Foxhole Radio
Foxhole Radio
Foxhole Radio
STEP 1: Cut the wooden board to which your radio will be attached.
The exact size is irrelevant, but it should be at least 6 × 6 inches to ac-
commodate all the parts.
STEP 2: Create coil form. This is the tube around which you are going
to wrap about 40 feet of copper wire. A toilet paper role will do, but it
might be a bit flimsy. If you can get your hands on thicker tubing, such
as the type used for gift wrapping paper, it will be more solid. In my
set I used a 4-inch wide tube.
STEP 3: Punch four tiny holes in the tube. The two holes at each end should
be about 1 ⁄2 inch from the end and about 1 ⁄4 inch apart. The two holes on
each end should run width-wise to the ends. (See illustration on page 65.)
STEP 4: Wind the wire tightly around the coil form. This may be ac-
complished in many ways, but ultimately wrapping it by hand is best.
It is very important that the coils be wrapped neatly next to each other.
TIP: You can substitute paper clips for the clips and thumb tacks for
the screws. The idea is to be as innovative as the GIs in the field!
STEP 10: Using needle-nose pliers, bend a loop around the bottom end
of the tuner slider. This loop will be wrapped around a screw and washer,
so bend it accordingly. You may want to attach a knob or ball of tape at
the top end of the slider as this is where your fingers will move the
slide later for tuning. About 3 inches below the coil, in the middle of
the board, attach the slider to the board by placing it on top of two
washers. Then screw it to the board firmly but not so tight that it in-
hibits the movement of the slider. The hook-up wires should go under
the washers for all contact points. (See illustration.)
STEP 11: Attach the safety pin, which will be the detector contact, to
a 2-inch piece of bare lead by bending the pin open about 90 degrees
(on the clasp side—see illustration) and wrapping the pin side with #26
wire. Sharpen the end of the lead with a razor.
STEP 12: Attach the safety pin to the board, using a washer and screw,
right clip, which will ultimately be one of the headphone attachments
clips. The tip of the lead will ultimately come in contact with the side
STEP 13: Attach the razor blade, which will act as the radio’s crystal.
If you use a standard single-edged razor, it will need to be “blued” or
heat treated. To do this, attach it to some pliers in a vise and heat it
with a torch. (If you don’t have a torch, you can purchase one that’s
ready to go from a hobby shop.) Bend the safety pin so that the tip
touches the razor’s surface.
FYI During World War II, standard-issue razors were blued because
they remained sharper longer.
The crystal is the trickiest and most important part of this set. If
you want better reception, you might consider purchasing a Germa-
nium crystal detector from Radio Shack or from a radio hobby store
like Borden’s (Borden Radio Company, 138911 Kensington Place,
Houston, TX, 77034,
I found that it was easier to work out the kinks in my set by using
the crystal detector before trying out the razor blade crystal.
STEP 14: Attach the rest of the wires according to the illustration. If
any of the connections or contact surfaces are lacquered or painted,
sand them lightly.
STEP 15: Attach a long wire to use as an antenna to the lower-left clip.
The longer and higher, the better—use between 50 and 100 feet of wire
of any type. Radio Shack sells some really great antenna kits for very
little money. I have found that it works fairly well to attach the antenna
high up on a tree.
TIP: If you want it really high, attach a weight and toss one end as high
up in the tree as possible.
Your radio must have a ground wire. Plumbing pipes work as do
flag poles. Experiment with different metal contacts. Attach the ground
wire to upper-left clip.
You are now ready to operate your foxhole radio! Don’t be frus-
trated if it does not immediately work. I found that I had to experi-
ment a lot with gently moving the tuning slider back and forth along