1.9 1.8 1.6
Ex-smoker 21.4 21.7 20.2 25.9 26.2 26.2 27.1 27.0 26.4
Never smoked 49 49.1 52.6 49.2 50.6 51.0 50.0 50.6 52.9
Notes: (a) Sourced from Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2005 (Table 3.1); (b) Authors’ own estimates
for the population aged 15 years and over using Waves 1 through 3 of the Household, Income and Labour
Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey; * proportion identifying as smokers (smoking status was not
differentiated by smoking frequency in Wave 1 of the survey).
(taxation, promotion of health risks of smoking and restrictions on advertising, sale and
consumption of tobacco). Research on the impacts of bans on smoking in public places is
limited, but a closely related literature focuses on workplace bans. Chapman et al (1999)
report on the findings of nineteen studies of the effects of workplace bans in Australia and the
US, all but one of which find they reduced smoking rates. Fichtenberg, C. and Glantz (2002)
similarly undertake a meta analysis of 24 studies in Australia, the US, Canada and Germany
(16 of which were covered by Chapman et al, 1999), estimating that workplace bans reduce
smoking prevalence by 3.8 per cent and smoking consumption of continuing smokers by 3.1
cigarettes per day. Only three of the 27 studies examined by Chapman et al (1999) and
Fichtenberg and Glantz (2002) use broad-based community-wide data, with most of the
studies using workplace-level data on smoking behaviour.
In Australia, there have been relatively few broad-based studies of the determinants of
smoking behaviour, and no studies of the effects of smoking bans using community-wide
individual-level data that we are aware of. Bardsley and Olekalns (1999) use annual (macro)
time series data to investigate the factors impacting on cigarette consumption over the period
1962-63 to 1995-96. Their analysis suggests that tobacco taxes, incomes and demographic
effects were the most important factors explaining variation over time in aggregate tobacco
consumption, while workplace smoking bans and health warnings on cigarette packs had a
relatively minor impact. They find no evidence that advertising bans and government anti-
smoking advertising affected consumption.
Kidd and Hopkins (2004) is the only study of smoking behaviour that we are aware of that
draw on nationally representative individual-level data. Kidd and Hopkins use data from the
1990 National Health Survey and the 1998 National Drug Strategy Household Survey to
examine starting and quitting behaviour. Although the two data sources used are cross-
sectional, the retrospective information gathered on smoking behaviour allows them to
employ duration analysis methods, modelling both the hazard of starting and the hazard of
quitting smoking as a function of age. They find price plays a significant role in the decision
to start smoking, but not in the decision to quit smoking.
3. Current tobacco regulation in Australia
While there are many commonalities in state regulations, there are some important differences
in existing regulations and – more importantly for our purposes – important differences in the
timing of the introduction of regulations, most notably with respect to smoking in public
The regulatory environment prior to the first wave of the HILDA Survey was in general
loosest in the Northern Territory, Queensland, and South Australia. Among these three
Full details of Australian anti-tobacco regulations, including those introduced after the period spanned by the
data we use, are provided in an appendix.
jurisdictions, the Northern Territory was the least regulated, followed by Queensland. The
remaining states and territories had comparable levels of regulation, the most notable
exception being that Victoria did not completely prohibit smoking in enclosed workplaces
other than bars and nightclubs.
Table 4 shows that regulatory changes were implemented in Queensland and Victoria
between the first two waves of the HILDA Survey, and regulatory changes were implemented
in the Northern Territory between the second and third waves. In addition, a voluntary
agreement was introduced in the hospitality industry in New South Wales between the second
and third waves. The changes in Queensland and the Northern Territory are essentially of a
‘catch-up’ nature with respect to the rest of Australia, restricting smoking in enclosed public
places and tightening controls at the point of sale. The changes in Victoria are probably most
appropriately characterised as a move to tighter controls than in the rest of Australia,
extending bans to gaming venues. However, whether this constitutes a tightening of
regulations relative to other state and territories is in fact somewhat ambiguous, since some
states impose tighter restrictions on the number of gaming venues permitted to operate.
The timing and different geographical areas in which these initiatives came into effect provide
exogenous variation that is used as an instrument to estimate the effects of increased smoking
regulation on individual smoking behaviour.
Table 3: State and Territory Laws and Regulations: The regulatory situation immediately
prior to Wave 1 of the HILDA survey (October 2001)
Restrictions on vendors of tobacco products:
Published and broadcast XX XX √ XX XX XX XX XX
Point of sale advertising XX XX √ X √ XX XX XX
(excluding limited price and product information)
Sponsorship XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX
Value-added promotions XX XX √ √ XX XX XX X
(free samples, competitions with tobacco prizes)
Table 4: Timeline of regulatory changes
1st September to 30th November 2001: Wave 1 of HILDA survey conducted
31st May 2002, Queensland
Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Prevention of Supply to Children) Act 2001 becomes effective:
• smoking prohibited in enclosed public places (i.e. shops, dining areas, gaming table areas of casinos, etc.)
• exemptions apply to pubs and nightclubs, and bar and gambling machine areas of casinos
• smoking prohibited in enclosed workplaces (except pubs and nightclubs)
• point of sale advertising regulations more stringent
• value-added promotions of tobacco products prohibited
• location of self-serving tobacco vending machines becomes restricted
1st September 2002, Victoria
Tobacco (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2002 becomes effective. This tightens regulations dealing with
smoking in licensed premises that offer gaming rooms and machines:
• licensed gaming venues with two or more rooms required to designate one smoke-free room
• in single gaming room venues, the gaming machine area required to be smoke-free
• in gaming venues with two or more rooms, any room with gaming machines must be smoke-free at all
• in gaming venues with three or more rooms, one ‘operating’ room must be smoke-free in addition to the
gaming room (i.e. two smoke-free rooms)
• bingo centres must be smoke-free, and in other places where bingo is played, the area where bingo is
played must be smoke-free during bingo sessions
• smoking is prohibited on main gaming floors of the casino
1st September to 30th November 2002: Wave 2 of HILDA survey conducted
1st January 2003, Northern Territory
Tobacco Control Act 2002 has initial clauses that become effective:
• Smoking prohibited in enclosed public places, such as; shops, restaurants, dining areas of hotels, bars and
licensed clubs, and public transport, etc.
31st May 2003, Northern Territory
Tobacco Control Act 2002 has further clauses that become effective:
• smoking is prohibited in enclosed workplaces, except for licensed premises (but proprietors of licensed
premises are required to put in places measures to minimise employees’ exposure to environmental
tobacco smoke)
• proprietors of licensed premises required to provide smoking and non-smoking areas of equal amenities
within their facilities (specifically deals with gaming tables and machines)
• published and broadcast tobacco advertising prohibited
• point of sale advertising of tobacco products prohibited (except limited price and product information)
• value-added tobacco promotions prohibited
• self-serving tobacco vending machines restricted to adults-only sections of licensed premises within line
of sight of staff
1st July 2003, NSW
Government and several industry unions initiate voluntary agreement that extends smoking restrictions:
• smoking prohibited at all counter areas, including where liquor is served
• non-smoking area is to be designated in a bar area
• in licensed venues with more than one bar area, proprietors are encouraged to make one bar area totally
1st September to 30th November 2003: Wave 3 of HILDA survey conducted
4. Modelling smoking behaviour
We follow the same methodology as applied in Jenkins and Cappellari (2004) and break up
the transitions from smoking to non-smoking and vice versa into three distinct building
blocks. The first block consists of an equation to determine smoking status in the base year,
the second block models retention in the sample from one wave to the next, and the final
block models smoking status conditional on smoking status in the base year. These three
blocks are not independent, but are modelled using a trivariate probit structure.
Let Sit*−1 , Rit* , and Sit* be the latent propensity to smoke in period t-1 (i.e. the base year), the
latent propensity to remain in the sample from t-1 to t, and the latent propensity to smoke in
period t, respectively. Using straightforward linear specifications we explicitly model the
latent propensities as
Each error consists of an individual fixed component and a pure white noise component and is
assumed to follow a standard normal distribution. The joint distribution of the error terms is
trivariate standard normal. The unobserved heterogeneity, i.e., the individual fixed
components of the error terms, is thus parameterised through the normalised covariance
matrix of the joint error distribution:
These correlations capture the relationship between the unobserved individual specific factors
that determine smoking status in the base year, smoking status in the subsequent year
conditional on smoking status in the base year, and retention. For example, a positive
(negative) ρ1 implies that a person who initially was more likely to smoke in the base year is
more (less) likely to be retained in the sample compared to a non-smoker.
The equation for smoking in the base year addresses the problem of initial conditions that
arises if those smokers ‘at risk’ of quitting or those non-smokers ‘at risk’ of starting are not a
random sample of the population. Similarly, remaining in the sample from wave to wave may
not be random and is hence also explicitly modelled. A person is not retained between waves
if the person fails to fill out a self completion questionnaire in the second wave, if he or she
does fill out the self completion questionnaire but gives multiple answers or no answer to the
particular question on smoking, or if they do not respond in the second wave at all (i.e.
genuine sample attrition). Non-retention rates between waves 1 and 2, 2 and 3, and 1 and 3
are 20.7 per cent, 15.4 per cent, and 23.9 per cent, respectively.3 Attrition rates of this
magnitude highlight the need ex-ante to choose an approach that can account for non-
Estimation is via maximum likelihood. The contribution to the log likelihood for an individual
for whom we observe smoking status in Wave t-1 depends on the particular realised values of
Sit −1 , Rit , and Sit , but can always be expressed as a function of trivariate normal probabilities.
The three waves of data generate two sets of data. The first set comprises all individuals in
Wave 1 and their status in Wave 2. The second set of data consists of all those in Wave 2 who
had been retained, plus any new persons that were added in Wave 2, and their status in Wave
3. The log likelihood is therefore described by:
log L = ∑ ∑ ⎡⎣ Ln [Φ
i t = 2,3
TVN (0,0,0;Σ)+ΦTVN (1,0,0;Σ) ] *I( R it =0 & Sit-1 =0) +
The primary source of non-retention is genuine attrition, with non-return of the self-completion questionnaire
also a significant contributor. Other factors, such as providing multiple answers, play only a minor role. See
the appendix for more details.
Once the model has been estimated, predicted probabilities for starting or quitting smoking
can be easily obtained. For instance, the predicted probability a non-smoker will pick up
l TVN (1,0,0;Σ
smoking is simply Φ ) + Φ
l TVN (1,1,0;Σ
) . Factors that influence starting and quitting
Estimation of the three correlation coefficients allows us to test for the ‘ignorability’ of each
of the three building blocks, indicating whether we could suffice with a less complicated
model. Establishing ignorability of the retention block amounts to testing ρ1 = ρ3 =0.
5. Data
The data used come from the first three waves of the HILDA survey spanning the period
September 2001 to November 2003. The HILDA sample is nationally representative and
comprises about 14,000 individuals in 7,000 households. The survey is undertaken via
personal interviews with all respondents, supplemented by self-completion questionnaires on
topics less amenable to interview, for example, because of the personal and subjective nature
of the information sought. Our dependent variables on smoking behaviour come from answers
individuals provide in the self-completion part of the questionnaire. In wave 1 respondents
were asked ‘Do you smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products?’ which can be answered
‘Yes’, ‘No, I have given up smoking’ or ‘No, I have never smoked’. In waves 2 and 3 the
question remained the same but the choice of responses was changed to ‘No, I have never
smoked’, ‘No, I no longer smoke’, ‘Yes, I smoke daily’, ‘Yes, I smoke at least weekly (but
not daily)’ and ‘Yes, I smoke less often than weekly’. For compatibility across waves the
three affirmative responses in waves 2 and 3 are collectively treated as equivalent to the
singular ‘Yes’ response in wave 1. Respondents who respond ‘No’ are treated as non-
smokers, irrespective of whether they are ex-smokers.
Table 5 contains descriptive statistics on smoking behaviour in the different States and
consists of three blocks comparing Waves 1 and 2, Waves 2 and 3, and Waves 1 and 3,
respectively. A quitter is defined as a smoker in one year and a non-smoker the next. A starter
is defined as a non-smoker in one year and a smoker the next. Note, therefore, that the
proportion of persons who are smokers in the base year is the sum of columns (1) and (3),
while the proportion of persons who are smokers in the subsequent comparison year is the
sum of columns (2) and (3). The sample for Table 5 is restricted to those with valid data on
smoking status and residing in the same state in both of the waves used for comparison.
Waves 2 and 3
NSW 0.032 0.043 0.150 0.774 3,457
Vic 0.038 0.040 0.154 0.768 2,843
Qld 0.047 0.040 0.200 0.713 2,209
SA 0.050 0.051 0.182 0.716 1,096
WA 0.043 0.033 0.149 0.775 1,119
Tas 0.039 0.030 0.261 0.670 330
NT 0.068 0.068 0.254 0.610 59
ACT 0.042 0.042 0.099 0.817 191
Total 0.040 0.041 0.167 0.752 11,304
Waves 1 and 3
NSW 0.045 0.046 0.145 0.764 3,346
Vic 0.057 0.044 0.151 0.747 2,767
Qld 0.054 0.056 0.184 0.706 2,104
SA 0.054 0.049 0.184 0.713 1,041
WA 0.054 0.030 0.152 0.764 1,098
Tas 0.038 0.057 0.244 0.661 316
NT 0.040 0.060 0.280 0.620 50
ACT 0.027 0.033 0.110 0.830 182
Total 0.051 0.046 0.162 0.741 10,904
Table 5 indicates that there is quite a high degree of churning in smoking status in the data,
with 8 to 10 per cent of all persons either quitting or starting smoking from one year to the
next. Indeed, the estimates imply that approximately 20 per cent of smokers in one wave quit
smoking by the time of the next wave, approximately matched by a similar number taking up
smoking between waves. There is also substantial variation in smoking rates across the states
and territories, with smoking rates highest in the Northern Territory and Tasmania, and lowest
in the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales.
6. Estimation results
Table 6 presents the estimation results.4 It consists of four column sets containing three
columns each. Each column set contains the parameter estimates, the z-value, and the mean
marginal effect.5 The first two column sets are the estimates for the effects of the explanatory
variables on transition outcomes. Specifically, the first column set gives the effects on the
probability of smoking in wave t given the individual was a smoker in Wave t-1. The second
column set gives the effects on the probability of smoking in Wave t given the individual was
a non-smoker in Wave t-1. Thus, the first column set provides estimates of the effects of the
explanatory variables on the probability a smoker quits (albeit via estimates of the effects on
the probability he or she does not quit), while the second column set provides estimates of
their effects on the probability a non-smoker takes up smoking. The third column set gives
estimates for the probability of retention in the sample – that is, it models attrition. The last
column set gives estimates for initial conditions – that is, the effects of the explanatory
variables on the probability an individual is a smoker in Wave 1. All explanatory variables are
measured at time t-1, except the ‘life event’ variables, which are measured at time t, but refer
to the period in-between Waves t-1 and t.
The factors associated with smoking in the base year (last column set) show a familiar pattern.
Females are less likely to smoke, as are married individuals and people with higher levels of
education. In terms of labour force status, the unemployed show the highest smoking rates.
Individuals employed in the hospitality industry or who drink daily or weekly are also more
likely to smoke. Children in the household do not deter smoking.
Estimates for variables included primarily as controls are reported in Table A6 in the appendix and are not
discussed here
For binary variables, the mean marginal effect is in fact the mean effect on the predicted probability of
changing the variable from zero to one, holding all other variable values constant. Mean marginal effects are,
for all variables, evaluated over all observations in the sample.
Table 6: Model estimation results
Smoking in period t conditional on
smoking in t-1 non-smoking in t-1 Retained between waves Smoking in t-1
Coef. z MME Coef. z MME Coef. z MME Coef. z MME
Female -0.088 (1.46) -0.020 -0.110 (2.24)** -0.008 0.055 (2.40)** 0.014 -0.109 (3.82)*** -0.030
Age (60+ omitted)
14-17 -0.198 (0.83) -0.047 1.117 (6.91)*** 0.179 -0.203 (2.83)*** -0.055 -0.028 (0.35) -0.008
18-24 -0.434 (2.32)** -0.097 0.797 (5.28)*** 0.093 -0.453 (7.45)*** -0.132 0.798 (11.78)*** 0.248
25-34 -0.239 (1.39) -0.041 0.715 (5.20)*** 0.073 -0.289 (5.49)*** -0.078 0.984 (16.55)*** 0.302
35-44 -0.062 (0.39) -0.002 0.507 (3.78)*** 0.045 -0.084 (1.65)* -0.022 0.884 (15.37)*** 0.264
45-59 -0.166 (1.11) -0.029 0.375 (3.13)*** 0.032 0.004 (0.08) 0.001 0.598 (11.82)*** 0.171
Wave 1-2 block 0.065 (1.26) 0.213 (5.03)*** -0.186 (9.24)*** -0.004 (0.22)
Smoking legislation -0.336 (1.69)* -0.076 -0.044 (0.26) -0.003 0.017 (0.26) 0.004
..* Age 14-17 0.059 (0.19) 0.012 -0.275 (1.44) -0.017 0.045 (0.47) 0.011
..* Age 18-24 0.738 (3.22)*** 0.109 0.170 (0.97) 0.015 -0.014 (0.19) -0.004
..* Age 25-34 0.370 (1.93)* 0.067 0.040 (0.25) 0.003 0.078 (1.21) 0.019
..* Age 35-44 0.232 (1.23) 0.045 0.132 (0.84) 0.011 0.084 (1.30) 0.021
..* Age 45-59 0.363 (1.85)* 0.067 -0.037 (0.24) -0.003 -0.036 (0.57) -0.009
..* Socialise frequently 0.023 (0.15) 0.005 0.119 (1.02) 0.010 0.015 (0.25) 0.004
..* Socialise regularly -0.014 (0.10) -0.003 0.039 (0.36) 0.003 0.006 (0.10) 0.001
..* Drink daily -0.050 (0.29) -0.011 0.170 (1.10) 0.015 0.016 (0.20) 0.004
..* Drink weekly 0.096 (0.86) 0.020 -0.018 (0.20) -0.001 0.036 (0.85) 0.009
..* Work in hospitality -0.097 (0.37) -0.022 -0.175 (0.74) -0.012 -0.034 (0.33) -0.009
Location (major city omitted)
Inner regional -0.017 (0.26) -0.004 -0.072 (1.40) -0.005 0.075 (2.90)*** 0.019 -0.056 (1.84)* -0.015
Outer regional 0.027 (0.34) 0.007 0.010 (0.15) 0.000 -0.003 (0.09) -0.001 0.080 (2.09)** 0.022
Marital status (never married omitted)
Married -0.029 (0.35) -0.011 -0.114 (1.40) -0.008 0.168 (4.79)*** 0.043 -0.333 (8.03)*** -0.092
Defacto 0.090 (1.01) 0.020 0.117 (1.38) 0.009 0.046 (1.13) 0.011 0.123 (2.78)*** 0.035
Divorced 0.125 (1.04) 0.028 0.155 (1.30) 0.013 0.072 (1.32) 0.018 0.189 (3.01)*** 0.054
Separated -0.007 (0.05) 0.001 0.322 (2.56)** 0.030 0.080 (1.23) 0.020 0.208 (3.04)*** 0.060
Widowed -0.182 (1.00) -0.047 0.103 (0.68) 0.009 -0.013 (0.22) -0.003 -0.256 (3.17)*** -0.065
Educational attainment (Below Year 12 omitted)
Postgraduate 0.053 (0.36) 0.003 -0.298 (2.70)*** -0.017 0.175 (3.56)*** 0.041 -0.609 (9.03)*** -0.138
Bachelor -0.163 (1.85)* -0.044 -0.059 (0.82) -0.003 0.191 (5.68)*** 0.046 -0.437 (10.53)*** -0.109
Advanced certificate -0.042 (0.56) -0.011 -0.045 (0.64) -0.003 0.100 (3.12)*** 0.024 -0.087 (2.33)** -0.023
Certificate 0.094 (1.00) 0.019 -0.081 (0.98) -0.006 0.070 (1.89)* 0.017 -0.082 (1.80)* -0.022
Year 12 -0.055 (0.60) -0.017 -0.068 (0.92) -0.004 0.149 (4.11)*** 0.036 -0.352 (7.99)*** -0.087
Labour force status (not in the labour force omitted)
Employed full time 0.151 (1.24) 0.035 0.050 (0.45) 0.003 -0.022 (0.44) -0.006 0.185 (3.42)*** 0.051
Employed part time 0.123 (1.02) 0.028 0.093 (0.86) 0.007 0.08 (1.59) 0.020 0.155 (2.92)*** 0.043
Unemployed -0.010 (0.09) 0.002 0.236 (2.24)** 0.020 -0.028 (0.53) -0.007 0.313 (5.86)*** 0.092
Log(family income) -0.050 (1.27) -0.008 -0.023 (1.08) -0.001 0.014 (1.31) 0.003 -0.046 (3.73)*** -0.009
Income imputation flag 0.034 (0.57) 0.007 -0.043 (0.90) -0.003 -0.238 (11.01)*** -0.063 -0.062 (2.67)*** -0.017
Table 6 continued: Model estimation results
Smoking in period t conditional on
smoking in t-1 non-smoking in t-1 Retained between waves Smoking in t-1
Coef. z MME Coef. z MME Coef. z MME Coef. z MME
Children under 4 present -0.012 (0.16) -0.009 0.061 (0.95) 0.005 0.021 (0.67) 0.005 -0.033 (0.93) -0.009
Children 5-9 present 0.117 (1.52) 0.002 0.008 (0.12) 0.001 0.025 (0.80) 0.006 0.004 (0.12) 0.001
Children 10-14 present -0.002 (0.03) 0.010 -0.015 (0.25) -0.001 0.010 (0.34) 0.002 0.037 (1.09) 0.010
Works in hospitality 0.204 (1.22) 0.053 0.121 (0.88) 0.009 -0.017 (0.26) -0.004 0.182 (2.99)*** 0.052
Socialise frequently 0.038 (0.38) 0.013 -0.112 (1.44) -0.009 0.018 (0.47) 0.005 0.046 (1.41) 0.013
Socialise regularly -0.020 (0.22) -0.006 -0.089 (1.27) -0.007 0.056 (1.61) 0.014 -0.023 (0.80) -0.006
Drink daily -0.023 (0.19) 0.143 0.372 (3.43)*** 0.034 0.053 (0.97) 0.013 0.481 (10.52)*** 0.144
Drink weekly -0.099 (1.41) 0.067 0.282 (4.75)*** 0.022 -0.047 (1.71)* -0.012 0.248 (9.71)*** 0.069
Life events
Got married -0.172 (1.13) -0.041 0.073 (0.53) 0.006
Got separated/divorced 0.144 (1.35) 0.029 0.423 (4.96)*** 0.044
Got back together -0.008 (0.05) -0.002 0.170 (1.09) 0.015
Got pregnant -0.391 (4.01)*** -0.100 -0.217 (2.15)** -0.014
Got injured/very ill -0.104 (1.26) -0.024 0.083 (1.12) 0.007
Friend got injured/sick 0.099 (1.45) 0.021 -0.030 (0.52) -0.002
Life event info NA -0.071 (0.40) -0.016 -0.034 (0.23) -0.003
The probability of being retained is negatively influenced by being young and lower from
Wave 1 to 2 than from Wave 2 to 3. Higher levels of education and being married also
increase the probability of being retained between waves. Having your income imputed rather
than reported is a powerful predictor of not being retained between waves. The other powerful
predictors stem from the interviewer’s assessment. If the respondent was suspicious of the
survey, took a long time completing it, needed language assistance or had a poor
understanding of the questions, he or she was less likely to be retained.
In contrast to the equations for smoking in the base year and retention, where the model
identifies many factors that can explain individuals’ outcomes, fewer variables can explain
who smokes in the subsequent year once we condition on smoking status in the base year. The
single biggest predictor for quitting is getting pregnant. The introduction of tougher smoking
legislation also induces people to quit and is significant at the 10 per cent level. The implied
mean marginal effect of introducing tougher smoking legislation is a reduction in the smoking
probability by 7 percentage points. This is the impact on a non-drinking, non-socialising
person aged 60 years or over, which is the reference group. When interacted with age group,
the tougher smoking legislation no longer increases the probability to quit, except for 14 to 17
year old smokers, and is even reversed for 18 to 24 year olds. That is, 18 to 24 year old
smokers are less likely to quit in states that introduced tougher smoking regulations than in
states that did not, implying a type of defiance effect for this group. For persons working in
the hospitality industry, or who drink daily or socialise regularly the higher quit probability is
Conditional on being a non-smoker in the base year, we find that younger people are more
likely to pick up smoking than our reference group, those aged 60 years and over. This is not
surprising, since one would expect few non-smoking seniors to pick up the habit, relative to
teenagers and young adults. The positive and significant coefficient on the dummy indicating
the observation stems from the transition between Waves 1 and 2 could be related to the
change in the questionnaire. It is possible that some who previously considered themselves to
be a non-smoker now admit they do smoke less than weekly. Education does play a role in the
decision not to start, at least for non-smokers with a postgraduate education. Being
unemployed or drinking daily or weekly is also associated with starting to smoke. With
respect to the life event variables, we see again that getting pregnant reduces the probability
of picking up smoking, but that separating or getting divorced increases the probability of
picking up smoking. One plausible explanation is that this can be driven by smokers who
gave up the habit while in a relationship, due to pressure from their partner, but reverted back
to their old habit once their relationship ended.
As a final point it should be pointed out that two of the three correlation coefficients are
significant, although they are all small in magnitude. This highlights the importance of
controlling for retention between waves and the initial conditions.
in affecting individual-level smoking patterns. While the tightening of restrictions on where
smoking can take place has been predominantly motivated by protecting non-smokers from
second hand smoke, at least in Australia the argument has also been made that such
restrictions also reduce smoking rates.
Our empirical research shows that the tightening of legislation does increase quit probabilities
and reduces starting probabilities, but that these effects do not hold for everyone. The
increased quit probability applies only to teenagers and seniors, is non-existent for all others
and for the group of 18 to 24 year olds this effect is even reversed, which we interpret as a
rebellion effect. Working in the hospitality sector strengthens the effects of tightening
smoking regulations on quit and starting probabilities, which is consistent with a more intense
exposure to the regulations for individuals employed in the sector that is most affected by the
In addition to our findings on the effects of regulations, we also find that those most at risk of
starting to smoke are teenagers and young adults, and individuals who recently experienced a
break up, who frequently consume alcohol, are unemployed, or have low educational
attainment. This is consistent with the findings of previous research and reinforces the
message that these individuals are particularly important target groups for anti-smoking
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) 2004 National Drug Strategy Household
Survey: First Results, Canberra: AIHW (Drug Statistics Series No. 13).
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) Australia’s Health 2004, Canberra: AIHW.
Bardsley, P. and Olekalns, N. (1999) “Cigarette and Tobacco Consumption: Have Anti-
Smoking Policies Made a Difference?” The Economic Record, 75(230), 225-40.
Jenkins, S.P. and Cappellari, L (2004), Modelling Low Income Transitions, Journal of
Applied Econometrics 19(5), 593-610.
Chapman, S., Borland, R., Scollo, M., Brownson, R., Dominello, A. and Woodward, S.
(1999) “The Impact of Smoke-Free Workplaces on Declining Cigarette Consumption in
Australia and the United States,” American Journal of Public Health, 89(7), 1018-23.
Kidd, M. and Hopkins, S. (2004) “The Hazards of Starting and Quitting Smoking: Some
Australian Evidence,” The Economic Record, 80(249), 177-92.
Queensland Health (2000) “Queensland Tobacco Action Plan 2000-01 to 2003-04,” report on
World Wide Web at http://www.health.qld.gov.au/phs/Documents/atods/8260.pdf on 23/8/05.
World Health Organization (2002) The Tobacco Atlas, Myriad Editions Limited, Brighton
UK, ISBN 92 4156 209 9.
8. Appendix
Of the 12,960 valid observations in Wave 1, 1,636 have no information in Wave 2 due to non-response (i.e.
genuine attrition). A further 946 have missing information in Wave 2 due to non-return of the self-completion
questionnaire (which contains the question on smoking), and another 96 individuals are not retained because
of invalid responses to the question on smoking (failure to answer the question, or selection of more than one
of the mutually exclusive responses). For the 11,518 valid observations in Wave 2, the corresponding numbers
in Wave 3 are 1,204, 462 and 112.
Table A5 Population weighted transition rates between waves (row percentages). Total
represents the unweighted number of observations.
Wave 1 to Wave 2
Wave 2 status
Wave 1 status No info Never No longer Daily Weekly Less than weekly Total
No info 59.67% 18.84% 10.26% 9.47% 0.54% 1.22% 1,005
Never 20.65% 72.66% 4.99% 0.59% 0.45% 0.66% 6,507
No longer 17.99% 5.96% 67.35% 4.57% 2.18% 1.95% 3,423
Yes 26.41% 1.33% 8.00% 57.21% 4.74% 2.31% 3,030
Total 3,268 5,188 3,009 2,058 251 195 13,969
Wave 2 to Wave 3
Wave 3 status
Wave 2 status No info Never No longer Daily Weekly Less than weekly Total
No info 47.55% 26.92% 11.73% 11.29% 1.76% 0.76% 1,523
Never 15.46% 80.13% 3.18% 0.33% 0.33% 0.57% 5,633
No longer 13.90% 7.36% 73.08% 3.06% 1.10% 1.50% 3,138
Daily 19.60% 0.27% 7.86% 69.10% 2.33% 0.85% 2,255
Weekly 16.02% 2.54% 19.95% 29.48% 22.82% 9.19% 275
Less than weekly 18.19% 6.33% 23.30% 13.46% 15.51% 23.20% 217
Total 2,459 5,225 2,958 1,988 231 180 13,041
Wave 1 to Wave 3
Wave 3 status
Wave 1 status No info Never No longer Daily Weekly Less than weekly Total
No info 61.94% 19.34% 7.83% 9.06% 0.46% 1.38% 1,005
Never 24.14% 69.71% 4.34% 0.78% 0.36% 0.67% 6,507
No longer 22.01% 5.28% 64.14% 5.18% 1.66% 1.73% 3,423
Yes 28.60% 1.19% 11.45% 52.56% 4.41% 1.80% 3,030
Total 3,700 5,003 2,930 1,948 217 171 13,969
Table A6: Additional model estimation results
Smoking in period t conditional on
smoking in t-1 non-smoking in t-1 Retained between waves Smoking in t-1
Coef. z Coef. z Coef. z Coef. z
Victoria -0.022 (0.30) -0.044 (0.76) 0.028 (1.04) 0.069 (2.08)**
Queensland 0.009 (0.11) -0.017 (0.29) 0.077 (2.57)** 0.064 (1.78)*
South Australia 0.094 (0.91) -0.013 (0.16) 0.159 (4.02)*** 0.035 (0.75)
Western Australia -0.079 (0.78) -0.019 (0.24) 0.082 (2.25)** -0.037 (0.83)
Tasmania 0.052 (0.36) 0.306 (2.52)** 0.094 (1.47) 0.164 (2.32)**
Australian Capital Territory -0.167 (0.79) -0.038 (0.23) 0.245 (3.07)*** -0.099 (0.98)
Northern Territory 0.472 (1.28) 0.080 (0.22) 0.222 (1.93)* 0.227 (1.43)
New Zealand -0.114 (0.29) -0.008 (0.04) -0.321 (2.78)*** -0.083 (0.64)
Northern Europe / US -0.450 (1.31) 0.280 (1.27) -0.079 (0.61) -0.073 (0.43)
Southern Europe -0.282 (0.66) 0.937 (2.83)*** -0.590 (3.88)*** 0.438 (1.94)*
Former Eastern Block -0.845 (2.64)*** 0.634 (2.06)** -0.449 (3.09)*** 0.190 (0.97)
Asia 0.044 (0.17) -0.122 (0.71) -0.319 (4.24)*** -0.565 (5.19)***
Other foreign born 0.274 (0.86) -0.279 (1.10) -0.290 (2.95)*** -0.157 (1.35)
YSM*New Zealand 0.011 (0.55) 0.008 (0.93) 0.013 (1.81)* -0.003 (0.51)
YSM*N. Europe / US 0.009 (0.91) -0.002 (0.33) 0.000 (0.05) 0.004 (0.85)
YSM*Southern Europe -0.007 (0.56) -0.020 (1.67)* 0.005 (1.18) -0.008 (1.12)
YSM*Former Eastern Block 0.017 (1.61) -0.008 (0.71) 0.002 (0.57) -0.001 (0.12)
YSM*Asia 0.002 (0.16) -0.002 (0.22) 0.006 (1.64) 0.015 (2.55)**
YSM*Other foreign born -0.010 (0.75) 0.008 (0.71) 0.007 (1.46) 0.013 (2.39)**
Managers & Administrators -0.108 (0.71) -0.069 (0.55) -0.009 (0.14) -0.362 (5.29)***
Professionals -0.196 (1.43) -0.131 (1.13) 0.054 (0.99) -0.445 (7.37)***
Associate professionals -0.147 (1.10) -0.072 (0.60) -0.045 (0.82) -0.272 (4.62)***
Tradespersons & related workers -0.058 (0.42) -0.064 (0.52) -0.021 (0.37) -0.196 (3.22)***
Advanced clerical & service workers -0.258 (1.38) -0.072 (0.43) -0.008 (0.10) -0.321 (3.70)***
Intermediate clerical, sales & service workers -0.086 (0.69) -0.016 (0.14) 0.063 (1.20) -0.257 (4.63)***
Intermediate production & transport workers -0.065 (0.46) -0.099 (0.79) -0.002 (0.04) -0.079 (1.27)
Elementary clerical, sales & service workers -0.073 (0.52) 0.060 (0.52) -0.011 (0.19) -0.161 (2.56)**
Area Soc.Econ. decile1 0.003 (0.02) 0.015 (0.17) 0.031 (0.67) 0.054 (1.19)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 2 -0.065 (0.59) -0.195 (2.20)** 0.017 (0.38) 0.050 (1.15)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 3 0.055 (0.50) 0.029 (0.35) 0.002 (0.05) 0.071 (1.62)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 4 0.002 (0.02) -0.177 (2.04)** 0.112 (2.54)** -0.014 (0.33)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 6 0.022 (0.19) -0.266 (2.81)*** 0.048 (1.05) -0.037 (0.81)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 7 -0.253 (2.30)** -0.142 (1.54) -0.013 (0.28) -0.002 (0.03)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 8 0.068 (0.57) -0.114 (1.27) 0.017 (0.38) 0.033 (0.76)
Area Soc.Econ. decile 9 0.025 (0.21) -0.175 (1.98)** 0.144 (3.18)*** -0.127 (2.79)***
Area Soc.Econ. decile 10 -0.206 (1.69)* -0.261 (2.87)*** 0.075 (1.63) -0.134 (2.77)***
Father not employed 0.053 (0.69)
Father deceased 0.128 (1.70)*
Father not present 0.131 (1.69)*
Father’s empl_status NA 0.017 (0.18)
Mother not employed -0.102 (3.70)***
Mother deceased -0.141 (1.31)
Mother not present -0.156 (0.86)
Mother’s empl status NA -0.150 (2.13)**
Had stepmother at age 14 0.285 (2.27)**
Had stepfather at age 14 -0.024 (0.37)
Lived with father only at age 14 0.057 (0.59)
Lived with mother only at age 14 -0.008 (0.16)
Other parental status 0.339 (5.27)***
Parents divorced while resp. under 15 0.175 (4.18)***
Father unempl > 6 months 0.098 (2.19)**
Father unempl > 6 months NA -0.004 (0.07)
8.2. Smoking and tobacco products regulations in the states and territories of Australia –
Current regulations and recent changes to regulations
Smoke-Free Areas (Enclosed Public Places) Act 1994 (effective 9th November 1994)
o Smoking prohibited in enclosed public places, such as shops, restaurants, workplaces (that are indoors),
cinemas, libraries, buses, taxis, boats, nursing homes, hotels and motels, and sporting and recreational
o Common areas (other than dining areas, elevators, halls) in hotels, motels, and nursing homes may be
exempt in circumstances where a similar area of the same standard is offered that is smoke-free within
the facility.
o Restaurants and licensed premises may apply to be granted certificates of exemption, with the
conditions being that 75% of a restaurant and 50% of a licensed establishment must remain smoke-free,
and that both must have suitable ventilation systems (i.e. smoke-free areas must remain free of smoke at
all times).
Smoking (Prohibition in Enclosed Public Places) Act 2003 (effective 1st December 2006)
o Will repeal the 1994 Act, prohibiting smoking in all enclosed public places (with some minor
exceptions), including pubs and clubs.
o It will be an offence for proprietors of certain ‘public places’ to allow persons to smoke, thus placing
the onus upon owners to ensure legislation is adhered to in their establishments.
Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 1999 (invoked under the Public Health Act 1991) (effective 31st August
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the following activities with regards to tobacco
products are prohibited under the regulations:
o published and broadcast advertising
o sponsorship (Minister may grant exemption)
o point of sale advertising (except limited product display)
o value-added promotions
o Self-serve vending machines are permitted only in restricted areas of licensed premises and staff
amenity rooms.
Voluntary agreement between the NSW government and several industry unions (initiated in 2003)
o From 1st July 2003, smoking prohibited at all counter areas including where liquor is served, a non-
smoking area is to be designated in a bar area, and in licensed venues with more than one bar area
proprietors are ‘encouraged’ to make one bar area totally non-smoking.
o From 1st July 2004, in licensed venues with more than one bar room, one bar room is to be made non-
smoking, and where more than one facility exists (eg. pool room, gambling area) proprietors are
‘encouraged’ to make one of each of these facilities non-smoking.
Northern Territory
Tobacco Control Act 2002 (effective 1st January 2003 and 31st May 2003)
o Smoking prohibited in restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, and dining areas of hotels, bars and licensed
clubs, along with other enclosed public places such as theatres, and public transport. Smoking also
prohibited on dance floors of licensed premises. (Effective 1/1/03)
o Workplaces became smoke-free, except for licensed premises, although proprietors of licensed premises
are required to put in place measures to minimise employees’ exposure to environmental tobacco
smoke. (Effective 1/5/03)
o Proprietors of licensed premises (hotels, bars, clubs and casino) are required to provide smoking and
non-smoking areas of equal amenity within their facilities, with specific mention made of the use of
gaming tables and machines. Thus, in order for licensed premises to operate areas that are exempt from
the smoke-free regulations they must provide areas that are of equal amenity (contains at least half the
number of gaming machines that establishment possesses), and have in place (reasonable) measures to
minimise the exposure of their employees to environmental tobacco smoke. (Effective 1/5/03)
o Effective 1/5/03, in conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the following activities with regards
to tobacco products are prohibited by the regulations:
o published and broadcast advertising
o point of sale advertising (except limited price and product description)
o value-added promotions
o tobacco advertising or naming associated with sponsorship
o Self-serve vending machines are restricted to adults-only sections of licensed premises within line of
sight of staff. (Effective 1/5/03)
Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (effective 31st May 1998)
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the following activities with regards to tobacco
products are prohibited:
o point of sale advertising (except limited price and product information)
o published and broadcast advertising
o sponsorship
Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Prevention of Supply to Children) Act 2001 (effective 31st May 2002)
o This was an amendment and expansion upon the 1998 Act.
o The following activities with regards to tobacco products are prohibited under the Act:
o point of sale advertising regulations more stringent (with only certain price and product
information allowable)
o value-added promotions
o Self-serve vending machines are limited to bar and gaming areas of liquor licensed premises in
positions where they are easily observed by employees (except in casinos where positioning of vending
machines is not regulated as minors are not permitted on premises).
o Smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places such as shopping centres, restaurants and cafes without
a liquor license and workplaces. For licensed premises, smoking is prohibited in dining areas, along
with bingo areas and at gaming table areas of casinos (thus, smoking is permitted in bar and gambling
machine areas).
South Australia
Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997 (effective 5th June 1997)
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the regulations under this Act prohibit the following
activities with regard to tobacco products:
o published and broadcast legislation
o sponsorship
o value-added promotions
o Self-serve vending machines are permitted only in licensed premises (a regulation that is slightly less
stringent than in other states)
o Smoking prohibited in public transport, lifts and places of public entertainment
Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997 (amendments effective 4th January 1999)
o Smoking is prohibited in enclosed public dining places such as restaurants, cafes, and meal areas of
hotels, pubs and licensed clubs.
Public Health Act 1997 (effective 2nd April 1998)
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the Act prohibits the following activities relating to
tobacco products:
o published and broadcast advertising
o sponsorship
o point of sale advertising (except limited price and product information) (effective 1/11/2000)
o value-added promotions
o Self-serve vending machines are permitted only in licensed premises in areas where staff can supervise
their operation.
Public Health Amendment (Smoke-Free Areas) Act 2001 (effective 3rd September 2001)
o Smoking prohibited in enclosed public places and enclosed workplaces, with exemptions applying to
gaming areas where food is not served, bars and licensed restaurants where food is not served, and
individual prison cells and rooms in nursing homes and hotels.
o Bars must provide smoke-free facilities of equal amenity.
Public Health Amendment (Extension of Smoke Free Areas) Act 2003 (effective 1st January 2005)
o All enclosed public places and workplaces made smoke-free, with the partial removal of the
exemptions from gaming and bar areas.
o 50 per cent of outdoor dining areas are required to be smoke-free
o In premises with more than one bar, there can only be one bar where smoking is allowed, and in this
bar smoking is not permitted within 1 metre of the bar service area.
o In premises with only one bar, 50 per cent must be smoke-free and there must be no smoking within 1
metre of the bar service area.
Tobacco Regulations 1997 and Tobacco (Amendments) Regulations 1998 (invoked under the Tobacco Act 1987)
(latter regulations effective 27th 1998)
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, the regulations prohibit the following activities with
regards to tobacco products:
o published and broadcast advertising
o sponsorship (exceptions may be granted by Governor in Council)
o point of sale advertising (restricted)
o value-added promotions
o Self-serve vending machines permitted only in licensed premises, bingo centres and staff amenities
Regarding smoking in workplaces, the Victorian government appears to rely on the Victorian Occupational
Health and Safety Act, asserting that under this legislation employers have a duty to provide a workplace that is
free of hazards to the health of employees and those entering the premises. Nonetheless, it remains the case that
there is no explicit legislation prohibiting smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces.
Note also that Victoria has separate regulations for its Australian Formula One and Motorcycle Grand Prix
events (Tobacco (Grand Prix Events) Regulations 2003) which outline the advertising, promotion and
sponsorship details that must be adhered to during these events and short time periods that immediately surround
Western Australia
Tobacco Control Act 1990, Tobacco Control Amendment Act 1993
o In conjunction with Commonwealth legislation, prohibit the following activities with regards to tobacco
o published and broadcast advertising
o sponsorship (Minister may grant an exemption)
o point of sale advertising regulated and restricted
o Self-serve vending machines are permitted in licensed premises and staff amenity areas.
o Value-added promotions such as free samples and competitions prohibited, but promotions such as free
lighters and price discounting permissible.
Health (Smoking in Enclosed Public Places) Regulations 1999 (invoked under the Health Act 1911) (effective
29th March 1999)
o Smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places such as restaurants, cafes, and business premises.
Exemptions apply to bar or lounge areas of licensed premises where meals not served and area
adequately ventilated.
o Smoking permitted in single, separately enclosed areas of licensed restaurants where no meals are
served if ventilation is adequate, and in covered outdoor areas of restaurants that are not substantially
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 1996 (invoked under the Health Act 1911) (effective 29th March
o Smoking prohibited in enclosed workplaces.
o Under certain circumstances, employer may establish a ‘designated smoking area’ where people may
smoke, provided it has an effective exhaust system, smoke can not enter any other part of the
workplace, and the designated area is not an enclosed public place where smoking is prohibited.
Health (Smoking in Enclosed Public Places) Regulations 2003 (invoked under the Health Act 1911)
o The Western Australian government announced a planned phase out of smoking areas in 2003, as
o Smoking permitted in one bar only in hotels, taverns and other licensed premises by 31st December
o Smoke-free restrictions on floor space in nightclubs and cabarets to increase to 80 per cent by 30th
June 2004, with nightclubs and cabarets required to be completely smoke-free by 31st December
o Removal of the exemption for Burswood Casino gaming floors, with the exception of the
International Room. (Due to public pressure, on 26th March 2001 Burswood Casino introduced
smoke-free gaming areas on the main gaming floor, such that 50 per cent of gaming machines and
cabaret lounge are in smoke-free areas.)