09/04/17 8:58 AM NiteVision 2016 R1 SPO PI
ESA Norwalk - Stamford Property ID: 9628
400 Main Avenue Phone: 203-847-6888
Norwalk, CT 06851 Feax: 203-847-6222
Folio Receipt
‘As OF: 9/4/2017
Follo # 124568 Room: 184
SeCLOUls SENNA! Departure: 9/4/2017
Company: *Request Company Information
Trans # Date Description _ Charges Payments “Balance
996863 8/28/2017 _ AMERICAN EXPRESS... 1023 $0.00 $869.33, ($869.33)
996959 8/28/2017 Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 ($761.34)
996960 8/28/2017 STATEROOMTAX $16.20 ‘$0.00 ($745.14)
997143 8/29/2017 Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 ($637.15)
997144 8/29/2017 STATEROOMTAX $16.20 $0.00 ($620.95)
997383 8/30/2017 _Rm: 154 NSOTWW- ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 ($512.96)
997384 8/30/2017 STATE ROOM TAX $16.20 $0.00 (8496.76)
997539 8/31/2017 _Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 ($088.77)
997540 8/31/2017 STATEROOM TAX $16.20 $0.00 ($372.57)
997765 9/1/2017 _Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 ($264.58)
997766 9/1/2017 STATEROOMTAX $16.20 $0.00 ($248.38)
998043 9/2/2017 __Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 $0.00 (3140.09),
998044 9/2/2017 STATE ROOM TAX $16.20 $0.00 ($124.19)
998282 9/3/2017 __ Rm: 154 NSOTWW - ESA PREF CORP RATE $107.99 ($16.20)
998283 ___9/3/2017_STATEROOMTAX $16.20 $0.00
Balance: '$0.00
Page | of 209/04/17 8:58 AM
ESA Norwalk - Stamford
400 Main Avenue
Norwalk, CT.06851
Folio Receipt
From 8/28/2017 Through 9/4/2017
Follo # 124568
| ROUND ROCK, TX 78664
‘Company: *Request Company Information
Method of Pay: Credit Card,
= Cardholder acknowledges receipt of goods and/or
- The above rate is based on your length of stay as stated on this,
folio. Any variance to your actual departure date can result in a daily
rate adjustment that will be reflected in total room charges on your
final bill
the amount of the fotal shown above and agrees to perform
the obligations and terms in the cardholder agreement with the seller.
NiteVision 2016 RI SPO P)
Property ID: 9628
Phone: 203-847-6888
Fax: 203-847-6222
‘Arrival: 6/28/2017
Departure: 9/4/2017
Follo Summary
Previous Balance:
Room Charges:
Phone Charges:
Less Payments:
Total Amount Due:
fo 8
- Advance Purchase and Extended Plus Program reservations not cancelled within 24 hours of booking will incur a”
Nonefundable Advance Prepayment charge equal to the prepayment amount.
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