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PROFESSIONAL ADJUSTMENT/ NURSING JURISPRUDENCE Be a registered nurse and holder of a master's degree in
nursing, education or other allied medical profession
A. Patient’s Bill of Rights conferred by a college or university duly recognized by
the Government: Provided, That the majority of the
members of the Board shall be holders of a master's
The patient has the right to considerate & respectful care,
degree in nursing: Provided, further, That the Chairperson
irrespective of socio-economic status. shall be a holder of a master's degree in nursing;
The patient has the right to obtain from his physician Have at least ten (10) years of continuous practice of the
complete current information concerning his diagnosis, profession prior to appointment: Provided, however, That
treatment and prognosis in terms the patient can reasonably the last five (5) years of which shall be in the
be expected to understand. Philippines; and
The patient has the right to receive from his physician Not have been convicted of any offense involving moral
information necessary to give informed consent prior to start turpitude
of any procedure and or treatment (except in emergencies).
The patient has the right to refuse treatment / life-giving The Board shall supervise and regulate the practice of
measures, to the extent permitted by law and to be informed the nursing profession and shall have the following
of the medical consequence of his action. powers, duties and functions: CIMECPRP
The patient has the right to every consideration of his Conduct the licensure examination for nurses;
privacy concerning his own medical care program. Case Issue, suspend or revoke certificates of registration for
discussion, consultation, examination and treatment are the practice of nursing;
confidential and should be conducted discreetly. Monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice
in the Philippines.
The patient has the right to expect that all communication
Ensure quality nursing education
and records pertaining to his care should be treated as
Conduct hearings and investigations to resolve
confidential. complaints against nurse practitioners
The patient has the right that within its capacity, a hospital Promulgate a Code of Ethics
must make reasonable response to the request of patient for Recognize nursing specialty organizations in
services. coordination with the accredited professional
The patient has the right to obtain information as to any organization
relationship of the hospital to other health care and to other Prescribe, adopt issue and promulgate guidelines,
health care and educational institutions in so far as his care regulations, measures and decisions as may be necessary
is concerned. for the improvements of the nursing practice
The patient has the right to refuse or participate in such
research projects. The president may remove or suspend any member of
The patient has the right to expect reasonable continuity of the Board after having been given the opportunity to
care. defend himself/herself in a proper administrative
The patient has the right to examine and receive an investigation, on the following grounds:
explanation of his bill regardless of source of payment. Continued neglect of duty or incompetence;
The patient has the right to know what hospital rules and Commission or toleration of irregularities in the licensure
regulations apply to his conduct as a patient. examination; and
Unprofessional immoral or dishonorable conduct.
B. Nursing as a Profession
Nursing is a profession. A profession possesses the following D. Licensure Examination
primary characteristics:
Education, requires an extended education of its In order to be admitted to the examination for nurses, an
members, as well as basic liberal foundation. applicant must, at the time of filing his/her application,
Theory, has a theoretical body of knowledge leading to establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:
defined skills, abilities and norms. He/she is a citizen of the Philippines, or a citizen or
Service subject of a country which permits Filipino nurses to
practice within its territorial limits on the same basis as
the subject or citizen of such country: Provided, That the
Code of ethics requirements for the registration or licensing of nurses in
Caring said country are substantially the same as those
prescribed in this Act;
C. Organization of the Board of Nursing He/she is of good moral character; and
He/she is a holder of a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from
The Board is composed of a Chairperson and six (6) a college or university that complies with the standards of
members nursing education duly recognized by the proper
That the membership to the Board shall represent the government agency.
three (3) areas of nursing, namely: nursing education,
nursing service and community health nursing. In order to pass the examination, an examinee must
The Chairperson and Members of the Board shall obtain a general average of at least seventy-five
possess the following qualifications: percent (75%) with a rating of not below sixty
Be a natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines percent (60%) in any subject.
Be a member of good standing of the accredited An examinee who obtains an average rating of seventy-
professional organization of nurses; five percent (75%) or higher but gets a rating below sixty
*Patterned on the previous board exams from December 2006 – December 2011… the purpose of this note is to GUIDE students
on the possible topics that might be part of the upcoming July 2012 PNLE
percent (60%) in any subject must take the examination Possess a degree of Bachelors of Science in Nursing, with
again but only in the subject or subjects where he/she is at least nine (9) units in management and administration
rated below sixty percent (60%). courses at the graduate level; and
In order to pass the succeeding examination, an examinee Be a member of good standing of the accredited
must obtain a rating of at least seventy-five percent professional organization of nurses;
(75%) in the subject or subjects repeated. Provided, That a person occupying the position of chief
nurse or director of nursing service shall, in addition to
A special/temporary permit may be issued by the Board the foregoing qualifications, possess:
to the following persons subject to the approval of the At least five (5) years of experience in a supervisory or
Commission and upon payment of the prescribed fees: managerial position in nursing; and
Licensed nurses from foreign countries/states whose A master's degree major in nursing
service are either for a fee or free if they are
internationally well-known specialists or outstanding
experts in any branch or specialty of nursing; F. Laws Affecting Nursing Profession
Licensed nurses from foreign countries/states on
medical mission whose services shall be free in a PD 442 Labor Code
particular hospital, center or clinic; and PD 651 Birth registration following delivery (all health
Licensed nurses from foreign countries/states employed workers shall identify and encourage the
by schools/colleges of nursing as exchange professors registration of all births within 30 days
in a branch or specialty of nursing; following delivery)
PD 825 Anti- improper garbage disposal
The Board shall have the power to revoke or suspend the PD 856 Code of Sanitation
certificate of registration/professional license or cancel PD 996 Compulsory immunization for all children
the special/temporary permit of a nurse upon any of the below eight (8) years old against six (6)
following grounds: immunizable diseases
Person convicted by final judgment of any criminal EO 51 Milk Code
offense involving moral turpitude or any person guilty of RA. 1136 Tuberculosis Law
immoral or dishonorable conduct or any person declared RA. 3573 Reporting communicable Disease
by the court to be of unsound mind RA. 4073 Liberalized the treatment of Leprosy
For unprofessional and unethical conduct; RA. 6425 Dangerous Drug Act – the sale, administration,
For gross incompetence or serious ignorance; delivery, distribution and transportation of
For malpractice or negligence in the practice of nursing; prohibited drugs is punished by law.
For the use of fraud, deceit, or false statements in RA. 6675 Generics Act of 1988 – this promotes, requires
obtaining a certificate of registration/professional license and ensures the production of an adequate
or a temporary/special permit; supply, distribution, use an acceptance of
For violation of this Act, the rules and regulations, Code of drugs and medicines identified by their generic
Ethics for nurses and technical standards for nursing names.
practice, policies of the Board and the Commission, or the RA. 7160 Local Government Code
conditions and limitations for the issuance of the RA. 7170 Organ Donation Law
temporarily/special permit; or RA. 7277 Magna Carta for Disabled persons
For practicing his/her profession during his/her RA. 7305 Magna Carta for Public Health workers
suspension from such practice; RA. 9257 Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2003
RA. 7600 Rooming –In and Breast feeding Act
E. Nursing Education and Practice RA. 7610 Anti-Child Abuse Law
RA. 8172 Asin Law / Iodize Salt Law
A member of the faculty in a college of nursing teaching RA. 8423 Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
RA. 8504 Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
professional courses must:
RA. 8976 Food Fortification Act
Be a registered nurse in the Philippines;
RA. 9173 The Nursing Act of 2002
Have at least one (1) year of clinical practice in a field of
Be a member of good standing in the accredited G. Inform Consent
professional organization of nurses; and Requisites for Validity of Informed Consent
Be a holder of a master's degree in nursing, education, or Written permission is best and legally accepted.
other allied medical and health sciences conferred by a To ensure that the client understand the nature of the
college or university duly recognized by the Government treatment including the potential complications and
of the Republic of the Philippines. disfigurement (explained by AMD)
In addition to the aforementioned qualifications, the dean Signature is obtained with the client’s complete understanding
of a college must have a master's degree in nursing. of what to occur.
He/she must have at least five (5) years of experience in - adult sign their own operative permit
nursing. - obtained before sedation
For minors, parents or someone standing in their behalf,
A person occupying supervisory or managerial positions gives the consent.
requiring knowledge of nursing must: Note: for a married emancipated minor parental consent is not
needed anymore, spouse is accepted
Be a registered nurse in the Philippines;
For mentally ill and unconscious patient, consent must be
Have at least two (2) years experience in general nursing
taken from the parents or legal guardian
service administration;
Degree of the acts of execution: Non Experimental, the researcher collects data without
Consummated- when all the elements necessary for its introducing any treatment or making any changes.
execution and accomplishment are present. Quasi – Experimental, is like experimental research because
it actively introduces some form of treatment or manipulation
Frustrated- when the offender performs all the acts or
of an independent variable.
execution which will produce the felony as a consequence
Quantitative Research, a formal, objective, systematic
but which nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of
process in which numerical data are used to obtain
causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
information about the world.
Attempted- when the offender commences the Qualitative Research, systematic, interactive, subjective
commission of the same directly by overt acts, and does approach used to describe life experiences and give them
not perform the acts which shall produce the felony. meaning.
Phenomenological Research, begin with accumulation of
evidence when little topic is known or when studying new
topic it involves gathering of fresh perspective.
LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Grounded Theory Research, the primary purpose of
grounded theory research is to develop a theory. The
A. Leadership Style concepts and theories discovered through this research
approach are derived directly from the data.
Authoritarian leadership style or autocratic leader Ethnographic Research, a tool for studying cultures
Narrative Research, Focus on story as the object of inquiry,
keeps strict, close control over followers by keeping
to determine how individuals make sense of events in their
close regulation of policy and procedures given to lives.
Democratic leadership style consists of the leader
sharing the decision-making abilities with group B. Differences Between Conceptual and Theoretical
members by promoting the interests of the group Model
members and by practicing social equality.
Laissez faire style is sometimes described as a
"hands off" leadership style because the leader Conceptual Model or Theoretical Model or
delegates the tasks to their followers while providing Paradigm Framework
little or no direction to the followers
It is a pre-theoretical basis It proposes a framework
from which substantive derived from theories
Transactional Leadership Transformational
theories may be derived
Leadership It is highly abstract It is less abstract
Focuses on management Identify common values Concept are related and Concepts are narrowly
task multidimensional bounded, specific and explicitly
Caretaker Is committed interrelated.
It provides a perspective for It postulates relationship.
Uses trade-offs to meet Inspires other with vision science It is descriptive, explanatory or
goals predictive.
It is derived from systematic It is constructed from available
Shared values not identified Has a long term vision observation and intuition. theories and findings of
empirical research.
Examines causes Looks at effect It is developed through the It is develop through the
Uses contingency reward Empowers other process of intuition process of induction and
It must be evaluated through It permits empirical tests.
logical grounds and cannot be
empirically tested.
A. Types of Research
C. Variables
Basic / Pure Research, it is done for the intellectual pleasure
of learning to search for knowledge for its own sake and Independent Variables (CAUSE), These are factors
eventually filter down the result into real life situation. that are being manipulated by the researcher and the
Applied Research, seeks for practical application of focus of the inquiry.
theoretical or abstract knowledge. The truth is adapted to Dependent Variable (EFFECT), This is the factor or
every situation. variable that is affected or influenced by the
Action Research, the process involves the study of certain independent variable.
problem and from that experience, decisions, actions and Intervening Variable (MEDIATOR), This is a factor or
conclusion are drawn.
variable that exists between the independent and the
Correlational Research, involves the systematic
investigation of relationship between or among variables. dependent variable.
Experimental, an objective, systematic, highly controlled Moderator Variable, This is a variable that affects the
investigation for the purpose of predicting and controlling strength or direction of the relationship between the
phenomena in nursing practice. independent and the dependent variables.
E. Sampling Technique