Quantum Dots Paper
Quantum Dots Paper
Quantum Dots Paper
“Quantum Dots” are zero dimensional nanomaterial made of semiconductor whose excitations are
confined in all 3 spatial dimensions and has the ability to emit light by absorbing photons of particular
wavelength and can emit in different wavelengths and color depending on their composition and size.
They are so small that addition or removal of an electronic charge changes its properties in useful way. In
nanotechnology we called them as Quibts or quantum bits
They are made of various materials like Pb-Se, Cd-Se etc mainly composed of group II-IV, III-V, IV-VI
based on quantum science. They are configured through Lithographic technique , self assembly , MBE
etc, have advantages of tunable band gap and comparatively rigid i.e. they can be molded in 1d, 2d or 3d
and when arranged in definite array forms strong electric couplings and leads to multiple excitation of
They had numerous applications in displays, LEDs, thermoelastics, photonics and telecommunication,
security links, solar cells and photovoltaic, medical industries, biochips etc.
Quantum Dots synthesis although being expensive but its enormous application has drawn tremendous
attention towards its further research and development.
The bandgap separates the valence band from the more energetic conduction band,
making it difficult for electrons to jump to the conduction band.
The set of physical conditions where energy levels are separated by such a small amount
of energy that for some processes, they may be treated as if they were not separated by any
energy amount at all.
The set of physical conditions where energy levels are separated by enough energy that
the addition or subtraction of one atom or electron to the crystal will measurably change the
energy of the bandgap.
The electrons of all materials may only have certain allowable energies as shown by
quantum mechanics. It is customary to describe each of these allowed energies as occurring at
'energy levels,'with the understanding that electrons can only exist at an energy level and not in
between them.
An exciton is the term used to describe the electron-hole pair created when an electron
leaves the valence band and enters the conduction band. Excitons have a natural physical
separation between the electron and the hole that varies from substance to substance; this average
distance is called the Exciton Bohr Radius.
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The set of conditions under which a crystal is on the order of or smaller than the Exciton
Bohr Radius of its constituent compound. Under quantum confinement, energy levels may be
treated as discrete. By definition, quantum dots are in a state of quantum confinement.
A quantum dot is a semiconductor whose exitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. They have
properties that are between those of bulk semiconductors and those of discrete molecules.
Quantum dots are semiconductors whose conducting characteristics are closely related to the size and
shape of the individual crystal. Generally, the smaller the size of the crystal, the larger the band gap, the
greater the difference in energy between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band
becomes, therefore more energy is needed to excite the dot, and concurrently, more energy is released
when the crystal returns to its resting state.
The main advantages in using quantum dots is that because of the high level of control possible over the
size of the crystals produced, it is possible to have very precise control over the conductive properties of
the material.
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Quantum Confinement
As with bulk semiconductor material, electrons tend to make transitions near the edges of the
bandgap. However, with quantum dots, the size of the bandgap is controlled simply by adjusting
the size of the dot. Because the emission frequency of a dot is dependent on the bandgap, it is
therefore possible to control the output wavelength of a dot with extreme precision. In effect, it is
possible for Evident Technologies to tune the bandgap of a dot, and therefore specify its "color"
output depending on the needs of the customer.
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emission wavelength is independent of the wavelength of the excitation light, assuming that it is
shorter than the wavelength of the absorption onset. The bandwidth of the emission spectra,
denoted as the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) stems from the temperature, natural
spectral line width of the quantum dots, and the size distribution of the population of quantum
dots within a solution or matrix material. Spectral emission broadening due to size distribution is
known as inhomogeneous broadening and is the largest contributor to the FWHM. Narrower size
distributions yield smaller FWHM. For CdSe, a 5% size distribution corresponds to ~ 30nm
The higher QY of Core-Shell quantum dots comes about due to changes in the surface chemistry
of the core quantum dot. The surface of quantum dots that lack a shell has both free (unbonded)
electrons, in addition to crystal defects. Both of these characteristics tend to reduce QY by
allowing for nonradiative electron energy transitions at the surface. The addition of a shell
reduces the opportunities for these nonradiative transitions by giving conduction band electrons
an increased probability of directly relaxing to the valence band. The shell also neutralizes the
effects of many types of surface defects.
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Quantum Dots by Paul Harrison (Wiley Interscience)
Self assembled quantum dots by Zhiming M. Wang
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