Hindi To Chhattisgarhi Translator
Hindi To Chhattisgarhi Translator
Hindi To Chhattisgarhi Translator
Abstract: - A natural language translator translates one language into another with the help of certain logic, rules and algorithms.
Our work will translate Hindi language to Chhattisgarhi and vice-versa. We will also need a POS tagger for this which we have
already created earlier and for making this work correctly we have taken help from linguistic expert from a university in
Chhattisgarh who teaches Chhattisgarhi there. We have used an online tool Lingojam to make possible our translator is
completely online and tool based.
To make a translator first we need to understand the basic structure of sentence of both the languages, here the best part is the
script of the both the languages is same that is Devanagari , and the structure of the sentence is also 70-80% is the same so we
don’t need a language parser for making a translator here, and only few parts are there where structure of the sentence is not same
, there the lingojam tools provide re-ordering and arranging of sentences but for that the words should be tagged and for that we
can use a POS(parts of speech) tagger for Chhattisgarhi and Hindi language both. Our work is completely new and nothing has
been done for Chhattisgarhi language
It’s an Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation.it is developed by Australian company. Apart from providing an
open-source toolkit for SMT, a further motivation for Lingojam is to extend phrase-based translation with factors and confusion
network decoding
This tool can be easily found on the search engines and Google , the URL of the tool is https://lingojam.com where anyone can
go and create a translator
Phrases are exchanged first. Place phrases from language 1 (usually just plain English) into the first column, and then place
what you want it to change into in the second column. Usually for Hindi to Chhattisgarhi translation basically where we need
to replace one word with more than one words or vice –versa we use this option examples in the image below
Currently we tested our translator with this following lines and it worked correctly
Our translator successfully translates the sentences which are feeded in the tool in its database and other sentences which are not
feeded its unable to translate therefore we need a bigger corpus and a bigger database of replacing exact words, otherwise the
tools and the set of rules and algorithm that we made are very much accurate to translate we made only one side rule and the other
side translation is done by the tool its self.
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