SCH B 402 Electrochemistry
SCH B 402 Electrochemistry
SCH B 402 Electrochemistry
Course Objectives
To equip the students with basic principles of electrochemical processes and
Acquire basic knowledge of electrode potentials and electrochemical cells
Course Description
Electrolytes, electrochemical reactions, electrons and mass transfer interplay of
both Faradaic and Non-Faradaic processes, electrolysis, electrochemical cell as
a material producer for example copper, sodium hydroxide; Electrocatalysis,
electroplating, electrowinning, electrosynthesis of copper (I) oxide; Organic
electrosynthesis (hydrodiminerisation of acrylonitrile to adiponitrile);
Corrosion and its protection; Electrochemical cells as energy producers;
Present battery Systems; Fuel cells, the solid electrolyte; Electrochemical
equilibrium and the Nernst equation; reversilibity and solubility products, half
cells, liquid junctions and concentration cells, polarization and polarisability of
an electrode, conductivity of electrolytic solutions, superconductivity,
transference number; Reference electrodes; ion selective electrodes;
Polarography and anodic stripping voltammetry; Portable and on-line devices;
Electrochemical biosensors (dissolved oxygen sensors).
Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit, the students should be able to:
1. Identify electrochemical reactions
2. Describe electrode processes
3. Describe applications of electrochemical reactions
Lecture/ Topic Remarks
1 Registration of students to the course
2 Introduction and course overview The expectations of the
Review of CHE 2103 (Electrochemistry aspect) students from the course
will be outlined
3&4 Electrochemical cells Experiment 1
electrochemical reactions
Electrochemical equilibrium and the Nernst equation
Half cells
Reference Electrode
Assessment Mode:
Staff performance: A questionnaire at the end of each semester for students to fill.
Core Reading Materials
1. Holze, R. (2009). Experimental electrochemistry. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons
2. Oldham, K., Myland, J. & Bond, A. (2011). Electrochemical Science and
Technology: Fundamentals and applications. Hoboken, NJ: Willy and Sons
3. Pletcher, D. (2009). A First Course in Electrode Processes. Cambridge, UK: RSC
1. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. ISSN: 0021-891X, 1572-8838, Springer
2. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. ISSN: 1945-7111, 0013-4651,
Electrochemical Society (ECS).
3. Electrochemistry Communications. ISSN: 1388-2481, Elsevier publications.