Sood 1979
Sood 1979
Sood 1979
The necessity of incorporating specifications other than vergence is attained, Convergence, if it occurs, is by defi-
the natural input parameters of the standard modules em- nition a limiting process which often requires a large
ployed in modeling a flow sheet has, of course, been rec- number of iterations. Yet the underlying unconstrained
ognized for quite some time in the computer aided process problem, which constitutes the bulk of the equations, is a
design and simulation literature. In the sequential modular linear problem and thus should not require iterative solu-
approaches, such constraints are typically accommodated tion.
by means of additional iteration loops around the module The goal of this paper is to present a computational
whose normal specifications are undefined provided the strategy which exploits the natural decomposition between
constraints involve stream quantities associated with that material balance and constraint equations. The methodol-
module. If the constraints involve streams not incident to ogy developed is based on the generation and use of a
the underspecified module, then outer loops of iterations general parametric solution to the underlying uncon-
involving the entire flow sheet may be required. In the strained problem. The construction of the parametric
simultaneous approaches, constraints are incorporated by solution is accomplished by solving the unconstrained
directly adjoining these equations to the remaining flow problem a finite number of times equal to one plus the
sheet equations. If these equations and the conjtraints number of imposed problem constraints. The parameters
themselves are linear, then the constraints introduce no of the parametric solution are then determined by sepa-
particular computational burden. However, if the con- rate solution of the constraint equations. The validity of
straints are nonlinear, then the only alternative is to linear- this type of approach is strongly dependent on the struc-
ize them and to solve the entire linearized problem itera- tural properties of the model equations. Linear algebraic
tively. Both approaches require repetitive solution of the proofs are used in the paper to confirm the validity in the
entire material balance problem until satisfactory con- case of flowsheet material balance problems.
In a predecessor paper (Sood et al., 1979), a calculation linear, then the only alternative is to linearize them and
approach was developed for solving the material balances to solve the entire linearized problem iteratively until sat-
associated with process flow sheets expressed in terms of isfactory convergence is attained. The methodology de-
the elementary mixer, splitter, separator, and stoichio- veloped in this paper avoids the need for iterating on the
metric reactor modules. This approach was based on the complete problem by decomposing the calculation into
key assumption that all process input streams, reaction three separate stages: solution of the underlying uncon-
stoichiometry, and conversions, as well as all stream and strained problem, simultaneous solution of the linear con-
component split fractions, are specified. Yet in many ap- straints, and iterative solution of the nonlinear constraints.
plications, especially those arising in process design, the In principle, this strategy for accommodating constraints
available material balance specifications can take on many can be applied both in the sequential as well as the simul-
alternate forms. Typical examples of these might be speci- taneous approaches, although in the latter case it is only
fication of the composition of an undesirable species in a necessary to do so with nonlinear constraints. The only
recycle stream, product composition and flow rate require- requirement is that solutions of the unconstrained prob-
ments, ratios of reactant flows to a reactor, ratios of stream lem be carried out with reasonable efficiency.
compositions in a separator, or required solids to solution
ratios in settling operations. Each of these additional speci-
fications can readily be expressed as a linear or nonlinear THE CONSTRAINED MATERIAL BALANCE PROBLEM
equation involving species flow rates. In the previous work, the following elementary module
In this paper, we will develop an approach for incor- parameters were defined to comprise the set of natural
porating such additional specifications within the computa- simulation specifications: the species or stream split frac-
tional framework developed for unconstrained material bal- tions for each component separator or stream splitter, the
ance problems. In particular, we will show that these stoichiometry and key reactant conversion for all reactors,
linear or nonlinear constraint equations can be accom- and the species flow rates in all external process input
modated by generating a parametric solution to the under- streams. Following from this definition, a constraint speci-
lying unconstrained problem. The parameters in the gen- fication (sometimes called control specification) is under-
eral parametric solution can be determined by solving first stood to be any condition imposed on the species flows
the linear and then the remaining nonlinear constraints which is not one of the natural specifications. Further-
simultaneously. In this approach, only as many equations more, a constrained material balance problem (CMBP)
need to be solved iteratively as there are nonlinear con- is a material balance problem involving a flow sheet mod-
straints. The key idea underlying the strategy is derived eled in terms of elementary modules in which at least one
from the unpublished work of Kneile ( 1975). The strategy constraint specification is imposed.
itself has similarities to the work of Ravicz and Norman A CMBP problem may thus be viewed as an uncon-
(1964), but these similarities are only at the conceptual strained problem in which one or more of the natural
level. simulation specifications are unknown and are replaced by
The necessity of incorporating specifications other than constraints. Since it was previously shown that an un-
the natural input parameters of the standard modules em- constrained problem always has the correct number of
ployed in modeling a flow sheet has, of course, been recog- specifications to yield a unique solution (Sood et al.,
nized for quite some time in the computer aided process 1979), it follows that a correctly specified CMBP must
design and simulation literature (Ravicz and Norman, always have exactly as many independent constraints as
1964; Henley and Rosen, 1969; Hutchison, 1974). In the there are missing natural specifications. Of course, the fact
sequential modular approaches, such constraints are typi- that the specifications are correct in number does not
cally accommodated by means of additional iteration loops guarantee that they are proper; that is, the resulting set
around the module whose normal specifications are un- of equations will have maximum row rank. Hence, as in
defined (Seader et al., 1974) provided the constraints the unconstrained case, the assumption underlying the
involve stream quantities associated with that module. If subsequent development is that the combined set of speci-
the constraints involve streams not incident to the under- fications are, in fact, proper.
specified module, then outer loops of iterations involving Although constraint specifications can take many forms,
the entire flow sheet may be required. In the simultaneous in virtually all cases of practical significance they can be
approaches, constraints are incorporated by directly ad- reduced to one of four types of specifications: species or
joining these equations to the remaining flow sheet equa- total flow rates of internal or output streams, stream com-
tions. If the remaining flow sheet equations are linear positions, ratios of species flow rates, and ratios of stream
and the constraints themselves are linear, then the con- compositions.
straints introduce no particular computational burden The first three of these are simply linear equations in
(Hutchison, 1974). However, if the constraints are non- the species flow rates. The last is the chief source of non-
S S can be written as
must be explicitly imposed between each pair of output Ns(in) = Ns(l) + Ns(2) s = 1, ., S
streams i and 2. In general, if there are M splitter output
streams, there will be ( S - 1)( M - 1) such conditions.
Of course, these quadratic constraints can be reduced to
linear constraints if the composition of one of the streams 8 S
= fi (Zi)%i)
i =
LY~ if i
where the ai and f i t are selected so that a( # pi, (ui # 0,
j=l and, if Q # P, that
where f i ( z i ) is a linear or affine function of zi; the aij, bi,
and ci are appropriate constants; and m ( i ) , n ( i ) are suit-
able index sets.
From the proof of proposition 1, it is clear that if the
Denote by v(j) the solution to Equations (1) through (3)
module input streams are not process feed streams, then
obtained when z is set equal to z(j).
each unspecified conversion or split fraction will give rise
Proposition 4: If the specifications z(j), j = 1, ., P satis-
to an equation of the first type. If, in addition, the module
fying the conditions given above are proper, then the set
input stream is a specified feed stream, then the unknown
conversions and split fractions will give rise to an equation of solutions v(j) obtained will be linearly independent. For
of the second type. For example, if the module is a reactor, proof, see the appendix.
It should be noted that the choice of C U ~ and pi in the
then the unspecified conversion will appear in the equation
above construction is quite arbitrary. To keep the solu-
NkoUt = Nkin - XkNkin tions generated close to physical reality, it is advisable,
where Nkinis the specified input stream. but not necessary, to choose values between 0 and 1. Fur-
As a result of this very elementary analysis, we can con- thermore, the condition 2 9i/pii # l is not really very
clude that any CMBP must always be viewed as consist- restrictive. In practice, it is highly unlikely that any arbi-
ing of a set of N - P linear equations trary choice of mi and pi will lead to a violation of this
Gx = h (3) condition. Hence, from our computational experience, a
check of the above condition can be quite safely ignored.
a set of P equations of either the first or second type, each
By using the above choice of the z ( j ) , we are thus as-
involving one of the unknown natural simulation parame-
sured that the generated solutions will be linearly inde-
ters, and a set of P constraints which are either linear or
pendent. Thus, if one further solution vo is obtained, say
quadratic in the unknown species flow xi. This classifica-
tion of the flow sheet module equation suggests that the
by setting zi = pi for all i, then the resulting P 1 un- +
constrained solutions can be assembled to generate a gen-
solution of these equations might well be carried out in eral parametric solution
stages, beginning with a parametric solution to the N - P
constant coefficient linear equations [Equation ( 3 ) 3. x = y(0) + 2 [v‘i’ - .(0)-jAi 3 vo + wx (4)
PARAMETRIC SOLUTION OF THE CMBP of the CMBP. As shown in the next two sections, this
It is well known that any system of linear equations Cx general solution can be inserted into the linear and non-
= d has a solution if and only if d lies in the range of C, linear constraints to yield specific values of the A’s. These
and, if so, then all solutions are given by specilk parameter values will, when substituted back into
the above parametric solution, in turn, give the desired
= w ( o ) + X [ , C i ) - w(o)])li specific solution to the CMBP.
Before proceeding with that discussion, we digress briefly
where w(0) is any solution to C x = d, the w ( ~ are
) any to point out that the explicit parametric solution can itself
basis of the range of C, and the xi are scalar parameters. be used to extract useful information about the problem
Number of
No. Application Source Mixers Reactors Separators Streams Species
Kneile, 1975
estimates of the 2 s by simply setting each side of Equa- @ CHLORINFITION II
[ 5 [5
P-L P--L
d k Z n +6k = yi’mi
i=l, ..., P - L
I1 ever, providing adequate care is taken to save a calcula-
tion map for the unconstrained solution, the remaining
P unconstrained solutions can be obtained quite expedi-
tiously. As shown in our previous work (Sood et al.,
In either case, the initial estimates of theT;s obtained 1979), such a calculation map can readily be retained by
in this manner are, in our experience, sufficient so that saving the symbolic form of the mixer equations and the
problems of divergence or convergence to fictitious solu- precedence order for the mixer equation calculations.
tions are avoided. In fact, in all of the test cases run to
date, even the choice yio = 0 has proven to be satisfac- COMPUTER CODE AND RESULTS
tory when used in conjunction with the normal form of
A program called MBPI implementing this calculation
the equations for estimatingxo. strategy has been coded. The program solves the uncon-
Once the initial TO vector is calculated, Equations ( 7 ) strained subproblem using the mixer equation methodology
can be evaluated to obtain ~ ( 5 0 )With. this known, the of Sood et al. (1979). Provisions have been made in the
g i ( h ) and partial derivatives agi/aA, can be evaluated program for three types of constraints:
from Equations ( 9 ) and ( lo), respectively, and the usual 1. Species or total flow = constant.
Newton-Raphson iterations initiated. The key point to 2. Species or total flow = species or total flow x con-
be again noted is that in the Newton iterations only as stant.
many equations are solved as there are nonlinear con- 3. Mass Fraction of species i in stream k - mass frac-
straints, tion of species i in stream m x constant.
The last of these is the only source of nonlinear con-
SUMMARY OF THE CALCULATION STRATEGY straints. Constraints of this type always occur when the
split fraction of a flow splitter or an equilibrium flash unit
The algorithm for the solution of CMBP’s with P un- are not specified.
defined natural specifications thus can be decomposed into In implementing the above algorithm, there is some
four separate phases: choice as to how step 4 is to be carried out. If the com-
1. Solution of the underlying unconstrained material
balance problem P + 1 times to generate the general pa-
plete set of P +
1 unconstrained solutions generated in
step 1 are saved, then once the h’s are known, the final
rametric solution, Equation (4). solution can be determined from Equation ( 4 ) . However,
2. Simultaneous (partial) solution of the L linear con- for purposes of steps 2 and 3, the complete set of solutions
straints to generate the reduced parametric solution, Equa- is really not required. Hence, considerable storage savings
tion (7). can be achieved by only storing the solution corresponding
3. Iterative solution of the P - L nonlinear constraints to the xi actually involved in the constraints. In that case,
to determine the parameter vector x. however, once the A’s are determined, the P 1 material +
4. Recovery of the vector of stream flows via Equations balance solutions must be regenerated so that the com-
( 7 ) or ( 6 ) and ( 4 ) . plete final flows can be recovered. Hence, the storage
In this algorithm, the iterative calculations are clearly savings is achieved by about doubling the computation
isolated from those calculations which involve solution of time. This latter calculation mode was implemented in
linear equations. This decomposition is obtained at the MBP-I.
price of having to carry out P +
1 unconstrained soh- The program was tested on a number of flow sheet case
tions, simultaneous solution of t linear constraint equa- problems. The general characteristics of the problems are
tions, and solution of P - L linear equations to determine listed in Table 1. The smallest problem is a textbook ap-
initial estimates of the X Of these calculations, the un- plication (Figure l ) ,while the largest represents a solvent
constrained solutions are clearly the most costly. HOW- refined coal synthetic fuels complex, a flow sheet of which
- - - _ - -- - - ---I
80 H20
0 Reactors
Heavy Liquid Fuel A Separators
Core of con-
Number of require- strained
equivalent Number of constraints ments Execution to uncon-
Problem linear ( K words) time' strained
No. equations Linear Nonlinear octal (CPUs ) CPU time
75 2
153 13 -1 42
120 - 2 43 1.1 2.8
10 -9 46
CDC 6500.
A = ( ~ j ) coefficients of the module equation of type
The CPU times reported were those required by the b = (bi) 2 containing unspecified natural parameters
Purdue Universaity CDC 6500 and include normal pro- c = (ci) zi
gram input and output overheads. The ratio of the con- c = reduction remainder of the array W
strained to unconstrained CPU times confirms that the D = WC, coefficient matrix of the reduced parametric
computation time is essentially proportional to the num- solution of the CMBP
ber of constraints. The computation time for nonlinear a = the vector 8 after array reduction
constraints does not appear to be substantially larger than e = vector with unit components
that for linear constraints, Moreover, the choice of initial f i ( 1 = affine function involving the unspecified natural
estimates does not appear to be critical; the three nonlin- parameter zi
early constrained problems were all successfully solved F = array of coefficients of module equation of type 1
with zero initial estimates. G = array of coefficients of the N - P constant coeffi-
The main alternative to the strategy proposed in this cient linear module equations associated with the
paper is the strategy conventionally used in conjunction CMBP
with the sequential modular method for solving material g o = nonlinear constraint functions
balance problems, namely, repetitive solution of the entire h = right-hand side vector associated with G
flow sheet problem with iterative adjustment of the un- K = number of unknown streams
known natural specifications until constraint satisfaction is L = number of linear constraints
achieved. Since the parametric solution strategy requires a M = number of splitter output streams
fixed, finite number of unconstrained flow sheet solutions, mi = proportionality constant in the ith nonlinear con-
while the conventional approach requires a sequence of straint
~ - ~ .
solutions that is only limited by an imposed relative error m ( i ) , n ( i ) = indexes of unknown stream variables asso-
criterion, the former strategy a p p e m to enjoy an inherent ciated with unknown natural parameters
computational advantage. Detailed computational experi- N(j) = vector of species flow in stream i
ments to confirm this superiority are tedious to carry out N = total number of flow sheet module balance equa-
because of the number of influencing factors: effects of tions
initial estimates, choice of convergence promotion method, P = number of unspecified natural parameters
etc. Fortunately, as shown by the results obtained in at- P = (pii) = diagonal matrix with elements pit =
tempting to solve problem 1 using the conventional h ( a i - Bi)
strategy, such detailed comparisons are, in fact, unneces-
4 = vector with elements 4i = ci + Bib{
Q = number of module equations of type 1 involving
Problem 1, the flow sheet for which is shown in Figure unspecified natural parameters
1, involves three unknown natural parameters: the flow s = number of species
of benzene in stream ( I ) , the conversion in reactor 1, T = coefficient matrix of the linear constraints
and the split fraction of chlorine in separator 2. Three con- t, = split fraction of components
straints are imposed: the product flow, [stream (14)], is u = right-hand side vector of the linear constraints
specified, the chlorobenzene composition of the product is v = (+I) = matrix of unconstrained solution vectors
specified, and the ratio of the chlorine mass fractions in w = matrix of homogeneous unconstrained solutions
streams (4)and (11) are specified. The problem thus has with columns 4’) - v(0)
two linear and one nonlinear constraint. This constrained Xk = conversion of species k
problem was solved by using the conventional modular x = aggregate vector of all species flows in all streams
approach with bounded Wegstein convergence promotion yij = mole or weight fraction of species i in stream j
on stream (7).Iterative adjustment of the three unspeci- z = vector of unspecified natural parameters
fied natural parameters was carried out using Brown’s
Greek Letten
algorithm (Brown, 1969; Brown and Dennis, 1971), as
arbitrary nonzero choices of values for the
implemented in subroutine ZSYSTM of the IMSL library
(see references). This algorithm is an efficient Newton
Z= constant
} naturalparameterzi
vector in the reduced parametric solu-
analogue for solving simultaneous nonlinear equations
which only require function values. Starting with initial tion of x
estimates of 2000, 0.2, and 0.5 for the feed, conversion, X = vector of unknown parameters in the parametric
and split fraction, ninety unconstrained solutions were solution of the CMBP
required to reach the actual values of 1919.205,0.23048, 8 = vector of scalar multipliers 8i
0.6283 within a relative error tolerance of lo-’. CPU a,, = stoichiometric coefficient of species s in reactor r
time on the Purdue CDC 6500 was 44.5 s. Using the
same tolerance, MBP-I required 1.37 s. Of course, differ-
ent times will he obtained with different initial estimates. LITERATURE CITED
Good estimates had to be provided to avoid divergence. Anon., “Demonstration I’lant : Clean Boiler Fuels from Coal,”
The problem could be solved with either four or eight un- OCR F h D Rept. No. 82, Interim Report No. 1, prepared by
constrained solutions, depending upon the storage strategy the Ralph M. Parson Company (1974).
used, if the parametric solution construction was used in Anon., The IMSL Package, International Mathematical and
Gx =h
~ m ~=i fi(zi)zn(i)
) .,Q
i = 1,
the matrix has full rank, we proceed by contradiction. Suppose
ZU$j = bizi + ci i=Q .,P
1,+ the matrix does not have maximal rank. Then, for some k,
there must exist scalars e ( j ) # 0, j = Q + 1, . ., P, and j # k
Note that for the first Q solutions u(j), the right-hand sides such that
of the last set of equations will be constants equal to bipi + + =z 1.
qk Pkk
ci. For the remaining P - Q solutions, the second set of equa- qk i#k
tions will have constant coefficients f i ( p i ) . Linear indepen- and
dence of the P solutions v(j) can thus be proved in two parts:
first by showing that each of the first Q solutions cannot he
linearly dependent on the remaining solutions, and second, by -,
showing that the other P - Q solutions are themselves Iinearly Q + l L i L P and i # k
To prove the first part, suppose that any one of the first Q Subtracting the first equation from each of the others, we ob-
solutions, say v(1), can be written as a linear combination of
- (qk + pkk) - [ (qi +
the others. If so, then there must exist a set of scalars e ( k ) ,
k = 1, . , P , a n d k # l s u c h t h a t
”(1) = 2 ,g(k),,(k)
- Pii)
- 41
1 eci)
e ( i )= - Pkk/qk Q t l L i L P and i + k
Consider the equation containing the Zth parameter piifqz
while the Ith solution must satisfy or, upon simplification, that
z(qi/pii) =1
[f] hasrankN Manuscript received December 21, 1977; revision received Aclgwt 18,
and accepted September 6,1978.
The residence time distribution (RTD) concept is be- six-parameter, finite-stage transport concept for increased
coming more arid more important to chemical engineers versatility and accuracy.
in the modeling of continuous, first-order processes by TO accomplish this objective, a complete derivation
the segregated flow approach (Himmelblau and Bischoff, of the model is included, along with an accurate and
1968; ~ ~ ~1962).~ It is~very ~advantageous
~ i to ~have l efficient
, parameter estimation method for it. In addition,
the model is incorporated into the segregated flow con-
analytical functions for the RTD's encountered as evi-
cept to model a general first-order process. Finally, radio-
denced by interest in the simple two-parameter tanks-in- active tracer results for a number of particulate unit
series and axial dispersion models. These simple models processes with on wet-discharge ball mills are
Often do not offer sufficient versatility or accuracy. There- given which indicate the increased versatility and accu-
fore, the present paper reexamines a previously proposed racy of this model over the simple two-parameter models.