Handbook 2018-19 e
Handbook 2018-19 e
Handbook 2018-19 e
Freshman Orchestra: This non-audition orchestra is strings only orchestra for the entire year and
is for freshman only. Students will participate in the KSHAA Solo/Small Ensemble Festival in the
Concert Orchestra: Grades 10-12. This intermediate non-audition orchestra includes strings
only for the entire year. This ensemble will perform at concerts throughout the year, and students
have the option to participate in the KSHAA Solo/Small Ensemble Festival.
Philharmonic Orchestra: Grades 10-12. This advanced audition orchestra will perform at
concerts throughout the year as well as contest in the spring.
Symphonic Orchestra: Grades 10-12. This elite audition orchestra will perform at concerts
throughout the year as well as contest in the spring. Winds, brass and percussion students from
the band program are also added to this orchestra for some performances to allow for full
orchestral music opportunities.
Chamber Orchestra: Open to all grades 9-12. This is an audition extra curricular orchestra.
Rehearsals take place out side of the school day, and are required for all selected members.
Literature performed will be of the professional level for concerts and this ensemble will perform at
a variety of venues throughout the year including: weddings, meetings, retirement communities,
The Free State Orchestra program offers performing ensembles in a variety of settings. Progress of
these ensembles depends on the work of each member. These three characteristics are the
foundations of our success. It is important that each of us take these to heart, they are the key to true
success as an individual and as an ensemble.
The Free State Orchestra community is meant to have a family atmosphere, is made up of unique
and talented individuals who come to perform with, support and encourage each other. As you add
your talents to the LFSHS orchestra, remember to always work with a mature and positive attitude,
with respect for all.
Being a part of the LFSHS orchestra community raises the level of your commitment to others.
Honoring that commitment by being responsible and reliable with attendance and practice will benefit
both you and your ensemble(s).
Every day we strive for excellence, whether in rehearsal or concert. Be enthusiastic, focus, and
always give 100% effort.
The goals for each ensemble member are:
1. Play your instrument-build skills daily as a musician & share music with your peers.
2. Technique Building – focus on advanced left and right-hand techniques.
3. Literature – experience a wide variety of literature ranging in style and technical facility.
4. Musical Vocabulary – To discover new terms and techniques and how they expand our musical
5. Performance – To enjoy the rewards of hard work together in performance.
Orchestra is a Full Year Course: Due to the developmental nature of our subject area and the
cross-semester activities, orchestra is a full year course.
Students with a grade of “F” will lose all performance & travel privileges with orchestra.
Students must also meet the KSHSAA eligibility requirement to have passed 5 classes the
previous semester.
Transportation to Orchestra Events: is by school bus. Students are expected to sit facing forward,
store instruments in the seats, NOT in the aisle. Quiet conversation is allowed. Loud talking, singing,
yelling, etc., IS NOT. By school district policy students are not allowed to drive personal
vehicles or ride with other students to or from an orchestra performance
Private Lessons: Private lessons are strongly recommended, especially for the student who wishes
to participate in the more advanced ensembles. Lessons improve the students’ performance abilities
as well as the ensembles performance possibilities. A list of private teachers is available, and posted
in the orchestra classroom.
Lettering: Orchestra students are eligible to receive a varsity letter in orchestra. Lettering
expectations will be distributed at the beginning of each year.
Fundraising: Orchestra has 2-3 fundraisers on a non-trip year. Profit from these can range from a
set profit or a per item profit. Profit from these fundraisers go into the orchestra fund to pay festival
entries and other expenses.
Trip Years: The orchestra travels on a major out-of-state, music curriculum based trip every three
years. The current 2018-19 school year is a trip year. To be eligible to participate the student must be
enrolled in orchestra for both the fall and spring semesters of the trip year, and be in grades 10-12.
Freshman and Concert Orchestras
Option 1: black trousers/dress pants (no denim), black socks, and black dress shoes (no athletic
shoes) with a black, button-down long-sleeved dress shirt (no prints), which shall be tucked in. District
will provide green satin neck tie that will be worn at each performance, student is responsible for tie
throughout the school year. If the tie is lost or damaged there is a $15 fee.
Option 2: black dress pants/trousers (no jeans or leggings). Black dress shirt, short-sleeved or long-
sleeved only. No sleeveless, no tanks or
straps. Layering in dressy black to cover arms is acceptable. Absolutely no print allowed on shirt or
pants. Shoes should be black low-heeled comfortable dress shoes. NO FLIP FLOPS.
Philharmonic and Symphonic Orchestras
Option 1: will wear district-provided tuxedos and must supply their own black dress shoes and black
socks. Students must present themselves in a professional manner and with a professional
appearance. Tuxedo WHITE shirts should be washed at least twice during the school year.
Option 2: will wear the district provided black formal top and pants. Students must supply their own
black dress shoes. NO FLIP FLOPS. Students must present themselves in a professional manner
and with a professional appearance. Tops and pants should be washed at least twice during the
school year.
All Musicians
-No jewelry (except small earrings)
-No large, brightly colored bows in hair.
Uniforms are to be returned no later than Tuesday, May 14 following our final performance.
They do not need to be dry-cleaned. Uniforms received after Friday, May 17 will be subject to
a $20 late fee.
Rehearsal Reminder: Always mark your part when you are given an instruction. Use a pencil!
(Example: bowings, articulation, dynamic markings, phrasing, and descriptive words). Failure to do so
will result in loss of daily participation points.
Wed. 8/15 Concerto/Aria Auditions 6:00 pm All Interested LHS Auditorium
Wed. 8/15 First day for Freshman am only Freshman No Instruments
Thu. 8/16 All Students first day reg. schedule All students BRING INSTRUMENTS
Friday. 8/17 Orchestra rehearsal reg. schedule All orchestras BRING INSTRUMENTS
Friday 8/17 Freshman Parent Meeting 6:00 pm Freshman Commons
Friday 8/17 FSHS Orchestra Fun Night 6:45-8:00 pm All Groups Commons
Mon. 8/20 Chamber Orchestra Auditions 3:15-5:00 All Interested Auditorium
Tue. 8/21 1 Chamber Rehearsal 5:45 pm All Auditioned Orch. Room
**Chamber rehearsals to continue throughout the year on Tuesdays from 5:45-7:00pm or Wednesday 8:00-8:50am
Fri. 9/15 Foundations Breakfast 6:30am Chamber Orchestra Double Tree
TBA Homecoming Parade Float TBA All Interested (limited)
Friday 10/5 Kansas City Symphony Field Trip All Day All Groups Kansas City
Wed. 10/10 Freshman KC Strings Field Trip During Class Freshman Orch. KC Strings
Thu. 10/18 Fall Concert/Trip Meeting 6:30pm Conc, Phil., Sym. Auditorium
Tue. 10/23 Freshman Fall Concert 7:00pm Freshman Auditorium
Sat. 11/10 KMEA District Auditions All Day All Interested Eudora
Sat. 12/1 KMEA District Mini Convention All Day All Selected
Wed. 12/12 Freshman Tour (West & SW) 9:00am-2:30pm Freshman West & SW MS
Tue. 12/18 Pop’s Orchestra Concert/Trip Meeting6:30 pm All Groups Auditorium
Sat. 1/5 All State Orchestra Auditions All Day All Selected Salina
1/17-1/23 LA Orchestra Trip Multiple days All enrolled Los Angeles
Sat. 2/2 Annual Mattress Fundraiser All Day All Groups Commons
Sat. 2/2 Regional Piano Festival All Day All Interested Baldwin
Sat 2/16 State Piano Festival All Day All Qualified Wichita State
2/21-2/23 KMEA State Convention All Day All Selected Wichita
2/27-28 Regional Festival Auditions TBA Fr, Phil, Sym. FSHS
Mon. 3/4 Orchestra Outreach Concert 1:30pm-8:30pm Symphonic DeSoto High
Tue. 3/5 Orchestra Outreach Concert 1:30pm-8:30pm Phil/Chamber Eudora High
3/4-3/7 FSHS Placement Auditions TBA All Groups FSHS
Thu. 3/28 North Area String Festival 7:30 pm Sym/Phil FSHS Gym
Sat. 4/6 Reg. Solo/Small Ens. Fest. All Day All Selected Shawnee Hts.
Thu. 4/11 State Large Ens. Festival TBA Phil & Sym. LHS
Sat. 4/27 State Solo/Small Ens. Fest. All Day All Selected Washburn Rural
Mon. 4/29 Letter Forms Due All Day All Classes FSHS
Fri 5/3 Freshman World’s of Fun Festival All Day Freshman Orchestra WOF
Mon. 5/13 AWARDS CONCERT 6:30 All Groups FSHS
Tue. 5/14 Uniform Turn in All Day All Groups FSHS
After both student and parent/guardian have read the handbook together, please sign both
names below indicating the understanding guidelines and responsibilities of the orchestra year.
The deadline for returned signed agreements is Tuesday, AUGUST 21st. Following this date
students will not receive full credit for this assignment.
This is to certify that I have received and read the 2018-19 Free State Orchestra Handbook and
understand the expectations presented and will observe all guidelines found therein.
___________________________________________________ _____________________
I have received and read the 2018-19 Free State Orchestra Handbook and understand the
expectations presented and how they apply to my orchestra student.
___________________________________________________ _____________________
Best parent email address for regular communication (please write legibly)
Best contact phone number for parents
Best STUDENT email address for regular communication (please write legibly)