Feb 28 2018
Feb 28 2018
Feb 28 2018
the scariest, most dramatic
and longest standoffs in
recent city history came to
an end Tuesday morning
when a man suspected of
shooting to death a relative
and holding a hostage at
gunpoint Monday night
was rushed to Geisinger KASANDRA ORTIZ
Medical Center in Danville
after suffering serious gun- FAMILY, FRIENDS,
shot wounds upon exchang-
ing fire with police at his COMMUNITY
barricaded West Sunbury GATHER AT VIGIL
Street apartment.
Jose Colon, 41, of 131 W.
Sunbury St., Apt. 2, who
‘Kay’ is
authorities suspect shot his
23-year-old niece, Kasandra
Ortiz, of 409 N. Rock St., in
a lot at the corner of North BY CHRIS J. GREGO
Rock and Spurzheim streets THE NEWS-ITEM
at about 8:30 p.m. Monday, is
reportedly in critical condi-
tion at Geisinger after being SHAMOKIN — On a
taken into custody follow- crisp Tuesday night,
ing the standoff. about 100 friends and
A Geisinger spokeswom- family of Kasandra
an said Tuesday a condition “Kay” Ortiz gathered
for Colon was not available, at the corner of Rock
but police received reports and Spurzheim Streets
that he was in critical con- to pay tribute to the life
dition and remains under of a special person.
guard. The group lit a num-
A total of seven shots ber of candles and
were fired during the stand- placed balloons and a
off, with at least one of photo board that read
them discharged by a state “R.I.P. Kay” next to a
trooper hitting Colon. Min- dumpster where the
utes after the final two young girl’s lifeless
shots, an ambulance from body had laid the night
AREA Services arrived at before.
Kay’s mother, Angel-
City, Page 6 ique, does not live in
LARRY DEKLISNKI/STAFF PHOTOS the area but was trans-
TOP: Officers and troopers with guns drawn walk on the north side of Sunbury ported to Shamokin
Street in Shamokin as they approach 129-131 W. Sunbury St. following a gun- Tuesday. When she got
shot during a standoff. Dozens of officers and troopers surrounded the apart- out of the vehicle, she
sobbed uncontrollably.
ment building, where the suspect of a homicide was located. LEFT, TOP PHOTO:
“My daughter was a
An ambulance pulls up to 129-131 W. Sunbury St. at the conclusion. LEFT: Colin
beautiful person who
Fraley is escorted to a police cruiser after being held hostage by Colon. Fraley always gave more than
told Colon he had to use the bathroom, at which time he was able to escape she received,” she said,
through a window and down a ladder. ABOVE, LEFT: Colon holds a gun in an barely able to speak.
undated photo taken from his Facebook page. ABOVE: RIGHT: Lights from a
state police tactical vehicle illuminate a window from which Colon fired shots. Vigil, Page 8
B reakfast B riefing
Shamokin woman jailed
Today is Wednesday, Feb. 28, the 59th day of 2018.
There are 306 days left in the year. The Jewish holiday
Purim begins at sunset.
Today’s Highlight in History:
on two theft incidents
On Feb. 28, 1993, a gun battle erupted at a religious BY STEPHANIE BETTICK device fraud. ATM security cameras cery cart at the entrance of
compound near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, THE NEWS-ITEM Jessica Hoover, of 218 W. captured Feldges withdraw- Weis Markets after telling a
Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to arrest Branch Da- Independence St., was ing $150 from Broscious’s cashier she forgot her
vidian leader David Koresh on weapons charges; four stephanie_b@newsitem.com
charged by Patrolman bank account on Feb. 1 and Access card and would be
agents and six Davidians were killed as a 51-day stand- SHAMOKIN — A 37-year- Shane Mowery for allegedly two withdrawals of $325 back to pay for the items.
off began. stealing a bank card belong- and $60 on Feb. 2. Feldges was then alleged-
old Shamokin woman was
On this date:
committed to Mifflin Coun- ing to her father, Robert Hoover was charged with ly seen on camera entering
In 1784, John Wesley, the co-founder of Methodism,
chartered the first Methodist Church in the United ty Jail after a video arraign- Broscious. Broscious told criminal conspiracy by the store and pushing the
States in Leesburg, Virginia. ment by Magisterial Judge police Hoover and her boy- Patrolman Scott Weaver full cart out the front door.
John Gembic Tuesday friend, Sterling Feldges, related to a Jan. 14 incident She was arraigned on
In 1844, a 12-inch gun aboard the USS Princeton ex-
ploded as the ship was sailing on the Potomac River, related to two separate inci- were in his apartment on in which she was seen on $10,000 cash bail for both
killing Secretary of State Abel P. Upshur, Navy Secretary dents, including felony Feb. 1 and Feb. 2. camera leaving a full gro- incidents.
Thomas W. Gilmer and several others.
In 1861, the Territory of Colorado was organized.
In 1917, The Associated Press reported that the Unit-
ed States had obtained a diplomatic communication
sent by German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann
to a German official in Mexico proposing a German alli-
ance with Mexico and Japan should the U.S. enter World
War I. (Outrage over the telegram helped propel America
into the conflict.)
In 1953, scientists James D. Watson and Francis H.C.
Crick announced they had discovered the double-helix
structure of DNA.
In 1958, a school bus clipped a truck near Preston-
burg, Kentucky, and plunged down an embankment into
the Big Sandy River; 22 children managed to escape,
but 26 other children and the bus driver drowned.
In 1960, a day after defeating the Soviets at the Win-
ter Games in Squaw Valley, California, the United States
won its first Olympic hockey gold medal by defeating
Czechoslovakia, 9-4.
In 1968, “Soul on Ice” by Eldridge Cleaver was pub-
lished by McGraw-Hill.
In 1975, 42 people were killed in London’s Under-
ground when a train smashed into the end of a tunnel.
In 1988, the 15th Olympic Winter Games held its clos-
ing ceremony in Calgary, Canada.
In 1996, Britain’s Princess Diana agreed to divorce
Prince Charles. (Their 15-year marriage officially ended
in August 1996; Diana died in a car crash in Paris a year
after that.)
Ten years ago: President George W. Bush told a White
House news conference the country was not reces-
sion-bound; Democratic candidate Barack Obama said STEPHANIE BETTICK/STAFF PHOTO
the economy was “on the brink of a recession” and
blamed economic policies espoused by Bush and Re-
publican presidential contender John McCain. Defense
1 cited in 2-vehicle crash
Secretary Robert Gates told his Turkish counterpart that A Coal Township woman was cited for running a stop sign which resulted in a two-vehicle
Turkey should end its offensive against Kurdish rebels collision at the intersection of North Lombard and Race streets Tuesday. Patrolman Scott
in northern Iraq as soon as possible. Mike Smith, lead Weaver said Debra Kerstetter was driving south on Lombard Street and failed to stop at a
singer for the British band the Dave Clark Five, died out- stop sign. Her Toyota Tacoma hit the front driver’s side of a Toyota Corolla traveling east
side London at age 64. on Race Street driven by Tia Ramer, of Shamokin. A passenger in Ramer’s car was transport-
Five years ago: Benedict XVI became the first pope ed to the hospital by AREA Services. The Corolla was towed by Anthracite Towing.
in 600 years to resign, ending an eight-year pontificate.
(Benedict was succeeded the following month by Pope
Francis.) Bradley Manning, the Army private arrested in
the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history,
pleaded guilty at Fort Meade, Maryland, to 10 charges
involving illegal possession or distribution of classified
Police Blotter
material. (Manning, who later adopted the female iden-
tity Chelsea Manning, was sentenced to up to 35 years Retail theft to steal meat, produce, deli, band and possession of a prison, is accused of pos-
in prison after being convicted of additional charges in a bakery and floral items and small amount of marijuana sessing two small baggies
SHAMOKIN — Patrolman
court-martial, but had her sentence commuted in 2017 other merchandise. involving an incident at 1:30 of marijuana and a plastic
Nathan Rhodes charged Patty
by President Barack Obama.) p.m. Saturday in the parking baggie wrapped inside toi-
Yost, 38, of 1252 W. Arch St., Contraband
One year ago: Heralding a “new chapter of American lot at SCI-Coal Township. let paper in a brown plastic
Coal Township, with a mis- COAL TOWNSHIP — Veroni-
greatness,” President Donald Trump issued a broad According to a criminal shopping bag. Police said the
demeanor of retail theft for ca M. Joyner, 53, of Philadel-
call for overhauling the nation’s health care system and complaint filed at the office items were found inside a car.
allegedly attempting to steal phia, was charged by Trooper
significantly boosting military spending in an hourlong of Magisterial District Judge
$156.07 worth of items from James Nestico of state police
speech to a joint session of Congress. Dozens of tor- John Gembic III, Joyner, who “To My Wonderful Mother”
Weis Markets on Feb. 21. at Stonington with contra- was visiting an inmate at the
nadoes began touching down in the upper Midwest and
northern Arkansas, killing at least three people. Ama-
Police said Yost attempted Mary A.
zon’s cloud-computing service, Amazon Web Services,
experienced a five-hour outage in its eastern U.S. re-
On Her Birthday
gion, causing unprecedented and widespread problems Feb. 28, 2018
for thousands of websites and apps. On your birthday Mother
Today’s Birthdays: Architect Frank Gehry is 89. Actor I’ll tell you oh so true
Gavin MacLeod is 87. Singer Sam the Sham is 81. Ac- No Daughter could “Love” her
tor-director-dancer Tommy Tune is 79. Hall of Fame auto Mother
racer Mario Andretti is 78. Actor Frank Bonner is 76. Ac- More than “I Love You!”
tress Kelly Bishop is 74. Actress Stephanie Beacham is You’re always here to listen
And help in every way,
71. Writer-director Mike Figgis is 70. Actress Rae Dawn
Thank you for always being here
Chong is 57. Actress Maxine Bahns is 49. Actor Robert And helping me each day.
Sean Leonard is 49. Rock singer Pat Monahan is 49. Love
Author Daniel Handler (aka “Lemony Snicket”) is 48. Ac-
Daughter Nancy
tress Tasha Smith is 47. Actor Rory Cochrane is 46. Ac-
tress Ali Larter is 42. Country singer Jason Aldean is 41.
Thought for Today: “In science, all facts, no matter
how trivial or banal, enjoy democratic equality.” — Mary
The News-Item xoxo
My “Love” for you is
I “Love” and “Adore”
McCarthy, American author and critic (1912-1989). 707 N. Rock St. Shamokin • 570.644.6397 • www.newsitem.com you to no end!
— The Associated Press
NOTEWORTHY SELECTIONS AND SIZES TO FIT CUT FREE Seltzers New Recipe Sweet Chipotle Sausage Makers
YOUR HOLIDAY TABLE AND GET Get ready for St. Patrick’s Day Lebanon Bologna ......................................$4.99 lb. Fresh Bone-In Pork Butts
Soup wars set for Saturday TOGETHERS. Seltzers Honey Lebanon Bologna .........$5.29 lb. By the case, 65 lb. Avg. wt...................... $1.29 lb.
with many season choices
SHAMOKIN — The sixth annual Soup War to benefit HOLIDAY HAMS Corn Beef Briskets Flat ....................... $4.99 lb. Seltzers Regular & Sweet 2 in Pack Pork Butts ..................................$1.49 lb.
Manna for the Many will be held Saturday at the Home EARL’S IRISH ISLE HAMS Lebanon Bologna ......................................$4.99 lb. 1 Single Pork Butts ....................................$1.69 lb.
PLUS Fresh Ground Round Store Made
Beef Pastrami & Corn Beef.....................$4.99 lb. Fresh Boneless Pork Butts
Plate Cafe, Second and Chestnut streets, with more than JOHN F. MARTIN • HATFIELD • KUNZLER Hamburg Patties ................................... $3.99 lb.
Old Fashion Dutch Loaf ............................$3.99 lb. By the Case, 65 lb. Avg. wt. .....................$1.59 lb.
20 contestants vying for this year’s Golden Ladle Award. HAZLE PARK • E-Z CUT MORRELL Choice to Prime Whole Beef
Honey Maple Turkey Breast ...................$4.99 lb. 2 in Pack Pork Butts ..................................$1.79 lb.
The Soup War is sponsored by Friends Helping Friends BONE-IN AND BONELESS HAMS Tenderloin Steak ................................. $12.99 lb.
Black Forest Honey Ham .........................$4.99 lb. 1 Single Pork Butt ......................................$1.99 lb.
at the Home Plate Cafe. Judging for the event will take ARE AVAILABLE. Choice to Prime Whole Bone-In
Pepperoni Cheddar Cheese....................$4.99 lb. Sausage Casings by the Hank,
Prime Rib Steak..................................... $6.99 lb.
place between noon and 2 p.m. The soups will be on sale FRESH GRADE “A” CHICKEN Choice to Prime Whole Boneless
Jalapeno Cayenne Cheddar Cheese ....$4.99 lb. makes 50 lb.....................................................$19.95
Jumbo Cut Party Wings Colby Checkerboard Cheese ..................$5.59 lb. Fresh Extra Lean Pork Sirloins
from 2 to 6 p.m. at $3.50 per pint. Prime Steaks.......................................... $7.99 lb. Havarti Cheese...........................................$5.59 lb. By the Case, 30 lb. Avg. wt. .....................$1.59 lb.
40 lb. Box ................................................... $58.00
Soups that will be available include Scotch broth with 20 lb. Or more ........................................$1.59 lb. Choice to Prime Whole White American 100% Real Cheese, Fresh Boneless Whole Center Pork Loins,
winter vegetables, chicken noodle, ham and bean, sea- 10 lb. Or more.........................................$1.69 lb. New York Strip Steaks......................... $6.99 lb. White or Yellow ..........................................$3.99 lb. Cut Free ........................................................$1.79 lb.
food chowder, shrimp corn chowder, stuffed pepper, mac- Lesser amounts.....................................$1.89 lb. Choice to Prime Whole Beef German Sandwich Swiss Cheese .........$4.59 lb. Whole Bone-In Fresh Pork Loins,
aroni and many more. Last year’s winner of the Golden Drumsticks Short Loin-Porterhouse & T-Bone.... $5.99 lb. Mozzarella Cheese....................................$3.99 lb. Cut Free ........................................................$1.39 lb.
40 lb. Box ................................................... $20.80 Choice to Prime Whole Top Butt Fresh Bone-In Center Cut Pork Chops .$1.99 lb.
Ladle was Susan Ward with her specialty, shrimp etouffe. 20 lb. Or more .......................................... $.69 lb. XT Sirloin Steak..................................... $4.99 lb. Grade A Extra Large Eggs Fresh Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops ...... $2.79lb.
Organizers invite the public to enjoy a day full of deli- 10 lb. Or more........................................... $.79 lb. By the case, 15 dozen.................................. $25.35 Fresh Boneless
ciousness that helps support a worthy cause. Lesser amounts....................................... $.99 lb. COME IN AND SEE By the Dozen.....................................................$1.99 Country Style Spareribs ........................$2.59 lb.
Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast
40 lb. Box.................................................... $43.60
BIBLE THOUGHT STARTING AT $200 - $300 - $400 Country Style Spareribs ........................$1.59 lb.
20 lb. Or more.........................................$1.29 lb. Country Fresh Griller Sausage
Fresh Boneless Pork Roast,
10 lb. Or more.........................................$1.39 lb. 10 lb. Box.......................................................$25.90
“And he sat down, and called the twelve, and said to Lesser amounts.....................................$1.59 lb.
SEAFOOD SALE By the pound.............................................$3.19 lb.
3 ½ lb. Avg. wt. ............................................$2.39 lb.
them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be 4 oz. Wild Caught Pacific Salmon..........$4.99 lb. Fresh Bone-In Pork Roast
Bone-In Chicken Breast Mild Fresh Sweet Griller Sausage
3 lb. Box 26-30 Count 3 ½ lb. Avg. wt. ............................................$1.29 lb.
last of all, and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35 AKJV) 40 lb. Box.................................................... $48.00 10 lb. Box.......................................................$25.90
Fresh Pork Cube Steaks...........................$2.59 lb.
Jesus was a servant and so should we. (Provided by 20 lb. Or more.........................................$1.29 lb. Breaded Sea Scallops................................. $33.75 By the pound.............................................$3.19 lb.
2 lb. Bags Breaded Oysters........................ $10.50 Italian Style Season Pork Roast.............$4.59 lb.
10 lb. Or more.........................................$1.39 lb. Hot Fresh Sausage Griller
Highland Baptist Church, West Monroe, Louisiana) Lesser amounts.....................................$1.59 lb. 5 lb. Bags 1oz. Icelandic 10 lb. Box.......................................................$25.90
We also have Stuffed Roast....................$4.99 lb.
Chicken Leg 1/4’s Fresh Ground Pork ....................................$1.99 lb.
T H E N E W S -I T E M E P O L L R E S U LT S Breaded Fish Sticks ..................................... $10.50 By the pound.............................................$3.19 lb.
40 lb. Box.................................................... $22.00 6 lb. Box Icelandic Raw Breaded Finger Link Sausage FRESH GROUND BEEF SALE
20 lb. Or more........................................... $.69 lb. Haddock Squares, 4 oz. Each. ................... $36.50 10 lb. Box.......................................................$29.90
Monday’s question: 93% Ground Round
10 lb. Or more........................................... $.79 lb. 5 lb. Bag Icelandic 31/36 Count By the pound.............................................$3.39 lb. 20 lb. Or more.........................................$3.39 lb.
Lesser amounts....................................... $.99 lb. Apple Sausage Fresh Griller
Do you get nervous when driving Boneless Chicken Thighs
Beer Batter Shrimp ...................................... $34.89 10 lb. Or more.........................................$3.59 lb.
across a bridge? 5 lb. Box Icelandic Cello Haddock Fillets ..... $34.50 10 lb. Box.......................................................$33.25 Lesser amounts.....................................$3.79 lb.
40 lb. Box..................................................... $51.60 By the pound.............................................$3.99 lb.
No (59%, 142 Votes) 20 lb. or more ..........................................$1.39 lb. 85% Ground Sirloin
6 lb. Bags Mrs. T’s Cheddar Store Made Ring Bologna 20 lb. Or more.........................................$3.29 lb.
Depends on the size of the bridge 10 lb. or more ..........................................$1.49 lb.
Cheese Pierogies.......................................... $12.95 Plain, Garlic, Cheddar Cheese, Hot .....$5.09 lb. 10 lb. Or more.........................................$3.49 lb.
Lesser amounts......................................$1.69 lb.
(26%, 63 Votes) Bone-In Chicken Thighs 2 lb. Tubs Potato Pancake Mix .....................$3.95 Smoked Sausage and Lesser amounts.....................................$3.69 lb.
Yes (15%, 37 Votes) 40 lb. Box..................................................... $27.60 4 Dozen Bags T-L Homemade Smoked Kielbasa .....................................$5.09 lb. 81% Ground Chuck
Total Voters: 242 20 lb. or more ............................................ $.79 lb. Cheese Pierogies.............................................$7.95 Plus Fresh Kielbasa.................................$4.99 lb. 20 lb. Or more.........................................$2.89 lb.
10 lb. or more ............................................ $.89 lb. Pre-Browned Crab Cakes .........................4/$5.00 Earl’s Store Made Smoked Shankless/ 10 lb. Or more.........................................$3.09 lb.
Online now: Do you feel safe in your hometown? Lesser amounts......................................$1.09 lb. Crab Salad...................................................$5.95 lb. Skinless Hams, Cut Free ........................$2.59 lb. Lesser Amounts ....................................$3.29 lb.
Vote now at www.newsitem.com We deliver to most of all the surrounding areas including Sunbury, Danville, Milton, Bloomsburg and more! No Minimum and No Delivery Fee!
Hrs. Mon.-Fri. 8am-6pm
The News-Item strives for accuracy. To report a correc- IRISH ISLE PROVISION COMPANY, INC. FOOD STAMPS ACCEPTED 911 W. Arch St., Coal Township • 570.648.6893
Sat. 7am-2pm
Sun. 8am-1pm
*Prices subject to change without notice.
tion or clarification, call 570-644-6397, extension 2, or
write to editorial@newsitem.com.
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praise during
dire situation
Monday’s homicide at Rock and Spurzheim
streets and subsequent standoff at an apart-
ment building at Sunbury and Market streets
was nothing less than tragic and dramatic.
A young woman is dead and civilians were
undoubtedly placed in danger as the suspect
fired at least one shot from an elevated posi-
tion at what is typically one of the city’s busi-
est intersections.
Multiple law enforcement agencies, EMS,
Northumberland County Coroner’s Office
and fire police who responded to both scenes
and worked throughout the night and into
the morning deserve praise for protecting
residents in the midst of stressful and dan-
gerous conditions.
Officers from the Shamokin Police Depart-
ment and various neighboring departments
Sound Off
responded to Rock Street around 8:30 p.m.
570-648-2340 E XT . 6 OR SOUNDOFF @ NEWSITEM . COM
following a report of a shooting. Upon the
discovery of a body, fire police and firefight- Red glare enforcement officers. Well, guess need a good guy with a gun.” A lot of
ers maintained crowd control and supplied The “wanna-be dictator” intends to what? I’m a parent and a homeowner, good that did in Florida when that
lighting at the scene as officers, troopers and play army. He has ordered his gener- not a police officer, and I carry a coward sheriff’s deputy didn’t go into
als, soldiers, guns, tanks, missiles weapon to defend myself and my the building to confront the shooter.
the coroner’s office began an investigation. family. A lot of teachers already con- A police officer’s job is to lay down
At 11 p.m, officers took-up position sur- and rockets to parade by and salute
him. The White House press secre- ceal-carry, so saying you can carry their lives so the civilians may live. If
rounding 129-131 W. Sunbury St., where the anywhere you want except in school you don’t agree with that, don’t
tary guarantees it will be the largest
suspected shooter was holding a hostage. crowd of people ever gathered in any to defend the students and yourself, become a cop. Editor’s take: A police
Patrolman Raymond Siko II attempted on city of the world. Missing will be Vet- in my humble opinion, is just plain officer’s job is to serve and protect.
numerous occasions to convince the suspect erans who are waiting in line for stupid. They aren’t martyrs who are told to
to communicate with him and surrender, die for us, even though most would.
months to see a doctor. Sad, so very They’re all innocent
despite a shot having been fired from the sad. Americans are devastated and out- Splish, splash
apartment. raged over the school shooting that Mount Carmel should open the
Cruel change
Siko and, eventually, a state trooper contin- killed innocent children. Yet, where pool and it will make money if they
All these school shootings have me
ued to try to end the situation peacefully, is the outrage for the children who offer programs like learn to swim,
wondering if our kids and teachers
despite several more shots being fired. The would even react. The school is right are killed in the womb by their own lifeguard training, water aerobics for
demeanor of the suspect; however, did not next to a gun club and there is gun- mothers? adults, family swim special, teenage
appear to change. swim night. Hire someone who is
fire around all the time. I know it has Unreasonable willing to promote the pool.
Fire police, including Mayor John Brown been this way forever, but maybe it is I have a question regarding the
and Councilman Scott Roughton, kept vehicu- time for a change. Editor’s take: We currently proposed “reasonable gun Guessing game
lar and pedestrian traffic away from the understand these are sensitive times, laws.” How is it reasonable we can Let me get this straight: A trained
scene. Patience — and at times firm orders — but come on. ask 18-year-olds to put their lives on police officer with 30 years of experi-
were used to keep curious onlookers or peo- License to ill the line in the military to defend our ence froze up and wouldn’t go into a
ple unaware of the dangers away from the The right to own a gun for self-de- freedoms, but then deny them the building with an active shooter. So,
scene. Many roads had reopened by 7 a.m., fense is every bit equal to the right to right to self-defense until they the idea is to train teachers to con-
but fire police were still at the scene at 5 p.m. speak freely and practice your reli- become 21? It doesn’t make sense to front the active shooters. I guess
The focus to protect and serve the commu- gion. Progressives want to punish me. teachers are braver than cops.
nity was forefront. Tackling the dire situa- law-abiding citizens with new “com- Um, what? Dollars for dummies
tion of an active shooter while attention mon sense” gun law reforms with no This is for all you left-wing loonies. Donald Trump said you should
amasses in the background is far from an evidence more laws will prevent Take away all the guns, you either go to give bonuses to those teachers who
easily navigated task. The professionalism of future tragedies. Maybe the mentally jail or a concentration camp. For men- have guns. Think about that. Who is
all agencies involved in the response should ill should not be permitted to possess tally ill who are against the govern- going to pay for that? Right now peo-
be duly noted and applauded. firearms? Sane people do not commit ment, put them in concentration camps ple are saying teachers are being
mass murder. or worse. This was done before; I overpaid. What teacher is going to
L EGISLATIVE C ONTACTS Carry on believe it was called Nazism. People risk their lives shooting a man who is
A public statement was in Satur- will always find ways to get guns. shooting off one round every 30 sec-
State Rep. Kurt Masser P.O. Box 202017 onds? How stupid could you be? We
(R-107) Harrisburg, Pa. 17120
day morning’s News-Item about Lay down the law really have a crazy man running the
teachers carrying guns in schools. It “To stop a bad guy with a gun, you
Email: kmasser@ Phone: 717-260-6134 country.
Toll-free: 855-271-9386 said teachers are not trained law
467 Industrial Park Road Fax: 717-787-9463
Elysburg, Pa. 17824
Phone: 648-8017
Fax: 644-7845
State Rep. Lynda Culver
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: lculver@pahousegop.
Sore losers and haywire notions
Room 414 Irvis Web: lyndaculver.com
106 Arch St. To the editor: In the car- ers live their lives, often sake it would be wise that the truth” as he alleged, it
Office Building toon strip Blondie, Mister times are not able to live up he not critique the political has not gone unnoticed
Sunbury, Pa. 17801
Dithers once told Dagwood to the standards they sup- beliefs of first responders that in all the letters he’s
Bumstead, “Put your left posedly espouse. So who are or medical professionals in written, Mr. Splitt never
L ETTER P OLICY hand over your left ear, they to judge anybody? the event of a personal rebuked Hillary Clinton
• Letters to the Editor must be signed. Requests to withhold Bumstead, because I’ve got Mr. Splitt went on to say emergency. about her 33,000 emails
names will not be honored. something to tell you, and I conservatives are guilty of Sore losers with haywire that mysteriously van-
• Full addresses and phone numbers are required to deter- don’t want it going in one “having no compassion or notions need to come to ished after they were sub-
mine the authenticity of a letter. They will not be published. ear and out the other.” empathy, and live in fear so their senses and wake up. poenaed. Or how about the
• Letters are subject to editing and should not exceed 300 That same lesson can eas- they build walls and have The election is over and the pay-to-play Clinton Foun-
words. ily be applied to Ken Splitt guns.” Absurd thinking like people have spoken. The dation, the big Benghazi
• Libelous statements and personal abuse will be deleted. about his mudslinging let- that is the telltale sign of an queen of mistrust, the lie and the Russian collu-
• Letters may be mailed or dropped off at the Shamokin or ter, because his outrageous Obama boot licker. Who is deceitful and untrust- sion that sent 20 percent of
Mount Carmel offices of The News-Item, faxed to 570-644- gall to generalize conserva- he to question the compas- worthy Hillary Clinton, this country’s uranium
6397 ext. 2 or sent via e-mail to andy_h@newsitem.com. Per- tives as “gullible and hav- sion and empathy of any- lost, because she came with stock to Russia? What
sons faxing or e-mailing letters should call to confirm their ing disdain for facts and body, especially about how more baggage than an about her outrageous
receipt. reasoning, along with sus- they lead their lives, think insurance widow on an claim that she came under
ceptibility to misinforma- or vote? One would hope around-the-world cruise. sniper fire in Bosnia?
tion,” as he called it, is such fractured and conde- Get over it. Oh those darn old facts
unfounded nonsense. Peo- scending logic does not And now that Mr. Splitt are pesky little devils,
ple with a grandiose sense apply to how he feels about is openly criticizing aren’t they?
of themselves who are over- people’s religion, race, eth- Trump about “the 2,000 Michael J. McCarthy
ly concerned with how oth- nicity or gender. And for his times he lied or stretched Mechanicsburg
FROM PAGE 1 “Jose, can you hear me?” Siko
the front of the apartment build- yelled at one point. “Please don’t
ing. The wounded shooter was bring any weapons out.”
removed from his apartment, The second search warrant
placed in the ambulance and said after the third attempt to
transported to Geisinger. speak to Colon, Siko saw a barrel
At this point of the investiga- of a weapon emerge from a third-
tion, Colon has been charged by floor window pointed in his direc-
Shamokin Patrolman Shane tion. Siko saw a muzzle flash and
Mowery with misdemeanors of heard a sound like plastic break-
terroristic threats, false imprison- ing.
ment and possessing an instru- Upon the flash of the muzzle,
ment of crime for allegedly point- Siko yelled “gun” and took cover
ing a gun at his roommate, Colin behind a vehicle with Mount Car-
Fraley, and holding him hostage mel Township Patrolman Daniel
at their apartment for more than Politza. Tobias ducked for cover
two hours before Fraley was able between two buildings next to the
to escape. car, according to the search war-
No murder charges have been rant. Mount Carmel Patrolman
filed against Colon. Kyle Schauer also took cover and
the four officers became pinned to
Incident unfoldds their areas for safety due to Colon
According to a criminal com- popping in and out of the window.
plaint, Fraley told police that At approximately 4 a.m., a
when he walked inside his Pennsylvania State Police Special
apartment at 9 p.m. Monday, Emergency Response Team
Colon pointed a handgun at his (SERT) dressed in camouflage
face. Fraley said Colon told him and operating tactical vehicles
to sit down and not do anything began to arrive at the scene. At
stupid or he will be shot. When 4:25 a.m., a spotlight illuminated
Fraley asked Colon what was the windows of the building and a
going on, Colon only told him State troopers walk away from 129-131 W. Sunbury St. at the conclusion of a standoff trooper used a loud speaker to try
that he did something stupid. Tuesday morning. A total of seven shots were fired during the more than six-hour ordeal. and get Colon’s attention.
Fraley said Colon pointed a The trooper told Colon, “This is
silver semi-automatic handgun state police. We know you are in
at him for two hours and told there. Come to the window to let
him he was not allowed to leave us know you’re OK. Please coop-
the apartment. Eventually, Fra- erate.”
ley told Colon he had to use the Colon fired a second and third
bathroom, at which time he shot upon the SERT Armored
was able to escape through a Bear Cat vehicle at 4:29 a.m. A
window and down a ladder. fifth shot followed at 5:24 a.m. and
Magisterial District Judge the final two shots were fired a
John Gembic III issued a minute later.
search warrant for Colon’s SERT returned shots as Colon
apartment at 1:35 a.m. Tuesday failed to surrender. About 10
and an arrest warrant for minutes after the last shot was
Colon at 2 a.m. fired, lights on the upper floor
In addition to firing shots at and in the rear of the building
police, holding his roommate came on as the SERT team made
hostage and being a suspect in a tactical entry into the resi-
Ortiz’s murder, Colon is dence. Colon was found lying on
accused of threatening Jose the ground with a gunshot
Navarro at his apartment at 405 wound. A shotgun was discov-
E. Sunbury St. after Ortiz’s ered approximately four feet
shooting. Navarro told police from Colon.
Colon began banging on his
door before asking him if he
In custody
heard about the shooting and Colon was restrained by
telling him he “would be next.” SERT members and initially
Navarro said Colon had a treated for injuries by a medic
shotgun and continued to bang before being transported to
on his door before leaving the Geisinger for additional treat-
area and reportedly going to ment.
his apartment. State police returned to
A state trooper begins to unload a tactical vehicle on Independence Street, near Market Street. Colon’s residence Tuesday
According to court docu-
ments, Colon’s criminal history with the additional search
in the local area involves him warrant signed at 3:03 p.m. by
being charged with two felony Gembic in an effort to locate
counts of harboring a fugitive weapons, ammunition, cloth-
and a misdemeanor of disor- ing worn by Colon at the time
derly conduct. of the incident, cell and elec-
Those charges relate to an tronic devices used for photos
incident on March 11, 2016, in or videos and any biological
which Colon allegedly har- evidence to include suspected
bored or concealed the where- blood samples.
abouts of Peter Pereira, 24, of According to a press release
Shamokin. Pereira escaped issued Tuesday by Trooper
from a city officer earlier in the Rick Blair, public information
day, which led to a manhunt officer for Troop F, Northum-
involving multiple police berland County District Attor-
departments. Pereira eventual- ney Tony Matulewicz’s office
ly turned himself in to authori- reviewed available details of
ties. the investigation and has pre-
Colon pleaded guilty before liminarily concluded that
Gembic to the disorderly con- state troopers were justified
Pennsylvania State Police in their actions. Blair said
duct charge and was ordered to
homicide investigators a final prosecutorial decision
pay a fine and costs.
HARRY DEITZ/PHOTOS FOR THE NEWS-ITEM Corporal Chad Shultz, left, and/or conclusion regarding
Fatal shooting Police gather at the corner of Rock and Spurzheim streets of Selinsgrove barracks the justification of the shoot-
Prior to the standoff that at the scene of a homicide Monday night in Shamokin. and Trooper Kirk Renn, ing will be made when the
began shortly before 11 p.m. Milton, of Milton barracks DA’s office has an opportunity
Monday and ended around 5:30 stand outside an apartment to review all of the evidence.
a..m. Tuesday, police were located at 131 W. Sunbury
searching for Colon in connec-
City uprooted
St. Tuesday afternoon in
tion with an alleged drive-by Shamokin. State Police Traffic was detoured on
shooting that resulted in forensics searched the several streets surrounding
Ortiz’s death. the scene. Sunbury Street
home of the suspect for evi-
Ortiz was pronounced dead between Sixth and Eighth
dence in an active homicide
by Northumberland County streets remained closed Tues-
investigation. day as investigators contin-
Coroner James Kelley shortly
after he arrived on the scene at ued their probe while fire
Donuts with his hands held high. police directed traffic around
9 p.m. Monday. A second search
He repeated the command several the scene.
warrant for state police
times until a shot rang out. Dunkin’ Donuts closed for
obtained by The News-Item
Colon then yelled from an multiple hours Monday night
from Gembic on Tuesday after-
upper-floor window, “I (expletive) and Tuesday due to the hos-
noon said Ortiz suffered a gun-
didn’t do anything. Just kill me.” tage situation and standoff.
shot wound to the head. Her
Lights on the top floor periodi- Shamokin Area schools and
body was found behind a black
cally turned on and off as Siko Our Lady of Lourdes Region-
Ford Explorer in a lot owned by
Police investigate the scene. attempted to re-establish commu- al School had two-hour delays
Robert Gilligbauer.
nication with Colon. A shadow as a result of the standoff
An autopsy was conducted
behind a sheet covering a window due to Sunbury Street being
Tuesday morning at Lehigh 14 years old, said the murder vic- “We are continuing to actively moved back and forth. blocked off. Also, Gembic
Valley Hospital. tim, who was the mother of two investigate the homicide, standoff At one point, Colon shouted, postponed all preliminary
The murder scene at Rock small children, is originally from and hostage situation,” said “You’re just gonna have to kill me, hearings and other legal pro-
and Spurzheim streets Brooklyn, New York. He said her Shamokin Police Chief Darwin you’re just gonna.” At other ceedings at his office Tuesday
remained closed to traffic for mother, Angelic Ortiz, who for- Tobias III. “I want to thank all the times, Siko’s repeated attempts to due to the shooting and stand-
several hours before reopening merly resided in Shamokin, and municipal police officers and talk to Colon went without a off.
early Tuesday. the victim’s two brothers, who all state police who assisted at the response from the suspect.
Gilligbauer, who has operat- currently live in Brooklyn, New scene of the standoff. They did a
ed a vehicle repair shop at Rock York, were scheduled to arrive in great job in protecting the safety
and Spurzheim streets for
25,410.03 -299.24
7,330.35 -91.11
q S&P 500
2,744.28 -35.32
p 10-YR T-NOTE
2.90% +.04
n 30-YR T-BOND
3.16% ...
$63.01 -.90
$1,315.50 -14.80
$1.2236 -.0076
DOW Trans. 10823.17 10522.82 10523.79 -246.05 -2.28% -0.83% 6 MO AGO 4.25 1.13 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.88 3.89 -0.01 3.85 Vol.: 49.1m (4.2x avg.) PE: 12.5
NYSE NASD 10-Yr. TIPS .77 0.72 +0.05 .34 Mkt. Cap: $8.7 b Yield: 5.3%
DOW Util. 687.75 671.99 672.02 -11.71 -1.71% -7.10% 1 YR AGO 3.75 .63
Vol. (in mil.) 3,728 2,123 NYSE Comp. 13018.15 12819.22 12819.22 -180.40 -1.39% +0.08% Comcast CMCSA
Pvs. Volume 3,403 1,842 NASDAQ 7438.09 7330.35 7330.35 -91.11 -1.23% +6.18% Close: $36.66 -2.92 or -7.4%
Advanced 647 694 S&P 500 2789.15 2744.22 2744.28 -35.32 -1.27% +2.64% The cable company offered to buy
Declined 2265 2159 S&P 400 1921.49 1887.20 1887.21 -27.72 -1.45% -0.70% British broadcaster Sky for $29.5
“My personal outlook for the economy has strengthened billion.
New Highs 93 99 Wilshire 5000 28795.92 28339.83 28339.84 -369.60 -1.29% +1.96% since December.”
New Lows 54 54 Russell 2000 1564.63 1536.47 1536.47 -22.86 -1.47% +0.06%
— Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, in his first testimony before Congress. $45
Spotlight Akorn squashed
Generic drugmaker Akorn lost more than a third of merger agreement aren’t met.
The price of U.S.
Crude Oil (bbl)
Ethanol (gal)
63.91 -1.41 +4.3
1.48 +0.20 +11.3
52-week range
$34.78 $44.00
its value Tuesday on worries that German health Akorn shares rocketed nearly 40 percent last crude oil fell Heating Oil (gal) 1.96 1.99 -1.15 -5.4
Vol.: 68.8m (2.7x avg.) PE: 7.7
care company Fresenius Kabi April, when Fresenius agreed to Tuesday. Natural Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.68 2.64 -0.11 -9.1 Mkt. Cap: $171.1 b Yield: 2.1%
may abandon a bid to buy it. buy it for $34 a share, or $4.3 gas was nearly Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.80 1.83 -1.28 +0.2
Lake Forest, Illinois-based billion. flat, while METALS CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD Akorn AKRX
Akorn said it’s investigating Akorn stock plunged 38 percent heating oil and Gold (oz) 1315.50 1330.30 -1.11 +0.7 Close: $18.65 -11.63 or -38.4%
“alleged breaches of FDA data to $18.65 on Tuesday, its biggest wholesale Silver (oz) 16.35 16.54 -1.23 -4.2 The generic drugmaker fell on re-
integrity requirements relating to one-day drop since 2001. That left ports that German health care com-
gasoline Platinum (oz) 984.60 1001.80 -1.72 +5.4 pany Fresenius could abandon a
product development.” Fresenius says its board will the stock at its lowest price in a little more than a declined. Gold, Copper (lb) 3.16 3.20 -1.25 -3.7 bid to buy it.
assess findings of an independent investigation and year, or two months before it said it was in talks with silver and copper Palladium (oz) 1029.20 1056.50 -2.40 -4.2 $40
that the acquisition “may be affected” if terms of the Fresenius. also fell. AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS %CHG %YTD 30
Cattle (lb) 1.28 1.27 +0.49 +4.1 20
Akorn (AKRX) Tuesday’s close: $18.65 Price change 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* Coffee (lb) 1.21 1.22 -0.66 -4.0 10
Corn (bu) 3.71 3.69 +0.54 +5.6 D J F
52-WEEK RANGE Price-earnings ratio: 32 AKRX -15.5% -29.8 7.5 52-week range
$18 $34 (Based on past 12-month results) Cotton (lb) 0.82 0.82 +0.07 +4.0 $18.20 $34.00
Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 523.00 523.00 ... +16.7
AP *annualized Source: FactSet Vol.: 23.9m (16.7x avg.) PE: 18.8
Orange Juice (lb) 1.46 1.48 -1.25 +7.5 Mkt. Cap: $2.3 b Yield: ...
Soybeans (bu) 10.38 10.34 +0.36 +9.1
FULL LISTING OF MUTUAL FUNDS ON SUNDAYS Wheat (bu) 4.63 4.60 +0.82 +8.5 Nutrisystem NTRI
(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) Close: $31.30 -8.60 or -21.6%
The weight loss company’s fore-
Stocks of Local Interest Exelon Corp EXC 1.38f 11 3.7 37.24 -.79 -5.5 Merck & Co MRK 1.92 20 3.5 54.72 -1.34 -2.8 casts for 2018 fell far short of ana-
Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 3.08 17 4.0 77.50 -1.34 -7.3 MetLife Inc MET 1.60 10 3.4 47.22 -.33 -6.6 lyst projections.
COMPANY TICKER DIV PE YLD CLOSE CHG %YTD FedEx Corp FDX 2.00 21 .8 248.74 -5.77 -0.3 Micron Tech MU ... 10 48.60 +.62 +18.2
AT&T Inc T 2.00f 14 5.4 36.87 -.59 -5.2 Fifth Third Bcp FITB 0.64 12 1.9 33.26 -.50 +9.6 Microsoft Corp MSFT 1.68 68 1.8 94.29 -1.13 +10.2
Fitbit Inc FIT ... dd 4.86 -.68 -14.9 Nokia Corp NOK 0.17e 2.9 5.87 -.06 +26.0 50
Adv Micro Dev AMD ... 12.53 +.11 +21.8
Akers Biosciences AKER ... dd .74 +.17 +453.7 Ford Motor F 0.60a 5 5.7 10.61 -.28 -15.1 Norfolk Sthn NSC 2.88f 22 2.0 142.83 -2.69 -1.4 40
Akorn Inc AKRX ... 21 18.69 -11.59 -42.0 Fulton Financial FULT 0.44a 18 2.4 18.60 -.35 +3.9 Oracle Corp ORCL 0.76 22 1.5 50.73 -.44 +7.3 30
Gen Dynamics GD 3.36 24 1.5 223.89 -2.89 +10.0 D J F
Amazon.com Inc AMZN ... cc 1512.97 -8.98 +29.4 PPL Corp PPL 1.64f 13 5.6 29.17 -.65 -5.8 52-week range
Amgen AMGN 5.28e 17 2.8 186.08 -2.42 +7.0 Gen Electric GE 0.48 dd 3.3 14.51 -.14 -17.0 Penney JC Co Inc JCP ... 21 4.21 +.05 +33.2 $28.50 $67.95
Apple Inc AAPL 2.52 21 1.4 178.47 -.50 +5.5 Goodyear GT 0.56 10 1.9 29.52 -.31 -8.7 PepsiCo PEP 3.22 23 2.9 110.94 ... -7.5
HP Inc HPQ 0.53 14 2.3 23.52 +.06 +11.9 Vol.: 8.7m (16.5x avg.) PE: 16.5
Applied Matls AMAT 0.80f 18 1.4 57.66 -1.15 +12.8 Pfizer Inc PFE 1.28 15 3.5 36.80 -.29 +1.6 Mkt. Cap: $940.2 m Yield: 2.2%
Aqua America Inc WTR 0.82 27 2.4 34.51 -.49 -12.0 Harley Davidson HOG 1.48f 14 3.2 45.54 -1.09 -10.5
Procter & Gamble PG 2.76 22 3.4 80.54 -1.09 -12.3
BB&T Corp BBT 1.50a 18 2.7 54.95 -.84 +10.5 Hasbro Inc HAS 2.28 31 2.3 97.23 -1.29 +7.0 Tenet Healthcare THC
Raytheon Co RTN 3.19 32 1.5 219.19 -.67 +17.2
Bank of America BAC 0.48 21 1.5 32.33 -.09 +9.5 Hershey Company HSY 2.62 21 2.7 98.19 +.19 -13.5
Rite Aid Corp RAD ... 2.03 -.06 +2.8 Close: $20.77 1.70 or 8.9%
Barrick Gold ABX 0.12 25 1.0 11.76 -.43 -18.7 Home Depot HD 4.12f 25 2.2 184.98 -3.48 -2.4 The hospital operator had a bet-
Sealed Air SEE 0.64 21 1.5 42.14 -.66 -14.5
BioPharmX Corp BPMX ... dd .23 +.05 +108.2 Intel Corp INTC 1.20f 19 2.4 49.98 +.87 +8.3 ter-than-expected fourth quarter.
IBM IBM 6.00 12 3.8 156.55 -2.03 +2.0 Sears Holdings CorpSHLD ... dd 2.56 -.02 -28.5
Chesapk Engy CHK ... 5 3.06 -.15 -22.7 Snap Inc A SNAP 3.28 20.1 16.32 -.77 +11.7
Chevron Corp CVX 4.48f 50 3.9 113.61 -.99 -9.2 Intl Paper IP 1.90f 20 3.2 60.16 -.41 +3.8
Intl Speedway ISCA 0.43f 30 .9 45.55 -.40 +14.3 Speedway Mot TRK 0.60 22 3.0 20.01 -.22 +6.0 $25
Cisco Syst CSCO 1.32f 23 2.9 45.06 -.31 +17.6
Johnson & Johnson JNJ 3.36 19 2.6 131.67 -.40 -5.8 Time Warner TWX 1.61 16 1.7 94.32 -.96 +3.1 20
CocaCola Co KO 1.56f 81 3.6 43.62 -.41 -4.9
Juniper Networks JNPR 0.72 14 2.8 26.10 -.09 -8.4 Toyota Mot TM ... 136.03 -2.40 +7.0
Colgate-Palmolive CL 1.60 24 2.3 69.92 -1.15 -7.3 15
Comcast Corp A CMCSA 0.76f 18 2.1 36.68 -2.90 -8.0 Korea Fund KF 4.50e q 41.52 -.43 +0.6 UPS class B UPS 3.64f 18 3.4 105.69 -2.38 -11.3
Verizon Comm VZ 2.36 7 4.9 48.04 -1.05 -9.2 10
Disney DIS 1.68f 15 1.6 104.87 -4.94 -2.5 Lowes Cos LOW 1.64 21 1.7 95.79 -1.72 +3.1 D J F
Duke Energy DUK 3.56 17 4.7 76.33 -1.59 -9.2 M&T Bank MTB 3.00 21 1.6 192.19 -3.13 +12.4 Viavi Inc VIAV ... 20 9.79 -.16 +12.0 52-week range
Macy’s Inc M 1.51 10 5.3 28.40 +.95 +12.7 WalMart Strs WMT 2.08f 20 2.3 91.52 -1.60 -7.3 $12.25 $22.00
eBay Inc EBAY ... 21 43.16 -.68 +14.4
Eli Lilly LLY 2.25f 25 2.9 78.70 -1.48 -6.8 Mallinckrodt plc MNK ... 18.66 +2.47 -17.3 Weis Mkts WMK 1.20 18 3.1 38.55 -.36 -6.9 Vol.: 8.3m (3.2x avg.) PE: ...
Ericsson ERIC 0.13e 1.9 6.78 -.22 +1.4 McDonalds Corp MCD 4.04 27 2.5 160.66 -2.92 -6.7 Wendys Co WEN 0.34f 17 2.1 16.27 -.35 -0.9 Mkt. Cap: $2.1 b Yield: ...
Eight-year-old Hailey Kashner sits on the sidewalk next to a candlelight memorial for 24-year-old Kay Ortiz who was killed Monday night in Shamokin.
A small bouquet of flowers was placed near the location of Monday night’s
murder of a young woman at Rock and Spurzheim streets in Shamokin.
FROM PAGE 1 said Kehler. way out of these drug person who loved children
Ortiz’ girlfriend and fian-
cé, Shannon Kehler, who
Kehler’s mother, Kim
Mull, addressed the crowd
addictions. Reach out and
help if you know someone
and never stayed mad at
organized the event, and thanked everyone for who’s in trouble,” said Belinda Smith, a close
couldn’t hold back the tears coming.
“This was a senseless act.
Megan Holohan, who
friend of Ortiz added, “I
was real close friends with
as was the case with many
others in the crowd. Kay was a mother and a was a foster parent to Ortiz her. She was a geni- SERVICES
“She was an amazing and daughter who had a lot of and took her in as a teenag- une-hearted girl who loved
beautiful human being,” friends. We’ve got to find a er said, “She was a bubbly everyone she knew.” Appearing March 24, 27 & 30
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Weapons • Special Church Rates
FROM PAGE 1 tile bullets. ground.
At the station, Zimmerman said The three were told charges would
the center of his back as Siko contin-
ued commanding the men to show they left 331 S. Shamokin St., where be forthcoming and shortly after leav- MONDAY, MARCH 21
their hands. He reported Curran also they all reside, to go for a walk and ing the station at 10:33 p.m., Siko was
began yelling it was a toy. both Curran and Tokar-Moore held dispatched to the males’ home for a SPECIAL RATES ALSO AVAILABLE
Tokar-Moore slid a silver revolver the guns in their hands walking by complaint.
handgun on the ground as Siko several people on their porches. A female resident of the home told FOR ALL YOUR
watched Curran remove a black Curran claimed they decided to Siko the three men had gone out earli- LENTEN MEALS & EVENTS
revolver handgun from his back shoot soda cans and after believing er in search of another male. When
waistband. He held it by the top of the several people spotted the gun, speaking to the men in the home,
weapon as he placed it on the ground. attempted to hide it in his waist- Zimmerman told Siko a female friend Call Ann Jones at
Coal Township officers Cpl. Joshua band. Siko asked him if he under- had told him she was being harassed 570-644-6397 ext 1315
Wynn and Patrolman Ed Purcell con- stood how lucky he was for not get- by a male named Jimmy and the
ducted searches of the males for addi- ting hurt and stressed to listen when three were attempting to find him to email: ann_j@newsitem.com
tional weapons as Siko secured those an officer tells him not to move. talk about it. They said they took the
placed on the ground. Five bullets Siko said Tokar-Moore the guns weapons to potentially scare him and THE NEWS-ITEM
were located in Tokar-Moore’s front belonged to him and they had been make him stop. 707 N. Rock St., Shamokin
pants pocket. walking to the home a friend named All three were charged were disor-
Police learned the guns were Jimmy. He told Siko he didn’t think derly conduct and warrants have
revolver-style pellet guns with projec- he would be shot if he told police the been issued for their arrest.
gun was a toy and placed it on the
Tim Zyla, Sports Editor
Phone (570) 644-6397 ext. 5
Youth sports
Fax (570) 648-7581 Parents becoming concerned
E-mail sports@newsitem.com with increase in sex abuse
Follow us on Twitter: visibility | Page 11
Pairings for Friday and Saturday’s
Class AA Northeast Regional wrestling
tournament have been released with 16
athletes set to hit the mat at Williamsport
Area High School.
Below are the first round matchups:
Northeast Regional AA pairings
106: (1) Sheldon Seymour, Troy, 30-1, vs. (8) Blake Wirt, Line
Mountain, 34-8; (5) Jacob Blair, Muncy, 37-4, vs. (4) Jason
Carver, Meyers, 14-13; (3) Gable Strickland, Benton, 26-8,
vs. (6) Antonio D’Apollonio, Scranton Prep, 30-9; (7) Gabriel
Gramly, Mifflinburg, 35-6, vs. (2) Tristyn Bodie, Honesdale,
113: (1) Wyatt Lutz, Montoursville, 33-2, vs. (8) Mario
Barberio, Muncy, 41-10; (5) Darren Schum, Wyalusing, 32-7,
vs. (4) Joe Rowley, Hanover, 22-12; (3) Patrick Edmondson,
Southern Columbia, 37-8, vs. (6) Pete West, Honesdale,
28-12; (7) Noah Hunt, Warrior Run, 22-12, vs. (2) Nick Yule,
Berwick, 25-9.
120: (1) Jaret Lane, Southern Columbia, 41-1, vs. (8) Logan
Newton, Wyalusing, 28-14; (5) Justin Gessner, Lewisburg,
23-8, vs. (4) Zach Stuart, Lake Lehman, 25-11; (3) Luke Gorg,
Wrestling, Page 10
Southern Columbia’s Elijah Dobson battles with Brandyn Tuttle during a Class AAA semifinal game Tuesday
in Williamsport.
through and having all those great play- ers and Tuttle, a junior, and it In addition to the turnovers, Southern Columbia’s Tobias Walden brings down a
ers stare at you?” showed, especially defensively. the Tigers just couldn’t make rebound under pressure from Wellsboro’s Collin
Thome got the call in January when he They switched and masked shots, They were 8-for-36 (22 Pietropola, left, and Nick Ingerick, right, during a
was elected along with Chipper Jones, their defenses and almost SCA, Page 10 Class AAA semifinal game Tuesday in Williamsport.
Thome, Page 10
Michigan State, Big Ten take Midwest hoops show to Big Apple
NCAA bubble team like Nebras- Each school has had had chal-
ka to make a stand. The Corn-
AP SPORTS WRITER lenging seasons for different rea-
huskers had a school-record 13 sons.
MADISON, Wis. — What an conference wins to bust its repu- The young Badgers endured
odd year in the Big Ten. tation as a lower-division dweller. growing pains and an uncharac-
Michigan State looks Final “Personally I think so,” guard teristic losing season. But there
Four-worthy but faces off-court Anton Gill said when asked after are signs that the inexperienced
questions. Wisconsin looks better a 76-64 win Sunday over Penn players surrounding Ethan Happ
of late but still faces a losing State if Nebraska had done are finally getting it after win-
record. enough to make the NCAAs. “But ning four of five games before
And Nebraska — Nebraska! — we’re not going down to New ending the regular season with a
is up. York just to play around. We want close loss to Michigan State.
It’s time to take this Midwest to win that, too. We feel like we In the locker room, guard Brad
hoops show back on the road have the best team in the Big Davison had a message for his fel-
again. Ten.” low Badgers after the freshman
The Big Ten Tournament That title actually belongs to scored a career-high 30 points.
begins Wednesday, one week ear- Michigan State. “I just told them, ‘I’d rather
lier than usual at a rather unusu- Coach Tom Izzo’s team won the beat the next week anyway,’”
al venue: Madison Square Garden conference crown outright and Davison said, referring to the Big
in New York. While well outside the top seed in the Big Ten tour- Ten tourney. “It’s not college foot-
of the league’s predominant- ney by grinding out a 68-63 win at ball. It’s college basketball, where
In this Jan. 25, 2018, file photo, Ohio State forward Keita
ly-Midwest footprint, the Garden Wisconsin in a matchup of the the regular season is kind of
Bates-Diop, left, drives against Penn State forward Deivis can’t be beat as one of the tradi-
Zemgulis during an NCAA college basketball game in tional hubs of college basketball. last two team conference teams to washed away.”
Columbus, Ohio. make the Final Four (2015). B1G, Page 10
No better place for a potential
LeBron flattered by Philly FROM PAGE 9
Michigan State’s most pressing issues have come
off the court.
fans’ free-agency fawning Questions have swirled over how the school han-
dled allegations against disgraced former sports
doctor Larry Nassar, leading to broader questions
about how Izzo and other coaches at the school have
BY TOM WITHERS dealt with various allegations against players.
AP SPORTS WRITER Following a Yahoo Sports report last week, Michi-
gan State said its compliance office discovered that
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — LeB- Bridges’ family had dinner with an agent last win-
ron James has Philadelphia’s bas- ter without his knowledge, committing an NCAA
ketball pulse racing. violation. The school said the finding Friday made
The NBA superstar still hasn’t Bridges ineligible, leading it to apply for reinstate-
seen three billboards urging him to ment, which was granted the next day by the
join the 76ers, but he’s flattered by NCAA.
the idea that a city would want him Questions are likely to come up again in New
to play there. York. On the court, the Spartans have pressed on
“That’s dope,” he said. and head into the postseason with a 28-3 record, the
The three billboards were best start in school history.
unveiled on Monday on busy Inter- “Handling the adversity that they’ve handled I
state-480 outside Cleveland, and think is going to make them better men for the next
each contains a message asking
James to sign with the Sixers this
60 years,” Izzo said.
Other story lines and things to watch at the Big
summer as a free agent. Ten Tournament:
The signs, which were paid for
by a Chester, Pennsylvania, compa- SPARTY’S STARS
ny were inspired by the Oscar-nom- Bridges draws the most attention from opposing
inated film, “Three Billboards Out- defenses, while Nick Ward and Jaren Jackson Jr.
side Ebbing, Missouri.” But their provide heft up front. But in the backcourt, Cassius
objective was to entice James to Winston offers balance with 3-point marksmanship.
come to Philadelphia. He’s 16 of 20 from behind the arc over his last four
Although James may not see the games, including a 6-of-6 effort against Wisconsin.
signs because they’re not on any BUCKEYES ARE BACK
route he would take from his home
in Bath, Ohio, to Quicken Loans Chris Holtmann’s first season coaching at Ohio
Arena, the three-time champion State was a hit after the Buckeyes exceeded presea-
was warmed by their sentiment. son expectations to finish 15-3 in the league to get
“It is actually very flattering that the second seed in the tournament. Forward Keita
I’m sitting here at 33 and in my Bates-Diop (19.2 points, 8.9 rebounds) won league
15th year and teams or guys — I player of the year honors.
One of three billboards trying to entice Cleveland Cavaliers’
don’t want to say teams because LeBron James to come to Philadelphia are shown near a highway, BOILERS BACK UP
that becomes tampering — but peo- Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018, in Cleveland. The three billboards were A three-game losing streak in mid-February end-
in their respective city want me
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. unveiled on Monday on busy Interstate-480 outside Cleveland, and ed Purdue’s chances to win the Big Ten. But the
to play for them,” he said. “That’s
each contains a message asking James to sign with the Sixers this Boilermakers have steadied themselves with three
cool I think.” straight wins headed into the conference tourney.
James’ appreciation caused a
summer as a free agent.
They might have an ideal mix to do postseason dam-
commotion on social media as Six- age with tested seniors and balanced scoring.
ers fans began dreaming of No. 23
in one of the team’s jerseys. NBA liers on Thursday night. James’ free agency figures to be WHAT HAPPENED?
tampering rules prohibit teams James can opt out of his contract the NBA’s biggest offseason story,
Northwestern took a step back one year after
from having any involvement in with Cleveland following this sea- and the four-time champion recent-
making the NCAA Tournament for the first time in
recruiting players, but there’s noth- son and the superstar can hit the ly shot down any discussion about
school history. The injury-plagued Wildcats (15-16)
ing to stop fans from making their free-agency market. his future until this season ends.
likely need to win the conference tourney to return
pitch. The first billboard includes a Following Tuesday’s shootar-
to the NCAAs.
“We’re passionate about Phila- “#23” in maroon with a crown, on a ound before the Cavs hosted Brook-
court with four numbers — the jer- lyn, James initially pretended he WOLVERINE Ws
delphia,” Asher Raphael, co-CEO
of by Power Home Remodeling, the seys for Sixers Ben Simmons, Joel was unaware of the billboards. Looking for a contender outside of the top four?
company that paid for the bill- Embiid, Dario Saric and Robert “A lot of potholes on 480,” James Fifth-seeded Michigan enters the tournament hav-
boards told ESPN. “We have an Covington. The second billboard joked. “Got to be careful with the ing won five straight games and seven of eight. The
amazing city. It’s the best sports has the motto: “Complete The Pro- cars. Got to be very careful. That’s Wolverines face the winner of the Illinois-Iowa
town and it’s an awesome place to cess,” a takeoff on the Sixers’ why I don’t do much driving. I sit game on Thursday, then could face Nebraska on Fri-
live. We think the best athletes “Trust The Process” mantra and in the backseat. You talking about day. Michigan lost to Nebraska by 20 in Lincoln in
should want to play here.” the third says: “#PhillyWantsLe- the billboards, though?” January.
The Sixers will visit the Cava- Bron.”
SCA Thome
FROM PAGE 9 Wellsboro 53, Southern Columbia 28 FROM PAGE 9 in by the Baseball Writers’ Association of
percent) overall, and if you Vladimir Guerrero and Trevor Hoffman. Also America, and only 54, including Thome, were
take away their 5-for-13 SOUTHERN (28): Walden 1-9 0-0 2, Szu- to be inducted July 29 are Jack Morris and picked in their first year of eligibility.
ler 2-5 0-0 6, Dobson 1-8 5-6 8, Adamski
from three-point range, 3-5 2-2 10, Petro 1-2 0-0 2, Davis 0-0 0-0 Alan Trammell, who were selected in Decem- “How do you ever envision that?” Thome
ennsylvanians.EveryDay. BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay.
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. they were 3-for-23 (13 per-
Ares 0-5 0-0 0, Six 0-1 0-0 0, Day 0-1
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. ber by a veterans committee.
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. said. “As you’re playing
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. you don’t play to make
0-0 0, Karl 0-0 0-0 0, Kreibel 0-0 0-0 0.
cent). At 6-foot-4 and 250 pounds, the left-hand- it to the Hall of Fame. You play to win. You
Still, Southern was tech-
Totals 8-36 7-8 28.
WELLSBORO (53): Kennedy 0-0 0-0 0,
Button 0-0 0-0 0, Prough 5-10 2-2 12,
ed-hitting Thome was a pure slugger with the play to do well, to be a guy that helps your club
nically in the game going Henry 1-5 3-4 6, Ingerick 1-3 0-0 3, Tuttle sweetest of swings. Drafted by the Cleveland win. Then this career happens and you look
into the fourth quarter, Indians on the 13th round in 1989 out of Illi- back, and then to have somebody say that
3-1 8-15 7-8 23, Brelo 1-2 0-0 2, Grab 2-4
0-1 5, Pietropola 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 19-44
though trailing by 45-25, but nois Central College, he hit 612 homers, eighth you’re one of 54. There’s something special
WB: 0 the Tigers failed to make a
12-16 53.
all-time, and drove in 1,699 runs in a 22-year about it. You hold your chest out a little more.”
shot in the final quarter. Southern (14-10) 7 5 13 3 — 28 career with six teams. Thome, who hit 17 hom- In his long career, Thome reached the World
7-1-0 Reserve guard Mike Wellsboro (25-1) 15 11 19 8 — 53
Series only twice, in 1995 and 1997. The Indi-
ers in the postseason, also had 13 walk-off
Adamski paced the Tigers 3-point shooting: Southern (5-13) — home runs, still the major-league standard. ans lost to the Braves in six games in the first
with 10 points, and Elijah Walden 0-1, Szuler 2-4, Dobson 1-2, Ad- There have been just over 19,000 men to one and were two outs from a title in the sec-
9-7-6-0 Dobson had eight points
amski 2-4, Ares 0-1, Day 0-1; Wellsboro
ond before the Florida Marlins rallied in the
(3-13) — Henry 1-2, Ingerick 1-3, Tuttle appear in a major league game, and the Hall
and six rebounds. 0-2, Brelo 0-1, Grab 1-3, Pietropola 0-1. of Fame has just 323 elected members, includ- bottom of the ninth and won Game 7 in 11
ing 226 players. Of those, 128 have been voted innings.
Black Diamond
8-15-18- Wrestling
Sports Network
Hughesville, 27-6, vs. (6) Nathaniel McArthur, Blue Ridge, 25-12; (7) Christian Good, Muncy,
32-38-48 25-19, vs. (2) Sammy Segers, Scranton Prep, 19-6.
126: (1) A.J. Burkhart, Athens, 32-5, vs. (8) Ian Yoder, Southern Columbia, 26-18; (6) Avery AFTERNOON
Bassett, Midd-West, 34-5, vs. (4) Bob Long, Lake Lehman, 29-9; (3) Jeremy Hanford, Warrior
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. AFTERNOON
27-6, vs. (6) Joe Hester, Montrose, 31-1; (7) Bryce
Judge, Valley View, 26-5.
Vollman, Muncy, 27-15, vs. (2) Brandon
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. AFTERNOON
BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay. BenefitsOlderPennsylvanians.EveryDay.
33-12, vs. (2) Ed Mapes, Wyalusing, 33-6.
182: (1) Gaige Garcia, Southern Columbia, 38-2, vs. (8) Jake Mattive, Bloomsburg, 29-11; (5)
Andrew Shedleski, Lewisburg, 32-2, vs. (4) J.J. Hooper, Hanover, 21-13; (3) Hunter O’Connor,
Thu. 3/1/18 at 6:00 PM
Tonight’s estimated Powerball
Jersey Shore, 29-6, vs. (6) Jake Kabonick, Honesdale, 24-14; (7) Christian Wachter, Warrior
Run, 26-13, vs. (2) Justin Joseph, Wyoming Area, 26-6. District 4 Class A Final
jackpot is worth $293 million.
XX-XX 195: (1) Gavin Hoffman, Montoursville, 38-0, vs. (8) Manus McCracken, Mount Carmel, 34-7; (5)
Lourdes Regional vs. Benton Girls
Ethan Long, Line Mountain, 33-12, vs. (4) T.J. Meehan, Lake Lehman, 22-14; (3) Lear Quinton,
Southern Columbia, 32-11, vs. (6) Jaryn Polit-Moran, Wyoming Area, 23-12; (7) David Tomb, AFTERNOON
at 8:00 PM SUNDAY
Jersey Shore, 24-15, vs. (2) Ivan Balavage, Scranton Prep, 35-4.
220: (1) Hunter Poust, Muncy, 37-1, vs. (8) Mike Wilcox, Wyalusing, 34-7; (5) Dakotah Snyder, AFTERNOON AFTERNOON
Thu. 3/1/18
Lewisburg, 28-6, vs. (4) Connor Judge, Valley View, 17-3; (3) Sean Sprague, Southern Columbia,
Renee Nicole’s WEDNESDAY
24-10, vs. (6) John Kuhns-Miller, Honesdale, 26-11; (7) Cameron Wood, Montoursville, 33-8, vs.
(2) Cole Fuller, Western Wayne, 30-0.
285: (1) Kaleb Konigus, Lake-Lehman, 30-6, vs. (8) Kile Kauwell, Central Columbia, 26-8; (5) District 4 Class A Final
Salon Damon Barhight, Wyoming Area, 25-8, vs. (4) Justin Kriner, North Penn, 27-4; (3) Johm Shnipes,
that’s really no choice at all: someone alive.
F RIDAY , M ARCH 2 Die or go to school to “Red Sparrow” has the Wing Wednesday!
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On Day One she’s ordered strives to be more than a
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NATURAL choose from
259-8331 or 570-648-7705. ish direction by Francis Public Welcome
worst of it. The curriculum Lawrence and hints of
Eggs may be picked up at
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ery Friday. Walk-ins welcome. more, well, hands-on activi- agency in a world dominat-
TUESDAY the winners. Winners will be mailed gift certificates and may or can also be picked up at the Shamokin office after publication. The “Happy Birthday” pages
redeem gifts at the sponsoring businesses. are open to children up to 12 years of age. Deadline for submission is every Thursday at 11 AM.
Dear abby
A baby born today has a Sun in Pisces and a Moon in Leo.
Happy birthday for Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018!
The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Aver-
age; 2-So-So; 1-Difficult. SNUFFY SMITH
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — (3 stars) You have energy and enthusiasm,
but even more so than usual right now. You might be very difficult to deal with at
this point, even if you believe that others are overreacting. Opportunities come
from a partner or close friend. Tonight: Revise plans, if need be.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — (4 stars) Passion marks your actions at
the moment. You seem to experience and exhibit some strong feelings.
Optimism will win the day and help you breeze through an unanticipated
event. Trust yourself. You know that you won’t do anything halfway. Tonight:
Go with an unusual solution.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — (5 stars) How you communicate your mes-
sage has a lot to do with how it will be received. With a smile, you can con-
vince someone that the not-so-good news is excellent. You see events and
people differently from how many other signs do. Pressure builds. Tonight:
Join your friends.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) — (4 stars) A conversation means a lot to GARFIELD
you right now, as you might be feeling a bit emotional. A misunderstanding
causes some tension. Make time for some exercise in order to relieve
stress. Your insight about a close associate or loved one is right-on. To-
night: Clear out some errands.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — (4 stars) No one questions your effectiveness.
You have a way with words and a gift for dealing with people. Others allow their
defenses to drop, and they open up to you and your concepts. Allow goodwill to
flourish, and listen to exciting news. Tonight: Take a midweek break.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — (3 stars) Your creativity emerges when you
hit a wall of disagreement. You might not verbalize your emotions, but you
will experience them. You also pick up on what others are feeling. You might
choose to take on someone who is stuck in his or her ways. Tonight: Make
it an early night.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — (4 stars) Associates and acquaintances seem
to demand your time. As a result, you might find yourself going to meetings or
responding to a slew of calls. Rethink your attitude toward a family member.
You could be coming off more hostile than you feel. Tonight: Out and about.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — (3 stars) You might be more levelheaded
than you realize, especially at work or within your community. The unexpected
seems to occur when you least expect it. You could encounter a problem in a
facet of your life that you take for granted; let it go. Tonight: A must appearance.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — (4 stars) Open up to new ideas that
are presented to you. You might have to imagine what it is like to walk in
someone else’s shoes in order to get a better sense of his or her life and
choices. Know that this person might be quite different from you. Tonight:
Take a hard look at your finances.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — (4 stars) Ask questions in order to
find out what you want or need to know. Be direct with a key person in your
life. A one-on-one conversation could reveal more information than you had B E E T L E B A I L EY
thought was available. As a result, you can make a strong decision. Tonight:
Opt to be a duo.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — (4 stars) Listen to key people in your
life. You enjoy relating to others and hearing about their ideas. Though you
often can be very different from those around you, you have a common
bond and can understand their thoughts when they’re properly verbalized.
Tonight: Collaborate.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — (4 stars) You will want to handle a prob-
lem that keeps popping up in your daily life. A friend or co-worker stars in
the process of problem-solving. You might want more excitement in your
life. A friend naturally warms up the atmosphere around him or her. Tonight:
Maximize your time.
The News-Item
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Allentown 55/39/pc 53/39/r 41/33/r Atlanta 64/60/r 69/42/r 62/39/s
Altoona 56/39/sh 48/32/r 38/27/sn Baltimore 58/43/c 52/40/r 46/34/r
Bedford 58/42/sh 51/36/r 43/29/sn Boston 57/42/pc 52/37/c 41/36/sn
Chambersburg 59/43/c 52/39/r 45/32/r Buffalo 53/36/sh 43/32/r 36/27/sn
DuBois 55/40/sh 49/32/r 36/24/sn Chicago 56/39/c 41/26/r 43/27/s
Erie 53/38/sh 47/34/r 37/25/sn Cleveland 56/44/sh 50/32/r 38/28/c
ROOFING AUTO INSPECTION Harrisburg 60/43/c 52/40/r 42/35/r Dallas 76/47/t 63/37/s 64/44/s
Huntingdon 60/42/sh 50/38/r 42/31/sn Detroit 55/37/c 45/29/r 41/25/pc
Johnstown 54/39/sh 47/31/r 35/23/sn Denver 42/19/pc 51/27/pc 63/31/s
Lancaster 57/42/pc 52/39/r 43/33/r El Paso 55/32/pc 63/39/s 75/48/s
Latrobe 58/43/sh 52/32/r 39/26/sn Houston 85/63/c 71/52/pc 71/52/pc
Lehighton 56/40/pc 53/38/r 40/32/r Indianapolis 57/51/c 57/30/r 46/27/pc
Lewistown 59/42/pc 51/39/r 41/32/sn Kansas City 54/33/r 50/27/pc 54/36/s
Meadville 55/42/sh 49/29/r 34/21/sn Los Angeles 60/48/s 59/53/pc 60/51/sh
New Castle 57/42/c 52/32/r 37/21/sn Miami 83/68/pc 85/68/pc 87/64/pc
Oil City 55/42/sh 50/31/r 36/22/sn Minneapolis 41/22/c 38/15/sn 39/31/pc
Philadelphia 57/44/pc 54/39/r 42/35/r New York City 57/45/pc 54/42/r 44/36/r
Pittsburgh 59/44/sh 52/33/r 39/26/sn Phoenix 61/42/pc 68/46/pc 74/48/s
Reading 55/40/pc 53/40/r 42/34/r St. Louis 62/48/c 50/29/pc 51/32/s
State College 56/41/sh 49/34/r 40/28/sn San Francisco 57/51/pc 56/44/r 53/43/sh
Williamsport 56/41/pc 50/37/r 38/32/sn Seattle 45/37/r 48/35/r 48/32/r
York 59/42/c 53/42/r 45/34/r Washington, DC 60/48/c 53/42/r 49/36/r
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PA #097206
We Offer World Class Brands From:
(570 “ Li ke U o k”
Jeweler _________________________________
Landscaper ______________________________ IRISH ISLE TO CHANGE
Physical Therapist ________________________
Plumber _________________________________ Established 1986
Recreation Facility _______________________ ENGINE SERVICE Restaurant and Banquet Hall
Roofing Contractor_______________________ 570-672-1070 Mt. Carmel, PA
Screen Printing Shop _____________________ Rte. 54 between
Shoe Store ______________________________ Danville & Elysburg
Lunch Special
With the purchase of any lunch Wayside
Sports and Team Apparel _________________
Swimming Pool Dealers __________________ www.aoaatrails.com Monday-Friday
item, you can add two items of your
choice from our soup or salad bar
to your order for only $1.59 more!
Tanning Salon ___________________________ ATV TRAILS • FULL-SIZE TRAILS
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Tattoo Shop _____________________________ All dinner entrées come with 6638 State Rt. 61
Tax Return Preparation ___________________
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2 sides and your choice of 2 items Shamokin, PA 17872
P.O. Box 279 Lamar VanPelt from the soup/salad bar
Tire Dealer ______________________________ Shamokin, PA 17872 Andy Teter (570) 644-2012
Travel & Tours ___________________________ Antracite Outdoor Adventure Area David Keener 570-339-2261 www.mywayside.com
Tree Service _____________________________
Veterinarian _____________________________
Water Supplier __________________________ COMMUNITY 229 W. Shamokin St., STEVE’S
Wedding Venue__________________________
Wood Stove Dealer ______________________ PHARMACY Trevorton, PA 17881
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NAME ___________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________ Fishing & Archery Admissions Liaison/
Business Development Specialist
CITY _____________________________________________ Store
24 HOUR LIVE BAIT! 1114 West Shamokin St. 570-644-4400 | 570-644 3915 fax
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for the Fishing Season!
PHONE __________________________________________ 49 S. Oak Street, Mt. Carmel, PA
570-797-8615 Phone & Fax: 570-797-4741 2050 Treverton Rd.
Hannah’s Bloom
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